All Frameworks Object Hierarchy This Framework Indexes
o Func CreateAutoWalk( | iPrevAct) As |
' Get the Human Acts factory and Human Task List Dim oHumActsFactory As HumanActsFactory Dim oHumanTask As HumanTask Dim iPevAct As Activity Dim oHT as HumanTask Dim ActList As Activities Dim iPrevAct As Activity Dim oHumTaskList As HumanTaskList Set oHT = oHumTaskList.Item(1) Set ActList = oHT.ChildrenActivities Set iPrevAct = ActList.Item(2) ' MoveToPosture.1 Dim oCreatedAutoWalk as AutoWalkActivity .... .... Set oHumActsFactory = oHumanTask.GetTechnologicalObject("HumanActsFactory") ' Create AutoWalk Activity Set oCreatedAutoWalk = oHumActsFactory.CreateAutoWalk(iPrevAct)
o Func CreateCollisionFreeWalkBwdOnArrArea( | iPrevAct, | |
iArrArea, | ||
iNumPoints, | ||
iSearchInt, | ||
iClearence, | ||
iPoints) As |
' From the ProductList get the Arrangement Area Dim oPPRDoc As PPRDocument Dim pprprodsProdList As PPRProducts Dim prodAreasFather As Product Dim prodAreaFathersChildren As Products Set oPPRDoc = DELMIA.ActiveDocument.PPRDocument Set pprprodsProdList = oPPRDoc.Products Set prodAreasFather = pprprodsProdList.Item(1) Set prodAreaFathersChildren = prodAreasFather.Products Dim iArrArea As Product Set iArrArea = prodAreaFathersChildren.GetItem("Area1.1") ' Specify the number of coplanar points defining the walk path Dim iNumPoints as Long iNumPoints = 2 ' Specify the point values for the walk path in oArrArea co-ordinates Dim iPoints(6) as Double iPoints(0) = 0.0 ' Point1 - X iPoints(1) = 0.0 ' Point1 - Y iPoints(2) = 0.0 ' Point1 - Z iPoints(3) = 2000.0 ' Point2 - X iPoints(4) = 0.0 ' Point2 - Y iPoints(5) = 0.0 ' Point2 - Z ' Get the Human Acts factory Dim oHumActsFactory As HumanActsFactory Dim oHumanTask As HumanTask Dim iPrevAct As Activity Dim oCreatedWalk as DNBIACollisionFreeWalk .... .... Set oHumActsFactory = oHumanTask.GetTechnologicalObject("HumanActsFactory") ' Create Collision free WalkBackward Activity on Arrangement area Set oCreatedWalk = oHumActsFactory.CreateCollisionFreeWalkBwdOnArrArea(iPrevAct, iArrArea, iNumPoints, iSearchInt, iClearance, iPoints) ' Generate constituting MTPs oCreatedWalk.Update .... ....
o Func CreateCollisionFreeWalkBwdOnPlane( | iPrevAct, | |
iPlaneProd, | ||
iPlaneDef, | ||
iNumPoints, | ||
iSearchInt, | ||
iClearence, | ||
iPoints) As |
' From the ProductList get the Walk Plane product Dim oPPRDoc As PPRDocument Dim pprprodsProdList As PPRProducts Set oPPRDoc = DELMIA.ActiveDocument.PPRDocument Set pprprodsProdList = oPPRDoc.Products Dim oPlaneProd As Product Set oPlaneProd = pprprodsProdList.Item(2) ' Plane Definition.. Product Dim iPlaneDef(9) as Double iPlaneDef(0) = 1.0 ' First Axis - i vec iPlaneDef(1) = 0.0 ' First Axis - j vec iPlaneDef(2) = 0.0 ' First Axis - k vec iPlaneDef(3) = 0.0 ' Second Axis - i vec iPlaneDef(4) = 1.0 ' Second Axis - j vec iPlaneDef(5) = 0.0 ' Second Axis - k vec iPlaneDef(6) = 0.0 ' Origin - X iPlaneDef(7) = 0.0 ' Origin - Y iPlaneDef(8) = 0.0 ' Origin - Z ' Specify the number of coplanar points defining the walk path Dim iNumPoints as Long iNumPoints = 2 ' Specify the point values for the walk path in oArrArea co-ordinates Dim iPoints(6) as Double iPoints(0) = 0.0 ' Point1 - X iPoints(1) = 0.0 ' Point1 - Y iPoints(2) = 0.0 ' Point1 - Z iPoints(3) = 2000.0 ' Point2 - X iPoints(4) = 0.0 ' Point2 - Y iPoints(5) = 0.0 ' Point2 - Z ' Get the Human Acts factory Dim oHumActsFactory As HumanActsFactory Dim oHumanTask As HumanTask Dim iPrevAct As Activity Dim oCreatedWalk as DNBIACollisionFreeWalk .... .... Set oHumActsFactory = oHumanTask.GetTechnologicalObject("HumanActsFactory") ' Create Collision free WalkBackward Activity on Plane Set oCreatedWalk = oHumActsFactory.CreateCollisionFreeWalkBwdOnPlane(iPrevAct, iPlaneProd, iPlaneDef, iNumPoints, iSearchInt, iClearance, iPoints) ' Generate constituting MTPs oCreatedWalk.Update .... ....
