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Position (Object)

Represents the position object.
The position object is the 3D-axis system associated with an object.

Method Index

Returns the components of an object's position.
Sets the components of an object's position.


o Sub GetComponents( oAxisComponentsArray)
Returns the components of an object's position. This returns the 3D-axis system associated with the object.
The array used to store the twelve components retrieved from the objet's position. The first nine represent succcessively the components of the x-axis, y-axis, and z-axis. The last three represent the coordinates of the origin point.
This example retrieves in oAxisComponentsArray the 3D-axis system components from the Position object associated with MyObject:
 Dim oAxisComponentsArray ( 11 )
 MyObject.Position.GetComponents oAxisComponentsArray
o Sub SetComponents( iAxisComponentsArray)
Sets the components of an object's position. This sets the 3D-axis system associated with the object.
The array initialized with the components to set to the object's position. The first nine represent succcessively the components of the x-axis, y-axis, and z-axis. The last three represent the coordinates of the origin point.
This example sets the 3D-axis system components stored in iAxisComponentsArray to the Position object associated with MyObject:
 Dim iAxisComponentsArray( 11 )
 ' x axis components
 iAxisComponentsArray( 0 )  = 1.000
 iAxisComponentsArray( 1 )  = 0
 iAxisComponentsArray( 2 )  = 0.707
 ' y axis components
 iAxisComponentsArray( 3 )  = 0
 iAxisComponentsArray( 4 )  = 0
 iAxisComponentsArray( 5 )  = 0.707
 ' z axis components
 iAxisComponentsArray( 6 )  = 0
 iAxisComponentsArray( 7 )  = -0.707
 iAxisComponentsArray( 8 )  = 0.707
 ' origin point coordinates
 iAxisComponentsArray( 9 )  = 1.000
 iAxisComponentsArray( 10 ) = 2.000
 iAxisComponentsArray( 11 ) = 3.000
 MyObject.Position.SetComponents iAxisComponentsArray

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