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MfgHubSettingAtt (Object)

Represents the Manufacturing Hub setting controller object.
Role: The HubSettingAtt1 setting controller object deals with the setting attributes displayed in the PPR Hub property page. To access this property page:

The New Elements setting controller object can be retrieved as an item of the setting controller collection using its name "HubSettingAtt1" as follows:

 Dim settingControllers1 As SettingControllers
 Set settingControllers1 = CATIA.SettingControllers
 Dim HubSettingAtt1 as DNBMHIMfgHubSettingCtrl
 set HubSettingAtt1 = settingControllers1.Item( "DNBMHIMfgHubSettingCtrl" )

Property Index

Retrieves (or sets, if not initialized) the ApplyLabelEffToAltChild attribute.
Retrieves (or sets, if not initialized) the AutoLoadMfgCtx parameter.
Retrieves (or sets, if not initialized) the AutoLoadSrvMfgCtx parameter.
Retrieves (or sets, if not initialized) the AutoLoadVolCtx parameter.
Retrieves (or sets, if not initialized) the IssueRepositoryPath attribute.
Retrieves (or sets, if not initialized) the LinkSendMode attribute.
Retrieves (or sets, if not initialized) the Load3dStateAndPos parameter.
Retrieves (or sets, if not initialized) the LoadAllChildProcMfgCtx parameter.
Retrieves (or sets, if not initialized) the LoadAssocPrdResChild parameter.
Retrieves (or sets, if not initialized) the LoadChildProcMfgCtx parameter.
Retrieves (or sets, if not initialized) the LoadCtxWithFileGeometry parameter.
Retrieves (or sets, if not initialized) the LoadDispMfgCtx parameter.
Retrieves (or sets, if not initialized) the LoadENVGeomFromENVdb parameter.
Retrieves (or sets, if not initialized) the LoadFeedProcMfgCtx parameter.
Retrieves (or sets, if not initialized) the LoadMfgAssmbly parameter.
Retrieves (or sets, if not initialized) the LoadMfgKits parameter.
Retrieves (or sets, if not initialized) the LoadPSSData attribute.
Retrieves (or sets, if not initialized) the LoadPrdResUserAttribs parameter.
Retrieves (or sets, if not initialized) the LoadResGeo parameter.
Retrieves (or sets, if not initialized) the LoadUnconstrainedMfgCtx parameter.
Retrieves (or sets, if not initialized) the LockAssignedPrdOnLoad parameter.
Retrieves (or sets, if not initialized) the MailClientLaunchMode attribute.
Retrieves the MfgCtxPrevProcRelationType parameter

The valid integer values (0,1) define the type of Process Traversal Relations to consider while computing Manufacturing Context

Retrieves (or sets, if not initialized) the OnlyLoadCtxWithGeometry parameter.
Retrieves (or sets, if not initialized) the OpenModeForLoad attribute.
Retrieves (or sets, if not initialized) the PackAndGoRepositoryPath attribute.
Retrieves or sets the PrevProcParseTypeForMfgCtx parameter.
Retrieves (or sets, if not initialized) the ProcProdRelations attribute.
Retrieves (or sets, if not initialized) the ProcResRelations attribute.
Retrieves (or sets, if not initialized) the RmvNotAssgnPrdResOnSync parameter.
Retrieves (or sets, if not initialized) the SaveControlFlowInPROMode attribute.
Returns (or sets, if not initialized) the SavePPRNoDetailing parameter.
Returns (or sets, if not initialized) the SaveRelationToUnExposedPart parameter.
Retrieves (or sets, if not initialized) the SaveShowEffctvtPanel parameter.
Returns (or sets, if not initialized) the SaveV5CalcTime parameter.
Retrieves (or sets, if not initialized) the ShowOnlyFilteredObjects attribute.