o Func CreateCollisionFreeWalkFwdOnArrArea( | iPrevAct, | |
iArrArea, | ||
iNumPoints, | ||
iSearchInt, | ||
iClearence, | ||
iPoints) As |
' From the ProductList get the Arrangement Area Dim oPPRDoc As PPRDocument Dim pprprodsProdList As PPRProducts Dim prodAreasFather As Product Dim prodAreaFathersChildren As Products Set oPPRDoc = DELMIA.ActiveDocument.PPRDocument Set pprprodsProdList = oPPRDoc.Products Set prodAreasFather = pprprodsProdList.Item(1) Set prodAreaFathersChildren = prodAreasFather.Products Dim iArrArea As Product Set iArrArea = prodAreaFathersChildren.GetItem("Area1.1") ' Specify the number of coplanar points defining the walk path Dim iNumPoints as Long iNumPoints = 2 ' Specify the point values for the walk path in oArrArea co-ordinates Dim iPoints(6) as Double iPoints(0) = 0.0 ' Point1 - X iPoints(1) = 0.0 ' Point1 - Y iPoints(2) = 0.0 ' Point1 - Z iPoints(3) = 2000.0 ' Point2 - X iPoints(4) = 0.0 ' Point2 - Y iPoints(5) = 0.0 ' Point2 - Z ' Get the Human Acts factory Dim oHumActsFactory As HumanActsFactory Dim oHumanTask As HumanTask Dim iPrevAct As Activity Dim oCreatedWalk as DNBIACollisionFreeWalk .... .... Set oHumActsFactory = oHumanTask.GetTechnologicalObject("HumanActsFactory") Dim iClearance as Double iClearance = 170 Dim iSearchInt as Long iSearchInt = 1 ' Create Collision free WalkForward Activity on Arrangement area Set oCreatedWalk = oHumActsFactory.CreateCollisionFreeWalkFwdOnArrArea(iPrevAct, iArrArea, iNumPoints, iSearchInt, iClearance, iPoints) ' Generate constituting MTPs oCreatedWalk.Update .... ....
