IDL Method Index
All Frameworks Object Hierarchy Indexes
IDL Method Index
AccurateType method in object ExpertRuleBaseRuntime
Returns as a string the type of component.
AccurateType method in object ExpertRuleBaseComponentRuntime
Returns as a string the type of component.
Activate method in object Viewer
Activates the viewer in the window.
Activate method in object Window
Activates a window.
Activate method in object Document
Activates the document.
Activate method in object Part
Unsuppresses an object for the update process.
Activate method in object Constraint
Unsuppresses a constraint for the update process.
Activate method in object DrawingView
Activates the drawing view.
Activate method in object DrawingSheet
Activates the drawing sheet.
Activate method in object Behavior
Activates a behavior.
Activate method in object Layout2DView
Activates the Layout2D view.
Activate method in object Layout2DSheet
Activates the Layout2D sheet.
Activate method in object SchCompGraphic
To add a new image to an existing object.
Activate method in object KnowledgeActivateObject
Activates the relation.
Activate method in object ExpertRuleBaseComponentRuntime
Activates the RuleBaseComponent.
ActivateDefaultShape method in object Product
Activate default shape.
ActivateFrame method in object DrawingText
Activates the text frame of the drawing text.
ActivateFrame method in object DrawingTextProperties
Activates the text frame of the drawing text.
ActivateNext method in object Window
Activates the window following the current active one in the window collection.
ActivatePoint method in object ManufacturingPattern
Activates a point of a Manufacturing Pattern.
ActivatePosition method in object Pattern
Allows user to activate an instance of the pattern.
ActivatePrevious method in object Window
Activates the window preceding the current active one in the window collection.
ActivateShape method in object Product
Activate one shape.
Add method in object Items
Add method in object PartComps
Computes a new comparison between products.
Add method in object Wrappings
Compute a wrapping on the selected products.
Add method in object Selection
Creates a SelectedElement object which Value property is the given automation object, and adds it to the selection.
Add method in object Documents
Creates a Document object and adds it to the documents collection.
Add method in object FreeSpaces
Compute a free space around a selected product.
Add method in object DMOOffsets
Creates a new Offset and adds it to the DMOOffsets collection.
Add method in object Outputs
Add method in object PPRProducts
Adds the specified Product to the current list of Products.
Add method in object Bodies
Creates a new body and adds it to the Bodies collection.
Add method in object Silhouettes
Creates a new Silhouette and adds it to the Silhouettes collection.
Add method in object ABQJobs
Creates a new Abaqus job and adds it to the collection of Abaqus jobs.
Add method in object Resources
Add method in object LightSources
Adds a new light source to the LightSources collection.
Add method in object ABQLoads
Creates a new Abaqus load and adds it to the collection of Abaqus loads.
Add method in object SweptVolumes
Creates a new SweptVolume and adds it to the SweptVolumes collection.
Add method in object ABQSteps
Creates a new Abaqus Step and adds it to the collection of Abaqus steps.
Add method in object Sketches
Creates a new sketch and adds it to the sketch collection.
Add method in object Activities
Add method in object ABQFields
Creates a new Abaqus field and adds it to the collection of Abaqus fields.
Add method in object Materials
Adds a new material to the material collection.
Add method in object Sampleds
Creates a new Sampled object and adds it to the Sampleds collection.
Add method in object Shuttles
Creates a new Shuttle and adds it to the Shuttles collection.
Add method in object DMOThicknesses
Creates a new Silhouette and adds it to the DMOThicknesses collection.
Add method in object Annotations
Add an Annotation.
Add method in object List
Adds an item at the end of the list.
Add method in object AxisSystems
Creates a new AxisSystem and adds it to the AxisSystems collection.
Add method in object HybridBodies
Creates a new hybrid body and adds it to the HybridBodies collection.
Add method in object FixTogethers
Creates a new FixTogether and adds it to the FixTogethers collection.
Add method in object Groups
Creates an empty Group and adds it to the Groups Collection.
Add method in object ABQProperties
Creates a new Abaqus Property and adds it to the collection of Abaqus Properties.
Add method in object Joints
Create a new Joint and adds it to the Joints collection.
Add method in object Hyperlinks
Adds a Hyperlink to the Hyperlinks collection.
Add method in object DrawingViews
Creates a drawing view and adds it to the drawing view collection.
Add method in object Dressups
Creates a new Dressup and adds it to the Dressups collection.
Add method in object DrawingTexts
Creates a drawing text and adds it to the DrawingTexts collection.
Add method in object ABQMassScalings
Add method in object RenderingLights
Adds a new light to the lights collection.
Add method in object ABQInteractions
Creates a new Abaqus interaction and adds it to the collection of Abaqus Interactions.
Add method in object DrawingTables
Creates a drawing table and adds it to the DrawingTables collection.
Add method in object DrawingSheets
Creates a drawing sheet and adds it to the DrawingSheets collection.
Add method in object DrawingArrows
Creates a drawing arrow and adds it to the DrawingArrows collection.
Add method in object Mechanisms
Creates a new Mechanism and adds it to the Mechanisms collection.
Add method in object MaterialFamilies
Adds a new material family to the MaterialFamilies collection.
Add method in object ABQAnalysisCases
Creates a new Abaqus analysis case and adds it to the collection of Abaqus analysis cases.
Add method in object DrawingLeaders
Creates a drawing leader and adds it to the DrawingLeaders collection.
Add method in object DrawingThreads
Creates a drawing thread and adds it to the DrawingThreads collection.
Add method in object DrawingWeldings
Creates a drawing welding and adds it to the drawing weldings collection.
Add method in object DrawingPictures
Inserts a drawing picture in the drawing view and adds it to the DrawingPictures collection.
Add method in object AnnotatedViews
Creates an annotated view using the current viewpoint and adds it to the AnnotatedView collection.
Add method in object FunctActionsGroup
Adds an action to the actions' group.
Add method in object Clashes
Creates a Clash object which takes all products into account and adds it to the Clashes collection.
Add method in object RenderingShootings
Adds a new shooting to the shootings collection.
Add method in object AnalysisSets
Creates a new analysis set and adds it to the analysis sets collection.
Add method in object Inertias
Creates an Inertia object from an object and adds it to the Inertias collection.
Add method in object Sections
Creates a Section object which takes all products of the documents into account and adds it to the Sections collection.
Add method in object Layout2DSheets
Creates a Layout sheet and adds it to the Layout2DSheets collection.
Add method in object AnalysisCases
Creates a new case and adds it to the case collection.
Add method in object Distances
Creates a Distance object which takes all products of the document into account and adds it to the Distances collection.
Add method in object DrawingDimensions
Creates a drawing dimension and adds it to the DrawingDimensions collection.
Add method in object DrawingComponents
Creates a drawing component instance and adds it to the DrawingComponents collection.
Add method in object AnalysisImages
Creates a new image and adds it to the analysis image collection.
Add method in object MechanismCommands
Creates a new MechanismCommand and adds it to the MechanismCommands collection.
Add method in object ABQBoundaryConditions
Creates a new Abaqus boundary condition and adds it to the collection of Abaqus boundary conditions.
Add method in object AnalysisEntities
Creates a new analysis entity and adds it to the analysis entities collection.
Add method in object MfgActivities
This method adds the specified CATIAManufacturingActivity in the current list CATIAMfgActivities.
Add method in object RenderingEnvironments
Adds a new environment to the environments collection.
Add method in object AnalysisMeshParts
Creates a new meshpart and adds it to the meshpart collection.
Add method in object MfgToolMotions
This method adds the specified CATIAManufacturingToolMotion in the current list CATIAMfgToolMotions.
Add method in object OrderedGeometricalSets
Creates a new ordered geometrical set and adds it to the OrderedGeometricalSets collection.
Add method in object Publications
Adds a publication object to the product and returns a pointer to the publication object.
Add method in object AnalysisLocalEntities
Creates a new analysis local entity and adds it to the analysis entities collection.
Add method in object AnalysisOutputEntities
Creates a new analysis entity and adds it to the analysis entities collection.
Add method in object ManufacturingFeatures
Create and Add a Manufacturing Feature of a specified type to the Collection.
Add method in object AnalysisMeshLocalSpecifications
Creates a new local specification and adds it to the local specification collection.
Add2 method in object DrawingDimensions
Creates a drawing dimension along a direction and adds it to the DrawingDimensions collection.
Add2DArrow method in object Marker2Ds
Creates an arrow marker 2D and adds it to the marker 2D collection.
Add2DCircle method in object Marker2Ds
Creates a circle marker 2D and adds it to the marker 2D collection.
Add2DFreeHand method in object Marker2Ds
Creates a free hand drawing marker 2D and adds it to the marker 2D collection.
Add2DLine method in object Marker2Ds
Creates a line marker 2D and adds it to the marker 2D collection.
Add2DPicture method in object Marker2Ds
Creates a picture marker 2D and adds it to the marker 2D collection.
Add2DRectangle method in object Marker2Ds
Creates a rectangle marker 2D and adds it to the marker 2D collection.
Add2DText method in object Marker2Ds
Creates a text marker 2D and adds it to the marker 2D collection.
Add3DText method in object Marker3Ds
Creates a text marker 3D and adds it to the marker 3D collection.
AddAccuracyProfile method in object RobGenericController
Add a new Accuracy Profile into controller.
AddActiveLight method in object RenderingShooting
Adds a new active light to the shooting active lights list.
AddAffectedComponent method in object AssemblyFeature
Adds a component to the affected component list.
AddAlternateGraphic method in object SchRouteAlternateGraphic
Add an alternate graphical primitive to a route.
AddArea method in object ArrangementAreas
Creates a ArrangementArea and adds it to the collection.
AddAroundAny method in object FreeSpaces
Compute a free space around any products.
AddAroundProducts method in object FreeSpaces
AddAssemblyAdd method in object AssemblyFeatures
Creates a new AssemblyBoolean object by adding a body to the assembly.
AddAssemblyHole method in object AssemblyFeatures
Creates a new AssemblyHole object.
AddAssemblyPocket method in object AssemblyFeatures
Creates a new AssemblyPocket object.
AddAssemblyRemove method in object AssemblyFeatures
Creates a new AssemblyBoolean object by removing a body from the assembly.
AddAssemblySplit method in object AssemblyFeatures
Creates a new AssemblySplit object.
AddAssociation method in object DesignTable
Adds an association between a parameter iParameter and a column of the design table.
AddAttributeReal method in object AMPTag
Function to add real attribute on the given AMPTag.
AddAttributeString method in object AMPTag
Function to add string attribute on the given AMPTag.
AddAuxAttribute method in object AMPTag
Function to add an auxilliary attribute to the given AMPTag.
AddAuxiliary method in object Layout2DViews
Creates a section or section-cut or auxiliary View2DL from a given Layout View2DL.
AddBiEltCst method in object Constraints
Creates a new constraint applying to two geometric elements and adds it to the Constraints collection.
AddBodyToHeal method in object HybridShapeHealing
Adds the body to be healed to the list.
AddBound method in object HybridShapeFill
Adds an boundary to the hybrid shape fill feature object.
AddBoundary method in object ArrangementBoundaries
Creates an ArrangementBoundary and adds it to the collection.
AddBoundaryElement method in object SchGRRZone
Add a boundary element to the zone.
AddByAssignmentType method in object Items
AddByAssignmentType method in object Resources
AddCSOIntoSelectionSet method in object SelectionSets
Adds CSO's content in a Selection Set.
AddClearance method in object ManufacturingOperation
Add a 'clearance to a plane' path to a Manufacturing Operation.
AddColumn method in object DrawingTable
Adds a column before the indicated column.
AddCommand method in object Mechanism
Adds a command in the mechanism, on a joint.
AddComponent method in object Products
Creates a component and adds it to the Products collection.
AddComponentsFromFiles method in object Products
Creates a component for each file.
AddConnector method in object PspPhsyicalProduct
Returns the added connector on the object.
AddConnector method in object SchCompConnector
Add a connector.
AddConstraint method in object HybridShapeExtractMulti
AddConstraint method in object MoveToPostureActivity
AddConstraint method in object OptimizationConstraints
Adds a optimization constraint.
AddConstraintTolerant method in object HybridShapeExtractMulti
Adds a constraint to the list of Extracted Elements.
AddCopyScene method in object Scenes
Creates a scene from another and adds it to the Scenes collection.
AddCorrector method in object ManufacturingTool
Adds a corrector to a Manufacturing tool.
AddCutPoints method in object HybridShapeSweep
Sets two cut points on the master guide.
AddCuttingElem method in object HybridShapeSplit
Adds a cutting feature.
AddDefExtFromCoordinates method in object StrObjectFactory
Creates a member extremity definition object from coordinates and an offset value.
AddDefExtFromReference method in object StrObjectFactory
Creates a member extremity definition object from an existing object in the model and an offset value.
AddDefExtOnMember method in object StrObjectFactory
Creates a member extremity definition object from another member object, its side, a distance on it and an offset.
AddDetail method in object DrawingSheets
Creates a detail drawing sheet and adds it to the DrawingSheets collection.
AddDetail method in object Layout2DViews
Creates a detail view and adds it to the layout view collection.
AddDetail method in object Layout2DSheets
Creates a detail Layout sheet 2DL and adds it to the LayoutSheets2DL collection.
AddDimMember method in object StrObjectFactory
Creates a dimension member object from a point and a mathematical definition of a direction.
AddDimMemberOnPlane method in object StrObjectFactory
Creates a dimension member object on a plane following a mathematical definition of a plane.
AddDimMemberPtPt method in object StrObjectFactory
Creates a dimension member object from two given points.
AddDimMemberWithSupport method in object StrObjectFactory
Creates a dimension member object using a support object.
AddDistanceAlongAlineMotion method in object ManufacturingOperation
Add a path 'distance along a line' to a Manufacturing Operation.
AddDistanceAlongAlineMotionFeed method in object ManufacturingOperation
Add a path 'distance along a line' with Feedrate info to a Manufacturing Operation.
AddDistanceAlongAxis method in object ManufacturingOperation
Add a path 'distance along axis' to a Manufacturing Operation.
AddDistanceAlongAxisFeed method in object ManufacturingOperation
Add a path 'distance along axis' with Feedrate info to a Manufacturing Operation.
AddDraftAngleDefinitionLocation method in object HybridShapeSweepLine
Adds a draft angle location.
AddDropOffView method in object SchDropOffView
Adds a drafting view to the schematics diagram.
AddDynamicConnector method in object SchCompConnector
Add a dynamic connector.
AddEdgeToFillet method in object VarRadEdgeFillet
Adds a new edge to the variable radius edge fillet.
AddEdgeToKeep method in object EdgeFillet
Adds a new edge to keep by the filleting operation.
AddEdgeToKeepSharp method in object HybridShapeHealing
Adds the edge to be kept sharp while healing, to the list.
AddEdgeToTear method in object HybridShapeUnfold
Adds an edge to tear.
AddElement method in object HybridShapeAssemble
Adds an element to the hybrid shape assemble feature object.
AddElementToChamfer method in object Chamfer
Adds a new geometrical element to be chamfered.
AddElementToKeep method in object HybridShapeTrim
Adds an element to specifications.
AddElementToKeep method in object HybridShapeSplit
Adds an element to specifications.
AddElementToRemove method in object HybridShapeTrim
Adds an element to specifications.
AddElementToRemove method in object HybridShapeSplit
Adds an element to specifications.
AddElementsToFreeze method in object HybridShapeHealing
Adds the body to be freezed while healing, to the list.
AddExistingCase method in object AnalysisCases
Adds an existing analysis case to the analysis cases collection.
AddExistingCaseForReport method in object AnalysisPostManager
Adds an existing analysis case to manager.
AddExistingSet method in object AnalysisSets
Adds an existing analysis set to the analysis sets collection.
AddExplicit method in object Group
Adds a product to the group.
AddExtension method in object SchematicExtension
Adds a Schematic extension to an application object.
AddExternalComponent method in object Products
Creates a component from the root product of another ProductDocument object.
AddFaceToDraft method in object DraftDomain
Adds a face to those to be drafted.
AddFaceToKeep method in object Trim
Adds a new face to be kept (if face is not divided by operation).
AddFaceToKeep2 method in object Trim
Adds a new face to be kept (if face is divided by operation).
AddFaceToRemove method in object Trim
Adds a new face to be Removed (if face not divided by operation).
AddFaceToRemove method in object Shell
Adds a new face to those to be removed by the shell process.
AddFaceToRemove2 method in object Trim
Adds a new face to be Removed (if face is divided by operation).
AddFaceToThicken method in object Thickness
Adds a new face to be thickened.
AddFaceWithDifferentThickness method in object Shell
Adds a new face to be thicken with different offset values.
AddFaceWithDifferentThickness method in object Thickness
Adds a new face to thicken with a different offset value.
AddFact method in object ExpertRuleBaseRuntime
Adds new fact to the rule base resolution.
AddFeatureToLocatePositions method in object UserPattern
Adds a new feature to locate instances.
AddFeatureToLocatePositions method in object UserRepartition
Adds a new feature to locate instances.
AddFile method in object SendToService
Adds a file to the list of the files 'to be copied'.
AddFillPoints method in object HybridShapeSweep
Sets two fill points on the master guide.
AddFixTogether method in object FixTogether
Add a fixTogether to a FixTogether.
AddFormalParameter method in object Law
Creates a formal parameter for the law.
AddFreeParameter method in object FreeParameters
Adds a free parameter.
AddFrom3DPlane method in object Layout2DViews
Creates a viewFrom3D View2DL with the given 3Dplane as its view plane at the given position in the given Sheet2DL.
AddFromFile method in object FreeSpaces
Compute a free space from a file.
AddFromFile method in object Tracks
Creates a track in the collection, from information from an external file.
AddFromSel method in object Sampleds
Creates a new Sampled from the selection and adds it to the Sampleds collection.
AddFromSel method in object Shuttles
Creates a new Shuttle from the selection and adds it to the Shuttles collection.
AddFromSel method in object Groups
Creates a Group containing all products in the selection and adds it to the Groups Collection.
AddFromSel method in object Clashes
Creates a Clash object which takes all products in the selection into account and adds it to the Clashes collection.
AddFromSel method in object Sections
Creates a Section object which takes all products in the selection into account and adds it to the Sections collection.
AddFromSel method in object Distances
Creates a Distance object which takes all products in the selection into account and adds it to the Distances collection.
AddFromSweptAble method in object SweptVolumes
Creates a new SweptVolume and adds it to the SweptVolumes collection.
AddFromViewpoint method in object AnnotatedViews
Creates an annotated view using a given viewpoint and adds it to the AnnotatedView collection.
AddFromXML method in object ClashResults
Creates a ClashResult object from a XML file and adds it to the ClashResults collection.
AddFrozenCurveSegment method in object HybridShapeCurveSmooth
Adds a frozen curve to the hybrid shape curve smooth feature object.
AddFrozenPoint method in object HybridShapeCurveSmooth
Adds a frozen points to the hybrid shape curve smooth feature object.
AddGapConductionTable method in object ABQThermalConnBehavior
Adds a gap-conductance table using three lists containing gap, conductance, and temperature values.
AddGotoHorizontal method in object ManufacturingOperation
Add a path 'goto horizontal' to a Manufacturing Operation.
AddGotoPoint method in object ManufacturingProgram
Add a Goto Point Operation to a Manufacturing Program.
AddGotoPointfromCoordinates method in object ManufacturingProgram
Add a Goto Point Operation to a Manufacturing Program.
AddGraphicalPrimitive method in object SchCntrGraphic
Add a graphical primitive to a connector.
AddGraphicalPrimitive method in object SchRouteGraphic
Add a graphical primitive to a route.
AddGraphicalRepresentation method in object SchCompGraphic
Add a graphical representation to a component.
AddGraphicalRepresentation method in object SchZoneGraphic
Add a graphical representation to a zone.
AddGuide method in object HybridShapeLoft
Adds a guide curve to the lofted surface.
AddGuideWithTangent method in object HybridShapeLoft
Adds a guide curve and a tangent surface to the lofted surface.
AddImposedVertex method in object VarRadEdgeFillet
Adds a new control couple.
AddInAProduct method in object AnnotationSets
Add a set in the product.
AddInflatingFromFile method in object FreeSpaces
Compute an inflating free space from a file.
AddInstance method in object InstanceFactory
Creates a new instance of a shape or hybrid shape.
AddInternalFlow method in object SchCompFlow
Add an internal flow to a component.
AddInternalFlowSpecifyGRR method in object SchCompFlow
Add an internal flow to a component.
AddInterrupt method in object DrawingDimExtLine
Add an interrupt to an extension line.
AddInterruption method in object DrawingArrow
Add an interruption to an arrow.
AddInterruption method in object DrawingLeader
Add an interruption to an leader.
AddItemReservation method in object ArrangementItemReservations
Creates an ArrangementItemReservation and adds it to the collection.
AddJoint method in object Mechanism
Adds a joint in the mechanism.
AddLeader method in object Annotation
Add a leader.
AddLibrary method in object ProcessDocument
Adds a new library to the current Process document.
AddLink method in object DrawingViewGenerativeLinks
Adds a link to the drawing view.
AddMachinableGeometry method in object ManufacturingMachinableArea
Adds a machinable geometry to the list.
AddMasterShapeRepresentation method in object Product
Adds the master shape representation to the product.
AddMeToBuffer method in object ManufacturingOutputGenerator
Management of specific buffer for aligned points elimination.
AddMember method in object PspGroup
Adds a member to the group.
AddMember method in object StrObjectFactory
Creates a member object.
AddMember method in object SchComponentGroup
Add a member to the component group.
AddMemberFromDir method in object StrObjectFactory
Creates a member object using a direction object as a line or a plane.
AddMemberFromMathDir method in object StrObjectFactory
Creates a member object using a mathematical definition of the direction.
AddMemberFromMathPlane method in object StrObjectFactory
Creates a member object from a mathematical definition of a plane.
AddMemberOnSupport method in object StrObjectFactory
Creates a member object on a given support.
AddMemberOnSupportWithRef method in object StrObjectFactory
Creates a member object on a given support object and a surface used to define the orientation of the section.
AddMonoEltCst method in object Constraints
Creates a new constraint applying to a single geometric element and adds it to the Constraints collection.
AddMotionGoToAPoint method in object ManufacturingOperation
Add a path 'goto a point' to a Manufacturing Operation.
AddMotionGoToAPointFeed method in object ManufacturingOperation
Add a path 'goto a point' with Feedrate info to a Manufacturing Operation.
AddMotionProfile method in object RobGenericController
Add a new Motion Profile into controller.
AddMotionToAPlane method in object ManufacturingOperation
Add a path 'goto a plane with axial or perpendicular move' to a Manufacturing Operation.
AddNew3DCorner method in object HybridShapeFactory
Creates a new 3D Corner within the current body.
AddNew3DCurveOffset method in object HybridShapeFactory
Creates a 3D Curve Offset.
AddNewAdd method in object ShapeFactory
Creates and returns a new add operation within the current body.
AddNewAffinity method in object HybridShapeFactory
Creates a new Affinity within the current body.
AddNewAffinity2 method in object ShapeFactory
Creates and returns a Affinity feature.
AddNewAssemble method in object ShapeFactory
Creates and returns a new assembly operation within the current body.
AddNewAutoDraft method in object ShapeFactory
Creates and returns a new solid autodraft.
AddNewAutoFillet method in object ShapeFactory
Creates and returns a new solid autofillet.
AddNewAxisLine method in object HybridShapeFactory
Creates a new AxisLine within the current body.
AddNewAxisToAxis method in object HybridShapeFactory
Creates a new axis to axis transformation within the current body.
AddNewAxisToAxis2 method in object ShapeFactory
Creates and returns an AxisToAxis transformation feature.
AddNewBlend method in object ShapeFactory
Creates and returns a new Blend feature.
AddNewBlend method in object HybridShapeFactory
Creates a new blend surface within the current body.
AddNewBoundary method in object HybridShapeFactory
Creates a new Boundary within the current body.
AddNewBoundaryOfSurface method in object HybridShapeFactory
Creates a Boundary within the current body.
AddNewBump method in object HybridShapeFactory
Creates a new Bump within the current body.
AddNewChamfer method in object ShapeFactory
Creates and returns a new chamfer within the current body.
AddNewCircPattern method in object ShapeFactory
Creates and returns a new circular pattern within the current body.
AddNewCircPatternofList method in object ShapeFactory
V5R8 Only: Creates and returns a new circular pattern within the current body using a list of shapes.
AddNewCircle2PointsRad method in object HybridShapeFactory
Creates a new Circle passing through 2 points with a radius within the current body.
AddNewCircle3Points method in object HybridShapeFactory
Creates a new circle passing through 3 points within the current body.
AddNewCircleBitangentPoint method in object HybridShapeFactory
Creates a new circle tangent to 2 curves and passing through one point within the current body.
AddNewCircleBitangentRadius method in object HybridShapeFactory
Creates a new circle tangent to 2 curves and with a radius within the current body.
AddNewCircleCenterAxis method in object HybridShapeFactory
Creates a circle from point and axis.
AddNewCircleCenterAxisWithAngles method in object HybridShapeFactory
Creates a circle from point and axis.
AddNewCircleCenterTangent method in object HybridShapeFactory
Creates a new circle with given center element and tangent curve.
AddNewCircleCtrPt method in object HybridShapeFactory
Creates a new whole circle defined by its center, a passing point within the current body.
AddNewCircleCtrPtWithAngles method in object HybridShapeFactory
Creates a new circle defined by its center, a passing point and angles within the current body.
AddNewCircleCtrRad method in object HybridShapeFactory
Creates a new whole circle defined by its center and a radius within the current body.
AddNewCircleCtrRadWithAngles method in object HybridShapeFactory
Creates a new circle defined by its center, a radius and angles within the current body.
AddNewCircleDatum method in object HybridShapeFactory
Creates a new datum of circle within the current body.
AddNewCircleTritangent method in object HybridShapeFactory
Creates a new tritangent circle within the current body.
AddNewCloseSurface method in object ShapeFactory
Creates and returns a new CloseSurface feature.
AddNewCombine method in object HybridShapeFactory
Creates a new Combine within the current body.
AddNewComponent method in object Products
Creates a component from the root product of a new ProductDocument object.
AddNewConic method in object HybridShapeFactory
Creates a new conic within the current body.
AddNewConicalReflectLineWithType method in object HybridShapeFactory
Creates a new conical ReflectLine within the current body.
AddNewConnect method in object HybridShapeFactory
Creates a new Connect within the current body.
AddNewCorner method in object HybridShapeFactory
Creates a new Corner within the current body.
AddNewCurveDatum method in object HybridShapeFactory
Creates a new datum of curve within the current body.
AddNewCurvePar method in object HybridShapeFactory
Creates a new CurvePar within the current body.
AddNewCurveSmooth method in object HybridShapeFactory
Creates a new CurveSmooth within the current body.
AddNewCylinder method in object HybridShapeFactory
Creates a new Cylinder within the current body.
AddNewDatums method in object HybridShapeFactory
Creates datums from a multi-domain result feature, one datum is created by object domain.
AddNewDevelop method in object HybridShapeFactory
Creates a new Develop within the current body.
AddNewDirection method in object HybridShapeFactory
Creates a new direction specified by an element within the current body.
AddNewDirectionByCoord method in object HybridShapeFactory
Creates a new Direction specifed by coordinates within the current body.
AddNewDraft method in object ShapeFactory
Creates and returns a new draft within the current body.
AddNewEdgeFilletWithConstantRadius method in object ShapeFactory
AddNewEdgeFilletWithVaryingRadius method in object ShapeFactory
AddNewEmptyRotate method in object HybridShapeFactory
Creates a new empty Rotate within the current body.
AddNewEmptyTranslate method in object HybridShapeFactory
Creates a new empty Translate within the current body.
AddNewExtract method in object HybridShapeFactory
Creates a new Extract within the current body.
AddNewExtractMulti method in object HybridShapeFactory
Creates a new Multiple Extract within the current body.
AddNewExtrapolLength method in object HybridShapeFactory
Creates a new Extrapol (specified by length) within the current body.
AddNewExtrapolUntil method in object HybridShapeFactory
Creates a new Extrapol (until an element) within the current body.
AddNewExtremum method in object HybridShapeFactory
Creates a new Extremum within the current body.
AddNewExtremumPolar method in object HybridShapeFactory
Creates a new Extremum Polar within the current body.
AddNewExtrude method in object HybridShapeFactory
Creates a new extrude within the current body.
AddNewFaceFillet method in object ShapeFactory
AddNewFill method in object HybridShapeFactory
Creates a new Fill within the current body.
AddNewFilletBiTangent method in object HybridShapeFactory
Creates a new a sphere bitangent fillet between two skins.
AddNewFilletTriTangent method in object HybridShapeFactory
Creates a new a tritangent fillet between three skins.
AddNewGSDCircPattern method in object ShapeFactory
AddNewGSDRectPattern method in object ShapeFactory
AddNewGroove method in object ShapeFactory
Creates and returns a new groove within the current body.
AddNewGrooveFromRef method in object ShapeFactory
Creates and returns a new groove within the current body.
AddNewHealing method in object HybridShapeFactory
Creates a new healing within the current body.
AddNewHelix method in object HybridShapeFactory
Creates a new Helix within the current body.
AddNewHole method in object ShapeFactory
Creates and returns a new hole within the current shape.
AddNewHoleFromPoint method in object ShapeFactory
Creates and returns a new hole within the current shape.
AddNewHoleFromRefPoint method in object ShapeFactory
Creates and returns a new hole within the current shape.
AddNewHoleFromSketch method in object ShapeFactory
Creates and returns a new hole within the current shape.
AddNewHoleWith2Constraints method in object ShapeFactory
Creates and returns a new hole within the current shape.
AddNewHoleWithConstraint method in object ShapeFactory
Creates and returns a new hole within the current shape.
AddNewHybridScaling method in object HybridShapeFactory
Creates a new scaling within the current body.
AddNewHybridSplit method in object HybridShapeFactory
Creates a new Split within the current body.
AddNewHybridTrim method in object HybridShapeFactory
Creates a new Trim within the current body by cutting and joining two elements.
AddNewIntegratedLaw method in object HybridShapeFactory
Creates Integrated Law.
AddNewIntersect method in object ShapeFactory
Creates and returns a new intersect operation within the current body.
AddNewIntersection method in object HybridShapeFactory
Creates a new Intersection within the current body.
AddNewInverse method in object HybridShapeFactory
Creates a new Inverse within the current body.
AddNewJoin method in object HybridShapeFactory
Creates a new Join within the current body.
AddNewLawDistProj method in object HybridShapeFactory
Creates a new law within the current body.
AddNewLineAngle method in object HybridShapeFactory
Creates a new angle line within the current body.
AddNewLineBiTangent method in object HybridShapeFactory
Creates a new bitangent line within the current body.
AddNewLineBisecting method in object HybridShapeFactory
Creates a new bisecting line within the current body.
AddNewLineBisectingOnSupport method in object HybridShapeFactory
Creates a new bisecting line on a support within the current body.
AddNewLineBisectingOnSupportWithPoint method in object HybridShapeFactory
Creates a new bisecting line on a support with a atarting point within the current body.
AddNewLineBisectingWithPoint method in object HybridShapeFactory
Creates a new bisecting line with a starting point within the current body.
AddNewLineDatum method in object HybridShapeFactory
Creates a new datum of line within the current body.
AddNewLineNormal method in object HybridShapeFactory
Creates a new normal line within the current body.
AddNewLinePtDir method in object HybridShapeFactory
Creates a new point-direction line within the current body.
AddNewLinePtDirOnSupport method in object HybridShapeFactory
Creates a new point-direction line within the current body.
AddNewLinePtPt method in object HybridShapeFactory
Creates a new point-point line within the current body.
AddNewLinePtPtExtended method in object HybridShapeFactory
Creates a new point-point line with extensions within the current body.
AddNewLinePtPtOnSupport method in object HybridShapeFactory
Creates a new point-point line with support within the current body.
AddNewLinePtPtOnSupportExtended method in object HybridShapeFactory
Creates a new point-point line with extensions and with support within the current body.
AddNewLineTangency method in object HybridShapeFactory
Creates a new tangent line within the current body.
AddNewLineTangencyOnSupport method in object HybridShapeFactory
Creates a new tangent line within the current body.
AddNewLoft method in object ShapeFactory
Creates and returns a new Loft feature.
AddNewLoft method in object HybridShapeFactory
Creates a new Loft within the current body.
AddNewMirror method in object ShapeFactory
Creates and returns a new mirror within the current body.
AddNewNear method in object HybridShapeFactory
Creates a new Near within the current body.
AddNewOffset method in object HybridShapeFactory
Creates a new offset within the current body.
AddNewPad method in object ShapeFactory
Creates and returns a new pad within the current body.
AddNewPadFromRef method in object ShapeFactory
Creates and returns a new pad within the current body.
AddNewPlane1Curve method in object HybridShapeFactory
Creates a new plane passing through one planar curve within the current body.
AddNewPlane1Line1Pt method in object HybridShapeFactory
Creates a new plane passing through 1 line and 1 point within the current body.
AddNewPlane2Lines method in object HybridShapeFactory
Creates a new plane passing through 2 lines within the current body.
AddNewPlane3Points method in object HybridShapeFactory
Creates a new plane passing through 3 points within the current body.
AddNewPlaneAngle method in object HybridShapeFactory
Creates a new angle plane within the current body.
AddNewPlaneDatum method in object HybridShapeFactory
Creates a new datum of plane within the current body.
AddNewPlaneEquation method in object HybridShapeFactory
Creates a new equation plane within the current body.
AddNewPlaneMean method in object HybridShapeFactory
Creates a new mean through points plane within the current body.
AddNewPlaneNormal method in object HybridShapeFactory
Creates a new normal plane within the current body.
AddNewPlaneOffset method in object HybridShapeFactory
Creates a new offset plane within the current body.
AddNewPlaneOffsetPt method in object HybridShapeFactory
Creates a new offset trough point plane within the current body.
AddNewPlaneTangent method in object HybridShapeFactory
Creates a new tangent plane within the current body.
AddNewPocket method in object ShapeFactory
Creates and returns a new pocket within the current shape.
AddNewPocketFromRef method in object ShapeFactory
Creates and returns a new pocket within the current shape.
AddNewPointBetween method in object HybridShapeFactory
Creates a new PointBetween within the current body.
AddNewPointCenter method in object HybridShapeFactory
Creates a new circle center point within the current body.
AddNewPointCoord method in object HybridShapeFactory
Creates a new point defined by its cartesian coordinates within the current body.
AddNewPointCoordWithReference method in object HybridShapeFactory
Creates a new point defined its the cartesian coordinates regarding a reference point.
AddNewPointDatum method in object HybridShapeFactory
Creates a new datum of point within the current body.
AddNewPointOnCurveAlongDirection method in object HybridShapeFactory
Creates a new point on a curve with a deafult origin point and from a distance along direction.
AddNewPointOnCurveFromDistance method in object HybridShapeFactory
Creates a new point on a curve from a distance to an extremity within the current body.
AddNewPointOnCurveFromPercent method in object HybridShapeFactory
Creates a new point on a curve from a ratio of distance to an extremity within the current body.
AddNewPointOnCurveWithReferenceAlongDirection method in object HybridShapeFactory
Creates a new point on a curve with a reference point and from a distance along direction.
AddNewPointOnCurveWithReferenceFromDistance method in object HybridShapeFactory
Creates a new point on a curve with a reference point and from a distance within the current body.
AddNewPointOnCurveWithReferenceFromPercent method in object HybridShapeFactory
Creates a new point on a curve with a reference point and from a ratio of distance within the current body.
AddNewPointOnPlane method in object HybridShapeFactory
Creates a new point on a plane within the current body.
AddNewPointOnPlaneWithReference method in object HybridShapeFactory
Creates a new point on a plane with a reference point within the current body.
AddNewPointOnSurface method in object HybridShapeFactory
Creates a new point on a surface within the current body.
AddNewPointOnSurfaceWithReference method in object HybridShapeFactory
Creates a new point on a surface with a reference point within the current body.
AddNewPointTangent method in object HybridShapeFactory
Creates a new tangent to curve point within the current body.
AddNewPolyline method in object HybridShapeFactory
Creates a new Polyline within the current body.
AddNewPositionTransfo method in object HybridShapeFactory
Creates a new PositionTransfo within the current body.
AddNewProduct method in object Products
Creates a Product reference object.
AddNewProject method in object HybridShapeFactory
Creates a new Project within the current body.
AddNewRRS2ControllerIdentifier method in object RRSSettingAtt
Adds new controller identifier into the list represented by the "RRS2ControllerIdentifiers" parameter.
AddNewRectPattern method in object ShapeFactory
Creates and returns a new rectangular pattern within the current body.
AddNewRectPatternofList method in object ShapeFactory
V5R8 Only: Creates and returns a new rectangular pattern within the current body using a list of shapes.
AddNewReflectLine method in object HybridShapeFactory
AddNewReflectLineWithType method in object HybridShapeFactory
Creates a new ReflectLine within the current body.
AddNewRemove method in object ShapeFactory
Creates and returns a new remove operation within the current body.
AddNewRemoveFace method in object ShapeFactory
Creates and returns a new RemoveFace feature.
AddNewRemovedBlend method in object ShapeFactory
Creates and returns a new Removed Blend feature.
AddNewRemovedLoft method in object ShapeFactory
Creates and returns a new Removed Loft feature.
AddNewReplaceFace method in object ShapeFactory
Creates and returns a new Align/ ReplaceFace feature.
AddNewRevol method in object HybridShapeFactory
Creates a new revolution within the current body.
AddNewRib method in object ShapeFactory
Creates and returns a new rib within the current body.
AddNewRibFromRef method in object ShapeFactory
Creates and returns a new rib within the current body.
AddNewRotate method in object HybridShapeFactory
Creates a new Rotate within the current body.
AddNewRow method in object DesignTable
Adds a row in the design table source file.
AddNewScaling method in object ShapeFactory
Creates and returns a new scaling within the current body.
AddNewScene method in object Scenes
Creates a scene from a product and adds it to the Scenes collection.
AddNewSection method in object HybridShapeFactory
Creates a new section.
AddNewSewSurface method in object ShapeFactory
Creates and returns a new sewing operation within the current body.
AddNewShaft method in object ShapeFactory
Creates and returns a new shaft within the current body.
AddNewShaftFromRef method in object ShapeFactory
Creates and returns a new shaft within the current body.
AddNewShell method in object ShapeFactory
Creates and returns a new shell within the current body.
AddNewSlot method in object ShapeFactory
Creates and returns a new slot within the current shape.
AddNewSlotFromRef method in object ShapeFactory
Creates and returns a new slot within the current shape.
AddNewSolidCombine method in object ShapeFactory
Creates and returns a new SolidCombine feature.
AddNewSolidEdgeFilletWithConstantRadius method in object ShapeFactory
Creates and returns a new solid edge fillet with a constant radius.
AddNewSolidEdgeFilletWithVaryingRadius method in object ShapeFactory
Creates and returns a new solid edge fillet with a varying radius.
AddNewSolidFaceFillet method in object ShapeFactory
Creates and returns a new solid face-to-face fillet.
AddNewSolidTritangentFillet method in object ShapeFactory
Creates and returns a new solid tritangent fillet within the current body.
AddNewSphere method in object HybridShapeFactory
Creates a new Sphere within the current body.
AddNewSpine method in object HybridShapeFactory
Creates a new spine within the current body.
AddNewSpiral method in object HybridShapeFactory
Creates a new Spiral within the current body.
AddNewSpline method in object HybridShapeFactory
Creates a new Spline within the current body.
AddNewSplit method in object ShapeFactory
Creates and returns a new split operation within the current body.
AddNewStiffener method in object ShapeFactory
Creates and returns a new stiffener within the current body.
AddNewStiffenerFromRef method in object ShapeFactory
Creates and returns a new stiffener within the current body.
AddNewSurfaceDatum method in object HybridShapeFactory
Creates a new datum of surface within the current body.
AddNewSurfaceEdgeFilletWithConstantRadius method in object ShapeFactory
Creates and returns a new surface edge fillet with a constant radius.
AddNewSurfaceEdgeFilletWithVaryingRadius method in object ShapeFactory
Creates and returns a new surface edge fillet with a varying radius.
AddNewSurfaceFaceFillet method in object ShapeFactory
Creates and returns a new surface face-to-face fillet.
AddNewSurfaceTritangentFillet method in object ShapeFactory
Creates and returns a new surface tritangent fillet within the current body.
AddNewSurfacicAutoFillet method in object ShapeFactory
Creates and returns a new Surfacic autofillet.
AddNewSurfacicCircPattern method in object ShapeFactory
Creates and returns a new gsd circular pattern within the current body.
AddNewSurfacicRectPattern method in object ShapeFactory
Creates and returns a new GSD rectangular pattern within the current body.
AddNewSurfacicUserPattern method in object ShapeFactory
Creates and returns a new GSD user pattern within the current body.
AddNewSweepCircle method in object HybridShapeFactory
Creates a new SweepCircle within the current body.
AddNewSweepConic method in object HybridShapeFactory
Creates a new SweepConic within the current body.
AddNewSweepExplicit method in object HybridShapeFactory
Creates a new SweepExplicit within the current body.
AddNewSweepLine method in object HybridShapeFactory
Creates a new SweepLine within the current body.
AddNewSymmetry method in object HybridShapeFactory
Creates a new Symmetry within the current body.
AddNewThickSurface method in object ShapeFactory
Creates and returns a new ThickSurface feature.
AddNewThickness method in object ShapeFactory
Creates and returns a new thickness within the current body.
AddNewThreadWithOutRef method in object ShapeFactory
Creates and returns a new thread\tap within the current body.
AddNewThreadWithRef method in object ShapeFactory
Creates and returns a new thread\tap within the current body.
AddNewTransfer method in object HybridShapeFactory
Creates a new Transfer within the current body.
AddNewTranslate method in object HybridShapeFactory
Creates a new Translate within the current body.
AddNewTrim method in object ShapeFactory
Creates and returns a new Trim operation within the current body.
AddNewTritangentFillet method in object ShapeFactory
AddNewUnfold method in object HybridShapeFactory
Creates a new Unfold within the current body.
AddNewUserPattern method in object ShapeFactory
Creates and returns a new user pattern within the current body.
AddNewUserPatternofList method in object ShapeFactory
V5R8 Only: Creates and returns a new user pattern within the current body using a list of shapes.
AddNewVolumeAdd method in object ShapeFactory
Creates and returns a Volumic Add feature.
AddNewVolumeCloseSurface method in object ShapeFactory
Creates and returns a new VolumeCloseSurface feature.
AddNewVolumeDatum method in object HybridShapeFactory
Creates a new datum of volume within the current body.
AddNewVolumeIntersect method in object ShapeFactory
Creates and returns a Volumic Intersect feature.
AddNewVolumeRemove method in object ShapeFactory
Creates and returns a Volumic Remove feature.
AddNewVolumeSewSurface method in object ShapeFactory
Creates and returns a new volume sewing operation within the current OGS/GS.
AddNewVolumeShell method in object ShapeFactory
Creates and returns a Volumic Shell feature.
AddNewVolumeThickSurface method in object ShapeFactory
Creates and returns a new VolumeThickSurface feature.
AddNewVolumeThickness method in object ShapeFactory
Creates and returns a volume new thickness within the current GS or OGS.
AddNewVolumeTrim method in object ShapeFactory
Creates and returns a new Volume Trim operation within the GS/OGS.
AddNewVolumicDraft method in object ShapeFactory
Creates and returns a new volume draft within the current body.
AddNewWrapCurve method in object HybridShapeFactory
Creates a new Wrap Curve Surface within the current body.
AddNewWrapSurface method in object HybridShapeFactory
Creates a new Wrap Surface within the current body.
AddNomenclatureTree method in object ArrWorkbench
This method allows the user to add a nomenclature tree if the get_ArrNomenclatureTree returns a Return code of E_FAIL.
AddObjFrameProfile method in object RobGenericController
Add a new ObjFrame Profile into controller.
AddObject method in object Marker3D
Adds a link to an object.
AddObjectToFillet method in object ConstRadEdgeFillet
Adds a new sub-element to be filleted.
AddObjectToGenerate method in object ManufacturingGeneratorData
Adds an object to the output stream.
AddObjectToGenerateFromBuffer method in object ManufacturingGeneratorData
Adds an object to the output stream from the buffer.
AddObjectToGenerateWithBuffer method in object ManufacturingGeneratorData
Adds an object to the output stream within the buffer.
AddObjectToGenerateWithOutBuffer method in object ManufacturingGeneratorData
Adds an object to the output stream without the buffer.
AddObjectToModalValues method in object ManufacturingGeneratorData
Adds an object to the modal values manager only.
AddOffset method in object StrMemberExtremity
Adds an offset on the extremity.
AddOffsetFromVectors method in object DMOOffsets
Creates a new Offset from a set of vectors, and adds it to the DMOOffsets collection.
AddOperation method in object ManufacturingPrecedences
Adds a new precedence in the collection of precedences.
AddOperation method in object ManufacturingCopyTransformation
Add a Manufacturing Operation to a Copy Transformation.
AddPPInstruction method in object ManufacturingProgram
Add a PP Instruction to a Manufacturing Program.
AddPPWords method in object ManufacturingOperation
Add a path 'PP Words' to a Manufacturing Operation.
AddPart method in object MfgAssembly
Assignes a part (Product, Resource or other MA/MK) to the Manufacturing Assembly.
AddPartSurface method in object ManufacturingPattern
Adds a Part Surface to the Manufacturing Pattern.
AddPathway method in object ArrangementPathways
Creates an ArrangementItemReservation and adds it to the collection.
AddPickedMfgAssembly method in object PickActivity
AddPickedProduct method in object PickActivity
AddPlacedMfgAssembly method in object PlaceActivity
AddPlacedProduct method in object PlaceActivity
AddPlate method in object StrObjectFactory
Creates a plate from a contour defined by coordinates.
AddPoint method in object HybridShapeSpline
Add a new point .
AddPoint method in object DrawingArrow
Add a point to an arrow.
AddPoint method in object DrawingLeader
Add a point to an leader.
AddPoint method in object HybridShapePlaneMean
Adds a point to the mean plane.
AddPointWithConstraintExplicit method in object HybridShapeSpline
Add a new point with explicit tangency and curvature.
AddPointWithConstraintFromCurve method in object HybridShapeSpline
Add a new point with tangency/curvature from a curve.
AddPointedGeometry method in object ManufacturingMachinableGeometry
Adds a geometry to the pointed geometry list.
AddPointedGeometryNotify method in object ManufacturingMachinableGeometry
Adds a geometry to the pointed geometry list (manage notification).
AddPointedGeometryWithNoDuplicatedCheck method in object ManufacturingMachinableGeometry
Adds a geometry to the pointed geometry list with no check on already referenced geometry.
AddPointedGeometryWithNoDuplicatedCheckNotify method in object ManufacturingMachinableGeometry
Adds a geometry to the pointed geometry list with no check on an already referenced geometry.
AddPoints method in object SchRoute
Add a list of point to a route.
AddPoints method in object SchGRRRoute
Add a list of point to a route.
AddPosition method in object ManufacturingPattern
Adds a position to the Manufacturing Pattern.
AddPressureOverclosureTable method in object ABQMechConnBehavior
Adds a list of tabular pressure overclosure in the connection behavior.
AddPrimary method in object Layout2DViews
Creates a Layout view and adds it to the Layout view collection.
AddPrinterDirectory method in object PrintersSettingAtt
Add a printer file directory to printer directories list and define its state.
AddPrinterGroup method in object PrintersSettingAtt
Add a printer group and define the printers included in this group.
AddProduct method in object FixTogether
Add a product to a FixTogether.
AddProductMotion method in object Replay
Adds a product to be taken into account in the Replay object.
AddProductSceneFull method in object ProductScenes
Creates a new FULL scene from a set of products and adds it to the ProductScenes collection.
AddProductScenePartial method in object ProductScenes
Creates a new DELTA scene from a set of products and adds it to the ProductScenes collection.
AddRectangle method in object ArrangementRectangles
Creates an ArrangementRectangle and adds it to the collection.
AddRectangularContour method in object ArrangementContours
Creates a Rectangular Contour by adding a ArrangementRectangle to the collection.
AddRectangularEndPlate method in object StrObjectFactory
Creates a rectangular end plate on an extremity of a given member.
AddReference method in object UserSurface
AddReferenceInAProductCtx method in object UserSurface
AddRelated method in object Layout2DViews
Creates a projection or isometric Layout View2DL from a given View2DL.
AddRemoveFace method in object ReplaceFace
Sets the face to be removed.
AddRootOfFacts method in object ExpertRuleBaseRuntime
Adds a new root of facts to the rule base.
AddRotabl method in object ManufacturingProgram
Add a Table Head Rotation instruction to a Manufacturing Program.
AddRow method in object DrawingTable
Adds a row before the indicated row.
AddRun method in object ArrangementRuns
Creates an ArrangementRun and adds it to the collection.
AddSample method in object Replay
AddSection method in object HybridShapeSpine
Adds a section or a plane to the spine curve.
AddSection method in object StrObjectFactory
Creates a section object from part document.
AddSectionFromCatalog method in object StrObjectFactory
Creates a section object from part document.
AddSectionToLoft method in object HybridShapeLoft
Retrieves a loft section.
AddShapeRepresentation method in object Product
Adds a representation to the product with a specific behavior.
AddSolution method in object AnalysisCase
Creates a Solution set defined by its type in the Case.
AddSplitFromFile method in object FreeSpaces
Compute a split free space from a file.
AddSplitPlane method in object ReplaceFace
Sets the replacing element.
AddSubElement method in object HybridShapeAssemble
Adds a sub element to the hybrid shape assemble feature object.
AddSupport method in object AnalysisImport
AddSupport for loads import if needed.
AddSupportAtBound method in object HybridShapeFill
Inserts the support at specified boundary in the Fill.
AddSupportForBody method in object ABQMassScaling
Adds the specified body as a support.
AddSupportFromAnalysisEntity method in object ABQFastenedPair
Creates a new support and adds it to the description of the Analysis Entity.
AddSupportFromBody method in object ABQRigidBodyConstraint
Creates a new support for the body and adds it to the description of the Analysis Entity.
AddSupportFromConstraint method in object ABQFastenedPair
Creates a new support and adds it to the description of the Analysis Entity.
AddSupportFromConstraint method in object AnalysisEntity
Creates a new support and add it to the description of the Analysis Entity.
AddSupportFromConstraint method in object AnalysisLocalEntity
Creates a new support and add it to the description of the Analysis Entity.
AddSupportFromConstraint method in object ABQSurfaceToSurfaceContact
Creates a new support and adds it to the description of the Analysis Entity.
AddSupportFromPart method in object AnalysisEntity
Creates a new support and add it to the description of the Analysis Entity.
AddSupportFromPart method in object ABQRigidBodyConstraint
Creates a new support for the part and adds it to the description of the Analysis Entity.
AddSupportFromProduct method in object ABQLoad
Creates a new support and adds it to the description of the Analysis Entity.
AddSupportFromProduct method in object ABQMassScaling
Adds the specified product reference as a support.
AddSupportFromProduct method in object ABQTemperature
This adds the support from a product to the Field.
AddSupportFromProduct method in object BasicComponent
Creates a new support and add it to the description of the basic component.
AddSupportFromProduct method in object AnalysisEntity
Creates a new support and add it to the description of the Analysis Entity.
AddSupportFromProduct method in object ABQBoundaryCondition
Creates a new support and adds it to the description of the Analysis Entity.
AddSupportFromProduct method in object ABQPretensionProperty
Creates a new support and adds it to the description of the bolt pretension property.
AddSupportFromProduct method in object AnalysisLocalEntity
Creates a new support and add it to the description of the Analysis Entity.
AddSupportFromPublication method in object ABQLoad
Creates a new support and adds it to the description of the Analysis Entity.
AddSupportFromPublication method in object ABQMassScaling
Adds a support from the publication.
AddSupportFromPublication method in object ABQTemperature
Creates a new support and adds it to the description of the Analysis Entity.
AddSupportFromPublication method in object ABQRigidCoupling
Adds a support to the coupling.
AddSupportFromPublication method in object ABQSmoothCoupling
Adds a support to the coupling.
AddSupportFromPublication method in object BasicComponent
Creates a new support and add it to the description of the Basic Component.
AddSupportFromPublication method in object AnalysisEntity
Creates a new support and add it to the description of the Analysis Entity.
AddSupportFromPublication method in object ABQBoundaryCondition
Creates a new support and adds it to the description of the Analysis Entity.
AddSupportFromPublication method in object AnalysisMeshPart
Creates a new support and add it to the support description of the mesh part.
AddSupportFromPublication method in object ABQPretensionProperty
Creates a new support and adds it to the description of the bolt pretension property.
AddSupportFromPublication method in object ABQRigidBodyConstraint
Adds a support to the Rigid body constraint.
AddSupportFromPublication method in object AnalysisLocalEntity
Creates a new support and add it to the description of the Analysis Entity.
AddSupportFromPublication method in object ABQAnalyticalRigidSurface
Adds a support to the Analytical rigid surface.
AddSupportFromPublication method in object AnalysisMeshLocalSpecification
Defines the support of the local specification.
AddSupportFromReference method in object ABQLoad
Creates a new support and adds it to the description of the Analysis Entity.
AddSupportFromReference method in object ABQRigidCoupling
Adds a support to the coupling.
AddSupportFromReference method in object ABQSmoothCoupling
AddSupportFromReference - adds a support to the coupling.
AddSupportFromReference method in object BasicComponent
Creates a new support and add it to the description of the basic component.
AddSupportFromReference method in object AnalysisEntity
Creates a new support and add it to the description of the Analysis Entity.
AddSupportFromReference method in object ABQBoundaryCondition
Creates a new support and adds it to the description of the Analysis Entity.
AddSupportFromReference method in object AnalysisMeshPart
Creates a new support and add it to the support description of the mesh part.
AddSupportFromReference method in object ABQPretensionProperty
Creates a new support and adds it to the description of the bolt pretension property.
AddSupportFromReference method in object AnalysisLocalEntity
Creates a new support and add it to the description of the Analysis Entity.
AddSupportFromReference method in object ABQAnalyticalRigidSurface
Creates a new support for the Reference and adds it to the description of the Analysis Entity.
AddSupportFromReference method in object ABQSurfaceToSurfaceContact
Creates a new support and adds it to the description of the Analysis Entity.
AddSupportFromReference method in object ABQSpringConnectionProperty
Adds support to the spring connection property.
AddSupportFromReference method in object AnalysisMeshLocalSpecification
Defines the support of the local specification.
AddTempDependentFilmCoeffTable method in object ABQFilmCondition
Adds a list of temperature dependent film coefficients if the film condition is temperature dependent.
AddTimeAmplitudeTable method in object ABQTabularAmplitude
Adds a list of time and amplitude for the specified time span STEP_TIME or TOTAL_TIME The number of values in both of the parameters must match.
AddTimeAmplitudeTable method in object ABQSmoothStepAmplitude
Adds a list of time and amplitude for the specified time span STEP_TIME or TOTAL_TIME The number of values in both of the parameters must match.
AddToolChange method in object ManufacturingProgram
Add a Tool Change Operation to a Manufacturing Program.
AddToolChangeMultipleFeeds method in object ManufacturingProgram
Add a Tool Change Operation to a Manufacturing Program.
AddToolProfile method in object RobGenericController
Add a new Tool Profile into controller.
AddTriEltCst method in object Constraints
Creates a new constraint applying to three geometric elements and adds it to the Constraints collection.
AddTrickyFace method in object HybridShapeOffset
Adds a tricky face object on the object.
AddURL method in object Noa
Sets an URL.
AddURL method in object FlagNote
Sets an URL.
AddUrl method in object Hyperlink
Adds a url to an Hyperlink.
AddUserNomenclature method in object ArrNomenclatures
Creates a new UserNomenclature and adds it to this collection.
AddUserSurface method in object UserSurface
AddtoLogicalDataAttrList method in object PlugMapViewSettingAtt
Method to add a parameter to the LogicalDataAttrList.
AddtoTerminationAttrList method in object PlugMapViewSettingAtt
Method to add a parameter to the TerminationAttrList.
AdvancedView method in object NavigatorWorkbench
Applies the annotated view to the current viewer.
AffectedComponentsCount method in object AssemblyFeature
Returns the affected component list count.
AlignedWithReferenceView method in object DrawingView
Activates the alignment with the reference view.
AlignedWithReferenceView method in object Layout2DView
Activates the alignment with the reference view.
AllLeaves method in object Groups
Returns a group which contains all the terminal nodes of the current root product.
AllPartsLoaded method in object Fastener
AppAddConnector method in object SchAppConnection
Add a connector.
AppAddConnector method in object SchAppConnectable
Add a connector.
AppAddImage method in object SchAppMultiImageMaster
Add an image for this master object.
AppAddZoneMember method in object SchAppZone
Add an application connectable object to the zone as member.
AppBreak method in object SchAppRoute
Break the application route into 2 routes.
AppChooseGapPriority method in object SchAppGapPriority
Identify which of 2 intersecting routes should be gapped.
AppCleanUpWhenApplicationEnds method in object SchAppEnvironment
Initialize environment when schematic application ends.
AppConnect method in object SchAppConnector
Connect to an input connector.
AppConnectBranch method in object SchAppConnector
Connect to an input connector for Branch.
AppCreateCompRef method in object SchAppObjectFactory
Create an Application Component reference.
AppCreateCompRef method in object SchAppObjectFactory2
Create an Application Component reference.
AppCreateComponentInst method in object SchAppComponent
Create a component instance.
AppCreateConnection method in object SchAppObjectFactory
Create an Application Connection object.
AppCreateConnection method in object SchAppObjectFactory2
Create an Application Connection object.
AppCreateGroup method in object SchAppObjectFactory
Create an Application Group object.
AppCreateGroup method in object SchAppObjectFactory2
Create an Application Group object.
AppCreateLocalReference method in object SchAppRoute
Make a local route reference in another document by copying an existing one in the current document.
AppCreateLocalReference method in object SchAppComponent
Create Local Reference object.
AppCreateRoute method in object SchAppObjectFactory
Create an Application Route object.
AppCreateRoute method in object SchAppObjectFactory2
Create an Application Route object.
AppCreateRouteFromRef method in object SchAppObjectFactory
Create an Application Route object with a specific reference.
AppCreateRouteFromRef method in object SchAppObjectFactory2
Create an Application Route object with a specific reference.
AppCreateRouteWithInfo method in object SchAppObjectFactory2
Create an Application Route object with application information.
AppCreateZone method in object SchAppObjectFactory
Create an Application Zone object.
AppCreateZone method in object SchAppObjectFactory2
Create an Application Zone object.
AppDisconnect method in object SchAppConnector
Disconnect from an input connector.
AppGetApplicationData method in object SchAppCntrData
Get application data.
AppGetAssociatedConnectable method in object SchAppConnector
Find the application object that owns this connector.
AppGetComponentBaseClass method in object SchAppClass
Provide the application class names for the base component classes.
AppGetConnectorColorByType method in object SchAppCntrColor
Specify the connector color of this connector type.
AppGetDefaultGRRName method in object SchAppComponent
Get the default graphical representation names of an application component.
AppGetDeleteWarning method in object SchAppDeleteCheck
Returns the caption and message text to be used as a warning for the delete operation.
AppGetFlowCapability method in object SchAppCntrFlow
Query the application Flow Capability property of this connector.
AppGetFlowReality method in object SchAppCntrFlow
Query the application Flow Reality property of this connector.
AppGetGroupBaseClass method in object SchAppClass
Provide the application class name for Schematic Group class.
AppGetLink method in object SchAppCntrDocLink
AppGetLinkedDocs method in object SchAppCntrDocLink
Get a list of linked connectors, their documents' names, uuids, and 'open in session' statuses, and a publication name of the connectors.
AppGetMasterDocument method in object SchAppMultiImage
Get the document where the master of this image object resides.
AppGetMasterObject method in object SchAppMultiImage
Get the master object of this image.
AppGetReferenceName method in object SchAppConnectable
Get the reference name of a connectable.
AppGetRouteBaseClass method in object SchAppClass
Provide the application class name for Schematic Route class.
AppGetScalingPriority method in object SchAppScalingRule
Get a priority number to indicate the adjustment (moving) priority of this object during scaling.
AppGetZoneBaseClass method in object SchAppClass
Provide the application class name for Schematic Zone class.
AppInit method in object SchAppModelInit
Initialize application model.
AppInitWhenApplicationStarts method in object SchAppEnvironment
Initialize environment when schematic application starts.
AppIsCntrConnected method in object SchAppConnector
Query whether the connector has been connected.
AppIsLinkable method in object SchAppCntrDocLink
Query whether this connector and input connector can be linked.
AppIsOKToCreateImage method in object SchAppMultiImageMaster
Check if OK to create an image of this master object.
AppIsTargetOKForInsert method in object SchAppCompatible
Query whether a component (source) is compatible to be inserted into this route.
AppIsTargetOKForPlace method in object SchAppCompatible
Query whether a component (source) is compatible to be connected to "this" object (the target, which can be a route or a component).
AppIsTargetOKForRoute method in object SchAppCompatible
Query whether a route of the input class type can be connected to "this" object (the target, which can be a route or a component).
AppIsUpToDate method in object SchAppMultiImage
Check if the image object is up-to-date.
AppLink method in object SchAppCntrDocLink
Create an external link to another connector.
AppLinkInit method in object SchAppCntrDocLink
Publish this connector to make it available for linking.
AppListCompatibleTypes method in object SchAppConnector
Find all the class types of connector that are compatible with this connector for connections.
AppListConnectables method in object SchAppConnection
Find all the application object connected to this connection through their connectors.
AppListConnectables method in object SchAppConnectable
Find all the application objects connected to this object through their connectors.
AppListConnections method in object SchAppConnector
Find all the connections that include this connector.
AppListConnectors method in object SchAppConnection
Find all the connectors included in this connection.
AppListConnectors method in object SchAppConnectable
Find all the connectors of this application object.
AppListGRRNames method in object SchAppComponent
Find all the valid graphical representation names of an application component.
AppListImages method in object SchAppMultiImageMaster
List the images of this master object.
AppListNames method in object SchAppCntrName
List connector names allowed.
AppListPotentialData method in object SchAppCntrData
Get a list valid potential application data that can be set.
AppListValidCntrTypes method in object SchAppConnectable
List the valid application connector types allowed to be created.
AppListValidRouteTypes method in object SchAppClass
List the valid application route types allowed to be created.
AppListZoneMembers method in object SchAppZone
List all members of an application zone.
AppLoadFeatFiles method in object SchAppEnvironment
Load all the necessary feat files.
AppOKToBranch method in object SchAppRoute
Query whether it is OK to create branch.
AppOKToBreak method in object SchAppRoute
Query whether it is OK to break.
AppOKToConcatenate method in object SchAppRoute
Query whether it is OK to concatenate.
AppOKToFlipConnected method in object SchAppComponent
Query whether it is OK to reconnect a component to a different compatible configuration.
AppOKToFlipHorizontal method in object SchAppComponent
Query whether it is OK to flip the application component about Y.
AppOKToFlipOnLine method in object SchAppComponent
Query whether it is OK to flip a component about its inserted line.
AppOKToFlipVertical method in object SchAppComponent
Query whether it is OK to flip the application component about X.
AppOKToModifyPoints method in object SchAppRoute
Query whether it is OK to modify (add or remove) the points.
AppOKToNoShowConnectedCntr method in object SchAppConnector
Query whether it is OK to no show the connector after it is connected.
AppOKToPlaceInSpace method in object SchAppComponent
Query whether the application component can be placed in free space.
AppOKToReplace method in object SchAppReplace
Query whether it is OK to replace an existing object (component, route.
AppOKToScale method in object SchAppComponent
Query whether it is OK to scale the application component.
AppOKToSlide method in object SchAppComponent
Query whether the application component can be slided.
AppOKToUninsert method in object SchAppComponent
Query whether it is OK to uninsert the application component.
AppOkToDelete method in object SchAppDeleteCheck2
Reports if an application object can be deleted.
AppOkToDeleteWithoutWarning method in object SchAppDeleteCheck
Reports if a warning message should be issued before deleting the object.
AppOpenLinkedDoc method in object SchAppCntrDocLink
Open a linked document.
AppPostBreakProcess method in object SchAppRoute
Post process after breaking an application route into 2 pieces.
AppPostConcatenateProcess method in object SchAppRoute
Post process after concatenate 2 application routes into one.
AppPostFlipConnectedProcess method in object SchAppComponent
Post process after reconnecting a component to a different compatible configuration.
AppPostFlipHorizontalProcess method in object SchAppComponent
Post process after flipping a component in "x".
AppPostFlipOnLineProcess method in object SchAppComponent
Post process after flipping an inserted component about the inserted line segment of the route.
AppPostFlipVerticalProcess method in object SchAppComponent
Post process after flipping a component in "y".
AppPostPlaceProcess method in object SchAppComponent
Post process after placing an application component instance.
AppPostReplaceProcess method in object SchAppReplace
Post process after replacing an object.
AppPostRouteProcess method in object SchAppRoute2
Post process after creating a route instance.
AppPostSlideProcess method in object SchAppComponent
Post process after sliding a component.
AppPostSwitchGraphicProcess method in object SchAppComponent
Post process after switching a component's graphic representation.
AppPostUninsertProcess method in object SchAppComponent
Post process after uninserting a component, disconnecting it from a route.
AppRemoveConnector method in object SchAppConnection
Remove a connector.
AppRemoveConnector method in object SchAppConnectable
Remove a connector.
AppRemoveZoneMember method in object SchAppZone
Remove an application connectable object to the zone as member.
AppSetApplicationData method in object SchAppCntrData
Set application data.
AppSetFlowCapability method in object SchAppCntrFlow
Set the application Flow Capability property of this connector.
AppSetFlowReality method in object SchAppCntrFlow
Set the application Flow Reality property of this connector.
AppSetReferenceName method in object SchAppConnectable
Set the reference name of a connectable.
AppShowCntr method in object SchAppCntrShow
Defines show status of the applicaton connector.
AppUnLink method in object SchAppCntrDocLink
Remove external link to another connector.
AppUpdate method in object SchAppMultiImage
Update the image object.
Append method in object Shots
Adds a shot to the end of the shots collection.
Append method in object Sampled
Returns or sets the Sampled object.
Append method in object PspListOfBSTRs
Adds a character string to the end of the list.
Append method in object PspListOfLongs
Adds an long integer to the end of the list.
Append method in object PspListOfObjects
Adds an object to the end of the list.
Append method in object PspListOfDoubles
Adds a double to the end of the list.
Append method in object SchListOfBSTRs
Adds a character string to the end of the list.
Append method in object SchListOfLongs
Adds an long integer to the end of the list.
Append method in object SchListOfObjects
Adds an object to the end of the list.
Append method in object SchListOfDoubles
Adds a double to the end of the list.
AppendAbsDatas method in object Shot
Appends to the data related to the shot.
AppendConstraint method in object HybridShapeFill
Appends an constraint to the hybrid shape fill feature object.
AppendDatas method in object Shot
Appends to the data related to the shot.
AppendFederatedElement method in object HybridShapeAssemble
Appends an init to the list of elements to federate.
AppendHybridShape method in object HybridBody
Appends a hybrid shape to the hybrid body.
AppendHybridShape method in object HybridShape
Appends a hybrid shape to another hybrid shape.
AppendNewFaceToKeep method in object HybridShapeFilletBiTangent
Append a new face to keep.
AppendNewPointAndParam method in object HybridShapeIntegratedLaw
Sets 'Point on spine' and associated parameter.
AppendOperation method in object ManufacturingProgram
Create and Insert a Manufacturing Operation of a specified type to a Manufacturing Program.
Apply method in object Move
Applies a move transformation to a movable object.
ApplyBreakoutTo method in object DrawingViewGenerativeBehavior
If a view have gone through a breakout view operation, this method realize a breakout view on the view given as parameter, and the other types of the view remain.
ApplyCorrectedBaseOffset method in object CalibOffsets
Applies corrected base offset.
ApplyCorrectedToolOffset method in object CalibOffsets
Applies corrected tool offset.
ApplyMaterialOnBody method in object MaterialManager
Apply a Material on a Body.
ApplyMaterialOnHybridBody method in object MaterialManager
Apply a Material on a Hybrid Body.
ApplyMaterialOnPart method in object MaterialManager
Apply a Material on a Part.
ApplyMaterialOnProduct method in object MaterialManager
Apply a Material on a Product.
ApplyMaterialOnUserMaterial method in object MaterialManager
Apply a Material on a User Material (Analysis entity).
ApplyNominalBaseOffset method in object CalibOffsets
Applies the nominal base offset.
ApplyNominalToolOffset method in object CalibOffsets
Applies nominal tool offset.
ApplyPostureToManikin method in object MoveToPostureActivity
Set the MoveToPosture(MTP) Activity's DegreeOfFreedom(DOF) values onto Manikin (which owns this MTP activity).
ApplyReferencedGeomColor method in object Annotation
Apply a color to referenced geometry.
ApplyReferencedInitColor method in object Annotation
Apply the initial color to referenced geometry.
ApplyWorkMode method in object Product
Applies a new working mode.
Arrange method in object Windows
Arranges all the windows of the collection.
AssignER method in object EKPServices
Assigns the passed geometric feature to the operation.
AssignERWithFTA method in object EKPServices
Assigns the passed FTA to the Operation .
AssignFastenerToProcess method in object DNBFastenerItemServices
Assigns a specified DELMIAFastener to a specified Activity and return the status of the action.
AssignFastenerToResource method in object DNBFastenerItemServices
Assigns a specified DELMIAFastener to a specified Resource and return the status of the action.
AssignState method in object DNB3DState
AssociateOutputCode method in object ManufacturingProgram
Method is used for associate APT file to V4 program iFileName = path for APT file.
AssociatedRefFrame method in object Annotation
Get the annotation on the AssociatedRefFrame interface.
Attach method in object Dressup
Attaches a given product to a link of the mechanism pointed by the dressup.
Attach method in object DNBAttachmentFactory
AttrName method in object Activity
This method returns the name for the specified attribute.
AttrValue method in object Activity
This method returns the value for the specified attribute.
BeginInstanceFactory method in object InstanceFactory
Initializes the instantiation process with the document containing the reference.
BeginInstantiate method in object InstanceFactory
Initializes the data of the reference.
BindAnalysis method in object Sampled
Add (bind) an analysis object to a Track.
Branch method in object SchRoute
Create a branch from this route.
Break method in object SchRoute
Break a route into 2 pieces.
Break method in object SchGRRRoute
Break a route graphic into 2 pieces.
BreakInheritance method in object Sampled
Returns or sets the Sampled object.
BuildDocDBItemFromSmarTeamID method in object StiEngine
Copys the SmarTeam object -and its children- to default Work directory , opens it into CATIA session and returns the corresponding CATIAStiDBItem.
BuildFileDBItemFromSmarTeamID method in object StiEngine
Copys the SmarTeam object -and its children- to default Work directory and returns the corresponding CATIAStiDBItem, Without opening the file into CATIA session.
BuildReport method in object AnalysisPostManager
Extract the HTML Report.
CacheExport method in object DMUDataFlow
Exports all documents related to the product in a directory.
CacheImport method in object DMUDataFlow
Imports in the cache of marked documents in a directory.
Cancel method in object BehaviorVBScript
Inform Client VB has Failed & Has Not operated.
CaptureToFile method in object Viewer
Captures the actually displayed scene by the viewer as an image, and stores the image in a file.
CellAsString method in object DesignTable
Returns the content of a specific cell.
ChangeFeatureName method in object HybridShapeFactory
Set display name for Shape Design Features.
ChangePartType method in object PspBuildPart
Returns the part after changing the part type of an existing part.
Check method in object OptimizerWorkBench
CleanUp method in object Merges
Performs some clean-up.
CleanUp method in object Wrappings
Cleans up.
CleanUp method in object DMOOffsets
Cleans up.
CleanUp method in object Silhouettes
Performs some clean-up.
CleanUp method in object SweptVolumes
Cleans up.
CleanUp method in object VibrationVolumes
Cleans up.
Clear method in object Selection
Clears the selection.
ClearExclusionRegions method in object ABQRigidCoupling
Clears the exclusion regions list.
ClearExclusionRegions method in object ABQSmoothCoupling
Clears the exclusion regions list.
