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MigrBatchSettingAtt (Object)

Represents the object to handle the setting parameters of the "Migration Batch" tab page.
Role: This interface is implemented by a component named CATV4IMigrBatchSettingCtrl which represents the controller of the Setting. The setting parameters of the tab are the following: To access this property page:
This interface defines:

Property Index

Retrieves or sets the state of the "Display Report Attribute" setting parameter.
Retrieves or sets the state of the "Mapping Files Location for Saving" setting parameter.
Retrieves or sets the state of the "Specified Directory" setting parameter.
Retrieves or sets the state of the "Format" setting parameter.
Retrieves or sets the "Migration Interace" setting parameter.
Retrieves or sets the state of the "Conversion Mode" setting parameter.
Retrieves or sets the size of the "Mapping Files Location for Retrieving" list.
Retrieves or sets the state of the "Initial Drawing Path" setting parameter.
Retrieves or sets the state of the "V4 Part Definition" setting parameter.
Retrieves or sets the state of the "Projection of Space for transparent views" setting parameter.

Method Index

Retrieves information about the "Display Report Attribute" setting parameter.
Retrieves information about the "Mapping Files Location for Saving" setting parameter.
Retrieves information about the "Specified Directory" setting parameter.
Retrieves information about the "Format" setting parameter.
Retrieves information about the "Migration Interface" setting parameter.
Retrieves information about the "Conversion" setting parameter.
Retrieves the state of the "Mapping Files Location for Retrieving" setting parameter.
Retrieves information about the "Initial Drawing Path" setting parameter.
Retrieves information about the "V4 Part Definition" setting parameter.
Retrieves information about the "Projection of Space for transparent views" setting parameter.
Sets the state of the "Mapping Files Location for Retrieving" setting parameter.
Locks or unlocks the "Display Report Attribute" setting parameter.
Locks or unlocks the "Mapping Files Location for Saving" setting parameter.
Locks or unlocks the "Specified Directory" setting parameter.
Locks or unlocks the "Format" setting parameter.
Locks or unlocks the "Migration Interface" setting parameter.
Locks or unlocks the "Conversion" setting parameter.
Locks or unlocks the "Initial Drawing Path" setting parameter.
Locks or unlocks the "V4 Part Definition" setting parameter.
Locks or unlocks the "Projection of Space for transparent views" setting parameter.


o Property Affiche_Attribut() As
Retrieves or sets the state of the "Display Report Attribute" setting parameter.
Role: This functionality allows the visualization of 3D elements attributes in the Migration Report. For each element, the list of its attributes is displayed with their names and values.
o Property Mapping_File_Save_Mode() As
Retrieves or sets the state of the "Mapping Files Location for Saving" setting parameter.
Role: The "Mapping Files Location for Saving " mode enables you to store a file which indicates the pointed entities in V4 MML Solids and which allows to retrieve associativity in CATIA V5. You can specify the directory path of your choice: Batch Target Directory, Model Directory or Specified Directory.
o Property Mapping_Saving_File() As
Retrieves or sets the state of the "Specified Directory" setting parameter.
Role: The "Specified Directory" mode enables you to find pointed entities in V4 MML Solids and to retrieve associativity in CATIA V5. You can specify the directory path of your choice.
o Property Migration_Format() As
Retrieves or sets the state of the "Format" setting parameter.
Role: The "Format" mode enables you to select the format of the Migration in Batch Mode: AS SPEC or AS RESULT.
o Property Migration_Interface() As
Retrieves or sets the "Migration Interace" setting parameter.
Role: This option allows you to customize migrations from CATIA V4 to CATIA V5. You can choose how your applicative data will be migrated by writing source code
o Property Migration_Type() As
Retrieves or sets the state of the "Conversion Mode" setting parameter.
Role: The "Conversion Mode" mode enables you to separate the treatment of SPACE data and DRAW data when a model is migrated.
o Property Search_List_Size() As
Retrieves or sets the size of the "Mapping Files Location for Retrieving" list.
Role: This setting enables to retrieve the size of the "Mapping Files Location for Retrieving" list.
o Property StartUp_Model_For_Drawing() As
Retrieves or sets the state of the "Initial Drawing Path" setting parameter.
Role: The "Initial Drawing Path" mode enables you to specify a .CATDrawing document which will serve as a template. The standard used by this document will be used during the migration.
o Property V4_Part_Definition() As
Retrieves or sets the state of the "V4 Part Definition" setting parameter.
Role: The "V4 Part Definition" mode enables you to define the CATParts obtained after the migration: A CATPart by Geometric Set or A CATPart by Solid. .
o Property Visu_Mode_2D() As
Retrieves or sets the state of the "Projection of Space for transparent views" setting parameter.
Role: The "Projection of Space for transparent views" mode enables you to specify what kind of projection mode you want to use for transparent views during the migration: NHR, HLR or the same projection mode as the V4 model.