Method Index

Retrieves environment informations for the ApplyLabelEffToAltChild parameter.
Retrieves environment informations for the AutoLoadMfgCtx parameter.
Retrieves environment informations for the AutoLoadSrvMfgCtx parameter.
Retrieves environment informations for the AutoLoadVolCtx parameter.
Retrieves the state of the IssueRepositoryPath parameter.
Retrieves the state of the LinkSendMode parameter.
Retrieves environment informations for the Load3dStateAndPos parameter.
Retrieves environment informations for the LoadAllChildProcMfgCtx parameter.
Retrieves environment informations for the LoadAssocPrdResChild parameter.
Retrieves environment informations for the LoadChildProcMfgCtx parameter.
Retrieves environment informations for the LoadCtxWithFileGeometry parameter.
Retrieves environment informations for the LoadDispMfgCtx parameter.
Retrieves environment informations for the LoadENVGeomFromENVdb parameter.
Retrieves environment informations for the LoadFeedProcMfgCtx parameter.
Retrieves environment informations for the LoadMfgAssmbly parameter.
Retrieves environment informations for the LoadMfgKits parameter.
Retrieves environment informations for the LoadPSSData parameter.
Retrieves environment informations for the LoadPrdResUserAttribs parameter.
Retrieves environment informations for the LoadResGeo parameter.
Retrieves environment informations for the LoadUnconstrainedMfgCtx parameter.
Retrieves environment informations for the LockAssignedPrdOnLoad parameter.
Retrieves the state of the MailClientLaunchMode parameter.
Retrieves environment information for the MfgCtxPrevProcRelationType parameter
Role:Retrieves the state of the MfgCtxPrevProcRelationType parameter in the current environment.
Retrieves environment informations for the OnlyLoadCtxWithGeometry parameter.
Retrieves environment informations for the OpenModeForLoad parameter.
Retrieves the state of the PackAndGoRepositoryPath parameter.
Retrieves environment informations for the PrevProcParseTypeForMfgCtx parameter.
Retrieves environment informations for the ProcProdRelations parameter.
Retrieves environment informations for the ProcResRelations parameter.
Retrieves environment informations for the RmvNotAssgnPrdResOnSync parameter.
Retrieves environment informations for the SaveControlFlowInPROMode parameter.
Retrieves environment informations for the SavePPRNoDetailing parameter.
Retrieves environment informations for the SaveRelationToUnExposedPart parameter.
Retrieves environment informations for the SaveShowEffctvtPanel parameter.
Retrieves environment informations for the SaveV5CalcTime parameter.
Retrieves environment informations for the ShowOnlyFilteredObjects parameter.
Locks or unlocks the ApplyLabelEffToAltChild parameter.
Locks or unlocks the AutoLoadMfgCtx parameter.
Locks or unlocks the AutoLoadSrvMfgCtx parameter.
Locks or unlocks the AutoLoadVolCtx parameter.
Locks or unlocks the IssueRepositoryPath parameter.
Locks or unlocks the LinkSendMode parameter.
Locks or unlocks the Load3dStateAndPos parameter.
Locks or unlocks the LoadAllChildProcMfgCtx parameter.
Locks or unlocks the LoadAssocPrdResChild parameter.
Locks or unlocks the LoadChildProcMfgCtx parameter.
Locks or unlocks the LoadCtxWithFileGeometry parameter.
Locks or unlocks the LoadDispMfgCtx parameter.
Locks or unlocks the LoadENVGeomFromENVdb parameter.
Locks or unlocks the SaveV5CalcTime parameter.
Locks or unlocks the LoadMfgAssmbly parameter.
Locks or unlocks the LoadMfgKits parameter.
Locks or unlocks the LoadPSSData parameter.
Locks or unlocks the LoadPrdResUserAttribs parameter.
Locks or unlocks the LoadResGeo parameter.
Locks or unlocks the LoadUnconstrainedMfgCtx parameter.
Locks or unlocks the LockAssignedPrdOnLoad parameter.
Locks or unlocks the MailClientLaunchMode parameter.
Locks or unlocks the GetMfgCtxPrevProcRelationType parameter.
Locks or unlocks the OnlyLoadCtxWithGeometry parameter.
Locks or unlocks the OpenModeForLoad parameter.
Locks or unlocks the PackAndGoRepositoryPath parameter.
Locks or unlocks the PrevProcParseTypeForMfgCtx parameter.
Locks or unlocks the ProcProdRelations parameter.
Locks or unlocks the ProcResRelations parameter.
Locks or unlocks the RmvNotAssgnPrdResOnSync parameter.
Locks or unlocks the SaveControlFlowInPROMode parameter.
Locks or unlocks the SavePPRNoDetailing parameter.
Locks or unlocks the SaveRelationToUnExposedPart parameter.
Locks or unlocks the SaveShowEffctvtPanel parameter.
Locks or unlocks the SaveV5CalcTime parameter.
Locks or unlocks the ShowOnlyFilteredObjects parameter.


o Property ApplyLabelEffToAltChild() As
Retrieves (or sets, if not initialized) the ApplyLabelEffToAltChild attribute.

A TRUE value indicates that the label effectivity will be applied to all components associated with the Alternative

o Property AutoLoadMfgCtx() As
Retrieves (or sets, if not initialized) the AutoLoadMfgCtx parameter.

A TRUE value indicates that the manufacturing context is automatically (computed and) loaded into the V5 process document during load

o Property AutoLoadSrvMfgCtx() As
Retrieves (or sets, if not initialized) the AutoLoadSrvMfgCtx parameter.

A TRUE value indicates that the existing volumetric context is to be automatically loaded into the V5 process document during load

o Property AutoLoadVolCtx() As
Retrieves (or sets, if not initialized) the AutoLoadVolCtx parameter.

A TRUE value indicates that the existing volumetric context is to be automatically loaded into the V5 process document during load

o Property IssueRepositoryPath() As
Retrieves (or sets, if not initialized) the IssueRepositoryPath attribute.
[out] Path stored in settings (or default path if none stored)
S_OK if everything ran ok
o Property LinkSendMode() As
Retrieves (or sets, if not initialized) the LinkSendMode attribute.
[inout] The value stored in settings (or default value if none stored) Legal values:
0: If link location is to be sent
1: If link itself is to be sent (as attachment)
S_OK if everything ran ok
o Property Load3dStateAndPos() As
Retrieves (or sets, if not initialized) the Load3dStateAndPos parameter.

A TRUE value indicates that the ENOVIA product geometry will be loaded from ENOVIA database.

o Property LoadAllChildProcMfgCtx() As
Retrieves (or sets, if not initialized) the LoadAllChildProcMfgCtx parameter.

If set to TRUE than during load of manufacturing context the child processes of the previous processes will also be considered

o Property LoadAssocPrdResChild() As
Retrieves (or sets, if not initialized) the LoadAssocPrdResChild parameter.

A TRUE value indicates that the associated prdres children will be loaded from the database.

o Property LoadChildProcMfgCtx() As
Retrieves (or sets, if not initialized) the LoadChildProcMfgCtx parameter.

If set to TRUE than during load of manufacturing context the child processes of the previous processes will also be considered

o Property LoadCtxWithFileGeometry() As
Retrieves (or sets, if not initialized) the LoadCtxWithFileGeometry parameter.

A TRUE value indicates that the existing volumetric context is to be automatically loaded into the V5 process document during load

o Property LoadDispMfgCtx() As
Retrieves (or sets, if not initialized) the LoadDispMfgCtx parameter.

A TRUE value indicates that the manufacturing context is display in the V5 process document

o Property LoadENVGeomFromENVdb() As
Retrieves (or sets, if not initialized) the LoadENVGeomFromENVdb parameter.

A TRUE value indicates that the ENOVIA product geometry will be loaded from ENOVIA database.

o Property LoadFeedProcMfgCtx() As
Retrieves (or sets, if not initialized) the LoadFeedProcMfgCtx parameter.

A TRUE value indicates that during load the manufacturing context will also include products / resource of the feeder process of the previous processes in process graph

o Property LoadMfgAssmbly() As
Retrieves (or sets, if not initialized) the LoadMfgAssmbly parameter.

A TRUE value indicates that the Manufacturing Assemblies related to process will be loaded when a PPRHub project is opened in V5

o Property LoadMfgKits() As
Retrieves (or sets, if not initialized) the LoadMfgKits parameter.

A TRUE value indicates tthat the Manufacturing Kits related to process will be loaded when a PPRHub project is opened in V5

o Property LoadPSSData() As
Retrieves (or sets, if not initialized) the LoadPSSData attribute.