ClearHandler method in object ABQRigidCoupling
Clears the handler.
ClearHandler method in object ABQSmoothCoupling
Clears the handler.
ClearPinSupports method in object ABQRigidBodyConstraint
Clears the pin point supports for the rigid body.
ClearSupports method in object ABQMassScaling
Clear the list of supports.
ClearTieSupports method in object ABQRigidBodyConstraint
Clears the tie point supports for the rigid body.
Close method in object Window
Closes the window.
Close method in object Document
Closes the document.
Close method in object TextStream
Closes a text stream.
CloseEdition method in object Sketch
Closes the Sketch Edition.
CloseStream method in object ManufacturingOutput
Close the Stream.
Collapse method in object DMUDataFlow
Collapse the product by replacing all sub-product by corresponding components.
Commit method in object SettingController
Makes a memory copy of the setting attribute values.
CommitForUnits method in object UnitsSheetSettingAtt
Implements a function from an interface.
CompletewithPolarStrategy method in object ManufacturingProgram
Complete a list of Operation in a Manufacturing Program in Polar Mode.
ComposeWith method in object Reference
Composes a reference with another reference thus creating a new composite reference.
CompositeTolerance method in object Annotation
Get the annotation on the CompositeTolerance interface.
Compress method in object SchRoute
Compress a the defining points of a route, removing coincident points.
Compress method in object SchGRRRoute
Compress a the defining points of a route graphic, removing coincident points.
Compress2 method in object SchGRRRoute
Compress the defining points of a route graphic, removing coincident points.
Compute method in object HybridShape
Computes the result of the hybrid shape.
Compute method in object Clash
Computes the conflicts.
Compute method in object AnalysisCase
Launch the computation (Update) of an analysis case.
Compute method in object Distance
Computes the distance.
Compute3DCut method in object ThreeDCuts
Computes the 3DCut on the selected products.
Compute3DCutWithAReference method in object ThreeDCuts
Computes the 3DCut on the selected products, according to a reference product.
ComputeASilhouette method in object Silhouettes
Computes a silhouette on the selected products.
ComputeASilhouetteWithAReference method in object Silhouettes
Computes a silhouette on the selected products, according to a reference product.
ComputeASweptVolume method in object SweptVolumes
Computes a swept volume.
ComputeASweptVolumeFromReplay method in object SweptVolumes
Computes a swept volume.
ComputeASweptVolumeFromSweptable method in object SweptVolumes
Computes a swept volume.
ComputeAThickness method in object DMOThicknesses
Compute a thickness on the selected products.
ComputeAThicknessWithAReference method in object DMOThicknesses
Compute a thickness on the selected products, according to a reference product.
ComputeAWrapping method in object Wrappings
Compute a wrapping on the selected products.
ComputeAWrappingWithAReference method in object Wrappings
Compute a wrapping on the selected products, according to a reference product.
ComputeAnOffset method in object DMOOffsets
Compute a offset on the selected products.
ComputeAnOffsetFromVectors method in object DMOOffsets
ComputeAnOffsetFromVectorsWithAReference method in object DMOOffsets
Compute an offset on the selected products, according to some vectors and a reference product.
ComputeAnOffsetWithAReference method in object DMOOffsets
Compute an offset on the selected products, according to a reference product.
ComputeMerge method in object Merges
Computes the merge on the selected products.
ComputeMeshOnly method in object AnalysisCase
Launch the computation (Update) of an analysis case.
ComputeSimplification method in object Simplifications
Computes a simplification on the selected products.
ComputeSimplificationWithAReference method in object Simplifications
Computes a simplification on the selected products, according to a reference product.
ComputeSweptVolumes method in object SweptVolumes
Computes a swept volume, from a replay or a track.
ComputeSweptVolumesFromReplay method in object SweptVolumes
Computes a swept volume from a replay.
ComputeSweptVolumesFromSweptable method in object SweptVolumes
Computes a swept volume from a track.
ComputeThickness method in object DMOThicknesses
Compute a thickness on the selected products.
ComputeThicknessWithReference method in object DMOThicknesses
Compute a thickness on the selected products, according to a reference product.
ComputeVibrationVolume method in object VibrationVolumes
Computes a vibration volume, from a position input file.
ComputeVibrationVolumeFromTrack method in object VibrationVolumes
Computes a vibration volume, from a track.
ComputeVibrationVolumeFromTrackWithAReference method in object VibrationVolumes
Computes a vibration volume, from a track, according to a reference product.
ComputeVibrationVolumeWithAReference method in object VibrationVolumes
Computes a vibration volume, from a position input file, according to a reference product.
Concatenate method in object SchRoute
Concatenate 2 routes into one.
Concatenate method in object SchGRRRoute
Concatenate 2 route graphic objects into one.
ConcatenateKeepGRR2 method in object SchGRRRoute
Concatenate 2 route graphic objects into one.
ConcatenateKeepRoute2 method in object SchRoute
Concatenate 2 routes into one.
ConcatenatePaths method in object FileSystem
Concatenates two path chunks to make a new path.
Connect method in object PspConnector
Connect the connector to another connector.
Connect method in object StiEngine
Connects to SmarTeam Integration .
ConnectToPPRHub method in object MHIOpenAccess
Connections method in object Product
Returns the product's constraints.
ControledRadius method in object Annotation
Get the annotation on the ControledRadius interface.
ConvertArrangementProductToProduct method in object ArrWorkbench
This method converts an ArrangementProduct back to a Product.
ConvertFromMKS method in object Unit
Convert the initial value (expressed in MKS unit) in its equivalent in the current unit.
ConvertFromStorageUnit method in object Unit
Convert the initial value (expressed in storage unit) in its equivalent in the current unit.
ConvertNRLToXML method in object OLPTranslator
ConvertProductToArrangementProduct method in object ArrWorkbench
This method converts a Product to an ArrangementProduct.
ConvertToMKS method in object Unit
Convert the initial value in its equivalent in MKS unit.
ConvertToStorageUnit method in object Unit
Convert the initial value in its equivalent in storage unit.
ConvertXMLToNRL method in object OLPTranslator
Copy method in object Selection
Copies, in a copy and paste operation.
Copy method in object ProductScene
Creates another Product-Scene from the current one with the possibility to have a different mode.
CopyFile method in object FileSystem
Copies a file from one location to another.
CopyFolder method in object FileSystem
Recursively copies a folder from one location to another.
CopyLinksTo method in object DrawingViewGenerativeLinks
Copies the links of the drawing view.
CopyRenderingDataFrom method in object Material
Copy rendering data from a material to the current material.
CopyTagGroup method in object TagGroupFactory
Correct method in object ExpertCheckRuntime
Applies the "correction" function on failed elements.
Count method in object Outputs
This method returns the no.
CountActiveLights method in object RenderingShooting
Returns the number of active light for the shooting.
CountByAssignmentType method in object Items
This method returns the Number of items that assocated with the activity with given Assignment Type.
CountExplicit method in object Group
Returns the number of products in the group.
CountExtract method in object Group
Returns the number of products which can be extracted from the group.
CountInvert method in object Group
Returns the number of terminal node products which cannot be extracted from the group.
CountObject method in object Marker3D
Returns the number of objects which are linked to the marker 3D.
CountObject method in object Hyperlink
Returns the number of Url which are linked to the Hyperlink.
Create method in object FunctScripts
Create a FunctScript.
Create method in object FunctionalObjects
Creates a FunctionalObject.
Create method in object FunctionalActions
Create a FunctionalAction.
Create method in object FunctAssociations
Create a FunctAssociation.
Create method in object FunctionalVariants
Create a FunctionalVariant.
Create method in object FunctActionsGroups
Create a Group of Actions.
Create2DAppZone method in object SchApp2DZoneFrom3DZone
Create an Application Zone.
Create2DLayout method in object Layout2DFactory
Create the 2DLayout associated to the 3D mechanical feature tha implement this interface.
CreateAfterOperation method in object RobotTask
Creates Operation as a child of Robot Task.
CreateAllMachinableAreaFeaturesFromTechResultsOfUDF method in object ManufacturingView
Creates Machinable feature using TR of UDF.
CreateAnalysisData method in object Material
Create a default analysis material on the current material.
CreateAutoWalk method in object HumanActsFactory
Returns newly created AutoWalkActivity.
CreateAutoWalk method in object HumanActivityGroupFactory
Returns newly created AutoWalkActivity.
CreateBoard method in object PCBWorkbench
Allows to create a Board.
CreateBoolean method in object Parameters
Creates a boolean parameter and adds it to the part's collection of parameters.
CreateCallTask method in object RobotTask
CreateCapture method in object CaptureFactory
Create a Capture.
CreateCatalogFromLibrary method in object CatalogDocument
Creates a catalog from a V4 library.
CreateCatalogFromcsv method in object CatalogDocument
Creates a catalog from a csv file.
CreateChapterFromDesignTable method in object CatalogDocument
Creates a chapter in the current catalog document where keywords correspond to parameters of the Design Table and add the descriptions corresponding to whole configurations of the Design Table.
CreateCheck method in object Relations
Creates a check relation and adds it to the part's collection of relations.
CreateCheck method in object ExpertRuleSet
Creates a check and adds it to the RuleSet.
CreateChild method in object Activity
This method creates a new child activity of the requested type.
CreateCircle method in object Factory2D
Creates and returns a 2D circle arc.
CreateClosedCircle method in object Factory2D
Creates and returns a closed 2D circle.
CreateClosedEllipse method in object Factory2D
Creates and returns a closed 2D ellipse.
CreateCollisionFreeWalkBwdOnArrArea method in object HumanActsFactory
Returns newly created Collision free Walk Backward Activity on Arrangement Area.
CreateCollisionFreeWalkBwdOnArrArea method in object HumanActivityGroupFactory
Returns newly created Collision free Walk Backward Activity on Arrangement Area.
CreateCollisionFreeWalkBwdOnPlane method in object HumanActsFactory
Returns newly created Collision free Walk Backward Activity.
CreateCollisionFreeWalkBwdOnPlane method in object HumanActivityGroupFactory
Returns newly created Collision free Walk Backward Activity.
CreateCollisionFreeWalkFwdOnArrArea method in object HumanActsFactory
Returns newly created Collision free Walk Forward Activity.
CreateCollisionFreeWalkFwdOnArrArea method in object HumanActivityGroupFactory
Returns newly created Collision free Walk Forward Activity.
CreateCollisionFreeWalkFwdOnPlane method in object HumanActsFactory
CreateCollisionFreeWalkFwdOnPlane method in object HumanActivityGroupFactory
CreateComponent method in object PCBWorkbench
Allows to create a Component.
CreateComponentInst method in object SchComponent
Create a component instance.
CreateCompositesData method in object CompositesMaterial
Create a default composites properties on the current material.
CreateConstraintsSatisfaction method in object Optimizations
Returns a set of equations.
CreateControlPoint method in object Factory2D
Creates and returns a 2D spline control point.
CreateCutback method in object StrMember
Creates a cutback object between two member objects.
CreateDatum method in object AnnotationFactory
Create a Datum Feature.
CreateDatumReferenceFrame method in object AnnotationFactory
Create a Reference Frame (DRF).
CreateDatumTarget method in object AnnotationFactory
Create a Datum Target.
CreateDesignTable method in object Relations
Creates a design table based on a file organized in an vertical way and adds it to the part's collection of relations.
CreateDimension method in object Parameters
Creates a user dimension and adds it to the part's collection of parameters.
CreateDocument method in object SchSession
Create a document with Schematic context.
CreateEllipse method in object Factory2D
Creates and returns a 2D ellipse arc.
CreateEvoluateDatum method in object AnnotationFactory
Create a Datum Feature.
CreateEvoluateText method in object AnnotationFactory
Create a Text.
CreateFile method in object FileSystem
Creates a file and returns the associated file object.
CreateFilter method in object Document
Creates a new visualization filter from a name and a definition.
CreateFlagNote method in object AnnotationFactory
Create a FlagNote.
CreateFolder method in object FileSystem
Creates a folder and returns the associated folder object.
CreateFormula method in object Relations
Creates a formula relation and adds it to the part's collection of relations.
CreateGRRCntr method in object SchGRRFactory
Create the graphical representation of a Schematic Connector.
CreateGRRGroup method in object SchGRRFactory
Create the graphical representation of a Schematic Group.
CreateGRRRoute method in object SchGRRFactory
Create the graphical representation of a Schematic Route.
CreateGRRRouteEllipse method in object SchGRRFactory
Create the graphical representation of a Schematic Route Ellipse.
CreateGRRZone method in object SchGRRFactory
Create the graphical representation of a Schematic Zone.
CreateGenericAccuracyProfile method in object RobControllerFactory
Creates a Generic Accuracy Profile.
CreateGenericAction method in object GenericActionFactory
CreateGenericMotionProfile method in object RobControllerFactory
Creates a Generic Motion Profile.
CreateGenericObjFrameProfile method in object RobControllerFactory
Creates a Generic Object-Frame Profile.
CreateGenericToolProfile method in object RobControllerFactory
Creates a Generic Tool Profile.
CreateGroup method in object PspAppFactory
Creates a group in the current Product.
CreateHorizontalDesignTable method in object Relations
Creates a design table based on a file organized in an horizontal way and adds it to the part's collection of relations.
CreateHumanActivityGroup method in object HumanActsFactory
Returns newly created HumanActivityGroupActivity.
CreateHumanCallTask method in object HumanActsFactory
Returns newly created HumanCallTask.
CreateHumanTask method in object HumanProgram
Returns newly created HumanTask.
CreateHyperbola method in object Factory2D
Creates and returns a hyperbola.
CreateInteger method in object Parameters
Creates an integer parameter and adds it to the part's collection of parameters.
CreateIntersection method in object Factory2D
Creates and returns the intersection of an object with the sketch.
CreateIntersections method in object Factory2D
Creates and returns the possible intersections of an object with the sketch.
CreateLaw method in object Relations
Creates a law relation and adds it to the part's collection of relations.
CreateLine method in object Factory2D
Creates and returns a 2D line.
CreateLineFromVector method in object Factory2D
Creates and returns a 2D line.
CreateLink method in object Activity
This method creates a link from the current activity to another activity.
CreateList method in object Parameters
Creates a list parameter and adds it to the part's collection of parameters.
CreateListOfBSTRs method in object PspTempListFactory
Returns a new empty list of strings.
CreateListOfBSTRs method in object SchTempListFactory
This method returns a new empty list of strings.
CreateListOfDoubles method in object PspTempListFactory
Returns a new empty list of doubles.
CreateListOfDoubles method in object SchTempListFactory
This method returns a new empty list of doubles.
CreateListOfLongs method in object PspTempListFactory
Returns a new empty list of long integers.
CreateListOfLongs method in object SchTempListFactory
This method returns a new empty list of long integers.
CreateListOfObjects method in object PspTempListFactory
Returns a new empty list of objects.
CreateListOfObjects method in object SchTempListFactory
This method returns a new empty list of objects.
CreateLoadParameters method in object MHIOpenAccess
CreateLocalReference method in object SchComponent
Make a local component reference in another document by copying an existing one in the current document.
CreateMOfromReport method in object ManufacturingProgram
Create a list of Operation in a Manufacturing Program, of a specified type.
CreateMachine method in object ManufacturingSetup
Initialise the Manufacturing Machine linked to a Manufacturing Setup.
CreateMfgAssembly method in object MfgAssemblyFactory
Creates the created manufacturing assembly.
CreateMoveToPosture method in object HumanActsFactory
Returns newly created MoveToPostureActivity.
CreateMoveToPosture method in object HumanActivityGroupFactory
Returns newly created MoveToPostureActivity.
CreateNetwork method in object SchBaseFactory
Create schematic networks for query.
CreateNonSemanticDimension method in object AnnotationFactory
Creates a non semantic Dimension specification.
CreateOperation method in object RobotTask
Creates Operation as a child of Robot Task.
CreateOptimization method in object Optimizations
Creates an empty optimization.
CreatePanel method in object PCBWorkbench
Allows to create a panel.
CreateParabola method in object Factory2D
Creates and returns a parabola.
CreatePick method in object HumanActsFactory
Returns newly created Pick Activity.
CreatePick method in object HumanActivityGroupFactory
Returns newly created Pick Activity.
CreatePlace method in object HumanActsFactory
Returns newly created Place Activity.
CreatePlace method in object HumanActivityGroupFactory
Returns newly created Place Activity.
CreatePoint method in object Factory2D
Creates and returns a 2D point.
CreatePosition method in object FunctionalDescription
Create a Position.
CreateProfileInstance method in object ParameterProfilesFactory
Instantiates a particular profile type.
CreateProgram method in object Relations
Creates a program relation and adds it to the part's collection of relations.
CreateProjection method in object Factory2D
Creates and returns the projection of an object on the sketch.
CreateProjections method in object Factory2D
Creates and returns the possible projections of an object on the sketch.
CreateProxy method in object FunctionalObjects
Creates a FunctionalObjectProxi.
CreateReal method in object Parameters
Creates a real parameter and adds it to the part's collection of parameters.
CreateReferenceFromBRepName method in object Part
Creates a reference from a GenericNaming label.
CreateReferenceFromGeometry method in object AnalysisManager
Creates a reference from a geometry.
CreateReferenceFromName method in object Document
Creates a reference from a GenericNaming label.
CreateReferenceFromName method in object Part
Creates a reference from a GenericNaming label.
CreateReferenceFromName method in object Product
Creates a reference from a name.
CreateReferenceFromObject method in object Part
Creates a reference from a operator.
CreateReferenceFromObject method in object AnalysisManager
Creates a reference from an analysis object.
CreateRenderingData method in object Material
Create a default rendering material on the current material.
CreateRobotMotion method in object Operation
Creates Robot Motion as a child of Operation.
CreateRobotTask method in object RobotTaskFactory
CreateRoughness method in object AnnotationFactory
Create a Roughness.
CreateRouteAndConnectToObjects method in object SchBaseFactory
Create a route and connect its extremity connectors to input objects.
CreateRouteSymbol method in object SchGRRRoute
Place a symbol on the route.
CreateRule method in object ExpertRuleSet
Creates a rule and adds it to the RuleSet.
CreateRuleBase method in object Relations
Creates a rulebase.
CreateRuleSet method in object ExpertRuleSet
Creates a RuleSet and adds it to the RuleSet.
CreateSchCompGroup method in object SchBaseFactory
Create a Schematic Component Group object.
CreateSchComponent method in object SchBaseFactory
Create a Schematic Component reference.
CreateSchRouteByPoints method in object SchBaseFactory
Create a Schematic Route object with a list of points.
CreateSchRouteByPrim method in object SchBaseFactory
Create a Schematic Route object with primitives.
CreateSchZone method in object SchBaseFactory
Create a Schematic Zone object.
CreateSelectionSet method in object SelectionSets
Creates a new Selection Set.
CreateSemanticDimension method in object AnnotationFactory
Creates a semantic Dimension specification.
CreateSendTo method in object Application
Creates a Send TO.
CreateSet method in object ParameterSets
Creates a set of parameters and appends it to the parameter set which corresponds to this collection.
CreateSetOfEquations method in object Relations
Creates a set of equations.
CreateSetOfParameters method in object Parameters
Creates a set of parameters and appends it to argument iFather.
CreateSetOfRelations method in object Relations
Creates a set of relations and appends it to a parent object.
CreateShopOrder method in object OrderGenerator
CreateShopOrder2 method in object OrderGenerator
Create Shop Order using XML as SOI input.
CreateShot method in object Shots
Creates a new shot and adds it to the Shots collection.
CreateSideStepOnArrArea method in object HumanActsFactory
Returns newly created Side-Step Activity.
CreateSideStepOnArrArea method in object HumanActivityGroupFactory
Returns newly created Side-Step Activity.
CreateSideStepOnPlane method in object HumanActsFactory
Returns newly created Side-Step Activity.
CreateSideStepOnPlane method in object HumanActivityGroupFactory
Returns newly created Side-Step Activity.
CreateSpecificShot method in object Shots
Creates a new shot of a specific type and adds it to the Shots collection.
CreateSpline method in object Factory2D
Creates and returns a 2D b-spline.
CreateStandardThreadDesignTable method in object Hole
Creates a Standard Thread design table .
CreateStandardThreadDesignTable method in object Thread
Creates a Standard Thread design table .
CreateState method in object DNB3DStateMgmt
CreateString method in object Parameters
Creates a string parameter and adds it to the part's collection of parameters.
CreateTag method in object AMPPath
Function to create an AMPTag.
CreateTag method in object TagGroup
CreateTag method in object TagFactory
Creates a Tag.
CreateTagGroup method in object TagGroupFactory
Creates a TagGroup.
CreateTagGroupInDoc method in object TagGroupFactory
Creates a TagGroup with the given name in the document.
CreateTagWithReference method in object AMPPath
Function to create an AMPTag with reference to an already existing AMPTag.
CreateText method in object AnnotationFactory
Create a Text.
CreateTextNOA method in object AnnotationFactory
CreateTextOnAnnot method in object AnnotationFactory
Create a Text grouped to an annotation.
CreateToleranceWithDRF method in object AnnotationFactory
Create a Tolerance With a Reference Frame DRF.
CreateToleranceWithoutDRF method in object AnnotationFactory
Create a Tolerance Without a Reference Frame (DRF).
CreateUserStandardDesignTable method in object Hole
Creates a UserStandard Thread design table .
CreateUserStandardDesignTable method in object Thread
Creates a UserStandard Thread design table .
CreateView method in object TPSViewFactory
Creates a view.
CreateWalkBwdOnArrArea method in object HumanActsFactory
Returns newly created Walk Backward Activity on Arrangement Area.
CreateWalkBwdOnArrArea method in object HumanActivityGroupFactory
Returns newly created Walk Backward Activity on Arrangement Area.
CreateWalkBwdOnPlane method in object HumanActsFactory
Returns newly created Walk Backward Activity.
CreateWalkBwdOnPlane method in object HumanActivityGroupFactory
Returns newly created Walk Backward Activity.
CreateWalkFwdOnArrArea method in object HumanActsFactory
Returns newly created Walk Forward Activity.
CreateWalkFwdOnArrArea method in object HumanActivityGroupFactory
Returns newly created Walk Forward Activity.
CreateWalkFwdOnPlane method in object HumanActsFactory
CreateWalkFwdOnPlane method in object HumanActivityGroupFactory
CurveFasteners method in object FastenerWorkBench
Cut method in object Selection
Cuts, in a cut and paste operation.
create_pcbhole method in object PCBBoard
This method allows to add a Pcb hole to a board or a panel.
create_pcbpattern method in object PCBBoard
This method allows to add a Pcb pattern of hole to a board or a panel.
create_zone method in object PCBBoard
This method allows to add a constraint area to a board.
DatumSimple method in object Annotation
Get the annotation on the DatumSimple interface.
DatumTarget method in object Annotation
Get the annotation on the DatumTarget interface.
Deactivate method in object Constraint
Suppresses the constraint from being updated.
Deactivate method in object Behavior
Deactivates a behavior.
Deactivate method in object SchCompGraphic
To remove an image to an existing object.
Deactivate method in object KnowledgeActivateObject
Deactivates the relation.
Deactivate method in object ExpertRuleBaseComponentRuntime
Desactivates the RuleBaseComponent.
DeactivatePoint method in object ManufacturingPattern
Deactivates a point of a Manufacturing Pattern.
DecrementTabulation method in object ManufacturingOutput
Decrement the tabulation of the current block of text by the specified number of characters.
Deduce method in object ExpertRuleBaseRuntime
Launch a Forward chaining Solve on the current RuleBase.
DefaultAnnotation method in object Annotation
Get the annotation on the DefaultAnnotation interface.
DefaultName method in object ManufacturingMachine
Return the string the Type of a Machine.
DefineAuxiliaryView method in object DrawingViewGenerativeBehavior
Defines an auxiliary drawing view.
DefineBox3DView method in object DrawingViewGenerativeBehavior
Defines a drawing view intersected with a 3D box.
DefineBreakout method in object DrawingViewGenerativeBehavior
Defines a breakout on the current view.
DefineBrokenView method in object DrawingViewGenerativeBehavior
Defines a broken drawing view.
DefineCircularClippingView method in object DrawingViewGenerativeBehavior
Defines a Circular clipping on the current view.
DefineCircularDetailView method in object DrawingViewGenerativeBehavior
Defines a detail or a clipped drawing view.
DefineCircularExactClippingView method in object DrawingViewGenerativeBehavior
Defines a Circular exact clipping on the current view.
DefineFrontView method in object DrawingViewGenerativeBehavior
Defines a front drawing view.
DefineIsometricView method in object DrawingViewGenerativeBehavior
Defines an isometric drawing view.
DefinePolygonalClippingView method in object DrawingViewGenerativeBehavior
Defines a polygonal clipping on the current view.
DefinePolygonalDetailView method in object DrawingViewGenerativeBehavior
Defines a detail or a clipped drawing view.
DefinePolygonalExactClippingView method in object DrawingViewGenerativeBehavior
Defines a polygonal exact clipping on the current view.
DefineProjectionView method in object DrawingViewGenerativeBehavior
Defines a projection drawing view.
DefineSectionView method in object DrawingViewGenerativeBehavior
Defines a section drawing view.
DefineStandAloneSection method in object DrawingViewGenerativeBehavior
Defines a section view without a reference view.
DefineTPSSectionView method in object DrawingViewGenerativeBehavior
Defines a TPS section drawing view.
DefineUnfoldedView method in object DrawingViewGenerativeBehavior
Defines a unfolded drawing view.
Delete method in object Selection
Deletes all selected objects.
Delete method in object FunctScripts
Delete a FunctScript.
Delete method in object FunctionalObjects
Deletes a FunctionalObject.
Delete method in object FunctionalActions
Delete a FunctionalAction.
Delete method in object FunctAssociations
Delete a FunctAssociation.
Delete method in object FunctionalVariants
Delete a FunctionalVariant.
Delete method in object FunctActionsGroups
Delete a Group of Actions.
DeleteCompartment method in object PspAppFactory
Delete a compartment instance.
DeleteFile method in object FileSystem
Deletes a file.
DeleteFolder method in object FileSystem
Deletes a folder.
DeleteGroup method in object PspAppFactory
Delete a group.
DeleteLogicalLine method in object PspAppFactory
Delete a logical line instance.
DeleteObject method in object SchBaseFactory
Delete a schematic object.
DeleteObjectForDatum method in object HybridShapeFactory
Deletes an object within the current body.
DeleteOperations method in object RobotTask
Deletes the required list of Operations.
DeletePart method in object PspAppFactory
Delete a part.
DeleteProfileInstance method in object ParameterProfilesFactory
DeleteRemoveFace method in object ReplaceFace
Remove the face to be removed.
DeleteRobotTask method in object RobotTaskFactory
Removes the required Robot Task.
DeleteSelectionSet method in object SelectionSets
Deletes a Selection Set.
DeleteState method in object DNB3DStateMgmt
DeleteTag method in object TagGroup
DeleteTagGroup method in object TagGroupFactory
DesactivateDefaultShape method in object Product
Deactivate default shape.
DesactivatePosition method in object Pattern
Allows user to desactivate an instance of the pattern.
DesactivateShape method in object Product
Deactivate one shape.
DesignGeometriesCount method in object ManufacturingSetup
Returns the number of design geometries from a Manufacturing Setup.
Detach method in object Dressup
Detaches an attached product from its link.
DetachFrom method in object FunctAssociation
Delete a link to a linked object.
Dimension3D method in object Annotation
Get the 3D Dimension on the 3D Dimension interface.
DimensionLimit method in object Annotation
Get the annotation on the DimensionLimit interface.
DimensionPattern method in object Annotation
Get the annotation on the DimensionPattern interface.
DirectionSpecification method in object HybridShapeDirection
Queries the direction specification status.
Disconnect method in object PspConnector
DisConnect the connector from another connector.
Disconnect method in object StiEngine
Disconnects to SmarTeam Integration .
DisplayCapture method in object Capture
Displays the Capture.
DisplayCapture2 method in object Capture
Displays the Capture with mirroring annotations management.
Done method in object BehaviorVBScript
Inform Client VB has Successfully Finished.
DownloadAsXML method in object OLPTranslator
DownloadTasks method in object OLPTranslator
Creates native robot language programs from V5 tasks.
Elem method in object FunctScripts
Returns an association using its index or its name from the Scripts collection.
Elem method in object FunctionalObjects
Returns an action using its index or its name from the actions collection.
Elem method in object FunctionalActions
Returns an action using its index or its name from the actions collection.
Elem method in object FunctAssociations
Returns an association using its index or its name from the associations collection.
Elem method in object FunctFacetManagers
Returns a facet manager using its index or its name from the facet managers collection.
Elem method in object FunctionalVariants
Returns a Variant using its index or its name from the Variants collection.
Elem method in object FunctActionsGroups
Returns an actions'group using its index or its name from the actions' groups collection.
EndBlock method in object ManufacturingOutput
Specify that the Block is ended.
EndInstanceFactory method in object InstanceFactory
Ends the instantiation process.
EndInstantiate method in object InstanceFactory
Ends the instantiation of the reference.
EndLine method in object ManufacturingOutput
Specify that the line is ended.
EnvelopCondition method in object Annotation
Get the annotation on the EnvelopCondition interface.
Environ method in object SystemService
Returns the value of an environment variable.
Evaluate method in object SystemService
Evaluates a scripted function.
Evaluate method in object Sketch
ExecuteBackgroundProcessus method in object SystemService
Executes an asynchronous process.
ExecuteProcessus method in object SystemService
Executes a synchronous process.
ExecuteScript method in object SystemService
Executes a scripted function.
ExistAnalysisData method in object Material
Returns true if a analysis material exists on the current material.
ExistCompositesData method in object CompositesMaterial
Returns true if a composites properties exists on the current material.
ExistRenderingData method in object Material
Returns true if a rendering material exists on the current material.
ExistsInScene method in object ProductScene
Returns whether the product has overloaded attributes in the Product-Scene.
Explode method in object DrawingComponent
Explodes the drawing component instance (every sub elements of the drawing component are created).
ExplodeAndSelect method in object DrawingComponent
Explodes the drawing component instance (every sub elements of the drawing component are created) and put created sub elements in selection set.
Export method in object TCPTrace
Export the TCP trace data in a file.
Export method in object Clash
Exports the results in a XML file.
Export method in object Section
Exports the sections curves of the section in a document.
Export method in object AnalysisExport
Export computed loads/displacements as a CATAnalysisExport file.
Export method in object ClashResult
Exports the results in a XML file.
ExportData method in object Document
Exports the data contained in the document to another format.
ExportData method in object AnalysisImage
Extracts image results.
ExportDataInGlobalAxis method in object AnalysisImage
Extracts image results.
ExportDataInManualAxis method in object AnalysisImage
Extracts image results.
ExportDataInUserAxis method in object AnalysisImage
Extracts image results.
ExportDataWithMeshPartId method in object AnalysisImage
Extracts image results and location with mesh part name (as identifier).
ExportProperties method in object PspWorkbench
This method extracts property values of the current document to an output XML file.
ExposeCompRef method in object DrawingComponent
Exposes the component reference of this drawing component instance in a new detail sheet.
ExposeCompRefInSheet method in object DrawingComponent
Exposes the component reference of this drawing component instance in a specific detail sheet.
ExtendProductAsFoundation method in object StrObjectFactory
Extend an assembly as a structure foundation assembly.
ExtractBOM method in object Product
Extracts the product's contents as a bill of materials (BOM).
ExtractHTMLReport method in object AnalysisPostManager
FailItem method in object ExpertReportObjects
Retrieves a report failed component from a failed tuples collection, using its index or its name from the Check collection.
FastenerGroups method in object FastenerWorkBench
Field method in object Roughness
Retrieves roughness field.
FileExists method in object FileSystem
Returns whether a given file exists.
FileSelectionBox method in object Application
Displays a modal dialog box which can be used to select / enter the name of a file to open / save.
FillSelWithExtract method in object Group
Fills the selection with all products which can be extracted from the group.
FillSelWithInvert method in object Group
Fills the selection with all terminal node products which cannot be extracted from the group.
FilterCorrespondence method in object Selection
Specifies if the automation objects appearing as Value property of SelectedElement objects fit a given filter.
FindInterface method in object SchWorkbench
This method returns an interface handle to an object.
FindInterface method in object ArrWorkbench
This method returns a interface handle as specified by the input interface name and the input interface handle.
FindObject method in object Selection
Finds an object in the current selection and deletes it from the selection.
FindObjectByName method in object Part
Finds an object that is not a collection by its name.
FindObsoleteClasses method in object SchObsoleteModel
Find obsolete base classes.
FindPaths method in object SchNetworkAnalysis
Given a start and end object in the network, this method returns a list of network objects each representing a path connecting the the 2 input objects.
Fingerprint method in object ExpertRuleBaseRuntime
Returns the Fingerprint information.
FirstLink method in object DrawingViewGenerativeLinks
Returns the first link of the drawing view.
FitAllInWall method in object RenderingEnvironmentWall
If a texture is mapped on the wall, scale automatically the texture to fit inside the wall.
FixtureGeometriesCount method in object ManufacturingSetup
Returns the number of fixture geometries from a Manufacturing Setup.
FlagNote method in object Annotation
Get the annotation on the FlagNote interface.
Flip method in object StrMember
Flips the section.
Flip method in object DrawingComponent
Flips the drawing component instance around X axis To flip around Y axis you have to flip the component around X and to add a rotation of 180 degrees.
FlipConnected method in object SchComponent
For component that is connected to another component or is inserted into a route.
FlipHorizontal method in object SchComponent
Mirror transform a component's image about the horizontal-axis centered at the local axis of the component.
FlipOnLine method in object SchComponent
Mirror the graphical object of this component.
FlipOverLine method in object SchRouteSymbol
Mirror the symbol over the route segment line on which the symbol is positioned.
FlipOverLine method in object SchAnnotationBreak
Mirror the symbol over the route segment line that ends in the connector on which the symbol is placed.
FlipOverOrthogonalLine method in object SchRouteSymbol
Mirror the symbol over the line orthogonal to the route segment line on which the symbol is positioned and going through the symbol's position point on that segment line.
FlipOverOrthogonalLine method in object SchAnnotationBreak
Mirror the symbol over the line orthogonal to the route segment line that ends in the connector on which the symbol is placed and going through the connector's position.
FlipVertical method in object SchComponent
Mirror transform a component's image about the vertical-axis centered at the local axis of the component.
Flush method in object ManufacturingOutput
Flush all Data in the Stream.
FolderExists method in object FileSystem
Returns whether a given folder exists.
ForceUpdate method in object DrawingSheet
Forces the update of all the drawing views of the drawing sheet.
ForceUpdate method in object DrawingViewGenerativeBehavior
Forces the Update the drawing view even if not necessary.
Frame method in object ReferenceFrame
Retrieves Frame of the TPS.
Free method in object FunctionalFacet
Free the resources allocated by the Facet.
FreeState method in object Annotation
Get the annotation on the FreeState interface.
GSMVisibility method in object HybridShapeFactory
Set Visibility attribut for Shape Design Features.
GenAndPutID method in object PspID
Returns the Generated ID with the sequence number and is stored on the object.
GenAndPutIDNoGenSeqNum method in object PspID
Generates ID without the sequence number and is stored on the object.
GenIDNoGenSeqNum method in object PspID
Generates ID without the sequence number( if not set previously) and is not stored on the object.
Generate method in object UserSurfaces
Use this method in a Part.
Generate method in object FeatureGenerator
Generates the features.
GenerateBOMReport method in object ArrBOMReport
This method generate a BOM report on the current piping document to an output html file.
GenerateDimensions method in object DrawingSheet
Generates dimensions in all the drawing views of the drawing sheet.
GenerateInAProductCtx method in object UserSurfaces
Use this method in a Product.
GenerateInContext method in object FeatureGenerator
Generates the features.
GenerateOutputCode method in object ManufacturingOutputGenerator
Return the Output Code for an object in the right CNC Machine.
GenerateReport method in object RpmReport
This method generates a report to an output file.
GenerateReport method in object PspAttributeReport
Generate report (output format in html or CSV) and returns the status.
GenerateXMLReportForChecks method in object Relations
Generates an XML Report on all checks in the current document.
Get2dAnnot method in object Text
Retrieves Drafting text.
Get2dAnnot method in object Dimension3D
Retrieves Drafting Dimension.
Get3DTextureColor method in object RenderingMaterial
Returns one color of a 3d texture.
Get3DTextureColorCoefficient method in object RenderingMaterial
Returns one color coefficient of a 3d texture.
Get3DTextureOrientation method in object RenderingMaterial
Returns the orientation of a texture.
Get3DTexturePosition method in object RenderingMaterial
Returns the position of a texture.
Get3DTextureScale method in object RenderingMaterial
Returns the scale of a texture.
GetAGeometricAttribute method in object ManufacturingFeature
Retrieve a geometry attribute of a Manufacturing Feature from its name.
GetAGeometricAttribute method in object ManufacturingOperation
Retrieve a Geometric Attribute of a Manufacturing Operation.
GetAPTCode method in object ManufacturingOutputGenerator
Retrieve generated APT code.
GetASNavigationModeInfo method in object SimulationSettingAtt
Retrieves environment informations for the ASNavigationMode parameter.
GetASStepSizeInfo method in object SimulationSettingAtt
Retrieves environment informations for the ASStepSize parameter.
GetAbsDatas method in object Shot
Retrieves the data related to the shot.
GetAbsoluteAxisData method in object Sketch
Returns the sketch axis coordinates in 3D space.
GetAccelColorInfo method in object DevAnalysisSettingAtt
Retrieves environment informations for the AccelColor parameter.
GetAccelLimitInfo method in object DevAnalysisSettingAtt
Retrieves environment informations for the AccelLimit parameter.
GetAccelerationValue method in object GenericMotionProfile
Retrieves acceleration value of the Profile.
GetAccuracyProfile method in object RobotMotion
Retrieves Accuracy profile.
GetAccuracyProfile method in object RobGenericController
Get Accuracy profile given name.
GetAccuracyProfileCount method in object RobGenericController
Get number of Accuracy profiles in controller.
GetAccuracyProfiles method in object RobGenericController
Get Accuracy profiles list in controller.
GetAccuracyType method in object GenericAccuracyProfile
Get the accuracy type for the profile.
GetAccuracyValue method in object GenericAccuracyProfile
Retrieves accuracy value of the profile.
GetAccuratePickingModeInfo method in object VisualizationSettingAtt
Retrieves information about the AccuratePickingMode setting parameter.
GetAccuratePickingWindowSizeInfo method in object VisualizationSettingAtt
Retrieves information about the AccuratePickingWindowSize setting parameter.
GetActions method in object Operation
Retrieves all the Basic Actions under the operation.
GetActivate2DModeInfo method in object Layout2DSettingAtt
Retrieves environment informations for the Activate2DMode parameter.
GetActivationModeInfo method in object CacheSettingAtt
Retrieves informations about the Cache activation mode.
GetActivationStateInfo method in object MemoryWarningSettingAtt
Retrieves environment informations for the memory warning mechanism.
GetActivationStateInfo method in object DisconnectionSettingAtt
Retrieves informations about the activation mode of automatic disconnection.
GetActiveLight method in object RenderingShooting
Returns the active light of the shooting using its index.
GetActiveShapeName method in object Product
Returns the name of the active shape.
GetActiveTask method in object ActiveTask
Retrieves the Active Task for an activity for a particular Resource.
GetActivities method in object MachiningProcess
This method gets the Manufacturing Activities referenced by the Machining Process.
GetAdditionalSymbol method in object DrawingWelding
Returns the additional symbol of the drawing welding.
GetAffiche_AttributInfo method in object MigrBatchSettingAtt
Retrieves information about the "Display Report Attribute" setting parameter.
GetAlignVector method in object SchCntrLocation
Get the current alignment vector of the connector.
GetAlignmentConnector method in object PspPartConnector
Returns the Alignmnet connector.
GetAlignmentDirection method in object PspPartConnector
Retrieves the alignment direction outward normal to the face place position.
GetAlignmentVector method in object PspLightConnector
Returns the position of the connector.
GetAllChecksReportInfo method in object ReportGenerationSheetSettingAtt
Retrieves environment informations for the AllChecksReport parameter.
GetAllJointsSpeedInfo method in object HtsJointSpeedSettingsAtt
Retrieves environment informations for the JointSpeed parameter.
GetAllOperations method in object RobotTask
Retrieves the List of Operations of Robot Task.
GetAllProfileInstances method in object ParameterProfilesFactory
GetAllResourceFilterInfo method in object VerifTabSettingAtt
Retrieves environment informations for the "View All Resources" parameter.
GetAllRobotTasks method in object RobotTaskFactory
Retrieves the list of Robot Tasks owned by a Robot.
GetAllShapesNames method in object Product
List the name of all shapes.
GetAllTags method in object AMPPath
Function to get the list of AMPTags by name.
GetAllTasks method in object ResourceProgramManager
Retrieves all the Tasks corresponding to this Resource.
GetAllZBufferElementModeInfo method in object VisualizationSettingAtt
Retrieves information about the AllZBufferElementMode setting parameter.
GetAllowDistortionsInfo method in object FTAInfraSettingAtt
Retrieves information about the Allow Distorsions setting parameter value.
GetAlphabeticOrderInfo method in object FTASettingAtt
Retrieves informations about the AlphabeticOrder setting parameter value.
GetAlsoDeleteExclusiveParentsInfo method in object PartInfrastructureSettingAtt
Retrieves environment informations for the "AlsoDeleteExclusiveParents" parameter.
GetAlternateStyle method in object SchGRRRouteAlternate
Returns the graphicl style of the alternate graphic object.
GetAlternateViewInfo method in object Export3DXmlSettingAtt
GetAmbientActivationInfo method in object VisualizationSettingAtt
Retrieves information about the AmbientActivation setting parameter.
GetAmbientColor method in object RenderingMaterial
Returns the ambient color of a material.
GetAnAttribute method in object ManufacturingPattern
Retreive the attribute of Manufacturing Pattern from its name.
GetAnAttribute method in object ManufacturingOperation
Retrieve the Attribute of a Manufacturing Operation.
GetAnalysisCacheModeInfo method in object AnalysisGeneralSettingAtt
Retrieves environment informations for the parameter.
GetAnalysisDisplayModeInfo method in object FTASettingAtt
Retrieves environment informations for the AnalysisDisplayMode parameter.
GetAnalysisLevelInfo method in object AnalysisSettingAtt
Retrieves environment informations for the AnalysisLevel parameter.
GetAnalysisLoadModeInfo method in object AnalysisGeneralSettingAtt
Retrieves environment informations for the parameter.
GetAnalysisNamingAutoInfo method in object AnalysisGeneralSettingAtt
Retrieves environment informations for the parameter.
GetAngle method in object HybridShapeSweepLine
Returns the angle values useful in some linear sweep types.
GetAngle method in object HybridShapeSweepCircle
Returns the angle values useful in some circular sweep types.
GetAngleBetween method in object Measurable
Compute the angle between the CATIAMeasurable and another.
GetAngleInfo method in object IgesSettingAtt
Retrieves information about the Angle setting parameter.
GetAngleLawTypes method in object HybridShapeSweepCircle
Retrieves angle law types.
GetAngleLimitInfo method in object FittingSettingAtt
Retrieves environment information for the AngleLimit parameter.
GetAngleMaxToleranceInfo method in object ToleranceSheetSettingAtt
Retrieves environment informations for the AngleMaxTolerance parameter.
GetAngleMinToleranceInfo method in object ToleranceSheetSettingAtt
Retrieves environment informations for the AngleMinTolerance parameter.
GetAngleRef method in object HybridShapeSweepExplicit
Gets the angle value associated to the reference surface.
GetAngleStepInfo method in object ManipSettingAtt
Retrieves environment informations for the AngleStep parameter.
GetAngulaireGeneralTolClassInfo method in object FTASettingAtt
Retrieves informations about the Dimension general class tolerance setting parameter value.
GetAngularAccelerationValue method in object GenericMotionProfile
Get Angular acceleration value of the Profile.
GetAngularLaw method in object HybridShapeSweepLine
Retrieves the angular law useful in some linear sweep types.
GetAngularSpeedValue method in object GenericMotionProfile
Retrieves Angular Speed value of the Profile.
GetAngularThreshold method in object HybridShapeExtractMulti
Returns the AngularThreshold of the list of constraints at specified position.
GetAngularThresholdActivity method in object HybridShapeExtractMulti
Returns the AngularThresholdActivity of the list of constraints at specified position.
GetAngularTolerance method in object HybridShapeAssemble
Get the anglular tolerance.
GetAngularToleranceMode method in object HybridShapeAssemble
Get the anglular tolerance mode.
GetAnimationInfo method in object Export3DXmlSettingAtt
Retrieves environment informations for the animation setting.
GetAnlAccelLimitInfo method in object AnalysisSettingAtt
Retrieves environment informations for the AnlAccelLimit parameter.
GetAnlCautionZoneInfo method in object AnalysisSettingAtt
Retrieves environment informations for the AnlCautionZone parameter.
GetAnlIOAnalysisInfo method in object AnalysisSettingAtt
Retrieves environment informations for the AnlIOAnalysis parameter.
GetAnlIntDistInfo method in object AnalysisSettingAtt
Retrieves environment informations for the AnlIntDist parameter.
GetAnlIntfInfo method in object AnalysisSettingAtt
Retrieves environment informations for the AnlIntf parameter.
GetAnlLinAccelLimitInfo method in object AnalysisSettingAtt
Retrieves environment informations for the AnlLinAccelLimit parameter.
GetAnlLinSpeedLimitInfo method in object AnalysisSettingAtt
Retrieves environment informations for the AnlLinSpeedLimit parameter.
GetAnlMeasureInfo method in object AnalysisSettingAtt
Retrieves environment informations for the AnlMeasure parameter.
GetAnlRotAccelLimitInfo method in object AnalysisSettingAtt
Retrieves environment informations for the AnlRotAccelLimit parameter.
GetAnlRotSpeedLimitInfo method in object AnalysisSettingAtt
Retrieves environment informations for the AnlRotSpeedLimit parameter.
GetAnlTravelLimitInfo method in object AnalysisSettingAtt
Retrieves environment informations for the AnlTravelLimit parameter.
GetAnlVelocityLimitInfo method in object AnalysisSettingAtt
Retrieves environment informations for the AnlVelocityLimit parameter.
GetAnnotDimInvalidColor method in object FTASettingAtt
Returns the AnnotDimInvalidColor parameter.
GetAnnotDimInvalidColorInfo method in object FTASettingAtt
Retrieves environment informations for the AnnotDimInvalidColor parameter.
GetAnnotDimInvalidInfo method in object FTASettingAtt
Locks or unlocks the AnnotDimInvalid parameter.
GetAnnotDimOnDeletedGeomColor method in object FTASettingAtt
Returns the AnnotDimOnDeletedGeomColor parameter.
GetAnnotDimOnDeletedGeomColorInfo method in object FTASettingAtt
Retrieves environment informations for the AnnotDimOnDeletedGeomColor parameter.
GetAnnotDimOnDeletedGeomInfo method in object FTASettingAtt
Retrieves environment informations for the AnnotDimOnDeletedGeom parameter.
GetAnnotDimOnUnloadedGeomColor method in object FTASettingAtt
Returns the AnnotDimOnUnloadedGeomColor parameter.
GetAnnotDimOnUnloadedGeomColorInfo method in object FTASettingAtt
Retrieves environment informations for the AnnotDimOnUnloadedGeomColor parameter.
GetAnnotDimOnUnloadedGeomInfo method in object FTASettingAtt
Retrieves environment informations for the AnnotDimOnUnloadedGeom parameter.
GetAnnotOnZeroZSettingInfo method in object FTASettingAtt
Retrieves environment informations for the AnnotOnZeroZSetting parameter.
GetAnnotatedViewInfo method in object Export3DXmlSettingAtt
GetAnnotation3DInfo method in object Export3DXmlSettingAtt
Retrieves environment informations for the 3D annotation setting.
GetAnnotation3DModeInfo method in object MultiCADSettingAtt
Retrieves environment informations for the Annotation3DMode parameter.
GetAntiAliasingModeInfo method in object VisualizationSettingAtt
Retrieves information about the AntiAliasingMode setting parameter.
GetAntiAliasingOffsetInfo method in object VisualizationSettingAtt
Retrieves information about the AntiAliasingOffset setting parameter.
GetApplObjFactFromVirtualType method in object SchematicRoot
Returns the object factory for specific schematic application.
GetApplication method in object PspWorkbench
Returns the PspApplication associated with the input ApplicationID.
GetApplicationObjectFactory method in object SchematicRoot
Returns the object factory for specific schematic application.
GetApplicativeDataFilterInfo method in object TreeTabSettingAtt
Retrieves environment informations for the "Applicative Data" parameter.
GetAppliedUnitSymbol method in object HybridShapeLawDistProj
Returns the applied unit symbol.
GetApplyJoinInfo method in object IgesSettingAtt
Retrieves information about the Apply Join setting parameter.
GetApplyLabelEffToAltChildInfo method in object MfgHubSettingAtt
Retrieves environment informations for the ApplyLabelEffToAltChild parameter.
GetArcSelectionActivationInfo method in object TreeVizManipSettingAtt
Retrieves environment informations for arc-selection mode applied to the specification tree.
GetArea method in object PrintArea
Gets the printing area defined on an object.
GetAskAnlModeInfo method in object AnalysisSettingAtt
Retrieves environment informations for the AskAnlMode parameter.
GetAssignedER method in object EKPServices
Given a type of assignment, this method returns all the ER assigned to the Operation.
GetAssignedViewerInfo method in object TreeTabSettingAtt
Retrieves environment informations for the "Assigned Viewer" parameter.
GetAsso_modeInfo method in object V4WritingSettingAtt
Retrieves information about the Asso_mode setting parameter.
GetAssociatedConnectable method in object PspConnector
Get the connectable-owner of this connector.
GetAssociatedTPS method in object ManufacturingMachinableGeometry
Retrieves the Annotation object lists associated with a ManufacturingMachinableGeometry object.
GetAssociatedTPSCount method in object ManufacturingMachinableGeometry
Returns the number of Annotation objects attached to a pointed geometry under a ManufacturingMachinableGeometry object.
GetAssociatedToolTip method in object HomePosition
Get the tooltips associated with the home position.
GetAthAnnotationInfo method in object SimulationSettingAtt
Retrieves environment informations for the AthAnnotation parameter.
GetAthDisableSimInfo method in object SimulationSettingAtt
Retrieves environment informations for the AthDisableSim parameter.
GetAthEndConditionInfo method in object SimulationSettingAtt
Retrieves environment informations for the AthEndCondition parameter.
GetAthHyperlinkInfo method in object SimulationSettingAtt
Retrieves environment informations for the AthHyperlink parameter.
GetAthSelAgentDlgInfo method in object SimulationSettingAtt
Retrieves environment informations for the AthSelAgentDlg parameter.
GetAthStateMgtInfo method in object SimulationSettingAtt
Retrieves environment informations for the AthStateMgt parameter.
GetAthTextMsgInfo method in object SimulationSettingAtt
Retrieves environment informations for the AthTextMsg parameter.
GetAthViewpointInfo method in object SimulationSettingAtt
Retrieves environment informations for the AthViewpoint parameter.
GetAtomicActivities method in object GenericAction
Retreives the list of Atomic activities for the action.
GetAttAPInfo method in object StepSettingAtt
Retrieves environment informations for the AttAP parameter.
GetAttASMGVPInfo method in object StepSettingAtt
Retrieves environment informations for the AttASMGVP parameter.
GetAttASMInfo method in object StepSettingAtt
Retrieves environment informations for the AttASM parameter.
GetAttAngleDefFitingInfo method in object StepSettingAtt
Retrieves environment informations for the AttAngleDefFiting parameter.
GetAttAnnotationInfo method in object StepSettingAtt
Retrieves environment informations for the AttAnnotation parameter.
GetAttFittingInfo method in object StepSettingAtt
Retrieves environment informations for the AttFitting parameter.
GetAttGVPCOPSInfo method in object StepSettingAtt
Retrieves environment informations for the AttGVP parameter.
GetAttGVPCOPSSAGInfo method in object StepSettingAtt
Retrieves environment informations for the AttGVPVA parameter.
GetAttGVPCOPSTolInfo method in object StepSettingAtt
Retrieves environment informations for the AttGVPVA parameter.
GetAttGVPCdGInfo method in object StepSettingAtt
Retrieves environment informations for the AttGVPCdG parameter.
GetAttGVPInfo method in object StepSettingAtt
Retrieves environment informations for the AttGVP parameter.
GetAttGVPVAInfo method in object StepSettingAtt
Retrieves environment informations for the AttGVPVA parameter.
GetAttGroupModeInfo method in object StepSettingAtt
Retrieves environment informations for the AttGroupMode parameter.
GetAttHeaderAuthorInfo method in object StepSettingAtt
Retrieves environment informations for the AttHeaderAuthor parameter.
GetAttHeaderAuthorisationInfo method in object StepSettingAtt
Retrieves environment informations for the AttHeaderAuthorisation parameter.
GetAttHeaderDescriptionInfo method in object StepSettingAtt
Retrieves environment informations for the AttHeaderDescription parameter.
GetAttHeaderOrganisationInfo method in object StepSettingAtt
Retrieves environment informations for the AttHeaderOrganisation parameter.
GetAttIASMInfo method in object StepSettingAtt
Retrieves environment informations for the AttIASM parameter.
GetAttLayersFiltersInfo method in object StepSettingAtt
Retrieves environment informations for the AttLayersFilters parameter.
GetAttMultiCADInfo method in object StepSettingAtt
Retrieves environment informations for the AttMultiCAD parameter.
GetAttOptimizeC2Info method in object StepSettingAtt
Retrieves environment informations for the AttOptimizeC2 parameter.
GetAttReportInfo method in object StepSettingAtt
Retrieves environment informations for the AttReport parameter.
GetAttShowInfo method in object StepSettingAtt
Retrieves environment informations for the AttShow parameter.
GetAttTolDefOptFitInfo method in object StepSettingAtt
Retrieves environment informations for the AttTolDefOptFit parameter.
GetAttUnitsInfo method in object StepSettingAtt
Retrieves environment informations for the AttUnits parameter.
GetAttachedOwner method in object TCPTrace
Retrieves the default attached owner of the trace.
GetAttachedOwner method in object TCPTraceManager
Retrieves the default attached owner of the trace.
GetAttachmentFactory method in object AttachmentCont
GetAttribute method in object WIText
This gets the value of the Attribute.
GetAttribute method in object ManufacturingTool
Retrieve by is name the attribute of a Manufacturing Tool.
GetAttribute method in object ManufacturingInsert
Retrieve by is name the attribute of an insert object.
GetAttribute method in object ManufacturingMachine
Retrieve the Attribute of a Manufacturing Machine.
GetAttribute method in object ManufacturingActivity
Retreive the Attribute of a Manufacturing Activity.
GetAttribute method in object ManufacturingToolMotion
Retrieve by is name the attribute of a Manufacturing ToolMotion.
GetAttribute method in object ManufacturingToolAssembly
Returns an attribute of a tool assembly.
GetAttributeNLSName method in object ManufacturingTool
Retrieve the NLS name from the attribute name of a Manufacturing Tool.
GetAttributeNLSName method in object ManufacturingInsert
Gives the NLS value of an insert object Example: The following example gives in NLSresult the NLS value of the "MFG_COMMENT" attributes of the insert CurrentInsert NLSresult = CurrentInsert.
GetAttributeNLSName method in object ManufacturingMachine
Retrieve the NLS name from the attribute name of a Manufacturing Machine.
GetAttributeNLSName method in object ManufacturingActivity
Retrieve the NLS name from the attribute name of a Manufacturing Activity.
GetAttributeNLSName method in object ManufacturingToolAssembly
Returns the NLS value of an attribute.
GetAttributeValue method in object ParameterProfiles
GetAttributeValueReal method in object AMPTag
Function to get the value of the given real attribute on the given AMPTag.
GetAttributeValueString method in object AMPTag
Function to get the value of the given string attribute on the given AMPTag.
GetAttributesFilterInfo method in object TreeTabSettingAtt
Retrieves environment informations for the "Attributes" parameter.
GetAuthorNameInfo method in object IgesSettingAtt
Retrieves environment informations for the AuthorName parameter.
GetAuthorOrganizationInfo method in object IgesSettingAtt
Retrieves environment informations for the AuthorOrganization parameter.
GetAutoCCPInfo method in object HtsCCPSettingAtt
Retrieves environment informations for the AutoCCP parameter.
GetAutoExpandActivationInfo method in object TreeVizManipSettingAtt
Retrieves environment informations for automatic expand mode applied to the specification tree.
GetAutoLoadMfgCtxInfo method in object MfgHubSettingAtt
Retrieves environment informations for the AutoLoadMfgCtx parameter.
GetAutoLoadSrvMfgCtxInfo method in object MfgHubSettingAtt
Retrieves environment informations for the AutoLoadSrvMfgCtx parameter.
GetAutoLoadVolCtxInfo method in object MfgHubSettingAtt
Retrieves environment informations for the AutoLoadVolCtx parameter.
GetAutoPreviewModeInfo method in object AnalysisPostProSettingAtt
Retrieves environment informations for the AutoPreviewMode parameter.
GetAutoReframeFilterInfo method in object VerifTabSettingAtt
Retrieves environment informations for the "Auto Reframe" parameter.
GetAutoSaveInfo method in object GeneralSessionSettingAtt
Retrieves environment informations for the data save parameter.
GetAutoScrollActivationInfo method in object TreeVizManipSettingAtt
Retrieves environment informations for automatic scrolling mode applied to the specification tree.
GetAutoSwitchToDesignModeInfo method in object AsmGeneralSettingAtt
Retrieves the state of the implicit switch from visualization mode to design mode setting parameter.
GetAutoUpdateModeInfo method in object AsmGeneralSettingAtt
Retrieves informations about the automatic update setting parameter.
GetAutoWalkActColorInfo method in object HtsTaskDisplaySettingAtt
Retrieves environment informations for the AutoWalkActColor parameter.
GetAutoWalkActLineTypeInfo method in object HtsTaskDisplaySettingAtt
Retrieves environment informations for the AutoWalkActLineType parameter.
GetAutoWalkActLineWeightInfo method in object HtsTaskDisplaySettingAtt
Retrieves environment informations for the AutoWalkActLineWeight parameter.
GetAuxAttribute method in object AMPTag
Function to get an auxilliary attribute value of the given AMPTag.
GetAuxAttributeNum method in object AMPTag
Function to get the number of auxilliary attributes of the given AMPTag.
GetAuxAxesValues method in object AMPTag
Function to get the auxilliary axes values of the given AMPTag.
GetAuxiliaryDrillViewerInfo method in object VisualizationSettingAtt
Retrieves information about the AuxiliaryDrillViewer setting parameter.
GetAuxillaryAxisHome method in object RobotMotion
Retrieves the underlying Auxillary device Home.
GetAuxillaryAxisValues method in object RobotMotion
Retrieves the underlying Auxillary device Joint values.
GetAxis method in object Parabola2D
GetAxis method in object Hyperbola2D
GetAxis method in object HybridShapeCircle
Returns the axis of the Circle.
GetAxis method in object Measurable
Retrieves the axis vector of the cylinder or a cone.
GetAxisSystem method in object Measurable
Retrieves the information of the axis system.
GetAxisSystemSizeInfo method in object PartInfrastructureSettingAtt
Retrieves environment informations for the "AxisSystemSize" parameter.
GetAxisSysteme method in object DrawingViewGenerativeBehavior
Retrieves the axis systeme associated with the view.
GetBKTAccessRightsInfo method in object BehaviorSettingAtt
Retrieves environment informations for the BKTAccessRights parameter.
GetBKTBehaviorOperationMessageInfo method in object BehaviorSettingAtt
Retrieves environment informations for the BKTBehaviorOperationMessage parameter.
GetBKTSpecificationTreeInfo method in object BehaviorSettingAtt
Retrieves environment informations for the BKTSpecificationTree parameter.
GetBackClippingPlaneInfo method in object Layout2DSettingAtt
Retrieves environment informations for the BackClippingPlane parameter.
GetBackFaceCullingMode method in object VisualizationSettingAtt
Retrieves the BackFaceCullingMode parameter.
GetBackFaceCullingModeInfo method in object VisualizationSettingAtt
Retrieves information about the BackFaceCullingMode setting parameter.
GetBackgroundColor method in object Viewer
Gets the viewer's background color.
GetBackgroundImageModeInfo method in object AnalysisReportingSettingAtt
Retrieves environment informations for the BackgroundImageMode parameter.
GetBackgroundRGB method in object VisualizationSettingAtt
Returns the BackgroundRGB parameter.
GetBackgroundRGBInfo method in object VisualizationSettingAtt
Retrieves information about the BackgroundRGB setting parameter.
GetBaultText method in object DrawingDimValue
Get bault text of dimension value.
GetBeepModeInfo method in object AnalysisSettingAtt
Retrieves environment informations for the BeepMode parameter.
GetBendData method in object PspLightBend
Returns the list of bend radii.
GetBestCntrForRoute method in object SchCompatible
Find the best-fit connector to be used to connect a route to.
GetBestFitInsertInfo method in object SchCompatible
Find the best-fit connector(s) to be used for inserting a component into a route.
GetBestFitPlaceInfo method in object SchCompatible
Find the best-fit connector(s) to be used for placing a component and connecting it to another.
GetBodiesUnderOperationsInTreeInfo method in object PartInfrastructureSettingAtt
Retrieves environment informations for the "BodiesUnderOperationsInTree" parameter.
GetBodyHideInCaptureInfo method in object FTASettingAtt
Retrieves informations about the Visibility of Part instances, bodies and geometrical sets in Capture.
GetBodyToHeal method in object HybridShapeHealing
Returns the body to be healed from the list at specified position.
GetBooleanAttribute method in object E5Property
GetBorderEdgesModeInfo method in object VisualizationSettingAtt
Retrieves information about the BorderEdgesMode setting parameter.
GetBorderEdgesRGB method in object VisualizationSettingAtt
Returns the BorderEdgesRGB parameter.
GetBorderEdgesRGBInfo method in object VisualizationSettingAtt
Retrieves information about the BorderEdgesRGB setting parameter.
GetBorderEdgesThicknessInfo method in object VisualizationSettingAtt
Retrieves information about the BorderEdgesThickness setting parameter.
GetBorderMode method in object HybridShapeBlend
Returns the type of border to a limit of the blend.
GetBoundAtPosition method in object HybridShapeFill
Retrieves the boundary at specified position in the hybrid shape fill feature object.
GetBoundPosition method in object HybridShapeFill
Retrieves the position of a boundary used by the hybrid shape fill feature object.
GetBoundSize method in object HybridShapeFill
Returns the number of boundaries in the Fill object.
GetBoundaries2DLColor method in object Layout2DSettingAtt
Returns the Boundaries2DLColor parameter.
GetBoundaries2DLColorInfo method in object Layout2DSettingAtt
Retrieves environment informations for the Boundaries2DLColor parameter.
GetBoundaries2DLDisplayInfo method in object Layout2DSettingAtt
Retrieves environment informations for the Boundaries2DLDisplay parameter.
GetBoundaries2DLLineTypeInfo method in object Layout2DSettingAtt
Retrieves environment informations for the Boundaries2DLLineType parameter.
GetBoundaries2DLThicknessInfo method in object Layout2DSettingAtt
Retrieves environment informations for the Boundaries2DLThickness parameter.
GetBoundary method in object Shapes
Returns a boundary using its label.
GetBoundary method in object Sketches
Returns a boundary using its label.
GetBoundary method in object HybridShapes
Returns a boundary using its label.
GetBoundaryBox method in object DrawingDimension
Get boundary box coordinates of dimension value.
GetBoundaryContinuity method in object HybridShapeFill
Returns the continuity mode for a boundary at specified position in the Fill.
GetBoundaryPoints method in object SchBoundaryElem
Get the definition points (segments end points) of one side of the boundary.
GetBoundingBoxSelectionModeInfo method in object VisualizationSettingAtt
Retrieves information about the BoundingBoxSelectionMode setting parameter.
GetBoxDisplayInfo method in object MeasureSettingAtt
Retrieves environment informations for the BoxDisplay parameter.
GetBranchIDs method in object MHILoadParameters
Gets the "subcompitem" IDs (oid) of the Branch.
GetCATFTAChamferGeneralTolClassInfo method in object FTASettingAtt
Retrieves environment informations for the CATFTAChamferGeneralTolClass parameter.
GetCATFTAEdgesColor method in object FTASettingAtt
Returns the GetCATFTAEdgesColor parameter.
GetCATFTAEdgesColorInfo method in object FTASettingAtt
Retrieves environment informations for the GetCATFTAEdgesColor parameter.
GetCATFTAEdgesLineTypeInfo method in object FTASettingAtt
Retrieves environment informations for the CATFTAEdgesLineType parameter.
GetCATFTAEdgesThicknessInfo method in object FTASettingAtt
Retrieves environment informations for the CATFTAEdgesThickness parameter.
GetCATFTAUFAutoTolerancingInfo method in object FTASettingAtt
Retrieves environment informations for the CATFTAUFAutoTolerancing parameter.
GetCATFTAUseLastTolerancesInfo method in object FTASettingAtt
Retrieves environment informations for the CATFTAUseLastTolerances parameter.
GetCOG method in object Measurable
Retrieves the position of the center of gravity of a surface and volume .
GetCOGPosition method in object Inertia
Retrieves the position of the center of gravity.
GetCacheMaxSizeMoInfo method in object CacheSettingAtt
Retrieves environment informations for the Cache maximum size.
GetCalibReferenceFile method in object CalibOffsets
Retrieve the reference calibration file.
GetCalloutCreationDialogBoxInfo method in object Layout2DSettingAtt
Retrieves environment informations for the CalloutCreationDialogBox parameter.
GetCartesianTarget method in object RobotMotion
Retrieves the Robot Cartesian target.
GetCautionColorInfo method in object DevAnalysisSettingAtt
Retrieves environment informations for the CautionColor parameter.
GetCautionZoneInfo method in object DevAnalysisSettingAtt
Retrieves environment informations for the CautionZone parameter.
GetCellAlignment method in object DrawingTable
Retrieves the alignment of the pointed cell of a drawing table.
GetCellBorderType method in object DrawingTable
Retrieves the drawing text contained in the cell of a drawing table.
GetCellName method in object DrawingTable
Returns the name of a table cell.
GetCellObject method in object DrawingTable
Retrieves the object contained in the cell of a drawing table.
GetCellString method in object DrawingTable
Returns the string contained in the cell of a drawing table.
GetCellsMerge method in object DrawingTable
Returns the merge cells.
GetCenter method in object Circle2D
GetCenter method in object Ellipse2D
GetCenter method in object Parabola2D
GetCenter method in object Hyperbola2D
GetCenter method in object HybridShapeCircle
Gets the mathematical center of the circle.
GetCenter method in object Measurable
Retrieves the position of the center of a circle or sphere.
GetCenterOfGravity method in object StrComputeServices
Retreive the center of gravity for a structure object.
GetCentroid method in object GenericToolProfile
Retrieve the underlying x,y,z of the Tool centroid.
GetCheckReportHtmlInfo method in object ReportGenerationSheetSettingAtt
Retrieves environment informations for the CheckReportHtml parameter.
GetChild method in object DNBAttachment
Get the Child Product of the Attachment.
GetChildMA method in object DNBAttachment
GetChildren method in object StiDBItem
GetChoiceNbSurfaces method in object HybridShapeSweepLine
Gets a sequence which identifies a solution amongst all possibilities of a line-profile swept surface, case CATGSMLinearSweep_TwoTangencySurfaces.
GetChoiceNo method in object HybridShapeSweepLine
Retrieves the choice number associated with each solution of a given linear sweep case.
GetChoiceNo method in object HybridShapeLineBiTangent
Returns a sequence which identifies a solution among all possibilities.
GetClashModeInfo method in object ManipSettingAtt
Retrieves environment informations for the ClashMode parameter.
GetClashSoundInfo method in object ManipSettingAtt
Retrieves environment informations for the ClashSound parameter.
GetClashWhileMovingInfo method in object FittingSettingAtt
Retrieves environment information for the AskAnlMode parameter.
GetCleanTolCheckInfo method in object V4WritingSettingAtt
Retrieves information about the CleanTolCheck setting parameter.
GetCleanTolValueInfo method in object V4WritingSettingAtt
Retrieves information about the CleanTolValue setting parameter.
GetClearanceVoxelInfo method in object N4DNavigatorSettingAtt
Retrieves environment informations for the ClearanceVoxel parameter.
GetClip method in object DrawingDimension
Gets informations of the dimension clipping.
GetClippingFrameInfo method in object Layout2DSettingAtt
Retrieves environment informations for the ClippingFrame parameter.
GetClippingFrameReframeOnModeInfo method in object Layout2DSettingAtt
GetClippingModeInfo method in object SectioningSettingAtt
Retrieves environment informations for the ClippingMode parameter.
GetClippingViewOutlineColor method in object Layout2DSettingAtt
Returns the ClippingViewOutlineColor parameter.
GetClippingViewOutlineColorInfo method in object Layout2DSettingAtt
Retrieves environment informations for the ClippingViewOutlineColor parameter.
GetClippingViewOutlineLinetypeInfo method in object Layout2DSettingAtt
Retrieves environment informations for the ClippingViewOutlineLinetype parameter.
GetClippingViewOutlineThicknessInfo method in object Layout2DSettingAtt
Retrieves environment informations for the ClippingViewOutlineThickness parameter.
GetClosingPoint method in object HybridShapeBlend
Returns the closing point of a closed curve of the blend.
GetClosure method in object HybridShapeSpline
Gets whether the curve is closed.
GetCode_pageInfo method in object InteropSettingAtt
Retrieves information about the "Reading Code page" setting parameter.
GetCode_page_DestInfo method in object V4WritingSettingAtt
Retrieves information about the Code_page_Dest setting parameter.
GetCollWalkClearanceInfo method in object HtsGeneralSettingAtt
GetCollapseExpandFilterInfo method in object TreeTabSettingAtt
Retrieves environment informations for the "Disable Collapse/Expand" parameter.
GetCollisionSearchIntensityInfo method in object HtsGeneralSettingAtt
GetColor method in object TCPTrace
Get the TCP trace component (DNBTCPTraceReps) color.
GetColor method in object RenderingLight
Returns the color of a light.
GetColorBackgroundModeInfo method in object VisualizationSettingAtt
Retrieves information about the ColorBackgroundMode setting parameter.
GetColorSynchronizationEditabilityInfo method in object PartInfrastructureSettingAtt
Retrieves environment informations for the "ColorSynchronizationEditability" parameter.
GetColorSynchronizationModeInfo method in object PartInfrastructureSettingAtt
Retrieves environment informations for the "ColorSynchronizationMode" parameter.
GetColumnSize method in object DrawingTable
Returns the width of a column of a drawing table.
GetColumnsNumber method in object BasicComponent
Return one of the dimensions information of the Basic Component structure.
GetCommandValues method in object Mechanism
Allows to retrieve current state of the mechanism.
GetCompGroupFromCatalog method in object SchematicRoot
Returns specific component group entry in a schematic component catalog document.
GetCompSymbolFromCatalog method in object SchematicRoot
Returns specific entry in a schematic component catalog document.
GetCompanionPathInfo method in object DocumentationSettingAtt
Retrieves environment informations for the User Companion location parameter.
GetCompartment method in object PspAppFactory
Instanciate a compartment from the catalog into the current Product.
GetCompassPosInfo method in object HtsCCPSettingAtt
Retrieves environment informations for the CompassPos parameter.
GetCompatiblePartTypes method in object PspFunctional
Retrieves a list of all physical part types that are compatible with this function.
GetComplementaryExtractMulti method in object HybridShapeExtractMulti
Returns the Complementary flag checked/unchecked of the list of constraints at specified position.
GetComponents method in object Position
Returns the components of an object's position.
GetComponents method in object SchematicRoot
Returns a list of schematic component instances under the root.
GetCompute3DCut method in object ThreeDCuts
Computes the 3DCut on the selected products (better signature).
GetCompute3DCutWithAReference method in object ThreeDCuts
Computes the 3DCut on the selected products, according to a reference product (better signature).
GetConferencingInfo method in object GeneralSessionSettingAtt
Retrieves environment informations for the conference driver parameter.
