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RealParam (Object)

Represents the real parameter.
The following example shows how to create it:
  Dim CATDocs As Documents
  Set CATDocs = CATIA.Documents
  Dim part1 As Document
  Set part1   = CATDocs.Add("CATPart")
  Dim density As RealParam
  Set density = part1.Part.Parameters.CreateReal("density", 2.5)
The real parameter is the base object for dimensions.
See also:

Property Index

Returns or sets the value of the maximum tolerance of a parameter.
Returns or sets the value of the minimum tolerance of a parameter.
Returns or sets the type of the upper bound of the parameter.
Returns or sets the value of the upper bound that the parameter object value can take.
Returns or sets the type of the lower bound of the parameter.
Returns or sets the value of the lower bound that the parameter object value can take.
Returns or sets the value of the real parameter.

Method Index

Returns the number of enumerate values.
Returns an array containing the different values that the real param can take in the case of multiple values.
Tests the equality of the parameter value with a given value.
Sets an array containing the different values that the real param can take in the case of multiple values.
Resets the status of the object to a single value object.


o Property MaximumTolerance() As
Returns or sets the value of the maximum tolerance of a parameter. Units are expressed in the IS unit system.
This example sets the MaximumTolerance value to 0 if its value is bigger than 0:
 If (Length.MaximumTolerance < 0.0)  Then
     Length.MaximumTolerance = 0.0
 End If
o Property MinimumTolerance() As
Returns or sets the value of the minimum tolerance of a parameter. Units are expressed in the IS unit system.
This example sets the MinumumTolerance value to 0 if its value is bigger than 0:
 If (Length.MinimumTolerance > 0.0)  Then
     Length.MinimumTolerance = 0.0
 End If
o Property RangeMaxValidity() As
Returns or sets the type of the upper bound of the parameter.
the upper bound is meaningless
the upper bound can be reached
the upper bound cannot be reached
o Property RangeMax() As
Returns or sets the value of the upper bound that the parameter object value can take.
This example sets the RangeMax value to 0 if its value is smaller than 0:
 If (Length.RangeMax < 0.0 and Length.RangeMaxValidity <> 0)  Then
     Length.RangeMax = 0.0
 End If
o Property RangeMinValidity() As
Returns or sets the type of the lower bound of the parameter.
the lower bound is meaningless
the lower bound can be reached
the lower bound cannot be reached
o Property RangeMin() As
Returns or sets the value of the lower bound that the parameter object value can take.
This example sets the RangeMin value to 0 if its value is bigger than 0:
 If (Length.RangeMin > 0.0 and Length.RangeMinValidity <> 0)  Then
     Length.RangeMin = 0.0
 End If
o Property Value() As
Returns or sets the value of the real parameter. Units are expressed in the IS unit system, except for lengthes expressed in millimeters, and angles expressed in decimal degrees.
This example sets the density value to 1 if its value is greater than 2.5:
 If (density.Value > 2.5)  Then
     density.Value = 1
 End If


o Func GetEnumerateValuesSize() As
Returns the number of enumerate values.
o Sub GetEnumerateValues( oSafeArray)
Returns an array containing the different values that the real param can take in the case of multiple values.
 Dim enumValues () as Variant
 ReDim enumValues (aRealParameter.GetEnumerateValuesSize() - 1)
 For i = LBound(enumValues) to UBound(enumValues)
o Func IsEqualTo( iValueToCompare) As
Tests the equality of the parameter value with a given value.
The value to compare the parameter value with
If the current value of the parameter (the one get by the get_Value property, for dimensions notice that it is not the MKS value) is equal to the one given in argument. Notice that two values are considered as equal if their difference is insignificant faced with the two compared values. This method allows you to avoid problems due to computation errors.
If the two values are different.
o Sub SetEnumerateValues( iSafeArray)
Sets an array containing the different values that the real param can take in the case of multiple values.
o Sub SuppressEnumerateValues()
Resets the status of the object to a single value object.

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