All Frameworks Object Hierarchy This Framework Indexes
The New Elements setting controller object can be retrieved as an item of the setting controller collection using its name "HubSettingAtt1" as follows:
Dim settingControllers1 As SettingControllers Set settingControllers1 = CATIA.SettingControllers Dim HubSettingAtt1 as DNBMHIMfgHubSettingCtrl set HubSettingAtt1 = settingControllers1.Item( "DNBMHIMfgHubSettingCtrl" )
The valid integer values (0,1) define the type of Process Traversal Relations to consider while computing Manufacturing Context
o Property ApplyLabelEffToAltChild( | ) As |
A TRUE value indicates that the label effectivity will be applied to all components associated with the Alternative
o Property AutoLoadMfgCtx( | ) As |
A TRUE value indicates that the manufacturing context is automatically (computed and) loaded into the V5 process document during load
o Property AutoLoadSrvMfgCtx( | ) As |
A TRUE value indicates that the existing volumetric context is to be automatically loaded into the V5 process document during load
o Property AutoLoadVolCtx( | ) As |
A TRUE value indicates that the existing volumetric context is to be automatically loaded into the V5 process document during load
o Property IssueRepositoryPath( | ) As |
if everything ran ok
o Property LinkSendMode( | ) As |
if everything ran ok
o Property Load3dStateAndPos( | ) As |
A TRUE value indicates that the ENOVIA product geometry will be loaded from ENOVIA database.
o Property LoadAllChildProcMfgCtx( | ) As |
If set to TRUE than during load of manufacturing context the child processes of the previous processes will also be considered
o Property LoadAssocPrdResChild( | ) As |
A TRUE value indicates that the associated prdres children will be loaded from the database.
o Property LoadChildProcMfgCtx( | ) As |
If set to TRUE than during load of manufacturing context the child processes of the previous processes will also be considered
o Property LoadCtxWithFileGeometry( | ) As |
A TRUE value indicates that the existing volumetric context is to be automatically loaded into the V5 process document during load
o Property LoadDispMfgCtx( | ) As |
A TRUE value indicates that the manufacturing context is display in the V5 process document
o Property LoadENVGeomFromENVdb( | ) As |
A TRUE value indicates that the ENOVIA product geometry will be loaded from ENOVIA database.
o Property LoadFeedProcMfgCtx( | ) As |
A TRUE value indicates that during load the manufacturing context will also include products / resource of the feeder process of the previous processes in process graph
o Property LoadMfgAssmbly( | ) As |
A TRUE value indicates that the Manufacturing Assemblies related to process will be loaded when a PPRHub project is opened in V5
o Property LoadMfgKits( | ) As |
A TRUE value indicates tthat the Manufacturing Kits related to process will be loaded when a PPRHub project is opened in V5
o Property LoadPSSData( | ) As |
A TRUE value indicates that the PSS data will be loaded from the database.
o Property LoadPrdResUserAttribs( | ) As |
o Property LoadResGeo( | ) As |
A TRUE value indicates tthat the Geometries related to Resource will be loaded when a PPRHub project is opened in V5
o Property LoadUnconstrainedMfgCtx( | ) As |
A TRUE value indicates that on load the manufacturing context will also include products / resource of the processes not linked in the process graph containing loaded process
o Property LockAssignedPrdOnLoad( | ) As |
If set to TRUE than on load all the products assigned to process(es) will be locked in WRITE mode
o Property MailClientLaunchMode( | ) As |
if everything ran ok
o Property MfgCtxPrevProcRelationType( | ) As |
The valid integer values (0,1) define the type of Process Traversal Relations to consider while computing Manufacturing Context
o Property OnlyLoadCtxWithGeometry( | ) As |
A TRUE value indicates that the existing volumetric context is to be automatically loaded into the V5 process document during load
o Property OpenModeForLoad( | ) As |
o Property PackAndGoRepositoryPath( | ) As |
if everything ran ok
o Property PrevProcParseTypeForMfgCtx( | ) As |
The valid integer values (0,1,2) define extent of parsing previous process in the loaded process' parent process structure
o Property ProcProdRelations( | ) As |
A safe array of process - product relations to be loaded
o Property ProcResRelations( | ) As |
A safe array of process - resource relations to be loaded
o Property RmvNotAssgnPrdResOnSync( | ) As |
If set to TRUE than on synchronization during load the products or resources that are not assigned to any loaded processes will be removed from the V5 document.