A TRUE value indicates that the PSS data will be loaded from the database.

o Property LoadPrdResUserAttribs() As
Retrieves (or sets, if not initialized) the LoadPrdResUserAttribs parameter.

o Property LoadResGeo() As
Retrieves (or sets, if not initialized) the LoadResGeo parameter.

A TRUE value indicates tthat the Geometries related to Resource will be loaded when a PPRHub project is opened in V5

o Property LoadUnconstrainedMfgCtx() As
Retrieves (or sets, if not initialized) the LoadUnconstrainedMfgCtx parameter.

A TRUE value indicates that on load the manufacturing context will also include products / resource of the processes not linked in the process graph containing loaded process

o Property LockAssignedPrdOnLoad() As
Retrieves (or sets, if not initialized) the LockAssignedPrdOnLoad parameter.

If set to TRUE than on load all the products assigned to process(es) will be locked in WRITE mode

o Property MailClientLaunchMode() As
Retrieves (or sets, if not initialized) the MailClientLaunchMode attribute.
[inout] The value stored in settings (or default value if none stored) Legal values:
1: If mail client is to be launched
0: If mail client is not to be launched
S_OK if everything ran ok
o Property MfgCtxPrevProcRelationType() As
Retrieves the MfgCtxPrevProcRelationType parameter

The valid integer values (0,1) define the type of Process Traversal Relations to consider while computing Manufacturing Context

o Property OnlyLoadCtxWithGeometry() As
Retrieves (or sets, if not initialized) the OnlyLoadCtxWithGeometry parameter.

A TRUE value indicates that the existing volumetric context is to be automatically loaded into the V5 process document during load

o Property OpenModeForLoad() As
Retrieves (or sets, if not initialized) the OpenModeForLoad attribute.
The mode with which the data will be loaded in hub. The possible values are as follows 0: Read-Write Mode (Default) 1: Partial Read Only Mode 2: Read Only mode
o Property PackAndGoRepositoryPath() As
Retrieves (or sets, if not initialized) the PackAndGoRepositoryPath attribute.
[out] Path stored in settings (or default path if none stored)
S_OK if everything ran ok
o Property PrevProcParseTypeForMfgCtx() As
Retrieves or sets the PrevProcParseTypeForMfgCtx parameter.

The valid integer values (0,1,2) define extent of parsing previous process in the loaded process' parent process structure

o Property ProcProdRelations() As
Retrieves (or sets, if not initialized) the ProcProdRelations attribute.

A safe array of process - product relations to be loaded

o Property ProcResRelations() As
Retrieves (or sets, if not initialized) the ProcResRelations attribute.

A safe array of process - resource relations to be loaded

o Property RmvNotAssgnPrdResOnSync() As
Retrieves (or sets, if not initialized) the RmvNotAssgnPrdResOnSync parameter.

If set to TRUE than on synchronization during load the products or resources that are not assigned to any loaded processes will be removed from the V5 document.

o Property SaveControlFlowInPROMode() As
Retrieves (or sets, if not initialized) the SaveControlFlowInPROMode attribute.

A TRUE value indicates that the Control flow will be saved to the database in Partial Read only mode

o Property SavePPRNoDetailing() As
Returns (or sets, if not initialized) the SavePPRNoDetailing parameter.

A TRUE value indicates that simulation detailing data is NOT saved in PPR hub during save.

o Property SaveRelationToUnExposedPart() As
Returns (or sets, if not initialized) the SaveRelationToUnExposedPart parameter.

A TRUE value indicates that the relation to unexposed part will be saved in the database

o Property SaveShowEffctvtPanel() As
Retrieves (or sets, if not initialized) the SaveShowEffctvtPanel parameter.

If set to TRUE (and SavePPRNoDetailing is TRUE) a panel is displayed showing effectivity filter information

o Property SaveV5CalcTime() As
Returns (or sets, if not initialized) the SaveV5CalcTime parameter.

A TRUE value indicates that the calculated cycle time for V5 process should be assigned to corresponding E5 process attribure on save

o Property ShowOnlyFilteredObjects() As
Retrieves (or sets, if not initialized) the ShowOnlyFilteredObjects attribute.

A TRUE value indicates that the Only Filtered objects will be shown in Search Results


o Func GetApplyLabelEffToAltChildInfo( ioAdminLevel,
ioLocked) As
Retrieves environment informations for the ApplyLabelEffToAltChild parameter.
Role:Retrieves the state of the ApplyLabelEffToAltChild parameter in the current environment.

If the parameter is locked, AdminLevel gives the administration level that imposes the value of the parameter.
If the parameter is not locked, AdminLevel gives the administration level that will give the value of the parameter after a reset.
Indicates if the parameter has been locked.
Indicates if the parameter has been explicitly modified or remain to the administrated value.
o Func GetAutoLoadMfgCtxInfo( ioAdminLevel,
ioLocked) As
Retrieves environment informations for the AutoLoadMfgCtx parameter.
Role:Retrieves the state of the AutoLoadMfgCtx parameter in the current environment.

If the parameter is locked, AdminLevel gives the administration level that imposes the value of the parameter.
If the parameter is not locked, AdminLevel gives the administration level that will give the value of the parameter after a reset.
Indicates if the parameter has been locked.
Indicates if the parameter has been explicitly modified or remain to the administrated value.
o Func GetAutoLoadSrvMfgCtxInfo( ioAdminLevel,
ioLocked) As
Retrieves environment informations for the AutoLoadSrvMfgCtx parameter.
Role:Retrieves the state of the AutoLoadSrvMfgCtx parameter in the current environment.

If the parameter is locked, AdminLevel gives the administration level that imposes the value of the parameter.
If the parameter is not locked, AdminLevel gives the administration level that will give the value of the parameter after a reset.
Indicates if the parameter has been locked.
Indicates if the parameter has been explicitly modified or remain to the administrated value.
o Func GetAutoLoadVolCtxInfo( ioAdminLevel,
ioLocked) As
Retrieves environment informations for the AutoLoadVolCtx parameter.
Role:Retrieves the state of the AutoLoadVolCtx parameter in the current environment.

