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MemoryWarningSettingAtt (Object)

Represents the base object to handle the parameters of memory warning mechanism.
This mechanism informs the user when the process memory use exceeds a given percentage of the address space usage. This mechanism warns you that because the amout of remaining memory is becoming low, you should save your data and leave the session.

Property Index

Returns or sets the activation state of the memory warning mechanism.
Returns or sets the activation state of the memory stopper mechanism.
Returns or sets the alert percentage.

Method Index

Retrieves environment informations for the memory warning mechanism.
Retrieves environment informations for the memory stopper mechanism.
Retrieves environment informations for the alert percentage.
Locks or unlocks the activation mode of the memory warning mechanism.
Locks or unlocks the activation mode of the memory stopper mechanism.
Locks or unlocks the the alert percentage.


o Property ActivationState() As
Returns or sets the activation state of the memory warning mechanism.
Role: Returns or sets the value of of the memory warning.
o Property MemoryStopperState() As
Returns or sets the activation state of the memory stopper mechanism.
Role: Returns or sets the value of of the memory stopper.
o Property UsageLimit() As
Returns or sets the alert percentage.
Role: Returns or sets the percentage of the address space usage that can be used by the process before sending the warning.


o Func GetActivationStateInfo( AdminLevel,
oLocked) As
Retrieves environment informations for the memory warning mechanism.
Refer to
SettingController for a detailled description.
o Func GetMemoryStopperStateInfo( AdminLevel,
oLocked) As
Retrieves environment informations for the memory stopper mechanism.
Refer to
SettingController for a detailled description.
o Func GetUsageLimitInfo( AdminLevel,
oLocked) As
Retrieves environment informations for the alert percentage.
Refer to
SettingController for a detailled description.
o Sub SetActivationStateLock( iLocked)
Locks or unlocks the activation mode of the memory warning mechanism.
Refer to
SettingController for a detailled description.
o Sub SetMemoryStopperStateLock( iLocked)
Locks or unlocks the activation mode of the memory stopper mechanism.
Refer to
SettingController for a detailled description.
o Sub SetUsageLimitLock( iLocked)
Locks or unlocks the the alert percentage.
Refer to
SettingController for a detailled description.

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