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LibTabSettingAtt (Object)

Method Index

Retrieves environment informations for the 'Unique Check' parameter.
Retrieves the option which enables to check ID uniqueness amongst sibling processes
Role: Retrieves the option which enables to check ID uniqueness amongst sibling processes
Retrieves the information about the list of libraries path that are used in the Process document
Role:Retrieves the information about the list of libraries path that are used in the Process document
Retrieves the List of Libraries that are used in the Process document
Role: Retrieves the List of Libraries that are used in the Process document
Retrieves the information about the custom VB script path that are used in the Process document
Role:Retrieves the information about the custom VB script path that are used in the Process document
Retrieves the path of custom VB script to generate process ID
Role: Retrieves the path of custom VB script to generate process ID
Sets a List of Libraries that are used in the Process document
Role: Sets the List of Libraries that are used in the Process document
Locks or unlocks the "Unique Check" parameter.
Sets the option which enables to check ID uniqueness amongst sibling processes
Role: Sets the option which enables to check ID uniqueness amongst sibling processes
Locks or unlocks the list of libraries to be used
Role:Locks or unlocks the "list of libraries" parameter if it is possible in the current administrative context.
Locks or unlocks the "Custom VB Script" parameter.
Sets the path of custom VB script to generate process ID
Role: Sets the path of custom VB script to generate process ID


o Func GetIDUniqueSettingInfo( ioAdminLevel,
ioLocked) As
Retrieves environment informations for the 'Unique Check' parameter.
Role:Retrieves the state of the 'Unique Check' parameter in the current environment.

If the parameter is locked, AdminLevel gives the administration level that imposes the value of the parameter.
If the parameter is not locked, AdminLevel gives the administration level that will give the value of the parameter after a reset.
Indicates if the parameter has been locked.
Indicates if the parameter has been explicitly modified or remain to the administrated value.
o Sub GetIDUniqueSetting( oIsUnique)
Retrieves the option which enables to check ID uniqueness amongst sibling processes
Role: Retrieves the option which enables to check ID uniqueness amongst sibling processes
Flag indicating whether the check should be enabled or not
Legal values:
S_OK : on Success
E_FAIL: on failure
o Func GetListOfLibraryFilePathInfo( ioAdminLevel,
ioLocked) As
Retrieves the information about the list of libraries path that are used in the Process document
Role:Retrieves the information about the list of libraries path that are used in the Process document

If the parameter is locked, AdminLevel gives the administration level that imposes the value of the parameter.
If the parameter is not locked, AdminLevel gives the administration level that will give the value of the parameter after a reset.
Indicates if the parameter has been locked.
Indicates if the parameter has been explicitly modified or remain to the administrated value.
o Func GetListOfLibraryFilePath() As
Retrieves the List of Libraries that are used in the Process document
Role: Retrieves the List of Libraries that are used in the Process document
a CATSafeArrayVariant of CATBSTR that has the list of libraries
Legal values:
S_OK : on Success
E_FAIL: on failure
o Func GetProcessIDScriptInfo( ioAdminLevel,
ioLocked) As
Retrieves the information about the custom VB script path that are used in the Process document
Role:Retrieves the information about the custom VB script path that are used in the Process document

If the parameter is locked, AdminLevel gives the administration level that imposes the value of the parameter.
If the parameter is not locked, AdminLevel gives the administration level that will give the value of the parameter after a reset.
Indicates if the parameter has been locked.
Indicates if the parameter has been explicitly modified or remain to the administrated value.
o Sub GetProcessIDScript( oPath)
Retrieves the path of custom VB script to generate process ID
Role: Retrieves the path of custom VB script to generate process ID
The output path of the custom VB script
Legal values:
S_OK : on Success
E_FAIL: on failure
o Sub PutListOfLibraryFilePath( iPath)
Sets a List of Libraries that are used in the Process document
Role: Sets the List of Libraries that are used in the Process document
a CATSafeArrayVariant of CATBSTR that has the list of libraries.
Legal values:
S_OK : on Success
E_FAIL: on failure
o Sub SetIDUniqueSettingLock( iLocked)
Locks or unlocks the "Unique Check" parameter.
Role: Locks or unlocks the 'Unique Check' parameter if the operation is allowed in the current administrated environment. In user mode this method will always return E_FAIL.
the locking operation to be performed Legal values:
1 : to lock the parameter.
0: to unlock the parameter.
Legal values:
S_OK : on Success
E_FAIL: on failure
o Sub SetIDUniqueSetting( isUnique)
Sets the option which enables to check ID uniqueness amongst sibling processes
Role: Sets the option which enables to check ID uniqueness amongst sibling processes
Sets the option to enable uniqueness check or not
Legal values:
S_OK : on Success
E_FAIL: on failure
o Sub SetListOfLibraryFilePathLock( iLocked)
Locks or unlocks the list of libraries to be used
Role:Locks or unlocks the "list of libraries" parameter if it is possible in the current administrative context. In user mode this method will always return E_FAIL.
the locking operation to be performed Legal values:
TRUE : to lock the parameter.
FALSE: to unlock the parameter.
o Sub SetProcessIDScriptLock( iLocked)
Locks or unlocks the "Custom VB Script" parameter.
Role: Locks or unlocks the 'Custom VB Script' parameter if the operation is allowed in the current administrated environment. In user mode this method will always return E_FAIL.
the locking operation to be performed Legal values:
1 : to lock the parameter.
0: to unlock the parameter.
Legal values:
S_OK : on Success
E_FAIL: on failure
o Sub SetProcessIDScript( iPath)
Sets the path of custom VB script to generate process ID
Role: Sets the path of custom VB script to generate process ID
Path of the custom VB script to be set
Legal values:
S_OK : on Success
E_FAIL: on failure

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