GetConfig method in object AMPTag
Function to get the config value of the given AMPTag.
GetConfig method in object RobotMotion
Retreives the Configuration.
GetConnectorByName method in object PspConnectable
Retrieves a connector with the given name.
GetConnectorMathPlane method in object PspPartConnector
Returns the 9 doubles values for plane contains the connector position (plane origin), alignment direction (plane z-axis), and the up direction (plane y-axis).
GetConnex method in object HybridShapeAssemble
Get the connex checker flag.
GetConstraint method in object MoveToPostureActivity
GetConstraintAtPosition method in object HybridShapeFill
Retrieves the constraint at specified position in the hybrid shape fill feature object.
GetConstraintCreationModeInfo method in object AsmConstraintSettingAtt
Retrieves informations about the constraint creation setting parameter.
GetConstraintElement method in object Constraint
Reads an element of a constraint.
GetConstraintElement method in object SWKIKConstraint
Returns a reference to the target object of the constraint (if any).
GetConstraintType method in object HybridShapeSpline
Returns the ControlPoint type at the given position.
GetConstraintVisuLocation method in object Constraint
Returns the constraint visualisation location.
GetConstraintsInGeometryInfo method in object PartInfrastructureSettingAtt
Retrieves environment informations for the "ConstraintsInGeometry" parameter.
GetConstraintsNodeInTreeInfo method in object PartInfrastructureSettingAtt
Retrieves environment informations for the "ConstraintsNodeInTree" parameter.
GetConstraintsSimulInfo method in object HtsGeneralSettingAtt
Retrieves environment informations for the ConstraintsSimul parameter.
GetConstraintsSize method in object HybridShapeFill
Returns the number of constraints in the Fill object.
GetContextualFeaturesSelectableAtCreationInfo method in object PartInfrastructureSettingAtt
Retrieves environment informations for the "ContextualFeaturesSelectableAtCreation" parameter.
GetContinuity method in object HybridShapeBlend
Retrieves the continuity of a limit of the blend.
GetContourSide method in object ManufacturingPrismaticMachiningArea
Gets the side of one contour of a Manufacturing Prismatic Machining Area.
GetControlPoints method in object Spline2D
Returns the control points making up the spline.
GetController method in object GenericToolProfile
Retrieves controller owning the profile.
GetController method in object GenericMotionProfile
Retrieves controller owning the profile.
GetController method in object GenericObjFrameProfile
Retrieves controller owning the profile.
GetController method in object GenericAccuracyProfile
Retrieves controller owning the profile.
GetConversionTechnologyInfo method in object MultiCADSettingAtt
Retrieves environment informations for the ConversionTechnology parameter.
GetConversion_TableInfo method in object InteropSettingAtt
Retrieves information about the "Characters Equivalence Table Path" setting parameter.
GetCoordinates method in object Point
Gets cartesian coordinates of the point.
GetCoordinates method in object Point2D
GetCoordinates method in object SelectedElement
Returns the coordinates of the pick point.
GetCoordinates method in object StrAnchorPoint
Retrieves the coordinates of the anchor point.
GetCoordinates method in object StrMemberExtremity
Retrieves the coordinates of the extremity.
GetCorrectedBaseOffset method in object CalibOffsets
Retrieve corrected base offset for the robot base wrt robot base reference position.
GetCorrectedToolOffset method in object CalibOffsets
Retrieve corrected tool offset for the robot wrt robot mount position.
GetCorrector method in object ManufacturingTool
Retreive the corrector (index) of a Manufacturing tool.
GetCount method in object FastenerGroup
Returns the number of entities in the fastener group of the Type.
GetCreateAssociativeUseEdgesInfo method in object Layout2DSettingAtt
Retrieves environment informations for the CreateAssociativeUseEdges parameter.
GetCreateNewSheetFromInfo method in object DraftingSettingAtt
Retrieves environment informations for the CreateNewSheetFrom parameter.
GetCreationMode method in object HybridShapeRotate
Gets the creation mode.
GetCreationMode method in object HybridShapeTranslate
Gets the creation mode.
GetCrvModInfo method in object IgesSettingAtt
Retrieves information about the Export BSpline mode setting parameter.
GetCurrentAccuracyProfile method in object RobGenericController
Get current Accuracy profile name used in controller.
GetCurrentApplicationID method in object SchSession
Get the current application ID.
GetCurrentDocument method in object SchSession
Get the current document.
GetCurrentMotionProfile method in object RobGenericController
Get current Motion profile name used in controller.
GetCurrentObjFrameProfile method in object RobGenericController
Get current ObjFrame profile name used in controller.
GetCurrentObject method in object ManufacturingOutputGenerator
Get current object from buffer.
GetCurrentPosInfo method in object HtsCCPSettingAtt
Retrieves environment informations for the CurrentPos parameter.
GetCurrentToolProfile method in object RobGenericController
Get current tool profile name used in controller.
GetCurvature method in object Curve2D
Returns the curvature and curvature direction at the parameter specified.
GetCurvatureRadius method in object HybridShapeSpline
Returns the curvature radius value for each point of the spline.
GetCurvatureThreshold method in object HybridShapeExtractMulti
Returns the CurvatureThreshold of the list of constraints at specified position.
GetCurvatureThresholdActivity method in object HybridShapeExtractMulti
Returns the CurvatureThresholdActivity of the list of constraints at specified position.
GetCurve method in object HybridShapeBlend
Returns a curve from the blend.
GetCurves method in object HybridShapeWrapCurve
Returns a curve from the WrapCurve.
GetCustomBackgroundImageInfo method in object AnalysisReportingSettingAtt
Retrieves environment informations for the CustomBackgroundImage parameter.
GetCustomImageFormatInfo method in object AnalysisReportingSettingAtt
Retrieves environment informations for the CustomImageFormat parameter.
GetCustomImageHeightInfo method in object AnalysisReportingSettingAtt
Retrieves environment informations for the CustomImageHeight parameter.
GetCustomImageWidthInfo method in object AnalysisReportingSettingAtt
Retrieves environment informations for the CustomImageWidth parameter.
GetCustomerFactory method in object Part
Returns a customer factory from a code string defined by the customer.
GetCutPoint method in object HybridShapeSweep
GetCuttingElem method in object HybridShapeSplit
Gets the cutting feature at a given index (a point, a curve or a surface).
GetDLName method in object DLNameSettingAtt
Retrieves the mapping between a logical name and the physical path.
GetDLNameCreationRightInfo method in object DLNameSettingAtt
Retrieves the state of the parameter DLNameCreationRight.
GetDLNameExp method in object DLNameSettingAtt
Retrieves the mapping between a logical name and the physical path.
GetDLNameInfo method in object DLNameSettingAtt
Retrieves the state of the for a given DLName.
GetDLNameList method in object DLNameSettingAtt
Retrieves the list of the DLNames.
GetDLNameSubList method in object DLNameSettingAtt
Retrieves the list of the Sub-DLNames.
GetDMUClashPreviewInfo method in object N4DNavigatorSettingAtt
Retrieves environment informations for the DMUClashPreview parameter.
GetDMUCut3DPreviewInfo method in object N4DNavigatorSettingAtt
Retrieves environment informations for the DMUCut3DPreview parameter.
GetDMUDistancePreviewInfo method in object N4DNavigatorSettingAtt
Retrieves environment informations for the DMUDistancePreview parameter.
GetDMUFreeSpacePreviewInfo method in object N4DNavigatorSettingAtt
Retrieves environment informations for the DMUFreeSpacePreview parameter.
GetDMUGroupPreviewHiddenObjectsColor method in object N4DNavigatorSettingAtt
Returns the color for the display of hidden objects in DMU Group Preview.
GetDMUGroupPreviewHiddenObjectsColorInfo method in object N4DNavigatorSettingAtt
Retrieves environment informations for the DMUGroupPreviewHiddenObjectsColor parameter.
GetDMUGroupPreviewHiddenObjectsDisplayModeInfo method in object N4DNavigatorSettingAtt
Retrieves environment informations for the DMUGroupPreviewHiddenObjectsDisplayMode parameter.
GetDMUGroupPreviewHiddenObjectsLowIntInfo method in object N4DNavigatorSettingAtt
Retrieves environment informations for the DMUGroupPreviewHiddenObjectsLowInt parameter.
GetDMUGroupPreviewHiddenObjectsOpacityInfo method in object N4DNavigatorSettingAtt
Retrieves environment informations for the DMUGroupPreviewHiddenObjectsOpacity parameter.
GetDMUGroupPreviewHiddenObjectsPickInfo method in object N4DNavigatorSettingAtt
Retrieves environment informations for the DMUGroupPreviewHiddenObjectsPick parameter.
GetDMUGroupPreviewInfo method in object N4DNavigatorSettingAtt
Retrieves environment informations for the DMUGroupPreview parameter.
GetDMUMergerPreviewInfo method in object N4DNavigatorSettingAtt
Retrieves environment informations for the DMUMergerPreview parameter.
GetDMUOffsetPreviewInfo method in object N4DNavigatorSettingAtt
Retrieves environment informations for the DMUOffsetPreview parameter.
GetDMUReviewNameInfo method in object N4DNavigatorSettingAtt
Retrieves environment informations for the DMUReviewName parameter.
GetDMUSectionPreviewInfo method in object N4DNavigatorSettingAtt
Retrieves environment informations for the DMUSectionPreview parameter.
GetDMUShuttlePreviewInfo method in object N4DNavigatorSettingAtt
Retrieves environment informations for the DMUShuttlePreview parameter.
GetDMUSilhouettePreviewInfo method in object N4DNavigatorSettingAtt
Retrieves environment informations for the DMUSilhouettePreview parameter.
GetDMUSimplifPreviewInfo method in object N4DNavigatorSettingAtt
Retrieves environment informations for the DMUSimplifPreview parameter.
GetDMUSweptVolPreviewInfo method in object N4DNavigatorSettingAtt
Retrieves environment informations for the DMUSweptVolPreview parameter.
GetDMUThicknessPreviewInfo method in object N4DNavigatorSettingAtt
Retrieves environment informations for the DMUThicknessPreview parameter.
GetDMUVibrationVolPreviewInfo method in object N4DNavigatorSettingAtt
Retrieves environment informations for the DMUVibrationVolPreview parameter.
GetDMUWrappingPreviewInfo method in object N4DNavigatorSettingAtt
Retrieves environment informations for the DMUWrappingPreview parameter.
GetDOFActivation method in object ABQDisplacementBC
GetDOFValues method in object BasicDevice
Get the DOF values for the device.
GetDOFValues method in object HomePosition
Get the DOF values for the home position.
GetDatas method in object Shot
Retrieves the data related to the shot.
GetDatumConnector method in object PspPartConnector
Returns the Datum connector.
GetDecimalReadOnly method in object UnitsSheetSettingAtt
Returns the number of decimals for ReadOnly number.
GetDecimalReadWrite method in object UnitsSheetSettingAtt
Returns the number of decimals for ReadWrite number.
GetDedicatedFilterTypeInfo method in object Layout2DSettingAtt
Retrieves environment informations for the DedicatedFilterType parameter.
GetDeepSearchActivationInfo method in object SearchSettingAtt
Retrieves information about the Deep Search Activation setting parameter.
GetDefaultAnalysisFlagInfo method in object AnalysisGeneralSettingAtt
Retrieves environment informations for the default flag.
GetDefaultAnalysisTemplateInfo method in object AnalysisGeneralSettingAtt
Retrieves environment informations for the default template.
GetDefaultDiffuseAmbientCoefficientInfo method in object VisualizationSettingAtt
Retrieves information about the DefaultDiffuseAmbientCoefficient setting parameter.
GetDefaultMacroLibraries method in object MacrosSettingAtt
Returns the list of default macro libraries.
GetDefaultMacroLibrariesInfo method in object MacrosSettingAtt
Retrieves environment informations for the default macro libraries setting.
GetDefaultPowerInputContextPriorityInfo method in object SearchSettingAtt
Retrieves information about the Default Power Input Context Priority setting parameter.
GetDefaultPowerInputContextScopeInfo method in object SearchSettingAtt
Retrieves information about the Default Power Input Context Scope setting parameter.
GetDefaultPowerInputPrefixInfo method in object SearchSettingAtt
Retrieves information about the Default Power Input Prefix setting parameter.
GetDefaultShapeName method in object Product
Returns the default shape.
GetDefaultShininessInfo method in object VisualizationSettingAtt
Retrieves information about the DefaultShininess setting parameter.
GetDefaultSpecularCoefficientInfo method in object VisualizationSettingAtt
Retrieves information about the DefaultSpecularCoefficient setting parameter.
GetDefaultSpeedInfo method in object FittingSettingAtt
Retrieves environment information for the DefaultSpeed parameter.
GetDefaultStyleSheetInfo method in object FASReportingSettingAtt
Gets information on "OLP Robot Program Directory" parameter.
GetDefaultTimeInfo method in object FittingSettingAtt
Retrieves environment information for the DefaultTime parameter.
GetDefaultToleranceInfo method in object ToleranceSheetSettingAtt
Retrieves environment informations for the DefaultTolerance parameter.
GetDefaultWalkSpeedInfo method in object HtsGeneralSettingAtt
Retrieves environment informations for the DefaultWalkSpeed parameter.
GetDefinition method in object Scene
Returns the product's definition.
GetDefinition method in object PspLightPart
Retrieves the points defining the object.
GetDeleteWarningBoxInfo method in object PartInfrastructureSettingAtt
Retrieves environment informations for the "DeleteWarningBox" parameter.
GetDemoModeInfo method in object LicenseSettingAtt
Retrieves information about the DemoMode setting parameter.
GetDerivatives method in object Curve2D
Returns the first, second and third derivatives at the parameter specified.
GetDescription method in object Scene
Returns the product's description.
GetDesignModeInfo method in object DMUTolSettingAtt
Retrieves informations about the Design Mode setting parameter value.
GetDesignReviewInfo method in object Export3DXmlSettingAtt
Retrieves environment informations for the Design Review setting.
GetDesignTablesCopyDataInfo method in object KnowledgeSheetSettingAtt
Retrieves environment informations for the DesignTablesCopyData parameter.
GetDesignTablesSynchronizationInfo method in object KnowledgeSheetSettingAtt
Retrieves environment informations for the DesignTablesSynchronization parameter.
GetDesignXYZYPR method in object PointFastener
eturns Design data of the fastener.
GetDetailingID method in object MHILoadParameters
GetDetailingNames method in object MHISaveAccess
Gets the name of the currently loaded detailing and the names of all the other detailings that exist for the loaded object.
GetDetailsModeExplodeInfo method in object V4V5SpaceSettingAtt
Retrieves information about the Details Migration Mode setting parameter.
GetDetailsModeUsualInfo method in object V4V5SpaceSettingAtt
Retrieves information about the Details Migration Mode setting parameter.
GetDetailsModeWireframeInfo method in object V4V5SpaceSettingAtt
Retrieves information about the Details Migration Mode setting parameter.
GetDeviation method in object HybridShapeAssemble
Get the deviation value.
GetDeviceDOFValues method in object DOFState
Get the DOF values for the device.
GetDiffuseColor method in object RenderingMaterial
Returns the diffuse color of a material.
GetDimAfterCreInfo method in object FTASettingAtt
Retrieves informations about the Dimension After Creation setting parameter value.
GetDimAfterModInfo method in object FTASettingAtt
Retrieves informations about the Dimension After Modification setting parameter value.
GetDimBeforeCreInfo method in object FTASettingAtt
Retrieves informations about the Dimension Before Creation setting parameter value.
GetDimBeforeModInfo method in object FTASettingAtt
Retrieves informations about the Dimension Before Modification setting parameter value.
GetDimBlankingCreInfo method in object FTASettingAtt
Retrieves informations about the Dimension Blanking Creation setting parameter value.
GetDimBlankingModInfo method in object FTASettingAtt
Retrieves informations about the Dimension Blanking Modification setting parameter value.
GetDimConfigureSnappingInfo method in object FTASettingAtt
Retrieves informations about the DimMoveSubPart setting parameter value.
GetDimConstantOffsetInfo method in object FTASettingAtt
Retrieves informations about the Dimension Constant Offset setting parameter value.
GetDimCreateOnInfo method in object FTASettingAtt
Retrieves informations about the DimCreateOn setting parameter value.
GetDimExtLine method in object DrawingDimension
Returns the drawing extension line of the drawing dimension.
GetDimLine method in object DrawingDimension
Returns the drawing dimension line of the drawing dimension.
GetDimLineDir method in object DrawingDimLine
Returns direction of a dimension line in case of a DrwDimUserDefined representation mode.
GetDimLinePosValueInfo method in object FTASettingAtt
Retrieves informations about the Dimension Line Position Value setting parameter value.
GetDimLineUpBaseAngleInfo method in object FTASettingAtt
Retrieves informations about the Dimension Line Up Base Angle setting parameter value.
GetDimLineUpBaseLengthInfo method in object FTASettingAtt
Retrieves informations about the Dimension Line Up Base Length setting parameter value.
GetDimLineUpCumulInfo method in object FTASettingAtt
Retrieves informations about the Dimension Line Up Cululated setting parameter value.
GetDimLineUpFunnelInfo method in object FTASettingAtt
Retrieves informations about the Dimension Line Up Funnel setting parameter value.
GetDimLineUpOffsetBetDimAngleInfo method in object FTASettingAtt
Retrieves informations about the DimLineUpOffsetBetDimAngle setting parameter value.
GetDimLineUpOffsetBetDimLengthInfo method in object FTASettingAtt
Retrieves informations about the DimLineUpOffsetBetDimLength setting parameter value.
GetDimLineUpOffsetToRefAngleInfo method in object FTASettingAtt
Retrieves informations about the DimLineUpOffsetToRefAngle setting parameter value.
GetDimLineUpOffsetToRefLengthInfo method in object FTASettingAtt
Retrieves informations about the DimLineUpOffsetToRefLength setting parameter value.
GetDimLineUpStackInfo method in object FTASettingAtt
Retrieves informations about the Dimension Line Up Stack setting parameter value.
GetDimManualPositionningInfo method in object FTASettingAtt
Retrieves informations about the Dimension Manual Positionning setting parameter value.
GetDimMove2dPartCreInfo method in object FTASettingAtt
Retrieves informations about the Dimension Move 2D Creation setting parameter value.
GetDimMove2dPartModInfo method in object FTASettingAtt
Retrieves informations about the Dimension Move 2D Modification setting parameter value.
GetDimMoveDimLineCreInfo method in object FTASettingAtt
Retrieves informations about the Dimension Move Dimension Line Creation setting parameter value.
GetDimMoveDimLineModInfo method in object FTASettingAtt
Retrieves informations about the Dimension Move Dimension Line Modification setting parameter value.
GetDimMoveLeaderCreInfo method in object FTASettingAtt
Retrieves informations about the Dimension leader Creation setting parameter value.
GetDimMoveLeaderModInfo method in object FTASettingAtt
Retrieves informations about the Dimension leader modification setting parameter value.
GetDimMoveSubPartInfo method in object FTASettingAtt
Retrieves informations about the DimMoveSubPart setting parameter value.
GetDimMoveValueCreInfo method in object FTASettingAtt
Retrieves informations about the Dimension Move Value Creation setting parameter value.
GetDimMoveValueModInfo method in object FTASettingAtt
Retrieves informations about the Dimension Move Value Modification setting parameter value.
GetDimORunCreInfo method in object FTASettingAtt
Retrieves informations about the Dimension Over Run Creation setting parameter value.
GetDimORunModInfo method in object FTASettingAtt
Retrieves informations about the Dimension Over Run Modification setting parameter value.
GetDimOriDefaultSymbInfo method in object FTASettingAtt
Retrieves informations about the Dimension Orientation Default Symbol setting parameter value.
GetDimSnappingInfo method in object FTASettingAtt
Retrieves informations about the Dimension Snapping setting parameter value.
GetDimension method in object ArrangementItemReservation
Returns the Dimensions of the ArrangementItemReservation.
GetDimensionsDisplayInfo method in object UnitsSheetSettingAtt
Retrieves information about the DimensionsDisplay setting parameter.
GetDirection method in object Line
Role : Returns the unit-vector pointing in the direction of the line.
GetDirection method in object Hole
Returns the hole direction with absolute coordinates.
GetDirection method in object Prism
Returns the prism direction with absolute coordinates.
GetDirection method in object LightSource
Returns the lighting direction as an array of 3 variants.
GetDirection method in object Line2D
Returns the unit-vector pointing in the direction of the line.
GetDirection method in object CylindricalFace
GetDirection method in object AssemblyHole
Retrieves the hole direction vector components.
GetDirection method in object Measurable
Retrieves the direction of the line.
GetDirection method in object AssemblyPocket
Retrieves the pocket direction vector components.
GetDirection method in object RectilinearBiDimFeatEdge
Returns the direction of the rectilinear edge.
GetDirection method in object ManufacturingHole
Returns the hole direction with absolute coordinates.
GetDirection method in object RectilinearTriDimFeatEdge
GetDirection method in object RectilinearMonoDimFeatEdge
GetDirection method in object ManufacturingMachinableGeometry
Retrieves the direction of a pointed geometry under a ManufacturingMachinableGeometry object.
GetDirectionInversion method in object HybridShapeSpline
Gets the orientation of the tangent direction .
GetDirectoryForInputXslInfo method in object ReportGenerationSheetSettingAtt
Retrieves environment informations for the DirectoryForInputXsl parameter.
GetDisplayAnlStatusInfo method in object AnalysisSettingAtt
Retrieves environment informations for the DisplayAnlStatus parameter.
GetDisplayBackAndCuttingPlaneInfo method in object Layout2DSettingAtt
Retrieves environment informations for the DisplayBackAndCuttingPlane parameter.
GetDisplayClippingOutlineInfo method in object Layout2DSettingAtt
Retrieves environment informations for the DisplayClippingOutline parameter.
GetDisplayCurrentScaleInfo method in object VisualizationSettingAtt
Retrieves information about the SetStereoModeLock setting parameter.
GetDisplayCutInWireframeInfo method in object SectioningSettingAtt
Retrieves environment informations for the DisplayCutInWireframe parameter.
GetDisplayDrillListInfo method in object VisualizationSettingAtt
Retrieves information about the DisplayDrillList setting parameter.
GetDisplayGeomOnScrollingInfo method in object TreeVizManipSettingAtt
Retrieves environment informations for "display geometry on scrolling" mode.
GetDisplayGeometryAfterCurrentInfo method in object PartInfrastructureSettingAtt
Retrieves environment informations for the "DisplayGeometryAfterCurrent" parameter.
GetDisplayImmersiveDrillViewerInfo method in object VisualizationSettingAtt
Retrieves information about the DisplayImmersiveDrillViewer setting parameter.
GetDisplayModeInfo method in object InteropSettingAtt
Retrieves information about the "Display only elements with Sensitive Attribute" setting parameter.
GetDisplayNameModeInfo method in object TreeTabSettingAtt
Retrieves environment informations for the "Display Name Mode" parameter.
GetDisplayOrderInfo method in object TreeTabSettingAtt
Retrieves environment informations for the 'Display Order' parameter.
GetDisplayProcessOrderInfo method in object TreeTabSettingAtt
Retrieves environment informations for the 'Display Order for Processes' parameter.
GetDisplayResetButtonInfo method in object DraftingSettingAtt
Retrieves environment informations for the DisplayResetButton parameter.
GetDisplayTrailingZerosInfo method in object UnitsSheetSettingAtt
Retrieves environment informations for the DisplayTrailingZeros parameter.
GetDisplayUnit method in object DrawingDimValue
Get display unit of dimension value.
GetDisplayV4Text3DInfo method in object InteropSettingAtt
Retrieves information about the "Display 3D elements labels" setting parameter.
GetDistanceStepInfo method in object ManipSettingAtt
Retrieves environment informations for the DistanceStep parameter.
GetDistanceThreshold method in object HybridShapeExtractMulti
Returns the DistanceThreshold of the list of constraints at specified position.
GetDistanceThresholdActivity method in object HybridShapeExtractMulti
Returns the DistanceThresholdActivity of the list of constraints at specified position.
GetDlnameInfo method in object InteropSettingAtt
Retrieves information about the "DlNAME" setting parameter.
GetDocLanguageInfo method in object DocumentationSettingAtt
Retrieves environment informations for the technical documentation language parameter.
GetDocument method in object StiDBItem
Returns the CATIA Document associated to the CATIAStiDBItem -the SmarTeam Integration Object.
GetDocumentContentAtCreationInfo method in object FunctionalSystemSettingAtt
Retrieves environment informations for the DocumentContentAtCreation parameter.
GetDocumentFullPath method in object StiDBItem
Returns the Full Path of the CATIA Document associated to the CATIAStiDBItem.
GetDoubleAttribute method in object E5Property
GetDoubleUserAttribute method in object Fastener
eturns the value of user attribute whoes name matches the input string.
GetDownloaderDirInfo method in object IgpOlpSettingAtt
Retrieves information about the OLP Translator Directory setting parameter.
GetDownloaderInfo method in object IgpOlpSettingAtt
Retrieves information about the OLP Translator setting parameter.
GetDraftAngleDefinitionLocation method in object HybridShapeSweepLine
Retrieves the draft angle location element.
GetDraftAngleDefinitionLocationsNb method in object HybridShapeSweepLine
Retrieves the draft angle location list size.
GetDraftFeatureMigrationModeInfo method in object SpecV4SettingAtt
Retrieves information about the DraftFeatureMigrationMode setting parameter.
GetDragDropInfo method in object GeneralSessionSettingAtt
Retrieves environment informations for the drag & drop parameter.
GetDrawInfo method in object InteropSettingAtt
Retrieves information about the "Open in Light Mode: 2D Data are not taken into account" setting parameter.
GetDrawing method in object SchematicRoot
Retrieves the drawing root in the schematic document.
GetDrawingStandard method in object SchematicRoot
Get the drawing standard.
GetDriverConfigurationPath method in object PrintersSettingAtt
Returns the driver configuration file.
GetDriverConfigurationPathInfo method in object PrintersSettingAtt
Retrieves environment informations for the driver configuration file.
GetDuration method in object Shot
Retrieves the duration (time) associated to a shot.
GetDynamicCullInfo method in object VisualizationSettingAtt
Retrieves information about the DynamicCull setting parameter.
GetDynamicLODInfo method in object VisualizationSettingAtt
Retrieves information about the DynamicLOD setting parameter.
GetEdgeToKeepSharp method in object HybridShapeHealing
Returns the edge to be kept sharp from the list at specified position.
GetEdgeToTear method in object HybridShapeUnfold
Retrieves an element used by the hybrid shape unfold feature object.
GetEditDedicatedFilterDialogBoxInfo method in object Layout2DSettingAtt
Retrieves environment informations for the EditDedicatedFilterDialogBox parameter.
GetElem method in object HybridShapeTrim
Gets the trimmed feature at a given index.
GetElement method in object HybridShapeAssemble
Retrieves an element used by the hybrid shape assemble feature object.
GetElement method in object HybridShapePolyline
Returns the element of the polyline.
GetElement method in object HybridShapeExtractMulti
Returns the sub element used as init for the propagation.
GetElement method in object MfgActivities
This method return the specified CATIAManufacturingActivity in the current list CATIAMfgActivities.
GetElement method in object MfgToolMotions
This method return the specified CATIAManufacturingToolMotion in the current list CATIAMfgToolMotions.
GetElementProperties method in object ABQGlobalElementAssignment
Gets the behavior and the modifier to given element type.
GetElementToFreeze method in object HybridShapeHealing
Returns the element to be freezed from the list at specified position.
GetElementsSize method in object HybridShapeAssemble
Returns the size of the list of elements to assemble in the hybrid shape assemble feature object.
GetEnableAnlModeInfo method in object AnalysisSettingAtt
Retrieves environment informations for the EnableAnlMode parameter.
GetEnableHeartBeatInfo method in object RobAnalysisHeartBeatUsageSettingAtt
Retrieves environment informations for the SingularColor parameter.
GetEndEffector method in object SWKIKConstraint
Returns the end effector of the IK chain of the constraint.
GetEndPoint method in object SchGRRRoute
Get the end point of the route graphic.
GetEndPoints method in object Curve2D
Returns the end-points of the curve.
GetEndPoints method in object SchBoundaryElem
Get the end points (segments end points) of one side of the boundary.
GetEndTangentDirectionFlag method in object HybridShapeConic
Retrieves the tangent direction orientation at the conic end point.
GetEngineInterfaceInfo method in object RenderingSettingAtt
Retrieves environment informations for the EngineInterface parameter.
GetEnumerateValues method in object IntParam
Returns an array containing the different values that the int param can take in the case of multiple values.
GetEnumerateValues method in object StrParam
Returns an array containing the different values that the real param can take in the case of multiple values.
GetEnumerateValues method in object RealParam
Returns an array containing the different values that the real param can take in the case of multiple values.
GetEnumerateValuesSize method in object IntParam
Returns the number of enumerate values.
GetEnumerateValuesSize method in object StrParam
Returns the number of enumerate values.
GetEnumerateValuesSize method in object RealParam
Returns the number of enumerate values.
GetErrorDescription method in object OrderGenerator
Get Error Description.
GetEulerAngles method in object AxisSystem
Returns the Euler Angles of an axis system.
GetExclusionRegions method in object ABQRigidCoupling
Returns the exclusion regions for the coupling.
GetExclusionRegions method in object ABQSmoothCoupling
Returns the exclusion regions for the coupling.
GetExistingTaskTreatmentInfo method in object IgpOlpSettingAtt
Retrieves information about the OLP Existing Task Treatment On Upload setting parameter.
GetExpNotationValuesGreaterInfo method in object UnitsSheetSettingAtt
Retrieves environment informations for the ExpNotationValuesGreater parameter.
GetExpNotationValuesLowerInfo method in object UnitsSheetSettingAtt
Retrieves environment informations for the ExpNotationValuesLower parameter.
GetExpandSketchBasedFeaturesNodeAtCreationInfo method in object PartInfrastructureSettingAtt
Retrieves environment informations for the "ExpandSketchBasedFeaturesNodeAtCreation" parameter.
GetExportBackgroundColor method in object VrmlSettingAtt
Returns the ExportBackgroundColor parameter (Background color of exported Vrml files).
GetExportBackgroundColorInfo method in object VrmlSettingAtt
Retrieves information about the ExportBackgroundColor setting parameter.
GetExportEdgesInfo method in object VrmlSettingAtt
Retrieves information about the ExportEdges setting parameter.
GetExportMSBOInfo method in object IgesSettingAtt
Retrieves information about the Export Solid Mode setting parameter.
GetExportNormalsInfo method in object VrmlSettingAtt
Retrieves information about the ExportNormals setting parameter.
GetExportTextureFileInfo method in object VrmlSettingAtt
Retrieves information about the ExportTextureFile setting parameter.
GetExportTextureFormatInfo method in object VrmlSettingAtt
Retrieves information about the ExportTextureFormat setting parameter.
GetExportTextureInfo method in object VrmlSettingAtt
Retrieves information about the ExportTexture setting parameter.
GetExportUnitInfo method in object IgesSettingAtt
Retrieves information about the Export Units setting parameter.
GetExportVersionInfo method in object VrmlSettingAtt
Retrieves information about the ExportVersion setting parameter.
GetExternalMaxDeformationInfo method in object V4V5SpaceSettingAtt
Retrieves information about the ExternalMaxDeformation setting parameter.
GetExternalReferences method in object MacrosSettingAtt
Returns the list of external references.
GetExternalReferencesAsVisibleInfo method in object PartInfrastructureSettingAtt
Retrieves environment informations for the "ExternalReferencesAsVisible" parameter.
GetExternalReferencesAssemblyRootContextInfo method in object PartInfrastructureSettingAtt
Retrieves environment informations for the "ExternalReferencesAssemblyRootContext" parameter.
GetExternalReferencesInfo method in object MacrosSettingAtt
Retrieves environment informations for the external references setting.
GetExternalReferencesNodeInTreeInfo method in object PartInfrastructureSettingAtt
Retrieves environment informations for the "ExternalReferencesNodeInTree" parameter.
GetExternalTypeDeformationInfo method in object V4V5SpaceSettingAtt
Retrieves environment informations for activation mode with external deformation (Gap Healing).
GetExtremities method in object FunctActionsGroup
Get coordinates of Input and Output extremities.
GetExtremityCntrs method in object SchRoute
Get extremity connectors of the route.
GetFT06Stream method in object ManufacturingGeneratorData
Retrieves the FT06 stream.
GetFaceConnector method in object PspPartConnector
Returns the face connector.
GetFaceHLDrillInfo method in object VisualizationSettingAtt
Retrieves information about the FaceHLDrill setting parameter.
GetFaceToKeep method in object HybridShapeFilletBiTangent
Gets the face to keep for fillet operation.
GetFacesForClosing method in object HybridShapeLoft
Gets start and end faces if the tangent is a computed tangent surface to the start section or end section, from the lofted surface.
GetFacet method in object FunctionalObject
Returns the Facet.
GetFacet method in object FunctionalAction
Returns the Facet.
GetFacet method in object FunctionalDescription
Returns the Facet.
GetFacetByName method in object FunctionalObject
Returns the Facet.
GetFacetByName method in object FunctionalAction
Returns the Facet.
GetFacetByName method in object FunctionalDescription
Returns the Facet.
GetFakeDimValue method in object DrawingDimValue
Get fake value of dimension.
GetFastener method in object FastenerSet
Get a specified DELMIAFastener from the collection of Fasteners.
GetFasteners method in object DNBFastenerItemServices
Gets all the Fasteners on the products.
GetFastenersFromProcess method in object DNBFastenerItemServices
Gets all the DELMIAFasteners assigned to the Activity.
GetFastenersFromResource method in object DNBFastenerItemServices
Gets all the DELMIAFasteners assigned to the Resource.
GetFeature method in object ManufacturingOperation
Retrieve the Machinable Feature asociated to a Manufacturing Operation.
GetFederatedElement method in object HybridShapeAssemble
Retrieves an federated inits used by the hybrid shape assemble feature object.
GetFederatedElementsSize method in object HybridShapeAssemble
Gets the number of federated inits.
GetFederationPropagation method in object HybridShapeAssemble
Gets the propagation mode of the federation.
GetFeedSpeedAutoUpdate method in object ManufacturingOperation
Returns the Auto Update status for Feed Rate or Spindle Speed.
GetFeedrate method in object ManufacturingToolMotion
Retrieves the Feedrate of a Manufacturing Point to point ToolMotion.
GetFile method in object FileSystem
Returns a file using its full path.
GetFillPoint method in object HybridShapeSweep
GetFinishSymbol method in object DrawingWelding
Returns the finish symbol of the drawing welding.
GetFirstActInfo method in object HtsCCPSettingAtt
Retrieves environment informations for the FirstAct parameter.
GetFirstAngleLaw method in object HybridShapeSweepCircle
Retrieves the first angle law useful in some circular sweep types.
GetFirstAxis method in object Plane
Returns the coordinates of the first plane axis.
GetFirstAxis method in object PlanarFace
GetFirstDirection method in object RectPattern
Returns the first repartition direction.
GetFirstLengthDefinitionType method in object HybridShapeSweepLine
Retrieves the first length definition type.
GetFirstLengthLaw method in object HybridShapeSweepLine
Retrieves the first length law useful in some linear sweep types.
GetFirstPointCoordinates method in object Distance
Retrieves the coordinates of the point belonging to the first product, which realizes the distance.
GetFirstPointCoordinates method in object Conflict
Retrieves the coordinates of the point on the first product which realizes the penetration or minimum distance.
GetFittingPoints method in object HybridShapeSweepExplicit
Gets the fitting points : located in the profile plane, these points are used for two-guide swept surfaces to determine guide intersection locations.
GetFixTogether method in object FixTogether
Returns a FixTogether using its index or its name in the FixTogether.
GetFlip method in object DrawingComponent
Returns the flip state of a drawing component instance around X axis.
GetFlyByMode method in object GenericAccuracyProfile
Gets On/Off status of Flyby mode.
GetFlyCollisionModeInfo method in object VisualizationSettingAtt
Retrieves information about the FlyCollisionMode setting parameter.
GetFlyCollisionSphereRadiusInfo method in object VisualizationSettingAtt
Retrieves information about the FlyCollisionSphereRadius setting parameter.
GetFlyCollisionTypeInfo method in object VisualizationSettingAtt
Retrieves information about the FlyCollisionType setting parameter.
GetFlySensitivityInfo method in object VisualizationSettingAtt
Retrieves information about the FlySensitivity setting parameter.
GetFlySpeedInfo method in object VisualizationSettingAtt
Retrieves information about the FlySpeed setting parameter.
GetFlySpeedModeInfo method in object VisualizationSettingAtt
Retrieves information about the FlySpeedMode setting parameter.
GetFolder method in object FileSystem
Returns a folder using its full path.
GetFollowGroundAltitudeInfo method in object VisualizationSettingAtt
Retrieves information about the FollowGroundAltitude setting parameter.
GetFollowGroundModeInfo method in object VisualizationSettingAtt
Retrieves information about the FollowGroundMode setting parameter.
GetFontName method in object DrawingText
Returns the font name on a substring of the drawing text.
GetFontSize method in object DrawingText
Returns the font size on a substring of the drawing text.
GetForceClearanceVoxelInfo method in object N4DNavigatorSettingAtt
Retrieves environment informations for the ForceClearanceVoxel parameter.
GetForceVoxelInfo method in object N4DNavigatorSettingAtt
Retrieves environment informations for the ForceVoxel parameter.
GetFormatDisplayFactor method in object DrawingDimValue
Get format display factor of dimension value.
GetFormatMode method in object GeneralStatisticsSettingAtt
Returns the format mode of the statistics thematic.
GetFormatName method in object DrawingDimValue
Get format name of dimension value.
GetFormatPrecision method in object DrawingDimValue
Get format precision of dimension value.
GetFormatType method in object DrawingDimValue
Get format type of dimension value.
GetFormatUnit method in object DrawingDimValue
Get format unit of dimension value.
GetFreeCenter method in object HybridShapeCircle
Returns the circle center.
GetFreeRadius method in object HybridShapeCircle
Returns the circle radius.
GetFrequencyInfo method in object LicenseSettingAtt
Retrieves information about the Frequency setting parameter.
GetFromTo method in object PspLogicalLine
Retrieves the lists of major and minor from/to members from this line.
GetFromToInfoArrayMaxSize method in object PspLogicalLine
Returns the maximum possible size of the from-to information.
GetFromToInformation method in object PspLogicalLine
Retrieves the from/to information of a logical line.
GetFrozenCurveSegment method in object HybridShapeCurveSmooth
Retrieves the Frozen Curve Segment at specified position in the hybrid shape curve smooth object.
GetFrozenCurveSegmentsSize method in object HybridShapeCurveSmooth
Returns the number of frozen curve segments in the curve smooth object.
GetFrozenPoint method in object HybridShapeCurveSmooth
Retrieves the Frozen Point at specified position in the hybrid shape curve smooth object.
GetFrozenPointsSize method in object HybridShapeCurveSmooth
Returns the number of Frozen Points in the curve smooth object.
GetFullSceneAntiAliasingModeInfo method in object VisualizationSettingAtt
Retrieves information about the AntiAliasingMode setting parameter.
GetFunctional method in object PspPhysical
Returns the Function object.
GetFunctionalActionPresentationInfo method in object FunctionalSystemSettingAtt
Retrieves environment informations for the FunctionalActionPresentation parameter.
GetFunnel method in object DrawingDimExtLine
Get funnel infomation of dimension extension line.
GetGPSName method in object DrawingViewGenerativeBehavior
Retrieves the set of generative parameters currently applied to the view.
GetGRRName method in object SchGRR
Get current name of the GRR.
GetGRRRoute method in object SchRouteSymbol
Get the graphical representation of a schematic route that owns this symbol.
GetGap method in object DrawingDimExtLine
Get gap of dimension extension line.
GetGapConductionTable method in object ABQThermalConnBehavior
Returns list(s) containing gap, conductance, and temperature values.
GetGeneralTolClassInfo method in object FTASettingAtt
Retrieves informations about the Dimension general class tolerance setting parameter value.
GetGeomAssociatedToAnnotation method in object WIText
Gets the underlying geometry associated to FTA Text Annotation which is added as an item to operation of one WIText Activity or added as item to a WIText activity.
GetGeomInfo method in object DrawingDimLine
Get geometrical infomation of dimension line.
GetGeomInfo method in object DrawingDimExtLine
Get geometrical infomation of dimension extension line.
GetGeomReferedByAnnotation method in object WITextAccessEI
Gets the underlying geometry associated to FTA Text Annotation, an Engineering Intent which is added as an item to operation or to a WIText activity.
GetGeometricalFeatureType method in object HybridShapeFactory
Returns type of "geometrical" shape Design feature .
GetGeometriesAquisitionMode method in object ManufacturingPrismaticMachiningArea
Gets the aquisition mode of one geometry of a Manufacturing Prismatic Machining Area.
GetGeometryRepresentationFormatInfo method in object Export3DXmlSettingAtt
Retrieves environment informations for the geometry representation format setting.
GetGotoPtPointCoordinates method in object ManufacturingToolMotion
Retrieves coordinates on the ToolMotion.
GetGrabbedObjects method in object GrabAct
GetGrabbedObjects method in object ReleaseAct
GetGrantedLicensesList method in object LicenseSettingAtt
GetGravityAxisInfo method in object VisualizationSettingAtt
Retrieves information about the GravityAxis setting parameter.
GetGravityCenter method in object FreeSpace
Returns the gravity center.
GetGravityCenter method in object Analyze
Returns the gravity center coordinates of product.
GetGravityInfo method in object VisualizationSettingAtt
Retrieves information about the Gravity setting parameter.
GetGridAutoFilteringInfo method in object SectioningSettingAtt
Retrieves environment informations for the GridAutoFiltering parameter.
GetGridAutoResizeInfo method in object SectioningSettingAtt
Retrieves environment informations for the GridAutoResize parameter.
GetGridDisplayInfo method in object FTAInfraSettingAtt
Retrieves information about the Grid Display setting parameter value.
GetGridHeightStepInfo method in object SectioningSettingAtt
Retrieves environment informations for the GridHeightStep parameter.
GetGridPositionModeInfo method in object SectioningSettingAtt
Retrieves environment informations for the GridPositionMode parameter.
GetGridPrimarySpacingInfo method in object FTAInfraSettingAtt
Retrieves information about the Grid Primary Spacing setting parameter value.
GetGridSecondaryStepInfo method in object FTAInfraSettingAtt
Retrieves information about the Grid Secondary Step setting parameter value.
GetGridSnapPointInfo method in object FTAInfraSettingAtt
Retrieves information about the Grid Snap Point setting parameter value.
GetGridStyleInfo method in object SectioningSettingAtt
Retrieves environment informations for the GridStyle parameter.
GetGridVPrimarySpacingInfo method in object FTAInfraSettingAtt
Retrieves information about the GridV Primary Spacing setting parameter value.
GetGridVSecondaryStepInfo method in object FTAInfraSettingAtt
Retrieves information about the GridV Secondary Step setting parameter value.
GetGridWidthStepInfo method in object SectioningSettingAtt
Retrieves environment informations for the GridWidthStep parameter.
GetGuide method in object HybridShapeLoft
Gets informations about the guide at a specified position in the list of the lofted surface.
GetGuide method in object HybridShapeSpine
Retrieves a guide .
GetHaloModeInfo method in object VisualizationSettingAtt
Retrieves information about the HaloMode setting parameter.
GetHandler method in object ABQRigidCoupling
Returns the handler for the coupling.
GetHandler method in object ABQSmoothCoupling
Returns the handler for the coupling.
GetHandler method in object ABQConcentratedForce
Returns the handler for the distributed load.
GetHandlesRGB method in object VisualizationSettingAtt
Returns the HandlesRGB parameter.
GetHandlesRGBInfo method in object VisualizationSettingAtt
Retrieves information about the HandlesRGB setting parameter.
GetHideIn3DInfo method in object Layout2DSettingAtt
Retrieves environment informations for the HideIn3D parameter.
GetHidePlaneInfo method in object SectioningSettingAtt
Retrieves environment informations for the HidePlane parameter.
GetHideResultInfo method in object SectioningSettingAtt
Retrieves environment informations for the HideResult parameter.
GetHighlightDefAnnotInfo method in object FTASettingAtt
Retrieves informations about the Highlight Def Annot setting parameter value.
GetHomePositions method in object BasicDevice
Get list of home positions of the device.
GetHybridDesignModeInfo method in object PartInfrastructureSettingAtt
Retrieves environment informations for the "HybridDesignMode" parameter.
GetHyperLinks method in object WIText
GetHyperlink method in object Hyperlinks
GetID method in object PspID
Gets ID for the object.
GetIDUniqueSetting method in object LibTabSettingAtt
GetIDUniqueSettingInfo method in object LibTabSettingAtt
Retrieves environment informations for the 'Unique Check' parameter.
GetIcon method in object Material
Write the icon of a material to disc.
GetIdeasComponentNameInfo method in object MultiCADSettingAtt
Retrieves environment informations for the IdeasComponentName parameter.
GetIdeasComponentTypeInfo method in object MultiCADSettingAtt
Retrieves environment informations for the IdeasComponentType parameter.
GetIdeasLibraryNameInfo method in object MultiCADSettingAtt
Retrieves environment informations for the IdeasLibraryName parameter.
GetIdeasPartNumberInfo method in object MultiCADSettingAtt
Retrieves environment informations for the IdeasPartNumber parameter.
GetIdeasProjectNameInfo method in object MultiCADSettingAtt
Retrieves environment informations for the IdeasProjectName parameter.
GetIdeasRevNumberInfo method in object MultiCADSettingAtt
Retrieves environment informations for the IdeasRevNumber parameter.
GetIdeasTessParamInfo method in object MultiCADSettingAtt
Retrieves environment informations for the IdeasTessParam parameter.
GetIdentifier method in object AnalysisGlobalSensor
Retreives the Physical type and sub physical type that will be computed by the sensor.
GetIdi3dAnnotationModeInfo method in object MultiCADSettingAtt
Retrieves environment informations for the Idi3dAnnotationMode parameter.
GetImageQualityModeInfo method in object AnalysisReportingSettingAtt
Retrieves environment informations for the ImageQualityMode parameter.
GetImageTextSizeInfo method in object AnalysisPostProSettingAtt
Retrieves environment informations for the ImageTextSize parameter.
GetImageTextStackingInfo method in object AnalysisPostProSettingAtt
Retrieves environment informations for the ImageTextStacking parameter.
GetImpliedResourceFilterInfo method in object VerifTabSettingAtt
Retrieves environment informations for the "View Implied Resource" parameter.
GetImportAnnotationInfo method in object ImportD5SettingAtt
Retrieves environment informations for the ImportAnnotation parameter.
GetImportBaseFrmInfo method in object ImportD5SettingAtt
Retrieves environment informations for the ImportBaseFrm parameter.
GetImportCollisionInfo method in object ImportD5SettingAtt
Retrieves environment informations for the ImportCollision parameter.
GetImportConfigFileExpanded method in object ImportD5SettingAtt
Returns the ImportConfigFile parameter (manages expanded file pathnames).
GetImportConfigFileInfo method in object ImportD5SettingAtt
Retrieves environment informations for the ImportConfigFile parameter.
GetImportCoorsysInfo method in object ImportD5SettingAtt
Retrieves environment informations for the ImportCoorsys parameter.
GetImportCreaseAngleInfo method in object VrmlSettingAtt
Retrieves information about the ImportCreaseAngle setting parameter.
GetImportEdgeInfo method in object ImportD5SettingAtt
Retrieves environment informations for the ImportEdge parameter.
GetImportFloorInfo method in object ImportD5SettingAtt
Retrieves environment informations for the ImportFloor parameter.
GetImportGroupAsSelSetInfo method in object IgesSettingAtt
Retrieves information about the Import Selection Set mode setting parameter.
GetImportLibraryExpanded method in object ImportD5SettingAtt
Returns the ImportLibrary parameter (manages expanded file pathnames).
GetImportLibraryInfo method in object ImportD5SettingAtt
Retrieves environment informations for the ImportLibrary parameter.
GetImportPDBCacheExpanded method in object ImportD5SettingAtt
Returns the ImportPDBCache parameter (manages expanded file pathnames).
GetImportPDBCacheInfo method in object ImportD5SettingAtt
Retrieves environment informations for the ImportPDBCache parameter.
GetImportRecordingInfo method in object ImportD5SettingAtt
Retrieves environment informations for the ImportRecording parameter.
GetImportToolFrmInfo method in object ImportD5SettingAtt
Retrieves environment informations for the ImportToolFrm parameter.
GetImportUnitInfo method in object VrmlSettingAtt
Retrieves information about the ImportUnit setting parameter.
GetImportUserAttrInfo method in object ImportD5SettingAtt
Retrieves environment informations for the ImportUserAttr parameter.
GetImportUserViewsInfo method in object ImportD5SettingAtt
Retrieves environment informations for the ImportUserViews parameter.
GetImportWclMessageInfo method in object ImportD5SettingAtt
Retrieves environment informations for the ImportWclMessage parameter.
GetImportWclPathInfo method in object ImportD5SettingAtt
Retrieves environment informations for the ImportWclPath parameter.
GetInParameter method in object Relation
Returns an input parameter of the relation.
GetInactivityDurationInfo method in object DisconnectionSettingAtt
Retrieves environment informations for inactivity duration.
GetInertia method in object GenericToolProfile
Get the underlying coefficient of the tool inertia.
GetInertia method in object Analyze
Returns the inertia matrix array of product.
GetInertiaMatrix method in object Inertia
Retrieves the matrix of inertia.
GetInitial_Model_File_PathInfo method in object V4WritingSettingAtt
Retrieves information about the Initial_Model_File_Path setting parameter.
GetInput method in object ShapeInstance
Gets an input of a shape instance by its name.
GetInput method in object Behavior
Returns the value of one available input of the behavior.
GetInput method in object HybridShapeInstance
Gets an input of a hybrid shape instance by its name.
GetInputData method in object ShapeInstance
Gets an input of a shape instance by its name.
GetInputData method in object HybridShapeInstance
Gets an input of a shape instance by its name.
GetInputDataFromPosition method in object ShapeInstance
Gets an input of a hybrid shape instance from its position.
GetInputDataFromPosition method in object HybridShapeInstance
Gets an input of a hybrid shape instance from its position.
GetInputFromPosition method in object ShapeInstance
Gets an input of a hybrid shape instance from its position.
GetInputFromPosition method in object HybridShapeInstance
Gets an input of a hybrid shape instance from its position.
GetInsertLevelInfo method in object N4DNavigatorSettingAtt
Retrieves environment informations for the InsertLevel parameter.
GetInsertModeInfo method in object N4DNavigatorSettingAtt
Retrieves environment informations for the InsertMode parameter.
GetInsertionType method in object SchInternalFlow
Get insertion flow type.
GetIntUserAttribute method in object Fastener
GetInterface method in object PspWorkbench
Returns specific interface handle on a given object.
GetInterface method in object SchematicRoot
Returns specific interface handle on a given object.
GetIntermedTangent method in object HybridShapeConic
Retrieves the tangent direction at one of the conic intermediate passing points.
GetIntermediatePoint method in object HybridShapeConic
Retrieves one of the conic intermediate passing points.
GetIntermediateTangentDirectionFlag method in object HybridShapeConic
Retrieves the tangent direction orientation of one of the conic intermediate points.
GetInternal method in object BehaviorVBScript
Returns one available io of the behavior.
GetInternalEdgesElement method in object HybridShapeExtrapol
Gets an element in the list of internal elements (vertex or edges).
GetInternalMaxDeformationInfo method in object V4V5SpaceSettingAtt
Retrieves information about the InternalMaxDeformation setting parameter.
GetInternalTypeDeformationInfo method in object V4V5SpaceSettingAtt
Retrieves environment informations for activation mode with internal deformation (Curve Improvement).
GetInterrupt method in object DrawingDimExtLine
Get the number of interruptions stored in each extension lines.
GetInterruptions method in object DrawingArrow
Get arrow path.
GetInterruptions method in object DrawingLeader
Get leader path.
GetIntersection method in object HybridShapeSplit
Gets the intersection at a given index.
GetIsFederated method in object HybridShapeExtractMulti
Returns the IsFederated flag checked/unchecked of the list of constraints at specified position.
GetIsoparGenerationModeInfo method in object VisualizationSettingAtt
Retrieves information about the IsoparGenerationMode setting parameter.
GetIssueRepositoryPathInfo method in object MfgHubSettingAtt
Retrieves the state of the IssueRepositoryPath parameter.
GetItem method in object AnyObject
Returns an object from its name.
GetItem method in object Collection
Returns an object from its name.
GetItems method in object FastenerGroup
Returns the entities in the fastener group of the type which is input.
GetItemsFilterInfo method in object TreeTabSettingAtt
Retrieves environment informations for the 'Items Folder' parameter.
GetItemsPerRelationFilterInfo method in object TreeTabSettingAtt
Retrieves environment informations for the 'Items Folder(Per Relation Type)' parameter.
GetJavaClassPathInfo method in object IgpOlpSettingAtt
Retrieves information about the OLP Java Class Path setting parameter.
GetJavaClassPathInfo method in object FASReportingSettingAtt
Gets information on "Java Class Path" parameter.
GetJavaExeInfo method in object IgpOlpSettingAtt
Retrieves information about the OLP Java Executable setting parameter.
GetJavaExeInfo method in object FASReportingSettingAtt
Gets information on "Java Executable" parameter.
GetJoinedPartNames method in object FastenerGroup
Returns the list of part names joined by fastener.
GetJointRelationExpression method in object DeviceJointRelations
Get Kin expression of the given Joint.
GetJointTarget method in object RobotMotion
Retrieves the Robot Joint target.
GetJointValues method in object MoveToPostureActivity
Gets the Manikin's Position and Posture values in 137 doubles.
GetKeepSegmentationInfo method in object V4V5SpaceSettingAtt
Retrieves information about the KeepSegmentation setting parameter.
GetKeptElem method in object HybridShapeTrim
Gets the kept feature at a given index.
GetKeptElem method in object HybridShapeSplit
Gets the kept feature at a given index.
GetKeyboardRotationAngleValueInfo method in object VisualizationSettingAtt
Retrieves information about the KeyboardRotationAngleValue setting parameter.
GetKnowledgeBuildPathDirectoryInfo method in object LanguageSheetSettingAtt
Retrieves information about the CATKnowledgeBuildPath setting parameter.
GetKnowledgeInHybridDesignModeInfo method in object PartInfrastructureSettingAtt
Retrieves environment informations for the "KnowledgeInHybridDesignMode" parameter.
GetKnownInterpolaters method in object Sampled
Returns or sets the Sampled object.
GetLODModeInfo method in object CacheSettingAtt
Retrieves environment informations for the LOD generation mode.
GetLabelCode method in object SchFrameInfo
Get the frame label code.
GetLabelColor method in object MeasureSettingAtt
Returns the LabelColor parameter.
GetLabelColorInfo method in object MeasureSettingAtt
Retrieves environment informations for the LabelColor parameter.
GetLanguageEditor method in object MacrosSettingAtt
Returns the editor path for the specified language.
GetLanguageEditorInfo method in object MacrosSettingAtt
Retrieves environment informations for the language editors setting.
GetLastActInfo method in object HtsCCPSettingAtt
Retrieves environment informations for the LastAct parameter.
GetLastObjectToGenerate method in object ManufacturingGeneratorData
Retrieves the last object to generate.
GetLastSendToMethodError method in object SendToService
Retreives the diagnosis related to the last call to SendToService interface.
GetLayer method in object VisPropertySet
Returns the layer for the current selection.
GetLayer_for_No_AssoInfo method in object V4WritingSettingAtt
Retrieves information about the Layer_for_No_Asso setting parameter.
GetLayersNumber method in object BasicComponent
Return one of the dimensions information of the Basic Component structure.
GetLayoutDefaultRenderStyleInfo method in object Layout2DSettingAtt
Retrieves environment informations for the default render style parameter.
GetLeaderAssociativityInfo method in object FTAInfraSettingAtt
Retrieves information about the Leader Associativity setting parameter value.
GetLegendsVisibility method in object TCPTrace
Get the TCP trace component (DNBTCPTraceReps) legend visibility status.
GetLength method in object HybridShapeSweepLine
Returns the length values useful in some linear sweep types.
GetLength method in object StrComputeServices
Returns the length to cut for a member object.
GetLengthAtParam method in object Curve2D
Returns the length, measured along the curve, from a given parameter to a given parameter.
GetLengthInMetre method in object AutoWalkActivity
GetLengthLawTypes method in object HybridShapeSweepLine
Gets length law types.
GetLengthMaxToleranceInfo method in object ToleranceSheetSettingAtt
Retrieves environment informations for the LengthMaxTolerance parameter.
GetLengthMinToleranceInfo method in object ToleranceSheetSettingAtt
Retrieves environment informations for the LengthMinTolerance parameter.
GetLengthType method in object HybridShapeLinePtPt
Gets the length type Default is 0.
GetLengthType method in object HybridShapeLinePtDir
Gets the length type Default is 0.
GetLengthType method in object HybridShapeLineAngle
Gets the length type Default is 0.
GetLengthType method in object HybridShapeLineNormal
Gets the length type Default is 0.
GetLengthType method in object HybridShapeLineTangency
Gets the length type Default is 0.
GetLengthType method in object HybridShapeLineBiTangent
Gets the length type Default is 0.
GetLengthType method in object HybridShapeLineBisecting
Gets the length type Default is 0.
GetLicense method in object LicenseSettingAtt
Retrieves the value of the license.
GetLicense method in object DynLicenseSettingAtt
The method is not relevant for the settings.
GetLicenseInfo method in object LicenseSettingAtt
Retrieves information about the License setting parameter.
GetLicenseInfo method in object DynLicenseSettingAtt
Retrieves the state of a given License.
GetLicensesList method in object LicenseSettingAtt
Retrieves the list of the requested or locked licenses.
GetLicensesList method in object DynLicenseSettingAtt
Retrieves the List of the Licenses.
GetLicensesListInfo method in object LicenseSettingAtt
Retrieves information about the LicensesList setting parameter.
GetLicensesListInfo method in object DynLicenseSettingAtt
Retrieves information about the LicensesList setting locking state (global lock for the LicensesList).
GetLightViewerModeInfo method in object VisualizationSettingAtt
Retrieves information about the LightViewerMode setting parameter.
GetLimitation method in object HybridShapeCircle
Gets the limitation type for the circle.
GetLinAccelColorInfo method in object RobAnalysisSettingAtt
Retrieves environment informations for the LinAccelColor parameter.
GetLinAccelLimitInfo method in object RobAnalysisSettingAtt
Retrieves environment informations for the LinAccelLimit parameter.
GetLinSpeedColorInfo method in object RobAnalysisSettingAtt
Retrieves environment informations for the LinSpeedColor parameter.
GetLinSpeedLimitInfo method in object RobAnalysisSettingAtt
Retrieves environment informations for the LinSpeedLimit parameter.
GetLineColor method in object TCPTraceActivity
Indicates the line Color property of trace.
GetLineThickness method in object TCPTraceActivity
Indicates the line thickness property of trace.
GetLineType method in object TCPTraceActivity
Indicates the line type property of trace.
GetLineWidthInfo method in object MeasureSettingAtt
Retrieves environment informations for the LineWidth parameter.
GetLinearStiffness method in object ABQSpringConnectionProperty
Gets the linear stiffness of the spring given the degree of freedom.
GetLineicCgrModeInfo method in object VisualizationSettingAtt
Retrieves information about the LineicCgrMode setting parameter.
GetLinesNumber method in object BasicComponent
Return one of the dimensions information of the Basic Component structure.
GetLink method in object SchCntrDocLink
Get the linked connector and its document name.
GetLinkModeInfo method in object MultiCADSettingAtt
Retrieves environment informations for the LinkMode parameter.
GetLinkSendModeInfo method in object MfgHubSettingAtt
Retrieves the state of the LinkSendMode parameter.
GetLinkedDeviceFile method in object D5Device
Get the Linked D5 Device File.
GetLinkedExternalReferencesInfo method in object PartInfrastructureSettingAtt
Retrieves environment informations for the "LinkedExternalReferences" parameter.
GetLinkedExternalReferencesOnlyOnPublicationInfo method in object PartInfrastructureSettingAtt
Retrieves environment informations for the "LinkedExternalReferencesOnlyOnPublication" parameter.
GetLinkedExternalReferencesWarningAtCreationInfo method in object PartInfrastructureSettingAtt
Retrieves environment informations for the "LinkedExternalReferencesWarningAtCreation" parameter.
GetListOfAptParameters method in object ManufacturingTool
Retrieve the list of apt definition parameters of a Manufacturing Tool.
GetListOfAttributeUnits method in object ManufacturingTool
Retrieve the list of attribute units of a Manufacturing Tool.
GetListOfAttributeUnits method in object ManufacturingInsert
Retrieve the list of attribute units of an insert object.
GetListOfAttributeUnits method in object ManufacturingMachine
Retrieve the list of attribute units of a ManufacturingMachine.
GetListOfAttributeUnits method in object ManufacturingToolAssembly
Retrieves the list of attribute units of a tool assembly.
GetListOfAttributes method in object ManufacturingTool
Retrieve the list of attributes of a Manufacturing Tool.
GetListOfAttributes method in object ManufacturingInsert
Retrieve the list of attributes of an insert object.
GetListOfAttributes method in object ManufacturingMachine
Retrieve the list of all attributes of a ManufacturingMachine.
GetListOfAttributes method in object ManufacturingToolAssembly
Retrieves the list of attributes of a tool assembly.
GetListOfConstraints method in object HybridShapeExtractMulti
Returns the list of Extracted Elements.
GetListOfDependantFile method in object SendToService
Retreives the complete list of the files recursively pointed by the file given in argument to SetInitialFile method.
GetListOfFeedrateAttributes method in object ManufacturingActivity
Retrieve the list of Feedrate attributes of a Manufacturing Activity.
GetListOfGeomAttributes method in object ManufacturingTool
Retrieve the list of geometry attributes of a Manufacturing Tool.
GetListOfGeomAttributes method in object ManufacturingActivity
Retrieve the list of Geometry attributes of a Manufacturing Activity.
GetListOfLibraryFilePath method in object LibTabSettingAtt
GetListOfLibraryFilePathInfo method in object LibTabSettingAtt
GetListOfMagnitudesInfo method in object UnitsSheetSettingAtt
Retrieves information about the ListOfMagnitudes setting parameter.
GetListOfNumericalControlAttributes method in object ManufacturingMachine
Retrieve the list of Numerical Control attributes of a Manufacturing Machine.
GetListOfPackagesToLoadInfo method in object LanguageSheetSettingAtt
Retrieves information about the ListOfPackagesToLoad setting parameter.
GetListOfRotaryTableAttributes method in object ManufacturingMachine
Retrieve the list of Rotary table attributes of a Manufacturing Machine.
GetListOfSelectionSet method in object SelectionSets
Retrieves the list of Selection Sets in the document.
GetListOfSpindleAttributes method in object ManufacturingMachine
Retrieve the list of Spindle attributes of a Manufacturing Machine.
GetListOfStrategyAttributes method in object ManufacturingActivity
Retrieve the list of Strategy attributes of a Manufacturing Activity.
GetListOfToBeCopiedFiles method in object SendToService
Retreives the complete list of the files that will be copied.
GetListOfToolChangeAttributes method in object ManufacturingMachine
Retrieve the list of Tool Change attributes of a Manufacturing Machine.
GetListOfToolMotions method in object ManufacturingOperation
Give a list of Manufacturing ToolMotion contained by a sequential operation.
GetListofAttachments method in object AttachmentCont
GetLoad3dStateAndPosInfo method in object MfgHubSettingAtt
Retrieves environment informations for the Load3dStateAndPos parameter.
GetLoadAllChildProcMfgCtxInfo method in object MfgHubSettingAtt
Retrieves environment informations for the LoadAllChildProcMfgCtx parameter.
GetLoadAllPackagesInfo method in object LanguageSheetSettingAtt
Retrieves information about the LoadAllPackages setting parameter.
GetLoadAssocPrdResChildInfo method in object MfgHubSettingAtt
Retrieves environment informations for the LoadAssocPrdResChild parameter.
GetLoadChildProcMfgCtxInfo method in object MfgHubSettingAtt
Retrieves environment informations for the LoadChildProcMfgCtx parameter.
GetLoadCtxWithFileGeometryInfo method in object MfgHubSettingAtt
Retrieves environment informations for the LoadCtxWithFileGeometry parameter.
GetLoadDispMfgCtxInfo method in object MfgHubSettingAtt
Retrieves environment informations for the LoadDispMfgCtx parameter.
GetLoadENVGeomFromENVdbInfo method in object MfgHubSettingAtt
Retrieves environment informations for the LoadENVGeomFromENVdb parameter.
GetLoadExtendedLanguageLibInfo method in object LanguageSheetSettingAtt
Retrieves information about the LoadExtendedLanguageLib setting parameter.
GetLoadFeedProcMfgCtxInfo method in object MfgHubSettingAtt
Retrieves environment informations for the LoadFeedProcMfgCtx parameter.
GetLoadMfgAssmblyInfo method in object MfgHubSettingAtt
Retrieves environment informations for the LoadMfgAssmbly parameter.
GetLoadMfgKitsInfo method in object MfgHubSettingAtt
Retrieves environment informations for the LoadMfgKits parameter.
GetLoadPSSDataInfo method in object MfgHubSettingAtt
Retrieves environment informations for the LoadPSSData parameter.
GetLoadParameters method in object MHISaveAccess
GetLoadPrdResUserAttribsInfo method in object MfgHubSettingAtt
Retrieves environment informations for the LoadPrdResUserAttribs parameter.
GetLoadResGeoInfo method in object MfgHubSettingAtt
Retrieves environment informations for the LoadResGeo parameter.
GetLoadUnconstrainedMfgCtxInfo method in object MfgHubSettingAtt
Retrieves environment informations for the LoadUnconstrainedMfgCtx parameter.
GetLocalCsysFromPublication method in object ABQGravity
Gets the published local coordinate system of the gravity load.
GetLocalCsysFromPublication method in object ABQRigidCoupling
Gets the published local coordinate system of for the coupling.
GetLocalCsysFromPublication method in object ABQDisplacementBC
Gets the published local coordinate system of the Displacement BC.
GetLocalCsysFromPublication method in object ABQSmoothCoupling
Gets the published local coordinate system of for the coupling.
GetLocalCsysFromPublication method in object ABQConcentratedForce
Gets the published local coordinate system of the concentrated force.
GetLocalID method in object PspID
Retrieves local ID of the object.
GetLocalPathInfo method in object CacheSettingAtt
Retrieves environment informations for the Cache local path.
GetLocalToolAxis method in object ManufacturingPattern
Retrieve the local tool axis of a point of a Manufacturing Pattern.
GetLocation method in object PertNode
GetLockAssignedPrdOnLoadInfo method in object MfgHubSettingAtt
Retrieves environment informations for the LockAssignedPrdOnLoad parameter.
GetLockUserDefaultInfo method in object DraftingSettingAtt
Retrieves environment informations for the LockUserDefault parameter.
GetLogicalActFilterInfo method in object TreeTabSettingAtt
Retrieves environment informations for the "Logical Activities" parameter.
GetLogicalDataAttrListInfo method in object PlugMapViewSettingAtt
Retrieves environment informations for the LogicalDataAttrList parameter.
GetLogicalLine method in object PspAppFactory
Returns a PspLogicalLine Logical line Instance.
GetLongAttribute method in object E5Property
GetLongitudinalRelimiters method in object HybridShapeSweepLine
GetLongitudinalRelimiters method in object HybridShapeSweepConic
GetLongitudinalRelimiters method in object HybridShapeSweepCircle
GetLongitudinalRelimiters method in object HybridShapeSweepExplicit
GetMTPActColorInfo method in object HtsTaskDisplaySettingAtt
Retrieves environment informations for the MTPActColor parameter.
GetMTPActSymbolInfo method in object HtsTaskDisplaySettingAtt
Retrieves environment informations for the MTPActSymbol parameter.
GetMachiningAxisSystemName method in object ManufacturingSetup
Retrieves the Name of the Machining Axis system from a Manufacturing Setup.
GetMachiningDirection method in object ManufacturingActivity
Retreives the Machining Direction coordinates of a Manufacturing Operation.
GetMagnitudeValues method in object UnitsSheetSettingAtt
Returns the Magnitude parameters.
GetMailClientLaunchModeInfo method in object MfgHubSettingAtt
Retrieves the state of the MailClientLaunchMode parameter.
GetMajorAxis method in object Ellipse2D
GetManRefSizInfo method in object FTAInfraSettingAtt
Retrieves information about the Manipulator Reference Size setting parameter value.
GetManZooCapInfo method in object FTAInfraSettingAtt
Retrieves information about the Manipulator Zoom Capability setting parameter value.
GetManifold method in object HybridShapeAssemble
Get the manifold checker flag.
GetManipAutoInsertInfo method in object ManipSettingAtt
Retrieves environment informations for the ManipAutoInsert parameter.
GetManufacturingFeature method in object ManufacturingOperation
Retrieve the Manufacturing Feature asociated to a Manufacturing Operation.
GetManufacturingView method in object ManufacturingSetup
Retrieves the Manufacturing View from a Manufacturing Setup.
GetMapping_File_Save_ModeInfo method in object MigrBatchSettingAtt
Retrieves information about the "Mapping Files Location for Saving" setting parameter.
GetMapping_Saving_FileInfo method in object MigrBatchSettingAtt
Retrieves information about the "Specified Directory" setting parameter.
GetMarker2DAutoNamingInfo method in object MarkerSettingAtt
Retrieves environment informations for the Marker2DAutoNaming parameter.
GetMarker2DAutoNamingInfo method in object N4DNavigatorSettingAtt
GetMarker3DAutoNamingInfo method in object MarkerSettingAtt
Retrieves environment informations for the Marker3DAutoNaming parameter.
GetMarker3DAutoNamingInfo method in object N4DNavigatorSettingAtt
GetMarkerAutoUpdateInfo method in object N4DNavigatorSettingAtt
Retrieves environment informations for the MarkerAutoUpdate parameter.
GetMarkerDefaultsColor method in object MarkerSettingAtt
Returns the default color of an annotation (oRed, oGreen, oBlue: RGB values of the color).
GetMarkerDefaultsColor method in object N4DNavigatorSettingAtt
GetMarkerDefaultsColorInfo method in object MarkerSettingAtt
Retrieves environment informations for the MarkerDefaultsColor parameter.
GetMarkerDefaultsColorInfo method in object N4DNavigatorSettingAtt
GetMarkerDefaultsDashedInfo method in object MarkerSettingAtt
Retrieves environment informations for the MarkerDefaultsDashed parameter.
GetMarkerDefaultsDashedInfo method in object N4DNavigatorSettingAtt
GetMarkerDefaultsFontInfo method in object N4DNavigatorSettingAtt
GetMarkerDefaultsSizeInfo method in object N4DNavigatorSettingAtt
GetMarkerDefaultsWeightInfo method in object MarkerSettingAtt
Retrieves environment informations for the MarkerDefaultsWeight parameter.
GetMarkerDefaultsWeightInfo method in object N4DNavigatorSettingAtt
GetMarkerTextColor method in object N4DNavigatorSettingAtt
GetMarkerTextColor2D method in object MarkerSettingAtt
Returns the default color of a 2D text annotation (oRed, oGreen, oBlue: RGB values of the color).
GetMarkerTextColor2DInfo method in object MarkerSettingAtt
Retrieves environment informations for the MarkerTextColor2D parameter.
GetMarkerTextColor3D method in object MarkerSettingAtt
Returns the default color of a 3D text annotation (oRed, oGreen, oBlue: RGB values of the color).
GetMarkerTextColor3DInfo method in object MarkerSettingAtt
Retrieves environment informations for the MarkerTextColor3D parameter.
GetMarkerTextColorInfo method in object N4DNavigatorSettingAtt
GetMarkerTextDashed2DInfo method in object MarkerSettingAtt
Retrieves environment informations for the MarkerTextDashed2D parameter.
GetMarkerTextDashed3DInfo method in object MarkerSettingAtt
Retrieves environment informations for the MarkerTextDashed3D parameter.
GetMarkerTextDashedInfo method in object N4DNavigatorSettingAtt
GetMarkerTextDefaultsFont2DInfo method in object MarkerSettingAtt
Retrieves environment informations for the MarkerDefaultsFont2D parameter.
