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ManufacturingMachine (Object)

Machine in machining domain.

Property Index

Return the Comment of a Machine.
Return the Type of a Machine.
Gives the number of attributes of a ManufacturingMachine.
This property returns the number of Numerical Control attributes of a Manufacturing Machine.
This property returns the number of rotary table attributes of a Manufacturing Machine.
This property returns the number of Spindle attributes of a Manufacturing Machine.
This property returns the number of Tool change attributes of a Manufacturing Machine.
Give the PPTableName linked to a Manufacturing Machine.
This property returns the post processor file of a Manufacturing Machine Machine.
Give the PreferedToolCatalogName linked to a Manufacturing Machine.
Give the MfgRotaryAxis linked to a Manufacturing Machine.

Method Index

Return the string the Type of a Machine.
Retrieve the NLS name from the attribute name of a Manufacturing Machine.
Retrieve the Attribute of a Manufacturing Machine.
Retrieve the list of attribute units of a ManufacturingMachine.
Retrieve the list of all attributes of a ManufacturingMachine.
Retrieve the list of Numerical Control attributes of a Manufacturing Machine.
Retrieve the list of Rotary table attributes of a Manufacturing Machine.
Retrieve the list of Spindle attributes of a Manufacturing Machine.
Retrieve the list of Tool Change attributes of a Manufacturing Machine.
Initialise the Manufacturing Machine parameters.


o Property Comment() As (Read Only)
Return the Comment of a Machine.
The following example return the comment MachineComment of to the manufacturing Machine CurrentMachine
 MachineComment = CurrentMachine.Comment
o Property MachineType() As (Read Only)
Return the Type of a Machine.
The following example return the type MachineType of to the manufacturing Machine CurrentMachine
 MachineType = CurrentMachine.Type
o Property NumberOfAttributes() As (Read Only)
Gives the number of attributes of a ManufacturingMachine.
The following example returns the Number of attributes of the ManufacturingMachine CurrentMachine
 Number = CurrentMachine.NumberOfAttributes
o Property NumberOfNumericalControlAttributes() As (Read Only)
This property returns the number of Numerical Control attributes of a Manufacturing Machine.
o Property NumberOfRotaryTableAttributes() As (Read Only)
This property returns the number of rotary table attributes of a Manufacturing Machine. The machine is upposed to accept Rotary table (type is Mfg3AxisWithTableRotationMachine).
o Property NumberOfSpindleAttributes() As (Read Only)
This property returns the number of Spindle attributes of a Manufacturing Machine.
o Property NumberOfToolChangeAttributes() As (Read Only)
This property returns the number of Tool change attributes of a Manufacturing Machine.
o Property PPTableName() As
Give the PPTableName linked to a Manufacturing Machine.
The following example returns the PPTableName ThisPPTable linked to the Manufacturing Machine CurrentMachine
 Set ThisPPTable = CurrentMachine.PPTableName
o Property PostProcessorFile() As
This property returns the post processor file of a Manufacturing Machine Machine.PostProcessorFile
o Property PreferedToolCatalogName() As
Give the PreferedToolCatalogName linked to a Manufacturing Machine.
The following example returns the PreferedToolCatalogName ThisCatalog linked to the Manufacturing Machine CurrentMachine
 Set ThisCatalog = CurrentMachine.PreferedToolCatalogName
o Property RotaryAxis() As
Give the MfgRotaryAxis linked to a Manufacturing Machine.
The following example returns the MfgRotaryAxis ThisAxis linked to the Manufacturing Machine CurrentMachine
 Set ThisAxis = CurrentMachine.RotaryAxis


o Func DefaultName() As
Return the string the Type of a Machine.
The following example return the type MachineType of to the manufacturing Machine CurrentMachine
 MachineType = CurrentMachine.Type
o Func GetAttributeNLSName( iAttributName) As
Retrieve the NLS name from the attribute name of a Manufacturing Machine.
o Func GetAttribute( iAttribut) As
Retrieve the Attribute of a Manufacturing Machine.
The following example retreives in HomePosX the attribute MFG_HOME_POS_X of Manufacturing Machine MyMachine
  Set HomePosX = MyMachine.GetAttribute(MFG_HOME_POS_X)
o Sub GetListOfAttributeUnits( oListOfAttributeUnits)
Retrieve the list of attribute units of a ManufacturingMachine.
The number of items in the output array is equal to the number of attributes of the machine.
When an attribute has no unit definition, the corresponding unit item in the output array is a blank string.
The following example retrieves in TabAttributeUnits the list of attribute units of the ManufacturingMachine CurrentMachine
 call CurrentMachine.GetListOfAttributeUnits(TabAttributeUnits)
o Sub GetListOfAttributes( oListOfAttributes)
Retrieve the list of all attributes of a ManufacturingMachine.
Each attribute is returned as the name of a CKE object.
The following example retrieves in TabAttributes the list of attributes of the ManufacturingMachine CurrentMachine
 call CurrentMachine.GetListOfAttributes(TabAttributes)
o Sub GetListOfNumericalControlAttributes( oListOfAttributes)
Retrieve the list of Numerical Control attributes of a Manufacturing Machine.
Each attribute is returned as the name of a CKE object.
The following example retrieves in oListOfAttributes the list of Numerical Control attributes of the Manufacturing Machine myMachine
 call myMachine.GetListOfNumericalControlAttributes(oListOfAttributes)
o Sub GetListOfRotaryTableAttributes( oListOfAttributes)
Retrieve the list of Rotary table attributes of a Manufacturing Machine.
Each attribute is returned as the name of a CKE object.
The following example retrieves in oListOfAttributes the list of Tool Change attributes of the Manufacturing Machine myMachine
 call myMachine.GetListOfRotaryTableAttributes(oListOfAttributes)
o Sub GetListOfSpindleAttributes( oListOfAttributes)
Retrieve the list of Spindle attributes of a Manufacturing Machine.
Each attribute is returned as the name of a CKE object.
The following example retrieves in oListOfAttributes the list of Spindle attributes of the Manufacturing Machine myMachine
 call myMachine.GetListOfSpindleAttributes(oListOfAttributes)
o Sub GetListOfToolChangeAttributes( oListOfAttributes)
Retrieve the list of Tool Change attributes of a Manufacturing Machine.
Each attribute is returned as the name of a CKE object.
The following example retrieves in oListOfAttributes the list of Tool Change attributes of the Manufacturing Machine myMachine
 call myMachine.GetListOfToolChangeAttributes(oListOfAttributes)
o Sub set_DefaultValues()
Initialise the Manufacturing Machine parameters.
The following example make the init of the parameter of the Machine ThisMachine .
 call ThisMachine.set_DefaultValues

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