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IgesSettingAtt (Object)

Represents the CATIA IGES setting controller object.
Role: The CATIA IGES setting controller object deals with the setting attributes displayed in the IGES property page. To access this property page:

The New Elements setting controller object can be retrieved as an item of the setting controller collection using its name "CAACafNewEltSettingCtrl" as follows:

 Dim settingControllers1 As SettingControllers
 Set settingControllers1 = CATIA.SettingControllers
 Dim CATIAIGESSettingAtt1 As SettingController
 Set CATIAIGESSettingAtt1 = settingControllers1.Item("CATIdeIgesSettingCtrl")

Property Index

Returns or sets the Angle setting parameter value.
Returns or sets the Apply join setting parameter value.
Returns or sets the Author Name setting parameter value.
Returns or sets the Author Organization setting parameter value.
Returns or sets the Export BSpline mode setting parameter value.
Returns or sets the Export Solid Mode setting parameter value.
Returns or sets the Export Units setting parameter value.
Returns or sets the Import Selection Set mode setting parameter value.
Returns or sets the Export only show setting parameter value.
Returns or sets the Continuity Optimization Mode setting parameter value.
Returns or sets the clean topo mode setting parameter value.
Returns or sets the Fitting Mode setting parameter value.
Returns or sets the InvalidGeom mode setting parameter value.
Returns or sets the Force 3D Loop setting parameter value.
Returns or sets the Import Product mode setting parameter value.
Returns or sets the Export representation mode setting parameter value.
Returns or sets the Show/No Show dialog box setting parameter value.
Returns or sets the join tolerance setting parameter value.
Returns or sets the InvalidGeom Tolerance setting parameter value.
Returns or sets the tolerance ( optimize - fitting ) setting parameter value.

Method Index

Retrieves information about the Angle setting parameter.
Retrieves information about the Apply Join setting parameter.
Retrieves environment informations for the AuthorName parameter.
Retrieves environment informations for the AuthorOrganization parameter.
Retrieves information about the Export BSpline mode setting parameter.
Retrieves information about the Export Solid Mode setting parameter.
Retrieves information about the Export Units setting parameter.
Retrieves information about the Import Selection Set mode setting parameter.
Retrieves information about the Export only show setting parameter.
Retrieves information about the Continuity Optimization Mode setting parameter.
Retrieves information about the Clean Topo Mode setting parameter.
Retrieves information about the Fitting Mode setting parameter.
Retrieves information about the InvalidGeom mode setting parameter.
Retrieves information about the Force 3D Loop setting parameter.
Retrieves information about the Import Product mode setting parameter.
Retrieves information about the Export representation mode setting parameter.
Retrieves information about the Show/No Show dialog box setting parameter.
Retrieves information about the join tolerance setting parameter.
Retrieves information about the InvalidGeom Tolerance setting parameter.
Retrieves information about the Tolerance ( optimize - fitting ) setting parameter.
Locks or unlocks the Angle setting parameter.
Locks or unlocks the Apply Join setting parameter.
Locks or unlocks the AuthorName parameter.
Locks or unlocks the AuthorOrganization parameter.
Locks or unlocks the Export BSpline mode setting parameter.
Locks or unlocks the Export Solid Mode setting parameter.
Locks or unlocks the Export Units setting parameter.
Locks or unlocks the Import Selection Set mode setting parameter.
Locks or unlocks the Export only show setting parameter.
Locks or unlocks the Continuity Optimizationmode setting parameter.
Locks or unlocks the Clean Topo Mode setting parameter.
Locks or unlocks the Fitting Mode setting parameter.
Locks or unlocks the InvalidGeom mode setting parameter.
Locks or unlocks the Force 3D Loop setting parameter.
Locks or unlocks the Import Product mode setting parameter.
Locks or unlocks the Export representation mode setting parameter.
Locks or unlocks the Show/No Show dialog box setting parameter.
Locks or unlocks the join tolerance setting parameter.
Locks or unlocks the InvalidGeom Tolerance setting parameter.
Locks or unlocks the Tolerance ( optimize - fitting ) setting parameter.