GetMarkerTextDefaultsFont3DInfo method in object MarkerSettingAtt
Retrieves environment informations for the MarkerDefaultsFont3D parameter.
GetMarkerTextDefaultsSize2DInfo method in object MarkerSettingAtt
Retrieves environment informations for the MarkerDefaultsSize2D parameter.
GetMarkerTextDefaultsSize3DInfo method in object MarkerSettingAtt
Retrieves environment informations for the MarkerDefaultsSize3D parameter.
GetMarkerTextWeight2DInfo method in object MarkerSettingAtt
Retrieves environment informations for the MarkerTextWeight2D parameter.
GetMarkerTextWeight3DInfo method in object MarkerSettingAtt
Retrieves environment informations for the MarkerTextWeight3D parameter.
GetMarkerTextWeightInfo method in object N4DNavigatorSettingAtt
GetMass method in object GenericToolProfile
Retrieves the mass of the tool.
GetMass method in object StrComputeServices
Returns the mass for a structure object.
GetMasterShapeRepresentation method in object Scene
Retrieves the product's master shape representation.
GetMasterShapeRepresentation method in object Product
Retrieves the product's master shape representation.
GetMasterShapeRepresentationPathName method in object Product
Retrieves the product's master shape representation pathname.
GetMaterialName method in object StrComputeServices
Returns the material name for a structure object.
GetMaterialOnBody method in object MaterialManager
Get a Material on a Body.
GetMaterialOnHybridBody method in object MaterialManager
Get a Material on a Hybrid Body.
GetMaterialOnPart method in object MaterialManager
Get a Material on a Part.
GetMaterialOnProduct method in object MaterialManager
Get a Material on a Product.
GetMaterialOnUserMaterial method in object MaterialManager
Get a Material on a User Material (Analysis entity).
GetMatrix method in object DrawingComponent
Gets the matrix of the drawing component instance.
GetMatrixAll method in object Track
GetMatrixAll Gets the base location of the track.
GetMaxAngleInfo method in object FittingSettingAtt
Retrieves environment information for the MaxAngle parameter.
GetMaxCalculationTime method in object SetOfEquation
Returns the maximum time of the model calculations.
GetMaxDisplayedResultsInfo method in object SearchSettingAtt
Retrieves information about the Max Displayed Results setting parameter.
GetMaxPreHighlightedElementsInfo method in object SearchSettingAtt
Retrieves information about the Max Displayed Results setting parameter.
GetMaxSelectionMoveInfo method in object VisualizationSettingAtt
Retrieves information about the MaxSelectionMove setting parameter.
GetMeasurable method in object SPAWorkbench
Returns the Measurable object.
GetMeasureInfo method in object Export3DXmlSettingAtt
GetMeasureUnitSymbol method in object HybridShapeLawDistProj
Returns the measure unit symbol.
GetMemberColor method in object ColorESSObjectSettingAtt
Returns or sets the MemberColor parameter.
GetMemberColorInfo method in object ColorESSObjectSettingAtt
Retrieves environment informations for the MemberColor parameter.
GetMemberMaterialInfo method in object MaterialESSObjectSettingAtt
Retrieves environment informations for the MemberMaterial parameter.
GetMemberTypesInfo method in object TypeESSObjectSettingAtt
Retrieves environment informations for the MemberTypes parameter.
GetMemoryStopperStateInfo method in object MemoryWarningSettingAtt
Retrieves environment informations for the memory stopper mechanism.
GetMergeInfos method in object DrawingTable
Returns informations about a group of merge cells from a cell.
GetMfgAparamTopPln method in object ManufacturingOperation
Retrieve the Equation of the Top Plane of a Pocket Operation.
GetMfgAxialFeatureDiameter method in object ManufacturingOperation
Retrieve the diameter of an axial manufacturing feature.
GetMfgBparamTopPln method in object ManufacturingOperation
Retrieve the Equation of the Top Plane of a Pocket Operation.
GetMfgCparamTopPln method in object ManufacturingOperation
Retrieve the Equation of the Top Plane of a Pocket Operation.
GetMfgCtxPrevProcRelationTypeInfo method in object MfgHubSettingAtt
Retrieves environment information for the MfgCtxPrevProcRelationType parameter Role :Retrieves the state of the MfgCtxPrevProcRelationType parameter in the current environment.
GetMfgDparamTopPln method in object ManufacturingOperation
Retrieve the Equation of the Top Plane of a Pocket Operation.
GetMfgFeaturePosition method in object ManufacturingOperation
Retrieve the Coordinate of the Reference Point of a Drill Operation.
GetMfgFeatureXPosition method in object ManufacturingOperation
Retrieve the Coordinate of the Reference Point of a Drill Operation.
GetMfgFeatureYPosition method in object ManufacturingOperation
Retrieve the Coordinate of the Reference Point of a Drill Operation.
GetMfgFeatureZPosition method in object ManufacturingOperation
Retrieve the Coordinate of the Reference Point of a Drill Operation.
GetMfgTopPlane method in object ManufacturingOperation
Retrieve the Equation of the Top Plane of a Pocket Operation.
GetMigration_FormatInfo method in object MigrBatchSettingAtt
Retrieves information about the "Format" setting parameter.
GetMigration_InterfaceInfo method in object MigrBatchSettingAtt
Retrieves information about the "Migration Interface" setting parameter.
GetMigration_TypeInfo method in object MigrBatchSettingAtt
Retrieves information about the "Conversion" setting parameter.
GetMinimumDistance method in object Measurable
Compute the minimum distance between the CATIAMeasurable and another.
GetMinimumDistancePoints method in object Measurable
Compute the points corresponding to the minimum distance between the two references.
GetMinimumFPSModeInfo method in object VisualizationSettingAtt
Retrieves information about the MinimumFPSMode setting parameter.
GetMinimumSpaceFPSModeInfo method in object VisualizationSettingAtt
Retrieves information about the MinimumSpaceFPSMode setting parameter.
GetMinorAxis method in object Ellipse2D
GetModeCreateDisplayInfo method in object V4WritingSettingAtt
Retrieves information about the ModeCreateDisplay setting parameter.
GetModeErrorDisplayInfo method in object V4WritingSettingAtt
Retrieves information about the ModeErrorDisplay setting parameter.
GetModeImageTextSizeInfo method in object AnalysisPostProSettingAtt
Retrieves environment informations for the ModeImageTextSize parameter.
GetModel_DimensionInfo method in object V4WritingSettingAtt
Retrieves information about the Model_Dimension setting parameter.
GetModel_FactorInfo method in object V4WritingSettingAtt
Retrieves information about the Model_Factor setting parameter.
GetModel_File_NameInfo method in object V4WritingSettingAtt
Retrieves information about the Model_File_Name setting parameter.
GetModel_UnitInfo method in object V4WritingSettingAtt
Retrieves information about the Model_Unit setting parameter.
GetModifiableIn2DComponentInstances method in object DrawingText
Returns if the text is modifiable or not in 2D component instances.
GetModifiableObject method in object DrawingComponent
Gets a modifiable object by index or name in this drawing component instance.
GetModifiableObjectsCount method in object DrawingComponent
Gets the number of modifiable objects in this drawing component instance.
GetMotionBasis method in object GenericMotionProfile
Retrieves motion basis of the Profile.
GetMotionProfile method in object RobotMotion
Retrieves Motion profile.
GetMotionProfile method in object RobGenericController
Get Motion profile given name.
GetMotionProfileCount method in object RobGenericController
Get number of Motion profiles in controller.
GetMotionProfiles method in object RobGenericController
Get Motion profiles list in controller.
GetMotionType method in object RobotMotion
Retrieves the type of Motion.
GetMountedDevices method in object MountManager
GetMouseDoubleClicDelayInfo method in object VisualizationSettingAtt
Retrieves information about the MouseDoubleClicDelay setting parameter.
GetMouseSpeedValueInfo method in object VisualizationSettingAtt
Retrieves information about the MouseSpeedValue setting parameter.
GetMove method in object Scene
Returns the product's move object.
GetMoveAfterCreationInfo method in object FTAInfraSettingAtt
Retrieves information about the Move After Creation setting parameter value.
GetMoveWithFixTExtendModeInfo method in object AsmGeneralSettingAtt
Retrieves the state of the setting parameter managing the extension of a move to the components involved in a FixTogether.
GetMultiStringAttributeValues method in object PspAttribute
Retrieves String values for the input attribute the type catPspIDLMultiString.
GetNCOutputFile method in object ManufacturingProgram
Get the output file (APT or ISO) associated to the program (if associated during computation).
GetNRLDirInfo method in object IgpOlpSettingAtt
Retrieves information about the NRL configuration file directory setting parameter.
GetNRLTeachDialogDisplayModeInfo method in object IgpOlpSettingAtt
Retrieves information about the OLPNRLTeachDialogDisplay setting parameter.
GetName method in object Tag
Retreives name of the Tag.
GetName method in object ParameterProfiles
GetName method in object GenericToolProfile
Gets name of the Tool Profile.
GetName method in object GenericMotionProfile
Gets name of the Motion Profile.
GetName method in object RobGenericController
Retreives name of the generic controller.
GetName method in object SchAppCntrName
Get the application connector name.
GetName method in object GenericObjFrameProfile
Gets name of the Object frame Profile.
GetName method in object GenericAccuracyProfile
Gets name of the Accuracy Profile.
GetName method in object Task
GetNameOfFilmCoeffAmplitude method in object ABQFilmCondition
Returns the name of the amplitude that contains the variation of the the film coefficient with time.
GetNameOfSinkAmplitude method in object ABQFilmCondition
Returns the name of the amplitude that contains the variation of the sink temperature with time.
GetNameToUseInRelation method in object Parameters
Returns a correct name of a feature to use it in a relation.
GetNamingModeInfo method in object PartInfrastructureSettingAtt
Retrieves environment informations for the "NamingMode" parameter.
GetNbAngle method in object HybridShapeSweepLine
Retrieves the number of angles.
GetNbAngle method in object HybridShapeSweepCircle
Retrieves the number of angles.
GetNbAngle method in object HybridShapeSweepExplicit
Returns the number of Angles.
GetNbConstraints method in object HybridShapeExtractMulti
Returns number of constraints in the list of Extracted Elements.
GetNbControlPoint method in object HybridShapeSpline
Returns the number of control points.
GetNbCuttingElem method in object HybridShapeSplit
Gets the number of cutting features.
GetNbElem method in object HybridShapeTrim
Gets the number of elements: couple(element, index of portion to keep on element).
GetNbElementsToKeep method in object HybridShapeTrim
Gets the number of elements to keep.
GetNbElementsToKeep method in object HybridShapeSplit
Gets the number of elements to keep.
GetNbElementsToRemove method in object HybridShapeTrim
Gets the number of elements to remove.
GetNbElementsToRemove method in object HybridShapeSplit
Gets the number of elements to remove.
GetNbGuide method in object HybridShapeSweepCircle
Retrieves the number of guide curves.
GetNbGuide method in object HybridShapeSweepExplicit
Gets the number of guides curves.
GetNbGuideCrv method in object HybridShapeSweepLine
Retrieves the number of guides curves.
GetNbGuideSur method in object HybridShapeSweepLine
Retrieves the number of guide surfaces.
GetNbGuides method in object HybridShapeSweepConic
Gets the number of guides.
GetNbIsoparsInfo method in object VisualizationSettingAtt
Retrieves information about the NbIsopars setting parameter.
GetNbLength method in object HybridShapeSweepLine
Retrieves the number of lengths.
GetNbOfGuides method in object HybridShapeLoft
Returns the number of guides in the loft object.
GetNbPath method in object TCPTraceManager
Get the number of TCP trace.
GetNbPosAngle method in object HybridShapeSweepExplicit
Gets the number of numerical positioning parameters corresponding to angles from the default positions of the X axes.
GetNbPosAngle method in object HybridShapePositionTransfo
Gets the number of numerical positioning parameters : first axis direction angles.
GetNbPosCoord method in object HybridShapeSweepExplicit
Gets the number of numerical positioning parameters corresponding to coordinates of the new axes systems origins.
GetNbPosCoord method in object HybridShapePositionTransfo
Gets the number of numerical positioning parameters : origin planar coordinates.
GetNbProductMotion method in object Replay
Get the number of channel related to products.
GetNbRadius method in object HybridShapeSweepCircle
Retrieves the number of radii.
GetNbSample method in object Replay
Get the number of samples for a channel number.
GetNbrURL method in object Noa
Gets the number of URL.
GetNbrURL method in object FlagNote
Gets the number of URL.
GetNewPrinterDirectory method in object PrintersSettingAtt
Returns the directory where new printers will be added.
GetNewPrinterDirectoryInfo method in object PrintersSettingAtt
Retrieves environment informations for the directory where printers will be added.
GetNewWith3DSupportInfo method in object PartInfrastructureSettingAtt
Retrieves environment informations for the "NewWith3DSupport" parameter.
GetNewWithAxisSystemInfo method in object PartInfrastructureSettingAtt
Retrieves environment informations for the "NewWithAxisSystem" parameter.
GetNewWithGSInfo method in object PartInfrastructureSettingAtt
Retrieves environment informations for the "NewWithGS" parameter.
GetNewWithOGSInfo method in object PartInfrastructureSettingAtt
Retrieves environment informations for the "NewWithOGS" parameter.
GetNewWithPanelInfo method in object PartInfrastructureSettingAtt
Retrieves environment informations for the "NewWithPanel" parameter.
GetNextOrientation method in object HybridShapeTrim
Gets Orientation used to compute the feature, referring to the next trimmed element.
GetNoShowBackgroundRGB method in object VisualizationSettingAtt
Retrieves the No Show Background Color setting attribute value.
GetNoShowBackgroundRGBInfo method in object VisualizationSettingAtt
Retrieves the No Show Background Color setting attribute information.
GetNoZBufferSelectionModeInfo method in object VisualizationSettingAtt
Retrieves information about the NoZBufferSelectionMode setting parameter.
GetNoaCreationInfo method in object FTASettingAtt
Retrieves informations about the Noa Creation setting parameter value.
GetNodelockAlertInfo method in object LicenseSettingAtt
Retrieves information about the license expiry alert setting parameter.
GetNomenclature method in object Scene
Returns the product's nomenclature.
GetNomenclature method in object ArrNomenclatureTree
Finds a UserNomenclature by Name from this UserDictionary.
GetNominalBaseOffset method in object CalibOffsets
Retrieve nominal base offset for the robot base wrt robot base reference position.
GetNominalToolOffset method in object CalibOffsets
Retrieve nominal tool offset for the robot wrt robot mount position.
GetNonLinearStiffness method in object ABQSpringConnectionProperty
Gets the non-linear stiffness of the spring in the form of array, given the degree of freedom.
GetNonSemanticAllwaysUpgradeGeneralTolInfo method in object FTASettingAtt
Retrieves informations about the Non Semantic Allways Upgrade general tolerance setting parameter value.
GetNonSemanticAllwaysUpgradeInfo method in object FTASettingAtt
Retrieves informations about the Non Semantic Allways Upgrade setting parameter value.
GetNonSemanticDimAllowedInfo method in object FTASettingAtt
Retrieves informations about the Non Semantic Dim Allowed setting parameter value.
GetNonSemanticMarkedInfo method in object FTASettingAtt
Retrieves informations about the Non Semantic Marked setting parameter value.
GetNonSemanticTolAllowedInfo method in object FTASettingAtt
Retrieves informations about the Non Semantic Tol Allowed setting parameter value.
GetNumOfSegments method in object ArrBendableString
Returns the cumulative number of the straight/arc segments that make up the Bendable object.
GetNumOfSegmentsLocalAxis method in object ArrBendableString
Returns the cumulative number of the straight/arc segments that make up the Bendable object.
GetNumTags method in object AMPPath
Function to get the number of AMPTags in the given AMPPath.
GetNumUrlNameInfo method in object N4DNavigatorSettingAtt
Retrieves environment informations for the NumUrlName parameter.
GetNumberOfConstraints method in object MoveToPostureActivity
GetNumberOfControlPoints method in object Spline2D
GetNumberOfCurveFasteners method in object FastenerWorkBench
GetNumberOfCurves method in object HybridShapeWrapCurve
Returns the number of couples of curves of the WrapCurve.
GetNumberOfFastenerGroups method in object FastenerWorkBench
GetNumberOfFasteners method in object DNBFastenerItemServices
Gets the number of Fasteners on the products.
GetNumberOfGuides method in object HybridShapeSpine
Retrieves number of guides in a spine curve.
GetNumberOfMfgAssemblies method in object MfgAssemblyFactory
GetNumberOfMinimumFPSInfo method in object VisualizationSettingAtt
Retrieves information about the NumberOfMinimumFPS setting parameter.
GetNumberOfMinimumSpaceFPSInfo method in object VisualizationSettingAtt
Retrieves information about the NumberOfMinimumSpaceFPS setting parameter.
GetNumberOfPointFasteners method in object FastenerWorkBench
GetNumberOfRootsOfFacts method in object ExpertRuleBaseRuntime
Retrieves the number of roots of facts of the rule base.
GetNumberOfSections method in object HybridShapeSpine
Retrieves number of sections in a spine curve.
GetNumberOfShapes method in object Product
GetNumberOfStates method in object DNB3DState
GetNumberOfStates method in object DNB3DStateMgmt
GetNumbers method in object ManufacturingPattern
Retrieve the number of the points of a Manufacturing Pattern.
GetObjFrameProfile method in object RobGenericController
Get ObjFrame profile given name.
GetObjFrameProfileCount method in object RobGenericController
Get number of ObjFrame profiles in controller.
GetObjFrameProfiles method in object RobGenericController
Get ObjFrame profiles list in controller.
GetObject method in object Resource
This method returns the IDL Interface for the specified interface identifier.
GetObjectFrame method in object GenericObjFrameProfile
Retrieve the underlying x,y,z, roll, pitch, yaw of the Object Frame.
GetObjectPositions method in object Marker3D
Retrieves the coordinates of the anchor point of the marker on the object.
GetObjectProfile method in object RobotMotion
Retrieves Object profile.
GetOcclusionCullingModeInfo method in object VisualizationSettingAtt
Retrieves information about the OcclusionCullingMode setting parameter.
GetOffset method in object PlaceActivity
GetOnlyCurrentOperatedSolidSetInGeometryInfo method in object PartInfrastructureSettingAtt
Retrieves environment informations for the "OnlyCurrentOperatedSolidSetInGeometry" parameter.
GetOnlyCurrentSolidSetInGeometryInfo method in object PartInfrastructureSettingAtt
Retrieves environment informations for the "OnlyCurrentSolidSetInGeometry" parameter.
GetOnlyLoadCtxWithGeometryInfo method in object MfgHubSettingAtt
Retrieves environment informations for the OnlyLoadCtxWithGeometry parameter.
GetOnlyShowInfo method in object IgesSettingAtt
Retrieves information about the Export only show setting parameter.
GetOpType method in object AMPTag
Function to get the operation type of the given AMPTag.
GetOpaqueFacesInfo method in object VisualizationSettingAtt
Retrieves information about the SetStereoModeLock setting parameter.
GetOpenModeForLoadInfo method in object MfgHubSettingAtt
Retrieves environment informations for the OpenModeForLoad parameter.
GetOptC2ModeInfo method in object IgesSettingAtt
Retrieves information about the Continuity Optimization Mode setting parameter.
GetOptCleanTopoModeInfo method in object IgesSettingAtt
Retrieves information about the Clean Topo Mode setting parameter.
GetOptFittingModeInfo method in object IgesSettingAtt
Retrieves information about the Fitting Mode setting parameter.
GetOptInvalidGeomModeInfo method in object IgesSettingAtt
Retrieves information about the InvalidGeom mode setting parameter.
GetOptLoop3DModeInfo method in object IgesSettingAtt
Retrieves information about the Force 3D Loop setting parameter.
GetOrder method in object NavigatorWorkbench
Returns the order of an object.
GetOrientation method in object HybridShapeBlend
Returns the orientation of a curve of the blend.
GetOrientation method in object HybridShapeSplit
Gets Orientation used to compute the split.
GetOrientationConnector method in object PspPartConnector
Get Orientation connector.
GetOrientationInfo method in object TreeVizManipSettingAtt
Retrieves environment informations for the orientation applied to the specification tree.
GetOrientationMode method in object RobotMotion
Retrieves the TCP Orientation Mode.
GetOrientationVector method in object PspLightConnector
Returns the Orientation Direction of the connector.
GetOrigin method in object Line
Role : Returns the origin of the line.
GetOrigin method in object Plane
Returns the origin of the plane.
GetOrigin method in object Hole
Returns the origin point which the hole is anchored to.
GetOrigin method in object Viewpoint2D
Gets the coordinates of the origin of the viewpoint.
GetOrigin method in object Viewpoint3D
Retrieves the coordinates of the origin of the viewpoint.
GetOrigin method in object PlanarFace
Returns the origin of the planar face.
GetOrigin method in object Line2D
GetOrigin method in object AxisSystem
Returns the coordinates X,Y,Z of the origin point of the axis system.
GetOrigin method in object RenderingLight
Returns the coordinates of the origin of the light.
GetOrigin method in object CylindricalFace
Returns the origin of the cylindrical face axis.
GetOrigin method in object AnnotatedView
Retrieves the coordinates of the origin of the 3D viewpoint of the annotated view.
GetOrigin method in object AssemblyHole
Retrieves the origin point to which the hole is anchored.
GetOrigin method in object RenderingEnvironment
Returns the coordinates of the origin of the environment.
GetOrigin method in object PspLightConnector
Returns the position of the connector.
GetOrigin method in object RectilinearBiDimFeatEdge
Returns the origin of the the rectilinear edge.
GetOrigin method in object ManufacturingHole
Returns the origin point which the hole is anchored to.
GetOrigin method in object RectilinearTriDimFeatEdge
Returns the origin of the the rectilinear edge.
GetOrigin method in object RectilinearMonoDimFeatEdge
Returns the origin of the the rectilinear edge.
GetOrigin method in object ManufacturingMachinableGeometry
Retrieves the origin of a pointed geometry under a ManufacturingMachinableGeometry object.
GetOriginCornerCode method in object SchFrameInfo
Get the frame origin corner code.
GetOriginPoint method in object ManufacturingMachiningAxis
Gets the Origin of a Manufacturing Machining Axis System used as Origin.
GetOriginXDirection method in object ManufacturingMachiningAxis
Gets the Origin X direction of a Manufacturing Machining Axis System used as Origin.
GetOriginYDirection method in object ManufacturingMachiningAxis
Gets the Origin Y direction of a Manufacturing Machining Axis System used as Origin.
GetOriginZDirection method in object ManufacturingMachiningAxis
Gets the Origin Z direction of a Manufacturing Machining Axis System used as Origin.
GetOriginalHeight method in object DrawingPicture
Gets the original height of the drawing picture.
GetOriginalWidth method in object DrawingPicture
Gets the original width of the drawing picture.
GetOtherSelectionTimeoutActivityInfo method in object VisualizationSettingAtt
Retrieves information about the OtherSelectionTimeoutActivity setting parameter.
GetOtherSelectionTimeoutInfo method in object VisualizationSettingAtt
Retrieves information about the OtherSelectionTimeout setting parameter.
GetOtherSide method in object HybridShapeSplit
Gets the other side.
GetOutParameter method in object Relation
Returns an output parameter of the relation.
GetOutput method in object ShapeInstance
Gets a Ouput by its name.
GetOutput method in object Behavior
Returns the value of one available output of the behavior.
GetOutput method in object HybridShapeInstance
Gets a Ouput by its name.
GetOutputFromPosition method in object ShapeInstance
Gets a Ouput from its position.
GetOutputFromPosition method in object HybridShapeInstance
Gets a Ouput from its position.
GetOutputHeightInfo method in object RenderingSettingAtt
Retrieves environment informations for the OutputHeight parameter.
GetOutputPathInfo method in object RenderingSettingAtt
Retrieves environment informations for the OutputPath parameter.
GetOutputPathInfo method in object MultiCADSettingAtt
Retrieves environment informations for the OutputPath parameter.
GetOutputProductFilterInfo method in object TreeTabSettingAtt
Retrieves environment informations for the "Output Products Folder" parameter.
GetOutputSizeFromInfo method in object RenderingSettingAtt
Retrieves environment informations for the OutputSizeFrom parameter.
GetOutputStream method in object ManufacturingGeneratorData
Retrieves the output stream.
GetOutputTypeInfo method in object RenderingSettingAtt
Retrieves environment informations for the OutputType parameter.
GetOutputWidthInfo method in object RenderingSettingAtt
Retrieves environment informations for the OutputWidth parameter.
GetOverrun method in object DrawingDimExtLine
Get overrun of dimension extension line.
GetOwner method in object TagGroup
Retrieves the name of the owner of this TagGroup.
GetPPRSaveConfigInfo method in object Export3DXmlSettingAtt
Retrieves environment informations for the PPRSaveConfig setting.
GetPPWord method in object ManufacturingToolMotion
Retrieves the content of a Manufacturing PP Word ToolMotion.
GetPROJECT_File_PathInfo method in object InteropSettingAtt
Retrieves information about the "PROJECT File Path" setting parameter.
GetPSCycleTimeInfo method in object SimulationSettingAtt
Retrieves environment informations for the PSCycleTime parameter.
GetPSDynClashModeInfo method in object SimulationSettingAtt
Retrieves environment informations for the PSDynClashMode parameter.
GetPSGraphicSimStepInfo method in object SimulationSettingAtt
Retrieves environment informations for the PSGraphicSimStep parameter.
GetPSGraphicUpdateInfo method in object SimulationSettingAtt
Retrieves environment informations for the PSGraphicUpdate parameter.
GetPSText method in object DrawingDimValue
Get PS text to dimension value.
GetPVEndConditionInfo method in object SimulationSettingAtt
Retrieves environment informations for the PVEndCondition parameter.
GetPVStateMgtInfo method in object SimulationSettingAtt
Retrieves environment informations for the PVStateMgt parameter.
GetPackAndGoRepositoryPathInfo method in object MfgHubSettingAtt
Retrieves the state of the PackAndGoRepositoryPath parameter.
GetPaperHeight method in object DrawingSheet
Gets the paper width of the drawing sheet.
GetPaperWidth method in object DrawingSheet
Gets the paper width of the drawing sheet.
GetParamAtLength method in object Curve2D
Returns the parameter at a given length, measured along the curve, starting from a given parameter.
GetParamExtents method in object Curve2D
Returns the parametric extents of the curve.
GetParameter method in object ShapeInstance
Gets a parameter of a shape instance by its name.
GetParameter method in object InstanceFactory
Retrieves a parameter of the reference by its name.
GetParameter method in object HybridShapeInstance
Gets a parameter of a hybrid shape instance by its name.
GetParameter method in object PspAttribute
Retrieve parameter for the input attribute name.
GetParameterFromPosition method in object ShapeInstance
Gets a parameter of a hybrid shape instance from its position.
GetParameterFromPosition method in object HybridShapeInstance
Gets a parameter of a hybrid shape instance from its position.
GetParameterLaw method in object HybridShapeSweepConic
Gets the parameter law used in conic sweep operation.
GetParameterNameSurroundedByTheSymbolInfo method in object KnowledgeSheetSettingAtt
Retrieves environment informations for the ParameterNameSurroundedByTheSymbol parameter.
GetParameterOnSubString method in object DrawingText
Returns a property on a substring of the drawing text.
GetParameterTreeViewWithFormulaInfo method in object KnowledgeSheetSettingAtt
Retrieves environment informations for the ParameterTreeViewWithFormula parameter.
GetParameterTreeViewWithValueInfo method in object KnowledgeSheetSettingAtt
Retrieves environment informations for the ParameterTreeViewWithValue parameter.
GetParametersInTreeInfo method in object FTASettingAtt
Retrieves informations about the Parameters in tree setting parameter value.
GetParametersList method in object WIBuyOff
GetParametersList method in object WIDataCollection
GetParametersList method in object WIChangeNotification
GetParametersNodeInTreeInfo method in object PartInfrastructureSettingAtt
Retrieves environment informations for the "ParametersNodeInTree" parameter.
GetParent method in object DNBAttachment
Get the Parent Product of the Attachment.
GetParentMA method in object DNBAttachment
Get the Parent Manufacturing Assembly of the Attachment.
GetPart method in object Fastener
Returns the product at the specified index from list of parts joined by fastener.
GetPart method in object FastenerGroup
Returns the product at the specified index from the list of parts joined by fastener group.
GetPartName method in object ManufacturingSetup
Retrieves the Name of the Design Part from a Manufacturing Setup.
GetPartNumber method in object Scene
Returns the product's part number.
GetPartProdModeInfo method in object IgesSettingAtt
Retrieves information about the Import Product mode setting parameter.
GetPartRelation method in object MoveToPostureActivity
GetPartUpdateStatusInfo method in object MeasureSettingAtt
Retrieves environment informations for the PartUpdateStatus parameter.
GetParts method in object Fastener
Returns the list of parts joined by fastener.
GetPartsParameterModeInfo method in object MultiCADSettingAtt
Retrieves environment informations for the PartsParameterMode parameter.
GetPasteComponentModeInfo method in object AsmConstraintSettingAtt
Retrieves informations about the component paste setting parameter.
GetPasteSameInstanceInfo method in object TreeTabSettingAtt
Retrieves environment information for the 'Paste Same Instance' parameter.
GetPath method in object TCPTraceManager
Get the iIndex path(trace)(starting at 1).
GetPath method in object SchRoute
Get the defining points of a route.
GetPath method in object SchGRRRoute
Get the defining points of a route graphic.
GetPathFinderSmoothInfo method in object FittingSettingAtt
Retrieves environment information for the PathFinderSmooth parameter.
GetPattern method in object ManufacturingOperation
Retrieve the Machining Pattern asociated to a Manufacturing Operation.
GetPick method in object VisPropertySet
Returns the state pick mode for the current selection.
GetPickedProducts method in object PickActivity
GetPickingWindowSizeInfo method in object VisualizationSettingAtt
Retrieves information about the PickingWindowSize setting parameter.
GetPinAttribute method in object ElecSchematicObject
Get the value of an attribute of the pin which connects this and the specified object.
GetPinSupports method in object ABQRigidBodyConstraint
Gets the pin point supports for the rigid body.
GetPlacedProducts method in object PlaceActivity
GetPlacementAxis method in object SchCompGroupExt
Get the placement axis for the component group.
GetPlane method in object Measurable
Retrieves informations of the plane.
GetPlaneAxisAngle method in object HybridShapeDevelop
Retrieves the rotation angle.
GetPlaneAxisCoord method in object HybridShapeDevelop
Retrieves the translation coordinates.
GetPlaneAxisSwapAxes method in object HybridShapeDevelop
Retrieves the inversion axes from their previous definitions.
GetPlaneColor method in object SectioningSettingAtt
Returns the PlaneColor parameter.
GetPlaneColorInfo method in object SectioningSettingAtt
Retrieves environment informations for the PlaneColor parameter.
GetPlaneNormal method in object HybridShapeCurvePar
Returns the Normal of the plane created when the Support of the curve is not specified.
GetPlaneNormal method in object HybridShapeLawDistProj
Retrieves the support plane normal.
GetPlaneNormalInfo method in object SectioningSettingAtt
Retrieves environment informations for the PlaneNormal parameter.
GetPlaneOriginInfo method in object SectioningSettingAtt
Retrieves environment informations for the PlaneOrigin parameter.
GetPlateColor method in object ColorSTDObjectSettingAtt
Returns or sets the PlateColor parameter.
GetPlateColor method in object ColorESSObjectSettingAtt
Returns or sets the PlateColor parameter.
GetPlateColorInfo method in object ColorSTDObjectSettingAtt
Retrieves environment informations for the PlateColor parameter.
GetPlateColorInfo method in object ColorESSObjectSettingAtt
Retrieves environment informations for the PlateColor parameter.
GetPlateMaterialInfo method in object MaterialESSObjectSettingAtt
Retrieves environment informations for the PlateMaterial parameter.
GetPlateTypesInfo method in object TypeESSObjectSettingAtt
Retrieves environment informations for the PlateTypes parameter.
GetPoint method in object HybridShapeSpline
Returns the Point at the given position.
GetPoint method in object DrawingArrow
Get arrow point coordinates.
GetPoint method in object DrawingLeader
Get leader point coordinates.
GetPoint method in object HybridShapePlaneMean
Retrieves the point at a given position.
GetPoint method in object Measurable
Retrieves the position of the point.
GetPoint method in object ArrangementNode
Returns the location of the current ArrangementNode.
GetPointAndParam method in object HybridShapeIntegratedLaw
Gets the point on spine and associated parameter at a given position.
GetPointAtParam method in object Curve2D
Returns a point on the curve computed from an input parameter.
GetPointConstraintExplicit method in object HybridShapeSpline
Returns the Constraint of the point at iPos.
GetPointConstraintFromCurve method in object HybridShapeSpline
Returns the Constraint of the point at iPos.
GetPointPosition method in object HybridShapeSpline
Returns the position of a given point.
GetPoints method in object DrawingArrow
Get arrow path.
GetPoints method in object DrawingLeader
Get leader path.
GetPointsOnAxis method in object Measurable
Retrieves the the characteristic points of the axis with respect of the size of the revolution object.
GetPointsOnCurve method in object Measurable
Retrieves the the characteristic points of the curve : the start point, the middle point and the end point.
GetPortionToKeep method in object HybridShapeTrim
Gets a portion to keep number, giving the index of the element.
GetPos method in object HybridShapePlaneMean
Gets the position of an element in the list.
GetPosAngle method in object HybridShapeSweepExplicit
Gets angles if both profile and first sweep plane axis systems from default positions.
GetPosAngle method in object HybridShapePositionTransfo
Returns angles of both initial and target coordinate systems from default positions.
GetPosCoord method in object HybridShapeSweepExplicit
Gets translations coordinates if both profile axis system and first sweep plane axis system from default positions.
GetPosCoord method in object HybridShapePositionTransfo
Returns translation coordinates if both initial and target coordinate systems from default positions.
GetPosDirection method in object HybridShapeSweepExplicit
Gets the positioning directions : profile plane or first sweep plane X-axis direction.
GetPosPoint method in object HybridShapeSweepExplicit
Gets the points designated as the origins of the profile plane and first sweep plane.
GetPosPoint method in object HybridShapePositionTransfo
Returns the points designated as the origins of the initial and target planes.
GetPosSwapAxes method in object HybridShapeSweepExplicit
Gets axes inversion from previous definition for both profile plane and first sweep plane.
GetPosSwapAxes method in object HybridShapePositionTransfo
Returns axis inversion from previous definitions for both initial and target planes.
GetPosition method in object Scene
Returns the product's position object in the scene.
GetPosition method in object Plane
Gets the position where the plane is displayed.
GetPosition method in object AMPTag
Function to get the position( array of doubles; X, Y, Z, Yaw, Roll, Pitch values ) of the given AMPTag.
GetPosition method in object Section
Retrieves the position of the section.
GetPosition method in object SchGRRComp
Get the current position of the component.
GetPosition method in object PspPartConnector
Returns the Position of the connector.
GetPosition method in object SchRouteSymbol
Get the symbol's position on the route that own it.
GetPosition method in object SchCntrLocation
Get the current position of the connector in absolute coordinates.
GetPosition method in object MoveToPostureActivity
GetPositionDirection method in object HybridShapePositionTransfo
Returns the positioning directions.
GetPositions method in object Marker2D
Retrieves the coordinates of the positions of the Marker2D.
GetPostureValues method in object MoveToPostureActivity
Gets the Manikin's Posture values in 131 doubles.
GetPreSelectionModeInfo method in object VisualizationSettingAtt
Retrieves information about the PreSelectionMode setting parameter.
GetPrecision method in object SetOfEquation
Returns the calculation precision.
GetPreselectedElementLinetypeInfo method in object VisualizationSettingAtt
Retrieves information about the PreselectedElementLinetype setting parameter.
GetPreselectedElementRGB method in object VisualizationSettingAtt
Returns the PreselectedElementRGB parameter.
GetPreselectedElementRGBInfo method in object VisualizationSettingAtt
Retrieves information about the PreselectedElementRGB setting parameter.
GetPresentationInfo method in object Export3DXmlSettingAtt
GetPressureOverclosureTable method in object ABQMechConnBehavior
Returns a list of tabular pressure overclosure in connection behavior.
GetPrevAreaInfo method in object DMUTolSettingAtt
Retrieves informations about the Preview Area setting parameter value.
GetPrevProcParseTypeForMfgCtxInfo method in object MfgHubSettingAtt
Retrieves environment informations for the PrevProcParseTypeForMfgCtx parameter.
GetPreventBackgroundAccessInfo method in object DraftingSettingAtt
Retrieves environment informations for the PreventBackgroundAccess parameter.
GetPreventDimDriving3DCstrInfo method in object DraftingSettingAtt
Retrieves environment informations for the PreventDimDriving3DCstr parameter.
GetPreventFileNewInfo method in object DraftingSettingAtt
Retrieves environment informations for the PreventFileNew parameter.
GetPreventGenViewStyleInfo method in object DraftingSettingAtt
Retrieves environment informations for the PreventGenViewStyle parameter.
GetPreventSetAsDefaultInfo method in object DraftingSettingAtt
Retrieves environment informations for the PreventSetAsDefault parameter.
GetPreventSwitchStandardInfo method in object DraftingSettingAtt
Retrieves environment informations for the PreventSwitchStandard parameter.
GetPreventTrueDimensionCreationInfo method in object DraftingSettingAtt
Retrieves environment informations for the PreventTrueDimensionCreation parameter.
GetPreventUpdateStandardInfo method in object DraftingSettingAtt
Retrieves environment informations for the PreventUpdateStandard parameter.
GetPreventViewGeomUpgradeInfo method in object DraftingSettingAtt
Retrieves environment informations for the PreventViewGeomUpgrade parameter.
GetPreviousOrientation method in object HybridShapeTrim
Gets Orientation used to compute the feature, referring to the previous trimmed element.
GetPrincipalAxes method in object Inertia
Retrieves the the principal axes of inertia.
GetPrincipalMoments method in object Inertia
Retrieves the principal moments of inertia.
GetPrinterArrayForGroup method in object PrintersSettingAtt
Returns the definition of the printer group.
GetPrinterDirectories method in object PrintersSettingAtt
Returns the directories of printer files.
GetPrinterDirectoriesInfo method in object PrintersSettingAtt
Retrieves environment informations for the directories of printer files and their states.
GetPrinterDirectoryState method in object PrintersSettingAtt
Returns the state of the directory of printer files.
GetPrinterGroups method in object PrintersSettingAtt
Returns the printer groups.
GetPrinterGroupsInfo method in object PrintersSettingAtt
Retrieves environment informations for the definition of each printer group.
GetPriorityInfo method in object DocumentationSettingAtt
Retrieves environment informations for the contextual priority parameter.
GetProEInstanceModeInfo method in object MultiCADSettingAtt
Retrieves environment informations for the ProEInstanceMode parameter.
GetProEInstanceNameInfo method in object MultiCADSettingAtt
Retrieves environment informations for the ProEInstanceName parameter.
GetProEQuiltsReadInfo method in object MultiCADSettingAtt
Retrieves environment informations for the ProEQuiltsRead parameter.
GetProESimpRepModeInfo method in object MultiCADSettingAtt
Retrieves environment informations for the ProESimpRepMode parameter.
GetProESimpRepNameInfo method in object MultiCADSettingAtt
Retrieves environment informations for the ProESimpRepName parameter.
GetProcProdRelationsInfo method in object MfgHubSettingAtt
Retrieves environment informations for the ProcProdRelations parameter.
GetProcResRelationsInfo method in object MfgHubSettingAtt
Retrieves environment informations for the ProcResRelations parameter.
GetProcess method in object Fastener
GetProcessIDScript method in object LibTabSettingAtt
GetProcessIDScriptInfo method in object LibTabSettingAtt
GetProcessTreeID method in object MHILoadParameters
GetProduct method in object FixTogether
Returns a Product using its index or its name in the FixTogether.
GetProduct method in object Replay
Get the product for a channel.
GetProduct method in object Mechanism
Returns an item from the list of the products involved in the mechanism.
GetProductBOMID method in object MHILoadParameters
GetProductInstance method in object ManufacturingSetup
Give the Product of the ProductList linked to a Manufacturing Setup.
GetProductMotion method in object Mechanism
Retrieves motion from initial state to current state for a part of the mechanism.
GetProductNames method in object SystemConfiguration
Returns the product names of all the licenses currently known to the system.
GetProductUpdateStatusInfo method in object MeasureSettingAtt
Retrieves environment informations for the ProductUpdateStatus parameter.
GetProfileInstance method in object ParameterProfilesFactory
GetProfileInstances method in object ParameterProfilesFactory
GetProjectionPlane method in object DrawingViewGenerativeBehavior
Returns the drawing view projection plane.
GetProjectionPlaneNormal method in object DrawingViewGenerativeBehavior
Returns the normal vector of the drawing view projection plane.
GetPropagateHighlightInfo method in object Layout2DSettingAtt
Retrieves environment informations for the PropagateHighlight parameter.
GetPropagationType method in object HybridShapeExtractMulti
Returns the type of propagation of the list of constraints at specified position.
GetProperty method in object StrSection
Get a property value.
GetProtectedElementsColor method in object Layout2DSettingAtt
Returns the ProtectedElementsColor parameter.
GetProtectedElementsColorInfo method in object Layout2DSettingAtt
Retrieves environment informations for the ProtectedElementsColor parameter.
GetPublishAutoLaunchBrowserInfo method in object N4DNavigatorSettingAtt
Retrieves environment informations for the PublishAutoLaunchBrowser parameter.
GetPublishTopologicalElementsInfo method in object PartInfrastructureSettingAtt
Retrieves environment informations for the "PublishTopologicalElements" parameter.
GetPullingDirection method in object DraftDomain
Returns the draft pulling direction.
GetQuickConstraintModeInfo method in object AsmConstraintSettingAtt
Retrieves informations about the quick constraint setting parameter.
GetQuickConstraintOrderedList method in object AsmConstraintSettingAtt
Returns the quick constraint ordered list setting parameter.
GetRCSDataLibDirInfo method in object RRSSettingAtt
Retrieves environment informations for the "RCSDATA$LIB" parameter.
GetRRS2ConnectDownloadersInfo method in object RRSSettingAtt
Retrieves environment informations for the "RRS2ConnectDownloaders" parameter.
GetRRS2ConsistencyCmdDownloadersInfo method in object RRSSettingAtt
Retrieves environment informations for the "RRS2ConsistencyCmdDownloaders" parameter.
GetRRS2ControllerIdentifierAttributes method in object RRSSettingAtt
Gets various controller identifier-specific attributes associated with a given controller identifier.
GetRRS2ControllerIdentifiersInfo method in object RRSSettingAtt
Retrieves environment informations for the "RRS2ControllerIdentifiers" parameter.
GetRRS2DeleteAutoDownloadFilesAfterXferInfo method in object RRSSettingAtt
Retrieves environment informations for the "RRS2DeleteAutoDownloadFilesAfterXfer" parameter.
GetRRS2DfltControllerIdentifierInfo method in object RRSSettingAtt
Retrieves environment informations for the "RRS2DfltControllerIdentifier" parameter.
GetRRS2DownloadDuringConnectInfo method in object RRSSettingAtt
Retrieves environment informations for the "RRS2DownloadDuringConnect" parameter.
GetRRS2DownloadDuringSimRunInfo method in object RRSSettingAtt
Retrieves environment informations for the "RRS2DownloadDuringSimRun" parameter.
GetRRS2DownloadInPartCoordinatesInfo method in object RRSSettingAtt
Retrieves environment informations for the "RRS2DownloadInPartCoordinates" parameter.
GetRRS2DownloadLogFileNameInfo method in object RRSSettingAtt
Retrieves environment informations for the "RRS2DownloadLogFileName" parameter.
GetRRS2FreePlaySimStepSizeInfo method in object RRSSettingAtt
Retrieves environment informations for the "RRS2FreePlaySimStepSize" parameter.
GetRRS2MainTaskProcessingInfo method in object RRSSettingAtt
Retrieves environment informations for the "RRS2MainTaskProcessing" parameter.
GetRRS2MotionPlannerActiveDuringTeachOLPInfo method in object RRSSettingAtt
Retrieves environment informations for the "RRS2MotionPlannerActiveDuringTeachOLP" parameter.
GetRRS2SimRunDownloadersInfo method in object RRSSettingAtt
Retrieves environment informations for the "RRS2SimRunDownloaders" parameter.
GetRRS2StopVRCWhenSimStopsInfo method in object RRSSettingAtt
Retrieves environment informations for the "RRS2StopVRCWhenSimStops" parameter.
GetRRS2UpdateProgramOnDownloadInfo method in object RRSSettingAtt
Retrieves environment informations for the "RRS2UpdateProgramOnDownload" parameter.
GetRRS2UseVRCInverseKinematicsInfo method in object RRSSettingAtt
Retrieves environment informations for the "RRS2UseVRCInverseKinematics" parameter.
GetRRS2UseVRCTurnLimitsInfo method in object RRSSettingAtt
Retrieves environment informations for the "RRS2UseVRCTurnLimits" parameter.
GetRRSLibDirInfo method in object RRSSettingAtt
Retrieves environment informations for the "RRS$LIB" parameter.
GetRRSServerFileInfo method in object RRSSettingAtt
Retrieves environment informations for the "RRS Servers File" parameter.
GetRadius method in object HybridShapeSweepCircle
Returns the radius value useful in some circular sweep types.
GetRadiusOnMacro method in object ManufacturingOperation
Retrieves radius attribute on the circular elementary macro motion on CIRCULAR MILLING or THREAD MILLING operations ONLY.
GetRangeBox method in object Curve2D
Returns the range box (or bounding box) of the object The box is axially aligned within the local coordinate system of the server.
GetRatingInfo method in object HtsJointSpeedSettingsAtt
Retrieves environment informations for the Rating parameter.
GetReachColorInfo method in object RobAnalysisSettingAtt
Retrieves environment informations for the ReachColor parameter.
GetRealColor method in object VisPropertySet
Retrieves the real color for the current selection.
GetRealColor method in object SceneProductData
Returns / Set the scene product's color and inheritance.
GetRealInheritance method in object VisPropertySet
Retrieves the real inheritance flag for the current selection.
GetRealLineType method in object VisPropertySet
Retrieves the real line type for the current selection.
GetRealOpacity method in object VisPropertySet
Retrieves the real opacity for the current selection.
GetRealWidth method in object VisPropertySet
Retrieves the real line width for the current selection.
GetRecordModeInfo method in object ManipSettingAtt
Retrieves environment informations for the RecordMode parameter.
GetRefComponents method in object SchematicRoot
Returns a list of schematic component references under the root.
GetRefDocInfo method in object GeneralSessionSettingAtt
Retrieves environment informations for the referenced documents parameter.
GetReference method in object AnalysisEntity
Returns the reference corresponding to the given component.
GetReference method in object AnalysisLocalEntity
Returns the reference corresponding to the given component.
GetReferenceBasePosition method in object CalibOffsets
Retrieve current reference base position of robot.
GetReferenceDirection method in object HybridShapeWrapCurve
Gets the reference direction projection of the wrap curve feature.
GetReferenceDirectoryForTypesInfo method in object LanguageSheetSettingAtt
Retrieves information about the ReferenceDirectoryForTypes setting parameter.
GetReferencePoint method in object HybridShapePlaneEquation
Gets the reference point.
GetReferenceSpine method in object HybridShapeWrapCurve
Returns the reference spine of the wrap curve feature.
GetRelatedColors method in object DMUTolSettingAtt
Retrieves the Related Surface Color setting parameter value.
GetRelatedColorsInfo method in object DMUTolSettingAtt
Retrieves informations about the Related Surface Color setting parameter value.
GetRelatedOperation method in object DNB3DState
GetRelatedResource method in object DNB3DState
GetRelationObject method in object MHIRelationManagement
GetRelationsNodeInTreeInfo method in object PartInfrastructureSettingAtt
Retrieves environment informations for the "RelationsNodeInTree" parameter.
GetRelationsUpdateInPartContextEvaluateDuringUpdateInfo method in object KnowledgeSheetSettingAtt
Retrieves environment informations for the RelationsUpdateInPartContextEvaluateDuringUpdate parameter.
GetRelationsUpdateInPartContextSynchronousRelationsInfo method in object KnowledgeSheetSettingAtt
Retrieves environment informations for the RelationsUpdateInPartContextSynchronousRelations parameter.
GetRelativePosition method in object SchCntrLocation
Get the current position of the connector in relative coordinates.
GetReleasePath method in object CacheSettingAtt
Retieves the cache release paths.
GetReleasePathInfo method in object CacheSettingAtt
Retrieves environment informations for the Cache release path.
GetReleasedVoxelInfo method in object CacheSettingAtt
Retrieves environment informations for the Cache released voxel.
GetRelimiters method in object HybridShapeSweepLine
Retrieves the elements relimiting the spine (or the default spine).
GetRelimiters method in object HybridShapeSweepConic
Retrieves the elements relimiting the spine (or the default spine).
GetRelimiters method in object HybridShapeSweepCircle
Retrieves the elements relimiting the spine (or the default spine).
GetRelimiters method in object HybridShapeSweepExplicit
Retrieves the elements relimiting the spine (or the default spine).
GetRelimitingGeometry method in object ManufacturingOperation
Retrieves start / end element on PROFILE CONTOURING operation ONLY.
GetRemovedElem method in object HybridShapeTrim
Gets the removed feature at a given index.
GetRemovedElem method in object HybridShapeSplit
Gets the removed feature at a given index.
GetRenderStyleInfo method in object TreeTabSettingAtt
Retrieves environment informations for the "Render Style" parameter.
GetRepModInfo method in object IgesSettingAtt
Retrieves information about the Export representation mode setting parameter.
GetReplaceOnlyAfterCurrentInfo method in object PartInfrastructureSettingAtt
Retrieves environment informations for the "ReplaceOnlyAfterCurrent" parameter.
GetReportCheckAdvisorInfo method in object ReportGenerationSheetSettingAtt
Retrieves environment informations for the ReportCheckAdvisor parameter.
GetReportCheckExpertInfo method in object ReportGenerationSheetSettingAtt
Retrieves environment informations for the ReportCheckExpert parameter.
GetReportHtmlInCatiaSessionInfo method in object ReportGenerationSheetSettingAtt
Retrieves environment informations for the ReportHtmlInCatiaSession parameter.
GetReportObjectsInformationInfo method in object ReportGenerationSheetSettingAtt
Retrieves environment informations for the ReportObjectsInformation parameter.
GetReportOutputDirectoryInfo method in object ReportGenerationSheetSettingAtt
Retrieves environment informations for the ReportOutputDirectory parameter.
GetReportParametersInformationInfo method in object ReportGenerationSheetSettingAtt
Retrieves environment informations for the ReportParametersInformation parameter.
GetReportPassedObjectsInfo method in object ReportGenerationSheetSettingAtt
Retrieves environment informations for the ReportPassedObjects parameter.
GetReshapeMode method in object SchGRRRoute2
Get the reshape mode.
GetResolvedSectionsPathInfo method in object PathESSRessourcesSettingAtt
Retrieves environment informations for the ResolvedSectionsPath parameter.
GetResource method in object Task
GetResourceFilterInfo method in object TreeTabSettingAtt
Retrieves environment informations for the 'Resource Folder' parameter.
GetResourcePath method in object PspResource
Returns the path value defined for a resource.
GetResourceTreeID method in object MHILoadParameters
GetResourceValue method in object PspResource
Returns the value defined for a resource.
GetResultOutputDirInfo method in object FASReportingSettingAtt
Gets information on "OLP Robot Program Directory" parameter.
GetRevision method in object Scene
Returns the product's revision number.
GetRmvNotAssgnPrdResOnSyncInfo method in object MfgHubSettingAtt
Retrieves environment informations for the RmvNotAssgnPrdResOnSync parameter.
GetRobotMotion method in object Operation
Retrieves the RobotMotion.
GetRobotProgramDirInfo method in object IgpOlpSettingAtt
Retrieves information about the OLP Directory setting parameter.
GetRobotProgramDirectory method in object OLPTranslator
Retrieves the OLP Directory setting parameter value.
GetRootDLNameCreationRightInfo method in object DLNameSettingAtt
Retrieves the state of the parameter RootDLNameCreationRight.
GetRootProduct method in object PCBWorkbench
Allows to get the root product of a document.
GetRootsOfFacts method in object ExpertRuleBaseRuntime
Retrieves all the roots of facts from the rule base.
GetRotAccelColorInfo method in object RobAnalysisSettingAtt
Retrieves environment informations for the RotAccelColor parameter.
GetRotAccelLimitInfo method in object RobAnalysisSettingAtt
Retrieves environment informations for the RotAccelLimit parameter.
GetRotSpeedColorInfo method in object RobAnalysisSettingAtt
Retrieves environment informations for the RotSpeedColor parameter.
GetRotSpeedLimitInfo method in object RobAnalysisSettingAtt
Retrieves environment informations for the RotSpeedLimit parameter.
GetRotationAngle method in object SchGRRComp
Get the current rotation angle (from x-axis in radian) of the component.
GetRotationAxis method in object CircPattern
Returns the rotation axis.
GetRotationCenter method in object CircPattern
Returns the rotation center if the user defined it.
GetRotationSnapAngleInfo method in object FTASettingAtt
Retrieves informations about the Rotation Snap Angle setting parameter value.
GetRotationSnapAutoInfo method in object FTASettingAtt
Retrieves informations about the Rotation Snap Auto setting parameter value.
GetRotationSphereModeInfo method in object VisualizationSettingAtt
Retrieves information about the RotationSphereMode setting parameter.
GetRoutes method in object SchematicRoot
Returns a list of schematic routes under the root.
GetRowSize method in object DrawingTable
Returns the height of a row of a drawing table.
GetRuledDevelopableSurfaceConnection method in object HybridShapeBlend
Returns or sets the ruled developable surface connection type.
GetRunAnnotBehaviorInfo method in object SimulationSettingAtt
Retrieves environment informations for the RunAnnotBehavior parameter.
GetRunAnnotationInfo method in object SimulationSettingAtt
Retrieves environment informations for the RunAnnotation parameter.
GetRunEndConditionInfo method in object SimulationSettingAtt
Retrieves environment informations for the RunEndCondition parameter.
GetRunHlnkBehaviorInfo method in object SimulationSettingAtt
Retrieves environment informations for the RunHlnkBehavior parameter.
GetRunHyperlinkInfo method in object SimulationSettingAtt
Retrieves environment informations for the RunHyperlink parameter.
GetRunPauseInfo method in object SimulationSettingAtt
Retrieves environment informations for the RunPause parameter.
GetRunStateMgtInfo method in object SimulationSettingAtt
Retrieves environment informations for the RunStateMgt parameter.
GetRunStepSizeInfo method in object SimulationSettingAtt
Retrieves environment informations for the RunStepSize parameter.
GetRunTextBehaviorInfo method in object SimulationSettingAtt
Retrieves environment informations for the RunTextBehavior parameter.
GetRunTextMsgInfo method in object SimulationSettingAtt
Retrieves environment informations for the RunTextMsg parameter.
GetRunViewpointInfo method in object SimulationSettingAtt
Retrieves environment informations for the RunViewpoint parameter.
GetRunVisBehaviorInfo method in object SimulationSettingAtt
Retrieves environment informations for the RunVisBehavior parameter.
GetSHMStdProfPathInfo method in object CatalogSHMObjectSettingAtt
Retrieves information about the SHMStdProfPath setting parameter.
GetSHMViewFDBeadBTLFeatInfo method in object ViewCharacteristicCurvesSettingAtt
Retrieves information about the SHMViewFDBeadBTLFeat setting parameter.
GetSHMViewFDCircStampBTLFeatInfo method in object ViewCharacteristicCurvesSettingAtt
Retrieves information about the SHMViewFDCircStampBTLFeat setting parameter.
GetSHMViewFDCurveStampBTLFeatInfo method in object ViewCharacteristicCurvesSettingAtt
Retrieves information about the SHMViewFDCurveStampBTLFeat setting parameter.
GetSHMViewFDFlgCutBTLFeatInfo method in object ViewCharacteristicCurvesSettingAtt
Retrieves information about the SHMViewFDFlgCutBTLFeat setting parameter.
GetSHMViewFDFlgCutIMLInfo method in object ViewCharacteristicCurvesSettingAtt
Retrieves information about the SHMViewFDFlgCutIML setting parameter.
GetSHMViewFDFlgCutOMLInfo method in object ViewCharacteristicCurvesSettingAtt
Retrieves information about the SHMViewFDFlgCutOML setting parameter.
GetSHMViewFDFlgHoleBTLFeatInfo method in object ViewCharacteristicCurvesSettingAtt
Retrieves information about the SHMViewFDFlgHoleBTLFeat setting parameter.
GetSHMViewFDFlgHoleIMLInfo method in object ViewCharacteristicCurvesSettingAtt
Retrieves information about the SHMViewFDFlgHoleIML setting parameter.
GetSHMViewFDFlgHoleOMLInfo method in object ViewCharacteristicCurvesSettingAtt
Retrieves information about the SHMViewFDFlgHoleOML setting parameter.
GetSHMViewFDOtherStampBTLFeatInfo method in object ViewCharacteristicCurvesSettingAtt
Retrieves information about the SHMViewFDOtherStampBTLFeat setting parameter.
GetSHMViewFDStiffStampBTLFeatInfo method in object ViewCharacteristicCurvesSettingAtt
Retrieves information about the SHMViewFDStiffStampBTLFeat setting parameter.
GetSHMViewFDSurfFlgBTLFeatBFInfo method in object ViewCharacteristicCurvesSettingAtt
Retrieves information about the SHMViewFDSurfFlgBTLFeatBF setting parameter.
GetSHMViewFDSurfFlgBTLFeatHFInfo method in object ViewCharacteristicCurvesSettingAtt
Retrieves information about the SHMViewFDSurfFlgBTLFeatHF setting parameter.
GetSHMViewFDSurfFlgBTLSuppBFInfo method in object ViewCharacteristicCurvesSettingAtt
Retrieves information about the SHMViewFDSurfFlgBTLSuppBF setting parameter.
GetSHMViewFDSurfFlgBTLSuppHFInfo method in object ViewCharacteristicCurvesSettingAtt
Retrieves information about the SHMViewFDSurfFlgBTLSuppHF setting parameter.
GetSHMViewFDSurfFlgIMLBFInfo method in object ViewCharacteristicCurvesSettingAtt
Retrieves information about the SHMViewFDSurfFlgIMLBF setting parameter.
GetSHMViewFDSurfFlgIMLHFInfo method in object ViewCharacteristicCurvesSettingAtt
Retrieves information about the SHMViewFDSurfFlgIMLHF setting parameter.
GetSHMViewFDSurfFlgOMLBFInfo method in object ViewCharacteristicCurvesSettingAtt
Retrieves information about the SHMViewFDSurfFlgOMLBF setting parameter.
GetSHMViewFDSurfFlgOMLHFInfo method in object ViewCharacteristicCurvesSettingAtt
Retrieves information about the SHMViewFDSurfFlgOMLHF setting parameter.
GetSHMViewFDSurfStampBTLFeatInfo method in object ViewCharacteristicCurvesSettingAtt
Retrieves information about the SHMViewFDSurfStampBTLFeat setting parameter.
GetSHMViewFDUserStampBTLFeatInfo method in object ViewCharacteristicCurvesSettingAtt
Retrieves information about the SHMViewFDUserStampBTLFeat setting parameter.
GetSHMViewFPBeadBTLFeatInfo method in object ViewCharacteristicCurvesSettingAtt
Retrieves information about the SHMViewFPBeadBTLFeat setting parameter.
GetSHMViewFPCircStampBTLFeatInfo method in object ViewCharacteristicCurvesSettingAtt
Retrieves information about the SHMViewFPCircStampBTLFeat setting parameter.
GetSHMViewFPCurveStampBTLFeatInfo method in object ViewCharacteristicCurvesSettingAtt
Retrieves information about the SHMViewFPCurveStampBTLFeat setting parameter.
GetSHMViewFPFlgCutBTLFeatInfo method in object ViewCharacteristicCurvesSettingAtt
Retrieves information about the SHMViewFPFlgCutBTLFeat setting parameter.
GetSHMViewFPFlgCutIMLInfo method in object ViewCharacteristicCurvesSettingAtt
Retrieves information about the SHMViewFPFlgCutIML setting parameter.
GetSHMViewFPFlgCutOMLInfo method in object ViewCharacteristicCurvesSettingAtt
Retrieves information about the SHMViewFPFlgCutOML setting parameter.
GetSHMViewFPFlgHoleBTLFeatInfo method in object ViewCharacteristicCurvesSettingAtt
Retrieves information about the SHMViewFPFlgHoleBTLFeat setting parameter.
GetSHMViewFPFlgHoleIMLInfo method in object ViewCharacteristicCurvesSettingAtt
Retrieves information about the SHMViewFPFlgHoleIML setting parameter.
GetSHMViewFPFlgHoleOMLInfo method in object ViewCharacteristicCurvesSettingAtt
Retrieves information about the SHMViewFPFlgHoleOML setting parameter.
GetSHMViewFPOtherStampBTLFeatInfo method in object ViewCharacteristicCurvesSettingAtt
Retrieves information about the SHMViewFPOtherStampBTLFeat setting parameter.
GetSHMViewFPStiffStampBTLFeatInfo method in object ViewCharacteristicCurvesSettingAtt
Retrieves information about the SHMViewFPStiffStampBTLFeat setting parameter.
GetSHMViewFPSurfFlgBTLFeatBFInfo method in object ViewCharacteristicCurvesSettingAtt
Retrieves information about the SHMViewFPSurfFlgBTLFeatBF setting parameter.
GetSHMViewFPSurfFlgBTLFeatHFInfo method in object ViewCharacteristicCurvesSettingAtt
Retrieves information about the SHMViewFPSurfFlgBTLFeatHF setting parameter.
GetSHMViewFPSurfFlgBTLSuppBFInfo method in object ViewCharacteristicCurvesSettingAtt
Retrieves information about the SHMViewFPSurfFlgBTLSuppBF setting parameter.
GetSHMViewFPSurfFlgBTLSuppHFInfo method in object ViewCharacteristicCurvesSettingAtt
Retrieves information about the SHMViewFPSurfFlgBTLSuppHF setting parameter.
GetSHMViewFPSurfFlgCLBBFInfo method in object ViewCharacteristicCurvesSettingAtt
Retrieves information about the SHMViewFPSurfFlgCLBBF setting parameter.
GetSHMViewFPSurfFlgCLBHFInfo method in object ViewCharacteristicCurvesSettingAtt
Retrieves information about the SHMViewFPSurfFlgCLBHF setting parameter.
GetSHMViewFPSurfFlgIMLBFInfo method in object ViewCharacteristicCurvesSettingAtt
Retrieves information about the SHMViewFPSurfFlgIMLBF setting parameter.
GetSHMViewFPSurfFlgIMLHFInfo method in object ViewCharacteristicCurvesSettingAtt
Retrieves information about the SHMViewFPSurfFlgIMLHF setting parameter.
GetSHMViewFPSurfFlgOML2BFInfo method in object ViewCharacteristicCurvesSettingAtt
Retrieves information about the SHMViewFPSurfFlgOML2BF setting parameter.
GetSHMViewFPSurfFlgOML2HFInfo method in object ViewCharacteristicCurvesSettingAtt
Retrieves information about the SHMViewFPSurfFlgOML2HF setting parameter.
GetSHMViewFPSurfFlgOMLBFInfo method in object ViewCharacteristicCurvesSettingAtt
Retrieves information about the SHMViewFPSurfFlgOMLBF setting parameter.
GetSHMViewFPSurfFlgOMLHFInfo method in object ViewCharacteristicCurvesSettingAtt
Retrieves information about the SHMViewFPSurfFlgOMLHF setting parameter.
GetSHMViewFPSurfStampBTLFeatInfo method in object ViewCharacteristicCurvesSettingAtt
Retrieves information about the SHMViewFPSurfStampBTLFeat setting parameter.
GetSHMViewFPUserStampBTLFeatInfo method in object ViewCharacteristicCurvesSettingAtt
Retrieves information about the SHMViewFPUserStampBTLFeat setting parameter.
GetSMARTEAMClassID method in object StiEngine
Returns the Class Identifier of a SmarTeam Integration Object CATIAStiDBItem -at least saved in SmarTeam.
GetSMARTEAMObjectID method in object StiEngine
Returns the Object Identifier of a SmarTeam Integration Object CATIAStiDBItem -at least saved in SmarTeam.
GetSVGViewerInfo method in object FASReportingSettingAtt
Gets information on "OLP Robot Program Directory" parameter.
GetSafetyPlane method in object ManufacturingSetup
Retrieves the Safety Plane from a Manufacturing Setup.
GetSameDisplayInfo method in object UnitsSheetSettingAtt
Retrieves environment informations for the SameDisplay parameter.
GetSamplePosition method in object Replay
Get the sample values.
GetSampleTime method in object Replay
Get the sample time.
GetSampleds method in object SampledsNode
GetSaveAsNewTemplateDirectoryInfo method in object AnalysisPostProSettingAtt
Retrieves environment informations for the SaveAsNewTemplateDirectory parameter.
GetSaveAutoIncrementInfo method in object RenderingSettingAtt
Retrieves environment informations for the SaveAutoIncrement parameter.
GetSaveCGRInfo method in object DMUTolSettingAtt
Retrieves informations about the Save in CGR setting parameter value.
GetSaveControlFlowInPROModeInfo method in object MfgHubSettingAtt
Retrieves environment informations for the SaveControlFlowInPROMode parameter.
GetSaveCoorsysInCgrInfo method in object MultiCADSettingAtt
Retrieves environment informations for the SaveCoorsysInCgr parameter.
GetSaveInCGRInfo method in object FTAInfraSettingAtt
Retrieves information about the Save In CGR setting parameter value.
GetSavePPRNoDetailingInfo method in object MfgHubSettingAtt
Retrieves environment informations for the SavePPRNoDetailing parameter.
GetSaveRelationToUnExposedPartInfo method in object MfgHubSettingAtt
Retrieves environment informations for the SaveRelationToUnExposedPart parameter.
GetSaveShowEffctvtPanelInfo method in object MfgHubSettingAtt
Retrieves environment informations for the SaveShowEffctvtPanel parameter.
GetSaveV5CalcTimeInfo method in object MfgHubSettingAtt
Retrieves environment informations for the SaveV5CalcTime parameter.
GetScale method in object SchGRRComp
Get the current scale factor of the component.
GetSceneDefaultsColor method in object N4DNavigatorSettingAtt
Returns the scene background color (oRed, oGreen, oBlue: RGB values of the color).
GetSceneDefaultsColorInfo method in object N4DNavigatorSettingAtt
Retrieves environment informations for the SceneDefaultsColor parameter.
GetSceneProductData method in object ProductScene
Returns the SceneProductData associated to the given product in the Product-Scene.
GetSchBaseFactory method in object SchematicRoot
Returns schematic base object factory.
GetSchCntrOwners method in object SchGRR
Get the schematic objects that own this connector graphic representation.
GetSchExtContainer method in object SchSession
Get the schematic container (e.
GetSchObjOwner method in object SchGRR
Get the schematic object that owns this graphic representation.
GetSchematicSession method in object SchematicRoot
Returns the schematic session the document containing the root is associated with.
GetScoredElement method in object DrawingDimValue
Get dimension scored element.
GetScriptVarValue method in object AMPPath
Function to get the value of system variable, "ScriptVar".
GetSearch_Mapping_List method in object MigrBatchSettingAtt
Retrieves the state of the "Mapping Files Location for Retrieving" setting parameter.
GetSecondAngleLaw method in object HybridShapeSweepCircle
Retrieves the second angle law useful in some circular sweep types.
GetSecondAxis method in object Plane
Returns the coordinates of the second plane axis.
GetSecondAxis method in object PlanarFace
Returns the planar face second axis.
GetSecondDirection method in object RectPattern
Returns the second repartition direction.
GetSecondDirection method in object HybridShapeCircleCtrRad
Gets the second direction on the plane to compute the point (for stability).
GetSecondDirection method in object HybridShapePointOnPlane
Gets the second direction on the plane to compute the point (for stability).
GetSecondLengthDefinitionType method in object HybridShapeSweepLine
Retrieves the second length definition type.
GetSecondLengthLaw method in object HybridShapeSweepLine
Retrieves the second length law useful in some linear sweep types.
GetSecondPointCoordinates method in object Distance
Retrieves the coordinates of the point belonging to the second product, which realizes the distance.
GetSecondPointCoordinates method in object Conflict
Retrieves the coordinates of the point on the second product which realizes the penetration or minimum distance.
GetSectPatternInfo method in object FTASettingAtt
Retrieves informations about the Pattern of Visu setting parameter value.
GetSectPatternInfo method in object DMUTolSettingAtt
Retrieves informations about the Pattern of Visu setting parameter value.
GetSection method in object HybridShapeSpine
Retrieves a section or a plane.
GetSectionFillInfo method in object SectioningSettingAtt
Retrieves environment informations for the SectionFill parameter.
GetSectionFromLoft method in object HybridShapeLoft
Retrieves a loft section information.
GetSectionInfo method in object Export3DXmlSettingAtt
GetSectionsCatalogPathInfo method in object PathESSRessourcesSettingAtt
Retrieves environment informations for the SectionsCatalogPath parameter.
GetSeedPoint method in object SchGRRRouteEllipse
Get the seed point of the route graphic ellipse.
GetSegmentData method in object ArrBendableString
Returns the data of the segment (Point Indices, Slope angle, Rotation Angle).
GetSegmentValues method in object MoveToPostureActivity
GetSelectPublishedGeometryInfo method in object FTASettingAtt
Retrieves informations about the Select Published Geometry setting parameter value.
GetSelectedEdgeRGB method in object VisualizationSettingAtt
Returns the SelectedEdgeRGB parameter.
GetSelectedEdgeRGBInfo method in object VisualizationSettingAtt
Retrieves information about the SelectedEdgeRGB setting parameter.
GetSelectedElementRGB method in object VisualizationSettingAtt
Returns the SelectedElementRGB parameter.
GetSelectedElementRGBInfo method in object VisualizationSettingAtt
Retrieves information about the SelectedElementRGB setting parameter.
GetSelectedObjectID method in object MHILoadParameters
GetServerTimeOutInfo method in object LicenseSettingAtt
Retrieves information about the TimeOut setting parameter.
GetShaderModeInfo method in object VisualizationSettingAtt
Retrieves information about the ShaderMode setting parameter.
GetShadowColor method in object RenderingLight
Returns the color of a shadow.
GetShapeColor method in object ColorSTDObjectSettingAtt
Returns or sets the ShapeColor parameter.
GetShapeColorInfo method in object ColorSTDObjectSettingAtt
Retrieves environment informations for the ShapeColor parameter.
GetShapePathName method in object Product
Returns the path name of a shape for a given shape name.
GetShapeRepresentation method in object Product
Retrieves the product's representation with the given parameters.
GetShiftedProfileInfo method in object FTASettingAtt
Retrieves informations about the Shifted Profile setting parameter value.
GetShow method in object VisPropertySet
Returns the state show mode for the current selection.
GetShowActivationInfo method in object TreeVizManipSettingAtt
Retrieves environment informations for the visualization Show/NoShow's mode applied to the specification tree.
GetShowCompletionDialogBoxInfo method in object IgesSettingAtt
Retrieves information about the Show/No Show dialog box setting parameter.
GetShowLicenseInfo method in object LicenseSettingAtt
Retrieves information about the ShowLicense setting parameter.
GetShowOnlyFilteredObjectsInfo method in object MfgHubSettingAtt
Retrieves environment informations for the ShowOnlyFilteredObjects parameter.
GetShowParametersInfo method in object FunctionalSystemSettingAtt
Retrieves environment informations for the ShowParameters parameter.
GetShowRelationsInfo method in object FunctionalSystemSettingAtt
Retrieves environment informations for the ShowRelations parameter.
GetShowSynchroStatusOfLocalParamCacheInfo method in object FunctionalSystemSettingAtt
Retrieves environment informations for the ShowSynchroStatusOfLocalParamCache parameter.
