DNBHumanSimInterfaces AutoWalkActivity (Object)
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AutoWalkActivity (Object)
Interface that represents an Auto-Walk activity
Method Index
- This gets the auto walk length in metres
o Sub GetLengthInMetre( | | dLength, |
| | bCurrManikinPose) |
This gets the auto walk length in metres
- Parameters:
- bCurrManikinPosition
- The bCurrManikinPosition flag is used to obtain the walk length for autowalk dynamically based
on the location of manikin irrespective of its previous MoveToPosture activity;
in a line tracking scenario if the manikin has a body constraint with a moving object then,
the Degree Of Freedom (DOF)of previous MoveToPosture activity gives only the static walk length
and is incorrect. By defuault, this value will be taken as FALSE
- Returns:
- dLength walk length in metre
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