o Property Angle() As
Returns or sets the Angle setting parameter value.
Role: The Angle setting parameter manages the maximal angle of deformation.
[out] The Angle parameter value
Legal values: value of angle in degree, between 0.0 and 10.0 deg.
o Property ApplyJoin() As
Returns or sets the Apply join setting parameter value.
Role: The XXX setting parameter manages the Apply Join mode
[out] The Apply join parameter value
Legal values: 1 To Apply Join on faces, 0 otherwise.
o Property AuthorName() As
Returns or sets the Author Name setting parameter value.
Role: The Author Name setting parameter manages the Author Name.
[out] The Author Name parameter value
Legal values: (any text).
o Property AuthorOrganization() As
Returns or sets the Author Organization setting parameter value.
Role: The Author Organization setting parameter manages the Author Organization.
[out] The Author Organization parameter value
Legal values: (any text).
o Property CrvMod() As
Returns or sets the Export BSpline mode setting parameter value.
Role: The Export BSpline mode setting parameter manages the mode to export curves and surfaces
[out] The Export BSpline mode parameter value
Legal values: 0 for standard mode; 1 for BSpline mode : all curves and surfaces will be exported as B-Spline curves and surfaces.
o Property ExportMSBO() As
Returns or sets the Export Solid Mode setting parameter value.
Role: The Export Solid Mode setting parameter manages the export of solids and shells
[out] The Export Solid Mode parameter value
Legal values: 1 to export solids and shells as 186/514 IGES entities, 0 to export them as trimmed surfaces.
o Property ExportUnit() As
Returns or sets the Export Units setting parameter value.
Role: The Export Units setting parameter manages the unit in exported IGES Files.
[out] The Export Units parameter value
Legal values: 0-10 : 0 : user unit; 1 : Inches; 2 : Millimeters; 3 : Feet; 4 : Miles; 5 : Meters; 6 : Kilometers; 7 : Mils; 8 : Microns; 9 : Centimeters; 10 : Microinches.
o Property ImportGroupAsSelSet() As
Returns or sets the Import Selection Set mode setting parameter value.
Role: The Import Selection Set mode setting parameter manages the Import of IGES groups.
[out] The Import Selection Set mode parameter value
Legal values: 1 To map IGES Groups as Selection Sets, 0 otherwise.
o Property OnlyShow() As
Returns or sets the Export only show setting parameter value.
Role: The Export only show setting parameter manages the mode to export entities in No-Show
[out] The Export only show parameter value
Legal values: 1 to export only visible elements, 0 to export visible and invisible elements.
o Property OptC2Mode() As
Returns or sets the Continuity Optimization Mode setting parameter value.
Role: The Continuity Optimization Mode setting parameter manages the ...
[out] The Continuity Optimization Mode parameter value
Legal values: 0 to Disable Optimize Continuity ; 1 to Enable default Optimize Continuity 2 to Enable Advanced Optimize Continuity.
o Property OptCleanTopoMode() As
Returns or sets the clean topo mode setting parameter value.
Role: The clean topo mode setting parameter manages the the Fitting Mode, in Advanced Optimize Continuity Mode.
[out] The clean topo mode parameter value
Legal values: 0 to Disable the clean topo Mode, 1 to Enable the clean topo Mode.
o Property OptFittingMode() As
Returns or sets the Fitting Mode setting parameter value.
Role: The Fitting Mode setting parameter manages the Fitting Mode, in Advanced Optimize Continuity Mode.
[out] The Fitting Mode parameter value
Fitting Mode values: 0 to Disable the Fitting Mode, 1 to Enable the Fitting Mode.
o Property OptInvalidGeomMode() As
Returns or sets the InvalidGeom mode setting parameter value.
Role: The InvalidGeom mode setting parameter manages the Invalid Geometry Checks.
[out] The InvalidGeom mode parameter value
Legal values: 0 to disable Invalid Geometry Checks, 1 to enable it.
o Property OptLoop3DMode() As
Returns or sets the Force 3D Loop setting parameter value.
Role: The Force 3D Loop setting parameter manages the Import of IGES boundaries, to use only the 3D representation.
[out] The Force 3D Loop parameter value
Legal values: 0 to keep file preference, 1 to Force the use of 3D representation.
o Property PartProdMode() As
Returns or sets the Import Product mode setting parameter value.
Role: The Import Product mode setting parameter manages the Product mode for Import of 308/408 IGES entities.
[out] The Import Product mode parameter value
Legal values: 0 to import 308/408 in a CATPart, 1 to create a Product Structure.
o Property RepMod() As
Returns or sets the Export representation mode setting parameter value.
Role: The Export representation mode setting parameter manages the export of faces as surfaces or as wireframe.
[out] The Export representation mode parameter value
Legal values: 1 to export surfaces as wireframes, 0 otherwise.
o Property ShowCompletionDialogBox() As
Returns or sets the Show/No Show dialog box setting parameter value.
Role: The Show/No Show dialog box setting parameter manages the visibility of the Completion dialog box.
Legal values: 1 to show, and 0 to hide the Show/No Show dialog box.
o Property TolJoin() As
Returns or sets the join tolerance setting parameter value.
Role: The join tolerance setting parameter manages the Tolerance for Join
[out] The join tolerance parameter value
Legal values: Value of tolerance in mm, between 0.0 and 0.1 mm.
o Property TolOptInvalidGeom() As
Returns or sets the InvalidGeom Tolerance setting parameter value.
Role: The InvalidGeom Tolerance setting parameter manages the Tolerance for invalid geometry checks.
[out] The InvalidGeom Tolerance parameter value
Legal values: value of tolerance, in mm, between 0.5 and 20 mm.
o Property Tolerance() As
Returns or sets the tolerance ( optimize - fitting ) setting parameter value.
Role: The tolerance ( optimize - fitting ) setting parameter manages the tolerance for Optimize continuity and Fitting.
[out] The tolerance ( optimize - fitting ) parameter value
Legal values: value of tolerance in mm, between 0.0005 and 0.10 mm.