GetSideStepAngleInfo method in object HtsGeneralSettingAtt
Retrieves environment informations for the SideStepAngle parameter.
GetSightDirection method in object Viewpoint3D
Gets the components of the sight direction of the viewpoint.
GetSightDirection method in object AnnotatedView
Retrieves the components of the sight direction of the 3D viewpoint of the annotated view.
GetSimplify method in object HybridShapeAssemble
Get the simplify flag.
GetSingularColorInfo method in object RobAnalysisSettingAtt
Retrieves environment informations for the SingularColor parameter.
GetSize method in object HybridShapePlaneMean
Gets the size of the list (number of points).
GetSize method in object HybridShapeIntegratedLaw
Gets the size of the list in the law i.
GetSizeControlInfo method in object CacheSettingAtt
Retrieves environment informations for the size control mode.
GetSizeTypeInfo method in object TreeVizManipSettingAtt
Retrieves environment informations for the type of size applied to the text of the specification tree.
GetSnapAngleDistanceInfo method in object ManipSettingAtt
Retrieves environment informations for the SnapAngleDistance parameter.
GetSnapPositionInfo method in object ManipSettingAtt
Retrieves environment informations for the SnapPosition parameter.
GetSolidMUInfo method in object V4V5SpaceSettingAtt
Retrieves information about the Solid Mock-Up Migration Mode setting parameter.
GetSource method in object Scene
Returns the product's source.
GetSpacingCode method in object SchFrameInfo
Get the frame spacing code.
GetSpatial method in object PspPhysical
Returns the Spatial object.
GetSpecularColor method in object RenderingMaterial
Returns the specular color of a material.
GetSpeedValue method in object GenericMotionProfile
Retrieves speed value of the Profile.
GetSpine method in object HybridShapeLoft
Gets the spine of the lofted surface.
GetSplineType method in object HybridShapeSpline
Gets the spline type.
GetSplitFunctionalObjectNameInfo method in object FunctionalSystemSettingAtt
Retrieves environment informations for the SplitFunctionalObjectName parameter.
GetStandardInfo method in object FTAInfraSettingAtt
Retrieves information about the Tolerancing Standard setting parameter value.
GetStartAndEndSectionTangent method in object HybridShapeLoft
Gets the start and end section tangents of the lofted surface.
GetStartPoint method in object SchGRRRoute
Get the start point of the route graphic.
GetStartPointGeometry method in object ManufacturingOperation
Retrieves geometry and offset of a start point on POCKETING operation ONLY.
GetStartSegment method in object SWKIKConstraint
Returns the start segment of the IK chain of the constraint.
GetStartTangentDirectionFlag method in object HybridShapeConic
Retrieves the tangent direction orientation at the conic start point.
GetStartUp_Model_For_DrawingInfo method in object MigrBatchSettingAtt
Retrieves information about the "Initial Drawing Path" setting parameter.
GetStateName method in object DNB3DState
GetStaticCullInfo method in object VisualizationSettingAtt
Retrieves information about the StaticCull setting parameter.
GetStaticLODInfo method in object VisualizationSettingAtt
Retrieves information about the StaticLOD setting parameter.
GetStatus method in object SchInternalFlow
Get insertion flow status.
GetStepByStepUpdateAndRerouteInfo method in object SpecV4SettingAtt
Retrieves information about the StepByStepUpdateAndReroute setting parameter.
GetStereoModeInfo method in object VisualizationSettingAtt
Retrieves information about the StereoMode setting parameter.
GetStiDBItemFromAnyObject method in object StiEngine
Returns the SmarTeam Integration Object CATIAStiDBItem from an AnyObject object.
GetStiDBItemFromCATBSTR method in object StiEngine
Returns the SmarTeam Integration Object CATIAStiDBItem from a Full Path .
GetStockFromSetup method in object ManufacturingSetup
Retrieves the path of the Stock file from a Manufacturing Setup.
GetStringAttribute method in object E5Property
GetStringUsedAsCarriageReturnInfo method in object FunctionalSystemSettingAtt
Retrieves environment informations for the StringUsedAsCarriageReturn parameter.
GetStringUserAttribute method in object Fastener
eturns the value of user attribute whoes name matches the input string.
GetStyleSheetDirInfo method in object FASReportingSettingAtt
Gets information on "OLP Robot Program Directory" parameter.
GetStyleSheetPathInfo method in object WorkGeneralSettingAtt
Retrieves environment informations for the StyleSheetPath parameter.
GetSubElement method in object HybridShapeAssemble
Retrieves a sub element used by the hybrid shape assemble feature object.
GetSubElementsSize method in object HybridShapeAssemble
Returns the size of the list of sub-elements to remove in the hybrid shape assemble feature object.
GetSubItem method in object ArrSystemLineProduct
Allows the user to get the item at a specific index location.
GetSubProductsCount method in object ArrSystemLineProduct
Returns the count of the sub-products that make up the System-Line Arrangement Product and that match a specifc interface id.
GetSupport method in object HybridShapeBlend
Returns a support from the blend.
GetSupport method in object HybridShapeSpline
Gets the support surface.
GetSupport method in object HybridShapeExtractMulti
Returns the support of the list of constraints at specified position.
GetSupportAtPosition method in object HybridShapeFill
Retrieves the support at specified position in the hybrid shape fill feature object.
GetSupportedRelations method in object MHIRelationManagement
This method lists all the possible values that can passed as the relation name for “DNBIAMHIRelationManagement#GetRelationObject” method.
GetSupports method in object ABQMassScaling
Gets the supports that define the mass scaling region(s).
GetSupports method in object ABQRigidCoupling
Returns the supports for the coupling.
GetSupports method in object ABQSmoothCoupling
Returns the supports for the coupling.
GetSuppressMode method in object HybridShapeAssemble
Get the SuppressMode flag.
GetSurface method in object StrComputeServices
Returns the surface for a structure object.
GetSurfaceAccuracyInfo method in object Export3DXmlSettingAtt
Retrieves environment informations for the surface accuracy setting.
GetSurfaceElementsLocationInfo method in object PartInfrastructureSettingAtt
Retrieves environment informations for the "SurfaceElementsLocation" parameter.
GetSurfaces method in object Annotation
Get the geometry on which the Annotation is applied to.
GetSurfacesCount method in object Annotation
Count the geometry on which the Annotation is applied to.
GetSymbColor method in object DrawingDimLine
Get symbol color of dimension line.
GetSymbThickness method in object DrawingDimLine
Get symbol thickness of dimension line.
GetSymbType method in object DrawingDimLine
Get symbol type of dimension line.
GetSymbol method in object DrawingWelding
Returns the symbol of the drawing welding.
GetSymbol method in object SchGRRCntr
Get the graphical primitive of a connector.
GetSymbolType method in object VisPropertySet
Retrieves the symbol type for the current selection.
GetSymbolcTransformations method in object SetOfEquation
Returns whether the Gauss method is used during the symbolic transformation.
GetSymmetricalExtension method in object HybridShapeLinePtPt
Gets whether the symmetrical extension of the line is active.
GetSymmetricalExtension method in object HybridShapeLinePtDir
Gets whether the symmetrical extension of the line is active.
GetSymmetricalExtension method in object HybridShapeLineAngle
Gets whether the symmetrical extension of the line is active.
GetSymmetricalExtension method in object HybridShapeLineNormal
Gets whether the symmetrical extension of the line is active.
GetSymmetricalExtension method in object HybridShapeLineTangency
Gets whether the symmetrical extension of the line is active.
GetSymmetricalExtension method in object HybridShapeLineBisecting
Gets whether the symmetrical extension of the line is active.
GetSyncAnlSpecsInfo method in object AnalysisSettingAtt
Retrieves environment informations for the SyncAnlSpecs parameter.
GetSyncTimeAndSpeedInSimulationInfo method in object HtsGeneralSettingAtt
Retrieves environment informations for the SyncTimeAndSpeed parameter.
GetTCPOffset method in object GenericToolProfile
Retrieve the underlying x,y,z, roll, pitch, yaw of the Tool TCP offset.
GetTCPTraceMode method in object TCPTraceActivity
Indicates if the tracing capability is active or not.
GetTableCurrentAbsolutePosition method in object ManufacturingProgram
Get the current absolute position of the Machine Table.
GetTag method in object TagGroup
Returns a Tag by Index.
GetTag method in object PointFastener
eturns a DELMIATag object from fastener Example: MyTag = MyFastener.
GetTagList method in object TagGroup
GetTagTarget method in object RobotMotion
Retrieves the underlying Tag Target.
GetTangency method in object HybridShapeSweepConic
Gets tangency surface or curve and its angle given the guide curve index.
GetTangencyAngleLawInversion method in object HybridShapeSweepConic
Gets information whether tangency angle law has to be inverted or not for a specified guide curve.
GetTangencyChoiceNo method in object HybridShapeSweepCircle
Retrieves a sequence which identifies a solution among all possibilities of a circular profile sweep tangent to a surface.
GetTangencyContinuity method in object HybridShapeAssemble
Get the tangency continuity checker flag.
GetTangencyLaw method in object HybridShapeSweepConic
Gets tangency surface or curve and its angle given the guide curve index.
GetTangent method in object Curve2D
Returns the unit-vector tangent at the parameter specified.
GetTangent method in object ControlPoint2D
GetTangentNorm method in object HybridShapeSpline
Returns the tension for each point of the spline.
GetTarget method in object RenderingLight
Returns the coordinates of the target point of the light.
GetTargetDevice method in object AMPPath
Function to get the target device of the AMPPath.
GetTargetLine method in object SWKIKConstraint
Get the target points coordinates of a line This method retrieves the origin point coordinates as (x, y, z) data and the direction value of a line.
GetTargetPlane method in object SWKIKConstraint
Get the target points coordinates of a line This method retrieves the origin point coordinates as (x, y, z) data and the direction value of a line.
GetTargetPoint method in object SWKIKConstraint
Get the target point coordinates.
GetTargetType method in object RobotMotion
Retrieves the Target Type.
GetTask method in object ResourceProgramManager
Retrieves the Tasks corresponding to the given Task Name.
GetTeamPDMURL method in object StiEngine
Returns the Team PDM URL of a CATIAStiDBItem.
GetTechnicalDocumentationPathInfo method in object DocumentationSettingAtt
Retrieves environment informations for the technical documentation location parameter.
GetTechnologicalDatas method in object Shot
Retrieves all the data associated to the part.
GetTechnologicalObject method in object Activity
Returns the process's applicative data which type is the given parameter.
GetTechnologicalObject method in object Product
Returns the product's applicative data which type is the given parameter.
GetTechnologicalObject method in object ArrangementRun
Returns the applicative data which type is the given parameter.
GetTechnologicalObject method in object ArrangementArea
Returns the applicative data whose type is the given parameter.
GetTechnologicalObject method in object ArrangementProduct
Returns the product's applicative data which type is the given parameter.
GetTechnologicalObject method in object ArrangementPathway
Returns the applicative data which type is the given parameter.
GetTechnologicalObject method in object ArrangementBoundary
Returns the applicative data whose type is the given parameter.
GetTechnologicalObject method in object ArrangementRectangle
Returns the applicative data which type is the given parameter.
GetTechnologicalObject method in object ArrangementItemReservation
Returns the applicative data whose type is the given parameter.
GetTempDependentFilmCoeffTable method in object ABQFilmCondition
Returns a list of temperature dependent film coefficients if the film condition is temperature dependent.
GetTempOutputDirectoryInfo method in object AnalysisReportingSettingAtt
Retrieves environment informations for the TempOutputDirectory parameter.
GetTemplateBooleanAttribute method in object IPDTemplateProperty
GetTemplateDoubleAttribute method in object IPDTemplateProperty
GetTemplateLongAttribute method in object IPDTemplateProperty
GetTemplateStringAttribute method in object IPDTemplateProperty
GetTemporaryListFactory method in object SchematicRoot
Returns the factory to create lists of various types.
GetTensionInDouble method in object HybridShapeBlend
Returns the tension values of a limit of the blend.
GetTensionType method in object HybridShapeBlend
Returns the tension type of a limit of the blend.
GetTerminationAttrListInfo method in object PlugMapViewSettingAtt
Retrieves environment informations for the TerminationAttrList parameter.
GetTextColor method in object MeasureSettingAtt
Returns the TextColor parameter .
GetTextColorInfo method in object MeasureSettingAtt
Retrieves environment informations for the TextColor parameter.
GetTextMigrationInfo method in object V4V5SpaceSettingAtt
Retrieves information about the 3D Text Migration setting parameter.
GetTextPositions method in object Marker3D
Retrieves the coordinates of the positions of a text marker 3D.
GetTextRange method in object DrawingWelding
Returns the field of the drawing welding in a drawing text range.
GetTextRange method in object DrawingTextRange
Returns a drawing text range within another drawing text range.
GetThematicsParameterInfo method in object GlobalStatisticsSettingAtt
Retrieves environment informations for the global statistics parameters.
GetThematicsParameterInfo method in object GeneralStatisticsSettingAtt
Retrieves environment informations for the general statistics parameters.
GetThickness method in object TCPTrace
Get the TCP trace component (DNBTCPTraceReps) thickness(for line, axis).
GetThicknessListPathInfo method in object PathESSRessourcesSettingAtt
Retrieves environment informations for the ThicknessListPath parameter.
GetTieSupports method in object ABQRigidBodyConstraint
Gets the tie point supports for the rigid body.
GetTildeDisplayInfo method in object MeasureSettingAtt
Retrieves environment informations for the TildeDisplay parameter.
GetTimeAmplitudeTable method in object ABQTabularAmplitude
Returns a list of time and amplitude for the specified timespan (STEP_TIME or TOTAL_TIME).
GetTimeAmplitudeTable method in object ABQSmoothStepAmplitude
Returns a list of time and amplitude for the specified timespan (STEP_TIME or TOTAL_TIME).
GetTimestampModeInfo method in object CacheSettingAtt
Retrieves environment informations for the timestamp control mode.
GetTolJoinInfo method in object IgesSettingAtt
Retrieves information about the join tolerance setting parameter.
GetTolOptInvalidGeomInfo method in object IgesSettingAtt
Retrieves information about the InvalidGeom Tolerance setting parameter.
GetToleranceInfo method in object IgesSettingAtt
Retrieves information about the Tolerance ( optimize - fitting ) setting parameter.
GetTolerances method in object DrawingDimension
Get tolerance infomation of dimension value.
GetToolAxis method in object ManufacturingActivity
Retreives the ToolAxis coordinates of a Manufacturing Activity.
GetToolChangePoint method in object ManufacturingSetup
Get the ToolChange point of the machine linked to a Manufacturing Setup.
GetToolGage method in object ManufacturingOperation
Retrieves the minimum tool cutting lentgh and the minimum tool gage length.
GetToolMobility method in object GenericToolProfile
Retrieves tool mobility.
GetToolProfile method in object RobotMotion
Retrieves tool profile.
GetToolProfile method in object RobGenericController
Get tool profile given name.
GetToolProfileCount method in object RobGenericController
Get number of tool profiles in controller.
GetToolProfiles method in object RobGenericController
Get tool profiles list in controller.
GetTotalDuration method in object Sampled
GetTraceAxisColorInfo method in object SimTraceSettingAtt
Retrieves environment informations for the TraceAxisColor parameter.
GetTraceAxisThickInfo method in object SimTraceSettingAtt
Retrieves environment informations for the TraceAxisThick parameter.
GetTraceAxisTypeInfo method in object SimTraceSettingAtt
Retrieves environment informations for the TraceAxisType parameter.
GetTraceAxisVisuInfo method in object SimTraceSettingAtt
Retrieves environment informations for the TraceAxisVisu parameter.
GetTraceDeletePathInfo method in object SimTraceSettingAtt
Retrieves environment informations for the TraceDeletePath parameter.
GetTraceLegendInfo method in object SimTraceSettingAtt
Retrieves environment informations for the TraceLegend parameter.
GetTraceLineColorInfo method in object SimTraceSettingAtt
Retrieves environment informations for the TraceLineColor parameter.
GetTraceLineThickInfo method in object SimTraceSettingAtt
Retrieves environment informations for the TraceLineThick parameter.
GetTraceLineTypeInfo method in object SimTraceSettingAtt
Retrieves environment informations for the TraceLineType parameter.
GetTraceLineVisuInfo method in object SimTraceSettingAtt
Retrieves environment informations for the TraceLineVisu parameter.
GetTracePointColorInfo method in object SimTraceSettingAtt
Retrieves environment informations for the TracePointColor parameter.
GetTracePointSymbolInfo method in object SimTraceSettingAtt
Retrieves environment informations for the TracePointSymbol parameter.
GetTracePointVisuInfo method in object SimTraceSettingAtt
Retrieves environment informations for the TracePointVisu parameter.
GetTrackAutoUpdateInfo method in object FittingSettingAtt
Retrieves environment information for the TrackAutoUpdate parameter.
GetTrajectoryEndPointCoord method in object ManufacturingOperation
Retrieve the Machining Operation's trajectory end point.
GetTrajectoryEndPointCoord method in object ManufacturingCopyTransformation
Retrieves the Manufacturing Copy Order trajectory end point.
GetTrajectoryStartPointCoord method in object ManufacturingOperation
Retrieve the Machining Operation's trajectory start point.
GetTrajectoryStartPointCoord method in object ManufacturingCopyTransformation
Retrieves the Manufacturing Copy Order Operation's trajectory start point.
GetTransformMatrix method in object SchCntrConnect
Get the transformation matrix needed to transform 'this' connector to be coincident and aligned with the 'connect to' connector.
GetTransformation2D method in object SchGRRComp
Get the local coordinate reference frame (with respect to absolute coordinate system) of the component.
GetTransition method in object HybridShapeBlend
Returns the transition orientation from a limit of the blend.
GetTranslatorModeInfo method in object MultiCADSettingAtt
Retrieves environment informations for the Translator mode parameter.
GetTransparencyColor method in object RenderingMaterial
Returns the transparent color of a material.
GetTransparencyModeInfo method in object VisualizationSettingAtt
Retrieves information about the TransparencyMode setting parameter.
GetTravelColorInfo method in object DevAnalysisSettingAtt
Retrieves environment informations for the TravelColor parameter.
GetTravelLimitInfo method in object DevAnalysisSettingAtt
Retrieves environment informations for the TravelLimit parameter.
GetTrickyFace method in object HybridShapeOffset
Returns the invalid face object on the object.
GetTrimSupport method in object HybridShapeBlend
Returns whether a support of the blend will be trimmed off.
GetTrueColorModeInfo method in object PartInfrastructureSettingAtt
Retrieves environment informations for the "ColorInheritanceMode" parameter.
GetTrueDimensionColor method in object FTASettingAtt
Returns the TrueDimensionColor parameter.
GetTrueDimensionColorInfo method in object FTASettingAtt
Retrieves environment informations for the TrueDimensionColor parameter.
GetTrueDimensionInfo method in object FTASettingAtt
Retrieves environment informations for the TrueDimension parameter.
GetTurnNumbers method in object RobotMotion
Retrieves the Turn Numbers(or Turn signs) of the robot motion.
GetTwoSideLightingModeInfo method in object VisualizationSettingAtt
Retrieves information about the TwoSideLightingMode setting parameter.
GetType method in object AMPTag
Function to get the type of the given AMPTag.
GetType method in object TCPTrace
Get the TCP trace component (DNBTCPTraceReps) type.
GetType method in object Tag
Get Frame Type of the Tag by Name.
GetType method in object AnalysisMaterial
GetType method in object PspAttribute
Retrieves type of the input attribute.
GetType method in object RenderingEnvironment
Returns the environment type.
GetType method in object ManufacturingToolMotion
Retrieves the type of a Manufacturing ToolMotion.
GetTypeBaseFrmInfo method in object ImportD5SettingAtt
Retrieves environment informations for the TypeBaseFrm parameter.
GetTypeCoorsysInfo method in object ImportD5SettingAtt
Retrieves environment informations for the TypeCoorsys parameter.
GetTypeInfo method in object TreeVizManipSettingAtt
Retrieves environment informations for the type applied to the specification tree.
GetTypeOfIconOnFunctionalElementInfo method in object FunctionalSystemSettingAtt
Retrieves environment informations for the TypeOfIconOnFunctionalElement parameter.
GetTypeToolFrmInfo method in object ImportD5SettingAtt
Retrieves environment informations for the TypeToolFrm parameter.
GetTypeWclPathInfo method in object ImportD5SettingAtt
Retrieves environment informations for the TypeWclPath parameter.
GetUGActiveLayersOnlyInfo method in object MultiCADSettingAtt
Retrieves environment informations for the UGActiveLayersOnly parameter.
GetUGDrawingNameInfo method in object MultiCADSettingAtt
Retrieves environment informations for the UGDrawingName parameter.
GetUGLayerNumbersInfo method in object MultiCADSettingAtt
Retrieves environment informations for the UGLayerNumbers parameter.
GetUGOpenSurfacesInfo method in object MultiCADSettingAtt
Retrieves environment informations for the UGOpenSurfaces parameter.
GetUIStyleInfo method in object GeneralSessionSettingAtt
Retrieves environment informations for the user interface style parameter.
GetUTCTimeFormatInfo method in object CacheSettingAtt
Retrieves environment informations for the timestamp control mode.
GetUgReferenceSetInfo method in object MultiCADSettingAtt
Retrieves environment informations for the UgReferenceSet parameter.
GetUnassociatedSymbols method in object SchematicRoot
Returns a list of unassociated symbol.
GetUnderFeatureInfo method in object FTAInfraSettingAtt
Retrieves information about the Under Geometric Feature Nodes setting parameter value.
GetUnderIntensifiedRGB method in object VisualizationSettingAtt
Returns the UnderIntensifiedRGB parameter.
GetUnderIntensifiedRGBInfo method in object VisualizationSettingAtt
Retrieves information about the UnderIntensifiedRGB setting parameter.
GetUnderSetInfo method in object FTAInfraSettingAtt
Retrieves information about the Under Annotation Set Node setting parameter value.
GetUnderViewInfo method in object FTAInfraSettingAtt
Retrieves information about the Under View/Annotation Plane Nodes setting parameter value.
GetUpDirection method in object Viewpoint3D
Gets the components of the up direction of the viewpoint.
GetUpDirection method in object AnnotatedView
Retrieves the components of the up direction of the 3D viewpoint of the annotated view.
GetUpDirection method in object PspPartConnector
Returns the UP direction of the connector.
GetUpdateAnalysisInSimulationInfo method in object HtsGeneralSettingAtt
Retrieves environment informations for the UpdateAnalysisInSimulation parameter.
GetUpdateElementsRefreshedInfo method in object PartInfrastructureSettingAtt
Retrieves environment informations for the "UpdateElementsRefreshed" parameter.
GetUpdateLinkedExternalReferencesInfo method in object PartInfrastructureSettingAtt
Retrieves environment informations for the "UpdateLinkedExternalReferences" parameter.
GetUpdateModeInfo method in object PartInfrastructureSettingAtt
Retrieves environment informations for the "UpdateMode" parameter.
GetUpdateNeededRGB method in object VisualizationSettingAtt
Returns the UpdateNeededRGB parameter.
GetUpdateNeededRGBInfo method in object VisualizationSettingAtt
Retrieves information about the UpdateNeededRGB setting parameter.
GetUpdateResultInfo method in object SectioningSettingAtt
Retrieves environment informations for the UpdateResult parameter.
GetUpdateStatusModeInfo method in object AsmGeneralSettingAtt
Retrieves informations about the update status computation setting parameter.
GetUpdateStoppedOnErrorInfo method in object PartInfrastructureSettingAtt
Retrieves environment informations for the "UpdateStoppedOnError" parameter.
GetUploaderDirInfo method in object IgpOlpSettingAtt
Retrieves information about the OLP Parser Directory setting parameter.
GetUploaderInfo method in object IgpOlpSettingAtt
Retrieves information about the OLP Parser setting parameter.
GetUsageLimitInfo method in object MemoryWarningSettingAtt
Retrieves environment informations for the alert percentage.
GetUseStyleCreateObjectsInfo method in object DraftingSettingAtt
Retrieves environment informations for the UseStyleCreateObjects parameter.
GetUserProfilesList method in object OperationProfile
Retreives the list of User Profiles for the Operation.
GetUserWalkSpeedStatusInfo method in object HtsGeneralSettingAtt
Retrieves environment informations for the UserWalkSpeedStatus parameter.
GetV4V5_FDTInfo method in object CGRAdhesionSettingAtt
Retrieves information about the V4V5_FDT container activation state.
GetV4_Model_CommentPageInfo method in object CGRAdhesionSettingAtt
Locks or unlocks the V4_Model_CommentPage container activation state.
GetV4_Model_LnFInfo method in object CGRAdhesionSettingAtt
Retrieves information about the V4_Model_LnF container activation state.
GetV4_Part_DefinitionInfo method in object MigrBatchSettingAtt
Retrieves information about the "V4 Part Definition" setting parameter.
GetV5_SPAInfo method in object CGRAdhesionSettingAtt
Retrieves information about the V5_SPA container activation state.
GetValue method in object AnalysisMaterial
Returns an analysis value of the material.
GetValue method in object DrawingDimension
Returns the drawing value of the drawing dimension.
GetValue method in object BasicComponent
Return the value corresponding to the given coordinates.
GetValue method in object AnalysisEntity
Returns the value corresponding to the given component.
GetValue method in object AnalysisLocalEntity
Returns the value corresponding to the given component.
GetValues method in object ManufacturingToolCorrector
Gives the corrector values.
GetVectorInfo method in object FittingSettingAtt
Retrieves environment information for the VisualizationMode parameter.
GetVectors method in object AxisSystem
Returns the coordinates X,Y,Z of the axes X and Y of the axis system.
GetVelocityColorInfo method in object DevAnalysisSettingAtt
Retrieves environment informations for the VelocityColor parameter.
GetVelocityLimitInfo method in object DevAnalysisSettingAtt
Retrieves environment informations for the VelocityLimit parameter.
GetVerticalAxis method in object RenderingEnvironment
Returns the coordinates of the vertical axis vector of the environment.
GetVia method in object AMPTag
Function to get the via status of the given AMPTag.
GetViaMode method in object Operation
Retrieves the via mode of the operation.
GetViewAnalysisParameterInfo method in object AnalysisGeneralSettingAtt
Retrieves environment informations for the parameter.
GetViewAnalysisRelationInfo method in object AnalysisGeneralSettingAtt
Retrieves environment informations for the parameter.
GetViewAssociativityInfo method in object FTAInfraSettingAtt
Retrieves information about the View Associativity setting parameter value.
GetViewBackgroundModeInfo method in object Layout2DSettingAtt
Retrieves environment informations for the ViewBackgroundMode parameter.
GetViewFilterCreationModeInfo method in object Layout2DSettingAtt
Retrieves environment informations for the ViewFilterCreationMode parameter.
GetViewName method in object DrawingView
Returns the prefix, the ident and the suffix of the name of the drawing view.
GetViewName method in object Layout2DView
Returns the prefix, the ident and the suffix of the name of the Layout2D view.
GetViewProfileInfo method in object FTAInfraSettingAtt
Retrieves information about the View Profile setting parameter value.
GetViewReferentialInfo method in object FTAInfraSettingAtt
Retrieves information about the View Referential setting parameter value.
GetViewReferentialZoomableInfo method in object FTAInfraSettingAtt
Retrieves information about the View Referential Zoomable setting parameter value.
GetViewerAutoOpenInfo method in object SectioningSettingAtt
Retrieves environment informations for the ViewerAutoOpen parameter.
GetViewerAutoReframeInfo method in object SectioningSettingAtt
Retrieves environment informations for the ViewerAutoReframe parameter.
GetViewerLock2DInfo method in object SectioningSettingAtt
Retrieves environment informations for the ViewerLock2D parameter.
GetViewpointAnimationModeInfo method in object VisualizationSettingAtt
Retrieves information about the ViewpointAnimationMode setting parameter.
GetVisBaseFrmInfo method in object ImportD5SettingAtt
Retrieves environment informations for the VisBaseFrm parameter.
GetVisCoorsysInfo method in object ImportD5SettingAtt
Retrieves environment informations for the VisCoorsys parameter.
GetVisToolFrmInfo method in object ImportD5SettingAtt
Retrieves environment informations for the VisToolFrm parameter.
GetVisWclPathInfo method in object ImportD5SettingAtt
Retrieves environment informations for the VisWclPath parameter.
GetVisibility method in object TCPTrace
Get the TCP trace component (DNBTCPTraceReps) visibility status.
GetVisibility method in object DrawingDimExtLine
Get visivility of dimension extension line.
GetVisibleColor method in object VisPropertySet
Retrieves the displayed (visible) color for the current selection.
GetVisibleInheritance method in object VisPropertySet
Checks if the real property is hidden.
GetVisibleLineType method in object VisPropertySet
Retrieves the displayed (visible) line type for the current selection.
GetVisibleOpacity method in object VisPropertySet
Retrieves the displayed (visible) opacity for the current selection.
GetVisibleWidth method in object VisPropertySet
Retrieves the displayed (visible) line width for the current selection.
GetVisuFormatUnitInfo method in object MultiCADSettingAtt
Retrieves environment informations for the VisuFormatUnit parameter.
GetVisu_Mode_2DInfo method in object MigrBatchSettingAtt
Retrieves information about the "Projection of Space for transparent views" setting parameter.
GetVisualizationModeInfo method in object AnalysisSettingAtt
Retrieves environment informations for the VisualizationMode parameter.
GetViz2DAccuracyModeInfo method in object VisualizationSettingAtt
Retrieves information about the 2DAccuracyMode setting parameter.
GetViz2DFixedAccuracyInfo method in object VisualizationSettingAtt
Retrieves information about the 2DFixedAccuracy setting parameter.
GetViz2DProportionnalAccuracyInfo method in object VisualizationSettingAtt
Retrieves information about the 2DProportionnalAccuracy setting parameter.
GetViz3DAccuracyModeInfo method in object VisualizationSettingAtt
Retrieves information about the Viz3DAccuracyMode setting parameter.
GetViz3DCurveAccuracyInfo method in object VisualizationSettingAtt
Retrieves information about the 3DCurveAccuracy setting parameter.
GetViz3DFixedAccuracyInfo method in object VisualizationSettingAtt
Retrieves information about the 3DFixedAccuracy setting parameter.
GetViz3DProportionnalAccuracyInfo method in object VisualizationSettingAtt
Retrieves information about the Viz3DProportionnalAccuracy setting parameter.
GetVolume method in object StrComputeServices
Returns the volume for a structure object.
GetVoxelStaticAnlInfo method in object AnalysisSettingAtt
Retrieves environment informations for the VoxelStaticAnl parameter.
GetVoxelsInfo method in object CGRAdhesionSettingAtt
Retrieves information about the Voxels container activation state.
GetWalkActColorInfo method in object HtsTaskDisplaySettingAtt
Retrieves environment informations for the WalkActColor parameter.
GetWalkActLineTypeInfo method in object HtsTaskDisplaySettingAtt
Retrieves environment informations for the WalkActLineType parameter.
GetWalkActLineWeightInfo method in object HtsTaskDisplaySettingAtt
Retrieves environment informations for the WalkActLineWeight parameter.
GetWalkCurveDefPoints method in object WalkActivity
GetWalkForwardAngleInfo method in object HtsGeneralSettingAtt
Retrieves environment informations for the WalkForwardAngle parameter.
GetWalkForwardDistanceInfo method in object HtsGeneralSettingAtt
Retrieves environment informations for the WalkForwardDistance parameter.
GetWall method in object RenderingEnvironment
Returns the environment walls.
GetWeldSpeed method in object AMPTag
Function to get the weld speed of the given AMPTag.
GetWetArea method in object StrComputeServices
Returns the wet area for a structure object.
GetWindowDefaultHeightInfo method in object SectioningSettingAtt
Retrieves environment informations for the WindowDefaultHeight parameter.
GetWindowDefaultWidthInfo method in object SectioningSettingAtt
Retrieves environment informations for the WindowDefaultWidth parameter.
GetWindowOpenModeInfo method in object SectioningSettingAtt
Retrieves environment informations for the WindowOpenMode parameter.
GetWorkInstructionsInfo method in object Export3DXmlSettingAtt
Retrieves environment informations for the Work Instructions setting.
GetWorkbench method in object Document
Returns one of the workbenches of the document.
GetWorkbenchId method in object Application
Returns the identifier of the CATIA current workbench.
GetX method in object HybridShapeDirection
Returns the direction X component.
GetXAxis method in object AxisSystem
Returns the coordinates X,Y,Z of the X axis of the axis system.
GetXMLDirInfo method in object IgpOlpSettingAtt
Retrieves information about the OLP XML Directory setting parameter.
GetXMLFileDirectory method in object OLPTranslator
Retrieves the XML Directory setting parameter value.
GetXMLSchemaInfo method in object IgpOlpSettingAtt
Retrieves information about the OLP XML Schema setting parameter.
GetXVal method in object HybridShapeDirection
Returns the direction X component as Double.
GetXYZ method in object Tag
Gets the Position(X, Y, Z) of the Tag.
GetY method in object HybridShapeDirection
Returns the direction Y component.
GetYAxis method in object AxisSystem
Returns the coordinates X,Y,Z of the Y axis of the axis system.
GetYPR method in object Tag
Gets the Orientation (Y, P, R) of the Tag.
GetYVal method in object HybridShapeDirection
Returns the direction Y component as Double.
GetZ method in object HybridShapeDirection
Returns the direction Z component.
GetZAxis method in object AxisSystem
Returns the coordinates X,Y,Z of the Z axis of the axis system.
GetZVal method in object HybridShapeDirection
Returns the direction Z component as Double.
getTuple method in object ExpertReportObject
Returns a tuple (a collection of objects) concerned by this report object.
getTupleSize method in object ExpertReportObject
Returns the size of the tuple concerned by this report object.
HasAControledRadius method in object Annotation
To know if the Annotation has a Controled Radius.
HasAFreeState method in object Annotation
To know if the Annotation has a Free State.
HasAMasterShapeRepresentation method in object Scene
Returns whether the product has a master shape representation in the scene.
HasAMasterShapeRepresentation method in object Product
Returns whether the product has a master shape representation.
HasAMaterialCondition method in object Annotation
To know if the Annotation has a Material Condition.
HasAParticularTolElem method in object Annotation
To know if the Annotation has a Particuler Element.
HasATolerancePerUnitBasisRestrictiveValue method in object Annotation
To know if the Annotation has a Tolerance Per Unit Basis Restricted Value.
HasAccuracyProfile method in object RobGenericController
Check whether given tool profile exists.
HasAnEnvelopCondition method in object Annotation
To know if the Annotation has an Envelop Condition.
HasDimensionLimit method in object Annotation
To know if the Annotation has a Dimension Limit.
HasMotionProfile method in object RobGenericController
Check whether given Motion profile exists.
HasObjFrameProfile method in object RobGenericController
Check whether given ObjFrame profile exists.
HasObsoleteClass method in object SchObsoleteModel
Is there any obsolete class in the application model.
HasPartRelation method in object WalkActivity
HasPartRelation method in object MoveToPostureActivity
HasSeedPoint method in object SchGRRRouteEllipse
Check to see if the Seed point has been set.
HasShapeRepresentation method in object Product
Returns whether the product has a representation of the given name with a given behavior.
HasToResetModalValues method in object ManufacturingOutputGenerator
Return the characteristic of an object : Reset or not Modal Values.
HasToolProfile method in object RobGenericController
Check whether given tool profile exists.
Help method in object Application
Displays application's online help.
Hide method in object FastenerGroup
Hides all the entities in the fastener group.
Highlight method in object ExpertCheckRuntime
Highlights the Failures on the check.
Import method in object AnalysisManager
Import an existing document in an analysis document .
Import method in object ExpertRuleBaseRuntime
Import from RuleSet.
ImportDefineFile method in object AnalysisManager
Import an existing document in an analysis document.
ImportDisp method in object AnalysisImport
Import displacements from a CATAnalysisExport file.
ImportFile method in object AnalysisManager
Import an existing document in an analysis document.
ImportForce method in object AnalysisImport
Import loads from a CATAnalysisExport file.
ImportFromFile method in object ExpertRuleBaseRuntime
Import from file.
ImportWithLink method in object ExpertRuleBaseRuntime
Import with link to a document.
ImposedVertexRadius method in object VarRadEdgeFillet
Returns the fillet radius on an imposed vertex.
InProcessModelBodiesCount method in object ManufacturingSetup
Returns the number of In Process Model Bodies from a Manufacturing Setup.
Inactivate method in object Part
Suppresses an object from being updated.
IncrementTabulation method in object ManufacturingOutput
Increment the tabulation of the current block of text by the specified number of characters.
Indicate2D method in object Document
Runs an 2D interactive indication command.
Indicate3D method in object Document
Runs an 3D interactive indication command.
IndicateOrSelectElement2D method in object Selection
Runs an interactive command enabling both indication and selection, 2D version.
IndicateOrSelectElement3D method in object Selection
Runs an interactive command enabling both indication and selection, 3D version.
Init method in object FunctionalFacet
Init resources for the Facet.
InitFileGenerator method in object ManufacturingOutputGenerator
Init the Output Generator on the current Object and initialise all datas.
Initialization method in object PspApplication
Initializes the application environment (load feature start up objects, activate the application.
Insert method in object ABQSteps
Creates a new Abaqus Step and inserts it to the collection of Abaqus steps.
InsertActivity method in object MachiningProcess
This method creates and inserts a Manufacturing Activity in the Machining Process.
InsertAfter method in object Shots
Adds a shot to a specific location to the shots collection.
InsertAfter method in object DrawingTextRange
Inserts a character string at the end of the drawing text range.
InsertAt method in object AMPPath
Function to insert an AMPTag at a given index of the AMPPath.
InsertBefore method in object DrawingTextRange
Inserts a character string at the beginning of the drawing text range.
InsertBoundAfterPosition method in object HybridShapeFill
Inserts the boundary after specified position in the Fill.
InsertControlPointAfter method in object Spline2D
Inserts control points in the spline.
InsertCoupling method in object HybridShapeLoft
Inserts a coupling to the loft.
InsertCoupling method in object HybridShapeBlend
Inserts a coupling into the blend.
InsertCouplingPoint method in object HybridShapeLoft
Inserts a coupling point to a coupling of the lofted surface.
InsertCouplingPoint method in object HybridShapeBlend
Inserts a coupling point to a coupling of the blend.
InsertCurves method in object HybridShapeWrapCurve
Inserts a couple of reference curve and target curve to the wrap curve.
InsertDraftAngleDefinitionLocation method in object HybridShapeSweepLine
Inserts a geometrical element and a value necessary for draft angle definition after a given position in the lists.
InsertElement method in object HybridShapePolyline
Inserts the element at a specified position in the polyline.
InsertHybridShape method in object Body
Insert a hybrid shape to the body.
InsertHybridShape method in object OrderedGeometricalSet
Inserts a hybrid shape to the ordered geometrical set.
InsertIntoRouteWithInfo method in object SchComponent
Insert a component into a route.
InsertOperation method in object ManufacturingProgram
Insert an existing Manufacturing Operation to a Manufacturing Program.
InsertReferenceCurve method in object HybridShapeWrapCurve
Inserts a of reference curve to the wrap curve.
InsertSectionToLoft method in object HybridShapeLoft
Inserts a loft section.
InsertToolMotion method in object ManufacturingOperation
Create, given its type, a Manufacturing ToolMotion inside a sequential operation.
InsertVariable method in object DrawingText
Sets a Parameter in a string of the drawing text.
InsertViewAngle method in object DrawingView
Insert the Angle parameter in the text of the drawing text.
InsertViewScale method in object DrawingView
Insert the scale parameter in the text of the drawing text.
InstanceName method in object ArrBendableString
Returns the Bendable's Instance Name.
InstanciateNOA method in object AnnotationFactory
Instanciate an NOA from a Reference NOA.
Instantiate method in object InstanceFactory
Instantiates the reference in the current document.
Instantiate method in object MachiningProcess
This method enables to apply a Machining Process to an any feature.
InstantiateInProductContext method in object MachiningProcess
This method enables to apply a Machining Process to a given feature by taking into account the product from which it belongs to.
InverseOrientation method in object Sketch
InvertDirection method in object HybridShapeSpline
Inverts the orientation of the tangent direction .
InvertDirection method in object FunctionalAction
Invert the action's Direction.
InvertFirstOrientation method in object HybridShapeTrim
InvertFirstOrientation method in object HybridShapeCorner
Inverts the first reference element orientation used to compute the corner.
InvertFirstOrientation method in object HybridShapeFilletBiTangent
Inverts first orientation used to specify fillet center position.
InvertFirstOrientation method in object HybridShapeFilletTriTangent
Inverts first orientation used to specify fillet center position.
InvertMode method in object DrawingTable
Sets a mode of table inversion.
InvertOrientation method in object HybridShapeSplit
Inverts the orientation used to compute the split.
InvertOrientation method in object HybridShapeCylinder
Inverts the Orientation of Cylinder object.
InvertOrientationDirection method in object HybridShapeReflectLine
Inverts the orientation of direction.
InvertOrientationSupport method in object HybridShapeReflectLine
Inverts the orientation of support.
InvertRemoveOrientation method in object HybridShapeFilletTriTangent
Inverts third orientation used to specify fillet center position.
InvertSecondOrientation method in object HybridShapeTrim
InvertSecondOrientation method in object HybridShapeCorner
Inverts the second reference element orientation used to compute the corner.
InvertSecondOrientation method in object HybridShapeFilletBiTangent
Inverts second orientation used to specify fillet center position.
InvertSecondOrientation method in object HybridShapeFilletTriTangent
Inverts second orientation used to specify fillet center position.
IsACompositeTolerance method in object Annotation
To know if the Annotation is a composite Tolerance.
IsADefaultAnnotation method in object Annotation
To know if the Annotation is a Default Annotation.
IsADimensionPattern method in object Annotation
To know if the Annotation is a Dimension Pattern.
IsAProjectedToleranceZone method in object Annotation
To know if the Annotation is a Projected Zone.
IsARefPlane method in object Plane
Queries whether the plane is a reference plane (fixed axis plane).
IsAReference method in object SchComponent
Query whether the component is a reference (as opposed to an instance).
IsAShiftedProfileTolerance method in object Annotation
To know if the Annotation is a Shifted Profile Tolerance.
IsATangentPlane method in object Annotation
To know if the Annotation is a Tangent Plane.
IsAToleranceUnitBasisValue method in object Annotation
To know if the Annotation is a Tolerance Unit Basis Value.
IsAToleranceZone method in object Annotation
Is the a Tolerance Zone.
IsAnAssociatedRefFrame method in object Annotation
To know if the Annotation is an Associated Reference Frame.
IsArrowShown method in object SchArrowDisplay
Query whether flow arrows are shown (arrow attributes exist).
IsAssemble method in object HybridShapeExtrapol
Retrieves whether extrapolation is assembled with extrapolated curve or surface.
IsBoundaryValid method in object SchGRRZone
Check whether the boundary of this zone graphical representation is valid.
IsCFOType method in object StiDBItem
Returns if the CATIA Document -associated to the CATIAStiDBItem- is a Component File or not.
IsChildMA method in object DNBAttachment
IsCntrConnected method in object PspConnector
Query whether the connector has been connected.
IsConnected method in object StiEngine
Returns if end user Is Connected to SmarTeam Integration (True) or not (False).
IsContourClosed method in object ManufacturingPrismaticMachiningArea
Return the status of one contour of a Manufacturing Prismatic Machining Area : closed or open.
IsDerived method in object PspAttribute
Retrieve Derived status for the input attribute.
IsDetail method in object DrawingSheet
Checks whether the sheet is a detail sheet.
IsDetail method in object Layout2DSheet
Checks whether the sheet is a detail sheet.
IsDeviceMounted method in object MountManager
Checks if the device is mounted or not on a robot.
IsDiscrete method in object PspAttribute
Query whether the input attribute is discrete or not.
IsEmpty method in object Section
Indicates whether the section is empty.
IsEqualTo method in object RealParam
Tests the equality of the parameter value with a given value.
IsGapShown method in object SchGapDisplay
Query whether gaps are shown (gap attributes exist).
IsGenerative method in object DrawingView
Returns whether the drawing view has a generative behavior.
IsGeodesic method in object HybridShapeCircleCtrPt
Queries whether the circle is geodesic or not.
IsGeodesic method in object HybridShapeCircleCtrRad
Queries whether the circle is geodesic or not.
IsGeodesic method in object HybridShapeCircle2PointsRad
Queries whether the circle is geodesic or not.
IsGeometricallyAccessibleOnSetup method in object ManufacturingOperation
Returns True if the Manufacturing Axial Operation is geometrically accessible on the given Manufacturing Setup.
IsHeterogeneousLaw method in object HybridShapeLawDistProj
Queries whether Heterogeneous Law mode is active or not.
IsIDGenerated method in object PspID
Checks if the ID on the object is generated( based on the ID Schema).
IsInAutomaticSearchMode method in object DefaultAnnotation
Get the type of search algo Return E_FAIL if the annotation is not a default one.
IsInactive method in object Part
Indicates whether an object is deactivated.
IsInactive method in object Constraint
Indicates whether a constraint is suppressed from the update process.
IsInserted method in object SchComponent
Query whether the component is inserted into a route.
IsLinkedTo method in object DrawingThread
Specifies which kind of objects the thread is linked to.
IsModal method in object ManufacturingOutputGenerator
Return the characteristic of an object : Modal or Not Modal.
IsOKToIntegrate method in object PspFunctional
Check it is OK to integrate (realize) this function with a physical part.
IsParentMA method in object DNBAttachment
IsPeriodic method in object Curve2D
Specifies whether a curve is periodic or not.
IsProductAuthorized method in object SystemConfiguration
Returns True if the specified product is authorized, False otherwise.
IsRealized method in object PspFunctional
Checks if the Function object is realized or not.
IsRoot method in object StiDBItem
Returns if the CATIA Document -associated to the CATIAStiDBItem- is a Root .
IsSimilarTo method in object ManufacturingOutputGenerator
Implement a method to specify if two objects are same (when Modal Mode).
IsSketchAxisUsedAsDefault method in object HybridShapeSweepExplicit
Queries status wherere Sketch axis used as default or not.
IsSpecDriven method in object PspFunctional
Checks if the functional object is specification driven or not.
IsStopDialog method in object SetOfEquation
Returns whether the "Stop Dialog" will be shown during calculations.
IsSubTypeOf method in object Activity
This method allows to test the type of a specific activity.
IsSystemNomenclature method in object ArrNomenclature
Returns TRUE if the nomenclature happens to be a system nomenclature.
IsTargetOKForInsert method in object SchCompatible
Query whether an object is compatible to be inserted into a route This method is used when placing a component.
IsTargetOKForPlace method in object SchCompatible
Query whether an object is compatible to be connected to another component This method is used when placing a component.
IsTargetOKForRoute method in object SchCompatible
Query whether an object is compatible to be connected to a route.
IsUpToDate method in object Part
Indicates whether an object needs to be updated.
IsUseOnly method in object ExpertRuleBaseComponentRuntime
Retrieves the use-only status of the component.
Isactivate method in object ExpertRuleBaseComponentRuntime
Tells if the RuleBaseComponent is active.
Isolate method in object DrawingView
Isolates the drawing view.
Isolate method in object DrawingRoot
Isolates all the drawing views of all the drawing sheets of the drawing document.
Isolate method in object DrawingSheet
Isolates the drawing sheet.
Isolate method in object DrawingDocument
Isolates all the drawing views of all the drawing sheets of the drawing document.
Item method in object Files
Returns a file using its index or its name from the file collection.
Item method in object Cameras
Returns a camera using its index or its name from the Cameras collection.
Item method in object Folders
Returns a folder using its index or its name from the folder collection.
Item method in object Viewers
Returns a viewer using its index from the Viewers collection.
Item method in object Windows
Returns a window using its index or its name from the Windows collection.
Item method in object Printers
Returns a printer using its index or its device name from the Printers collection.
Item method in object Items
This method returns the idl object Item for the specified item identifier.
Item method in object Selection
Item method in object Documents
Returns a document using its index or its name from the documents collection.
Item method in object References
Returns a reference using its index or its name from the References collection.
Item method in object Outputs
This method can be used to get the associated output product.
Item method in object PPRProducts
Retrieves the Product corresponding to the specified index in the list of Products.
Item method in object Bodies
Returns a body using its index or its name from the Bodies collection.
Item method in object Shapes
Returns a shape using its index or its name from the Shapes collection.
Item method in object ABQJobs
Item method in object Resources
This method returns the idl object Resource for the specified resource identifier.
Item method in object TPSViews
Retrieve a TPS View.
Item method in object LightSources
Returns a light source from its index in the LightSources collection.
Item method in object ABQLoads
Item method in object Captures
Retrieve a Capture.
Item method in object Shots
Returns a shot using its index from the colection.
Item method in object ABQSteps
Item method in object Sketches
Returns a sketch using its index or its name from the Sketches collection.
Item method in object Activities
This method gets the specified activity on the current activities management.
Item method in object ABQFields
Item method in object Materials
Returns a material from its index in the Material collection.
Item method in object ProductScenes
Returns a scene using its index or its name from the ProductScenes collection.
Item method in object DraftDomains
Returns a draft domain using its index or its name from the DraftDomains collection.
Item method in object Sampleds
Returns a CATIASampled object using its index from the CATIASampled collection.
Item method in object Shuttles
Item method in object MfgAssembly
Returns one assigned Part (Product, Resource or other MA/MK) of the Manufacturing Assembly.
Item method in object Annotations
Retrieve an Annotation.
Item method in object List
Retrieves a Feature using its index or its name from the Features collection.
Item method in object AxisSystems
Returns an Axis System using its index or its name from the AxisSystems collection.
Item method in object Constraints
Returns a constraint using its index or its name from the Constraints collection.
Item method in object Units
Returns a unit using its index or its name from the from the Parameters collection.
Item method in object UserSurfaces
Find a user surface inside the collection.
Item method in object HybridBodies
Returns a body using its index or its name from the Bodies collection.
Item method in object HybridShapes
Returns a HybridShape using its index or its name from the HybridShapes collection.
Item method in object FixTogethers
Returns a FixTogether using its index or its name from the FixTogethers collection.
Item method in object Groups
Returns a group using its index or its name from the Groups collection.
Item method in object ABQProperties
Item method in object Marker2Ds
Returns a marker 2D using its index from the Marker2Ds collection.
Item method in object Marker3Ds
Returns a marker 3D using its index from the Marker3Ds collection.
Item method in object Joints
Returns a Joint using its index or its name from the Joints collection.
Item method in object Relations
Retrieves a relation using its index or its name from the Relations collection.
Item method in object StrPlates
Returns a plate from its index in the Plates collection.
Item method in object AnnotationSets
Retrieve a set.
Item method in object Parameters
Retrieves a parameter using its index or its name from the from the Parameters collection.
Item method in object StrMembers
Returns a member from its index in the Members collection.
Item method in object Hyperlinks
Returns an Hyperlink using its index from the Hyperlinks collection.
Item method in object DrawingViews
Returns a drawing view using its index or its name from the DrawingViews collection.
Item method in object Dressups
Returns a Dressup using its index or its name from the Dressups collection.
Item method in object DrawingTexts
Returns a drawing text using its index from the DrawingTexts collection.
Item method in object ABQMassScalings
Item method in object RenderingLights
Returns a rendering light index in the rendering light collection.
Item method in object ABQInteractions
Item method in object DrawingTables
Returns a drawing table using its index from the DrawingTables collection.
Item method in object DrawingSheets
Returns a drawing sheet using its index or its name from the DrawingSheets collection.
Item method in object DrawingArrows
Returns a drawing arrow using its index from the DrawingArrows collection.
Item method in object SettingControllers
Returns a setting controller using its name from the setting controllers collection.
Item method in object Mechanisms
Returns a Mechanism using its index or its name from the Mechanisms collection.
Item method in object MaterialFamilies
Returns a material family from its index in the MaterialFamilies collection.
Item method in object ABQAnalysisCases
Item method in object DrawingLeaders
Returns a drawing leader using its index from the DrawingLeaders collection.
Item method in object DrawingThreads
Returns a drawing thread using its index from the DrawingThreads collection.
Item method in object Behaviors
Returns a Behavior using its index or its name from the Behaviors collection.
Item method in object ParameterSets
Returns a parameter set using its index or its name from the ParameterSets collection.
Item method in object Optimizations
Retrieves an optimization using its index or its name from the Optimizations collection.
Item method in object GeometricElements
Returns a geometric element using its index or its name from the GeometricElements collection.
Item method in object ResourceCollection
This method gets the specified resource from the given resource collection management.
Item method in object DrawingWeldings
Returns a drawing welding using its index from the drawing weldings collection.
Item method in object DrawingPictures
Returns a drawing picture using its index or its name from the DrawingPictures collection.
Item method in object FreeParameters
Retrieves an optimization using its index or its name from the Free Parameters collection.
Item method in object AnnotatedViews
Returns an annotated view using its index or its name from the AnnotatedViews collection.
Item method in object StrFoundations
Returns a Foundation from its index in the Foundations collection.
Item method in object Layout2DViews
Returns a Layout2D view using its index or its name from the Layout2DViews collection.
Item method in object Clashes
Returns a Clash object using its index or its name from the Clashes collection.
Item method in object RenderingShootings
Returns a renderingshooting index in the renderingshootings collection.
Item method in object AnalysisSets
Returns an analysis set using its index or its name from the analysis sets collection.
Item method in object StrAnchorPoints
Returns an anchor point from its index in the anchor points collection.
Item method in object Inertias
Returns an Inertia object using its index or its name from the Inertias collection.
Item method in object Sections
Returns a Section object using its index or its name from the Sections collection.
Item method in object HumanTaskList
Item method in object Layout2DSheets
Returns a Layout sheet using its index or its name from the Layout2DSheets collection.
Item method in object AnalysisCases
Returns a case using its index or its name from the case collection.
Item method in object Distances
Returns a Distance object using its index or its name from the Distances collection.
Item method in object Conflicts
Returns a Conflict object using its index from the Conflicts collection.
Item method in object DrawingDimensions
Returns a drawing dimension using its index or its name from the DrawingDimensions collection.
Item method in object DrawingComponents
Returns a drawing component instance using its index or its name from the DrawingComponents collection.
Item method in object AnalysisImages
Returns an analysis image using its index or its name from the analysis images collection.
Item method in object AnalysisModels
Returns an analysis model using its index or its name from the analysis model collection.
Item method in object PspListOfBSTRs
Returns a character string from its index in the list.
Item method in object PspListOfLongs
Returns a long integer from its index in the list.
Item method in object BasicComponents
Returns an Basic Component using its index or its name from the Basic Components collection.
Item method in object ClashResults
Returns a ClashResult object using its index or its name from the ClashResults collection.
Item method in object MechanismCommands
Returns a MechanismCommand using its index or its name from the Commands collection.
Item method in object AssemblyFeatures
Returns an AssemblyFeature object using its index or its name from the AssemblyFeatures collection.
Item method in object ABQBoundaryConditions
Item method in object AnalysisEntities
Returns an analysis entity using its index or its name from the analysis entities collection.
Item method in object MfgActivities
This method return the specified CATIAManufacturingActivity in the current list CATIAMfgActivities.
Item method in object RenderingEnvironments
Returns an environment index in the environments collection.
Item method in object AnalysisSupports
Returns analysis support object information using its index in the collection.
Item method in object PspListOfObjects
Returns an object from its index in the list.
Item method in object PspListOfDoubles
Returns a double from its index in the list.
Item method in object AnalysisMeshParts
Returns a meshpart using its index or its name from the meshpart collection.
Item method in object OrderedGeometricalSets
Returns a ordered geometrical set using its index or its name from the ordered geometrical set collection.
Item method in object SchListOfBSTRs
Returns a character string from its index in the list.
Item method in object Products
Returns a product from its index in the Products collection.
Item method in object SchListOfLongs
Returns a long integer from its index in the list.
Item method in object ArrangementRuns
Returns the specified ArrangementRun item of the collection object.
Item method in object SchListOfObjects
Returns an object from its index in the list.
Item method in object SchListOfDoubles
Returns a double from its index in the list.
Item method in object StiDBChildren
Returns the CATIAStiDBItem from its index in the CATIAStiDBChildren.
Item method in object ArrangementAreas
Returns the specified item of the collection.
Item method in object ArrangementNodes
Returns the specified ArrangementNode item of the collection.
Item method in object Publications
Returns the publication object corresponding to the given publication name.
Item method in object ArrNomenclatures
Item method in object ExpertReportObjects
Retrieves a Report component using its index or its name from the Check collection.
Item method in object AnalysisLocalEntities
Returns an analysis entity using its index or its name from the analysis entities collection.
Item method in object OptimizationConstraints
Returns an optimization constraint using its index or its name from the optimization constraints collection.
Item method in object AnalysisOutputEntities
Returns an analysis entity using its index or its name from the analysis entities collection.
Item method in object ArrangementPathways
Returns the specified ArrangementPathway item of the collection object.
Item method in object ArrangementContours
Returns the specified ArrangementContour item of the collection.
Item method in object AnalysisLinkedDocuments
Returns a Document by its index or its name from the linked Documents collection.
Item method in object ManufacturingFeatures
Retrieve the Manufacturing Feature of a the specified index from the Collection.
Item method in object ArrangementRectangles
Returns the specified ArrangementRectangle item of the collection object.
Item method in object ArrangementBoundaries
Returns the specified ArrangementBoundary item of the collection.
Item method in object ManufacturingPrecedences
Returns a precedence object from the precedence collection.
Item method in object ArrangementItemReservations
Returns the specified ArrangementItemReservation item of the collection.
Item method in object ExpertRuleBaseComponentRuntimes
Returns a RuleBase component using its index or its name from the entire RuleBase collection.
Item2 method in object Selection
Returns the iIndex-th SelectedElement object contained by the current selection.
ItemByAssignmentType method in object Items
This method returns the item assocated with the activity with given Assignment Type.
ItemByType method in object AnalysisSets
Returns an analysis set using its type from the analysis sets collection.
ItemExplicit method in object Group
Returns a product using its index in the group.
ItemExtract method in object Group
Returns a product which can be extracted from the group using its index.
ItemInvert method in object Group
Returns a terminal node product which cannot be extracted from the group using its index.
ItemObject method in object Marker3D
Returns an object which is linked to the marker 3D using its index.
ItemObject method in object Hyperlink
Returns an Url which is linked to the Hyperlink using its index.
KeepDirectory method in object SendToService
Controls the directory tree structure in the target directory.
LifeCycleCheckIn method in object StiEngine
Checks the CATIAStiDBItem Into SmarTeam Check-In Vault .
LifeCycleCheckOut method in object StiEngine
Checks Out Without Propagation the CATIAStiDBItem in SmarTeam.
LifeCycleCheckOutPropagated method in object StiEngine
Checks Out With Propagation the CATIAStiDBItem in SMARTEAM.
LifeCycleNewRelease method in object StiEngine
Enables a New Release Without Propagation for the CATIAStiDBItem in SmarTeam.
LifeCycleNewReleasePropagated method in object StiEngine
Enables a NewRelease action With Propagation for the CATIAStiDBItem in SmarTeam.
LifeCycleRelease method in object StiEngine
Releases the CATIAStiDBItem in SmarTeam Release Vault .
LifeCycleUndoCheckOut method in object StiEngine
Cancels Check-Out operation on the CATIAStiDBItem in SmarTeam .
Limits method in object DimensionLimit
Retrieves dimension limit values.
Link method in object SchCntrDocLink
Create an external link to another connector.
LinkTo method in object FunctAssociation
Create a link to another object.
LinkType method in object StiDBChildren
Returns the Link Type from its index in the CATIAStiDBChildren.
ListAffectedComponents method in object AssemblyFeature
Retrieves the affected component list.
ListAllStates method in object DNB3DStateMgmt
ListAlternateGraphics method in object SchRouteAlternateGraphic
Lists the alternate graphics of a route.
ListAttached method in object Dressup
Returns the list of products attached to a given link.
ListAttributes method in object PspAttribute
Retrieves a list of Attributes of an object in the the input domain ID.
ListBendData method in object PspStretchableData
Returns the bend radii.
ListBoundaryElements method in object SchGRRZone
List all boundary elements of this zone graphical representation.
ListCompartments method in object PspAppFactory
Retrieves a list of Compartments in the current Product.
ListCompatiblePartNumbers method in object PspFunctional
Retrieves a list of compatible Part numbers and part types.
ListConnectables method in object PspConnectable
Retrieve a list of connectors of the object.
ListConnectedGRRs method in object SchGRR
Get a list of graphical objects that connects to this graphic representation.
ListConnectors method in object SchConnectable
Find all the connectors of this schematic object on a specific graphical image.
ListDefinitionPoints method in object PspStretchableData
Returns the points defining the object.
ListDesignGeometries method in object ManufacturingSetup
Retrieves the design geometries list from a Manufacturing Setup.
ListDesignGeometriesProducts method in object ManufacturingSetup
Retrieves the design geometries products list from a Manufacturing Setup.
ListDoubleDiscreteValues method in object PspAttribute
Retrieves double discrete values for the input attribute.
ListDropOffViews method in object SchDropOffView
Lists drafting views in this schematics diagram.
ListEncodedDecodedDiscreteValues method in object PspAttribute
Retrieves Encoded-decoded discrete values for the input attribute.
ListExtremityObjects method in object SchNetworkAnalysis
List the extremity objects of the network.
ListFixtureGeometries method in object ManufacturingSetup
Retrieves the fixture geometries list from a Manufacturing Setup.
ListFixtureGeometriesProducts method in object ManufacturingSetup
Retrieves the Fixture geometries products list from a Manufacturing Setup.
ListGRRZoneOwners method in object SchBoundaryElem
Get the list of owners of this zone.
ListGraphicalImages method in object SchCompGraphic
List all graphical images (instances of the rep) of a component.
ListGraphicalPrimitives method in object SchCntrGraphic
List all graphical primitives of a connector.
ListGraphicalPrimitives method in object SchRouteGraphic
List all graphical primitives of a route.
ListGraphicalRepresentations method in object SchCompGraphic
List all graphical representation of a component.
ListGraphicalRepresentations method in object SchZoneGraphic
List all graphical representations of a zone.
ListGroups method in object PspAppFactory
Retrieve a list of Groups in the current Product.
ListInProcessModelBodies method in object ManufacturingSetup
Retrieves the In Process Model Bodies list from a Manufacturing Setup.
ListIntegerDiscreteValues method in object PspAttribute
Retrieve integer (long) discrete values for the input attribute.
ListInternalFlows method in object SchCompFlow
List all internal flow objects of a component.
ListLogicalLines method in object PspAppFactory
Returns a list of logical lines in the current Product.
ListMachinableGeometry method in object ManufacturingMachinableArea
Retrieves the machinable geometry list.
ListManufacturingActivityConnected method in object ManufacturingMachinableArea
Retrieves the manufacturing activity connected list.
ListMechanismsContext method in object Dressups
Each mechanism of the list given by ListPossibleMechanisms has a context product on which it is defined.
ListMembers method in object SchComponentGroup
List all connectable members in the group.
ListNetworkObjects method in object SchNetworkAnalysis
List the connected objects in the network.
ListPartParametricAttributes method in object PspBuildPart
Returns the part parametric attribute names.
ListPhysicals method in object PspAppFactory
Returns a list of Physical objects in the node.
ListPointedGeometry method in object ManufacturingMachinableGeometry
Retrieves a pointed geometry and its product.
ListPossibleMechanisms method in object Dressups
Returns information about all possible mechanisms on which a dressup can be created.
ListRouteSymbols method in object SchGRRRoute
List route symbols on the route.
ListSchConnectors method in object SchInternalFlow
List all schematic connectors associated with an internal flow.
ListShapesOfPointedGeometry method in object ManufacturingMachinableGeometry
Retrieves the pointed shape list.
ListStates method in object DNB3DState
ListStockGeometries method in object ManufacturingSetup
Retrieves the stock geometries list from a Manufacturing Setup.
ListStockGeometriesProducts method in object ManufacturingSetup
Retrieves the Stock geometries products list from a Manufacturing Setup.
ListStringDiscreteValues method in object PspAttribute
RetrievesString discrete values for the input attribute.
ListZones method in object SchAppGroup
List application zone objects.
LoadAnnotationSetsList method in object AnnotationSets
Loads the Annotation Sets list.
LoadFromPPRHub method in object MHIOpenAccess
LoadScriptFromFilePath method in object FeatureGenerator
Sets a script from a document file.
LockActivitesWithinProgram method in object ManufacturingProgram
LockActivty method in object ManufacturingOperation
MachinableGeometryCount method in object ManufacturingMachinableArea
Returns the machinable geometry list count.
MakeUserSurfaceNode method in object UserSurfaces
Usefull to create a User Surface Node from two others User Surface.
MakeUserSurfaceNode2 method in object UserSurfaces
Usefull to create a User Surface Node from a list of User Surfaces.
ManufacturingActivityConnectedCount method in object ManufacturingMachinableArea
Returns the manufacturing activity connected list count.
MaterialCondition method in object Annotation
Get the annotation on the MaterialCondition interface.
MergeCells method in object DrawingTable
Merges a group of cells.
MergeShapeName method in object Merges
Returns the name of the associated shape.
Mirror method in object Track
Produces a "mirror image" of the track.
Modify method in object Relation
Modifies the relation.
ModifyGuideCurve method in object HybridShapeLoft
Modifies the curve of a guide from the lofted surface.
ModifyGuideCurve method in object HybridShapeSpine
Modifies a guide from the spine curve.
ModifyPoint method in object DrawingArrow
Modify a point of an Arrow.
ModifyPoint method in object DrawingLeader
Modify a point of an leader.
ModifyPrinterArrayForGroup method in object PrintersSettingAtt
Modify a printer group: redefine the array of printers included in this group.
ModifyPrinterDirectoryState method in object PrintersSettingAtt
Modify a printer file directory state.
ModifySectionCurve method in object HybridShapeLoft
Modifies the curve of section from the lofted surface.
ModifySectionCurve method in object HybridShapeSpine
Modifies a section or a plane from the spine curve.
ModifySectionOrient method in object HybridShapeLoft
Modifies the orientation of the curve of a section from the lofted surface.
ModifySplittingElement method in object AssemblySplit
Replaces the splitting element by a new one.
ModifyState method in object DNB3DState
ModifyURL method in object Noa
Modifies an URL.
ModifyURL method in object FlagNote
Modifies an URL.
ModifyVisu method in object Annotation
To refresh the 3D visualization.
MountDevice method in object MountManager
Move method in object Track
Moves the track a certain position.
Move method in object DrawingTable
Moves the table relatively to its original position.
MoveOperation method in object ManufacturingProgram
Move an existing Manufacturing Operation to a Manufacturing Program.
MoveValue method in object DrawingDimension
Move dimension value.
NewBlock method in object ManufacturingOutput
Create a New Block in the underlying output stream.
NewCamera method in object Viewer
Creates a new camera from the viewpoint of the viewer.
NewCase method in object AnalysisCases
Creates a new case and adds it to the case collection.
NewFrom method in object Documents
Creates a new document from a document stored in a file.
NewLine method in object ManufacturingOutput
Create a New Line in the underlying output stream.
NewPart method in object PspBuildPart
Create a new part.
NewWindow method in object Window
Creates a new window.
NewWindow method in object Document
Activates the window which contains the document and duplicates this window.
NextLink method in object DrawingViewGenerativeLinks
Returns the next link of the drawing view.
Noa method in object Annotation
Get the annotation on the Noa interface.
NumberOfAssignedProcesses method in object Fastener
eturns Number of processes assigned with the fastener Example: Dim Num Num = MyFastener.
NumberOfJoiningParts method in object Fastener
Returns the number of parts joined by fastener.
NumberOfJoiningParts method in object FastenerGroup
Returns the number of parts joined by the fastener group.
OKToBranch method in object SchRoute
Query whether it is OK to create a branch.
OKToBreak method in object SchRoute
Query whether it is OK to break.
OKToConcatenate method in object SchRoute
Query whether it is OK to concatenate.
OKToConnect method in object SchCntrConnect
Query whether 'this' connector can be connected to the specified connector, that is, whether their positions are coincident.
OKToFlipConnected method in object SchComponent
Query whether it is OK to connect the component via next compatible connectors.
OKToFlipHorizontal method in object SchComponent
Query whether it is OK to flip the component about the horizontal axis.
OKToFlipOnLine method in object SchComponent
Query whether it is OK to flip the component about the inserted route segment.
OKToFlipVertical method in object SchComponent
Query whether it is OK to flip the component about vertical axis.
OKToModifyPoints method in object SchRoute
Query whether it is OK to modify (add or remove) the points.
OKToPlaceInSpace method in object SchComponent
Query whether the component can be placed in free space.
OKToScale method in object SchComponent
Query whether it is OK to scale the component.
OKToSlide method in object SchComponent
Query whether the component can be slided.
OKToUninsert method in object SchComponent
Query whether it is OK to uninsert the component.
OffsetShapeName method in object DMOOffsets
Returns the name of the associated shape.
Open method in object Documents
Opens a document stored in a file.
OpenAsTextStream method in object File
Opens the file and retrieves it as a TextSteam object.
OpenEdition method in object Sketch
Opens the Sketch Edition.
OrderAndCreateMOfromReport method in object ManufacturingProgram
Create a list of Operation in a Manufacturing Program, of a specified type.
Parse method in object ExpertRuleBaseComponentRuntime
Syntactically analyses (ie parses) the component.
ParticularTolElem method in object Annotation
Get the annotation on the ParticularTolElem interface.
Paste method in object Selection
Puts the contents of the clipboard in the document at the indicated location.
PasteSpecial method in object Selection
Puts the contents of the clipboard in the document at the indicated location, according to the specified format.
PlaceInSpace method in object SchComponent
Place a component in space, unconnected to other objects.
PlaceInSpace method in object SchComponent2
Place a component in space, unconnected to other objects.
PlaceOnComponentWithInfo method in object SchComponent
Place a component connected to another component.
PlaceOnObject method in object SchComponent
Place a component connected to another component or insert into a route.
PlaceOnObject method in object SchComponent2
Place a component connected to another component or insert into a route.
PlacePartInSpace method in object PspPlacePart
Places a part in space.
PointFasteners method in object FastenerWorkBench
PointedGeometryCount method in object ManufacturingMachinableGeometry
Returns the pointed geometry list count.
PostReplaceText method in object SchPostReplace
Handle associated annotations after replace.
Print method in object SystemService
Prints a string on stdout.
Print method in object AssemblyConvertor
Extracts the product's contents as a specified format.
PrintOut method in object Window
Prints the active viewer of the window according to the window's page setup on the default printer.
PrintOut method in object DrawingSheet
Prints the drawing sheet according to its page setup on the default printer.
PrintOut method in object Layout2DSheet
Prints the Layout2D sheet according to its page setup on the default printer.
PrintOut2 method in object Layout2DSheet
Prints the Layout2D sheet according to its page setup on the default printer.
PrintToFile method in object Window
Prints the active viewer of the window according to the window's page setup in a file instead of being sent to a printer.
PrintToFile method in object DrawingSheet
Prints the drawing sheet according its page setup in a file instead of being sent to a printer.
PrintToFile method in object Layout2DSheet
Prints the Layout2D sheet according its page setup in a file instead of being sent to a printer.
PrintToFile2 method in object Layout2DSheet
Prints the Layout2D sheet according its page setup in a file instead of being sent to a printer.
ProjectedToleranceZone method in object Annotation
Get the annotation on the ProjectedToleranceZone interface.
Put3DTextureColor method in object RenderingMaterial
Sets one color of a 3d texture.
Put3DTextureColorCoefficient method in object RenderingMaterial
Sets one color coefficient of a 3d texture.
Put3DTextureOrientation method in object RenderingMaterial
Sets the orientation of a texture.
Put3DTexturePosition method in object RenderingMaterial
Sets the position of a texture.
Put3DTextureScale method in object RenderingMaterial
Sets the scale of a texture.
PutAmbientColor method in object RenderingMaterial
Sets the ambient color of a material.
PutBackFaceCullingMode method in object VisualizationSettingAtt
Sets the BackFaceCullingMode attribute.
PutBackgroundColor method in object Viewer
Sets the viewer's background color.
PutColor method in object RenderingLight
Sets the color of a light.
PutCommandValues method in object Mechanism
Triggers immediate mechanism solving (motion is NOT applied to the model).