o Func CreateCollisionFreeWalkFwdOnPlane( | iPrevAct, | |
iPlaneProd, | ||
iPlaneDef, | ||
iNumPoints, | ||
iSearchInt, | ||
iClearence, | ||
iPoints) As |
' From the ProductList get the Walk Plane product Dim oPPRDoc As PPRDocument Dim pprprodsProdList As PPRProducts Set oPPRDoc = DELMIA.ActiveDocument.PPRDocument Set pprprodsProdList = oPPRDoc.Products Dim oPlaneProd As Product Set oPlaneProd = pprprodsProdList.Item(2) ' Plane Definition.. Product Dim iPlaneDef(9) as Double iPlaneDef(0) = 1.0 ' First Axis - i vec iPlaneDef(1) = 0.0 ' First Axis - j vec iPlaneDef(2) = 0.0 ' First Axis - k vec iPlaneDef(3) = 0.0 ' Second Axis - i vec iPlaneDef(4) = 1.0 ' Second Axis - j vec iPlaneDef(5) = 0.0 ' Second Axis - k vec iPlaneDef(6) = 0.0 ' Origin - X iPlaneDef(7) = 0.0 ' Origin - Y iPlaneDef(8) = 0.0 ' Origin - Z ' Specify the number of coplanar points defining the walk path Dim iNumPoints as Long iNumPoints = 2 ' Specify the point values for the walk path in oArrArea co-ordinates Dim iPoints(6) as Double iPoints(0) = 0.0 ' Point1 - X iPoints(1) = 0.0 ' Point1 - Y iPoints(2) = 0.0 ' Point1 - Z iPoints(3) = 2000.0 ' Point2 - X iPoints(4) = 0.0 ' Point2 - Y iPoints(5) = 0.0 ' Point2 - Z ' Get the Human Acts factory Dim oHumActsFactory As HumanActsFactory Dim oHumanTask As HumanTask Dim iPrevAct As Activity Dim oCreatedWalk as DNBIACollisionFreeWalk .... .... Set oHumActsFactory = oHumanTask.GetTechnologicalObject("HumanActsFactory") ' Create Collision free WalkForward Activity on Plane Set oCreatedWalk = oHumActsFactory.CreateCollisionFreeWalkFwdOnPlane(iPrevAct, iPlaneProd, iPlaneDef, iNumPoints, iPoints) ' Generate constituting MTPs oCreatedWalk.Update .... ....
o Func CreateMoveToPosture( | iPrevAct) As |
' Get the Human Acts factory Dim oHumActsFactory As HumanActsFactory Dim oHumanTask As HumanTask Dim iPrevAct As Activity Dim oCreatedMTP as MoveToPostureActivity .... .... Set oHumActsFactory = oHumanTask.GetTechnologicalObject("HumanActsFactory") ' Create MoveToPosture Activity Set oCreatedMTP = oHumActsFactory.CreateMoveToPosture(iPrevAct) .... ....
o Func CreatePick( | iPrevAct, | |
iPickType, | ||
bCreateCstWithPickingHand, | ||
iPickingHand, | ||
iPickedProducts) As |
' Get the Human Acts factory and Human Task List Dim oHumActsFactory As HumanActsFactory Dim oHumanTask As HumanTask Dim oHT as HumanTask Dim ActList As Activities Dim iPrevAct As Activity Dim oHumTaskList As HumanTaskList Set oHT = oHumTaskList.Item(1) Set ActList = oHT.ChildrenActivities Set iPrevAct = ActList.Item(2) ' MoveToPosture.1 Dim oCreatedPick as PickActivity .... ' Specify the picked products Dim iPickedProds(1) As AnyObject Dim oPPRDoc As PPRDocument Dim pprprodsProdList As PPRProducts Set pprprodsProdList = oPPRDoc.Products Set iPickedProducts = pprprodsProdList.Item(2) .... Set oHumActsFactory = oHumanTask.GetTechnologicalObject("HumanActsFactory") ' Create Pick Activity Set oCreatePick = oHumActsFactory.CreatePick(iPrevAct,SINGLE_HAND, TRUE, HAND_RIGHT, iPickedProducts)
o Func CreatePlace( | iPrevAct, | |
iPickedProducts, | ||
iOffset) As |
