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Viewer3D (Object)

Represents a 3D viewer.
The 3D viewer aggregates a 3D viewpoint to display a 3D scene. In addition, the Viewer3D object manages the lighting, the depth effects, the navigation style, and the rendering mode.
See also:
Viewpoint3D, CatLightingMode, CatNavigationStyle, CatRenderingMode

Property Index

Returns or sets the clipping mode.
Returns or sets the far limit for the far clipping plane.
Returns or sets the fog mode.
Returns or sets the ground displaying mode.
Returns the viewer's light source collection.
Returns or sets the lighting intensity.
Returns or sets the lighting mode.
Returns or sets the navigation style.
Returns or sets the near limit for the near clipping plane.
Returns or sets the rendering mode.
Returns or sets the 3D viewpoint of a 3D viewer.

Method Index

Applies a rotation.
Applies a translation.


o Property ClippingMode() As
Returns or sets the clipping mode.
This example sets the depth effect for the My3DViewer 3D viewer to catClippingModeNearAndFar.
 My3DViewer.ClippingMode = catClippingModeNearAndFar
o Property FarLimit() As
Returns or sets the far limit for the far clipping plane. The distance is measured from the eye location, that is the origin of the viewpoint, and is expressed in model unit. The far clipping plane is available with the catClippingModeFar and catClippingModeNearAndFar values of the CatClippingMode enumeration only.
This example sets the far limit for the far clipping plane of the My3DViewer 3D viewer to 150 model units.
 My3DViewer.FarLimit = 150
o Property Foggy() As
Returns or sets the fog mode. Useful when clipping is enabled.
This example sets the fog on for the My3DViewer 3D viewer:
 My3DViewer.Foggy = True
o Property Ground() As
Returns or sets the ground displaying mode.
This example makes the ground visible for the My3DViewer 3D viewer:
 My3DViewer.Ground = True
o Property LightSources() As (Read Only)
Returns the viewer's light source collection.
This example retrieves the light source collection for the My3DViewer 3D viewer in VPLightSources.
 Set VPLightSources = My3DViewer.LightSources
o Property LightingIntensity() As
Returns or sets the lighting intensity. The lighting intensity ranges between 0 and 1.
This example sets the lighting intensity for the My3DViewer 3D viewer to 0.35.
 My3DViewer.LightingIntensity = 0.35
o Property LightingMode() As
Returns or sets the lighting mode.
This example sets the lighting mode for the My3DViewer 3D viewer to catInfiniteLightSource.
 My3DViewer.LightingMode = catInfiniteLightSource
o Property NavigationStyle() As
Returns or sets the navigation style.
This example sets the navigation style for the My3DViewer 3D viewer to catNavigationWalk.
 My3DViewer.NavigationStyle = catNavigationWalk
o Property NearLimit() As
Returns or sets the near limit for the near clipping plane. The distance is measured from the eye location, that is the origin of the viewpoint, and is expressed in model unit. The near clipping plane is available with the catClippingModeNear and catClippingModeNearAndFar values of the CatClippingMode enumeration only.
This example sets the near limit for the near clipping plane of the My3DViewer 3D viewer to 75 model units.
 My3DViewer.NearLimit = 75
o Property RenderingMode() As
Returns or sets the rendering mode.
This example sets the rendering mode for the My3DViewer 3D viewer to catRenderShadingWithEdges.
 My3DViewer.RenderingMode = catRenderShadingWithEdges
o Property Viewpoint3D() As
Returns or sets the 3D viewpoint of a 3D viewer.
This example retrieves the Nice3DViewpoint 3D viewpoint from the My3DViewer 3D viewer.
 Dim Nice3DViewpoint As Viewpoint3D
 Set Nice3DViewpoint = My3DViewer.Viewpoint3D


o Sub Rotate( iAxis,
Applies a rotation. The rotation of iAngle degrees is applied to the viewer's contents around the axis iAxis (an array of 3 Variants), the invariant point being the target (ie: Origin + FocusDistance*SightDirection).
This applies a rotation of 10 degrees around the Up Direction to the contents of the MyViewer3D viewer.
 MyViewer3D.Rotate MyViewer3D.UpDirection, 10
o Sub Translate( iVector)
Applies a translation. The translation vector is iVector (an array of 3 Variants).
This applies a translation along (1, 1, 1) to the contents of the MyViewer3D viewer.
 MyViewer3D.Translate Array(1, 1, 1)

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