CATSchPlatformInterfaces SchListOfDoubles (Object)
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SchListOfDoubles (Object)
Represents a list of DOUBLEs to be used with Schematic IDLs.
Property Index
- Returns the number of doubles in the list.
Method Index
- Adds a double to the end of the list.
- Returns a double from its index in the list.
- Remove a double from the list by specifying its position in the list.
o Property Count( | ) As (Read Only) |
Returns the number of doubles in the list.
- Example:
This example retrieves in NumberOfdoubles the number of doubles
currently gathered in MyList.
NumberOfdoubles = MyList.Count
Adds a double to the end of the list.
- Parameters:
- iDouble
- The double to be added to the list.
- Example:
- The following example appends an object to the list.
Dim MyDouble As Double
MyDouble = 0.6789
Dim MyList As SchListOfDoubles
Returns a double from its index in the list.
- Parameters:
- iIndex
- The index of the first double in the collection is 1, and
the index of the last double is Count.
- Returns:
- the retrieved double.
- Example:
- The following example returns in the third double in the list.
Dim MyDouble As double
Dim MyList As SchListOfDoubles
Set MyDouble = SchListOfDoubles.Item(2)
o Sub RemoveByIndex( | | iIndex) |
Remove a double from the list by specifying its position in the list.
- Parameters:
- iIndex
- The position of the double to be removed in the list.
- Example:
- The following example removes the second entry in the list. Please note that the
list index starts with 1.
Dim MyList As SchListOfDoubles
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