Dim relations1 As Relations
Dim RuleBase1 As ExpertRuleBaseRuntime
Dim ListComponents As ExpertRuleBaseComponentRuntimes
Dim AComponent As ExpertRuleBaseComponentRuntime
Dim NupletsList As ExpertReportObjects
Dim ANuplet As ExpertReportObject
Dim anArray () as Object
Dim anElementArray as Object
Set relations1 = part1.Relations
Set RuleBase1 = relations1.Item("RuleBase")
Set ListComponents = RuleBase1.RuleSet.ExpertRuleBaseComponentRuntimes
' Let's get a check ..
Set AComponent = ListComponents.Item("CheckOnHoles")
' .. and let's see what makes it true
Set NupletsList = AComponent.Succeeds
For i = 1 to AComponent.Succeeds.CountSucceed
Set ANuplet = AComponent.Succeeds.SucceedItem(i)
NupletSize = ANuplet.getTupleSize()
ReDim anArray (NupletSize)
For j = LBound(anArray) to UBound(anArray)
Set anElementArray = anArray(j) ' a hole
' .. some action on the element of the array