If the parameter is locked, AdminLevel gives the administration level that imposes the value of the parameter.
If the parameter is not locked, AdminLevel gives the administration level that will give the value of the parameter after a reset.
Indicates if the parameter has been locked.
Indicates if the parameter has been explicitly modified or remain to the administrated value.
o Func GetIssueRepositoryPathInfo( ioAdminLevel,
ioLocked) As
Retrieves the state of the IssueRepositoryPath parameter.
Address of an object CATSettingInfo.
Legal values:
S_OK : on Success
E_FAIL: on failure
o Func GetLinkSendModeInfo( ioAdminLevel,
ioLocked) As
Retrieves the state of the LinkSendMode parameter.
Address of an object CATSettingInfo.
Legal values:
S_OK : on Success
E_FAIL: on failure
o Func GetLoad3dStateAndPosInfo( ioAdminLevel,
ioLocked) As
Retrieves environment informations for the Load3dStateAndPos parameter.
Role:Retrieves the state of the Load3dStateAndPos parameter in the current environment.

If the parameter is locked, AdminLevel gives the administration level that imposes the value of the parameter.
If the parameter is not locked, AdminLevel gives the administration level that will give the value of the parameter after a reset.
Indicates if the parameter has been locked.
Indicates if the parameter has been explicitly modified or remain to the administrated value.
o Func GetLoadAllChildProcMfgCtxInfo( ioAdminLevel,
ioLocked) As
Retrieves environment informations for the LoadAllChildProcMfgCtx parameter.
Role:Retrieves the state of the LoadAllChildProcMfgCtx parameter in the current environment.

If the parameter is locked, AdminLevel gives the administration level that imposes the value of the parameter.
If the parameter is not locked, AdminLevel gives the administration level that will give the value of the parameter after a reset.
Indicates if the parameter has been locked.
Indicates if the parameter has been explicitly modified or remain to the administrated value.
o Func GetLoadAssocPrdResChildInfo( ioAdminLevel,
ioLocked) As
Retrieves environment informations for the LoadAssocPrdResChild parameter.
Role:Retrieves the state of the LoadAssocPrdResChild parameter in the current environment.

If the parameter is locked, AdminLevel gives the administration level that imposes the value of the parameter.
If the parameter is not locked, AdminLevel gives the administration level that will give the value of the parameter after a reset.
Indicates if the parameter has been locked.
Indicates if the parameter has been explicitly modified or remain to the administrated value.
o Func GetLoadChildProcMfgCtxInfo( ioAdminLevel,
ioLocked) As
Retrieves environment informations for the LoadChildProcMfgCtx parameter.
Role:Retrieves the state of the LoadChildProcMfgCtx parameter in the current environment.

If the parameter is locked, AdminLevel gives the administration level that imposes the value of the parameter.
If the parameter is not locked, AdminLevel gives the administration level that will give the value of the parameter after a reset.
Indicates if the parameter has been locked.
Indicates if the parameter has been explicitly modified or remain to the administrated value.
o Func GetLoadCtxWithFileGeometryInfo( ioAdminLevel,
ioLocked) As
Retrieves environment informations for the LoadCtxWithFileGeometry parameter.
Role:Retrieves the state of the LoadCtxWithFileGeometry parameter in the current environment.

If the parameter is locked, AdminLevel gives the administration level that imposes the value of the parameter.
If the parameter is not locked, AdminLevel gives the administration level that will give the value of the parameter after a reset.
Indicates if the parameter has been locked.
Indicates if the parameter has been explicitly modified or remain to the administrated value.
o Func GetLoadDispMfgCtxInfo( ioAdminLevel,
ioLocked) As
Retrieves environment informations for the LoadDispMfgCtx parameter.
Role:Retrieves the state of the LoadDispMfgCtx parameter in the current environment.

If the parameter is locked, AdminLevel gives the administration level that imposes the value of the parameter.
If the parameter is not locked, AdminLevel gives the administration level that will give the value of the parameter after a reset.
Indicates if the parameter has been locked.
Indicates if the parameter has been explicitly modified or remain to the administrated value.
o Func GetLoadENVGeomFromENVdbInfo( ioAdminLevel,
ioLocked) As
Retrieves environment informations for the LoadENVGeomFromENVdb parameter.
Role:Retrieves the state of the LoadENVGeomFromENVdb parameter in the current environment.

If the parameter is locked, AdminLevel gives the administration level that imposes the value of the parameter.
If the parameter is not locked, AdminLevel gives the administration level that will give the value of the parameter after a reset.
Indicates if the parameter has been locked.
Indicates if the parameter has been explicitly modified or remain to the administrated value.
o Func GetLoadFeedProcMfgCtxInfo( ioAdminLevel,
ioLocked) As
Retrieves environment informations for the LoadFeedProcMfgCtx parameter.
Role:Retrieves the state of the LoadFeedProcMfgCtx parameter in the current environment.

If the parameter is locked, AdminLevel gives the administration level that imposes the value of the parameter.
If the parameter is not locked, AdminLevel gives the administration level that will give the value of the parameter after a reset.
Indicates if the parameter has been locked.
Indicates if the parameter has been explicitly modified or remain to the administrated value.
o Func GetLoadMfgAssmblyInfo( ioAdminLevel,
ioLocked) As
Retrieves environment informations for the LoadMfgAssmbly parameter.
Role:Retrieves the state of the LoadMfgAssmbly parameter in the current environment.

If the parameter is locked, AdminLevel gives the administration level that imposes the value of the parameter.
If the parameter is not locked, AdminLevel gives the administration level that will give the value of the parameter after a reset.
Indicates if the parameter has been locked.
Indicates if the parameter has been explicitly modified or remain to the administrated value.
o Func GetLoadMfgKitsInfo( ioAdminLevel,
ioLocked) As
Retrieves environment informations for the LoadMfgKits parameter.
Role:Retrieves the state of the LoadMfgKits parameter in the current environment.