o Func GetAffiche_AttributInfo( AdminLevel,
oLocked) As
Retrieves information about the "Display Report Attribute" setting parameter.
Refer to
SettingController for a detailed description.
o Func GetMapping_File_Save_ModeInfo( AdminLevel,
oLocked) As
Retrieves information about the "Mapping Files Location for Saving" setting parameter.
Refer to
SettingController for a detailed description.
o Func GetMapping_Saving_FileInfo( AdminLevel,
oLocked) As
Retrieves information about the "Specified Directory" setting parameter.
Refer to
SettingController for a detailed description.
o Func GetMigration_FormatInfo( AdminLevel,
oLocked) As
Retrieves information about the "Format" setting parameter.
Refer to
SettingController for a detailed description.
o Func GetMigration_InterfaceInfo( AdminLevel,
oLocked) As
Retrieves information about the "Migration Interface" setting parameter.
Refer to
SettingController for a detailed description.
o Func GetMigration_TypeInfo( AdminLevel,
oLocked) As
Retrieves information about the "Conversion" setting parameter.
Refer to
SettingController for a detailed description.
o Func GetSearch_Mapping_List() As
Retrieves the state of the "Mapping Files Location for Retrieving" setting parameter.
Role: The "Mapping Files Location for Retrieving " mode enables you to store a list of mapping tables.
o Func GetStartUp_Model_For_DrawingInfo( AdminLevel,
oLocked) As
Retrieves information about the "Initial Drawing Path" setting parameter.
Refer to
SettingController for a detailed description.
o Func GetV4_Part_DefinitionInfo( AdminLevel,
oLocked) As
Retrieves information about the "V4 Part Definition" setting parameter.
Refer to
SettingController for a detailed description.
o Func GetVisu_Mode_2DInfo( AdminLevel,
oLocked) As
Retrieves information about the "Projection of Space for transparent views" setting parameter.
Refer to
SettingController for a detailed description.
o Sub PutSearch_Mapping_List( iRelPath)
Sets the state of the "Mapping Files Location for Retrieving" setting parameter.
Role: The "Mapping Files Location for Retrieving " mode enables you to store a list of mapping tables.
o Sub SetAffiche_AttributLock( iLock)
Locks or unlocks the "Display Report Attribute" setting parameter.
Refer to
SettingController for a detailed description.
o Sub SetMapping_File_Save_ModeLock( iLock)
Locks or unlocks the "Mapping Files Location for Saving" setting parameter.
Refer to
SettingController for a detailed description.
o Sub SetMapping_Saving_FileLock( iLock)
Locks or unlocks the "Specified Directory" setting parameter.
Refer to
SettingController for a detailed description.
o Sub SetMigration_FormatLock( iLock)
Locks or unlocks the "Format" setting parameter.
Refer to
SettingController for a detailed description.
o Sub SetMigration_InterfaceLock( iLock)
Locks or unlocks the "Migration Interface" setting parameter.
Refer to
SettingController for a detailed description.
o Sub SetMigration_TypeLock( iLock)
Locks or unlocks the "Conversion" setting parameter.
Refer to
SettingController for a detailed description.
o Sub SetStartUp_Model_For_DrawingLock( iLock)
Locks or unlocks the "Initial Drawing Path" setting parameter.
Refer to
SettingController for a detailed description.
o Sub SetV4_Part_DefinitionLock( iLock)
Locks or unlocks the "V4 Part Definition" setting parameter.
Refer to
SettingController for a detailed description.
o Sub SetVisu_Mode_2DLock( iLock)
Locks or unlocks the "Projection of Space for transparent views" setting parameter.
Refer to
SettingController for a detailed description.

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