' Get the Human Acts factory and Human Task List Dim oHumActsFactory As HumanActsFactory Dim oHumanTask As HumanTask Dim oHT as HumanTask Dim ActList As Activities Dim iPrevAct As Activity Dim oHumTaskList As HumanTaskList Set oHT = oHumTaskList.Item(1) Set ActList = oHT.ChildrenActivities Set iPrevAct = ActList.Item(2) ' MoveToPosture.1 Dim oCreatedPlace as Placectivity .... ' Get the list of picked products from the Pick Activity Dim iPickedProducts As AnyObject .... Dim iPlaceOffset(12) As Double ' 12 doubles - 0 to 11; relative transformation between hand and object ' position vector (relative vector between the hand and object) iPlaceOffset( 0 ) = 10 iPlaceOffset( 1 ) = 20 iPlaceOffset( 2 ) = 30 ' X axis rotation component iPlaceOffset( 3 ) = -0.707 iPlaceOffset( 4 ) = 0.707 iPlaceOffset( 5 ) = 0 ' Y axis rotation component iPlaceOffset( 6 ) = 0 iPlaceOffset( 7 ) = 0 iPlaceOffset( 8 ) = 1 ' Z axis rotation component iPlaceOffset( 9 ) = 0.707 iPlaceOffset( 10 ) = 0.707 iPlaceOffset( 11 ) = 0.0 Set oHumActsFactory = oHumanTask.GetTechnologicalObject("HumanActsFactory") ' Create Place Activity Set oCreatedPlace = oHumActsFactory.CreatePlace(iPrevAct,iPickedProducts, iPlaceOffset);
o Func CreateSideStepOnArrArea( | iPrevAct, | |
iArrArea, | ||
iStartPt, | ||
iEndPt) As |
' From the ProductList get the Arrangement Area Dim oPPRDoc As PPRDocument Dim pprprodsProdList As PPRProducts Dim prodAreasFather As Product Dim prodAreaFathersChildren As Products Set oPPRDoc = DELMIA.ActiveDocument.PPRDocument Set pprprodsProdList = oPPRDoc.Products Set prodAreasFather = pprprodsProdList.Item(1) Set prodAreaFathersChildren = prodAreasFather.Products Dim iArrArea As Product Set iArrArea = prodAreaFathersChildren.GetItem("Area1.1") ' Specify the Start and End points for the side step walk activity Dim iStart(3) as Double Dim iEnd(3) as Double iStart(0) = 0 iStart(1) = 0 iStart(2) = 0.0 iEnd(0) = 2000 iEnd(1) = 0 iEnd(2) = 0.0 ' Get the Human Acts factory Dim oHumActsFactory As HumanActsFactory Dim oHumanTask As HumanTask Dim iPrevAct As Activity Dim oCreatedWalk as WalkActivity .... .... Set oHumActsFactory = oHumanTask.GetTechnologicalObject("HumanActsFactory") ' Create SideStep Activity on Arrangement area oCreatedWalk = oHumActsFactory.CreateSideStepOnArrArea(iPrevAct, iArrArea, iStartPt, iEndPt) ' Generate constituting MTPs oCreatedWalk.Update
o Func CreateSideStepOnPlane( | iPrevAct, | |
iPlaneProd, | ||
iPlaneDef, | ||
iStartPt, | ||
iEndPt) As |
' From the ProductList get the Walk Plane product Dim oPPRDoc As PPRDocument Dim pprprodsProdList As PPRProducts Set oPPRDoc = DELMIA.ActiveDocument.PPRDocument Set pprprodsProdList = oPPRDoc.Products Dim oPlaneProd As Product Set oPlaneProd = pprprodsProdList.Item(2) ' Plane Definition.. Product Dim adPlaneDef(9) as Double adPlaneDef(0) = 1.0 ' First Axis - i vec adPlaneDef(1) = 0.0 ' First Axis - j vec adPlaneDef(2) = 0.0 ' First Axis - k vec adPlaneDef(3) = 0.0 ' Second Axis - i vec adPlaneDef(4) = 1.0 ' Second Axis - j vec adPlaneDef(5) = 0.0 ' Second Axis - k vec adPlaneDef(6) = 0.0 ' Origin - X adPlaneDef(7) = 0.0 ' Origin - Y adPlaneDef(8) = 0.0 ' Origin - Z ' Specify the number of coplanar points defining the walk path Dim iNumPoints as Long iNumPoints = 2 ' Specify the point values for the walk path in oArrArea co-ordinates Dim adStart(3) as Double Dim adEnd(3) as Double adStart(0) = 0 adStart(1) = 0 adStart(2) = 0.0 adEnd(0) = 2000 adEnd(1) = 0 adEnd(2) = 0.0 ' Get the Human Acts factory Dim oHumActsFactory As HumanActsFactory Dim oHumanTask As HumanTask Dim iPeviousActivity As Activity Dim oCreatedWalk as WalkActivity .... .... Set oHumActsFactory = oHumanTask.GetTechnologicalObject("HumanActsFactory") ' Create SideStep Activity on Plane oCreatedWalk = oHumActsFactory.CreateSideStepOnPlane(iPrevAct, iPlaneProd, iPlaneDef, iStartPt, iEndPt) ' Generate constituting MTPs oCreatedWalk.Update .... ....