If the parameter is locked, AdminLevel gives the administration level that imposes the value of the parameter.
If the parameter is not locked, AdminLevel gives the administration level that will give the value of the parameter after a reset.
Indicates if the parameter has been locked.
Indicates if the parameter has been explicitly modified or remain to the administrated value.
o Func GetLoadPSSDataInfo( ioAdminLevel,
ioLocked) As
Retrieves environment informations for the LoadPSSData parameter.
Role:Retrieves the state of the LoadPSSData parameter in the current environment.

If the parameter is locked, AdminLevel gives the administration level that imposes the value of the parameter.
If the parameter is not locked, AdminLevel gives the administration level that will give the value of the parameter after a reset.
Indicates if the parameter has been locked.
Indicates if the parameter has been explicitly modified or remain to the administrated value.
o Func GetLoadPrdResUserAttribsInfo( ioAdminLevel,
ioLocked) As
Retrieves environment informations for the LoadPrdResUserAttribs parameter.
Role:Retrieves the state of the LoadPrdResUserAttribs parameter in the current environment.

If the parameter is locked, AdminLevel gives the administration level that imposes the value of the parameter.
If the parameter is not locked, AdminLevel gives the administration level that will give the value of the parameter after a reset.
Indicates if the parameter has been locked.
Indicates if the parameter has been explicitly modified or remain to the administrated value.
o Func GetLoadResGeoInfo( ioAdminLevel,
ioLocked) As
Retrieves environment informations for the LoadResGeo parameter.
Role:Retrieves the state of the LoadResGeo parameter in the current environment.

If the parameter is locked, AdminLevel gives the administration level that imposes the value of the parameter.
If the parameter is not locked, AdminLevel gives the administration level that will give the value of the parameter after a reset.
Indicates if the parameter has been locked.
Indicates if the parameter has been explicitly modified or remain to the administrated value.
o Func GetLoadUnconstrainedMfgCtxInfo( ioAdminLevel,
ioLocked) As
Retrieves environment informations for the LoadUnconstrainedMfgCtx parameter.
Role:Retrieves the state of the LoadUnconstrainedMfgCtx parameter in the current environment.

If the parameter is locked, AdminLevel gives the administration level that imposes the value of the parameter.
If the parameter is not locked, AdminLevel gives the administration level that will give the value of the parameter after a reset.
Indicates if the parameter has been locked.
Indicates if the parameter has been explicitly modified or remain to the administrated value.
o Func GetLockAssignedPrdOnLoadInfo( ioAdminLevel,
ioLocked) As
Retrieves environment informations for the LockAssignedPrdOnLoad parameter.
Role:Retrieves the state of the LockAssignedPrdOnLoad parameter in the current environment.

If the parameter is locked, AdminLevel gives the administration level that imposes the value of the parameter.
If the parameter is not locked, AdminLevel gives the administration level that will give the value of the parameter after a reset.
Indicates if the parameter has been locked.
Indicates if the parameter has been explicitly modified or remain to the administrated value.
o Func GetMailClientLaunchModeInfo( ioAdminLevel,
ioLocked) As
Retrieves the state of the MailClientLaunchMode parameter.
Address of an object CATSettingInfo.
Legal values:
S_OK : on Success
E_FAIL: on failure
o Func GetMfgCtxPrevProcRelationTypeInfo( ioAdminLevel,
ioLocked) As
Retrieves environment information for the MfgCtxPrevProcRelationType parameter
Role:Retrieves the state of the MfgCtxPrevProcRelationType parameter in the current environment.

If the parameter is locked, AdminLevel gives the administration level that imposes the value of the parameter.
If the parameter is not locked, AdminLevel gives the administration level that will give the value of the parameter after a reset.
Indicates if the parameter has been locked.
Indicates if the parameter has been explicitly modified or remain to the administrated value.
o Func GetOnlyLoadCtxWithGeometryInfo( ioAdminLevel,
ioLocked) As
Retrieves environment informations for the OnlyLoadCtxWithGeometry parameter.
Role:Retrieves the state of the OnlyLoadCtxWithGeometry parameter in the current environment.

If the parameter is locked, AdminLevel gives the administration level that imposes the value of the parameter.
If the parameter is not locked, AdminLevel gives the administration level that will give the value of the parameter after a reset.
Indicates if the parameter has been locked.
Indicates if the parameter has been explicitly modified or remain to the administrated value.
o Func GetOpenModeForLoadInfo( ioAdminLevel,
ioLocked) As
Retrieves environment informations for the OpenModeForLoad parameter.
Role:Retrieves the value of the OpenModeForLoad parameter in the current environment.

If the parameter is locked, AdminLevel gives the administration level that imposes the value of the parameter.
If the parameter is not locked, AdminLevel gives the administration level that will give the value of the parameter after a reset.
Indicates if the parameter has been locked.
Indicates if the parameter has been explicitly modified or remain to the administrated value.
o Func GetPackAndGoRepositoryPathInfo( ioAdminLevel,
ioLocked) As
Retrieves the state of the PackAndGoRepositoryPath parameter.
Address of an object CATSettingInfo.
Legal values:
S_OK : on Success
E_FAIL: on failure
o Func GetPrevProcParseTypeForMfgCtxInfo( ioAdminLevel,
ioLocked) As
Retrieves environment informations for the PrevProcParseTypeForMfgCtx parameter.
Role:Retrieves the state of the PrevProcParseTypeForMfgCtx parameter in the current environment.

If the parameter is locked, AdminLevel gives the administration level that imposes the value of the parameter.
If the parameter is not locked, AdminLevel gives the administration level that will give the value of the parameter after a reset.
Indicates if the parameter has been locked.
Indicates if the parameter has been explicitly modified or remain to the administrated value.
o Func GetProcProdRelationsInfo( ioAdminLevel,
ioLocked) As
Retrieves environment informations for the ProcProdRelations parameter.
Role:Retrieves the state of the ProcProdRelations parameter in the current environment.

If the parameter is locked, AdminLevel gives the administration level that imposes the value of the parameter.
If the parameter is not locked, AdminLevel gives the administration level that will give the value of the parameter after a reset.
Indicates if the parameter has been locked.
Indicates if the parameter has been explicitly modified or remain to the administrated value.
o Func GetProcResRelationsInfo( ioAdminLevel,
ioLocked) As
Retrieves environment informations for the ProcResRelations parameter.
Role:Retrieves the state of the ProcResRelations parameter in the current environment.

