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RenderingMaterial (Object)

Represents an RenderingMaterial object.
This object is used to manage the Rendering properties of a material.

Property Index

Returns or sets the adaptive coeffcient of a material.
Returns or sets the ambient coefficient of a material.
Returns or sets the texture bump.
Returns or sets the height of the join of a chessboard texture.
Returns or sets the width of the join of a chessboard texture.
Returns or sets the offset coefficient for a chessboard texture.
Returns or sets the height of the tile of a chessboard texture.
Returns or sets the width of the tile of a chessboard texture.
Returns or sets the 3d texture color number.
Returns or sets the diffuse coefficient of a material.
Returns or sets the environment image pathname of a material.
Returns or sets the texture flip status along U axis.
Returns or sets the texture flip status along V axis.
Returns or sets the mapping type of a material.
Returns or sets the texture orientation.
Returns or sets the texture position along U axis.
Returns or sets the texture position along V axis.
Returns or sets the preview size of a material.
Returns or sets the non-linear reflection height of a material.
Returns or sets the non-linear reflection length of a material.
Returns or sets the non-linear reflection mode of a material.
Returns or sets the reflectivity coefficient of a material.
Returns or sets the refraction coefficient of a material.
Returns or sets the texture repeat status along U axis.
Returns or sets the texture repeat status along V axis.
Returns or sets the texture scale along U axis.
Returns or sets the texture scale along V axis.
Returns or sets the specular coefficient of a material.
Returns or sets the specular exponent of a material.
Returns or sets the 3d texture amplitude coefficient.
Returns or sets the 3d texture complexity.
Returns or sets the 3d texture gain coefficient.
Returns or sets the texture image pathname of a material.
Returns or sets the 3d texture perturbation coefficient.
Returns or sets the 3d texture turbulence status.
Returns or sets the texture type of a material.
Returns or sets the 3d texture vein amplitude coefficient.
Returns or sets the transparency coefficient of a material.

Method Index

Returns one color coefficient of a 3d texture.
Returns one color of a 3d texture.
Returns the orientation of a texture.
Returns the position of a texture.
Returns the scale of a texture.
Returns the ambient color of a material.
Returns the diffuse color of a material.
Returns the specular color of a material.
Returns the transparent color of a material.
Sets one color coefficient of a 3d texture.
Sets one color of a 3d texture.
Sets the orientation of a texture.
Sets the position of a texture.
Sets the scale of a texture.
Sets the ambient color of a material.
Sets the diffuse color of a material.
Sets the specular color of a material.
Sets the transparent color of a material.