o Func CreateWalkBwdOnArrArea( | iPrevAct, | |
iArrArea, | ||
iNumPoints, | ||
iPoints) As |
' From the ProductList get the Arrangement Area Dim oPPRDoc As PPRDocument Dim pprprodsProdList As PPRProducts Dim prodAreasFather As Product Dim prodAreaFathersChildren As Products Set oPPRDoc = DELMIA.ActiveDocument.PPRDocument Set pprprodsProdList = oPPRDoc.Products Set prodAreasFather = pprprodsProdList.Item(1) Set prodAreaFathersChildren = prodAreasFather.Products Dim iArrArea As Product Set iArrArea = prodAreaFathersChildren.GetItem("Area1.1") ' Specify the number of coplanar points defining the walk path Dim iNumPoints as Long iNumPoints = 2 ' Specify the point values for the walk path in oArrArea co-ordinates Dim iPoints(6) as Double iPoints(0) = 0.0 ' Point1 - X iPoints(1) = 0.0 ' Point1 - Y iPoints(2) = 0.0 ' Point1 - Z iPoints(3) = 2000.0 ' Point2 - X iPoints(4) = 0.0 ' Point2 - Y iPoints(5) = 0.0 ' Point2 - Z ' Get the Human Acts factory Dim oHumActsFactory As HumanActsFactory Dim oHumanTask As HumanTask Dim iPrevAct As Activity Dim oCreatedWalk as WalkActivity .... .... Set oHumActsFactory = oHumanTask.GetTechnologicalObject("HumanActsFactory") ' Create WalkBackward Activity on Arrangement area Set oCreatedWalk = oHumActsFactory.CreateWalkBwdOnArrArea(iPrevAct, iArrArea, iNumPoints, iPoints) ' Generate constituting MTPs oCreatedWalk.Update .... ....
o Func CreateWalkBwdOnPlane( | iPrevAct, | |
iPlaneProd, | ||
iPlaneDef, | ||
iNumPoints, | ||
iPoints) As |
' From the ProductList get the Walk Plane product Dim oPPRDoc As PPRDocument Dim pprprodsProdList As PPRProducts Set oPPRDoc = DELMIA.ActiveDocument.PPRDocument Set pprprodsProdList = oPPRDoc.Products Dim oPlaneProd As Product Set oPlaneProd = pprprodsProdList.Item(2) ' Plane Definition.. Product Dim iPlaneDef(9) as Double iPlaneDef(0) = 1.0 ' First Axis - i vec iPlaneDef(1) = 0.0 ' First Axis - j vec iPlaneDef(2) = 0.0 ' First Axis - k vec iPlaneDef(3) = 0.0 ' Second Axis - i vec iPlaneDef(4) = 1.0 ' Second Axis - j vec iPlaneDef(5) = 0.0 ' Second Axis - k vec iPlaneDef(6) = 0.0 ' Origin - X iPlaneDef(7) = 0.0 ' Origin - Y iPlaneDef(8) = 0.0 ' Origin - Z ' Specify the number of coplanar points defining the walk path Dim iNumPoints as Long iNumPoints = 2 ' Specify the point values for the walk path in oArrArea co-ordinates Dim iPoints(6) as Double iPoints(0) = 0.0 ' Point1 - X iPoints(1) = 0.0 ' Point1 - Y iPoints(2) = 0.0 ' Point1 - Z iPoints(3) = 2000.0 ' Point2 - X iPoints(4) = 0.0 ' Point2 - Y iPoints(5) = 0.0 ' Point2 - Z ' Get the Human Acts factory Dim oHumActsFactory As HumanActsFactory Dim oHumanTask As HumanTask Dim iPrevAct As Activity Dim oCreatedWalk as WalkActivity .... .... Set oHumActsFactory = oHumanTask.GetTechnologicalObject("HumanActsFactory") ' Create WalkBackward Activity on Plane Set oCreatedWalk = oHumActsFactory.CreateWalkBwdOnPlane(iPrevAct, iPlaneProd, iPlaneDef, iNumPoints, iPoints) ' Generate constituting MTPs oCreatedWalk.Update .... ....
