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Viewers (Collection)

A collection of all the Viewer objects currently attached to a window.
For a SpecsAndGeomWindow object, the viewer containing the geometry is the first viewer, and the viewer containing the specification tree is the second viewer.

Method Index

Returns a viewer using its index from the Viewers collection.


o Func Item( iIndex) As
Returns a viewer using its index from the Viewers collection. The first item has the rank 1 in the collection.
The index or the name of the viewer to retrieve from the collection of viewers. As a numerics, this index is the rank of the viewer in the collection. The index of the first viewer in the collection is 1, and the index of the last viewer is Count. As a string, it is the name you assigned to the viewer using the
AnyObject.Name property.
The retrieved viewer
This example returns in MyViewer the second viewer in the collection.
 Dim MyViewer As Viewer
 Set MyViewer = Viewer.Item(2)

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