If the parameter is locked, AdminLevel gives the administration level that imposes the value of the parameter.
If the parameter is not locked, AdminLevel gives the administration level that will give the value of the parameter after a reset.
Indicates if the parameter has been locked.
Indicates if the parameter has been explicitly modified or remain to the administrated value.
o Func GetRmvNotAssgnPrdResOnSyncInfo( ioAdminLevel,
ioLocked) As
Retrieves environment informations for the RmvNotAssgnPrdResOnSync parameter.
Role:Retrieves the state of the RmvNotAssgnPrdResOnSync parameter in the current environment.

If the parameter is locked, AdminLevel gives the administration level that imposes the value of the parameter.
If the parameter is not locked, AdminLevel gives the administration level that will give the value of the parameter after a reset.
Indicates if the parameter has been locked.
Indicates if the parameter has been explicitly modified or remain to the administrated value.
o Func GetSaveControlFlowInPROModeInfo( ioAdminLevel,
ioLocked) As
Retrieves environment informations for the SaveControlFlowInPROMode parameter.
Role:Retrieves the state of the SaveControlFlowInPROMode parameter in the current environment.

If the parameter is locked, AdminLevel gives the administration level that imposes the value of the parameter.
If the parameter is not locked, AdminLevel gives the administration level that will give the value of the parameter after a reset.
Indicates if the parameter has been locked.
Indicates if the parameter has been explicitly modified or remain to the administrated value.
o Func GetSavePPRNoDetailingInfo( ioAdminLevel,
ioLocked) As
Retrieves environment informations for the SavePPRNoDetailing parameter.
Role:Retrieves the state of the SavePPRNoDetailing parameter in the current environment.

If the parameter is locked, AdminLevel gives the administration level that imposes the value of the parameter.
If the parameter is not locked, AdminLevel gives the administration level that will give the value of the parameter after a reset.
Indicates if the parameter has been locked.
Indicates if the parameter has been explicitly modified or remain to the administrated value.
o Func GetSaveRelationToUnExposedPartInfo( ioAdminLevel,
ioLocked) As
Retrieves environment informations for the SaveRelationToUnExposedPart parameter.
Role:Retrieves the state of the SaveRelationToUnExposedPart parameter in the current environment.

If the parameter is locked, AdminLevel gives the administration level that imposes the value of the parameter.
If the parameter is not locked, AdminLevel gives the administration level that will give the value of the parameter after a reset.
Indicates if the parameter has been locked.
Indicates if the parameter has been explicitly modified or remain to the administrated value.
o Func GetSaveShowEffctvtPanelInfo( ioAdminLevel,
ioLocked) As
Retrieves environment informations for the SaveShowEffctvtPanel parameter.
Role:Retrieves the state of the SaveShowEffctvtPanel parameter in the current environment.

If the parameter is locked, AdminLevel gives the administration level that imposes the value of the parameter.
If the parameter is not locked, AdminLevel gives the administration level that will give the value of the parameter after a reset.
Indicates if the parameter has been locked.
Indicates if the parameter has been explicitly modified or remain to the administrated value.
o Func GetSaveV5CalcTimeInfo( ioAdminLevel,
ioLocked) As
Retrieves environment informations for the SaveV5CalcTime parameter.
Role:Retrieves the state of the SaveV5CalcTime parameter in the current environment.

If the parameter is locked, AdminLevel gives the administration level that imposes the value of the parameter.
If the parameter is not locked, AdminLevel gives the administration level that will give the value of the parameter after a reset.
Indicates if the parameter has been locked.
Indicates if the parameter has been explicitly modified or remain to the administrated value.
o Func GetShowOnlyFilteredObjectsInfo( ioAdminLevel,
ioLocked) As
Retrieves environment informations for the ShowOnlyFilteredObjects parameter.
Role:Retrieves the state of the ShowOnlyFilteredObjects parameter in the current environment.

