CATRscInterfaces RenderingShootings (Collection)
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RenderingShootings (Collection)
A collection of all the Rendering Shootings objects.
Method Index
- Adds a new shooting to the shootings collection.
- Returns a renderingshooting index in the renderingshootings collection.
- Removes all shootings from the collection.
- Removes a shooting from the shootings collection.
Adds a new shooting to the shootings collection.
Returns a renderingshooting index in the renderingshootings collection.
- Parameters:
- iIndex
- The index of the shooting to retrieve in the collection of shootings.
Compared with other collections, you cannot use the name of the
shooting as argument.
- Returns:
- The retrieved shooting
- Example:
The following example returns in MyShooting the sixth
shooting in a shootings collection.
Dim MyShooting As RenderingShooting
Set MyShooting = RenderingShootings.Item(6)
Removes all shootings from the collection.
Removes a shooting from the shootings collection.
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