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Marker2D (Object)

Represents a marker 2D in a specified annotated view.

Property Index

Returns or sets the Marker2D's filling status (1 the figure is filled, 0 the figure is not filled).
Returns or sets the Marker2D's framing status (1 the figure is framed, 0 the figure is not framed).
Returns or sets the path to a picture file for a picture Marker2D.
Returns or sets the text's angle for a text Marker2D.
Returns or sets the text's font for a text Marker2D.
Return or set the orientation of text.
Returns or sets the text's size for a text Marker2D.
Returns or sets the text for a text Marker2D.
Returns the type of the marker 2D.

Method Index

Retrieves the coordinates of the positions of the Marker2D.
Sets the coordinates of the positions of the Marker2D.


o Property Fill() As
Returns or sets the Marker2D's filling status (1 the figure is filled, 0 the figure is not filled).
This example retrieves the filling status of the NewMarker2D Marker2D.
    Dim status As Integer
    status = NewMarker2D.Fill
o Property Frame() As
Returns or sets the Marker2D's framing status (1 the figure is framed, 0 the figure is not framed).
This example retrieves the framing status of the NewMarker2D Marker2D.
    Dim status As Integer
    status = NewMarker2D.Frame
o Property Picture() As
Returns or sets the path to a picture file for a picture Marker2D.
This example retrieves the path to a picture file of the NewMarker2D Marker2D.
    Dim path As String
    path = NewMarker2D.Picture
o Property TextAngle() As
Returns or sets the text's angle for a text Marker2D.
This example retrieves the text's angle of the NewMarker2D Marker2D.
    Dim angle As Double
    size = NewMarker2D.TextAngle
o Property TextFont() As
Returns or sets the text's font for a text Marker2D.
This example retrieves the text's font of the NewMarker2D Marker2D.
    Dim font As String
    font = NewMarker2D.TextFont
o Property TextOrientation() As
Return or set the orientation of text.
This example retrieves the orientation of the NewMarker2D Marker2D.
    Dim orientation As CatMarkerTextOrientation
    orientation = NewMarker2D.TextOrientation
o Property TextSize() As
Returns or sets the text's size for a text Marker2D.
This example retrieves the text's size of the NewMarker2D Marker2D.
    Dim size As Double
    size = NewMarker2D.TextSize
o Property Text() As
Returns or sets the text for a text Marker2D.
This example retrieves the text of the NewMarker2D Marker2D.
    Dim text As String
    text = NewMarker2D.Text
o Property Type() As (Read Only)
Returns the type of the marker 2D.
This example retrieves the type of the NewMarker2D Marker2D.
    Dim type As CatMarker2DType
    type = NewMarker2D.Type


o Sub GetPositions( oCoordinates)
Retrieves the coordinates of the positions of the Marker2D.

These positions depend on the type of the Marker2D :

  • Line: 2 positions.
  • Arrow: 2 positions, the first being the head and the second being the tail.
  • Rectangle: 2 positions, the first being the bottom-left corner and the second being the top-right corner.
  • Circle: 2 positions, the first being the center and the second being a point on the circle.
  • FreeHand: as many positions as points.
  • Text: 1 position, the bottom-left corner.
  • Picture: 2 positions, the first being the bottom-left corner and the second being the top-right corner.
The coordinates of the positions expressed as an array of variants are:
  • oCoordinates(0) is the X coordinate of the first point
  • oCoordinates(1) is the Y coordinate of the first point
  • oCoordinates(2) is the X coordinate of the second point
  • oCoordinates(3) is the Y coordinate of the second point
  • oCoordinates(n*2-2) is the X coordinate of the n-th point
  • oCoordinates(n*2-1) is the Y coordinate of the n-th point
This example retrieves the coordinates of the positions of the NewMarker2D Marker2D.
    Dim Coordinates (3)
    NewMarker2D.GetPositions Coordinates
o Sub SetPositions( iCoordinates)
Sets the coordinates of the positions of the Marker2D.

These positions depend on the type of the Marker2D :

  • Line: 2 positions.
  • Arrow: 2 positions, the first being the head and the second being the tail.
  • Rectangle: 2 positions, the first being the bottom-left corner and the second being the top-right corner.
  • Circle: 2 positions, the first being the center and the second being a point on the circle.
  • FreeHand: as many positions as points.
  • Text: 1 position, the bottom-left corner.
  • Picture: 2 positions, the first being the bottom-left corner and the second being the top-right corner.
The coordinates of the positions expressed as an array of variants are:
  • iCoordinates(0) is the X coordinate of the first point
  • iCoordinates(1) is the Y coordinate of the first point
  • iCoordinates(2) is the X coordinate of the second point
  • iCoordinates(3) is the Y coordinate of the second point
  • oCoordinates(n*2-2) is the X coordinate of the n-th point
  • oCoordinates(n*2-1) is the Y coordinate of the n-th point
This example sets the coordinates of the positions of the NewMarker2D Marker2D.
    Dim Coordinates (3) 'To be valuated
    NewMarker2D.SetPositions Coordinates

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