If the parameter is locked, AdminLevel gives the administration level that imposes the value of the parameter.
If the parameter is not locked, AdminLevel gives the administration level that will give the value of the parameter after a reset.
Indicates if the parameter has been locked.
Indicates if the parameter has been explicitly modified or remain to the administrated value.
o Sub SetApplyLabelEffToAltChildLock( iLocked)
Locks or unlocks the ApplyLabelEffToAltChild parameter.
Role:Locks or unlocks the ApplyLabelEffToAltChild parameter if it is possible in the current administrative context. In user mode this method will always return E_FAIL.
the locking operation to be performed Legal values:
TRUE : to lock the parameter.
FALSE: to unlock the parameter.
o Sub SetAutoLoadMfgCtxLock( iLocked)
Locks or unlocks the AutoLoadMfgCtx parameter.
Role:Locks or unlocks the AutoLoadMfgCtx parameter if it is possible in the current administrative context. In user mode this method will always return E_FAIL.
the locking operation to be performed Legal values:
TRUE : to lock the parameter.
FALSE: to unlock the parameter.
o Sub SetAutoLoadSrvMfgCtxLock( iLocked)
Locks or unlocks the AutoLoadSrvMfgCtx parameter.
Role:Locks or unlocks the AutoLoadSrvMfgCtx parameter if it is possible in the current administrative context. In user mode this method will always return E_FAIL.
the locking operation to be performed Legal values:
TRUE : to lock the parameter.
FALSE: to unlock the parameter.
o Sub SetAutoLoadVolCtxLock( iLocked)
Locks or unlocks the AutoLoadVolCtx parameter.
Role:Locks or unlocks the AutoLoadVolCtx parameter if it is possible in the current administrative context. In user mode this method will always return E_FAIL.
the locking operation to be performed Legal values:
TRUE : to lock the parameter.
FALSE: to unlock the parameter.
o Sub SetIssueRepositoryPathLock( iLocked)
Locks or unlocks the IssueRepositoryPath parameter.
Role: Locks or unlocks the IssueRepositoryPath parameter if the operation is allowed in the current administrated environment. In user mode this method will always return E_FAIL.
the locking operation to be performed Legal values:
1 : to lock the parameter.
0: to unlock the parameter.
Legal values:
S_OK : on Success
E_FAIL: on failure
o Sub SetLinkSendModeLock( iLocked)
Locks or unlocks the LinkSendMode parameter.
Role: Locks or unlocks the LinkSendMode parameter if the operation is allowed in the current administrated environment. In user mode this method will always return E_FAIL.
the locking operation to be performed Legal values:
1 : to lock the parameter.
0: to unlock the parameter.
Legal values:
S_OK : on Success
E_FAIL: on failure
o Sub SetLoad3dStateAndPosLock( iLocked)
Locks or unlocks the Load3dStateAndPos parameter.
Role:Locks or unlocks the Load3dStateAndPos parameter if it is possible in the current administrative context. In user mode this method will always return E_FAIL.
the locking operation to be performed Legal values:
TRUE : to lock the parameter.
FALSE: to unlock the parameter.
o Sub SetLoadAllChildProcMfgCtxLock( iLocked)
Locks or unlocks the LoadAllChildProcMfgCtx parameter.
Role:Locks or unlocks the LoadAllChildProcMfgCtx parameter if it is possible in the current administrative context. In user mode this method will always return E_FAIL.
the locking operation to be performed Legal values:
TRUE : to lock the parameter.
FALSE: to unlock the parameter.
o Sub SetLoadAssocPrdResChildLock( iLocked)
Locks or unlocks the LoadAssocPrdResChild parameter.
Role:Locks or unlocks the LoadAssocPrdResChild parameter if it is possible in the current administrative context. In user mode this method will always return E_FAIL.
the locking operation to be performed Legal values:
TRUE : to lock the parameter.
FALSE: to unlock the parameter.
o Sub SetLoadChildProcMfgCtxLock( iLocked)
Locks or unlocks the LoadChildProcMfgCtx parameter.
Role:Locks or unlocks the LoadChildProcMfgCtx parameter if it is possible in the current administrative context. In user mode this method will always return E_FAIL.
the locking operation to be performed Legal values:
TRUE : to lock the parameter.
FALSE: to unlock the parameter.
o Sub SetLoadCtxWithFileGeometryLock( iLocked)
Locks or unlocks the LoadCtxWithFileGeometry parameter.
Role:Locks or unlocks the LoadCtxWithFileGeometry parameter if it is possible in the current administrative context. In user mode this method will always return E_FAIL.
the locking operation to be performed Legal values:
TRUE : to lock the parameter.
FALSE: to unlock the parameter.
o Sub SetLoadDispMfgCtxLock( iLocked)
Locks or unlocks the LoadDispMfgCtx parameter.
Role:Locks or unlocks the LoadDispMfgCtx parameter if it is possible in the current administrative context. In user mode this method will always return E_FAIL.
the locking operation to be performed Legal values:
TRUE : to lock the parameter.
FALSE: to unlock the parameter.
o Sub SetLoadENVGeomFromENVdbLock( iLocked)
Locks or unlocks the LoadENVGeomFromENVdb parameter.
Role:Locks or unlocks the LoadENVGeomFromENVdb parameter if it is possible in the current administrative context. In user mode this method will always return E_FAIL.
the locking operation to be performed Legal values:
TRUE : to lock the parameter.
FALSE: to unlock the parameter.
o Sub SetLoadFeedProcMfgCtxLock( iLocked)
Locks or unlocks the SaveV5CalcTime parameter.
Role:Locks or unlocks the SaveV5CalcTime parameter if it is possible in the current administrative context. In user mode this method will always return E_FAIL.
the locking operation to be performed Legal values:
TRUE : to lock the parameter.
FALSE: to unlock the parameter.
o Sub SetLoadMfgAssmblyLock( iLocked)
Locks or unlocks the LoadMfgAssmbly parameter.
Role:Locks or unlocks the LoadMfgAssmbly parameter if it is possible in the current administrative context. In user mode this method will always return E_FAIL.
the locking operation to be performed Legal values:
TRUE : to lock the parameter.
FALSE: to unlock the parameter.
o Sub SetLoadMfgKitsLock( iLocked)
Locks or unlocks the LoadMfgKits parameter.
Role:Locks or unlocks the LoadMfgKits parameter if it is possible in the current administrative context. In user mode this method will always return E_FAIL.
the locking operation to be performed Legal values:
TRUE : to lock the parameter.
FALSE: to unlock the parameter.
o Sub SetLoadPSSDataLock( iLocked)
Locks or unlocks the LoadPSSData parameter.
Role:Locks or unlocks the LoadPSSData parameter if it is possible in the current administrative context. In user mode this method will always return E_FAIL.
the locking operation to be performed Legal values:
TRUE : to lock the parameter.
FALSE: to unlock the parameter.
o Sub SetLoadPrdResUserAttribsLock( iLocked)
Locks or unlocks the LoadPrdResUserAttribs parameter.
Role:Locks or unlocks the LoadPrdResUserAttribs parameter if it is possible in the current administrative context. In user mode this method will always return E_FAIL.
the locking operation to be performed Legal values:
