Represents the UserNomenclature object.
The UserNomenclature object is used in the CATIAArrNomenclatureTree object to
maintain the hierarchy of user type names and associated icons.
|_______ Area - (I_ArrArea)
| |_______ Building - (I_ArrBuilding)
| |_______ Safety Zone - (I_ArrSafetyZone)
|-------- Run - (I_ArrRun)
| |_______ Conduit Run
|_______ Raceway Run
In the diagram shown above, Area (along with its subtypes) and
and Run (also along with it's subtypes) are all UserNomenclature
Entries such as the Area and Run are called System or SuperClass
objects that have to be defined first before the subclasses such
as Building and Safety Zone are defined. SuperClasses will not
have a supertype.
Each Nomenclature holds the following information...
(1) NLSName - So as to support names in different languages
(2) IconName - So as to allow user's to define their own icons
(3) SuperType - For subtypes to fetch their parent names
(4) SubTypes - SubTypes defined under this User Nomenclature