o Func GetAngleInfo( ioAdminLevel,
ioLocked) As
Retrieves information about the Angle setting parameter.
Refer to
SettingController for a detailed description.
o Func GetApplyJoinInfo( ioAdminLevel,
ioLocked) As
Retrieves information about the Apply Join setting parameter.
Refer to
SettingController for a detailed description.
o Func GetAuthorNameInfo( ioAdminLevel,
ioLocked) As
Retrieves environment informations for the AuthorName parameter.
Refer to
SettingController for a detailed description.
o Func GetAuthorOrganizationInfo( ioAdminLevel,
ioLocked) As
Retrieves environment informations for the AuthorOrganization parameter.
Refer to
SettingController for a detailed description.
o Func GetCrvModInfo( ioAdminLevel,
ioLocked) As
Retrieves information about the Export BSpline mode setting parameter.
Refer to
SettingController for a detailed description.
o Func GetExportMSBOInfo( ioAdminLevel,
ioLocked) As
Retrieves information about the Export Solid Mode setting parameter.
Refer to
SettingController for a detailed description.
o Func GetExportUnitInfo( ioAdminLevel,
ioLocked) As
Retrieves information about the Export Units setting parameter.
Refer to
SettingController for a detailed description.
o Func GetImportGroupAsSelSetInfo( ioAdminLevel,
ioLocked) As
Retrieves information about the Import Selection Set mode setting parameter.
Refer to
SettingController for a detailed description.
o Func GetOnlyShowInfo( ioAdminLevel,
ioLocked) As
Retrieves information about the Export only show setting parameter.
Refer to
SettingController for a detailed description.
o Func GetOptC2ModeInfo( ioAdminLevel,
ioLocked) As
Retrieves information about the Continuity Optimization Mode setting parameter.
Refer to
SettingController for a detailed description.
o Func GetOptCleanTopoModeInfo( ioAdminLevel,
ioLocked) As
Retrieves information about the Clean Topo Mode setting parameter.
Refer to
SettingController for a detailed description.
o Func GetOptFittingModeInfo( ioAdminLevel,
ioLocked) As
Retrieves information about the Fitting Mode setting parameter.
Refer to
SettingController for a detailed description.
o Func GetOptInvalidGeomModeInfo( ioAdminLevel,
ioLocked) As
Retrieves information about the InvalidGeom mode setting parameter.
Refer to
SettingController for a detailed description.
o Func GetOptLoop3DModeInfo( ioAdminLevel,
ioLocked) As
Retrieves information about the Force 3D Loop setting parameter.
Refer to
SettingController for a detailed description.
o Func GetPartProdModeInfo( ioAdminLevel,
ioLocked) As
Retrieves information about the Import Product mode setting parameter.
Refer to
SettingController for a detailed description.
o Func GetRepModInfo( ioAdminLevel,
ioLocked) As
Retrieves information about the Export representation mode setting parameter.
Refer to
SettingController for a detailed description.
o Func GetShowCompletionDialogBoxInfo( ioAdminLevel,
ioLocked) As
Retrieves information about the Show/No Show dialog box setting parameter.
Refer to
SettingController for a detailed description.
o Func GetTolJoinInfo( ioAdminLevel,
ioLocked) As
Retrieves information about the join tolerance setting parameter.
Refer to
SettingController for a detailed description.
o Func GetTolOptInvalidGeomInfo( ioAdminLevel,
ioLocked) As
