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RenderingEnvironmentWall (Object)

Represents a Environment object.

Property Index

Returns or sets the environment wall active status.
Returns or sets the texture automatic scaling status.
Returns or sets texture orientation status along the U axis.
Returns or sets texture orientation status along the V axis.
Returns or sets the texture scaling link status.
Returns or sets the texture rotation angle (in degrees).
Returns or sets the texture scale along the U axis.
Returns or sets the texture scale along the V axis.
Returns or sets the wall shadow status.
Returns or sets the wall texture name.
Returns or sets the texture offset along the U axis.
Returns or sets the texture offset along the V axis.

Method Index

If a texture is mapped on the wall, scale automatically the texture to fit inside the wall.


o Property ActiveStatus() As
Returns or sets the environment wall active status. A wall is visible only when it is active.
    The active status can be:
  • 1: wall is visible
  • 0: wall is invisible
o Property AutoScaleStatus() As
Returns or sets the texture automatic scaling status. If status is automatic scaling, the texture fit is locked when the environment size is modified.
    The scaling status can be:
  • 1: automatic scaling is on
  • 0: automatic scaling is off
o Property FlipUStatus() As
Returns or sets texture orientation status along the U axis.
    The flip status can be:
  • 1: texture is flipped along the U axis
  • 0: texture is not flipped along the U axis
o Property FlipVStatus() As
Returns or sets texture orientation status along the V axis.
    The flip status can be:
  • 1: texture is flipped along the V axis
  • 0: texture is not flipped along the V axis
o Property LinkedScaleStatus() As
Returns or sets the texture scaling link status. If scales are linked, modifying one scale will update the other keeping the ratio between U and V constant.
    The link status can be:
  • 1: U and V scales are linked
  • 0: U and V scales are not linked
o Property Rotation() As
Returns or sets the texture rotation angle (in degrees). The rotation values must be between -360 and 360 degrees.
o Property ScaleU() As
Returns or sets the texture scale along the U axis. The scale value should be > 0. Note that the modification of this parameter is useless if automatic scaling is enabled.
o Property ScaleV() As
Returns or sets the texture scale along the V axis. The scale value should be > 0. Note that the modification of this parameter is useless if automatic scaling is enabled.
o Property ShadowsStatus() As
Returns or sets the wall shadow status. A wall may or may not be affected by lights depending on this status.
    The shadows status can be:
  • 1: wall is affected by active lights and can bear shadows
  • 0: wall is not affected by active lights and is always seen
o Property Texture() As
Returns or sets the wall texture name. To remove the texture, use an empty string.
o Property TranslationU() As
Returns or sets the texture offset along the U axis. Note that this parameter is useless if automatic scaling is enabled.
o Property TranslationV() As
Returns or sets the texture offset along the V axis. Note that this parameter is useless if automatic scaling is enabled.


o Sub FitAllInWall()
If a texture is mapped on the wall, scale automatically the texture to fit inside the wall.

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