PutCommandValuesWithMultiSteps method in object Mechanism
Puts command values in given number of steps.
PutDiffuseColor method in object RenderingMaterial
Sets the diffuse color of a material.
PutDirection method in object Line
Role : Sets the unit-vector pointing in the direction of the line.
PutDirection method in object LightSource
Defines the lighting direction as an array of 3 variants.
PutFirstAxis method in object Plane
Sets the first axis.
PutGrabbedObjects method in object GrabAct
PutGrabbedObjects method in object ReleaseAct
PutIcon method in object Material
Read the icon of a material from JPEG file.
PutInput method in object ShapeInstance
Defines an input of a shape instance.
PutInput method in object HybridShapeInstance
Defines an input of a hybrid shape instance.
PutInputData method in object ShapeInstance
Defines an input of a shape instance.
PutInputData method in object InstanceFactory
Sets a value to an input of the reference.
PutInputData method in object HybridShapeInstance
Defines an input of a shape instance.
PutInternal method in object BehaviorVBScript
provide output of one available io of the behavior.
PutLimits method in object DimensionLimit
Sets dimension limit values.
PutListOfLibraryFilePath method in object LibTabSettingAtt
PutOrigin method in object Plane
Sets the origin of the plane.
PutOrigin method in object Viewpoint2D
Sets the coordinates of the origin of the viewpoint.
PutOrigin method in object Viewpoint3D
Sets the coordinates of the origin of the viewpoint.
PutOrigin method in object AxisSystem
Defines the coordinates X,Y,Z of the origin point of the axis system.
PutOrigin method in object RenderingLight
Sets the coordinates of the origin of the light.
PutOrigin method in object RenderingEnvironment
Sets the coordinates of the origin of the environment.
PutOutput method in object Behavior
Valuates an available output of the behavior.
PutPlaneNormal method in object HybridShapeCurvePar
Sets the Normal of the plane created when the Support of the curve is not specified.
PutPlaneNormal method in object HybridShapeLawDistProj
Sets the support plane normal.
PutReleasePath method in object CacheSettingAtt
Sets the cache release paths.
PutSearch_Mapping_List method in object MigrBatchSettingAtt
Sets the state of the "Mapping Files Location for Retrieving" setting parameter.
PutSecondAxis method in object Plane
Sets the coordinates of the second plane axis.
PutSelectionSetIntoCSO method in object SelectionSets
Puts Selection Set's content in the CSO.
PutShadowColor method in object RenderingLight
Sets the color of a shadow.
PutSightDirection method in object Viewpoint3D
Sets the components of the sight direction of the viewpoint.
PutSpecularColor method in object RenderingMaterial
Sets the specular color of a material.
PutTarget method in object RenderingLight
Sets the coordinates of the target point of the light.
PutTransparencyColor method in object RenderingMaterial
Sets the transparent color of a material.
PutUpDirection method in object Viewpoint3D
Sets the components of the up direction of the viewpoint.
PutValue method in object AnalysisMaterial
Sets an analysis value of the material.
PutVectors method in object AxisSystem
Defines the coordinates X,Y,Z of the axes X and Y of the axis system.
PutVerticalAxis method in object RenderingEnvironment
Sets the coordinates of the vertical axis vector of the environment.
PutXAxis method in object AxisSystem
Defines the coordinates X,Y,Z of the X axis of the axis system.
PutYAxis method in object AxisSystem
Defines the coordinates X,Y,Z of the Y axis of the axis system.
PutZAxis method in object AxisSystem
Defines the coordinates X,Y,Z of the Z axis of the axis system.
QueryConnectAbility method in object SchComponent
Find the Schematic component information for placement.
QueryDropAbility method in object SchCatalogRoute
Check to see if it is OK to be dropped to the current document.
QueryDropAbility method in object SchCatalogComponent
Check to see if it is OK to be dropped to the current document.
QueryDropCompGroupAbility method in object SchCatalogComponent
Check to see if it is OK to be dropped a component group to the current document.
QueryNeighbours method in object OptimizerWorkBench
Quit method in object Application
Exits the application and closes all open documents.
ReMountDevice method in object MountManager
Read method in object Documents
Reads a document stored in a file.
Read method in object TextStream
Returns a string which contains a given number of characters from the current position in the stream.
ReadLine method in object TextStream
Returns a string which contains a line of charaters from the current position in the stream.
ReadMfgData method in object ManufacturingSetup
ReferenceFrame method in object Annotation
Get the annotation on the ReferenceFrame interface.
Reframe method in object Viewer
Reframes the viewer's contents (Fits all in).
RefreshDisplay method in object TCPTrace
Refresh display.
RefreshInfo method in object StiEngine
Refreshes Information concerning all CATIA Documents in session .
Remove method in object Scenes
Removes a scene from the Scenes collection.
Remove method in object Cameras
Removes a camera from the Cameras collection.
Remove method in object Selection
Remove method in object Outputs
Remove method in object ABQJobs
Removes an Abaqus Job using its index or its name from the job collection.
Remove method in object LightSources
Removes a light source from the LightSources collection.
Remove method in object ABQLoads
Removes a Abaqus load using its index or its name from the collection od loads.
Remove method in object Shots
Removes a shot from the collection.
Remove method in object ABQSteps
Removes an Abaqus step using its index or its name from the Step collection.
Remove method in object Activities
This method removes the specified activity on the current activities management.
Remove method in object ABQFields
Removes an Abaqus field using its index or its name from the field collection.
Remove method in object Materials
Removes a material from the materials collection.
Remove method in object ProductScenes
Removes a product-scene from the ProductScenes collection.
Remove method in object Sampleds
Removes a CATIASampled object from the CATIASampled collection.
Remove method in object Shuttles
Remove method in object List
Removes a Feature from the Features collection.
Remove method in object Constraints
Removes a constraint from the Constraints collection.
Remove method in object FixTogethers
Removes a FixTogether from the FixTogethers collection.
Remove method in object Groups
Removes a group from the Groups collection.
Remove method in object ABQProperties
Removes a Abaqus property using its index or its name from the property collection.
Remove method in object Marker2Ds
Removes a marker 2D from the Marker2Ds collection.
Remove method in object Marker3Ds
Removes a marker 3D from the Marker3Ds collection.
Remove method in object Joints
Remove a Joint from the Joints collection.
Remove method in object Relations
Removes a relation from the Relations collection.
Remove method in object StrPlates
Removes a plate from the Plates collection.
Remove method in object Parameters
Removes a parameter from the Parameters collection.
Remove method in object StrMembers
Removes a member from the Members collection.
Remove method in object Hyperlinks
Removes a Hyperlink from the Hyperlinks collection.
Remove method in object DrawingViews
Removes a drawing view from the DrawingViews collection.
Remove method in object Dressups
Removes a Dressup from the Dressups collection.
Remove method in object DrawingTexts
Removes a drawing text from the DrawingTexts collection.
Remove method in object ABQMassScalings
Removes the specified entry.
Remove method in object RenderingLights
Removes a light from the lights collection.
Remove method in object ABQInteractions
Removes an Abaqus interaction using its index or its name from the Interaction collection.
Remove method in object DrawingTables
Removes a drawing table from the DrawingTables collection.
Remove method in object DrawingSheets
Removes a drawing sheet from the DrawingSheets collection.
Remove method in object DrawingArrows
Removes a drawing arrow from the DrawingArrows collection.
Remove method in object Mechanisms
Removes a Mechanism from the Mechanisms collection.
Remove method in object MaterialFamilies
Removes a material family from the MaterialFamilies collection.
Remove method in object ABQAnalysisCases
Removes an Abaqus analysis case using its index or its name from the collection of Abaqus analysis cases.
Remove method in object DrawingLeaders
Removes a drawing leader from the DrawingLeaders collection.
Remove method in object DrawingThreads
Removes a drawing thread from the DrawingThreads collection.
Remove method in object DrawingWeldings
Removes a drawing welding from the drawing weldings collection.
Remove method in object DrawingPictures
Removes a drawing picture from the DrawingPictures collection.
Remove method in object AnnotatedViews
Removes an annotated view from the AnnotatedViews collection.
Remove method in object FunctActionsGroup
Removes an action from the actions' group.
Remove method in object Layout2DViews
Removes a layout2D view from the Layout2DViews collection.
Remove method in object Clashes
Removes a Clash object from the Clashes collection.
Remove method in object RenderingShootings
Removes a shooting from the shootings collection.
Remove method in object AnalysisSets
Removes a set using its index or its name from the set collection.
Remove method in object Inertias
Removes an Inertia object from the Inertias collection.
Remove method in object Sections
Removes a Section object from the Sections collection.
Remove method in object HumanTaskList
Remove method in object Layout2DSheets
Removes a Layout2Dsheet from the Layout2DSheets collection.
Remove method in object AnalysisCases
Removes a case using its index or its name from the case collection.
Remove method in object Distances
Removes a Distance object from the Distances collection.
Remove method in object DrawingDimensions
Removes a drawing dimension from the DrawingDimensions collection.
Remove method in object DrawingComponents
Removes a drawing component from the DrawingComponents collection.
Remove method in object ClashResults
Removes a ClashResult object from the ClashResults collection.
Remove method in object MechanismCommands
Remove a MechanismCommand from the MechanismCommands collection.
Remove method in object AssemblyFeatures
Removes an AssemblyFeature object from the AssemblyFeatures collection.
Remove method in object ABQBoundaryConditions
Removes an Abaqus boundary condition using its index or its name from the collection of boundary conditions.
Remove method in object AnalysisEntities
Removes a entity using its index or its name from the entity collection.
Remove method in object RenderingEnvironments
Removes a environment from the environments collection.
Remove method in object AnalysisMeshParts
Removes a meshpart using its index or its name from the meshpart collection.
Remove method in object Products
Removes a product from the Products collection.
Remove method in object ArrangementRuns
Removes the specified ArrangementRun object from the collection.
Remove method in object ArrangementAreas
Removes the specified ArrangementArea object from the collection.
Remove method in object Publications
Removes a publication from the product.
Remove method in object AnalysisLocalEntities
Returns an analysis local entity.
Remove method in object AnalysisOutputEntities
Removes a entity using its index or its name from the entity collection.
Remove method in object ArrangementPathways
Removes the specified ArrangementPathway object from the collection.
Remove method in object ArrangementContours
Removes the specified ArrangementContour object from the collection.
Remove method in object ArrangementRectangles
Removes the specified ArrangementRectangle object from the collection.
Remove method in object ArrangementBoundaries
Removes the specified ArrangementBoundary object from the collection.
Remove method in object DNBAttachmentFactory
Remove an attachment.
Remove method in object ManufacturingPrecedences
Removes an object from the precedences collection.
Remove method in object ArrangementItemReservations
Removes the specified ArrangementItemReservation object from the collection.
Remove method in object AnalysisMeshLocalSpecifications
Removes a local specification using its index or its name from the local specification collection.
Remove method in object ExpertRuleBaseComponentRuntimes
Removes an Expert component from the Rule Base collection.
Remove2 method in object Selection
Removes the iIndex-th SelectedElement object contained by the current selection.
RemoveAccuracyProfile method in object RobGenericController
Remove Accuracy profile given name in controller.
RemoveActiveLight method in object RenderingShooting
Removes a light from the shootings active lights list.
RemoveAffectedComponent method in object AssemblyFeature
Removes a component from the affected component list.
RemoveAll method in object HybridShapeSpline
Removes all elements in the list of points.
RemoveAll method in object RenderingLights
Removes all lights from the collection.
RemoveAll method in object HybridShapePlaneMean
Removes all elements in the list of points.
RemoveAll method in object RenderingShootings
Removes all shootings from the collection.
RemoveAll method in object RenderingEnvironments
Removes all environments.
RemoveAll method in object ManufacturingPrecedences
Removes all objects from the precedences collection.
RemoveAllAlternateGraphics method in object SchRouteAlternateGraphic
Removes all alternate graphical primitives.
RemoveAllAlternateGraphicsOfStyle method in object SchRouteAlternateGraphic
Removes all alternate graphical primitives of the given style.
RemoveAllBound method in object HybridShapeFill
Removes all boundaries of the hybrid shape fill feature object.
RemoveAllCutPoints method in object HybridShapeSweep
Removes all cut points.
RemoveAllDraftAngleDefinitionLocations method in object HybridShapeSweepLine
Removes all geometrical elements and values necessary for draft angle definition.
RemoveAllFacesToKeep method in object HybridShapeFilletBiTangent
Remove all the faces to keep.
RemoveAllFillPoints method in object HybridShapeSweep
Removes all fill points.
RemoveAllFrozenCurveSegments method in object HybridShapeCurveSmooth
Removes all Frozen Curve Segment of the hybrid shape curve smooth object.
RemoveAllFrozenPoints method in object HybridShapeCurveSmooth
Removes all Frozen Points of the hybrid shape curve smooth object.
RemoveAllGeometry method in object ManufacturingSurfaceGeomArea
Removes all the geometry linked to a Manufacturing Surface NCGeometry feature.
RemoveAllGeometry method in object ManufacturingPrismaticMachiningArea
Removes all the geometry of a specified type linked to a Manufacturing Prismatic Machining Area.
RemoveAllGraphicalPrimitives method in object SchRouteGraphic
Remove all graphical primitives of a route, including alternate graphical primitives.
RemoveAllInternalEdgesElement method in object HybridShapeExtrapol
Removes all internal elements.
RemoveAllLinks method in object DrawingViewGenerativeLinks
Removes all links of the drawing view.
RemoveAllPath method in object TCPTraceManager
Remove all traces from the current resource.
RemoveAllPointsAndParams method in object HybridShapeIntegratedLaw
Removes all the points and associated parameters.
RemoveAllPosAngle method in object HybridShapePositionTransfo
Removes all numerical positioning parameters : first axis direction angles.
RemoveAllPosCoord method in object HybridShapePositionTransfo
Removes all numerical positioning parameters : origin planar coordinates.
RemoveAllPrinterDirectories method in object PrintersSettingAtt
Remove all the directories including printer files.
RemoveAllPrinterGroups method in object PrintersSettingAtt
Remove all the groups of printers.
RemoveAlternateGraphic method in object SchRouteAlternateGraphic
Remove an alternate graphical primitive from a route.
RemoveAnalyses method in object Sampled
Returns or sets the Sampled object.
RemoveAngle method in object HybridShapeSweepLine
Removes an angle.
RemoveAngle method in object HybridShapeSweepCircle
Removes an angle.
RemoveAngle method in object HybridShapeSweepExplicit
Removes an Angle.
RemoveAssociation method in object DesignTable
Removes an existing association.
RemoveAttribute method in object AMPTag
Function to remove an existing attribute on the given AMPTag.
RemoveAuxAttribute method in object AMPTag
Function to remove an auxilliary attribute of the given AMPTag.
RemoveAxisSystem method in object ABQSpringConnectionProperty
RemoveBodyToHeal method in object HybridShapeHealing
Removes the body to be healed from the list at specified position.
RemoveBoundAtPosition method in object HybridShapeFill
Removes boundary at specified position in hybrid shape fill feature object.
RemoveBoundaryElement method in object SchGRRZone
Remove a boundary element to the zone.
RemoveByAssignmentType method in object Items
RemoveByAssignmentType method in object Resources
RemoveByIndex method in object PspListOfBSTRs
Remove a character string from the list by specifying its position in the list.
RemoveByIndex method in object PspListOfLongs
Remove a long integer from the list by specifying its position in the list.
RemoveByIndex method in object PspListOfObjects
Remove an object from the list by specifying its position in the list.
RemoveByIndex method in object PspListOfDoubles
Removes a double from the list by specifying its position in the list.
RemoveByIndex method in object SchListOfBSTRs
Remove a character string from the list by specifying its position in the list.
RemoveByIndex method in object SchListOfLongs
Remove a long integer from the list by specifying its position in the list.
RemoveByIndex method in object SchListOfObjects
Remove an object from the list by specifying its position in the list.
RemoveByIndex method in object SchListOfDoubles
Remove a double from the list by specifying its position in the list.
RemoveColumn method in object DrawingTable
Removes the indicated column.
RemoveConnector method in object PspPhsyicalProduct
Removes part connector.
RemoveConnector method in object SchCompConnector
Remove a connector.
RemoveConstraint method in object HybridShapeFill
Removes constraint at specified position in hybrid shape fill feature object.
RemoveConstraint method in object MoveToPostureActivity
RemoveConstraint method in object OptimizationConstraints
Removes a given optimization constraint using its index or its name from the optimization constraints collection.
RemoveControlPoint method in object HybridShapeSpline
Removes a point at the given position.
RemoveCurvatureRadiusDirection method in object HybridShapeSpline
Removes Curvature Radius Direction for the given point of the spline.
RemoveCurvatureRadiusValue method in object HybridShapeSpline
Removes Curvature Radius Value for the given point of the spline.
RemoveCurves method in object HybridShapeWrapCurve
Removes a couple of reference curve and target curve from the WrapCurve.
RemoveCuttingElem method in object HybridShapeSplit
Removes a cutting feature.
RemoveDLName method in object DLNameSettingAtt
Remove a logical name.
RemoveDof method in object ABQSpringConnectionProperty
Unsets the stiffness of the spring for given degree of freedom.
RemoveDraftAngleDefinitionLocationPosition method in object HybridShapeSweepLine
Removes a draft angle location.
RemoveDropOffView method in object SchDropOffView
Removes a drafting view from the schematics diagram.
RemoveERAssignment method in object EKPServices
Removes the ER assignment for the passed Geometric Feature.
RemoveERWithFTA method in object EKPServices
Removes the ER assignment for the passed FTA.
RemoveEdgeToKeepSharp method in object HybridShapeHealing
Removes the edge from the list of edges to be kept sharp at specified position.
RemoveEdgeToTear method in object HybridShapeUnfold
Removes an element used by the hybrid shape unfold feature object.
RemoveElectronicBehaviour method in object PCBObject
RemoveElement method in object HybridShapeAssemble
Removes an element used by the hybrid shape assemble feature object.
RemoveElement method in object HybridShapePolyline
Removes the element at a specified position in the polyline.
RemoveElement method in object HybridShapePlaneMean
Removes a point in the list.
RemoveElement method in object HybridShapeExtractMulti
Removes the body to be extracted from the list of constraints at specified position.
RemoveElementToFreeze method in object HybridShapeHealing
Removes the element from the list of elements to be freezed at specified position.
RemoveElementToKeep method in object HybridShapeTrim
Removes an element from specifications.
RemoveElementToKeep method in object HybridShapeSplit
Removes an element from specifications.
RemoveElementToRemove method in object HybridShapeTrim
Removes an element from specifications.
RemoveElementToRemove method in object HybridShapeSplit
Removes an element from specifications.
RemoveExplicit method in object Group
Removes a product from the group using its index.
RemoveExtension method in object SchematicExtension
Removes a Schematic extension to an application object.
RemoveFaceForClosing method in object HybridShapeLoft
Removes face used to close the lofted surface.
RemoveFaceToDraft method in object DraftDomain
Removes a face from those to be drafted.
RemoveFaceToKeep method in object HybridShapeFilletBiTangent
Remove a face to keep.
RemoveFaceWithDifferentThickness method in object Shell
Removes an existing face from those to be thicken with different offset values by the shell process.
RemoveFaceWithDifferentThickness method in object Thickness
Removes an existing thickened face.
RemoveFastenerFromProcess method in object DNBFastenerItemServices
Unassigns a specified DELMIAFastener from a specified Activity.
RemoveFastenerFromResource method in object DNBFastenerItemServices
Unassigns a specified DELMIAFastener from a specified Resource.
RemoveFederatedElement method in object HybridShapeAssemble
Removes an element to the list of elements to federate.
RemoveFile method in object SendToService
Removes a file from the list of the files that will be copied.
RemoveFilter method in object Document
Removes an existing visualization filter.
RemoveFittingPoints method in object HybridShapeSweepExplicit
Removes the fitting points.
RemoveFixTogether method in object FixTogether
Removes a FixTogether from the FixTogether.
RemoveFormalParameter method in object Law
Removes a formal parameter of the law.
RemoveFreeParameter method in object FreeParameters
Removes a free parameter.
RemoveFrom method in object AMPPath
Function to remove an AMPTag at a given index of the AMPPath.
RemoveFrozenCurveSegment method in object HybridShapeCurveSmooth
Removes Frozen Curve Segment from the list of Forzen curves in hybrid shape curve smooth object.
RemoveFrozenPoint method in object HybridShapeCurveSmooth
Removes Frozen Point from the list of frozen points in hybrid shape curve smooth object.
RemoveGraphicalPrimitive method in object SchCntrGraphic
Remove a graphical primitive from a connector.
RemoveGraphicalPrimitive method in object SchRouteGraphic
Remove a graphical primitive from a route.
RemoveGraphicalRepresentation method in object SchCompGraphic
Remove a graphical representation from a component.
RemoveGraphicalRepresentation method in object SchZoneGraphic
Remove a graphical representation from a zone.
RemoveGuide method in object HybridShapeLoft
Removes a guide curve from the lofted surface.
RemoveGuide method in object HybridShapeSweepConic
Removes a guide curve given its index.
RemoveGuide method in object HybridShapeSweepCircle
Removes a guide curve.
RemoveGuide method in object HybridShapeSweepExplicit
Removes a guide curve.
RemoveGuideCrv method in object HybridShapeSweepLine
Removes a guide curve.
RemoveGuideSur method in object HybridShapeSweepLine
Removes a guide surface.
RemoveGuideTangent method in object HybridShapeLoft
Removes a tangent surface of a guide from the lofted surface.
RemoveInterferenceFit method in object ABQSurfaceToSurfaceContact
Removes interference fit from a contact pair feature.
RemoveInternalFlow method in object SchCompFlow
Remove an internal flow from a component.
RemoveInterrupt method in object DrawingDimExtLine
Remove interruption on extension lines.
RemoveInterruption method in object DrawingArrow
Remove an interruption to an arrow.
RemoveInterruption method in object DrawingLeader
Remove an interruption to an leader.
RemoveLength method in object HybridShapeSweepLine
Removes a length.
RemoveLink method in object Activity
This method removes a link existing on the current activity.
RemoveMachinableGeometry method in object ManufacturingMachinableArea
Removes a machinable geometry from the list.
RemoveMasterShapeRepresentation method in object Product
Removes the master shape representation from the product.
RemoveMember method in object PspGroup
Removes a member from the group.
RemoveMember method in object SchComponentGroup
Remove a member to the component group.
RemoveMfgAssembly method in object MfgAssemblyFactory
Remove a given Manufacturing Assembly from the MA Applicative Container.
RemoveMotionProfile method in object RobGenericController
Remove Motion profile given name in controller.
RemoveNCGeometry method in object ManufacturingSurfaceMachiningArea
Removes all the NCGeometry of a specified type linked to a Manufacturing Surface Machining Area.
RemoveObjFrameProfile method in object RobGenericController
Remove ObjFrame profile given name in controller.
RemoveObject method in object Marker3D
Removes an object which is linked to the marker 3D using its index.
RemoveObject method in object Hyperlink
Removes an Url which is linked to the Hyperlink using its index.
RemoveParameter method in object HybridShapeSweepConic
Removes conical sweep parameter, whether it is a single value or a law.
RemovePart method in object MfgAssembly
Removes a part (Product, Resource or other MA/MK) from the Manufacturing Assembly.
RemovePartSurfaces method in object ManufacturingPattern
Remove the Part Surfaces of the Manufacturing Pattern.
RemovePathByIndex method in object TCPTraceManager
Remove a specific path based on its position in the list.
RemovePathByObject method in object TCPTraceManager
Remove a specific trace based on the object.
RemovePickedMfgAssembly method in object PickActivity
RemovePickedProduct method in object PickActivity
RemovePlacedMfgAssembly method in object PlaceActivity
RemovePlacedProduct method in object PlaceActivity
RemovePoint method in object DrawingArrow
Remove a point from an arrow.
RemovePoint method in object DrawingLeader
Remove a point from an leader.
RemovePointAndParam method in object HybridShapeIntegratedLaw
Removes a point and its parameter.
RemovePointedGeometry method in object ManufacturingMachinableGeometry
Removes a geometry from the pointed geometry list.
RemovePoints method in object SchRoute
Remove points from route.
RemovePoints method in object SchGRRRoute
Remove points from route graphic.
RemovePosition method in object Plane
Removes reference position of a plane.
RemovePosition method in object FunctActionsGroup
Removes an action from the actions' group.
RemovePrinterDirectory method in object PrintersSettingAtt
Remove a directory of printer files from the directories list.
RemovePrinterGroup method in object PrintersSettingAtt
Remove a group of printers.
RemoveProduct method in object FixTogether
Removes a Product from the FixTogether.
RemoveRadius method in object HybridShapeSweepCircle
Removes a radius.
RemoveRelimitingGeometry method in object ManufacturingOperation
Removes the geometry on relimiting element PROFILE CONTOURING operation ONLY.
RemoveRootOfFacts method in object ExpertRuleBaseRuntime
Removes a root of facts from the rule base.
RemoveRow method in object DrawingTable
Removes the indicated row.
RemoveSample method in object Replay
Remove a specific sample.
RemoveSection method in object HybridShapeLoft
Removes a loft section from the lofted surface.
RemoveSection method in object HybridShapeSpine
Removes a section or a plane from the spine curve.
RemoveSectionPoint method in object HybridShapeLoft
Removes a closing point of a section from the lofted surface.
RemoveSectionTangent method in object HybridShapeLoft
Removes the tangent surface of a section from the lofted surface.
RemoveShapeRepresentation method in object Product
Removes a specific representation from the product.
RemoveStartPointGeometry method in object ManufacturingOperation
Removes the start point element on POCKETING operation ONLY.
RemoveSubElement method in object HybridShapeAssemble
Removes a sub element used by the hybrid shape assemble feature object.
RemoveSupport method in object HybridShapeSpline
Removes the support surface.
RemoveSupport method in object HybridShapeLinePtPt
Removes the support surface.
RemoveSupport method in object HybridShapeLinePtDir
Removes the support surface.
RemoveSupport method in object HybridShapeLineTangency
Removes the support surface.
RemoveSupport method in object HybridShapeCircle3Points
Removes the support surface.
RemoveSupportAtPosition method in object HybridShapeFill
Removes support at specified position in hybrid shape fill feature object.
RemoveSymbol method in object SchGRRCntr
Remove the graphical primitive used as the connector's symbol.
RemoveTangency method in object HybridShapeSweepConic
removes tangency surface or curve and its angle given the guide curve index.
RemoveTangentDirection method in object HybridShapeSpline
Removes tangent Direction for the given point of the spline.
RemoveTension method in object HybridShapeSpline
Removes the Tension for the given point of the spline.
RemoveToolProfile method in object RobGenericController
Remove tool profile given name in controller.
RemoveTrickyFace method in object HybridShapeOffset
Remove the tricky face object on the object.
RemoveURL method in object Noa
Removes an URL.
RemoveURL method in object FlagNote
Remove an URL.
RemovefromLogicalDataAttrList method in object PlugMapViewSettingAtt
Method to Remove a parameter fron the LogicalDataAttrList.
RemovefromTerminationAttrList method in object PlugMapViewSettingAtt
Method to Remove a parameter fron the TerminationAttrList.
Rename method in object Relation
Renames the relation.
Rename method in object Parameter
Renames the parameter.
RenameDLName method in object DLNameSettingAtt
Rename an existing DLName.
RenameSelectionSet method in object SelectionSets
Renames a Selection Set.
Render method in object RenderingShooting
Render the shooting Caution: Product involved in rendering calculation should not be closed before the end of computation.
Reorder method in object List
Reorders an element by moving it from the current position to the target position.
ReparentTagGroup method in object TagGroupFactory
Replace method in object List
Sets an item in the list at a position.
Replace method in object SchReplace
Replace an existing component with this component.
ReplaceBoundAtPosition method in object HybridShapeFill
Replaces the boundary at specified position in the Fill.
ReplaceByCGR method in object DMUDataFlow
Replaces all components of the product by the corresponding CGR located in a directory.
ReplaceComponent method in object Products
Creates a component which replace the given one.
ReplaceConstraint method in object HybridShapeFill
Replaces the constraint at specified position in the Fill.
ReplaceElement method in object HybridShapeAssemble
Replaces the element at specified position in the hybrid shape assemble feature object.
ReplaceElement method in object HybridShapePolyline
Replaces the element at a specified position in the polyline.
ReplaceElement method in object HybridShapeExtractMulti
Replaces an element to extract in the list of constraints at specified position.
ReplaceMaterialLinks method in object MaterialManager
In current session, replace all links towards a material 1 with a link towards an other material 2.
ReplacePointAtPosition method in object HybridShapeSpline
Replaces a point in the list at the given position.
ReplacePointAtPosition method in object HybridShapePlaneMean
Replaces a point in the list at the given position.
ReplaceProduct method in object Products
Creates a component which replace the given one.
ReplaceSupportAtPosition method in object HybridShapeFill
Replaces the support at specified position in the Fill.
ReplaceToHealElement method in object HybridShapeHealing
Replaces an element to heal.
Report method in object ExpertRuleBaseRuntime
Launch a Report.
ResetAllModalValues method in object ManufacturingGeneratorData
Resets all modal values.
ResetAttachedOwner method in object TCPTrace
Resets the attached owner of the trace to the world.
ResetAttachedOwner method in object TCPTraceManager
Resets the attached owner of the trace to the world.
ResetCmdValueToZero method in object Mechanism
Sets the command value to zero for the given command without disturbing part positions.
ResetCutback method in object StrMemberExtremity
Resets the defined cutback object.
ResetDerivedAttr method in object PspAttribute
Reset derived status of the attribute to not-derived.
ResetGraphics method in object TCPTrace
Reset the current appearance regarding the current general settings (not the one applied on the current object).
ResetPosition method in object PointFastener
ResetSelection method in object AnalysisImage
Resets all selections in an image.
ResetTarget method in object SWKIKConstraint
Reset the offset of the target object (i.
ResetToAdminValues method in object SettingController
Restores the administrated values of the all attributes.
ResetToAdminValuesByName method in object SettingController
Restores the administrated values of a subset of the attributes.
ResetToAdminValuesForUnits method in object UnitsSheetSettingAtt
Implements a function from an interface.
ReshapeExtremity method in object SchRoute
Change the position of the extremity of the route.
ReshapeExtremity2 method in object SchRoute
Change the position of the extremity of the route.
RestoreInitialState method in object SimulationInitState
Restores initial state attributes for all objects in the current document that have a saved initial state.
RestoreInitialStateList method in object SimulationInitState
Restores initial state attributes for the objects in the given list.
RestoreValuePosition method in object DrawingDimension
Restore dimension value position.
Retrieve method in object FunctActionsGroup
Returns an action using its index or its name from the actions group.
RetrieveKindOfLinked method in object FunctAssociation
Retrieve the kind of linked object.
RetrieveLinked method in object FunctAssociation
Retrieve a linked object.
RetrieveMfgAssembly method in object MfgAssemblyFactory
Retrieve all the Manufacturing Assemblies of a given name.
RetrieveMfgAssemblyAtIndex method in object MfgAssemblyFactory
Retrieve a Manufacturing Assembly at the given index from the MA Applicative Container.
Reverse method in object Hole
Reverses the hole direction .
Reverse method in object ManufacturingPattern
Reverses the numbering of a Manufacturing Pattern.
ReverseDepth method in object Stiffener
Reverses the stiffener direction.
ReverseDirection method in object Thread
Swap the direction of the thread or the tap.
ReverseDirection method in object StrPlate
Reverses the material orientation of the plate.
ReverseInnerSide method in object Prism
Reverses the prism inner side when the profile is open.
ReverseInnerSide method in object AssemblyPocket
Reverses the pocket inner side when the profile is open.
ReverseThickness method in object Stiffener
Reverses the stiffener thickness direction.
ReverseTime method in object Sampled
Returns or sets the Sampled object.
Rollback method in object SettingController
Restores the last memory copy of the setting attribute values.
RollbackForUnits method in object UnitsSheetSettingAtt
Implements a function from an interface.
Rotate method in object Viewer3D
Applies a rotation.
Rotate method in object StrMember
Rotates the section on its support object.
Rotate method in object DrawingTable
Rotates the table relatively to its original position.
Rotate method in object SchMovable
Rotate a schematic object with an angle in radian.
RotateAtPoint method in object SchMovable2
Rotate a schematic object with an angle in radian at a point.
Roughness method in object Annotation
Get the annotation on the Roughness interface.
RouteStringPartInSpace method in object PspPlacePart
Routes a string part.
Run method in object SendToService
Executes the copy action, according to previously set files and options.
Run method in object Optimization
Runs the optimization as it is defined.
Run method in object AnalysisAdaptivityManager
Run the adaptivity process.
RunFileGenerator method in object ManufacturingOutputGenerator
Runs the Output Generator on the datas used for generation.
RunTransition method in object AnalysisModel
Apply a transition to the analysis model.
remove_KeepFace method in object RemoveFace
Removes a face to be Kept.
remove_RemoveFace method in object RemoveFace
Removes a face to be removed.
reorder_Sheets method in object DrawingRoot
Changes the positions of the sheets in this drawing according to the given ordered list.
reorder_Sheets method in object Layout2DRoot
Changes the positions of the sheets in this drawing according to the given ordered list.
reorder_Views method in object DrawingSheet
Changes the positions of the views in this sheet according to the given ordered list.
reorder_Views method in object Layout2DSheet
Changes the positions of the views in this sheet according to the given ordered list.
Save method in object Document
Saves the document.
Save method in object StiEngine
Saves the CATIAStiDBItem in SmarTeam .
SaveAs method in object Document
Saves the document with another name.
SaveAsFrozen method in object DMUDataFlow
Saves all documents related to the product in a directory.
SaveEdition method in object DrawingView
Saves the Sketch Edition.
SaveEdition method in object Layout2DView
Saves the Sketch Edition.
SaveInitialState method in object SimulationInitState
Saves initial state attributes for all objects in the current document.
SaveInitialStateList method in object SimulationInitState
Saves initial state attributes for the objects in the given list.
SaveRepository method in object SettingController
Makes a persistent copy of the setting attribute values on file.
SaveRepositoryForUnits method in object UnitsSheetSettingAtt
Implements a function from an interface.
SaveToPPRHub method in object MHISaveAccess
Scale method in object SchMovable
Scale a schematic object with a scale factor.
Scale method in object SchRouteSymbol
Scale the symbol.
Scale method in object SchAnnotationBreak
Scale the symbol.
ScaleSelectedObjects method in object SchMovable
Scale a list of schematic objects with a scale factor.
Search method in object Selection
Finds an object in the document using the Edit/Search grammar.
SearchFacet method in object FunctionalObject
Searches the Facet.
SearchFacet method in object FunctionalAction
Searches the Facet.
SearchFacet method in object FunctionalDescription
Searches the Facet.
SearchFacetByName method in object FunctionalObject
Searches the Facet.
SearchFacetByName method in object FunctionalAction
Searches the Facet.
SearchFacetByName method in object FunctionalDescription
Searches the Facet.
SelectBehavior method in object BehaviorExtension
Selects and executes a behavior of the technological object.
SelectElement2 method in object Selection
Runs an interactive selection command.
SelectElement3 method in object Selection
Runs an interactive selection command, exhaustive version.
SelectElement4 method in object Selection
Runs an interactive selection command, enabling the selection in a non active document.
SetASNavigationModeLock method in object SimulationSettingAtt
Locks or unlocks the ASNavigationMode parameter.
SetASStepSizeLock method in object SimulationSettingAtt
Locks or unlocks the ASStepSize parameter.
SetAbsDatas method in object Shot
Set the data related to the shot.
SetAbsoluteAxisData method in object Sketch
Sets the absolute axis of the sketch in 3D space.
SetAccelColorLock method in object DevAnalysisSettingAtt
Locks or unlocks the AccelColor parameter.
SetAccelLimitLock method in object DevAnalysisSettingAtt
Locks or unlocks the AccelLimit parameter.
SetAccelerationValue method in object GenericMotionProfile
Set acceleration value of the Profile.
SetAccuracyProfile method in object RobotMotion
Sets the Accuracy profile.
SetAccuracyType method in object GenericAccuracyProfile
Set the accuracy type for the profile.
SetAccuracyValue method in object GenericAccuracyProfile
Set accuracy value of the profile.
SetAccuratePickingModeLock method in object VisualizationSettingAtt
Locks or unlocks the AccuratePickingMode setting parameter.
SetAccuratePickingWindowSizeLock method in object VisualizationSettingAtt
Locks or unlocks the AccuratePickingWindowSize setting parameter.
SetActivate2DModeLock method in object Layout2DSettingAtt
Locks or unlocks the Activate2DMode parameter.
SetActivationModeLock method in object CacheSettingAtt
Locks or unlocks the Cache Activation mode.
SetActivationStateLock method in object MemoryWarningSettingAtt
Locks or unlocks the activation mode of the memory warning mechanism.
SetActivationStateLock method in object DisconnectionSettingAtt
Locks or unlocks the activation mode of automatic disconnection.
SetActivationStatus method in object AnalysisImage
Activates oe deactivates an image.
SetActiveTask method in object ActiveTask
Defines the Active Task for an activity for a particular Resource.
SetAdditionalSymbol method in object DrawingWelding
Sets the additional symbol of the drawing welding.
SetAffiche_AttributLock method in object MigrBatchSettingAtt
Locks or unlocks the "Display Report Attribute" setting parameter.
SetAlignVector method in object SchCntrLocation
Set the current alignment vector of the connector.
SetAlignmentConnector method in object PspPartConnector
Sets the Face connector.
SetAlignmentVector method in object PspLightConnector
Sets the alignment direction of the connector.
SetAllChecksReportLock method in object ReportGenerationSheetSettingAtt
Locks or unlocks the AllChecksReport parameter.
SetAllJointsSpeedLock method in object HtsJointSpeedSettingsAtt
Locks or unlocks the JointSpeed parameter.
SetAllResourceFilterLock method in object VerifTabSettingAtt
Locks or unlocks the "View All Resources" parameter.
SetAllZBufferElementModeLock method in object VisualizationSettingAtt
Locks or unlocks the AllZBufferElementMode setting parameter.
SetAllowDistortionsLock method in object FTAInfraSettingAtt
Locks or unlocks the Allow Distorsions setting parameter value.
SetAlphabeticOrderLock method in object FTASettingAtt
Locks or unlocks the AlphabeticOrder setting parameter value.
SetAlsoDeleteExclusiveParentsLock method in object PartInfrastructureSettingAtt
Locks or unlocks the "AlsoDeleteExclusiveParents" parameter.
SetAlternateViewLock method in object Export3DXmlSettingAtt
SetAmbientActivationLock method in object VisualizationSettingAtt
Locks or unlocks the AmbientActivation setting parameter.
SetAnalysisCacheModeLock method in object AnalysisGeneralSettingAtt
Locks or unlocks the flag.
SetAnalysisDisplayModeLock method in object FTASettingAtt
Locks or unlocks the AnalysisDisplayMode parameter.
SetAnalysisLevelLock method in object AnalysisSettingAtt
Locks or unlocks the AnalysisLevel parameter.
SetAnalysisLoadModeLock method in object AnalysisGeneralSettingAtt
Locks or unlocks the flag.
SetAnalysisNamingAutoLock method in object AnalysisGeneralSettingAtt
Locks or unlocks the flag.
SetAngle method in object HybridShapeSweepLine
Sets the angle values useful in some linear sweep types.
SetAngle method in object HybridShapeSweepCircle
Sets the angle values useful in some circular sweep types.
SetAngleLawTypes method in object HybridShapeSweepCircle
Sets angle law types.
SetAngleLimitLock method in object FittingSettingAtt
Locks or unlocks the AngleLimit parameter.
SetAngleLock method in object IgesSettingAtt
Locks or unlocks the Angle setting parameter.
SetAngleMaxToleranceLock method in object ToleranceSheetSettingAtt
Locks or unlocks the AngleMaxTolerance parameter.
SetAngleMinToleranceLock method in object ToleranceSheetSettingAtt
Locks or unlocks the AngleMinTolerance parameter.
SetAnglePitchParam method in object HybridShapeSpiral
Sets Angle pitch parameter.
SetAngleRadiusParam method in object HybridShapeSpiral
Sets Angle radius parameters.
SetAngleRef method in object HybridShapeSweepExplicit
Sets the angle value associated to the reference surface.
SetAngleStepLock method in object ManipSettingAtt
Locks or unlocks the AngleStep parameter.
SetAngulaireGeneralTolClassLock method in object FTASettingAtt
Locks or unlocks the Dimension general class parameter.
SetAngularAccelerationValue method in object GenericMotionProfile
Set Angular acceleration value of the Profile.
SetAngularLaw method in object HybridShapeSweepLine
Sets the angular law useful in some linear sweep types.
SetAngularSpeedValue method in object GenericMotionProfile
Set Angular Speed value of the Profile.
SetAngularThreshold method in object HybridShapeExtractMulti
Sets the AngularThreshold in the list of constraints at specified position.
SetAngularThresholdActivity method in object HybridShapeExtractMulti
Sets the AngularThresholdActivity in the list of constraints at specified position.
SetAngularTolerance method in object HybridShapeAssemble
Set the anglular tolerance.
SetAngularToleranceMode method in object HybridShapeAssemble
Set the anglular tolerance mode.
SetAnimationLock method in object Export3DXmlSettingAtt
Locks or unlocks the flag.
SetAnlAccelLimitLock method in object AnalysisSettingAtt
Locks or unlocks the AnlAccelLimit parameter.
SetAnlCautionZoneLock method in object AnalysisSettingAtt
Locks or unlocks the AnlCautionZone parameter.
SetAnlIOAnalysisLock method in object AnalysisSettingAtt
Locks or unlocks the AnlIOAnalysis parameter.
SetAnlIntDistLock method in object AnalysisSettingAtt
Locks or unlocks the AnlIntDist parameter.
SetAnlIntfLock method in object AnalysisSettingAtt
Locks or unlocks the AnlIntf parameter.
SetAnlLinAccelLimitLock method in object AnalysisSettingAtt
Locks or unlocks the AnlLinAccelLimit parameter.
SetAnlLinSpeedLimitLock method in object AnalysisSettingAtt
Locks or unlocks the AnlLinSpeedLimit parameter.
SetAnlMeasureLock method in object AnalysisSettingAtt
Locks or unlocks the AnlMeasure parameter.
SetAnlRotAccelLimitLock method in object AnalysisSettingAtt
Locks or unlocks the AnlRotAccelLimit parameter.
SetAnlRotSpeedLimitLock method in object AnalysisSettingAtt
Locks or unlocks the AnlRotSpeedLimit parameter.
SetAnlTravelLimitLock method in object AnalysisSettingAtt
Locks or unlocks the AnlTravelLimit parameter.
SetAnlVelocityLimitLock method in object AnalysisSettingAtt
Locks or unlocks the AnlVelocityLimit parameter.
SetAnnotDimInvalidColor method in object FTASettingAtt
Sets the AnnotDimInvalidColor parameter.
SetAnnotDimInvalidColorLock method in object FTASettingAtt
Locks or unlocks the AnnotDimInvalidColor parameter.
SetAnnotDimInvalidLock method in object FTASettingAtt
Retrieves environment informations for the AnnotDimInvalid parameter.
SetAnnotDimOnDeletedGeomColor method in object FTASettingAtt
Sets the AnnotDimOnDeletedGeomColor parameter.
SetAnnotDimOnDeletedGeomColorLock method in object FTASettingAtt
Locks or unlocks the AnnotDimOnDeletedGeomColor parameter.
SetAnnotDimOnDeletedGeomLock method in object FTASettingAtt
Locks or unlocks the AnnotDimOnDeletedGeom parameter.
SetAnnotDimOnUnloadedGeomColor method in object FTASettingAtt
Sets the AnnotDimOnUnloadedGeomColor parameter.
SetAnnotDimOnUnloadedGeomColorLock method in object FTASettingAtt
Locks or unlocks the AnnotDimOnUnloadedGeomColor parameter.
SetAnnotDimOnUnloadedGeomLock method in object FTASettingAtt
Locks or unlocks the AnnotDimOnUnloadedGeom parameter.
SetAnnotOnZeroZSettingLock method in object FTASettingAtt
Locks or unlocks the AnnotOnZeroZSetting parameter.
SetAnnotatedViewLock method in object Export3DXmlSettingAtt
SetAnnotation3DLock method in object Export3DXmlSettingAtt
Locks or unlocks the flag.
SetAnnotation3DModeLock method in object MultiCADSettingAtt
Locks or unlocks the Annotation3DMode parameter.
SetAntiAliasingModeLock method in object VisualizationSettingAtt
Locks or unlocks the AntiAliasingMode setting parameter.
SetAntiAliasingOffsetLock method in object VisualizationSettingAtt
Locks or unlocks the AntiAliasingOffset setting parameter.
SetApplicativeDataFilterLock method in object TreeTabSettingAtt
Locks or unlocks the "Applicative Data" parameter.
SetApplyJoinLock method in object IgesSettingAtt
Locks or unlocks the Apply Join setting parameter.
SetApplyLabelEffToAltChildLock method in object MfgHubSettingAtt
Locks or unlocks the ApplyLabelEffToAltChild parameter.
SetArcSelectionActivationLock method in object TreeVizManipSettingAtt
Locks or unlocks the arc-selection mode applied to the specification tree.
SetArea method in object PrintArea
Sets a set of coordinates to define a rectangle print area.
SetArrangementNomenclature method in object ArrangementProduct
Sets the nomenclature of the ArrangementProduct.
SetArrow method in object SchArrowDisplay
Add arrow display attributes on the route.
SetAsDetail method in object DrawingSheet
Sets the sheet as a detail sheet.
SetAskAnlModeLock method in object AnalysisSettingAtt
Locks or unlocks the AskAnlMode parameter.
SetAssemble method in object HybridShapeExtrapol
Sets whether extrapolation is to be assembled with extrapolated curve or surface.
SetAssignedViewerLock method in object TreeTabSettingAtt
Locks or unlocks the "Assigned Viewer" parameter.
SetAsso_modeLock method in object V4WritingSettingAtt
Locks or unlocks the Asso_mode setting parameter.
SetAssociatedToolTip method in object HomePosition
Set the tool tip associated with the home position.
SetAthAnnotationLock method in object SimulationSettingAtt
Locks or unlocks the AthAnnotation parameter.
SetAthDisableSimLock method in object SimulationSettingAtt
Locks or unlocks the AthDisableSim parameter.
SetAthEndConditionLock method in object SimulationSettingAtt
Locks or unlocks the AthEndCondition parameter.
SetAthHyperlinkLock method in object SimulationSettingAtt
Locks or unlocks the AthHyperlink parameter.
SetAthSelAgentDlgLock method in object SimulationSettingAtt
Locks or unlocks the AthSelAgentDlg parameter.
SetAthStateMgtLock method in object SimulationSettingAtt
Locks or unlocks the AthStateMgt parameter.
SetAthTextMsgLock method in object SimulationSettingAtt
Locks or unlocks the AthTextMsg parameter.
SetAthViewpointLock method in object SimulationSettingAtt
Locks or unlocks the AthViewpoint parameter.
SetAttAPLock method in object StepSettingAtt
Locks or unlocks the AttAP parameter.
SetAttASMGVPLock method in object StepSettingAtt
Locks or unlocks the AttASMGVP parameter.
SetAttASMLock method in object StepSettingAtt
Locks or unlocks the AttASM parameter.
SetAttAngleDefFitingLock method in object StepSettingAtt
Locks or unlocks the AttAngleDefFiting parameter.
SetAttAnnotationLock method in object StepSettingAtt
Locks or unlocks the AttAnnotation parameter.
SetAttFittingLock method in object StepSettingAtt
Locks or unlocks the AttFitting parameter.
SetAttGVPCOPSLock method in object StepSettingAtt
Locks or unlocks the AttGVP parameter.
SetAttGVPCOPSSAGLock method in object StepSettingAtt
Locks or unlocks the AttGVPVA parameter.
SetAttGVPCOPSTolLock method in object StepSettingAtt
Locks or unlocks the AttGVPVA parameter.
SetAttGVPCdGLock method in object StepSettingAtt
Locks or unlocks the AttGVPCdG parameter.
SetAttGVPLock method in object StepSettingAtt
Locks or unlocks the AttGVP parameter.
SetAttGVPVALock method in object StepSettingAtt
Locks or unlocks the AttGVPVA parameter.
SetAttGroupModeLock method in object StepSettingAtt
Locks or unlocks the AttGroupMode parameter.
SetAttHeaderAuthorLock method in object StepSettingAtt
Locks or unlocks the AttHeaderAuthor parameter.
SetAttHeaderAuthorisationLock method in object StepSettingAtt
Locks or unlocks the AttHeaderAuthorisation parameter.
SetAttHeaderDescriptionLock method in object StepSettingAtt
Locks or unlocks the AttHeaderDescription parameter.
SetAttHeaderOrganisationLock method in object StepSettingAtt
Locks or unlocks the AttHeaderOrganisation parameter.
SetAttIASMLock method in object StepSettingAtt
Locks or unlocks the AttIASM parameter.
SetAttLayersFiltersLock method in object StepSettingAtt
Locks or unlocks the AttLayersFilters parameter.
SetAttMultiCADLock method in object StepSettingAtt
Locks or unlocks the AttMultiCAD parameter.
SetAttOptimizeC2Lock method in object StepSettingAtt
Locks or unlocks the AttOptimizeC2 parameter.
SetAttReportLock method in object StepSettingAtt
Locks or unlocks the AttReport parameter.
SetAttShowLock method in object StepSettingAtt
Locks or unlocks the AttShow parameter.
SetAttTolDefOptFitLock method in object StepSettingAtt
Locks or unlocks the AttTolDefOptFit parameter.
SetAttUnitsLock method in object StepSettingAtt
Locks or unlocks the AttUnits parameter.
SetAttachedOwner method in object TCPTrace
Sets the default attached owner of the trace.
SetAttachedOwner method in object TCPTraceManager
Sets the default attached owner of the trace.
SetAttribute method in object WIText
SetAttribute method in object AnalysisMeshLocalSpecification
Sets the value corresponding to the given local specification.
SetAttributeValue method in object ParameterProfiles
SetAttributeValueReal method in object AMPTag
Function to set the value of the given real attribute on the given AMPTag.
SetAttributeValueString method in object AMPTag
Function to set the value of the given string attribute on the given AMPTag.
SetAttributesFilterLock method in object TreeTabSettingAtt
Locks or unlocks the "Attributes" parameter.
SetAuthorNameLock method in object IgesSettingAtt
Locks or unlocks the AuthorName parameter.
SetAuthorOrganizationLock method in object IgesSettingAtt
Locks or unlocks the AuthorOrganization parameter.
SetAutoCCPLock method in object HtsCCPSettingAtt
Locks or unlocks the AutoCCP parameter.
SetAutoExpandActivationLock method in object TreeVizManipSettingAtt
Locks or unlocks the automatic expand mode applied to the specification tree.
SetAutoLoadMfgCtxLock method in object MfgHubSettingAtt
Locks or unlocks the AutoLoadMfgCtx parameter.
SetAutoLoadSrvMfgCtxLock method in object MfgHubSettingAtt
Locks or unlocks the AutoLoadSrvMfgCtx parameter.
SetAutoLoadVolCtxLock method in object MfgHubSettingAtt
Locks or unlocks the AutoLoadVolCtx parameter.
SetAutoName method in object ArrangementProduct
Causes the name of the ArrangementProduct automatically.
SetAutoPreviewModeLock method in object AnalysisPostProSettingAtt
Locks or unlocks the AutoPreviewMode parameter.
SetAutoReframeFilterLock method in object VerifTabSettingAtt
Locks or unlocks the "Auto Reframe" parameter.
SetAutoSaveLock method in object GeneralSessionSettingAtt
Locks or unlocks the data save parameter.
SetAutoScrollActivationLock method in object TreeVizManipSettingAtt
Locks or unlocks the automatic scrolling mode applied to the specification tree.
SetAutoSwitchToDesignModeLock method in object AsmGeneralSettingAtt
Locks or unlocks the implicit switch from visualization mode to design mode setting parameter.
SetAutoUpdateModeLock method in object AsmGeneralSettingAtt
Locks or unlocks the automatic update setting parameter.
SetAutoWalkActColorLock method in object HtsTaskDisplaySettingAtt
Locks or unlocks the AutoWalkActColor parameter.
SetAutoWalkActLineTypeLock method in object HtsTaskDisplaySettingAtt
Locks or unlocks the AutoWalkActLineType parameter.
SetAutoWalkActLineWeightLock method in object HtsTaskDisplaySettingAtt
Locks or unlocks the AutoWalkActLineWeight parameter.
SetAuxAxesValues method in object AMPTag
Function to set the auxilliary axes values of the given AMPTag.
SetAuxiliaryDrillViewerLock method in object VisualizationSettingAtt
Locks or unlocks the AuxiliaryDrillViewer setting parameter.
SetAuxillaryAxisHome method in object RobotMotion
Sets the underlying Auxillary device Home.
SetAuxillaryAxisValues method in object RobotMotion
Sets the Auxillary device Joint values.
SetAxisSystemSizeLock method in object PartInfrastructureSettingAtt
Locks or unlocks the "AxisSystemSize" parameter.
SetAxisSysteme method in object DrawingViewGenerativeBehavior
Defines an axis systeme in the view.
SetBKTAccessRightsLock method in object BehaviorSettingAtt
Locks or unlocks the BKTAccessRights parameter.
SetBKTBehaviorOperationMessageLock method in object BehaviorSettingAtt
Locks or unlocks the BKTBehaviorOperationMessage parameter.
SetBKTSpecificationTreeLock method in object BehaviorSettingAtt
Locks or unlocks the BKTSpecificationTree parameter.
SetBackClippingPlaneLock method in object Layout2DSettingAtt
Locks or unlocks the BackClippingPlane parameter.
SetBackFaceCullingModeLock method in object VisualizationSettingAtt
Locks or unlocks the BackFaceCullingMode setting parameter.
SetBackgroundImageModeLock method in object AnalysisReportingSettingAtt
Locks or unlocks the BackgroundImageMode parameter.
SetBackgroundRGB method in object VisualizationSettingAtt
Sets the BackgroundRGB parameter.
SetBackgroundRGBLock method in object VisualizationSettingAtt
Locks or unlocks the BackgroundRGB setting parameter.
SetBaultText method in object DrawingDimValue
Set bault text to dimension value.
SetBeepModeLock method in object AnalysisSettingAtt
Locks or unlocks the BeepMode parameter.
SetBeginMeridianAngle method in object HybridShapeSphere
Sets BeginMeridianAngle on the object.
SetBeginParallelAngle method in object HybridShapeSphere
Sets BeginParallelAngle on the object.
SetBendData method in object PspLightBend
Sets a list of bend radii.
SetBodiesUnderOperationsInTreeLock method in object PartInfrastructureSettingAtt
Locks or unlocks the "BodiesUnderOperationsInTree" parameter.
SetBodyHideInCaptureLock method in object FTASettingAtt
Locks or unlocks the Dimension general class parameter.
SetBooleanAttribute method in object E5Property
SetBorderEdgesModeLock method in object VisualizationSettingAtt
Locks or unlocks the BorderEdgesMode setting parameter.
SetBorderEdgesRGB method in object VisualizationSettingAtt
Sets the BorderEdgesRGB parameter.
SetBorderEdgesRGBLock method in object VisualizationSettingAtt
Locks or unlocks the BorderEdgesRGB setting parameter.
SetBorderEdgesThicknessLock method in object VisualizationSettingAtt
Locks or unlocks the BorderEdgesThickness setting parameter.
SetBorderMode method in object HybridShapeBlend
Sets the type of border to a limit of the blend.
SetBoundaries2DLColor method in object Layout2DSettingAtt
Sets the Boundaries2DLColor parameter.
SetBoundaries2DLColorLock method in object Layout2DSettingAtt
Locks or unlocks the Boundaries2DLColor parameter.
SetBoundaries2DLDisplayLock method in object Layout2DSettingAtt
Locks or unlocks the Boundaries2DLDisplay parameter.
SetBoundaries2DLLineTypeLock method in object Layout2DSettingAtt
Locks or unlocks the Boundaries2DLLineType parameter.
SetBoundaries2DLThicknessLock method in object Layout2DSettingAtt
Locks or unlocks the Boundaries2DLThickness parameter.
SetBoundaryContinuity method in object HybridShapeFill
Sets the continuity mode for a boundary at specified position in the Fill.
SetBoundingBoxSelectionModeLock method in object VisualizationSettingAtt
Locks or unlocks the BoundingBoxSelectionMode setting parameter.
SetBox method in object ThreeDCuts
Sets the RELATIVE box used for the 3D cut computation.
SetBoxDisplayLock method in object MeasureSettingAtt
Locks or unlocks the BoxDisplay parameter.
SetBranchIDs method in object MHILoadParameters
Sets the "subcompitem" IDs (oid) of the Branch.
SetBufferLength method in object ManufacturingOutput
Set the number of lines of the buffer before it will be flushed (default is 200).
SetCATFTAChamferGeneralTolClassLock method in object FTASettingAtt
Locks or unlocks the CATFTAChamferGeneralTolClass parameter.
SetCATFTAEdgesColor method in object FTASettingAtt
Sets the GetCATFTAEdgesColor parameter.
SetCATFTAEdgesColorLock method in object FTASettingAtt
Locks or unlocks the GetCATFTAEdgesColor parameter.
SetCATFTAEdgesLineTypeLock method in object FTASettingAtt
Locks or unlocks the CATFTAEdgesLineType parameter.
SetCATFTAEdgesThicknessLock method in object FTASettingAtt
Locks or unlocks the CATFTAEdgesThickness parameter.
SetCATFTAUFAutoTolerancingLock method in object FTASettingAtt
Locks or unlocks the CATFTAUFAutoTolerancing parameter.
SetCATFTAUseLastTolerancesLock method in object FTASettingAtt
Locks or unlocks the CATFTAUseLastTolerances parameter.
SetCacheMaxSizeMoLock method in object CacheSettingAtt
Locks the paramater Cache maximum size.
SetCalibReferenceFile method in object CalibOffsets
Set the reference calibration file.
SetCalledTask method in object HumanCallTask
SetCalloutCreationDialogBoxLock method in object Layout2DSettingAtt
Locks or unlocks the CalloutCreationDialogBox parameter.
SetCartesianTarget method in object RobotMotion
Sets the Robot Cartesian target.
SetCautionColorLock method in object DevAnalysisSettingAtt
Locks or unlocks the CautionColor parameter.
SetCautionZoneLock method in object DevAnalysisSettingAtt
Locks or unlocks the CautionZone parameter.
SetCellAlignment method in object DrawingTable
Sets the pointed cell alignment of a drawing table.
SetCellBorderType method in object DrawingTable
Sets the pointed cell border type of a drawing table.
SetCellName method in object DrawingTable
Sets the name of a table cell.
SetCellObject method in object DrawingTable
Sets an object in a cell of a drawing table.
SetCellString method in object DrawingTable
Fills in a table cell with a string.
SetCentroid method in object GenericToolProfile
Set the tool centroid of Profile.
SetCheckReportHtmlLock method in object ReportGenerationSheetSettingAtt
Locks or unlocks the CheckReportHtml parameter.
SetChoiceNbSurfaces method in object HybridShapeSweepLine
Sets a sequence which identifies a solution amongst all possibilities of a line-profile swept surface, case CATGSMLinearSweep_TwoTangencySurfaces.
SetChoiceNo method in object HybridShapeSweepLine
Sets the choice number associated with each solution of a given linear sweep case.
SetChoiceNo method in object HybridShapeLineBiTangent
Sets a sequence which identifies a solution among all possibilities.
SetClashModeLock method in object ManipSettingAtt
Locks or unlocks the ClashMode parameter.
SetClashSoundLock method in object ManipSettingAtt
Locks or unlocks the ClashSound parameter.
SetClashWhileMovingLock method in object FittingSettingAtt
Locks or unlocks the ClashWhileMoving parameter.
SetCleanTolCheckLock method in object V4WritingSettingAtt
Locks or unlocks the CleanTolCheck setting parameter.
SetCleanTolValueLock method in object V4WritingSettingAtt
Locks or unlocks the CleanTolValue setting parameter.
SetClearanceVoxelLock method in object N4DNavigatorSettingAtt
Locks or unlocks the ClearanceVoxel parameter.
SetClip method in object DrawingDimension
Creates a clip on the dimension at the given point, with respect to the side given by iKeptSide.
SetClippingFrameLock method in object Layout2DSettingAtt
Locks or unlocks the ClippingFrame parameter.
SetClippingFrameReframeOnModeLock method in object Layout2DSettingAtt
SetClippingModeLock method in object SectioningSettingAtt
Locks or unlocks the ClippingMode parameter.
SetClippingViewOutlineColor method in object Layout2DSettingAtt
Sets the ClippingViewOutlineColor parameter.
SetClippingViewOutlineColorLock method in object Layout2DSettingAtt
Locks or unlocks the ClippingViewOutlineColor parameter.
SetClippingViewOutlineLinetypeLock method in object Layout2DSettingAtt
Locks or unlocks the ClippingViewOutlineLinetype parameter.
SetClippingViewOutlineThicknessLock method in object Layout2DSettingAtt
Locks or unlocks the ClippingViewOutlineThickness parameter.
SetClosedContourSide method in object ManufacturingPrismaticMachiningArea
Sets the side of one closed contour of a Manufacturing Prismatic Machining Area.
SetClosing method in object HybridShapeSpline
Activates the closing option of the spline.
SetClosingPoint method in object HybridShapeBlend
Sets a new closing point to a closed curve of the blend.
SetCode_pageLock method in object InteropSettingAtt
Locks or unlocks the "Reading Code page" setting parameter.
SetCode_page_DestLock method in object V4WritingSettingAtt
Locks or unlocks the Code_page_Dest setting parameter.
SetCollWalkClearanceLock method in object HtsGeneralSettingAtt
SetCollapseExpandFilterLock method in object TreeTabSettingAtt
Locks or unlocks the "Disable Collapse/Expand" parameter.
SetCollisionSearchIntensityLock method in object HtsGeneralSettingAtt
SetColor method in object TCPTrace
Set the TCP trace component (DNBTCPTraceReps) color.
SetColorBackgroundModeLock method in object VisualizationSettingAtt
Locks or unlocks the ColorBackgroundMode setting parameter.
SetColorSynchronizationEditabilityLock method in object PartInfrastructureSettingAtt
Locks or unlocks the "ColorSynchronizationEditability" parameter.
SetColorSynchronizationModeLock method in object PartInfrastructureSettingAtt
Locks or unlocks the "ColorSynchronizationMode" parameter.
SetColumnSize method in object DrawingTable
Sets the width of a column of a drawing table.
SetCompanionPathLock method in object DocumentationSettingAtt
Locks or unlocks the User Companion location parameter.
SetCompassPosLock method in object HtsCCPSettingAtt
Locks or unlocks the CompassPos parameter.
SetComplementaryExtractMulti method in object HybridShapeExtractMulti
Sets the Complementary flag checked/unchecked in the list of constraints at specified position.
SetComponents method in object Position
Sets the components of an object's position.
SetConferencingLock method in object GeneralSessionSettingAtt
Locks or unlocks the conference driver parameter.
SetConfig method in object AMPTag
Function to set the config value of the given AMPTag.
SetConfig method in object RobotMotion
Sets the Configuration for the robot motion.
SetConnex method in object HybridShapeAssemble
Set the connex checker flag.
SetConstraintCreationModeLock method in object AsmConstraintSettingAtt
Locks or unlocks the constraint creation setting parameter.
SetConstraintElement method in object Constraint
Replaces an element of a constraint.
SetConstraintElement method in object SWKIKConstraint
Set the target object to follow.
SetConstraintVisuLocation method in object Constraint
Sets a new location for the constraint visualization.
SetConstraintsInGeometryLock method in object PartInfrastructureSettingAtt
Locks or unlocks the "ConstraintsInGeometry" parameter.
SetConstraintsNodeInTreeLock method in object PartInfrastructureSettingAtt
Locks or unlocks the "ConstraintsNodeInTree" parameter.
SetConstraintsSimulLock method in object HtsGeneralSettingAtt
Locks or unlocks the ConstraintsSimul parameter.
SetContextualFeaturesSelectableAtCreationLock method in object PartInfrastructureSettingAtt
Locks or unlocks the "ContextualFeaturesSelectableAtCreation" parameter.
SetContinuity method in object HybridShapeBlend
Sets the continuity to a limit of the blend.
SetContourSide method in object ManufacturingPrismaticMachiningArea
Sets the side of one contour of a Manufacturing Prismatic Machining Area.
SetConversionTechnologyLock method in object MultiCADSettingAtt
Locks or unlocks the ConversionTechnology parameter.
SetConversion_TableLock method in object InteropSettingAtt
Locks or unlocks the "Characters Equivalence Table Path" setting parameter.
SetCoordinates method in object Point
Sets cartesian coordinates of the point.
SetCoords method in object FunctionalPosition
Sets the coordinates.
SetCopyTransformation method in object ManufacturingCopyTransformation
Set the 'Number of Copies', 'Ordering' and 'Transformation Type' of a Copy Tranformation.
SetCopyTransformationTranslationAttributes method in object ManufacturingCopyTransformation
Set the 'Translation Type', 'Distance Along X', 'Distance Along Y' and 'Distance Along Z' of a Copy Tranformation which has a Translation as transformation.
SetCorrectedBaseOffset method in object CalibOffsets
Set corrected base offset for the robot base wrt robot base reference position.
SetCorrectedToolOffset method in object CalibOffsets
Set corrected tool offset for the robot wrt robot mount position.
SetCreateAssociativeUseEdgesLock method in object Layout2DSettingAtt
Locks or unlocks the CreateAssociativeUseEdges parameter.
SetCreateNewSheetFromLock method in object DraftingSettingAtt
Locks or unlocks the CreateNewSheetFrom parameter.
SetCreationMode method in object HybridShapeRotate
Sets the creation mode(creation or modification).
SetCreationMode method in object HybridShapeTranslate
Sets the creation mode(creation or modification).
SetCrvModLock method in object IgesSettingAtt
Locks or unlocks the Export BSpline mode setting parameter.
SetCurrentAccuracyProfile method in object RobGenericController
Make Accuracy profile with given name as current tool profile being used by controller.
SetCurrentApplicationID method in object SchSession
Set the current application ID.
SetCurrentConstraintSet method in object MoveToPostureActivity
SetCurrentDocument method in object SchSession
Set the current document.
SetCurrentFormat method in object AssemblyConvertor
Defines the properties that will be used in the print method.
SetCurrentMotionProfile method in object RobGenericController
Make Motion profile with given name as current tool profile being used by controller.
SetCurrentObjFrameProfile method in object RobGenericController
Make ObjFrame profile with given name as current ObjFrame profile being used by controller.
SetCurrentObject method in object ManufacturingOutputGenerator
Set current object to buffer.
SetCurrentOccurrence method in object AnalysisImage
Sets occurrence number for an image.
SetCurrentPosLock method in object HtsCCPSettingAtt
Locks or unlocks the CurrentPos parameter.
SetCurrentToolProfile method in object RobGenericController
Make tool profile with given name as current tool profile being used by controller.
SetCurvatureThreshold method in object HybridShapeExtractMulti
Sets the CurvatureThreshold in the list of constraints at specified position.
SetCurvatureThresholdActivity method in object HybridShapeExtractMulti
Sets the CurvatureThresholdActivity in the list of constraints at specified position.
SetCurve method in object HybridShapeBlend
Sets a curve to the blend.
SetCustomBackgroundImageLock method in object AnalysisReportingSettingAtt
Locks or unlocks the CustomBackgroundImage parameter.
SetCustomImageFormatLock method in object AnalysisReportingSettingAtt
Locks or unlocks the CustomImageFormat parameter.
SetCustomImageHeightLock method in object AnalysisReportingSettingAtt
Locks or unlocks the CustomImageHeight parameter.
SetCustomImageWidthLock method in object AnalysisReportingSettingAtt
Locks or unlocks the ImageWidth parameter.
SetDLName method in object DLNameSettingAtt
Sets the mapping between a logical name and the physical path.
SetDLNameCreationRightLock method in object DLNameSettingAtt
Locks or unlocks the parameter DLNameCreationRight.
SetDLNameLock method in object DLNameSettingAtt
Locks or unlocks the DLName.
SetDMUClashPreviewLock method in object N4DNavigatorSettingAtt
Locks or unlocks the DMUClashPreview parameter.
SetDMUCut3DPreviewLock method in object N4DNavigatorSettingAtt
Locks or unlocks the DMUCut3DPreview parameter.
SetDMUDistancePreviewLock method in object N4DNavigatorSettingAtt
Locks or unlocks the DMUDistancePreview parameter.
SetDMUFreeSpacePreviewLock method in object N4DNavigatorSettingAtt
Locks or unlocks the DMUFreeSpacePreview parameter.
SetDMUGroupPreviewHiddenObjectsColor method in object N4DNavigatorSettingAtt
Sets the color for the display of hidden objects in DMU Group Preview.
SetDMUGroupPreviewHiddenObjectsColorLock method in object N4DNavigatorSettingAtt
Locks or unlocks the DMUGroupPreviewHiddenObjectsColor parameter.
SetDMUGroupPreviewHiddenObjectsDisplayModeLock method in object N4DNavigatorSettingAtt
Locks or unlocks the DMUGroupPreviewHiddenObjectsDisplayMode parameter.
SetDMUGroupPreviewHiddenObjectsLowIntLock method in object N4DNavigatorSettingAtt
Locks or unlocks the DMUGroupPreviewHiddenObjectsLowInt parameter.
SetDMUGroupPreviewHiddenObjectsOpacityLock method in object N4DNavigatorSettingAtt
Locks or unlocks the DMUGroupPreviewHiddenObjectsOpacity parameter.
SetDMUGroupPreviewHiddenObjectsPickLock method in object N4DNavigatorSettingAtt
Locks or unlocks the DMUGroupPreviewHiddenObjectsPick parameter.
SetDMUGroupPreviewLock method in object N4DNavigatorSettingAtt
Locks or unlocks the DMUGroupPreview parameter.
SetDMUMergerPreviewLock method in object N4DNavigatorSettingAtt
Locks or unlocks the DMUMergerPreview parameter.
SetDMUOffsetPreviewLock method in object N4DNavigatorSettingAtt
Locks or unlocks the DMUOffsetPreview parameter.
SetDMUReviewNameLock method in object N4DNavigatorSettingAtt
Locks or unlocks the DMUReviewName parameter.
SetDMUSectionPreviewLock method in object N4DNavigatorSettingAtt
Locks or unlocks the DMUSectionPreview parameter.
SetDMUShuttlePreviewLock method in object N4DNavigatorSettingAtt
Locks or unlocks the DMUShuttlePreview parameter.
SetDMUSilhouettePreviewLock method in object N4DNavigatorSettingAtt
Locks or unlocks the DMUSilhouettePreview parameter.
SetDMUSimplifPreviewLock method in object N4DNavigatorSettingAtt
Locks or unlocks the DMUSimplifPreview parameter.
SetDMUSweptVolPreviewLock method in object N4DNavigatorSettingAtt
Locks or unlocks the DMUSweptVolPreview parameter.
SetDMUThicknessPreviewLock method in object N4DNavigatorSettingAtt
Locks or unlocks the DMUThicknessPreview parameter.
SetDMUVibrationVolPreviewLock method in object N4DNavigatorSettingAtt
Locks or unlocks the DMUVibrationVolPreview parameter.
SetDMUWrappingPreviewLock method in object N4DNavigatorSettingAtt
Locks or unlocks the DMUWrappingPreview parameter.
SetDOFActivation method in object ABQDisplacementBC
SetDOFValues method in object HomePosition
Set the DOF values for the home position.
SetData method in object Line2D
SetData method in object Point2D
SetData method in object Circle2D
SetData method in object Ellipse2D
SetData method in object Parabola2D
SetData method in object Hyperbola2D
SetDatas method in object Shot
Set the data related to the shot.
SetDatumConnector method in object PspPartConnector
Sets the Datum connector.
SetDedicatedFilterTypeLock method in object Layout2DSettingAtt
Locks or unlocks the DedicatedFilterType parameter.
SetDeepSearchActivationLock method in object SearchSettingAtt
Locks or unlocks the Deep Search Activation setting parameter.