Retrieves information about the InvalidGeom Tolerance setting parameter.
Refer to
SettingController for a detailed description.
o Func GetToleranceInfo( ioAdminLevel,
ioLocked) As
Retrieves information about the Tolerance ( optimize - fitting ) setting parameter.
Refer to
SettingController for a detailed description.
o Sub SetAngleLock( iLocked)
Locks or unlocks the Angle setting parameter.
Refer to
SettingController for a detailed description.
o Sub SetApplyJoinLock( iLocked)
Locks or unlocks the Apply Join setting parameter.
Refer to
SettingController for a detailed description.
o Sub SetAuthorNameLock( iLocked)
Locks or unlocks the AuthorName parameter.
Refer to
SettingController for a detailed description.
o Sub SetAuthorOrganizationLock( iLocked)
Locks or unlocks the AuthorOrganization parameter.
Refer to
SettingController for a detailed description.
o Sub SetCrvModLock( iLocked)
Locks or unlocks the Export BSpline mode setting parameter.
Refer to
SettingController for a detailed description.
o Sub SetExportMSBOLock( iLocked)
Locks or unlocks the Export Solid Mode setting parameter.
Refer to
SettingController for a detailed description.
o Sub SetExportUnitLock( iLocked)
Locks or unlocks the Export Units setting parameter.
Refer to
SettingController for a detailed description.
o Sub SetImportGroupAsSelSetLock( iLocked)
Locks or unlocks the Import Selection Set mode setting parameter.
Refer to
SettingController for a detailed description.
o Sub SetOnlyShowLock( iLocked)
Locks or unlocks the Export only show setting parameter.
Refer to
SettingController for a detailed description.
o Sub SetOptC2ModeLock( iLocked)
Locks or unlocks the Continuity Optimizationmode setting parameter.
Refer to
SettingController for a detailed description.
o Sub SetOptCleanTopoModeLock( iLocked)
Locks or unlocks the Clean Topo Mode setting parameter.
Refer to
SettingController for a detailed description.
o Sub SetOptFittingModeLock( iLocked)
Locks or unlocks the Fitting Mode setting parameter.
Refer to
SettingController for a detailed description.
o Sub SetOptInvalidGeomModeLock( iLocked)
Locks or unlocks the InvalidGeom mode setting parameter.
Refer to
SettingController for a detailed description.
o Sub SetOptLoop3DModeLock( iLocked)
Locks or unlocks the Force 3D Loop setting parameter.
Refer to
SettingController for a detailed description.
o Sub SetPartProdModeLock( iLocked)
Locks or unlocks the Import Product mode setting parameter.
Refer to
SettingController for a detailed description.
o Sub SetRepModLock( iLocked)
Locks or unlocks the Export representation mode setting parameter.
Refer to
SettingController for a detailed description.
o Sub SetShowCompletionDialogBoxLock( iLocked)
Locks or unlocks the Show/No Show dialog box setting parameter.
Refer to
SettingController for a detailed description.
o Sub SetTolJoinLock( iLocked)
Locks or unlocks the join tolerance setting parameter.
Refer to
SettingController for a detailed description.
o Sub SetTolOptInvalidGeomLock( iLocked)
Locks or unlocks the InvalidGeom Tolerance setting parameter.
Refer to
SettingController for a detailed description.
o Sub SetToleranceLock( iLocked)
Locks or unlocks the Tolerance ( optimize - fitting ) setting parameter.
Refer to
SettingController for a detailed description.

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