All Frameworks Object Hierarchy This Framework Indexes
o Property Fill( | ) As |
Dim status As Integer status = NewMarker2D.Fill
o Property Frame( | ) As |
Dim status As Integer status = NewMarker2D.Frame
o Property Picture( | ) As |
Dim path As String path = NewMarker2D.Picture
o Property TextAngle( | ) As |
Dim angle As Double size = NewMarker2D.TextAngle
o Property TextFont( | ) As |
Dim font As String font = NewMarker2D.TextFont
o Property TextOrientation( | ) As |
Dim orientation As CatMarkerTextOrientation orientation = NewMarker2D.TextOrientation
o Property TextSize( | ) As |
Dim size As Double size = NewMarker2D.TextSize
o Property Text( | ) As |
Dim text As String text = NewMarker2D.Text
o Property Type( | ) As (Read Only) |
Dim type As CatMarker2DType type = NewMarker2D.Type
o Sub GetPositions( | oCoordinates) |
These positions depend on the type of the Marker2D :
Dim Coordinates (3) NewMarker2D.GetPositions Coordinates
o Sub SetPositions( | iCoordinates) |
These positions depend on the type of the Marker2D :
Dim Coordinates (3) 'To be valuated NewMarker2D.SetPositions Coordinates
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