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AsmGeneralSettingAtt (Object)

Represents the Assembly General setting controller object.
Role: the Assembly General setting controller object deals with the setting parameters displayed in the Assembly General property page. To access this property page:

Property Index

Returns or sets the implicit switch from visualization mode to design mode setting parameter .
Returns or sets the automatic update setting parameter.
Returns or sets the setting parameter managing the extension of a move to the components involved in a FixTogether.
Returns or sets the update status computation setting parameter.

Method Index

Retrieves the state of the implicit switch from visualization mode to design mode setting parameter.
Retrieves informations about the automatic update setting parameter.
Retrieves the state of the setting parameter managing the extension of a move to the components involved in a FixTogether.
Retrieves informations about the update status computation setting parameter.
Locks or unlocks the implicit switch from visualization mode to design mode setting parameter.
Locks or unlocks the automatic update setting parameter.
Locks or unlocks the setting parameter managing the extension of a move to the components involved in a FixTogether.
Locks or unlocks the update status computation setting parameter.


o Property AutoSwitchToDesignMode() As
Returns or sets the implicit switch from visualization mode to design mode setting parameter .
Role: The implicit switch from visualization mode to design mode setting parameter manages the loading of necessayr data whenever they are needed. Note that this option is useful only when the Cache option is activated
Legal values:
catAutoSwitchUnavailable Automatic switch to design mode unavailable
catAutoSwitchAvailable Automatic switch to design mode available
The following example retrieves the implicit switch setting parameter of AsmGeneralSettingAtt1 in SwitchMode and enables the switch
 Set SwitchMode = AsmGeneralSettingAtt1.AutoSwitchToDesignMode
 AsmGeneralSettingAtt1.AutoSwitchToDesignMode = catAutoSwitchAvailable
o Property AutoUpdateMode() As
Returns or sets the automatic update setting parameter.
Role: The automatic update setting parameter manages the automatic launching of the Update command.
Legal values:
catManualUpdate Manual update mode
catAutomaticUpdate Automatic update mode
The following example retrieves the automatic update setting parameter of AsmGeneralSettingAtt1 in UpdateMode and sets the mode to manual update.
 Set UpdateMode = AsmGeneralSettingAtt1.AutoUpdateMode
 AsmGeneralSettingAtt1.AutoUpdateMode = catManualUpdate
o Property MoveWithFixTExtendMode() As
Returns or sets the setting parameter managing the extension of a move to the components involved in a FixTogether.
Role: This setting parameter manages whether the components involved in a FixTogether will be moved or not.
Legal values:
catNeverExtendMoveToFixT Never extend move to all component involved in a FixTogether
catAskIfExtendMoveToFixT Ask question to extend move to all component involved in a FixTogether
catAlwaysExtendMoveToFixT Always extend move to all component involved in a FixTogether
The following example retrieves the move setting parameter of AsmGeneralSettingAtt1 in MoveMode and sets it to Always
 Set MoveMode = AsmGeneralSettingAtt1.MoveWithFixTExtendMode
 AsmGeneralSettingAtt1.MoveWithFixTExtendMode = catAlwaysExtendMoveToFixT
o Property UpdateStatusMode() As
Returns or sets the update status computation setting parameter.
Role: The update status computation setting parameter manages the loading at open of the data necessary to the exact update status computation. Note that this option is useful only when the Cache option is activated
Legal values:
catManualCompute At open the update status is unknown
catAutomaticCompute Additional data are being loaded at open to compute an exact Update status
The following example retrieves the update status computation setting parameter of AsmGeneralSettingAtt1 in StatusMode and sets the mode to automatic computation.
 Set StatusMode = AsmGeneralSettingAtt1.UpdateStatusMode
 AsmGeneralSettingAtt1.UpdateStatusMode = catAutomaticCompute


o Func GetAutoSwitchToDesignModeInfo( AdminLevel,
oLocked) As
Retrieves the state of the implicit switch from visualization mode to design mode setting parameter.
Refer to
SettingController for a detailed description.
o Func GetAutoUpdateModeInfo( ioAdminLevel,
ioLocked) As
Retrieves informations about the automatic update setting parameter.
Refer to
SettingController for a detailed description.
o Func GetMoveWithFixTExtendModeInfo( AdminLevel,
oLocked) As
Retrieves the state of the setting parameter managing the extension of a move to the components involved in a FixTogether.
Refer to
SettingController for a detailed description.
o Func GetUpdateStatusModeInfo( AdminLevel,
oLocked) As
Retrieves informations about the update status computation setting parameter.
Refer to
SettingController for a detailed description.
o Sub SetAutoSwitchToDesignModeLock( iLocked)
Locks or unlocks the implicit switch from visualization mode to design mode setting parameter.
Refer to
SettingController for a detailed description.
o Sub SetAutoUpdateModeLock( iLocked)
Locks or unlocks the automatic update setting parameter.
Refer to
SettingController for a detailed description.
o Sub SetMoveWithFixTExtendModeLock( iLocked)
Locks or unlocks the setting parameter managing the extension of a move to the components involved in a FixTogether.
Refer to
SettingController for a detailed description.
o Sub SetUpdateStatusModeLock( iLocked)
Locks or unlocks the update status computation setting parameter.
Refer to
SettingController for a detailed description.

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