This example asks the end user to select a shape to pattern and a cylindrical face, and creates a circular
pattern of the shape. The cylindrical face specifies the rotation axis.
Dim InputObjectType(0)
Set Document = CATIA.ActiveDocument
Set Selection = Document.Selection
'We propose to the user that he select the shape to pattern
Status=Selection.SelectElement2(InputObjectType,"Select the shape to pattern",true)
if (Status = "cancel") then Exit Sub
Set Shape = Selection.Item(1).Value
'We propose to the user that he select the cylindrical face
Status=Selection.SelectElement2(InputObjectType,"Select the cylindrical face",true)
if (Status = "cancel") then Exit Sub
Set CylindricalFace = Selection.Item(1).Value
Set RotationCenter = Document.Part.CreateReferenceFromName("")
Set CircPattern = ShapeFactory.AddNewCircPattern(Shape,1,4,20.0,45.0,1,4,RotationCenter,CylindricalFace,True,0.0,True)