SetDefaultAnalysisFlagLock method in object AnalysisGeneralSettingAtt
Locks or unlocks the flag.
SetDefaultAnalysisTemplateLock method in object AnalysisGeneralSettingAtt
Locks or unlocks the flag.
SetDefaultDiffuseAmbientCoefficientLock method in object VisualizationSettingAtt
Locks or unlocks the DefaultDiffuseAmbientCoefficient setting parameter.
SetDefaultMacroLibraries method in object MacrosSettingAtt
Sets the list of default macro libraries.
SetDefaultMacroLibrariesLock method in object MacrosSettingAtt
Locks or unlocks the default macro libraries setting.
SetDefaultPowerInputContextPriorityLock method in object SearchSettingAtt
Locks or unlocks the Default Power Input Context Priority setting parameter.
SetDefaultPowerInputContextScopeLock method in object SearchSettingAtt
Locks or unlocks the Default Power Input Context Scope setting parameter.
SetDefaultPowerInputPrefixLock method in object SearchSettingAtt
Locks or unlocks the Default Power Input Prefix setting parameter.
SetDefaultShininessLock method in object VisualizationSettingAtt
Locks or unlocks the DefaultShininess setting parameter.
SetDefaultSpecularCoefficientLock method in object VisualizationSettingAtt
Locks or unlocks the DefaultSpecularCoefficient setting parameter.
SetDefaultSpeedLock method in object FittingSettingAtt
Locks or unlocks the DefaultSpeed parameter.
SetDefaultStyleSheetLock method in object FASReportingSettingAtt
Locks or unlocks the "OLP Robot Program Directory" parameter.
SetDefaultTimeLock method in object FittingSettingAtt
Locks or unlocks the DefaultTime parameter.
SetDefaultToleranceLock method in object ToleranceSheetSettingAtt
Locks or unlocks the DefaultTolerance parameter.
SetDefaultWalkSpeedLock method in object HtsGeneralSettingAtt
Locks or unlocks the DefaultWalkSpeed parameter.
SetDefinition method in object PspLightPart
Set the points defining the light object.
SetDeleteWarningBoxLock method in object PartInfrastructureSettingAtt
Locks or unlocks the "DeleteWarningBox" parameter.
SetDemoModeLock method in object LicenseSettingAtt
Locks or unlocks the DemoMode setting parameter.
SetDesignModeLock method in object DMUTolSettingAtt
Locks or unlocks the Design Mode setting parameter value.
SetDesignReviewLock method in object Export3DXmlSettingAtt
Locks or unlocks the flag.
SetDesignTablesCopyDataLock method in object KnowledgeSheetSettingAtt
Locks or unlocks the DesignTablesCopyData parameter.
SetDesignTablesSynchronizationLock method in object KnowledgeSheetSettingAtt
Locks or unlocks the DesignTablesSynchronization parameter.
SetDetailingID method in object MHILoadParameters
SetDetailsModeExplodeLock method in object V4V5SpaceSettingAtt
Locks or unlocks the Details Migration Mode setting parameter.
SetDetailsModeUsualLock method in object V4V5SpaceSettingAtt
Locks or unlocks the Details Migration Mode setting parameter.
SetDetailsModeWireframeLock method in object V4V5SpaceSettingAtt
Locks or unlocks the Details Migration Mode setting parameter.
SetDeviation method in object HybridShapeAssemble
Set the deviation value.
SetDimAfterCreLock method in object FTASettingAtt
Locks or unlocks the Dimension After Creaation parameter.
SetDimAfterModLock method in object FTASettingAtt
Locks or unlocks the Dimension After Modification parameter.
SetDimBeforeCreLock method in object FTASettingAtt
Locks or unlocks the Dimension Before Creation parameter.
SetDimBeforeModLock method in object FTASettingAtt
Locks or unlocks the Dimension Before Modification parameter.
SetDimBlankingCreLock method in object FTASettingAtt
Locks or unlocks the Dimension Blanking Creation parameter.
SetDimBlankingModLock method in object FTASettingAtt
Locks or unlocks the Dimension Blanking Modification parameter.
SetDimConfigureSnappingLock method in object FTASettingAtt
Locks or unlocks the DimConfigureSnapping parameter.
SetDimConstantOffsetLock method in object FTASettingAtt
Locks or unlocks the Constant Offset parameter.
SetDimCreateOnLock method in object FTASettingAtt
Locks or unlocks the DimCreateOn parameter.
SetDimLinePosValueLock method in object FTASettingAtt
Locks or unlocks the Dimension Line Position Value parameter.
SetDimLineUpBaseAngleLock method in object FTASettingAtt
Locks or unlocks the Dimension Line Up Base Angle parameter.
SetDimLineUpBaseLengthLock method in object FTASettingAtt
Locks or unlocks the Dimension Line Up Base Length parameter.
SetDimLineUpCumulLock method in object FTASettingAtt
Locks or unlocks the Dimension Line Up Cululated parameter.
SetDimLineUpFunnelLock method in object FTASettingAtt
Locks or unlocks the Dimension Line Up Funnel parameter.
SetDimLineUpOffsetBetDimAngleLock method in object FTASettingAtt
Locks or unlocks the DimLineUpOffsetBetDimAngle parameter.
SetDimLineUpOffsetBetDimLengthLock method in object FTASettingAtt
Locks or unlocks the DimLineUpOffsetBetDimLength parameter.
SetDimLineUpOffsetToRefAngleLock method in object FTASettingAtt
Locks or unlocks the DimLineUpOffsetToRefAngle parameter.
SetDimLineUpOffsetToRefLengthLock method in object FTASettingAtt
Locks or unlocks the DimLineUpOffsetToRefLength parameter.
SetDimLineUpStackLock method in object FTASettingAtt
Locks or unlocks the Dimension Line Up Stack parameter.
SetDimManualPositionningLock method in object FTASettingAtt
Locks or unlocks the Manual Positionning parameter.
SetDimMove2dPartCreLock method in object FTASettingAtt
Locks or unlocks the Dimension Move 2D Creation parameter.
SetDimMove2dPartModLock method in object FTASettingAtt
Locks or unlocks the Dimension Move 2D Modification parameter.
SetDimMoveDimLineCreLock method in object FTASettingAtt
Locks or unlocks the Dimension Move Dimension Line Creation parameter.
SetDimMoveDimLineModLock method in object FTASettingAtt
Locks or unlocks the Dimension Move Dimension Line Modification parameter.
SetDimMoveLeaderCreLock method in object FTASettingAtt
Locks or unlocks the Dimension leader Creation parameter.
SetDimMoveLeaderModLock method in object FTASettingAtt
Locks or unlocks the Dimension leader modification parameter.
SetDimMoveSubPartLock method in object FTASettingAtt
Locks or unlocks the DimMoveSubPart parameter.
SetDimMoveValueCreLock method in object FTASettingAtt
Locks or unlocks the Dimension Move Value Creation parameter.
SetDimMoveValueModLock method in object FTASettingAtt
Locks or unlocks the Dimension Move Value Modification parameter.
SetDimORunCreLock method in object FTASettingAtt
Locks or unlocks the Dimension Over Run Creation parameter.
SetDimORunModLock method in object FTASettingAtt
Locks or unlocks the Dimension Over Run Modification parameter.
SetDimOriDefaultSymbLock method in object FTASettingAtt
Locks or unlocks the Dimension Orientation Default Symbol parameter.
SetDimSnappingLock method in object FTASettingAtt
Locks or unlocks the Dimension Snapping parameter.
SetDimension method in object ArrangementItemReservation
Sets the Dimensions of the ArrangementItemReservation.
SetDimensions method in object BasicComponent
Sets the dimensions of the basic component.
SetDimensionsDisplayLock method in object UnitsSheetSettingAtt
Locks or unlocks the DimensionsDisplay setting parameter.
SetDirect method in object Publications
Valuates a publication object directly with the object it publishes.
SetDirection method in object Hole
Sets the hole associative direction.
SetDirection method in object Prism
Sets the prism associative direction.
SetDirection method in object AssemblyHole
Sets the hole axis direction.
SetDirection method in object AssemblyPocket
Sets the pocket associated direction.
SetDirectoryFile method in object SendToService
Positions the destination directory.
SetDirectoryForInputXslLock method in object ReportGenerationSheetSettingAtt
Locks or unlocks the DirectoryForInputXsl parameter.
SetDirectoryOneFile method in object SendToService
Allows positioning the destination directory for one given file to be copied.
SetDisplayAnlStatusLock method in object AnalysisSettingAtt
Locks or unlocks the DisplayAnlStatus parameter.
SetDisplayBackAndCuttingPlaneLock method in object Layout2DSettingAtt
Locks or unlocks the DisplayBackAndCuttingPlane parameter.
SetDisplayClippingOutlineLock method in object Layout2DSettingAtt
Locks or unlocks the DisplayClippingOutline parameter.
SetDisplayCurrentScaleLock method in object VisualizationSettingAtt
Locks or unlocks the SetStereoModeLock setting parameter.
SetDisplayCutInWireframeLock method in object SectioningSettingAtt
Locks or unlocks the DisplayCutInWireframe parameter.
SetDisplayDrillListLock method in object VisualizationSettingAtt
Locks or unlocks the DisplayDrillList setting parameter.
SetDisplayGeomOnScrollingLock method in object TreeVizManipSettingAtt
Locks or unlocks the "display geometry on scrolling" mode.
SetDisplayGeometryAfterCurrentLock method in object PartInfrastructureSettingAtt
Locks or unlocks the "DisplayGeometryAfterCurrent" parameter.
SetDisplayImmersiveDrillViewerLock method in object VisualizationSettingAtt
Locks or unlocks the DisplayImmersiveDrillViewer setting parameter.
SetDisplayModeLock method in object InteropSettingAtt
Retrieves information about the "Display only elements with Sensitive Attribute" setting parameter.
SetDisplayNameModeLock method in object TreeTabSettingAtt
Locks or unlocks the "Display Name Mode" parameter.
SetDisplayOrderLock method in object TreeTabSettingAtt
Locks or unlocks the 'Display Order' parameter.
SetDisplayProcessOrderLock method in object TreeTabSettingAtt
Locks or unlocks the 'Display Order for Processes' parameter.
SetDisplayResetButtonLock method in object DraftingSettingAtt
Locks or unlocks the DisplayResetButton parameter.
SetDisplayTrailingZerosLock method in object UnitsSheetSettingAtt
SetDisplayV4Text3DLock method in object InteropSettingAtt
Locks or unlocks the "Display 3D elements labels" setting parameter.
SetDistanceObjective method in object HybridShapeHealing
Sets the distance objective for healing entity.
SetDistanceStepLock method in object ManipSettingAtt
Locks or unlocks the DistanceStep parameter.
SetDistanceThreshold method in object HybridShapeExtractMulti
Sets the DistanceThreshold in the list of constraints at specified position.
SetDistanceThresholdActivity method in object HybridShapeExtractMulti
Sets the DistanceThresholdActivity in the list of constraints at specified position.
SetDlnameLock method in object InteropSettingAtt
Locks or unlocks the "DLNAME" setting parameter.
SetDocLanguageLock method in object DocumentationSettingAtt
Locks or unlocks the technical documentation language parameter.
SetDocumentContentAtCreationLock method in object FunctionalSystemSettingAtt
Locks or unlocks the DocumentContentAtCreation parameter.
SetDoubleAttribute method in object E5Property
SetDoubleUserAttribute method in object Fastener
et the value of user attribute whoes name matches the input string.
SetDownloaderDirLock method in object IgpOlpSettingAtt
Locks or unlocks the OLP Translator Directory setting parameter.
SetDownloaderLock method in object IgpOlpSettingAtt
Locks or unlocks the OLP Translator setting parameter.
SetDraftFeatureMigrationModeLock method in object SpecV4SettingAtt
Locks or unlocks the DraftFeatureMigrationMode setting parameter.
SetDragDropLock method in object GeneralSessionSettingAtt
Locks or unlocks the drag & drop parameter.
SetDrawLock method in object InteropSettingAtt
Locks or unlocks the "Open in Light Mode: 2D Data are not taken into account" setting parameter.
SetDrawingStandard method in object SchematicRoot
Set the drawing standard.
SetDriverConfigurationPath method in object PrintersSettingAtt
Sets the driver configuration file.
SetDriverConfigurationPathLock method in object PrintersSettingAtt
Locks or unlocks the driver configuration file.
SetDuration method in object Shot
Sets the duration (time) associated to a shot.
SetDynamicCullLock method in object VisualizationSettingAtt
Locks or unlocks the DynamicCull setting parameter.
SetDynamicLODLock method in object VisualizationSettingAtt
Locks or unlocks the DynamicLOD setting parameter.
SetEditDedicatedFilterDialogBoxLock method in object Layout2DSettingAtt
Locks or unlocks the EditDedicatedFilterDialogBox parameter.
SetElem method in object HybridShapeTrim
Modifies the trimmed feature at a given index.
SetElement method in object HybridShapeExtractMulti
Sets the sub element used as init for the propagation.
SetElementProperties method in object ABQGlobalElementAssignment
Sets the behavior and the modifier to given element type.
SetEnableAnlModeLock method in object AnalysisSettingAtt
Locks or unlocks the EnableAnlMode parameter.
SetEnableHeartBeatLock method in object RobAnalysisHeartBeatUsageSettingAtt
Locks or unlocks the SingularColor parameter.
SetEndFaceForClosing method in object HybridShapeLoft
Sets a face to the end section from the lofted surface.
SetEndMeridianAngle method in object HybridShapeSphere
Sets EndMeridianAngle on the object.
SetEndParallelAngle method in object HybridShapeSphere
Sets EndParallelAngle on the object.
SetEndParam method in object HybridShapeIntegratedLaw
Sets end parameter.
SetEndPoint method in object SchGRRRoute
Set the end point of the route graphic.
SetEndSectionTangent method in object HybridShapeLoft
Sets a tangent surface to the end section from the lofted surface.
SetEndTangentDirectionFlag method in object HybridShapeConic
Sets the tangent direction orientation at the conic end point.
SetEngineInterfaceLock method in object RenderingSettingAtt
Locks or unlocks the EngineInterface parameter.
SetEnumerateValues method in object IntParam
Sets an array containing the different values that the real param can take in the case of multiple values.
SetEnumerateValues method in object StrParam
Sets an array containing the different values that the StrParam object can take in the case of multiple values.
SetEnumerateValues method in object RealParam
Sets an array containing the different values that the real param can take in the case of multiple values.
SetExclusionRegions method in object ABQRigidCoupling
Sets the exclusion regions for the coupling.
SetExclusionRegions method in object ABQSmoothCoupling
Sets the exclusion regions for the coupling.
SetExistingTaskTreatmentLock method in object IgpOlpSettingAtt
Locks or unlocks the OLP Existing Task Treatment On Upload parameter.
SetExpNotationValuesGreaterLock method in object UnitsSheetSettingAtt
SetExpNotationValuesLowerLock method in object UnitsSheetSettingAtt
SetExpandSketchBasedFeaturesNodeAtCreationLock method in object PartInfrastructureSettingAtt
Locks or unlocks the "ExpandSketchBasedFeaturesNodeAtCreation" parameter.
SetExplicitPolarity method in object Thread
Sets the thread polarity explicit.
SetExportBackgroundColor method in object VrmlSettingAtt
Sets the ExportBackgroundColor parameter (Background color of exported Vrml files).
SetExportBackgroundColorLock method in object VrmlSettingAtt
Locks or unlocks the ExportBackgroundColor setting parameter.
SetExportEdgesLock method in object VrmlSettingAtt
Locks or unlocks the ExportEdges setting parameter.
SetExportMSBOLock method in object IgesSettingAtt
Locks or unlocks the Export Solid Mode setting parameter.
SetExportNormalsLock method in object VrmlSettingAtt
Locks or unlocks the ExportNormals setting parameter.
SetExportTextureFileLock method in object VrmlSettingAtt
Locks or unlocks the ExportTextureFile setting parameter.
SetExportTextureFormatLock method in object VrmlSettingAtt
Locks or unlocks the ExportTextureFormat setting parameter.
SetExportTextureLock method in object VrmlSettingAtt
Locks or unlocks the ExportTexture setting parameter.
SetExportUnitLock method in object IgesSettingAtt
Locks or unlocks the Export Units setting parameter.
SetExportVersionLock method in object VrmlSettingAtt
Locks or unlocks the ExportVersion setting parameter.
SetExternalMaxDeformationLock method in object V4V5SpaceSettingAtt
Locks or unlocks the "External Control Point Maximum Deformation" setting parameter.
SetExternalReferences method in object MacrosSettingAtt
Sets the list of external references.
SetExternalReferencesAsVisibleLock method in object PartInfrastructureSettingAtt
Locks or unlocks the "ExternalReferencesAsVisible" parameter.
SetExternalReferencesAssemblyRootContextLock method in object PartInfrastructureSettingAtt
Locks or unlocks the "ExternalReferencesAssemblyRootContext" parameter.
SetExternalReferencesLock method in object MacrosSettingAtt
Locks or unlocks the external references setting.
SetExternalReferencesNodeInTreeLock method in object PartInfrastructureSettingAtt
Locks or unlocks the "ExternalReferencesNodeInTree" parameter.
SetExternalTypeDeformationLock method in object V4V5SpaceSettingAtt
Locks or unlocks the activation mode with external deformation (Gap Healing).
SetExtremities method in object FunctActionsGroup
Set coordinates of Input and Output extremities.
SetExtremityFromCoordinates method in object StrMemberExtremity
Modifies the coordinates of the extremity defined by a point.
SetFaceConnector method in object PspPartConnector
Sets Face connector.
SetFaceHLDrillLock method in object VisualizationSettingAtt
Locks or unlocks the FaceHLDrill setting parameter.
SetFakeDimValue method in object DrawingDimValue
Set fake value of dimension value.
SetFeature method in object ManufacturingOperation
Associate a Machinable Feature to a Manufacturing Operation.
SetFederationPropagation method in object HybridShapeAssemble
Sets the propagation mode of federation.
SetFeedSpeedAutoUpdate method in object ManufacturingOperation
Set the Auto Update status for Feed Rate or Spindle Speed.
SetFeedrate method in object ManufacturingToolMotion
Defines the feedrate of a Manufacturing Point to point ToolMotion.
SetFeedrateMagnitude method in object ManufacturingOperation
Defines the magnitude of the feedrate values.
SetField method in object Roughness
Set roughness field.
SetFilters method in object MHILoadParameters
Specifies the filters to be applied while loading the project.
SetFinishSymbol method in object DrawingWelding
Sets the finish symbol of the drawing welding.
SetFirstActLock method in object HtsCCPSettingAtt
Locks or unlocks the FirstAct parameter.
SetFirstAngleLaw method in object HybridShapeSweepCircle
Sets the first angle law useful in some circular sweep types.
SetFirstDirection method in object RectPattern
Sets the first repartition direction.
SetFirstLengthDefinitionType method in object HybridShapeSweepLine
Sets the first length definition type.
SetFirstLengthLaw method in object HybridShapeSweepLine
Sets the first length law useful in some linear sweep types.
SetFittingPoints method in object HybridShapeSweepExplicit
Sets the fitting points.
SetFlyByMode method in object GenericAccuracyProfile
Switch On/Off Flyby mode.
SetFlyCollisionModeLock method in object VisualizationSettingAtt
Locks or unlocks the FlyCollisionMode setting parameter.
SetFlyCollisionSphereRadiusLock method in object VisualizationSettingAtt
Locks or unlocks the FlyCollisionSphereRadius setting parameter.
SetFlyCollisionTypeLock method in object VisualizationSettingAtt
Locks or unlocks the FlyCollisionType setting parameter.
SetFlySensitivityLock method in object VisualizationSettingAtt
Locks or unlocks the FlySensitivity setting parameter.
SetFlySpeedLock method in object VisualizationSettingAtt
Locks or unlocks the FlySpeed setting parameter.
SetFlySpeedModeLock method in object VisualizationSettingAtt
Locks or unlocks the FlySpeedMode setting parameter.
SetFollowGroundAltitudeLock method in object VisualizationSettingAtt
Locks or unlocks the FollowGroundAltitude setting parameter.
SetFollowGroundModeLock method in object VisualizationSettingAtt
Locks or unlocks the FollowGroundMode setting parameter.
SetFontName method in object DrawingText
Sets the font size on a substring of the drawing text.
SetFontSize method in object DrawingText
Sets the font size on a substring of the drawing text.
SetForceClearanceVoxelLock method in object N4DNavigatorSettingAtt
Locks or unlocks the ForceClearanceVoxel parameter.
SetForceVoxelLock method in object N4DNavigatorSettingAtt
Locks or unlocks the ForceVoxel parameter.
SetFormatDisplayFactor method in object DrawingDimValue
Set format display factor of dimension value.
SetFormatMode method in object GeneralStatisticsSettingAtt
Sets the format mode of the statistics thematic.
SetFormatName method in object DrawingDimValue
Set format name of dimension value.
SetFormatPrecision method in object DrawingDimValue
Set format precision of dimension value.
SetFormatType method in object DrawingDimValue
Set format type of dimension value.
SetFormatUnit method in object DrawingDimValue
Set format unit of dimension value.
SetFrame method in object ReferenceFrame
Set Frame of the TPS.
SetFrequencyLock method in object LicenseSettingAtt
Locks or unlocks the Frequency setting parameter.
SetFullSceneAntiAliasingModeLock method in object VisualizationSettingAtt
Locks or unlocks the AntiAliasingMode setting parameter.
SetFunctionalActionPresentationLock method in object FunctionalSystemSettingAtt
Locks or unlocks the FunctionalActionPresentation parameter.
SetFunnel method in object DrawingDimExtLine
Set funnel infomation of dimension extension line.
SetGPSName method in object DrawingViewGenerativeBehavior
Applies a set of generative parameters to the current view.
SetGRRName method in object SchGRR
Set current name of the GRR.
SetGap method in object DrawingDimExtLine
Set gap of dimension extension line.
SetGap method in object SchGapDisplay
Add gap display attributes on the route.
SetGeneralTolClassLock method in object FTASettingAtt
Locks or unlocks the Dimension general class parameter.
SetGeometries method in object ManufacturingPrismaticMachiningArea
Sets or adds geometry in a collection of a specified type to a Manufacturing Prismatic Machining Area.
SetGeometry method in object ManufacturingOperation
Assigns geometry to a Manufacturing Operation.
SetGeometry method in object ManufacturingSurfaceGeomArea
Sets a geometry of a Manufacturing Surface NCGeometry feature.
SetGeometry method in object ManufacturingPrismaticMachiningArea
Sets a geometry of a specified type to a Manufacturing Prismatic Machining Area.
SetGeometryOnSupport method in object HybridShapeCircleCtrPt
Sets GeometryOnSupport of circle.
SetGeometryOnSupport method in object HybridShapeCircleCtrRad
Sets GeometryOnSupport of circle.
SetGeometryOnSupport method in object HybridShapeCircle2PointsRad
Sets GeometryOnSupport of circle.
SetGeometryRepresentationFormatLock method in object Export3DXmlSettingAtt
Locks or unlocks the flag.
SetGlobalSpecification method in object AnalysisMeshPart
Sets the value corresponding to the given global specification.
SetGotoPtPointCoordinates method in object ManufacturingToolMotion
Defines coordinates on the ToolMotion.
SetGravityAxisLock method in object VisualizationSettingAtt
Locks or unlocks the GravityAxis setting parameter.
SetGravityLock method in object VisualizationSettingAtt
Locks or unlocks the Gravity setting parameter.
SetGridAutoFilteringLock method in object SectioningSettingAtt
Locks or unlocks the GridAutoFiltering parameter.
SetGridAutoResizeLock method in object SectioningSettingAtt
Locks or unlocks the GridAutoResize parameter.
SetGridDisplayLock method in object FTAInfraSettingAtt
Locks or unlocks the Grid Display setting parameter value.
SetGridHeightStepLock method in object SectioningSettingAtt
Locks or unlocks the GridHeightStep parameter.
SetGridPositionModeLock method in object SectioningSettingAtt
Locks or unlocks the GridPositionMode parameter.
SetGridPrimarySpacingLock method in object FTAInfraSettingAtt
Locks or unlocks the Grid Primary Spacing setting parameter value.
SetGridSecondaryStepLock method in object FTAInfraSettingAtt
Locks or unlocks the Grid Secondary Step setting parameter value.
SetGridSnapPointLock method in object FTAInfraSettingAtt
Locks or unlocks the Grid Snap Point setting parameter value.
SetGridStyleLock method in object SectioningSettingAtt
Locks or unlocks the GridStyle parameter.
SetGridVPrimarySpacingLock method in object FTAInfraSettingAtt
Locks or unlocks the GridV Primary Spacing setting parameter value.
SetGridVSecondaryStepLock method in object FTAInfraSettingAtt
Locks or unlocks the GridV Secondary Step setting parameter value.
SetGridWidthStepLock method in object SectioningSettingAtt
Locks or unlocks the GridWidthStep parameter.
SetGuideDeviation method in object HybridShapeSweepLine
Sets the deviation value (length) from guide curves allowed during sweeping operation in order to smooth it.
SetGuideDeviation method in object HybridShapeSweepConic
Sets deviation value (length) from guide curves allowed during sweeping operation in order to smooth it.
SetGuideDeviation method in object HybridShapeSweepCircle
Sets the deviation value (length) from guide curves allowed during sweeping operation in order to smooth it.
SetGuideDeviation method in object HybridShapeSweepExplicit
Sets deviation value (length) from guide curves allowed during sweeping.
SetHaloModeLock method in object VisualizationSettingAtt
Locks or unlocks the HaloMode setting parameter.
SetHandler method in object ABQRigidCoupling
Sets the handler for the coupling.
SetHandler method in object ABQSmoothCoupling
Sets the handler for the coupling.
SetHandler method in object ABQConcentratedForce
Sets the handler for the distributed load.
SetHandler method in object ABQRigidBodyConstraint
Set the handler for the rigid body.
SetHandler method in object ABQAnalyticalRigidSurface
Set the handler for the Analytical rigid surface.
SetHandlerFromPublication method in object ABQRigidCoupling
Sets the handler for the coupling.
SetHandlerFromPublication method in object ABQSmoothCoupling
Sets the handler for the coupling.
SetHandlerFromPublication method in object ABQRigidBodyConstraint
Sets the handler for the Rigid body constraint.
SetHandlerFromPublication method in object ABQAnalyticalRigidSurface
Sets the handler for the Analytical rigid surface.
SetHandlesRGB method in object VisualizationSettingAtt
Sets the HandlesRGB parameter.
SetHandlesRGBLock method in object VisualizationSettingAtt
Locks or unlocks the HandlesRGB setting parameter.
SetHeight method in object HybridShapeHelix
Sets the helix height.
SetHeightAndWidth method in object FunctNodeGraphLayout
Sets the height and width.
SetHideIn3DLock method in object Layout2DSettingAtt
Locks or unlocks the HideIn3D parameter.
SetHidePlaneLock method in object SectioningSettingAtt
Locks or unlocks the HidePlane parameter.
SetHideResultLock method in object SectioningSettingAtt
Locks or unlocks the HideResult parameter.
SetHighlightDefAnnotLock method in object FTASettingAtt
Locks or unlocks the Highlight Def Annot parameter.
SetHomePosition method in object BasicDevice
Set home position of the device.
SetHybridDesignModeLock method in object PartInfrastructureSettingAtt
Locks or unlocks the "HybridDesignMode" parameter.
SetHyperLinks method in object WIText
SetID method in object PspID
Sets ID for the object.
SetIDUniqueSetting method in object LibTabSettingAtt
SetIDUniqueSettingLock method in object LibTabSettingAtt
Locks or unlocks the "Unique Check" parameter.
SetIcon method in object PertNode
SetIdeasComponentNameLock method in object MultiCADSettingAtt
Locks or unlocks the IdeasComponentName parameter.
SetIdeasComponentTypeLock method in object MultiCADSettingAtt
Locks or unlocks the IdeasComponentType parameter.
SetIdeasLibraryNameLock method in object MultiCADSettingAtt
Locks or unlocks the IdeasLibraryName parameter.
SetIdeasPartNumberLock method in object MultiCADSettingAtt
Locks or unlocks the IdeasPartNumber parameter.
SetIdeasProjectNameLock method in object MultiCADSettingAtt
Locks or unlocks the IdeasProjectName parameter.
SetIdeasRevNumberLock method in object MultiCADSettingAtt
Locks or unlocks the IdeasRevNumber parameter.
SetIdeasTessParamLock method in object MultiCADSettingAtt
Locks or unlocks the IdeasTessParam parameter.
SetIdentifier method in object AnalysisGlobalSensor
Sets the Physical type and sub physical type that will be computed by the sensor.
SetIdi3dAnnotationModeLock method in object MultiCADSettingAtt
Locks or unlocks the Idi3dAnnotationMode parameter.
SetImageQualityModeLock method in object AnalysisReportingSettingAtt
Locks or unlocks the ImageQualityMode parameter.
SetImageTextSizeLock method in object AnalysisPostProSettingAtt
Locks or unlocks the ImageTextSize parameter.
SetImageTextStackingLock method in object AnalysisPostProSettingAtt
Locks or unlocks the ImageTextStacking parameter.
SetImpliedResourceFilterLock method in object VerifTabSettingAtt
Locks or unlocks the Xxx parameter.
SetImportAnnotationLock method in object ImportD5SettingAtt
Locks or unlocks the ImportAnnotation parameter.
SetImportBaseFrmLock method in object ImportD5SettingAtt
Locks or unlocks the ImportBaseFrm parameter.
SetImportCollisionLock method in object ImportD5SettingAtt
Locks or unlocks the ImportCollision parameter.
SetImportConfigFileLock method in object ImportD5SettingAtt
Locks or unlocks the ImportConfigFile parameter.
SetImportCoorsysLock method in object ImportD5SettingAtt
Locks or unlocks the ImportCoorsys parameter.
SetImportCreaseAngleLock method in object VrmlSettingAtt
Locks or unlocks the ImportCreaseAngle setting parameter.
SetImportEdgeLock method in object ImportD5SettingAtt
Locks or unlocks the ImportEdge parameter.
SetImportFloorLock method in object ImportD5SettingAtt
Locks or unlocks the ImportFloor parameter.
SetImportGroupAsSelSetLock method in object IgesSettingAtt
Locks or unlocks the Import Selection Set mode setting parameter.
SetImportLibraryLock method in object ImportD5SettingAtt
Locks or unlocks the ImportLibrary parameter.
SetImportPDBCacheLock method in object ImportD5SettingAtt
Locks or unlocks the ImportPDBCache parameter.
SetImportRecordingLock method in object ImportD5SettingAtt
Locks or unlocks the ImportRecording parameter.
SetImportToolFrmLock method in object ImportD5SettingAtt
Locks or unlocks the ImportToolFrm parameter.
SetImportUnitLock method in object VrmlSettingAtt
Locks or unlocks the ImportLock setting parameter.
SetImportUserAttrLock method in object ImportD5SettingAtt
Locks or unlocks the ImportUserAttr parameter.
SetImportUserViewsLock method in object ImportD5SettingAtt
Locks or unlocks the ImportUserViews parameter.
SetImportWclMessageLock method in object ImportD5SettingAtt
Locks or unlocks the ImportWclMessage parameter.
SetImportWclPathLock method in object ImportD5SettingAtt
Locks or unlocks the ImportWclPath parameter.
SetInactivityDurationLock method in object DisconnectionSettingAtt
Locks or unlocks the inactivity duration.
SetInertia method in object GenericToolProfile
Set the underlying coefficient of the tool inertia.
SetInitialFile method in object SendToService
Sets the initial file to be copied.
SetInitial_Model_File_PathLock method in object V4WritingSettingAtt
Locks or unlocks the Initial_Model_File_Path setting parameter.
SetInsertLevelLock method in object N4DNavigatorSettingAtt
Locks or unlocks the InsertMode parameter.
SetInsertModeLock method in object N4DNavigatorSettingAtt
Locks or unlocks the InsertMode parameter.
SetInstanceAngularSpacing method in object CircPattern
Sets the InstanceAngularSpacing.
SetInstanceSpacing method in object RectPattern
Sets the InstanceSpacing.
SetIntUserAttribute method in object Fastener
SetIntermediatePoint method in object HybridShapeConic
Sets one of the conic intermediate passing points.
SetIntermediateTangent method in object HybridShapeConic
Sets the tangent direction at one of the conic intermediate passing points.
SetIntermediateTangentDirectionFlag method in object HybridShapeConic
Sets the tangent direction orientation of one of the conic intermediate points.
SetInternalMaxDeformationLock method in object V4V5SpaceSettingAtt
Locks or unlocks the "Internal Control Point Maximum Deformation" setting parameter.
SetInternalTypeDeformationLock method in object V4V5SpaceSettingAtt
Locks or unlocks the activation mode with internal deformation (Curve Improvement).
SetIsFederated method in object HybridShapeExtractMulti
Sets the IsFederated flag checked/unchecked in the list of constraints at specified position.
SetIsoparGenerationModeLock method in object VisualizationSettingAtt
Locks or unlocks the IsoparGenerationMode setting parameter.
SetIssueRepositoryPathLock method in object MfgHubSettingAtt
Locks or unlocks the IssueRepositoryPath parameter.
SetItemToCopy method in object ManufacturingPattern
Sets the feature to be copied.
SetItemsFilterLock method in object TreeTabSettingAtt
Locks or unlocks the 'Items Folder' parameter.
SetItemsPerRelationFilterLock method in object TreeTabSettingAtt
Locks or unlocks the 'Items Folde(Per Relation Type)r' parameter.
SetJavaClassPathLock method in object IgpOlpSettingAtt
Locks or unlocks the OLP Java Class Path parameter.
SetJavaClassPathLock method in object FASReportingSettingAtt
Locks or unlocks the "Java Class Path" parameter.
SetJavaExeLock method in object IgpOlpSettingAtt
Locks or unlocks the OLP Java Executable parameter.
SetJavaExeLock method in object FASReportingSettingAtt
Locks or unlocks the "Java Executable" parameter.
SetJointRelationExpression method in object DeviceJointRelations
Set Kin expression for the given Joint.
SetJointTarget method in object RobotMotion
Sets the Robot Joint target.
SetJointValues method in object MoveToPostureActivity
Sets the Manikin's Position and Posture values with 137 doubles.
SetKeepAngleOption method in object Sweep
Actives KeepAngleOption.
SetKeepSegmentationLock method in object V4V5SpaceSettingAtt
Locks or unlocks the KeepSegmentation setting parameter.
SetKeyboardRotationAngleValueLock method in object VisualizationSettingAtt
Locks or unlocks the KeyboardRotationAngleValue setting parameter.
SetKnowledgeBuildPathDirectoryLock method in object LanguageSheetSettingAtt
Locks or unlocks the CATKnowledgeBuildPath setting parameter.
SetKnowledgeInHybridDesignModeLock method in object PartInfrastructureSettingAtt
Locks or unlocks the "KnowledgeInHybridDesignMode" parameter.
SetLODModeLock method in object CacheSettingAtt
Locks or unlocks the LOD generation mode.
SetLabelCode method in object SchFrameInfo
Set the frame label code.
SetLabelColor method in object MeasureSettingAtt
Sets the LabelColor parameter.
SetLabelColorLock method in object MeasureSettingAtt
Locks or unlocks the LabelColor parameter.
SetLanguageEditor method in object MacrosSettingAtt
Sets the editor path for the specified language.
SetLanguageEditorLock method in object MacrosSettingAtt
Locks or unlocks the language editors setting.
SetLastActLock method in object HtsCCPSettingAtt
Locks or unlocks the LastAct parameter.
SetLastObjectToGenerate method in object ManufacturingGeneratorData
Sets the last Activity to generate.
SetLayer method in object VisPropertySet
Sets the layer for the current selection.
SetLayer_for_No_AssoLock method in object V4WritingSettingAtt
Locks or unlocks the Layer_for_No_Asso setting parameter.
SetLayoutDefaultRenderStyleLock method in object Layout2DSettingAtt
Locks or unlocks the default render style parameter.
SetLeaderAssociativityLock method in object FTAInfraSettingAtt
Locks or unlocks the Leader Associativity setting parameter value.
SetLegendsVisibility method in object TCPTrace
Get the TCP trace component (DNBTCPTraceReps) legend visibility status.
SetLength method in object HybridShapeSweepLine
Sets the linear values useful in some linear sweep types.
SetLengthLawTypes method in object HybridShapeSweepLine
Sets length law types.
SetLengthMaxToleranceLock method in object ToleranceSheetSettingAtt
Locks or unlocks the LengthMaxTolerance parameter.
SetLengthMinToleranceLock method in object ToleranceSheetSettingAtt
Locks or unlocks the LengthMinTolerance parameter.
SetLengthType method in object HybridShapeLinePtPt
Sets the length type Default is 0.
SetLengthType method in object HybridShapeLinePtDir
Sets the length type Default is 0.
SetLengthType method in object HybridShapeLineAngle
Sets the length type Default is 0.
SetLengthType method in object HybridShapeLineNormal
Sets the length type Default is 0.
SetLengthType method in object HybridShapeLineTangency
Sets the length type Default is 0.
SetLengthType method in object HybridShapeLineBiTangent
Sets the length type Default is 0.
SetLengthType method in object HybridShapeLineBisecting
Sets the length type Default is 0.
SetLicense method in object LicenseSettingAtt
Sets the License.
SetLicenseLock method in object LicenseSettingAtt
Locks or unlocks the License setting parameter.
SetLicenseLock method in object DynLicenseSettingAtt
Locks or unlocks the License setting parameter.
SetLicensesListLock method in object LicenseSettingAtt
Locks or unlocks the LicensesList setting parameter.
SetLicensesListLock method in object DynLicenseSettingAtt
Locks or unlocks the LicensesList setting parameter.
SetLightViewerModeLock method in object VisualizationSettingAtt
Locks or unlocks the LightViewerMode setting parameter.
SetLimitation method in object HybridShapeCircle
Set the circle limitation type.
SetLinAccelColorLock method in object RobAnalysisSettingAtt
Locks or unlocks the LinAccelColor parameter.
SetLinAccelLimitLock method in object RobAnalysisSettingAtt
Locks or unlocks the LinAccelLimit parameter.
SetLinSpeedColorLock method in object RobAnalysisSettingAtt
Locks or unlocks the LinSpeedColor parameter.
SetLinSpeedLimitLock method in object RobAnalysisSettingAtt
Locks or unlocks the LinSpeedLimit parameter.
SetLineColor method in object TCPTraceActivity
Indicates the line Color property of trace.
SetLineThickness method in object TCPTraceActivity
Indicates the line thickness property of trace.
SetLineType method in object TCPTraceActivity
Indicates the line type property of trace.
SetLineWidthLock method in object MeasureSettingAtt
Locks or unlocks the LineWidth parameter.
SetLinearStiffness method in object ABQSpringConnectionProperty
Sets the linear stiffness of the spring given the degree of freedom.
SetLineicCgrModeLock method in object VisualizationSettingAtt
Locks or unlocks the v setting parameter.
SetLinkModeLock method in object MultiCADSettingAtt
Locks or unlocks the LinkMode parameter.
SetLinkSendModeLock method in object MfgHubSettingAtt
Locks or unlocks the LinkSendMode parameter.
SetLinkedExternalReferencesLock method in object PartInfrastructureSettingAtt
Locks or unlocks the "LinkedExternalReferences" parameter.
SetLinkedExternalReferencesOnlyOnPublicationLock method in object PartInfrastructureSettingAtt
Locks or unlocks the "LinkedExternalReferencesOnlyOnPublication" parameter.
SetLinkedExternalReferencesWarningAtCreationLock method in object PartInfrastructureSettingAtt
Locks or unlocks the "LinkedExternalReferencesWarningAtCreation" parameter.
SetListOfLibraryFilePathLock method in object LibTabSettingAtt
Locks or unlocks the list of libraries to be used Role :Locks or unlocks the "list of libraries" parameter if it is possible in the current administrative context.
SetListOfMagnitudesLock method in object UnitsSheetSettingAtt
Locks or unlocks the ListOfMagnitudes setting parameter.
SetListOfPackagesToLoadLock method in object LanguageSheetSettingAtt
Locks or unlocks the ListOfPackagesToLoad setting parameter.
SetLoad3dStateAndPosLock method in object MfgHubSettingAtt
Locks or unlocks the Load3dStateAndPos parameter.
SetLoadAllChildProcMfgCtxLock method in object MfgHubSettingAtt
Locks or unlocks the LoadAllChildProcMfgCtx parameter.
SetLoadAllPackagesLock method in object LanguageSheetSettingAtt
Locks or unlocks the LoadAllPackages setting parameter.
SetLoadAssocPrdResChildLock method in object MfgHubSettingAtt
Locks or unlocks the LoadAssocPrdResChild parameter.
SetLoadChildProcMfgCtxLock method in object MfgHubSettingAtt
Locks or unlocks the LoadChildProcMfgCtx parameter.
SetLoadCtxWithFileGeometryLock method in object MfgHubSettingAtt
Locks or unlocks the LoadCtxWithFileGeometry parameter.
SetLoadDispMfgCtxLock method in object MfgHubSettingAtt
Locks or unlocks the LoadDispMfgCtx parameter.
SetLoadENVGeomFromENVdbLock method in object MfgHubSettingAtt
Locks or unlocks the LoadENVGeomFromENVdb parameter.
SetLoadExtendedLanguageLibLock method in object LanguageSheetSettingAtt
Locks or unlocks the LoadExtendedLanguageLib setting parameter.
SetLoadFeedProcMfgCtxLock method in object MfgHubSettingAtt
Locks or unlocks the SaveV5CalcTime parameter.
SetLoadMfgAssmblyLock method in object MfgHubSettingAtt
Locks or unlocks the LoadMfgAssmbly parameter.
SetLoadMfgKitsLock method in object MfgHubSettingAtt
Locks or unlocks the LoadMfgKits parameter.
SetLoadPSSDataLock method in object MfgHubSettingAtt
Locks or unlocks the LoadPSSData parameter.
SetLoadPrdResUserAttribsLock method in object MfgHubSettingAtt
Locks or unlocks the LoadPrdResUserAttribs parameter.
SetLoadResGeoLock method in object MfgHubSettingAtt
Locks or unlocks the LoadResGeo parameter.
SetLoadUnconstrainedMfgCtxLock method in object MfgHubSettingAtt
Locks or unlocks the LoadUnconstrainedMfgCtx parameter.
SetLocalCsysFromPublication method in object ABQGravity
Sets the published local coordinate system of the gravity load.
SetLocalCsysFromPublication method in object ABQRigidCoupling
Sets the published local coordinate system for the coupling.
SetLocalCsysFromPublication method in object ABQDisplacementBC
Sets the published local coordinate system of the Displacement BC.
SetLocalCsysFromPublication method in object ABQSmoothCoupling
Sets the published local coordinate system for the coupling.
SetLocalCsysFromPublication method in object ABQConcentratedForce
Sets the published local coordinate system of the concentrated force.
SetLocalPathLock method in object CacheSettingAtt
Locks or unlocks the cache local path parameter.
SetLocalToolAxis method in object ManufacturingPattern
Sets a local tool axis to a point of a Manufacturing Pattern.
SetLocation method in object PertNode
This method place the PertNode in the PERT Chart at any location by specifying the X and Y Coordinates in the Grid.
SetLockAssignedPrdOnLoadLock method in object MfgHubSettingAtt
Locks or unlocks the LockAssignedPrdOnLoad parameter.
SetLockUserDefaultLock method in object DraftingSettingAtt
Locks or unlocks the LockUserDefault parameter.
SetLogicalActFilterLock method in object TreeTabSettingAtt
Locks or unlocks the "Logical Activities" parameter.
SetLogicalDataAttrListLock method in object PlugMapViewSettingAtt
Locks or unlocks the LogicalDataAttrList parameter.
SetLongAttribute method in object E5Property
SetLongitudinalRelimiters method in object HybridShapeSweepLine
SetLongitudinalRelimiters method in object HybridShapeSweepConic
SetLongitudinalRelimiters method in object HybridShapeSweepCircle
SetLongitudinalRelimiters method in object HybridShapeSweepExplicit
SetMTPActColorLock method in object HtsTaskDisplaySettingAtt
Locks or unlocks the MTPActColor parameter.
SetMTPActSymbolLock method in object HtsTaskDisplaySettingAtt
Locks or unlocks the MTPActSymbol parameter.
SetMachiningDirection method in object ManufacturingActivity
Defines the Machining Direction coordinates of a Manufacturing Operation.
SetMagnitudeValues method in object UnitsSheetSettingAtt
Sets the Magnitude parameters.
SetMailClientLaunchModeLock method in object MfgHubSettingAtt
Locks or unlocks the MailClientLaunchMode parameter.
SetManRefSizLock method in object FTAInfraSettingAtt
Locks or unlocks the Manipulator Reference Size setting parameter value.
SetManZooCapLock method in object FTAInfraSettingAtt
Locks or unlocks the Manipulator Zoom Capability setting parameter value.
SetManifold method in object HybridShapeAssemble
Set the manifold checker flag.
SetManipAutoInsertLock method in object ManipSettingAtt
Locks or unlocks the ManipAutoInsert parameter.
SetMapping_File_Save_ModeLock method in object MigrBatchSettingAtt
Locks or unlocks the "Mapping Files Location for Saving" setting parameter.
SetMapping_Saving_FileLock method in object MigrBatchSettingAtt
Locks or unlocks the "Specified Directory" setting parameter.
SetMarker2DAutoNamingLock method in object MarkerSettingAtt
Locks or unlocks the Marker2DAutoNaming parameter.
SetMarker2DAutoNamingLock method in object N4DNavigatorSettingAtt
SetMarker3DAutoNamingLock method in object MarkerSettingAtt
Locks or unlocks the Marker3DAutoNaming parameter.
SetMarker3DAutoNamingLock method in object N4DNavigatorSettingAtt
SetMarkerAutoUpdateLock method in object N4DNavigatorSettingAtt
Locks or unlocks the MarkerAutoUpdate parameter.
SetMarkerDefaultsColor method in object MarkerSettingAtt
SetMarkerDefaultsColor method in object N4DNavigatorSettingAtt
SetMarkerDefaultsColorLock method in object MarkerSettingAtt
Locks or unlocks the MarkerDefaultsColor parameter.
SetMarkerDefaultsColorLock method in object N4DNavigatorSettingAtt
SetMarkerDefaultsDashedLock method in object MarkerSettingAtt
Locks or unlocks the MarkerDefaultsDashed parameter.
SetMarkerDefaultsDashedLock method in object N4DNavigatorSettingAtt
SetMarkerDefaultsFontLock method in object N4DNavigatorSettingAtt
SetMarkerDefaultsSizeLock method in object N4DNavigatorSettingAtt
SetMarkerDefaultsWeightLock method in object MarkerSettingAtt
Locks or unlocks the MarkerDefaultsWeight parameter.
SetMarkerDefaultsWeightLock method in object N4DNavigatorSettingAtt
SetMarkerTextColor method in object N4DNavigatorSettingAtt
SetMarkerTextColor2D method in object MarkerSettingAtt
Sets the default color of a 2D text annotation (iRed, iGreen, iBlue: RGB values for the desired color).
SetMarkerTextColor2DLock method in object MarkerSettingAtt
Locks or unlocks the MarkerTextColor2D parameter.
SetMarkerTextColor3D method in object MarkerSettingAtt
Sets the default color of a 3D text annotation (iRed, iGreen, iBlue: RGB values for the desired color).
SetMarkerTextColor3DLock method in object MarkerSettingAtt
Locks or unlocks the MarkerTextColor3D parameter.
SetMarkerTextColorLock method in object N4DNavigatorSettingAtt
SetMarkerTextDashed2DLock method in object MarkerSettingAtt
Locks or unlocks the MarkerTextDashed parameter.
SetMarkerTextDashed3DLock method in object MarkerSettingAtt
Locks or unlocks the MarkerTextDashed3D parameter.
SetMarkerTextDashedLock method in object N4DNavigatorSettingAtt
SetMarkerTextDefaultsFont2DLock method in object MarkerSettingAtt
Locks or unlocks the MarkerDefaultsFont2D parameter.
SetMarkerTextDefaultsFont3DLock method in object MarkerSettingAtt
Locks or unlocks the MarkerDefaultsFont3D parameter.
SetMarkerTextDefaultsSize2DLock method in object MarkerSettingAtt
Locks or unlocks the MarkerDefaultsSize2D parameter.
SetMarkerTextDefaultsSize3DLock method in object MarkerSettingAtt
Locks or unlocks the MarkerDefaultsSize3D parameter.
SetMarkerTextWeight2DLock method in object MarkerSettingAtt
Locks or unlocks the MarkerTextWeight2D parameter.
SetMarkerTextWeight3DLock method in object MarkerSettingAtt
Locks or unlocks the MarkerTextWeight3D parameter.
SetMarkerTextWeightLock method in object N4DNavigatorSettingAtt
SetMass method in object GenericToolProfile
Set tool mass.
SetMatrix method in object ThreeDCuts
Sets the rotation AND translation matrix.
SetMatrix method in object DrawingComponent
Sets the matrix of the drawing component instance.
SetMaxAngleLock method in object FittingSettingAtt
Locks or unlocks the MaxAngle parameter.
SetMaxCalculationTime method in object SetOfEquation
Sets a maximum time to the model calculations.
SetMaxDisplayedResultsLock method in object SearchSettingAtt
Locks or unlocks the Max Displayed Results setting parameter.
SetMaxPreHighlightedElementsLock method in object SearchSettingAtt
Locks or unlocks the Max Displayed Results setting parameter.
SetMaxSelectionMoveLock method in object VisualizationSettingAtt
Locks or unlocks the MaxSelectionMove setting parameter.
SetMaximumDeviation method in object HybridShapeCurveSmooth
Sets the maximum deviation.
SetMeasureLock method in object Export3DXmlSettingAtt
SetMemberColor method in object ColorESSObjectSettingAtt
SetMemberColorLock method in object ColorESSObjectSettingAtt
Locks or unlocks the MemberColor parameter.
SetMemberMaterialLock method in object MaterialESSObjectSettingAtt
Locks or unlocks the MemberMaterial parameter.
SetMemberTypesLock method in object TypeESSObjectSettingAtt
Locks or unlocks the MemberTypes parameter.
SetMemoryStopperStateLock method in object MemoryWarningSettingAtt
Locks or unlocks the activation mode of the memory stopper mechanism.
SetMergingDistance method in object HybridShapeHealing
Sets the Merging distance for healing entity.
SetMfgCtxPrevProcRelationTypeLock method in object MfgHubSettingAtt
Locks or unlocks the GetMfgCtxPrevProcRelationType parameter.
SetMigration_FormatLock method in object MigrBatchSettingAtt
Locks or unlocks the "Format" setting parameter.
SetMigration_InterfaceLock method in object MigrBatchSettingAtt
Locks or unlocks the "Migration Interface" setting parameter.
SetMigration_TypeLock method in object MigrBatchSettingAtt
Locks or unlocks the "Conversion" setting parameter.
SetMinimumFPSModeLock method in object VisualizationSettingAtt
Locks or unlocks the MinimumFPSMode setting parameter.
SetMinimumSpaceFPSModeLock method in object VisualizationSettingAtt
Locks or unlocks the MinimumSpaceFPSMode setting parameter.
SetModeCreateDisplayLock method in object V4WritingSettingAtt
Locks or unlocks the ModeCreateDisplay setting parameter.
SetModeErrorDisplayLock method in object V4WritingSettingAtt
Locks or unlocks the ModeErrorDisplay setting parameter.
SetModeImageTextSizeLock method in object AnalysisPostProSettingAtt
Locks or unlocks the ModeImageTextSize parameter.
SetModel_DimensionLock method in object V4WritingSettingAtt
Locks or unlocks the Model_Dimension setting parameter.
SetModel_FactorLock method in object V4WritingSettingAtt
Locks or unlocks the Model_Factor setting parameter.
SetModel_File_NameLock method in object V4WritingSettingAtt
Locks or unlocks the Model_File_Name setting parameter.
SetModel_UnitLock method in object V4WritingSettingAtt
Locks or unlocks the Model_Unit setting parameter.
SetModifiableIn2DComponentInstances method in object DrawingText
Sets the text as modifiable in 2D component instances.
SetMotionBasis method in object GenericMotionProfile
Set motion basis of the Profile.
SetMotionProfile method in object RobotMotion
Sets the Motion profile.
SetMotionType method in object RobotMotion
Sets the type of Motion.
SetMouseDoubleClicDelayLock method in object VisualizationSettingAtt
Locks or unlocks the MouseDoubleClicDelay setting parameter.
SetMouseSpeedValueLock method in object VisualizationSettingAtt
Locks or unlocks the MouseSpeedValue setting parameter.
SetMoveAfterCreationLock method in object FTAInfraSettingAtt
Locks or unlocks the Move After Creation setting parameter value.
SetMoveWithFixTExtendModeLock method in object AsmGeneralSettingAtt
Locks or unlocks the setting parameter managing the extension of a move to the components involved in a FixTogether.
SetNCGeometry method in object ManufacturingSurfaceMachiningArea
Sets a NCGeometry of a specified type to a Manufacturing Surface Machining Area.
SetNRLDirLock method in object IgpOlpSettingAtt
Locks or unlocks the NRL configuration file directory setting parameter.
SetNRLTeachDialogDisplayModeLock method in object IgpOlpSettingAtt
Locks or unlocks the OLPNRLTeachDialogDisplay parameter.
SetName method in object Tag
Sets name of the Tag.
SetName method in object ParameterProfiles
SetName method in object GenericToolProfile
Set name of the Tool Profile.
SetName method in object GenericMotionProfile
Set name of the Motion Profile.
SetName method in object RobGenericController
Set name of the generic controller.
SetName method in object SchAppCntrName
Set the application connector name.
SetName method in object GenericObjFrameProfile
Set name of the Object frame Profile.
SetName method in object GenericAccuracyProfile
Set name of the Accuracy Profile.
SetName method in object Task
SetNamedFilmCoeffAmplitude method in object ABQFilmCondition
Sets the name of the amplitude that gives the variation of the the film coefficient with time.
SetNamedSinkAmplitude method in object ABQFilmCondition
Sets the name of the amplitude that contains the variation of the sink temperature with time.
SetNamingModeLock method in object PartInfrastructureSettingAtt
Locks or unlocks the "NamingMode" parameter.
SetNbIsoparsLock method in object VisualizationSettingAtt
Locks or unlocks the NbIsopars setting parameter.
SetNewPrinterDirectory method in object PrintersSettingAtt
Sets the directory where new printers will be added.
SetNewPrinterDirectoryLock method in object PrintersSettingAtt
Locks or unlocks the directory where printers will be added.
SetNewWith3DSupportLock method in object PartInfrastructureSettingAtt
Locks or unlocks the "NewWith3DSupport" parameter.
SetNewWithAxisSystemLock method in object PartInfrastructureSettingAtt
Locks or unlocks the "NewWithAxisSystem" parameter.
SetNewWithGSLock method in object PartInfrastructureSettingAtt
Locks or unlocks the "NewWithGS" parameter.
SetNewWithOGSLock method in object PartInfrastructureSettingAtt
Locks or unlocks the "NewWithOGS" parameter.
SetNewWithPanelLock method in object PartInfrastructureSettingAtt
Locks or unlocks the "NewWithPanel" parameter.
SetNextOrientation method in object HybridShapeTrim
Sets the orientation used to compute the feature, referring to the next trimmed element.
SetNextThickness method in object TCPTraceManagerGraphics
Set the TCP trace component (DNBTCPTraceReps) thickness(for line, axis) for new points.
SetNextType method in object TCPTraceManagerGraphics
Set the TCP trace component (DNBTCPTraceReps) type for new points.
SetNoShowBackgroundRGB method in object VisualizationSettingAtt
Sets the No Show Background Color setting attribute value.
SetNoShowBackgroundRGBLock method in object VisualizationSettingAtt
Locks or unlocks the No Show Background Color setting attribute.
SetNoZBufferSelectionModeLock method in object VisualizationSettingAtt
Locks or unlocks the NoZBufferSelectionMode setting parameter.
SetNoaCreationLock method in object FTASettingAtt
Locks or unlocks the Noa Creation parameter.
SetNodelockAlertLock method in object LicenseSettingAtt
Locks or unlocks the license expiry alert setting parameter.
SetNominalBaseOffset method in object CalibOffsets
Set nominal base offset for the robot base wrt robot base reference position.
SetNominalToolOffset method in object CalibOffsets
Set nominal tool offset for the robot wrt robot mount position.
SetNonLinearStiffness method in object ABQSpringConnectionProperty
Sets the non-linear stiffness of the spring in the form of array, given the degree of freedom.
SetNonSemanticAllwaysUpgradeGeneralTolLock method in object FTASettingAtt
Locks or unlocks the Non Semantic Allways Upgrade general tolerance parameter.
SetNonSemanticAllwaysUpgradeLock method in object FTASettingAtt
Locks or unlocks the Non Semantic Allways Upgrade parameter.
SetNonSemanticDimAllowedLock method in object FTASettingAtt
Locks or unlocks the Non Semantic Dim Allowed parameter.
SetNonSemanticMarkedLock method in object FTASettingAtt
Locks or unlocks the Non Semantic Marked parameter.
SetNonSemanticTolAllowedLock method in object FTASettingAtt
Locks or unlocks the Non Semantic Tol Allowed parameter.
SetNumUrlNameLock method in object N4DNavigatorSettingAtt
Locks or unlocks the NumUrlName parameter.
SetNumberOfMinimumFPSLock method in object VisualizationSettingAtt
Locks or unlocks the NumberOfMinimumFPS setting parameter.
SetNumberOfMinimumSpaceFPSLock method in object VisualizationSettingAtt
Locks or unlocks the NumberOfMinimumSpaceFPS setting parameter.
SetObjectFrame method in object GenericObjFrameProfile
Set the underlying x,y,z, roll, pitch, yaw of the Object Frame.
SetObjectKeepingPosition method in object Sampled
Sets the object in the sampled.
SetObjectPositions method in object Marker3D
Sets the coordinates of the anchor point of the marker on the object.
SetObjectProfile method in object RobotMotion
Sets the Object profile.
SetOcclusionCullingModeLock method in object VisualizationSettingAtt
Locks or unlocks the OcclusionCullingMode setting parameter.
SetOffset method in object PlaceActivity
SetOffsetValue method in object HybridShapeOffset
Set Offset value with input as double.
SetOnBorders method in object ThreeDCuts
Sets the behavior on borders.
SetOnlyCurrentOperatedSolidSetInGeometryLock method in object PartInfrastructureSettingAtt
Locks or unlocks the "OnlyCurrentOperatedSolidSetInGeometry" parameter.
SetOnlyCurrentSolidSetInGeometryLock method in object PartInfrastructureSettingAtt
Locks or unlocks the "OnlyCurrentSolidSetInGeometry" parameter.
SetOnlyLoadCtxWithGeometryLock method in object MfgHubSettingAtt
Locks or unlocks the OnlyLoadCtxWithGeometry parameter.
SetOnlyShowLock method in object IgesSettingAtt
Locks or unlocks the Export only show setting parameter.
SetOpType method in object AMPTag
Function to set the operation type of the given AMPTag.
SetOpaqueFacesLock method in object VisualizationSettingAtt
Locks or unlocks the SetStereoModeLock setting parameter.
SetOpenContourSide method in object ManufacturingPrismaticMachiningArea
Sets the side of one open contour of a Manufacturing Prismatic Machining Area.
SetOpenModeForLoadLock method in object MfgHubSettingAtt
Locks or unlocks the OpenModeForLoad parameter.
SetOperatedObject method in object BooleanShape
Modifies the Second Operand.
SetOperatingVolume method in object BooleanShape
Swaps the operands.
SetOptC2ModeLock method in object IgesSettingAtt
Locks or unlocks the Continuity Optimizationmode setting parameter.
SetOptCleanTopoModeLock method in object IgesSettingAtt
Locks or unlocks the Clean Topo Mode setting parameter.
SetOptFittingModeLock method in object IgesSettingAtt
Locks or unlocks the Fitting Mode setting parameter.
SetOptInvalidGeomModeLock method in object IgesSettingAtt
Locks or unlocks the InvalidGeom mode setting parameter.
SetOptLoop3DModeLock method in object IgesSettingAtt
Locks or unlocks the Force 3D Loop setting parameter.
SetOrder method in object NavigatorWorkbench
Sets the order of an object.
SetOrientation method in object HybridShapeBlend
Sets the orientation of a curve of the blend.
SetOrientation method in object HybridShapeSplit
Sets the orientation used to compute the split.
SetOrientationConnector method in object PspPartConnector
Sets Face connector.
SetOrientationLock method in object TreeVizManipSettingAtt
Locks or unlocks the orientation applied to the specification tree.
SetOrientationMode method in object RobotMotion
Sets the TCP Orientation Mode.
SetOrientationVector method in object PspLightConnector
Sets the Orientation Direction of the connector.
SetOrigin method in object Hole
Sets the origin point which the hole is anchored to.
SetOrigin method in object PspLightConnector
Sets the position of the connector.
SetOriginCornerCode method in object SchFrameInfo
Set the frame origin corner code.
SetOriginPoint method in object ManufacturingMachiningAxis
Sets the Origin of a Manufacturing Machining Axis System used as Origin.
SetOriginPointByCoordinates method in object ManufacturingMachiningAxis
Sets the Origin of a Manufacturing Machining Axis System used as Origin by coordinates.
SetOriginXDirection method in object ManufacturingMachiningAxis
Sets the Origin X direction of a Manufacturing Machining Axis System used as Origin.
SetOriginZDirection method in object ManufacturingMachiningAxis
Sets the Origin Z direction of a Manufacturing Machining Axis System used as Origin.
SetOtherSelectionTimeoutActivityLock method in object VisualizationSettingAtt
Locks or unlocks the OtherSelectionTimeoutActivity setting parameter.
SetOtherSelectionTimeoutLock method in object VisualizationSettingAtt
Locks or unlocks the OtherSelectionTimeout setting parameter.
SetOutputHeightLock method in object RenderingSettingAtt
Locks or unlocks the OutputHeight parameter.
SetOutputPathLock method in object RenderingSettingAtt
Locks or unlocks the OutputPath parameter.
SetOutputPathLock method in object MultiCADSettingAtt
Locks or unlocks the OutputPath parameter.
SetOutputProductFilterLock method in object TreeTabSettingAtt
Locks or unlocks the "Output Products Folder" parameter.
SetOutputSizeFromLock method in object RenderingSettingAtt
Locks or unlocks the OutputSizeFrom parameter.
SetOutputTypeLock method in object RenderingSettingAtt
Locks or unlocks the OutputType parameter.
SetOutputWidthLock method in object RenderingSettingAtt
Locks or unlocks the OutputWidth parameter.
SetOverrun method in object DrawingDimExtLine
Set overrun of dimension extension line.
SetPPRSaveConfigLock method in object Export3DXmlSettingAtt
Locks or unlocks the flag.
SetPPWord method in object ManufacturingToolMotion
Adds a line containing iMessage to a Manufacturing PP Word ToolMotion.
SetPROJECT_File_PathLock method in object InteropSettingAtt
Locks or unlocks the "PROJECT File Path" setting parameter.
SetPSCycleTimeLock method in object SimulationSettingAtt
Locks or unlocks the PSCycleTime parameter.
SetPSDynClashModeLock method in object SimulationSettingAtt
Locks or unlocks the PSDynClashMode parameter.
SetPSGraphicSimStepLock method in object SimulationSettingAtt
Locks or unlocks the PSGraphicSimStep parameter.
SetPSGraphicUpdateLock method in object SimulationSettingAtt
Locks or unlocks the PSGraphicUpdate parameter.
SetPSText method in object DrawingDimValue
Set PS text to dimension value.
SetPVEndConditionLock method in object SimulationSettingAtt
Locks or unlocks the PVEndCondition parameter.
SetPVStateMgtLock method in object SimulationSettingAtt
Locks or unlocks the PVStateMgt parameter.
SetPackAndGoRepositoryPathLock method in object MfgHubSettingAtt
Locks or unlocks the PackAndGoRepositoryPath parameter.
SetPaperHeight method in object DrawingSheet
Sets the paper width of the drawing sheet, avalaible on user format.
SetPaperWidth method in object DrawingSheet
Sets the paper width of the drawing sheet, avalaible on user format.
SetParameterAsInput method in object SetOfEquation
Specifies that the parameter must be considered as input parameter.
SetParameterAsOutput method in object SetOfEquation
Specifies that the parameter must be considered as an output parameter.
SetParameterLaw method in object HybridShapeSweepConic
Sets the parameter law that will be used in conic sweep operation.
SetParameterNameSurroundedByTheSymbolLock method in object KnowledgeSheetSettingAtt
Locks or unlocks the ParameterNameSurroundedByTheSymbol parameter.
SetParameterOnSubString method in object DrawingText
Sets a property on a substring of the drawing text.
SetParameterTreeViewWithFormulaLock method in object KnowledgeSheetSettingAtt
Locks or unlocks the ParameterTreeViewWithFormula parameter.
SetParameterTreeViewWithValueLock method in object KnowledgeSheetSettingAtt
Locks or unlocks the ParameterTreeViewWithValue parameter.
SetParametersInTreeLock method in object FTASettingAtt
Locks or unlocks the Parameters in tree parameter.
SetParametersList method in object WIBuyOff
SetParametersList method in object WIDataCollection
SetParametersList method in object WIChangeNotification
SetParametersNodeInTreeLock method in object PartInfrastructureSettingAtt
Locks or unlocks the "ParametersNodeInTree" parameter.
SetPartAxisSystem method in object ManufacturingMachiningAxis
Sets the Part Axis System of a Manufacturing Machining Axis System.
SetPartParametricAttributes method in object PspBuildPart
Sets the part parametric attribute names.
SetPartProdModeLock method in object IgesSettingAtt
Locks or unlocks the Import Product mode setting parameter.
SetPartRelation method in object MoveToPostureActivity
SetPartRelationWithOffset method in object MoveToPostureActivity
SetPartUpdateStatusLock method in object MeasureSettingAtt
Locks or unlocks the PartUpdateStatus parameter.
SetPartsParameterModeLock method in object MultiCADSettingAtt
Locks or unlocks the PartsParameterMode parameter.
SetPasteComponentModeLock method in object AsmConstraintSettingAtt
Locks or unlocks the component paste setting parameter.
SetPasteSameInstanceLock method in object TreeTabSettingAtt
Locks or unlocks the 'Paste Same Instance' parameter.
SetPath method in object SchRoute
Set the defining points of a route.
SetPath method in object SchGRRRoute
Set the defining points of a route graphic.
SetPath2 method in object SchGRRRoute
Set the defining points of a route graphic.
SetPath3 method in object SchGRRRoute
Set the defining points of a route graphic.
SetPathFinderSmoothLock method in object FittingSettingAtt
Locks or unlocks the PathFinderSmooth parameter.
SetPattern method in object ManufacturingOperation
Associate a Machining Pattern to a Manufacturing Operation.
SetPick method in object VisPropertySet
Sets the state pick mode for the current selection.
SetPickAct method in object PlaceActivity
SetPickedProducts method in object PickActivity
SetPickingWindowSizeLock method in object VisualizationSettingAtt
Locks or unlocks the PickingWindowSize setting parameter.
SetPinSupports method in object ABQRigidBodyConstraint
Sets the pin point supports for the rigid body.
SetPitch method in object HybridShapeHelix
Sets the helix pitch.
SetPitch2 method in object HybridShapeHelix
Changes the Helix pitch2 .
SetPlaceAct method in object PickActivity
SetPlacedProducts method in object PlaceActivity
SetPlacementAxis method in object SchCompGroupExt
Set the placement axis for the component group.
SetPlaneAxisAngle method in object HybridShapeDevelop
Sets the rotation angle.
SetPlaneAxisCoord method in object HybridShapeDevelop
Sets the translation coordinates.
SetPlaneAxisSwapAxes method in object HybridShapeDevelop
Sets the inversion axes from their previous definitions.
SetPlaneColor method in object SectioningSettingAtt
Sets the PlaneColor parameter.
SetPlaneColorLock method in object SectioningSettingAtt
Locks or unlocks the PlaneColor parameter.
SetPlaneNormalLock method in object SectioningSettingAtt
Locks or unlocks the PlaneNormal parameter.
SetPlaneOriginLock method in object SectioningSettingAtt
Locks or unlocks the PlaneOrigin parameter.
SetPlateColor method in object ColorSTDObjectSettingAtt
SetPlateColor method in object ColorESSObjectSettingAtt
SetPlateColorLock method in object ColorSTDObjectSettingAtt
Locks or unlocks the PlateColor parameter.
SetPlateColorLock method in object ColorESSObjectSettingAtt
Locks or unlocks the PlateColor parameter.
SetPlateMaterialLock method in object MaterialESSObjectSettingAtt
Locks or unlocks the PlateMaterial parameter.
SetPlateTypesLock method in object TypeESSObjectSettingAtt
Locks or unlocks the PlateTypes parameter.
SetPoint method in object ArrangementNode
Sets the location of the current ArrangementNode.
SetPointAfter method in object HybridShapeSpline
Sets the Point After a given position.
SetPointBefore method in object HybridShapeSpline
Sets the Point Before a given position.
SetPointConstraintExplicit method in object HybridShapeSpline
Sets the Constraint of the point at iPos.
SetPointConstraintFromCurve method in object HybridShapeSpline
Sets the Constraint of the point at iPos.
SetPortionToKeep method in object HybridShapeTrim
Sets a portion to keep number in Pieces mode.
SetPosAngle method in object HybridShapeSweepExplicit
Sets angles if both profile and first sweep plane axis systems from default positions.
SetPosAngle method in object HybridShapePositionTransfo
Sets angles of both initial and target coordinate systems.
SetPosCoord method in object HybridShapeSweepExplicit
Sets translations coordinates if both profile axis system and first sweep plane axis system from default positions.
SetPosCoord method in object HybridShapePositionTransfo
Sets translation coordinates of both initial and target coordinate systems.
SetPosDirection method in object HybridShapeSweepExplicit
Sets the positioning directions : profile plane or first sweep plane X-axis direction.
SetPosPoint method in object HybridShapeSweepExplicit
Sets the points designated as the origins of the profile plane and first sweep plane.
SetPosPoint method in object HybridShapePositionTransfo
Sets the points designated as the origins of the initial and target planes.
SetPosSwapAxes method in object HybridShapeSweepExplicit
Sets axes inversion from previous definition for both profile plane and first sweep plane.
SetPosSwapAxes method in object HybridShapePositionTransfo
Sets axis inversion from previous definitions for both initial and target planes.
SetPosition method in object Plane
Sets the position where the plane is displayed.
SetPosition method in object AMPTag
Function to set the position( array of doubles; X, Y, Z, Yaw, Roll, Pitch values ) of the given AMPTag.
SetPosition method in object Section
Sets the position of the section.
SetPosition method in object SchGRRComp
Set the current position of the component.
SetPosition method in object SchRouteSymbol
Set the symbol's position on the route that own it.
SetPosition method in object SchCntrLocation
Set the current position of the connector in absolute coordinates.
SetPosition method in object MoveToPostureActivity
Sets the Manikin's position value in the MoveToPosture Activity.
SetPositionDirection method in object HybridShapePositionTransfo
Sets the positioning directions.
SetPositions method in object Marker2D
Sets the coordinates of the positions of the Marker2D.
SetPostureValues method in object MoveToPostureActivity
SetPreSelectionModeLock method in object VisualizationSettingAtt
Locks or unlocks the PreSelectionMode setting parameter.
SetPrecision method in object SetOfEquation
Sets the calculation precision.
SetPreselectedElementLinetypeLock method in object VisualizationSettingAtt
Locks or unlocks the PreselectedElementLinetype setting parameter.
SetPreselectedElementRGB method in object VisualizationSettingAtt
Sets the PreselectedElementRGB parameter.
SetPreselectedElementRGBLock method in object VisualizationSettingAtt
Locks or unlocks the PreselectedElementRGB setting parameter.
SetPresentationLock method in object Export3DXmlSettingAtt
SetPrevAreaLock method in object DMUTolSettingAtt
Locks or unlocks the Preview Area setting parameter value.
SetPrevProcParseTypeForMfgCtxLock method in object MfgHubSettingAtt
Locks or unlocks the PrevProcParseTypeForMfgCtx parameter.