TRUE : to lock the parameter.
FALSE: to unlock the parameter.
o Sub SetLoadResGeoLock( iLocked)
Locks or unlocks the LoadResGeo parameter.
Role:Locks or unlocks the LoadResGeo parameter if it is possible in the current administrative context. In user mode this method will always return E_FAIL.
the locking operation to be performed Legal values:
TRUE : to lock the parameter.
FALSE: to unlock the parameter.
o Sub SetLoadUnconstrainedMfgCtxLock( iLocked)
Locks or unlocks the LoadUnconstrainedMfgCtx parameter.
Role:Locks or unlocks the LoadUnconstrainedMfgCtx parameter if it is possible in the current administrative context. In user mode this method will always return E_FAIL.
the locking operation to be performed Legal values:
TRUE : to lock the parameter.
FALSE: to unlock the parameter.
o Sub SetLockAssignedPrdOnLoadLock( iLocked)
Locks or unlocks the LockAssignedPrdOnLoad parameter.
Role:Locks or unlocks the LockAssignedPrdOnLoad parameter if it is possible in the current administrative context. In user mode this method will always return E_FAIL.
the locking operation to be performed Legal values:
TRUE : to lock the parameter.
FALSE: to unlock the parameter.
o Sub SetMailClientLaunchModeLock( iLocked)
Locks or unlocks the MailClientLaunchMode parameter.
Role: Locks or unlocks the MailClientLaunchMode parameter if the operation is allowed in the current administrated environment. In user mode this method will always return E_FAIL.
the locking operation to be performed Legal values:
1 : to lock the parameter.
0: to unlock the parameter.
Legal values:
S_OK : on Success
E_FAIL: on failure
o Sub SetMfgCtxPrevProcRelationTypeLock( iLocked)
Locks or unlocks the GetMfgCtxPrevProcRelationType parameter.
Role:Locks or unlocks the GetMfgCtxPrevProcRelationType parameter if it is possible in the current administrative context. In user mode this method will always return E_FAIL.
the locking operation to be performed Legal values:
TRUE : to lock the parameter.
FALSE: to unlock the parameter.
o Sub SetOnlyLoadCtxWithGeometryLock( iLocked)
Locks or unlocks the OnlyLoadCtxWithGeometry parameter.
Role:Locks or unlocks the OnlyLoadCtxWithGeometry parameter if it is possible in the current administrative context. In user mode this method will always return E_FAIL.
the locking operation to be performed Legal values:
TRUE : to lock the parameter.
FALSE: to unlock the parameter.
o Sub SetOpenModeForLoadLock( iLocked)
Locks or unlocks the OpenModeForLoad parameter.
Role:Locks or unlocks the OpenModeForLoad parameter if it is possible in the current administrative context. In user mode this method will always return E_FAIL.
the locking operation to be performed Legal values:
TRUE : to lock the parameter.
FALSE: to unlock the parameter.
o Sub SetPackAndGoRepositoryPathLock( iLocked)
Locks or unlocks the PackAndGoRepositoryPath parameter.
Role: Locks or unlocks the PackAndGoRepositoryPath parameter if the operation is allowed in the current administrated environment. In user mode this method will always return E_FAIL.
the locking operation to be performed Legal values:
1 : to lock the parameter.
0: to unlock the parameter.
Legal values:
S_OK : on Success
E_FAIL: on failure
o Sub SetPrevProcParseTypeForMfgCtxLock( iLocked)
Locks or unlocks the PrevProcParseTypeForMfgCtx parameter.
Role:Locks or unlocks the PrevProcParseTypeForMfgCtx parameter if it is possible in the current administrative context. In user mode this method will always return E_FAIL.
the locking operation to be performed Legal values:
TRUE : to lock the parameter.
FALSE: to unlock the parameter.
o Sub SetProcProdRelationsLock( iLocked)
Locks or unlocks the ProcProdRelations parameter.
Role:Locks or unlocks the ProcProdRelations parameter if it is possible in the current administrative context. In user mode this method will always return E_FAIL.
the locking operation to be performed Legal values:
TRUE : to lock the parameter.
FALSE: to unlock the parameter.
o Sub SetProcResRelationsLock( iLocked)
Locks or unlocks the ProcResRelations parameter.
Role:Locks or unlocks the ProcResRelations parameter if it is possible in the current administrative context. In user mode this method will always return E_FAIL.
the locking operation to be performed Legal values:
TRUE : to lock the parameter.
FALSE: to unlock the parameter.
o Sub SetRmvNotAssgnPrdResOnSyncLock( iLocked)
Locks or unlocks the RmvNotAssgnPrdResOnSync parameter.
Role:Locks or unlocks the RmvNotAssgnPrdResOnSync parameter if it is possible in the current administrative context. In user mode this method will always return E_FAIL.
the locking operation to be performed Legal values:
TRUE : to lock the parameter.
FALSE: to unlock the parameter.
o Sub SetSaveControlFlowInPROModeLock( iLocked)
Locks or unlocks the SaveControlFlowInPROMode parameter.
Role:Locks or unlocks the SaveControlFlowInPROMode parameter if it is possible in the current administrative context. In user mode this method will always return E_FAIL.
the locking operation to be performed Legal values:
TRUE : to lock the parameter.
FALSE: to unlock the parameter.
o Sub SetSavePPRNoDetailingLock( iLocked)
Locks or unlocks the SavePPRNoDetailing parameter.
Role:Locks or unlocks the SavePPRNoDetailing parameter if it is possible in the current administrative context. In user mode this method will always return E_FAIL.
the locking operation to be performed Legal values:
TRUE : to lock the parameter.
FALSE: to unlock the parameter.
o Sub SetSaveRelationToUnExposedPartLock( iLocked)
Locks or unlocks the SaveRelationToUnExposedPart parameter.
Role:Locks or unlocks the SaveRelationToUnExposedPart parameter if it is possible in the current administrative context. In user mode this method will always return E_FAIL.
the locking operation to be performed Legal values:
TRUE : to lock the parameter.
FALSE: to unlock the parameter.
o Sub SetSaveShowEffctvtPanelLock( iLocked)
Locks or unlocks the SaveShowEffctvtPanel parameter.
Role:Locks or unlocks the SaveShowEffctvtPanel parameter if it is possible in the current administrative context. In user mode this method will always return E_FAIL.
the locking operation to be performed Legal values:
TRUE : to lock the parameter.
FALSE: to unlock the parameter.
o Sub SetSaveV5CalcTimeLock( iLocked)
Locks or unlocks the SaveV5CalcTime parameter.
Role:Locks or unlocks the SaveV5CalcTime parameter if it is possible in the current administrative context. In user mode this method will always return E_FAIL.
the locking operation to be performed Legal values:
TRUE : to lock the parameter.
FALSE: to unlock the parameter.
o Sub SetShowOnlyFilteredObjectsLock( iLocked)
Locks or unlocks the ShowOnlyFilteredObjects parameter.
Role:Locks or unlocks the ShowOnlyFilteredObjects parameter if it is possible in the current administrative context. In user mode this method will always return E_FAIL.
the locking operation to be performed Legal values:
TRUE : to lock the parameter.
FALSE: to unlock the parameter.

Copyright © 2003, Dassault Systèmes. All rights reserved.