o Func CreateWalkFwdOnArrArea( | iPrevAct, | |
iArrArea, | ||
iNumPoints, | ||
iPoints) As |
' From the ProductList get the Arrangement Area Dim oPPRDoc As PPRDocument Dim pprprodsProdList As PPRProducts Dim prodAreasFather As Product Dim prodAreaFathersChildren As Products Set oPPRDoc = DELMIA.ActiveDocument.PPRDocument Set pprprodsProdList = oPPRDoc.Products Set prodAreasFather = pprprodsProdList.Item(1) Set prodAreaFathersChildren = prodAreasFather.Products Dim iArrArea As Product Set iArrArea = prodAreaFathersChildren.GetItem("Area1.1") ' Specify the number of coplanar points defining the walk path Dim iNumPoints as Long iNumPoints = 2 ' Specify the point values for the walk path in oArrArea co-ordinates Dim iPoints(6) as Double iPoints(0) = 0.0 ' Point1 - X iPoints(1) = 0.0 ' Point1 - Y iPoints(2) = 0.0 ' Point1 - Z iPoints(3) = 2000.0 ' Point2 - X iPoints(4) = 0.0 ' Point2 - Y iPoints(5) = 0.0 ' Point2 - Z ' Get the Human Acts factory Dim oHumActsFactory As HumanActsFactory Dim oHumanTask As HumanTask Dim iPrevAct As Activity Dim oCreatedWalk as WalkActivity .... .... Set oHumActsFactory = oHumanTask.GetTechnologicalObject("HumanActsFactory") ' Create WalkForward Activity on Arrangement area Set oCreatedWalk = oHumActsFactory.CreateWalkFwdOnArrArea(iPrevAct, iArrArea, iNumPoints, iPoints) ' Generate constituting MTPs oCreatedWalk.Update .... ....
o Func CreateWalkFwdOnPlane( | iPrevAct, | |
iPlaneProd, | ||
iPlaneDef, | ||
iNumPoints, | ||
iPoints) As |
' From the ProductList get the Walk Plane product Dim oPPRDoc As PPRDocument Dim pprprodsProdList As PPRProducts Set oPPRDoc = DELMIA.ActiveDocument.PPRDocument Set pprprodsProdList = oPPRDoc.Products Dim oPlaneProd As Product Set oPlaneProd = pprprodsProdList.Item(2) ' Plane Definition.. Product Dim iPlaneDef(9) as Double iPlaneDef(0) = 1.0 ' First Axis - i vec iPlaneDef(1) = 0.0 ' First Axis - j vec iPlaneDef(2) = 0.0 ' First Axis - k vec iPlaneDef(3) = 0.0 ' Second Axis - i vec iPlaneDef(4) = 1.0 ' Second Axis - j vec iPlaneDef(5) = 0.0 ' Second Axis - k vec iPlaneDef(6) = 0.0 ' Origin - X iPlaneDef(7) = 0.0 ' Origin - Y iPlaneDef(8) = 0.0 ' Origin - Z ' Specify the number of coplanar points defining the walk path Dim iNumPoints as Long iNumPoints = 2 ' Specify the point values for the walk path in oArrArea co-ordinates Dim iPoints(6) as Double iPoints(0) = 0.0 ' Point1 - X iPoints(1) = 0.0 ' Point1 - Y iPoints(2) = 0.0 ' Point1 - Z iPoints(3) = 2000.0 ' Point2 - X iPoints(4) = 0.0 ' Point2 - Y iPoints(5) = 0.0 ' Point2 - Z ' Get the Human Acts factory Dim oHumActsFactory As HumanActsFactory Dim oHumanTask As HumanTask Dim iPrevAct As Activity Dim oCreatedWalk as WalkActivity .... .... Set oHumActsFactory = oHumanTask.GetTechnologicalObject("HumanActsFactory") ' Create WalkForward Activity on Plane Set oCreatedWalk = oHumActsFactory.CreateWalkFwdOnPlane(iPrevAct, iPlaneProd, iPlaneDef, iNumPoints, iPoints) ' Generate constituting MTPs oCreatedWalk.Update .... ....
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