All Frameworks Object Hierarchy This Framework Indexes
o Property ActiveCamera( | ) As |
o Property ActiveEnvironment( | ) As |
o Property AmbientFactor( | ) As |
o Property AntialiasingContrast( | ) As |
to 100.
Contrast value sets the contrast threshold for adaptative
oversampling, that is, the maximum contrast threshold between
pixels, below which no oversampling will be done.
o Property AntialiasingMaxSample( | ) As |
0/code> to 5/code>.
Maximum samples value sets the minimum number of rays casted for 1,4 or 16 pixels.
The possible maximum sample number are:
- 0 : 1 ray casted for a 4x4 pixel square
- 1 : 1 ray casted for a 2x2 pixel square
- 2 : 1 ray casted per pixel
- 3 : 4 rays casted per pixel
- 4 : 16 rays casted per pixel
- 5 : 64 rays casted per pixel
o Property AntialiasingMinSample( | ) As |
0/code> to 5/code>.
Minimum samples value sets the minimum number of rays casted for 1,4 or 16 pixels.
The possible minimum sample number are:
- 0 : 1 ray casted for a 4x4 pixel square
- 1 : 1 ray casted for a 2x2 pixel square
- 2 : 1 ray casted per pixel
- 3 : 4 rays casted per pixel
- 4 : 16 rays casted per pixel
- 5 : 64 rays casted per pixel
o Property CartoonContourThickness( | ) As |
(none) to 100.0
o Property CartoonShadingStatus( | ) As |
o Property CartoonStatus( | ) As |
o Property CartoonStrokeStatus( | ) As |
o Property CausticAccuracy( | ) As |
o Property CausticRadius( | ) As |
o Property CausticStatus( | ) As |
o Property DepthOfFieldRadius( | ) As |
to 10.0
o Property DepthOfFieldStatus( | ) As |
o Property FinalGatheringAccuracy( | ) As |
o Property FinalGatheringMaxRadius( | ) As |
o Property FinalGatheringMinRadius( | ) As |
o Property FinalGatheringStatus( | ) As |
o Property GlobalIlluminationAccuracy( | ) As |
o Property GlobalIlluminationRadius( | ) As |
o Property GlobalIlluminationStatus( | ) As |
o Property GlowFlareDiffusion( | ) As |
to 1.0
o Property GlowFlareFactor( | ) As |
to 1.0
o Property GlowIntensity( | ) As |
to 10.0
o Property GlowRadialLineSize( | ) As |
(none) to 1.0
(max length).
o Property GlowSize( | ) As |
to 1.0
o Property GlowStarEffect( | ) As |
(random star) to 1.0
o Property GlowStatus( | ) As |
o Property GlowThreshold( | ) As |
to 1.5
o Property ImageHeight( | ) As |
to 8000
o Property ImageOutputDirectory( | ) As |
o Property ImageOutputFormat( | ) As |
o Property ImageOutputName( | ) As |
o Property ImageOutputType( | ) As |
o Property ImagePredefinedRatio( | ) As |
o Property ImageWidth( | ) As |
to 8000
o Property RaytracingStatus( | ) As |
o Property ReboundsCount( | ) As |
to 18
o Property ReflectionsCount( | ) As |
to 9
o Property RefractionsCount( | ) As |
to 9
o Property ShadowsStatus( | ) As |
o Property TexturesStatus( | ) As |
o Sub AddActiveLight( | iActiveLight) |
o Func CountActiveLights( | ) As |
o Func GetActiveLight( | iIndex) As |
o Sub RemoveActiveLight( | iIndex) |
o Sub Render( | ) |
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