o Property AdaptiveCoeff() As
Returns or sets the adaptive coeffcient of a material. Adaptive coeffcient value is between 1 an 8.
o Property AmbientCoefficient() As
Returns or sets the ambient coefficient of a material. Ambient coefficient value is between 0 to 1.
o Property Bump() As
Returns or sets the texture bump. Image texture bump value is between -10 to 10.
o Property ChessboardJointHeight() As
Returns or sets the height of the join of a chessboard texture. Height value is between 0 to 100. N.B. Parameter use for CHESSBOARD texture type only.
o Property ChessboardJointWidth() As
Returns or sets the width of the join of a chessboard texture. Width value is between 0 to 100. N.B. Parameter use for CHESSBOARD texture type only.
o Property ChessboardOffset() As
Returns or sets the offset coefficient for a chessboard texture. It indicates the offset between each line of the chessboard texture. Offset value is between 0 to 0.5. N.B. Parameter use for CHESSBOARD texture type only.
o Property ChessboardTileHeight() As
Returns or sets the height of the tile of a chessboard texture. Height value is between 0 to 100. N.B. Parameter use for CHESSBOARD texture type only.
o Property ChessboardTileWidth() As
Returns or sets the width of the tile of a chessboard texture. Width value is between 0 to 100. N.B. Parameter use for CHESSBOARD texture type only.
o Property ColorNumber() As
Returns or sets the 3d texture color number. Possible color numbers are: - From 2 to 5 for marble, vein and chessboard texture types - From 1 to 5 for alternate vein texture types N.B. Parameter useless for ROCK textures (color number is fixed) and IMAGE texture
o Property DiffuseCoefficient() As
Returns or sets the diffuse coefficient of a material. Diffuse coefficient value is between 0 to 1.
o Property EnvironmentImage() As
Returns or sets the environment image pathname of a material.
o Property FlipU() As
Returns or sets the texture flip status along U axis. N.B. Parameter use for IMAGE texture type only
o Property FlipV() As
Returns or sets the texture flip status along V axis. N.B. Parameter use for IMAGE texture type only
o Property MappingType() As
Returns or sets the mapping type of a material.
    Possible types are:
  • 0: Planar mapping
  • 1: Spherical mapping
  • 2: Cylindrical mapping
  • 3: Cubical mapping
  • 4: Auto mapping
  • 5: Manual mapping
o Property Orientation() As
Returns or sets the texture orientation. Orientation value should be between -360 to +360 degrees N.B. Parameter use for IMAGE texture type only
o Property PositionU() As
Returns or sets the texture position along U axis. N.B. Parameter use for IMAGE texture type only
o Property PositionV() As
Returns or sets the texture position along V axis. N.B. Parameter use for IMAGE texture type only
o Property PreviewSize() As
Returns or sets the preview size of a material. Preview size value is 0.1mm minimum.
o Property ReflectionHeight() As
Returns or sets the non-linear reflection height of a material. Non-linear reflection height value is between 0 to 1. N.B. Parameter use for CUSTOM reflection mode only.
o Property ReflectionLength() As
Returns or sets the non-linear reflection length of a material. Non-linear reflection length value is between 0 to 1. N.B. Parameter use for CUSTOM reflection mode only.
o Property ReflectionMode() As
Returns or sets the non-linear reflection mode of a material.
    Possible reflection mode values are:
  • 0: CHROMA reflection mode
  • 1: PAINT reflection mode
  • 2: MATTE_METAL reflection mode
  • 3: BRIGHT_PLASTIC reflection mode
  • 4: CUSTOM reflection mode
o Property ReflectivityCoefficient() As
Returns or sets the reflectivity coefficient of a material. Reflectivity coefficient value is between 0 to 1.
o Property RefractionCoefficient() As
Returns or sets the refraction coefficient of a material. Refraction coefficient value is between 1 to 2.
o Property RepeatU() As
Returns or sets the texture repeat status along U axis. N.B. Parameter use for IMAGE texture type only
o Property RepeatV() As
Returns or sets the texture repeat status along V axis. N.B. Parameter use for IMAGE texture type only
o Property ScaleU() As
Returns or sets the texture scale along U axis. U scale value is between 0 to 100. N.B. Parameter use for IMAGE texture type only
o Property ScaleV() As
Returns or sets the texture scale along V axis. V scale value is between 0 to 100. N.B. Parameter use for IMAGE texture type only
o Property SpecularCoefficient() As
Returns or sets the specular coefficient of a material. Specular coefficient value is between 0 to 1.
o Property SpecularExponent() As
Returns or sets the specular exponent of a material. Specular exponent value is between 0 to 1.
o Property TextureAmplitude() As
Returns or sets the 3d texture amplitude coefficient. Amplitude value is between 0 to 1. N.B. Parameter use for MARBLE and ROCK texture type only.
o Property TextureComplexity() As
Returns or sets the 3d texture complexity. Complexity value is between 0 to 10. N.B. Parameter use for MARBLE and ROCK texture types only.
o Property TextureGain() As
Returns or sets the 3d texture gain coefficient. Gain value is between 0 to 2. N.B. Parameter use for ROCK texture type only.
o Property TextureImage() As
Returns or sets the texture image pathname of a material. N.B. Parameter use for IMAGE texture type only
o Property TexturePerturbation() As
Returns or sets the 3d texture perturbation coefficient. Perturbation value is between 1 to 10. N.B. Parameter use for VEIN, ALTERNATE VEIN and ROCK texture types only.
o Property TextureTurbulence() As
Returns or sets the 3d texture turbulence status. N.B. Parameter use for ROCK texture type only.
o Property TextureType() As
Returns or sets the texture type of a material. The possible values for this type can be:
    Possible reflection mode values are:
  • 0: NO texture
  • 1: IMAGE texture
  • 2: MARBLE texture
  • 3: VEIN texture
  • 4: ALTERNATE VEIN texture
  • 5: ROCK texture
  • 6: CHESSBOARD texture
o Property TextureVeinAmplitude() As
Returns or sets the 3d texture vein amplitude coefficient. Amplitude value is between 0 to 10. N.B. Parameter use for VEIN and ALTERNATE VEIN texture types only.
o Property TransparencyCoefficient() As
Returns or sets the transparency coefficient of a material. Transparency coefficient value is between 0 to 1.