SetPreventBackgroundAccessLock method in object DraftingSettingAtt
Locks or unlocks the PreventBackgroundAccess parameter.
SetPreventDimDriving3DCstrLock method in object DraftingSettingAtt
Locks or unlocks the PreventDimDriving3DCstr parameter.
SetPreventFileNewLock method in object DraftingSettingAtt
Locks or unlocks the PreventFileNew parameter.
SetPreventGenViewStyleLock method in object DraftingSettingAtt
Locks or unlocks the PreventGenViewStyle parameter.
SetPreventSetAsDefaultLock method in object DraftingSettingAtt
Locks or unlocks the PreventSetAsDefault parameter.
SetPreventSwitchStandardLock method in object DraftingSettingAtt
Locks or unlocks the PreventSwitchStandard parameter.
SetPreventTrueDimensionCreationLock method in object DraftingSettingAtt
Locks or unlocks the PreventTrueDimensionCreation parameter.
SetPreventUpdateStandardLock method in object DraftingSettingAtt
Locks or unlocks the PreventUpdateStandard parameter.
SetPreventViewGeomUpgradeLock method in object DraftingSettingAtt
Locks or unlocks the PreventViewGeomUpgrade parameter.
SetPreviousOrientation method in object HybridShapeTrim
Sets the orientation used to compute the feature, referring to the previous trimmed element.
SetPrinterDirectoriesLock method in object PrintersSettingAtt
Locks or unlocks the directories of printer files and their states.
SetPrinterGroupsLock method in object PrintersSettingAtt
Locks or unlocks the definition of each printer group.
SetPriorityLock method in object DocumentationSettingAtt
Locks or unlocks the contextual priority parameter.
SetProEInstanceModeLock method in object MultiCADSettingAtt
Locks or unlocks the ProEInstanceMode parameter.
SetProEInstanceNameLock method in object MultiCADSettingAtt
Locks or unlocks the ProEInstanceName parameter.
SetProEQuiltsReadLock method in object MultiCADSettingAtt
Locks or unlocks the ProEQuiltsRead parameter.
SetProESimpRepModeLock method in object MultiCADSettingAtt
Locks or unlocks the ProESimpRepMode parameter.
SetProESimpRepNameLock method in object MultiCADSettingAtt
Locks or unlocks the ProESimpRepName parameter.
SetProcProdRelationsLock method in object MfgHubSettingAtt
Locks or unlocks the ProcProdRelations parameter.
SetProcResRelationsLock method in object MfgHubSettingAtt
Locks or unlocks the ProcResRelations parameter.
SetProcessID method in object Activity
SetProcessIDScript method in object LibTabSettingAtt
SetProcessIDScriptLock method in object LibTabSettingAtt
Locks or unlocks the "Custom VB Script" parameter.
SetProcessTreeID method in object MHILoadParameters
SetProductAndReconciliate method in object ManufacturingSetup
Associate the Product to a Manufacturing Setup and reconciliate links.
SetProductBOMID method in object MHILoadParameters
SetProductUpdateStatusLock method in object MeasureSettingAtt
Locks or unlocks the ProductUpdateStatus parameter.
SetProfileElement method in object SketchBasedShape
Returns or sets a profile element.
SetProjectionPlane method in object DrawingViewGenerativeBehavior
Sets the drawing view projection plane.
SetPropagateHighlightLock method in object Layout2DSettingAtt
Locks or unlocks the PropagateHighlight parameter.
SetPropagationType method in object HybridShapeExtractMulti
Sets the type of propagation for the ExtractMulti in the list of constraints at specified position.
SetProtectedElementsColor method in object Layout2DSettingAtt
Sets the ProtectedElementsColor parameter.
SetProtectedElementsColorLock method in object Layout2DSettingAtt
Locks or unlocks the ProtectedElementsColor parameter.
SetPublishAutoLaunchBrowserLock method in object N4DNavigatorSettingAtt
Locks or unlocks the PublishAutoLaunchBrowser parameter.
SetPublishTopologicalElementsLock method in object PartInfrastructureSettingAtt
Locks or unlocks the "PublishTopologicalElements" parameter.
SetPullingDirection method in object DraftDomain
Sets the draft pulling direction.
SetQuickConstraintModeLock method in object AsmConstraintSettingAtt
Locks or unlocks the quick constraint setting parameter.
SetQuickConstraintOrderedList method in object AsmConstraintSettingAtt
Sets the quick constraint ordered list setting parameter.
SetRCSDataLibDirLock method in object RRSSettingAtt
Locks or unlocks the "RCSDATA$LIB" parameter.
SetRRS2ConnectDownloadersLock method in object RRSSettingAtt
Locks or unlocks the "RRS2ConnectDownloaders" parameter.
SetRRS2ConsistencyCmdDownloadersLock method in object RRSSettingAtt
Locks or unlocks the "RRS2ConsistencyCmdDownloaders" parameter.
SetRRS2ControllerIdentifiersLock method in object RRSSettingAtt
Locks or unlocks the "RRS2ControllerIdentifiers" parameter.
SetRRS2DeleteAutoDownloadFilesAfterXferLock method in object RRSSettingAtt
Locks or unlocks the "RRS2DeleteAutoDownloadFilesAfterXfer" parameter.
SetRRS2DfltControllerIdentifierLock method in object RRSSettingAtt
Locks or unlocks the "RRS2DfltControllerIdentifier" parameter.
SetRRS2DownloadDuringConnectLock method in object RRSSettingAtt
Locks or unlocks the "RRS2DownloadDuringConnect" parameter.
SetRRS2DownloadDuringSimRunLock method in object RRSSettingAtt
Locks or unlocks the "RRS2DownloadDuringSimRun" parameter.
SetRRS2DownloadInPartCoordinatesLock method in object RRSSettingAtt
Locks or unlocks the "RRS2DownloadInPartCoordinates" parameter.
SetRRS2DownloadLogFileNameLock method in object RRSSettingAtt
Locks or unlocks the "RRS2DownloadLogFileName" parameter.
SetRRS2FreePlaySimStepSizeLock method in object RRSSettingAtt
Locks or unlocks the "RRS2FreePlaySimStepSize" parameter.
SetRRS2MainTaskProcessingLock method in object RRSSettingAtt
Locks or unlocks the "RRS2MainTaskProcessing" parameter.
SetRRS2MotionPlannerActiveDuringTeachOLPLock method in object RRSSettingAtt
Locks or unlocks the "RRS2MotionPlannerActiveDuringTeachOLP" parameter.
SetRRS2SimRunDownloadersLock method in object RRSSettingAtt
Locks or unlocks the "RRS2SimRunDownloaders" parameter.
SetRRS2StopVRCWhenSimStopsLock method in object RRSSettingAtt
Locks or unlocks the "RRS2StopVRCWhenSimStops" parameter.
SetRRS2UpdateProgramOnDownloadLock method in object RRSSettingAtt
Locks or unlocks the "RRS2UpdateProgramOnDownload" parameter.
SetRRS2UseVRCInverseKinematicsLock method in object RRSSettingAtt
Locks or unlocks the "RRS2UseVRCInverseKinematics" parameter.
SetRRS2UseVRCTurnLimitsLock method in object RRSSettingAtt
Locks or unlocks the "RRS2UseVRCTurnLimits" parameter.
SetRRSLibDirLock method in object RRSSettingAtt
Locks or unlocks the "RRS$LIB" parameter.
SetRRSServerFileLock method in object RRSSettingAtt
Sets value of "RRS Servers File" parameter.
SetRadius method in object HybridShapeSphere
Sets Radius on the object.
SetRadius method in object HybridShapePolyline
Sets the radius at specified position of the polyline.
SetRadius method in object HybridShapeSweepCircle
Sets the radius value useful in some circular sweep types.
SetRadiusOnMacro method in object ManufacturingOperation
Defines radius attribute on the circular elementary macro motion on CIRCULAR MILLING or THREAD MILLING operations ONLY.
SetRadiusPitchParam method in object HybridShapeSpiral
Sets Radius pitch parameter.
SetRatingLock method in object HtsJointSpeedSettingsAtt
Locks or unlocks the Rating parameter.
SetReachColorLock method in object RobAnalysisSettingAtt
Locks or unlocks the ReachColor parameter.
SetRealColor method in object VisPropertySet
Sets the real color and the color inheritance flag for the current selection.
SetRealColor method in object SceneProductData
Returns / Set the scene product's color and inheritance.
SetRealLineType method in object VisPropertySet
Sets the real line type and the line type inheritance flag for the current selection.
SetRealOpacity method in object VisPropertySet
Sets the opacity and the opacity inheritance flag for the current selection.
SetRealWidth method in object VisPropertySet
Sets the real line width and the line width inheritance flag for the current selection.
SetRecordModeLock method in object ManipSettingAtt
Locks or unlocks the RecordMode parameter.
SetRefDocLock method in object GeneralSessionSettingAtt
Locks or unlocks the referenced documents parameter.
SetReference method in object BasicComponent
Sets the reference corresponding to the given component.
SetReference method in object AnalysisEntity
Sets the reference corresponding to the given component.
SetReference method in object AnalysisLocalEntity
Sets the reference corresponding to the given component.
SetReferenceBasePosition method in object CalibOffsets
Set reference base position of robot.
SetReferenceDirection method in object HybridShapeWrapCurve
Sets the reference direction projection to the wrap curve feature.
SetReferenceDirectoryForTypesLock method in object LanguageSheetSettingAtt
Locks or unlocks the ReferenceDirectoryForTypes setting parameter.
SetReferencePoint method in object HybridShapePlaneEquation
Sets the reference point.
SetReferenceSpine method in object HybridShapeWrapCurve
Sets the reference spine to the wrap curve feature.
SetRelatedColors method in object DMUTolSettingAtt
Sets the Related Surface Color setting parameter value.
SetRelatedColorsLock method in object DMUTolSettingAtt
Locks or unlocks the Related Surface Color setting parameter value.
SetRelationsNodeInTreeLock method in object PartInfrastructureSettingAtt
Locks or unlocks the "RelationsNodeInTree" parameter.
SetRelationsUpdateInPartContextEvaluateDuringUpdateLock method in object KnowledgeSheetSettingAtt
Locks or unlocks the RelationsUpdateInPartContextEvaluateDuringUpdate parameter.
SetRelationsUpdateInPartContextSynchronousRelationsLock method in object KnowledgeSheetSettingAtt
Locks or unlocks the RelationsUpdateInPartContextSynchronousRelations parameter.
SetRelativePosition method in object SchCntrLocation
Set the current position of the connector in absolute coordinates.
SetRelay method in object Publications
Valuates a publication object with another publication object.
SetReleasePathLock method in object CacheSettingAtt
Locks or unlocks the cache local path parameter.
SetReleasedVoxelLock method in object CacheSettingAtt
Locks or unlocks the released voxel parameter.
SetRelimiters method in object HybridShapeSweepLine
Sets the elements relimiting the spine (or the default spine).
SetRelimiters method in object HybridShapeSweepConic
Sets the elements relimiting the spine (or the default spine).
SetRelimiters method in object HybridShapeSweepCircle
Sets the elements relimiting the spine (or the default spine).
SetRelimiters method in object HybridShapeSweepExplicit
Sets the elements relimiting the spine (or the default spine).
SetRelimitingGeometry method in object ManufacturingOperation
Defines start / end element on PROFILE CONTOURING operation ONLY.
SetRenameFile method in object SendToService
Renames one file to be copied.
SetRenderStyleLock method in object TreeTabSettingAtt
Locks or unlocks the "Render Style" parameter.
SetRepModLock method in object IgesSettingAtt
Locks or unlocks the Export representation mode setting parameter.
SetReplaceOnlyAfterCurrentLock method in object PartInfrastructureSettingAtt
Locks or unlocks the "ReplaceOnlyAfterCurrent" parameter.
SetReportCheckAdvisorLock method in object ReportGenerationSheetSettingAtt
Locks or unlocks the ReportCheckAdvisor parameter.
SetReportCheckExpertLock method in object ReportGenerationSheetSettingAtt
Locks or unlocks the ReportCheckExpert parameter.
SetReportHtmlInCatiaSessionLock method in object ReportGenerationSheetSettingAtt
Locks or unlocks the ReportHtmlInCatiaSession parameter.
SetReportObjectsInformationLock method in object ReportGenerationSheetSettingAtt
Locks or unlocks the ReportObjectsInformation parameter.
SetReportOutputDirectoryLock method in object ReportGenerationSheetSettingAtt
Locks or unlocks the ReportOutputDirectory parameter.
SetReportParametersInformationLock method in object ReportGenerationSheetSettingAtt
Locks or unlocks the ReportParametersInformation parameter.
SetReportPassedObjectsLock method in object ReportGenerationSheetSettingAtt
Locks or unlocks the ReportPassedObjects parameter.
SetReshapeMode method in object SchGRRRoute2
Set the reshape mode.
SetResolvedSectionsPathLock method in object PathESSRessourcesSettingAtt
Locks or unlocks the ResolvedSectionsPath parameter.
SetResourceFilterLock method in object TreeTabSettingAtt
Locks or unlocks the 'Resource Folder' parameter.
SetResourceTreeID method in object MHILoadParameters
SetResultOutputDirLock method in object FASReportingSettingAtt
Locks or unlocks the "OLP Robot Program Directory" parameter.
SetRevolutionNumber method in object HybridShapeHelix
Changes the Revolution Numbers.
SetRmvNotAssgnPrdResOnSyncLock method in object MfgHubSettingAtt
Locks or unlocks the RmvNotAssgnPrdResOnSync parameter.
SetRobotProgramDirLock method in object IgpOlpSettingAtt
Locks or unlocks the OLP Directory setting parameter.
SetRootDLNameCreationRightLock method in object DLNameSettingAtt
Locks or unlocks the parameter RootDLNameCreationRight.
SetRotAccelColorLock method in object RobAnalysisSettingAtt
Locks or unlocks the RotAccelColor parameter.
SetRotAccelLimitLock method in object RobAnalysisSettingAtt
Locks or unlocks the RotAccelLimit parameter.
SetRotSpeedColorLock method in object RobAnalysisSettingAtt
Locks or unlocks the RotSpeedColor parameter.
SetRotSpeedLimitLock method in object RobAnalysisSettingAtt
Locks or unlocks the RotSpeedLimit parameter.
SetRotationAngle method in object SchGRRComp
Set the current rotation angle (from x-axis in radian) of the component.
SetRotationAxis method in object CircPattern
Sets the rotation axis.
SetRotationCenter method in object CircPattern
Sets the rotation center.
SetRotationSnapAngleLock method in object FTASettingAtt
Locks or unlocks the Rotation Snap Angle parameter.
SetRotationSnapAutoLock method in object FTASettingAtt
Locks or unlocks the Rotation Snap Auto parameter.
SetRotationSphereModeLock method in object VisualizationSettingAtt
Locks or unlocks the RotationSphereMode setting parameter.
SetRowSize method in object DrawingTable
Sets the height of a row of a drawing table.
SetRuledDevelopableSurfaceConnection method in object HybridShapeBlend
SetRunAnnotBehaviorLock method in object SimulationSettingAtt
Locks or unlocks the RunAnnotBehavior parameter.
SetRunAnnotationLock method in object SimulationSettingAtt
Locks or unlocks the RunAnnotation parameter.
SetRunEndConditionLock method in object SimulationSettingAtt
Locks or unlocks the RunEndCondition parameter.
SetRunHlnkBehaviorLock method in object SimulationSettingAtt
Locks or unlocks the RunHlnkBehavior parameter.
SetRunHyperlinkLock method in object SimulationSettingAtt
Locks or unlocks the RunHyperlink parameter.
SetRunPauseLock method in object SimulationSettingAtt
Locks or unlocks the RunPause parameter.
SetRunStateMgtLock method in object SimulationSettingAtt
Locks or unlocks the RunStateMgt parameter.
SetRunStepSizeLock method in object SimulationSettingAtt
Locks or unlocks the RunStepSize parameter.
SetRunTextBehaviorLock method in object SimulationSettingAtt
Locks or unlocks the RunTextBehavior parameter.
SetRunTextMsgLock method in object SimulationSettingAtt
Locks or unlocks the RunTextMsg parameter.
SetRunViewpointLock method in object SimulationSettingAtt
Locks or unlocks the RunViewpoint parameter.
SetRunVisBehaviorLock method in object SimulationSettingAtt
Locks or unlocks the RunVisBehavior parameter.
SetSHMStdProfPathLock method in object CatalogSHMObjectSettingAtt
Locks or unlocks the SHMStdProfPath setting parameter.
SetSHMViewFDBeadBTLFeatLock method in object ViewCharacteristicCurvesSettingAtt
Locks or unlocks the SHMViewFDBeadBTLFeat setting parameter.
SetSHMViewFDCircStampBTLFeatLock method in object ViewCharacteristicCurvesSettingAtt
Locks or unlocks the SHMViewFDCircStampBTLFeat setting parameter.
SetSHMViewFDCurveStampBTLFeatLock method in object ViewCharacteristicCurvesSettingAtt
Locks or unlocks the SHMViewFDCurveStampBTLFeat setting parameter.
SetSHMViewFDFlgCutBTLFeatLock method in object ViewCharacteristicCurvesSettingAtt
Locks or unlocks the SHMViewFDFlgCutBTLFeat setting parameter.
SetSHMViewFDFlgCutIMLLock method in object ViewCharacteristicCurvesSettingAtt
Locks or unlocks the SHMViewFDFlgCutIML setting parameter.
SetSHMViewFDFlgCutOMLLock method in object ViewCharacteristicCurvesSettingAtt
Locks or unlocks the SHMViewFDFlgCutOML setting parameter.
SetSHMViewFDFlgHoleBTLFeatLock method in object ViewCharacteristicCurvesSettingAtt
Locks or unlocks the SHMViewFDFlgHoleBTLFeat setting parameter.
SetSHMViewFDFlgHoleIMLLock method in object ViewCharacteristicCurvesSettingAtt
Locks or unlocks the SHMViewFDFlgHoleIML setting parameter.
SetSHMViewFDFlgHoleOMLLock method in object ViewCharacteristicCurvesSettingAtt
Locks or unlocks the SHMViewFDFlgHoleOML setting parameter.
SetSHMViewFDOtherStampBTLFeatLock method in object ViewCharacteristicCurvesSettingAtt
Locks or unlocks the SHMViewFDOtherStampBTLFeat setting parameter.
SetSHMViewFDStiffStampBTLFeatLock method in object ViewCharacteristicCurvesSettingAtt
Locks or unlocks the SHMViewFDStiffStampBTLFeat setting parameter.
SetSHMViewFDSurfFlgBTLFeatBFLock method in object ViewCharacteristicCurvesSettingAtt
Locks or unlocks the SHMViewFDSurfFlgBTLFeatBF setting parameter.
SetSHMViewFDSurfFlgBTLFeatHFLock method in object ViewCharacteristicCurvesSettingAtt
Locks or unlocks the SHMViewFDSurfFlgBTLFeatHF setting parameter.
SetSHMViewFDSurfFlgBTLSuppBFLock method in object ViewCharacteristicCurvesSettingAtt
Locks or unlocks the SHMViewFDSurfFlgBTLSuppBF setting parameter.
SetSHMViewFDSurfFlgBTLSuppHFLock method in object ViewCharacteristicCurvesSettingAtt
Locks or unlocks the SHMViewFDSurfFlgBTLSuppHF setting parameter.
SetSHMViewFDSurfFlgIMLBFLock method in object ViewCharacteristicCurvesSettingAtt
Locks or unlocks the SHMViewFDSurfFlgIMLBF setting parameter.
SetSHMViewFDSurfFlgIMLHFLock method in object ViewCharacteristicCurvesSettingAtt
Locks or unlocks the SHMViewFDSurfFlgIMLHF setting parameter.
SetSHMViewFDSurfFlgOMLBFLock method in object ViewCharacteristicCurvesSettingAtt
Locks or unlocks the SHMViewFDSurfFlgOMLBF setting parameter.
SetSHMViewFDSurfFlgOMLHFLock method in object ViewCharacteristicCurvesSettingAtt
Locks or unlocks the SHMViewFDSurfFlgOMLHF setting parameter.
SetSHMViewFDSurfStampBTLFeatLock method in object ViewCharacteristicCurvesSettingAtt
Locks or unlocks the SHMViewFDSurfStampBTLFeat setting parameter.
SetSHMViewFDUserStampBTLFeatLock method in object ViewCharacteristicCurvesSettingAtt
Locks or unlocks the SHMViewFDUserStampBTLFeat setting parameter.
SetSHMViewFPBeadBTLFeatLock method in object ViewCharacteristicCurvesSettingAtt
Locks or unlocks the SHMViewFPBeadBTLFeat setting parameter.
SetSHMViewFPCircStampBTLFeatLock method in object ViewCharacteristicCurvesSettingAtt
Locks or unlocks the SHMViewFPCircStampBTLFeat setting parameter.
SetSHMViewFPCurveStampBTLFeatLock method in object ViewCharacteristicCurvesSettingAtt
Locks or unlocks the SHMViewFPCurveStampBTLFeat setting parameter.
SetSHMViewFPFlgCutBTLFeatLock method in object ViewCharacteristicCurvesSettingAtt
Locks or unlocks the SHMViewFPFlgCutBTLFeat setting parameter.
SetSHMViewFPFlgCutIMLLock method in object ViewCharacteristicCurvesSettingAtt
Locks or unlocks the SHMViewFPFlgCutIML setting parameter.
SetSHMViewFPFlgCutOMLLock method in object ViewCharacteristicCurvesSettingAtt
Locks or unlocks the SHMViewFPFlgCutOML setting parameter.
SetSHMViewFPFlgHoleBTLFeatLock method in object ViewCharacteristicCurvesSettingAtt
Locks or unlocks the SHMViewFPFlgHoleBTLFeat setting parameter.
SetSHMViewFPFlgHoleIMLLock method in object ViewCharacteristicCurvesSettingAtt
Locks or unlocks the SHMViewFPFlgHoleIML setting parameter.
SetSHMViewFPFlgHoleOMLLock method in object ViewCharacteristicCurvesSettingAtt
Locks or unlocks the SHMViewFPFlgHoleOML setting parameter.
SetSHMViewFPOtherStampBTLFeatLock method in object ViewCharacteristicCurvesSettingAtt
Locks or unlocks the SHMViewFPOtherStampBTLFeat setting parameter.
SetSHMViewFPStiffStampBTLFeatLock method in object ViewCharacteristicCurvesSettingAtt
Locks or unlocks the SHMViewFPStiffStampBTLFeat setting parameter.
SetSHMViewFPSurfFlgBTLFeatBFLock method in object ViewCharacteristicCurvesSettingAtt
Locks or unlocks the SHMViewFPSurfFlgBTLFeatBF setting parameter.
SetSHMViewFPSurfFlgBTLFeatHFLock method in object ViewCharacteristicCurvesSettingAtt
Locks or unlocks the SHMViewFPSurfFlgBTLFeatHF setting parameter.
SetSHMViewFPSurfFlgBTLSuppBFLock method in object ViewCharacteristicCurvesSettingAtt
Locks or unlocks the SHMViewFPSurfFlgBTLSuppBF setting parameter.
SetSHMViewFPSurfFlgBTLSuppHFLock method in object ViewCharacteristicCurvesSettingAtt
Locks or unlocks the SHMViewFPSurfFlgBTLSuppHF setting parameter.
SetSHMViewFPSurfFlgCLBBFLock method in object ViewCharacteristicCurvesSettingAtt
Locks or unlocks the SHMViewFPSurfFlgCLBBF setting parameter.
SetSHMViewFPSurfFlgCLBHFLock method in object ViewCharacteristicCurvesSettingAtt
Locks or unlocks the SHMViewFPSurfFlgCLBHF setting parameter.
SetSHMViewFPSurfFlgIMLBFLock method in object ViewCharacteristicCurvesSettingAtt
Locks or unlocks the SHMViewFPSurfFlgIMLBF setting parameter.
SetSHMViewFPSurfFlgIMLHFLock method in object ViewCharacteristicCurvesSettingAtt
Locks or unlocks the SHMViewFPSurfFlgIMLHF setting parameter.
SetSHMViewFPSurfFlgOML2BFLock method in object ViewCharacteristicCurvesSettingAtt
Locks or unlocks the SHMViewFPSurfFlgOML2BF setting parameter.
SetSHMViewFPSurfFlgOML2HFLock method in object ViewCharacteristicCurvesSettingAtt
Locks or unlocks the SHMViewFPSurfFlgOML2HF setting parameter.
SetSHMViewFPSurfFlgOMLBFLock method in object ViewCharacteristicCurvesSettingAtt
Locks or unlocks the SHMViewFPSurfFlgOMLBF setting parameter.
SetSHMViewFPSurfFlgOMLHFLock method in object ViewCharacteristicCurvesSettingAtt
Locks or unlocks the SHMViewFPSurfFlgOMLHF setting parameter.
SetSHMViewFPSurfStampBTLFeatLock method in object ViewCharacteristicCurvesSettingAtt
Locks or unlocks the SHMViewFPSurfStampBTLFeat setting parameter.
SetSHMViewFPUserStampBTLFeatLock method in object ViewCharacteristicCurvesSettingAtt
Locks or unlocks the SHMViewFPUserStampBTLFeat setting parameter.
SetSVGViewerLock method in object FASReportingSettingAtt
Locks or unlocks the "OLP Robot Program Directory" parameter.
SetSafetyPlane method in object ManufacturingSetup
Associates a Safety Plane to a Manufacturing Setup.
SetSameDisplayLock method in object UnitsSheetSettingAtt
SetSaveAsNewTemplateDirectoryLock method in object AnalysisPostProSettingAtt
Locks or unlocks the SaveAsNewTemplateDirectory parameter.
SetSaveAutoIncrementLock method in object RenderingSettingAtt
Locks or unlocks the SaveAutoIncrement parameter.
SetSaveCGRLock method in object DMUTolSettingAtt
Locks or unlocks the Save in CGR setting parameter value.
SetSaveControlFlowInPROModeLock method in object MfgHubSettingAtt
Locks or unlocks the SaveControlFlowInPROMode parameter.
SetSaveCoorsysInCgrLock method in object MultiCADSettingAtt
Locks or unlocks the SaveCoorsysInCgr parameter.
SetSaveInCGRLock method in object FTAInfraSettingAtt
Locks or unlocks the Save In CGR setting parameter value.
SetSavePPRNoDetailingLock method in object MfgHubSettingAtt
Locks or unlocks the SavePPRNoDetailing parameter.
SetSaveRelationToUnExposedPartLock method in object MfgHubSettingAtt
Locks or unlocks the SaveRelationToUnExposedPart parameter.
SetSaveShowEffctvtPanelLock method in object MfgHubSettingAtt
Locks or unlocks the SaveShowEffctvtPanel parameter.
SetSaveV5CalcTimeLock method in object MfgHubSettingAtt
Locks or unlocks the SaveV5CalcTime parameter.
SetScale method in object SchGRRComp
Set the current scale factor of the component.
SetSceneDefaultsColor method in object N4DNavigatorSettingAtt
SetSceneDefaultsColorLock method in object N4DNavigatorSettingAtt
Locks or unlocks the SceneDefaultsColor parameter.
SetScoredElement method in object DrawingDimValue
Set dimension scored element.
SetSecondAngleLaw method in object HybridShapeSweepCircle
Sets the second angle law useful in some circular sweep types.
SetSecondDirection method in object RectPattern
Sets the second repartition direction.
SetSecondDirection method in object HybridShapeCircleCtrRad
Sets the second direction on the plane to compute the point (for stability).
SetSecondDirection method in object HybridShapePointOnPlane
Sets the second direction on the plane to compute the point (for stability).
SetSecondLengthDefinitionType method in object HybridShapeSweepLine
Sets the second length definition type.
SetSecondLengthLaw method in object HybridShapeSweepLine
Sets the second length law useful in some linear sweep types.
SetSecondaryFormat method in object AssemblyConvertor
Defines the secondary properties that will be used in the print method.
SetSectPatternLock method in object FTASettingAtt
Locks or unlocks the Pattern of Visu setting parameter value.
SetSectPatternLock method in object DMUTolSettingAtt
Locks or unlocks the Pattern of Visu setting parameter value.
SetSectionFillLock method in object SectioningSettingAtt
Locks or unlocks the SectionFill parameter.
SetSectionLock method in object Export3DXmlSettingAtt
SetSectionsCatalogPathLock method in object PathESSRessourcesSettingAtt
Locks or unlocks the SectionsCatalogPath parameter.
SetSeedPoint method in object SchGRRRouteEllipse
Set the seed point of the route graphic ellipse.
SetSegmentValues method in object MoveToPostureActivity
SetSelectPublishedGeometryLock method in object FTASettingAtt
Locks or unlocks the Select Published Geometry parameter.
SetSelectedEdgeRGB method in object VisualizationSettingAtt
Sets the SelectedEdgeRGB parameter.
SetSelectedEdgeRGBLock method in object VisualizationSettingAtt
Locks or unlocks the SelectedEdgeRGB setting parameter.
SetSelectedElementRGB method in object VisualizationSettingAtt
Sets the SelectedElementRGB parameter.
SetSelectedElementRGBLock method in object VisualizationSettingAtt
Locks or unlocks the SelectedElementRGB setting parameter.
SetSelectedObjectID method in object MHILoadParameters
Sets the "ergocompbase" ID (oid) of selected object (object use to start the load).
SetSelection method in object AnalysisImage
Adds a selection to an image.
SetServerTimeOutLock method in object LicenseSettingAtt
Locks or unlocks the TimeOut setting parameter.
SetShaderModeLock method in object VisualizationSettingAtt
Locks or unlocks the ShaderMode setting parameter.
SetShapeColor method in object ColorSTDObjectSettingAtt
SetShapeColorLock method in object ColorSTDObjectSettingAtt
Locks or unlocks the ShapeColor parameter.
SetSharpnessAngle method in object HybridShapeHealing
Sets the Sharpness Angle for healing entity.
SetShiftedProfileLock method in object FTASettingAtt
Locks or unlocks the Shifted Profile parameter.
SetShow method in object VisPropertySet
Sets the state show mode for the current selection.
SetShowActivationLock method in object TreeVizManipSettingAtt
Locks or unlocks the visualization Show/NoShow's mode applied to the specification tree.
SetShowCompletionDialogBoxLock method in object IgesSettingAtt
Locks or unlocks the Show/No Show dialog box setting parameter.
SetShowLicenseLock method in object LicenseSettingAtt
Locks or unlocks the ShowLicense setting parameter.
SetShowOnlyFilteredObjectsLock method in object MfgHubSettingAtt
Locks or unlocks the ShowOnlyFilteredObjects parameter.
SetShowParametersLock method in object FunctionalSystemSettingAtt
Locks or unlocks the ShowParameters parameter.
SetShowRelationsLock method in object FunctionalSystemSettingAtt
Locks or unlocks the ShowRelations parameter.
SetShowSynchroStatusOfLocalParamCacheLock method in object FunctionalSystemSettingAtt
Locks or unlocks the ShowSynchroStatusOfLocalParamCache parameter.
SetSideStepAngleLock method in object HtsGeneralSettingAtt
Locks or unlocks the SideStepAngle parameter.
SetSilhouette method in object SweptVolumes
SetSimplify method in object HybridShapeAssemble
Set the simplify flag.
SetSingularColorLock method in object RobAnalysisSettingAtt
Locks or unlocks the SingularColor parameter.
SetSizeControlLock method in object CacheSettingAtt
Locks or unlocks the cache size control parameter.
SetSizeTypeLock method in object TreeVizManipSettingAtt
Locks or unlocks the type of size applied to the text of the specification tree.
SetSmoothAngleThreshold method in object HybridShapeBlend
Sets the angular threshold.
SetSmoothAngleThreshold method in object HybridShapeSweepLine
Sets the angular threshold.
SetSmoothAngleThreshold method in object HybridShapeSweepConic
Sets angular threshold under which discontinuities.
SetSmoothAngleThreshold method in object HybridShapeSweepCircle
Sets the angular threshold.
SetSmoothAngleThreshold method in object HybridShapeSweepExplicit
Sets angular threshold.
SetSmoothDeviation method in object HybridShapeBlend
Sets the deviation value (length) from guide curves allowed during sweeping operation in order to smooth it.
SetSnapAngleDistanceLock method in object ManipSettingAtt
Locks or unlocks the SnapAngleDistance parameter.
SetSnapPositionLock method in object ManipSettingAtt
Locks or unlocks the SnapPosition parameter.
SetSolidMULock method in object V4V5SpaceSettingAtt
Locks or unlocks the Solid Mock-Up Migration Mode setting parameter.
SetSpacingCode method in object SchFrameInfo
Set the frame spacing code.
SetSpatialSplit method in object SweptVolumes
Adds the possibility to parallelize swept&wrapping after a spatial split.
SetSpecificationFromPublication method in object AnalysisMeshPart
Adds the geometric value corresponding to the given global specification.
SetSpecificationFromReference method in object AnalysisMeshPart
Set the geometric value corresponding to the given global specification.
SetSpeedValue method in object GenericMotionProfile
Set speed value of the Profile.
SetSpindleMagnitude method in object ManufacturingOperation
Defines the magnitude of the spindle values.
SetSpine method in object HybridShapeLoft
Sets the spine to the lofted surface.
SetSplineType method in object HybridShapeSpline
Sets the spline type.
SetSplitFunctionalObjectNameLock method in object FunctionalSystemSettingAtt
Locks or unlocks the SplitFunctionalObjectName parameter.
SetStandardLock method in object FTAInfraSettingAtt
Locks or unlocks the Tolerancing Standard setting parameter value.
SetStartAndEndTangentsPlusConicParameter method in object HybridShapeConic
Sets the tangent directions at conic start and end points, and the conic parameter.
SetStartAndEndTangentsPlusPassingPoint method in object HybridShapeConic
Sets the tangent directions at conic start and end points, and a passing point.
SetStartFaceForClosing method in object HybridShapeLoft
Sets a face to the start section from the lofted surface.
SetStartParam method in object HybridShapeIntegratedLaw
Sets start parameter.
SetStartPoint method in object HybridShapeSpine
Sets the start point of the spine curve.
SetStartPoint method in object SchGRRRoute
Set the start point of the route graphic.
SetStartPointGeometry method in object ManufacturingOperation
Defines the geometry and the offset of a start point on POCKETING operation ONLY.
SetStartSectionTangent method in object HybridShapeLoft
Sets a tangent surface to the start section from the lofted surface.
SetStartTangentDirectionFlag method in object HybridShapeConic
Sets the tangent direction orientation at the conic start point.
SetStartUp_Model_For_DrawingLock method in object MigrBatchSettingAtt
Locks or unlocks the "Initial Drawing Path" setting parameter.
SetStartingAngle method in object HybridShapeHelix
Sets the helix starting angle.
SetStaticCullLock method in object VisualizationSettingAtt
Locks or unlocks the StaticCull setting parameter.
SetStaticLODLock method in object VisualizationSettingAtt
Locks or unlocks the StaticLOD setting parameter.
SetStatus method in object SchInternalFlow
Set insertion flow status.
SetStepByStepUpdateAndRerouteLock method in object SpecV4SettingAtt
Locks or unlocks the StepByStepUpdateAndReroute setting parameter.
SetStereoModeLock method in object VisualizationSettingAtt
Locks or unlocks the StereoMode setting parameter.
SetStock method in object ManufacturingSetup
Associates a stock to a Manufacturing Setup.
SetStringAttribute method in object E5Property
SetStringUsedAsCarriageReturnLock method in object FunctionalSystemSettingAtt
Locks or unlocks the StringUsedAsCarriageReturn parameter.
SetStringUserAttribute method in object Fastener
et the value of user attribute whoes name matches the input string.
SetStyleSheetDirLock method in object FASReportingSettingAtt
Locks or unlocks the "OLP Robot Program Directory" parameter.
SetStyleSheetPathLock method in object WorkGeneralSettingAtt
Locks or unlocks the StyleSheetPath parameter.
SetSupport method in object HybridShapeBlend
Sets a support to the blend.
SetSupport method in object HybridShapeSpline
Sets the spline support surface.
SetSupport method in object HybridShapeExtractMulti
Sets the support of the list of constraints at specified position.
SetSupports method in object ABQMassScaling
Sets the supports that define the mass scaling region(s).
SetSupports method in object ABQRigidCoupling
Sets the support regions for the coupling.
SetSupports method in object ABQSmoothCoupling
Sets the support regions for the coupling.
SetSuppressMode method in object HybridShapeAssemble
Set the SuppressMode flag.
SetSurfaceAccuracyLock method in object Export3DXmlSettingAtt
Locks or unlocks the flag.
SetSurfaceElementsLocationLock method in object PartInfrastructureSettingAtt
Locks or unlocks the "SurfaceElementsLocation" parameter.
SetSymbColor method in object DrawingDimLine
Set symbol color of dimension line.
SetSymbThickness method in object DrawingDimLine
Set symbol thickness of dimension line.
SetSymbType method in object DrawingDimLine
Set symbol type of dimension line.
SetSymbol method in object DrawingWelding
Sets the symbol of the drawing welding.
SetSymbol method in object SchGRRCntr
Set the symbol or graphics used to represent a connector.
SetSymbolType method in object VisPropertySet
Sets the symbol type.
SetSymmetricalExtension method in object HybridShapeLinePtPt
Sets the symmetrical extension of the line (start = -end).
SetSymmetricalExtension method in object HybridShapeLinePtDir
Sets the symmetrical extension of the line (start = -end).
SetSymmetricalExtension method in object HybridShapeLineAngle
Sets the symmetrical extension of the line (start = -end).
SetSymmetricalExtension method in object HybridShapeLineNormal
Sets the symmetrical extension of the line (start = -end).
SetSymmetricalExtension method in object HybridShapeLineTangency
Sets the symmetrical extension of the line (start = -end).
SetSymmetricalExtension method in object HybridShapeLineBisecting
Sets the symmetrical extension of the line (start = -end).
SetSyncAnlSpecsLock method in object AnalysisSettingAtt
Locks or unlocks the SyncAnlSpecs parameter.
SetSyncTimeAndSpeedInSimulationLock method in object HtsGeneralSettingAtt
Locks or unlocks the SyncTimeAndSpeed parameter.
SetTCPOffset method in object GenericToolProfile
Set the underlying x,y,z, roll, pitch, yaw of the tool TCP offset.
SetTCPTraceMode method in object TCPTraceActivity
Set the tracing capability as active or not.
SetTagTarget method in object RobotMotion
Sets the Robot Tag target.
SetTangency method in object HybridShapeSweepConic
Sets tangency surface or curve and its angle given the guide curve index.
SetTangencyAngle method in object HybridShapeHealing
Sets the distance objective for healing entity.
SetTangencyAngleLawInversion method in object HybridShapeSweepConic
Sets information whether tangency angle law has to be inverted or not for a specified guide curve.
SetTangencyChoiceNo method in object HybridShapeSweepCircle
Sets a sequence which identifies a solutionamong all possibilities of a circular profile sweep tangent to a surface.
SetTangencyContinuity method in object HybridShapeAssemble
Set the tangency continuity checker flag.
SetTangencyLaw method in object HybridShapeSweepConic
Sets tangency surface or curve and its angle given the guide curve index.
SetTangencyObjective method in object HybridShapeHealing
Sets the tangency objective for healing entity.
SetTangencyThreshold method in object HybridShapeCurveSmooth
Sets the tangency threshold.
SetTangent method in object ControlPoint2D
SetTangentIntersectPointPlusConicParm method in object HybridShapeConic
Sets the intersection point of the conic tangents to the start and end points, and the conic parameter.
SetTangentIntersectPointPlusPassingPoint method in object HybridShapeConic
Sets the intersection point of the conic tangents to the start and end points, and a passing point.
SetTaperAngle method in object HybridShapeHelix
Sets the helix taper angle.
SetTargetLine method in object SWKIKConstraint
Set the target line to follow.
SetTargetPlane method in object SWKIKConstraint
Set the target plane to follow.
SetTargetPoint method in object SWKIKConstraint
Set the target point to follow.
SetTechnicalDocumentationPathLock method in object DocumentationSettingAtt
Locks or unlocks the technical documentation location parameter.
SetTechnologicalDatas method in object Shot
Sets all the data associated to the part.
SetTempOutputDirectoryLock method in object AnalysisReportingSettingAtt
Locks or unlocks the TempOutputDirectory parameter.
SetTensionInDouble method in object HybridShapeBlend
Sets the tension values to a limit of the blend.
SetTensionType method in object HybridShapeBlend
Sets the tension type of a limit of the blend.
SetTerminationAttrListLock method in object PlugMapViewSettingAtt
Locks or unlocks the TerminationAttrList parameter.
SetTextColor method in object MeasureSettingAtt
Sets the TextColor parameter .
SetTextColorLock method in object MeasureSettingAtt
Locks or unlocks the TextColor parameter.
SetTextIDVisibility method in object Fastener
ets the Hide/Show status of the text ID of the fastener in the 3D window Valid Param : 1,0 Example: //to make the fastener id visible in 3D MyFastener.
SetTextMigrationLock method in object V4V5SpaceSettingAtt
Locks or unlocks the 3D Text Migration setting parameter.
SetTextPositions method in object Marker3D
Sets the coordinates of the positions of a text marker 3D.
SetThematicsParameterLock method in object GlobalStatisticsSettingAtt
Locks or unlocks the global statistics parameters.
SetThematicsParameterLock method in object GeneralStatisticsSettingAtt
Locks or unlocks the general statistics parameters.
SetThickness method in object TCPTrace
Set the TCP trace component (DNBTCPTraceReps) thickness(for line, axis).
SetThicknessListPathLock method in object PathESSRessourcesSettingAtt
Locks or unlocks the ThicknessListPath parameter.
SetThreeIntermediatePassingPoints method in object HybridShapeConic
Sets three conic intermediate passing points.
SetTieSupports method in object ABQRigidBodyConstraint
Sets the tie point supports for the rigid body.
SetTildeDisplayLock method in object MeasureSettingAtt
Locks or unlocks the TildeDisplay parameter.
SetTimestampModeLock method in object CacheSettingAtt
Locks or unlocks the timestamp control in cache.
SetTolJoinLock method in object IgesSettingAtt
Locks or unlocks the join tolerance setting parameter.
SetTolOptInvalidGeomLock method in object IgesSettingAtt
Locks or unlocks the InvalidGeom Tolerance setting parameter.
SetToleranceLock method in object IgesSettingAtt
Locks or unlocks the Tolerance ( optimize - fitting ) setting parameter.
SetTolerances method in object DrawingDimension
Set tolerance infomation of dimension value.
SetTool method in object ManufacturingOperation
Assign an already created tool to a Manufacturing Operation.
SetToolAxis method in object ManufacturingActivity
Defines the ToolAxis coordinates of a Manufacturing Activity.
SetToolChangePoint method in object ManufacturingSetup
Initialise the ToolChange point of the machine linked to a Manufacturing Setup.
SetToolChangePointByName method in object ManufacturingSetup
Initialise the ToolChange point of the machine linked to a Manufacturing Setup.
SetToolMobility method in object GenericToolProfile
Set tool mobility.
SetToolProfile method in object RobotMotion
Sets the Tool profile.
SetTraceAxisColorLock method in object SimTraceSettingAtt
Locks or unlocks the TraceAxisColor parameter.
SetTraceAxisThickLock method in object SimTraceSettingAtt
Locks or unlocks the TraceAxisThick parameter.
SetTraceAxisTypeLock method in object SimTraceSettingAtt
Locks or unlocks the TraceAxisType parameter.
SetTraceAxisVisuLock method in object SimTraceSettingAtt
Locks or unlocks the TraceAxisVisu parameter.
SetTraceDeletePathLock method in object SimTraceSettingAtt
Locks or unlocks the TraceDeletePath parameter.
SetTraceLegendLock method in object SimTraceSettingAtt
Locks or unlocks the TraceLegend parameter.
SetTraceLineColorLock method in object SimTraceSettingAtt
Locks or unlocks the TraceLineColor parameter.
SetTraceLineThickLock method in object SimTraceSettingAtt
Locks or unlocks the TraceLineThick parameter.
SetTraceLineTypeLock method in object SimTraceSettingAtt
Locks or unlocks the TraceLineType parameter.
SetTraceLineVisuLock method in object SimTraceSettingAtt
Locks or unlocks the TraceLineVisu parameter.
SetTraceNextColor method in object TCPTraceManagerGraphics
Set the TCP trace component (DNBTCPTraceReps) color for new points.
SetTracePointColorLock method in object SimTraceSettingAtt
Locks or unlocks the TracePointColor parameter.
SetTracePointSymbolLock method in object SimTraceSettingAtt
Locks or unlocks the TracePointSymbol parameter.
SetTracePointVisuLock method in object SimTraceSettingAtt
Locks or unlocks the TracePointVisu parameter.
SetTrackAutoUpdateLock method in object FittingSettingAtt
Locks or unlocks the TrackAutoUpdate parameter.
SetTransformation2D method in object SchGRRComp
Set the local coordinate reference frame (with respect to absolute coordinate system) of the component.
SetTransition method in object HybridShapeBlend
Sets the transition orientation to a limit of the blend.
SetTranslatorModeLock method in object MultiCADSettingAtt
Locks or unlocks the Translator mode parameter.
SetTransparencyModeLock method in object VisualizationSettingAtt
Locks or unlocks the TransparencyMode setting parameter.
SetTravelColorLock method in object DevAnalysisSettingAtt
Locks or unlocks the TravelColor parameter.
SetTravelLimitLock method in object DevAnalysisSettingAtt
Locks or unlocks the TravelLimit parameter.
SetTrimSupport method in object HybridShapeBlend
Sets whether a support of the blend is to be trimmed off.
SetTrueDimensionColor method in object FTASettingAtt
Sets the TrueDimensionColor parameter.
SetTrueDimensionColorLock method in object FTASettingAtt
Locks or unlocks the TrueDimensionColor parameter.
SetTrueDimensionLock method in object FTASettingAtt
Locks or unlocks the TrueDimension parameter.
SetTurnNumbers method in object RobotMotion
Sets Turn Numbers or Turn signs for the robot motion.
SetTwoIntermediatePassingPointsPlusOneTangent method in object HybridShapeConic
Sets two conic intermediate passing points and a tangent at one of the passing points.
SetTwoSideLightingModeLock method in object VisualizationSettingAtt
Locks or unlocks the TwoSideLightingMode setting parameter.
SetType method in object ThreeDCuts
Sets the type of cut we're doing.
SetType method in object AMPTag
Function to set the type of the given AMPTag.
SetType method in object TCPTrace
Set the TCP trace component (DNBTCPTraceReps) type.
SetType method in object Tag
Sets Frame Type of the Tag by Name.
SetTypeBaseFrmLock method in object ImportD5SettingAtt
Locks or unlocks the TypeBaseFrm parameter.
SetTypeCoorsysLock method in object ImportD5SettingAtt
Locks or unlocks the TypeCoorsys parameter.
SetTypeLock method in object TreeVizManipSettingAtt
Locks or unlocks the type of the specification tree.
SetTypeOfIconOnFunctionalElementLock method in object FunctionalSystemSettingAtt
Locks or unlocks the TypeOfIconOnFunctionalElement parameter.
SetTypeToolFrmLock method in object ImportD5SettingAtt
Locks or unlocks the TypeToolFrm parameter.
SetTypeWclPathLock method in object ImportD5SettingAtt
Locks or unlocks the TypeWclPath parameter.
SetUGActiveLayersOnlyLock method in object MultiCADSettingAtt
Locks or unlocks the UGActiveLayersOnly parameter.
SetUGDrawingNameLock method in object MultiCADSettingAtt
Locks or unlocks the UGDrawingName parameter.
SetUGLayerNumbersLock method in object MultiCADSettingAtt
Locks or unlocks the UGLayerNumbers parameter.
SetUGOpenSurfacesLock method in object MultiCADSettingAtt
Locks or unlocks the UGOpenSurfaces parameter.
SetUIStyleLock method in object GeneralSessionSettingAtt
Locks or unlocks the user interface style parameter.
SetUTCTimeFormatLock method in object CacheSettingAtt
Locks or unlocks the timestamp format.
SetUgReferenceSetLock method in object MultiCADSettingAtt
Locks or unlocks the UgReferenceSet parameter.
SetUnderFeatureLock method in object FTAInfraSettingAtt
Locks or unlocks the Under Geometric Feature Nodes setting parameter value.
SetUnderIntensifiedRGB method in object VisualizationSettingAtt
Sets the UnderIntensifiedRGB parameter.
SetUnderIntensifiedRGBLock method in object VisualizationSettingAtt
Locks or unlocks the UnderIntensifiedRGB setting parameter.
SetUnderSetLock method in object FTAInfraSettingAtt
Locks or unlocks the Under Annotation Set Node setting parameter value.
SetUnderViewLock method in object FTAInfraSettingAtt
Locks or unlocks the Under View/Annotation Plane Nodes setting parameter value.
SetUnequalInstanceNumber method in object CircPattern
Sets the Instance Number.
SetUnequalInstanceNumber method in object RectPattern
Sets the Instance Number.
SetUnequalStep method in object CircPattern
This method is deprecated Sets the UnequalStep.
SetUpdateAnalysisInSimulationLock method in object HtsGeneralSettingAtt
Locks or unlocks the UpdateAnalysisInSimulation parameter.
SetUpdateElementsRefreshedLock method in object PartInfrastructureSettingAtt
Locks or unlocks the "UpdateElementsRefreshed" parameter.
SetUpdateLinkedExternalReferencesLock method in object PartInfrastructureSettingAtt
Locks or unlocks the "UpdateLinkedExternalReferences" parameter.
SetUpdateModeLock method in object PartInfrastructureSettingAtt
Locks or unlocks the "UpdateMode" parameter.
SetUpdateNeededRGB method in object VisualizationSettingAtt
Sets the UpdateNeededRGB parameter.
SetUpdateNeededRGBLock method in object VisualizationSettingAtt
Locks or unlocks the UpdateNeededRGB setting parameter.
SetUpdateResultLock method in object SectioningSettingAtt
Locks or unlocks the UpdateResult parameter.
SetUpdateStatusModeLock method in object AsmGeneralSettingAtt
Locks or unlocks the update status computation setting parameter.
SetUpdateStoppedOnErrorLock method in object PartInfrastructureSettingAtt
Locks or unlocks the "UpdateStoppedOnError" parameter.
SetUploaderDirLock method in object IgpOlpSettingAtt
Locks or unlocks the OLP Parser Directory setting parameter.
SetUploaderLock method in object IgpOlpSettingAtt
Locks or unlocks the OLP Parser setting parameter.
SetUsageLimitLock method in object MemoryWarningSettingAtt
Locks or unlocks the the alert percentage.
SetUseOnly method in object ExpertRuleBaseComponentRuntime
Prevents any access to the component for reading or deleting.
SetUseStyleCreateObjectsLock method in object DraftingSettingAtt
Locks or unlocks the UseStyleCreateObjects parameter.
SetUserProfilesList method in object OperationProfile
Sets User Profiles List for the Operation.
SetUserVariableExpr method in object DeviceJointRelations
SetUserWalkSpeedStatusLock method in object HtsGeneralSettingAtt
Locks or unlocks the UserWalkSpeedStatus parameter.
SetV4V5_FDTLock method in object CGRAdhesionSettingAtt
Locks or unlocks the V4V5_FDT container activation state.
SetV4_Model_CommentPageLock method in object CGRAdhesionSettingAtt
Retrieves information about the V4_Model_CommentPage container activation state.
SetV4_Model_LnFLock method in object CGRAdhesionSettingAtt
Locks or unlocks the V4_Model_LnF container activation state.
SetV4_Part_DefinitionLock method in object MigrBatchSettingAtt
Locks or unlocks the "V4 Part Definition" setting parameter.
SetV5_SPALock method in object CGRAdhesionSettingAtt
Locks or unlocks the V5_SPA container activation state.
SetValue method in object BasicComponent
Set the value corresponding to the given coordinates.
SetValue method in object AnalysisEntity
Sets the value corresponding to the given component.
SetValue method in object AnalysisLocalEntity
Sets the value corresponding to the given component.
SetValues method in object ToleranceUnitBasisValue
Set tolerance unit basis values (in millimeters).
SetValues method in object ManufacturingToolCorrector
Defines the corrector values.
SetVectorLock method in object FittingSettingAtt
Locks or unlocks the VisualizationMode parameter.
SetVelocityColorLock method in object DevAnalysisSettingAtt
Locks or unlocks the VelocityColor parameter.
SetVelocityLimitLock method in object DevAnalysisSettingAtt
Locks or unlocks the VelocityLimit parameter.
SetVia method in object AMPTag
Function to set the via status of the given AMPTag.
SetViaMode method in object Operation
Sets the Via Mode of the Operation.
SetViewAnalysisParameterLock method in object AnalysisGeneralSettingAtt
Locks or unlocks the flag.
SetViewAnalysisRelationLock method in object AnalysisGeneralSettingAtt
Locks or unlocks the flag.
SetViewAssociativityLock method in object FTAInfraSettingAtt
Locks or unlocks the View Associativity setting parameter value.
SetViewBackgroundModeLock method in object Layout2DSettingAtt
Locks or unlocks the ViewBackgroundMode parameter.
SetViewFilterCreationModeLock method in object Layout2DSettingAtt
Locks or unlocks the ViewFilterCreationMode parameter.
SetViewName method in object DrawingView
Sets the prefix, the ident and the suffix of the name of the drawing view.
SetViewName method in object Layout2DView
Sets the prefix, the ident and the suffix of the name of the Layout2D view.
SetViewProfileLock method in object FTAInfraSettingAtt
Locks or unlocks the View Profile setting parameter value.
SetViewReferentialLock method in object FTAInfraSettingAtt
Locks or unlocks the View Referential setting parameter value.
SetViewReferentialZoomableLock method in object FTAInfraSettingAtt
Locks or unlocks the View Referential Zoomable setting parameter value.
SetViewerAutoOpenLock method in object SectioningSettingAtt
Locks or unlocks the ViewerAutoOpen parameter.
SetViewerAutoReframeLock method in object SectioningSettingAtt
Locks or unlocks the ViewerAutoReframe parameter.
SetViewerLock2DLock method in object SectioningSettingAtt
Locks or unlocks the ViewerLock2D parameter.
SetViewpointAnimationModeLock method in object VisualizationSettingAtt
Locks or unlocks the ViewpointAnimationMode setting parameter.
SetVisBaseFrmLock method in object ImportD5SettingAtt
Locks or unlocks the VisBaseFrm parameter.
SetVisCoorsysLock method in object ImportD5SettingAtt
Locks or unlocks the VisCoorsys parameter.
SetVisToolFrmLock method in object ImportD5SettingAtt
Locks or unlocks the VisToolFrm parameter.
SetVisWclPathLock method in object ImportD5SettingAtt
Locks or unlocks the VisWclPath parameter.
SetVisibility method in object TCPTrace
Set the TCP trace component (DNBTCPTraceReps) visible (True) or hidden(False).
SetVisibility method in object DrawingDimExtLine
Set visivility of dimension extension line.
SetVisuFormatUnitLock method in object MultiCADSettingAtt
Locks or unlocks the VisuFormatUnit parameter.
SetVisu_Mode_2DLock method in object MigrBatchSettingAtt
Locks or unlocks the "Projection of Space for transparent views" setting parameter.
SetVisualizationModeLock method in object AnalysisSettingAtt
Locks or unlocks the VisualizationMode parameter.
SetViz2DAccuracyModeLock method in object VisualizationSettingAtt
Locks or unlocks the 2DAccuracyMode setting parameter.
SetViz2DFixedAccuracyLock method in object VisualizationSettingAtt
Locks or unlocks the 2DFixedAccuracy setting parameter.
SetViz2DProportionnalAccuracyLock method in object VisualizationSettingAtt
Locks or unlocks the 2DProportionnalAccuracy setting parameter.
SetViz3DAccuracyModeLock method in object VisualizationSettingAtt
Locks or unlocks the Viz3DAccuracyMode setting parameter.
SetViz3DCurveAccuracyLock method in object VisualizationSettingAtt
Locks or unlocks the 3DCurveAccuracy setting parameter.
SetViz3DFixedAccuracyLock method in object VisualizationSettingAtt
Locks or unlocks the 3DFixedAccuracy setting parameter.
SetViz3DProportionnalAccuracyLock method in object VisualizationSettingAtt
Locks or unlocks the Viz3DProportionnalAccuracy setting parameter.
SetVolumeSupport method in object Shell
Set the Support Volume of the faces to modify during Shell operation.
SetVolumeSupport method in object Thickness
Set support of Thickness feature.
SetVolumeSupport method in object SewSurface
Sets the volume support for volume sew surface.
SetVolumeSupport method in object DraftDomain
Value the support of draft.
SetVoxelStaticAnlLock method in object AnalysisSettingAtt
Locks or unlocks the VoxelStaticAnl parameter.
SetVoxelsLock method in object CGRAdhesionSettingAtt
Locks or unlocks the Voxels container activation state.
SetWalkActColorLock method in object HtsTaskDisplaySettingAtt
Locks or unlocks the WalkActColor parameter.
SetWalkActLineTypeLock method in object HtsTaskDisplaySettingAtt
Locks or unlocks the WalkActLineType parameter.
SetWalkActLineWeightLock method in object HtsTaskDisplaySettingAtt
Locks or unlocks the WalkActLineWeight parameter.
SetWalkCurveDefPoints method in object WalkActivity
SetWalkForwardAngleLock method in object HtsGeneralSettingAtt
Locks or unlocks the WalkForwardAngle parameter.
SetWalkForwardDistanceLock method in object HtsGeneralSettingAtt
Locks or unlocks the WalkForwardDistance parameter.
SetWeldSpeed method in object AMPTag
Function to set the weld speed of the given AMPTag.
SetWindowDefaultHeightLock method in object SectioningSettingAtt
Locks or unlocks the WindowDefaultHeight parameter.
SetWindowDefaultWidthLock method in object SectioningSettingAtt
Locks or unlocks the WindowDefaultWidth parameter.
SetWindowOpenModeLock method in object SectioningSettingAtt
Locks or unlocks the WindowOpenMode parameter.
SetWorkInstructionsLock method in object Export3DXmlSettingAtt
Locks or unlocks the flag.
SetXMLDirLock method in object IgpOlpSettingAtt
Locks or unlocks the OLP XML Directory setting parameter.
SetXMLSchemaLock method in object IgpOlpSettingAtt
Locks or unlocks the OLP XML Schema setting parameter.
SetXY method in object Annotation
SetXYZ method in object Tag
Sets the Position(X, Y, Z) of the Tag.
SetYPR method in object Tag
Sets the Orientation (Y, P, R) of the Tag.
ShallowCount method in object ExpertRuleBaseComponentRuntimes
Returns the number of first-level-depth objects in the collection.
ShallowItem method in object ExpertRuleBaseComponentRuntimes
Returns a first-level-depth RuleBase component using its index or its name from the RuleBase collection.
ShallowRemove method in object ExpertRuleBaseComponentRuntimes
Removes an first-level-depth Expert component from the Rule Base collection.
ShiftedProfileTolerance method in object Annotation
Get the annotation on the ShiftedProfileTolerance interface.
Show method in object FastenerGroup
Shows all the entities in the fastener group.
SilhouetteShapeName method in object Silhouettes
Returns the name of the associated shape.
SimplificationShapeName method in object Simplifications
Returns the name of the associated shape.
Size method in object DrawingView
Returns the bounding box of the drawing view.
Size method in object Layout2DView
Returns the bounding box of the Layout2D view.
Slide method in object SchComponent
Slide a component (applicable to inserted component only).
Solve method in object ConstraintSatisfaction
Solves the constraint satisfaction problem.
SortedItem method in object Materials
Returns a material from its index in the sorted Material collection.
Split method in object Sampled
Returns or sets the Sampled object.
Start method in object BehaviorVBScript
Inform Client VB has Started.
StartCommand method in object Application
Starts a CATIA command.
StartPoint method in object ManufacturingPattern
Sets a point of a Manufacturing Pattern as the start point.
StartWorkbench method in object Application
Starts a CATIA workbench.
Status method in object ExpertCheckRuntime
Returns the Status of the check.
Status method in object ExpertRuleSetRuntime
Returns the Status of the ruleset: 1=OK, 0=KO.
StockGeometriesCount method in object ManufacturingSetup
Returns the number of stock geometries from a Manufacturing Setup.
SubList method in object Relations
Returns a sub-collection of relations aggregated to an object.
SubList method in object Parameters
Returns a sub-collection of parameters aggregated to an object.
SubmitJob method in object ABQJob
Submits the job.
SucceedItem method in object ExpertReportObjects
Retrieves a report component from a succeeded tuples collection, using its index or its name from the Check collection.
SuppressEnumerateValues method in object IntParam
Resets the status of the object to a single value object.
SuppressEnumerateValues method in object StrParam
Resets the status of the object to a single value object.
SuppressEnumerateValues method in object RealParam
Resets the status of the object to a single value object.
Suspend method in object BehaviorVBScript
Switch method in object SchCompGraphic
Replace the input image object with an image of the graphical representation with the input name.
SwitchAll method in object SchCompGraphic
Replace all occurances of the images of this component with those of the graphical representation with the input name.
SwitchEndTangentDirection method in object HybridShapeConic
Inverts the tangent direction orientation at the conic end point.
SwitchIntermediateTangentDirection method in object HybridShapeConic
Inverts the tangent direction orientation of one of the conic intermediate points.
SwitchStartTangentDirection method in object HybridShapeConic
Inverts the tangent direction orientation at the conic start point.
Synchronize method in object DesignTable
Synchronizes the design table with its source file.
Synchronize method in object AsySimActivity
Updates the simulation world up to this activity.
SynchronizeStatus method in object ExpertRuleBaseRuntime
Returns the Synchronize information.
set_DPELoginInfo method in object OrderGenerator
Set DPE Login Information.
set_DefaultValues method in object ManufacturingMachine
Initialise the Manufacturing Machine parameters.
set_Description method in object FunctionalObjectProxy
set the description attached to the proxi.
set_Export3DXML method in object OrderGenerator
Set Export 3D XML Flag.
set_ExportImageCapture method in object OrderGenerator
Set Export Image Capture Flag.
set_ExportJobXML method in object OrderGenerator
Set Export Job XML Flag.
set_ExportPrecXML method in object OrderGenerator
Set Export Precedence XML Flag.
set_FTP method in object OrderGenerator
Set FTP Flag.
set_FTPServerInformation method in object OrderGenerator
Set FTP Information.
set_FilterInputString method in object OrderGenerator
Set Filter String.
set_GeneratePackNGo method in object OrderGenerator
Set Generate PackNGo Flag.
set_GenerateSMGMappingXML method in object OrderGenerator
Set Generate SMG Mapping XML Flag.
set_GenerateSMGXML method in object OrderGenerator
Set Generate SMG XML Flag.
set_GenerateSMGXmlExePath method in object OrderGenerator
Set Generate SMG XML EXE Path.
set_LitePackNGo method in object OrderGenerator
Set Lite PackNGo Flag.
set_LoadContext method in object OrderGenerator
Set Load Context Type.
set_LoadPositions method in object OrderGenerator
Set Load Positions Type.
set_ManufacturingContext method in object OrderGenerator
Set Manufacturing Context Flag.
set_ProcessName method in object OrderGenerator
Set Process Name.
set_RequestType method in object OrderGenerator
Set Request Type.
set_RequestedNodeDetails method in object OrderGenerator
Set Requested Node Details.
set_SetEncryptionMode method in object OrderGenerator
Set Encryption Mode.
set_SpecifiedCycleTime method in object HumanTask
set_SpecifiedJointSpeed method in object HumanTask
sets the joint speed on the specified task(speed should be between 0.
set_TransactionID method in object OrderGenerator
Set Transaction Type.
set_UpdatereleaseTable method in object OrderGenerator
Set Update Release Table Flag.
set_Zip method in object OrderGenerator
Set Zip Flag.
swap_OffsetSide method in object ThickSurface
Swap the side of the offset.
TangentPlane method in object Annotation
Get the annotation on the TangentPlane interface.
TestInput method in object Behavior
Tests if the behavior's input is set or not.
TestInternal method in object BehaviorVBScript
Test for one available output of the behavior.
TestOutput method in object Behavior
Tests if the behavior's output is set or not.
Text method in object Annotation
Get the annotation on the Text interface.
ThicknessShapeName method in object DMOThicknesses
Returns the name of the associated shape.
ThreeDCutShapeName method in object ThreeDCuts
Returns the name of the associated shape.
TolerancePerUnitBasisRestrictiveValue method in object Annotation
Get the annotation on the TolerancePerUnitBasisRestrictiveValue interface.
ToleranceUnitBasisValue method in object Annotation
Get the annotation on the ToleranceUnitBasisValue interface.
ToleranceZone method in object Annotation
Get the annotation on the ToleranceZone interface.
TransfertToView method in object Annotation
Move the annotation in another view.
Transform method in object SchMovable
Transform a schematic object with a transformation matrix.
Translate method in object Viewer3D
Applies a translation.
Translate method in object SchMovable
Translate a schematic object with a vector.
URL method in object Noa
Retrieves URL.
URL method in object FlagNote
Retrieves URL.
UnAlignedWithReferenceView method in object DrawingView
Deactivates the alignment with the reference view.
UnAlignedWithReferenceView method in object Layout2DView
Deactivates the alignment with the reference view.
UnBreak method in object DrawingViewGenerativeBehavior
If a view have been broken with lines in order to hide an area of this view, this method undoes this modification of the view, and the other types of view remain.
UnBreakout method in object DrawingViewGenerativeBehavior
If a view have gone through a breakout view operation, this method removes all the breakout view done on this view, and the other types of view remain.
UnBreakoutNum method in object DrawingViewGenerativeBehavior
If a view have gone through a breakout view operation, this method removes the specified breakout view done on this view, and the other types of view remain.
UnClip method in object DrawingViewGenerativeBehavior
If a view have been clipped, this method removes the last clipping view done on this view, and the other types of view remain.
UnLink method in object SchCntrDocLink
Remove external link to another connector.
UnMergeCells method in object DrawingTable
Unmerges a group of cells.
UnMountDevice method in object MountManager
UnSetDevice method in object MountManager
UnassignState method in object DNB3DState
Unclip method in object DrawingDimension
Unclip the dimension if it is clipped.
Uninsert method in object SchComponent
Remove all connections of a component with a route.
Unlock method in object FunctionalDescription
UnlockActivitesWithinProgram method in object ManufacturingProgram
UnlockActivty method in object ManufacturingOperation
UnsetArrow method in object SchArrowDisplay
Remove arrow display attributes on the route.
UnsetClosingPoint method in object HybridShapeBlend
Unsets the closing point of a closed curve of the blend.
UnsetCurvature method in object ControlPoint2D
UnsetGap method in object SchGapDisplay
Remove gap display attributes on the route.
UnsetGeometryOnSupport method in object HybridShapeCircleCtrPt
Inactivates GeometryOnSupport of circle.
UnsetGeometryOnSupport method in object HybridShapeCircleCtrRad
Inactivates GeometryOnSupport of circle.
UnsetGeometryOnSupport method in object HybridShapeCircle2PointsRad
Inactivates GeometryOnSupport of circle.
UnsetLowerLimit1 method in object Joint
Unsets the lower limit of the joint, for the first parameter.
UnsetLowerLimit2 method in object Joint
Unsets the lower limit of the joint, for the second parameter.
UnsetSupport method in object HybridShapeBlend
Unsets a support from the blend.
UnsetTangent method in object ControlPoint2D
UnsetUpperLimit1 method in object Joint
Unsets the upper limit of the joint, for the first parameter.
UnsetUpperLimit2 method in object Joint
Unsets the upper limit of the joint, for the second parameter.
Update method in object Viewer
Updates the viewer's contents.
Update method in object Part
Updates of the part result with respect to its specifications.
Update method in object Marker3D
Updates the the marker 3D: that is to take into account all modifications which occur since last update.
Update method in object DrawingRoot
Updates all the drawing sheets of the drawing document.
Update method in object DrawingSheet
Updates the drawing views of the drawing sheet.
Update method in object Mechanism
Reassembles the mechanism after dimension changes in the parts.
Update method in object AnnotatedView
Updates the annotated view: that is to take into account all modifications which occur since last update.
Update method in object DrawingDocument
Updates all the drawing sheets of the drawing document.
Update method in object AnalysisSet
Launch the update (computation if needed) of an AnalysisSet.
Update method in object WalkActivity
This method is the key-method to create children-MoveToPostures for a created Walk.
Update method in object AnalysisImage
Updates an image.
Update method in object AnalysisSensor
Update the sensor.
Update method in object Product
Updates the product.
Update method in object DrawingTextProperties
Update the properties of the drawing text.
Update method in object DrawingViewGenerativeBehavior
Updates the drawing view.
UpdateAllInstancesFromReference method in object SchUpdateInstances
Update all the instances of a given local reference in a document.
UpdateBoundedElements method in object SchZone
Update the zone members based on the current zone boundaries.
UpdateBundleSmoothness method in object EHSUpdateSmoothnessFactor
Sets Smoothness Factor for Bundle segment.
UpdateObject method in object Part
Updates an object with respect to its specifications.
UpdateZoneMembership method in object SchZoneMembership
Check all zones geometric boundaries and put this element into the correct zone membership lists.
UpgradeToFull method in object Scene
Create a ProductScene in Full mode from the current Scene.
UpgradeToPartial method in object Scene
Create a ProductScene in Partial mode from the current Scene.
UploadFromXML method in object OLPTranslator
UploadRobotProgram method in object OLPTranslator
Creates robot or device tasks in V5 based from native robot language program file or an OLP XML file.
UseSketchAxisAsDefault method in object HybridShapeSweepExplicit
Uses Sketch Axis As Default.
UseStopDialog method in object SetOfEquation
Specifies whether the 'Stop Dialog' should be shown during calculations.
UseSymbolcTransformations method in object SetOfEquation
Specifies whether the Gauss method should be used during the symbolic transformation.
ValuateFromString method in object Parameter
Valuates a parameter using a string as input.
ValueAsString method in object Parameter
Returns the value of the parameter as a string.
ValueAsString2 method in object Dimension
Gets the value of the parameter as a string, with a given precision.
Values method in object ToleranceUnitBasisValue
Retrieves tolerance unit basis values (in millimeters).
VibrationVolumeShapeName method in object VibrationVolumes
Returns the name of the associated shape.
View method in object NavigatorWorkbench
Applies the annotated view to the current viewer.
VolatileCopy method in object ExpertRuleBase
Copy the persistent rulebase in a unpersistent unchangeable rulebase.
WithdrawEdgeToFillet method in object VarRadEdgeFillet
Withdraws an edge from the variable radius edge fillet.
WithdrawEdgeToKeep method in object EdgeFillet
Withdraws an edge from those kept by a filleting operation.
WithdrawElementToChamfer method in object Chamfer
Withdraws a geometrical element from those to be chamfered.
WithdrawFaceToKeep method in object Trim
Withdraws an existing Kept face (if face is not divided by operation) .
WithdrawFaceToKeep2 method in object Trim
Withdraws an existing Kept face (if face is divided by operation).
WithdrawFaceToRemove method in object Trim
Withdraws an existing Removed face (if face not divided by operation).
WithdrawFaceToRemove method in object Shell
Withdraws an existing face from those to be removed by the shell process.
WithdrawFaceToRemove2 method in object Trim
Withdraws an existing Removed face (if face is divided by operation).
WithdrawFaceToThicken method in object Thickness
Withdraws an existing thickened face.
WithdrawImposedVertex method in object VarRadEdgeFillet
Withdraws a control couple.
WithdrawObjectToFillet method in object ConstRadEdgeFillet
Withdraws a sub-element from those to be filleted.
WrappingShapeName method in object Wrappings
Returns the name of the associated shape.
Write method in object TextStream
Writes a string in the text stream.
WriteInputFile method in object ABQJob
Writes the input file for the job.
write_Chars method in object ManufacturingOutput
Write the specified string to the underlying output stream.
write_Double method in object ManufacturingOutput
Write the specified double to the underlying output stream.
write_Long method in object ManufacturingOutput
Write the specified long to the underlying output stream.
ZoomIn method in object Viewer
Zooms in the viewer's contents.
ZoomOut method in object Viewer
Zooms out the viewer's contents.
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