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SchUpdateInstances (Object)

Interface to update all component instances when the catalog reference component has been changed.

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Update all the instances of a given local reference in a document.


o Sub UpdateAllInstancesFromReference( iCompLocalRef)
Update all the instances of a given local reference in a document. Both the local reference and all its instances will be updated to account for any changes in the corresponding catalog reference.
This example illustrates how to update all the schematic component instances in the active document by selecting any one of the instances or their local reference.
 ' --- get SchUpdateInstances interface
 Dim objCurrentDoc As Document
 Dim objPrdRoot As Product
 Dim objSchRoot As SchematicRoot
 Dim objUpdateInstances As SchUpdateInstances
 Set objCurrentDoc = CATIA.ActiveDocument
 Set objPrdRoot = objCurrentDoc.Product
 Set objSchRoot = objPrdRoot.GetTechnologicalObject ("SchematicRoot")
 Set objUpdateInstances = objSchRoot.GetInteface ("CATIASchUpdateInstances",objCurrentDoc)

 ' --- get the local reference 
 Dim objPrdInst As Product
 Dim objPrdRef As Product
 Dim objCompRef As SchComponent
 ' --- get an instance, objPrdInst from the selected set of objects
 Set objPrdInst = objCurrentDoc.Selection.FindObject("CATIAProduct")
 Set objPrdRef = objPrdInst.ReferenceProduct
 Set objCompRef = objSchRoot.GetInterface ("CATIASchComponent",objPrdRef)

 ' --- update all the instances
 objUpdateInstances.UpdateAllInstancesFromReference objCompRef

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