o Sub Get3DTextureColorCoefficient( iColorIndex,
Returns one color coefficient of a 3d texture. The color to access is identified with its index.
The index of the color to access.
the color coefficient.
If the color is enable, the color coefficient value should range from 0 to 1.
If color is disable, the color coefficient is equal to -1.
N.B. Parameter useless for rock, chessboard and image textures.
o Sub Get3DTextureColor( iColorIndex,
Returns one color of a 3d texture. The color to access is identified with its index. The color is expressed with r, g, and b coefficients (between 0 and 255).
The index of the color to access
the color as a safe array made up of three doubles: r, g, b
The r, g, b values ranges from 0 to 255.
The array must be previously initialized. N.B. Parameter useless for image textures.
o Sub Get3DTextureOrientation( o3DTextureOrientation)
Returns the orientation of a texture. The orientation is expressed with 3 coefficients (orientation around X, Y and Z axis). The orientation values must be between -360 and 360 degrees. N.B. Parameter useless for IMAGE textures (use get_Orientation, set_Orientation methods for IMAGE type).
the orientation as a safe array made up of three doubles: rotationX, rotationY, rotationZ.
The array must be previously initialized.
o Sub Get3DTexturePosition( o3DTexturePosition)
Returns the position of a texture. The position is expressed with 3 coefficients (position along X, Y and Z axis). The position values must be between -100 and 100. N.B. Parameter useless for IMAGE textures (use PositionU, PositionV methods for IMAGE type).
the position as a safe array made up of three doubles: positionX, positionY, positionZ.
The array must be previously initialized.
o Sub Get3DTextureScale( o3DTextureScale)
Returns the scale of a texture. The scale is expressed with 3 coefficients (scale along X, Y and Z axis) The scale values must be > 0 and ≤ 100. N.B. Parameter useless for IMAGE textures. (use get_ScaleU, set_ScaleU, get_ScaleV, set_ScaleV methods for IMAGE type)
the scale as a safe array made up of three doubles: scaleX, scaleY, scaleZ.
The array must be previously initialized.
o Sub GetAmbientColor( oAmbientColor)
Returns the ambient color of a material. The color is expressed with r, g, and b coefficients (between 0 and 255)
the color as a safe array made up of three doubles: r, g, b
The r, g, b values ranges from 0 to 255.
The array must be previously initialized.
o Sub GetDiffuseColor( oDiffuseColor)
Returns the diffuse color of a material. The color is expressed with r, g, and b coefficients (between 0 and 255)
the color as a safe array made up of three doubles: r, g, b
The r, g, b values ranges from 0 to 255.
The array must be previously initialized.
o Sub GetSpecularColor( oSpecularColor)
Returns the specular color of a material. The color is expressed with r, g, and b coefficients (between 0 and 255)
the color as a safe array made up of three doubles: r, g, b
The r, g, b values ranges from 0 to 255.
The array must be previously initialized.
o Sub GetTransparencyColor( oTransparencyColor)
Returns the transparent color of a material. The color is expressed with r, g, and b coefficients (between 0 and 255)
The color as a safe array made up of three doubles: r, g, b
The r, g, b values ranges from 0 to 255.
The array must be previously initialized.
o Sub Put3DTextureColorCoefficient( iColorIndex,
Sets one color coefficient of a 3d texture. The color to access is identified with its index.
The index of the color to access.
The color coefficient.
If color is enable, the color coefficient value should range from 0 to 1.
If color is disable, the color coefficient should be equal to -1.
N.B. Parameter useless for rock, chessboard and image textures.
o Sub Put3DTextureColor( iColorIndex,
Sets one color of a 3d texture. The color to access is identified with its index. The color is expressed with r, g, and b coefficients (between 0 and 255)
The index of the color to access.
The color as a safe array made up of three doubles: r, g, b
The r, g, b values ranges from 0 to 255.
The array must be previously initialized. N.B. Parameter useless for image textures.
o Sub Put3DTextureOrientation( i3DTextureOrientation)
Sets the orientation of a texture. The orientation is expressed with 3 coefficients (orientation around X, Y and Z axis). The orientation values must be between -360 and 360 degrees. N.B. Parameter useless for IMAGE textures (use get_Orientation, set_Orientation methods for IMAGE type).
The orientation as a safe array made up of three doubles: rotationX, rotationY, rotationZ.
The array must be previously initialized.
o Sub Put3DTexturePosition( i3DTexturePosition)
Sets the position of a texture. The position is expressed with 3 coefficients (position along X, Y and Z axis). The position values must be between -100 and 100. N.B. Parameter useless for IMAGE textures (use PositionU, PositionV methods for IMAGE type).
The position as a safe array made up of three doubles: positionX, positionY, positionZ.
The array must be previously initialized.
o Sub Put3DTextureScale( i3DTextureScale)
Sets the scale of a texture. The scale is expressed with 3 coefficients (scale along X, Y and Z axis). The scale values must be > 0 and ≤ 100. N.B. Parameter useless for IMAGE textures (use get_ScaleU, set_ScaleU, get_ScaleV, set_ScaleV methods for IMAGE type).
The scale as a safe array made up of three doubles: scaleX, scaleY, scaleZ.
The array must be previously initialized.
o Sub PutAmbientColor( iAmbientColor)
Sets the ambient color of a material. The color is expressed with r, g, and b coefficients (between 0 and 255)
The color as a safe array made up of three doubles: r, g, b
The r, g, b values ranges from 0 to 255.
The array must be previously initialized.
o Sub PutDiffuseColor( iDiffuseColor)
Sets the diffuse color of a material. The color is expressed with r, g, and b coefficients (between 0 and 255)
The color as a safe array made up of three doubles: r, g, b
The r, g, b values ranges from 0 to 255.
The array must be previously initialized.
o Sub PutSpecularColor( iSpecularColor)
Sets the specular color of a material. The color is expressed with r, g, and b coefficients (between 0 and 255)
The color as a safe array made up of three doubles: r, g, b
The r, g, b values ranges from 0 to 255.
The array must be previously initialized.
o Sub PutTransparencyColor( iTransparencyColor)
Sets the transparent color of a material. The color is expressed with r, g, and b coefficients (between 0 and 255)
The color as a safe array made up of three doubles: r, g, b
The r, g, b values ranges from 0 to 255.
The array must be previously initialized.

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