o Property SaveControlFlowInPROMode( | ) As |
A TRUE value indicates that the Control flow will be saved to the database in Partial Read only mode
o Property SavePPRNoDetailing( | ) As |
A TRUE value indicates that simulation detailing data is NOT saved in PPR hub during save.
o Property SaveRelationToUnExposedPart( | ) As |
A TRUE value indicates that the relation to unexposed part will be saved in the database
o Property SaveShowEffctvtPanel( | ) As |
If set to TRUE (and SavePPRNoDetailing is TRUE) a panel is displayed showing effectivity filter information
o Property SaveV5CalcTime( | ) As |
A TRUE value indicates that the calculated cycle time for V5 process should be assigned to corresponding E5 process attribure on save
o Property ShowOnlyFilteredObjects( | ) As |
A TRUE value indicates that the Only Filtered objects will be shown in Search Results
o Func GetApplyLabelEffToAltChildInfo( | ioAdminLevel, | |
ioLocked) As |
o Func GetAutoLoadMfgCtxInfo( | ioAdminLevel, | |
ioLocked) As |
o Func GetAutoLoadSrvMfgCtxInfo( | ioAdminLevel, | |
ioLocked) As |
o Func GetAutoLoadVolCtxInfo( | ioAdminLevel, | |
ioLocked) As |
o Func GetIssueRepositoryPathInfo( | ioAdminLevel, | |
ioLocked) As |
o Func GetLinkSendModeInfo( | ioAdminLevel, | |
ioLocked) As |
o Func GetLoad3dStateAndPosInfo( | ioAdminLevel, | |
ioLocked) As |
o Func GetLoadAllChildProcMfgCtxInfo( | ioAdminLevel, | |
ioLocked) As |
o Func GetLoadAssocPrdResChildInfo( | ioAdminLevel, | |
ioLocked) As |
o Func GetLoadChildProcMfgCtxInfo( | ioAdminLevel, | |
ioLocked) As |
o Func GetLoadCtxWithFileGeometryInfo( | ioAdminLevel, | |
ioLocked) As |
o Func GetLoadDispMfgCtxInfo( | ioAdminLevel, | |
ioLocked) As |
o Func GetLoadENVGeomFromENVdbInfo( | ioAdminLevel, | |
ioLocked) As |
o Func GetLoadFeedProcMfgCtxInfo( | ioAdminLevel, | |
ioLocked) As |
o Func GetLoadMfgAssmblyInfo( | ioAdminLevel, | |
ioLocked) As |
o Func GetLoadMfgKitsInfo( | ioAdminLevel, | |
ioLocked) As |
o Func GetLoadPSSDataInfo( | ioAdminLevel, | |
ioLocked) As |
o Func GetLoadPrdResUserAttribsInfo( | ioAdminLevel, | |
ioLocked) As |
o Func GetLoadResGeoInfo( | ioAdminLevel, | |
ioLocked) As |
o Func GetLoadUnconstrainedMfgCtxInfo( | ioAdminLevel, | |
ioLocked) As |
o Func GetLockAssignedPrdOnLoadInfo( | ioAdminLevel, | |
ioLocked) As |
o Func GetMailClientLaunchModeInfo( | ioAdminLevel, | |
ioLocked) As |
o Func GetMfgCtxPrevProcRelationTypeInfo( | ioAdminLevel, | |
ioLocked) As |
o Func GetOnlyLoadCtxWithGeometryInfo( | ioAdminLevel, | |
ioLocked) As |
o Func GetOpenModeForLoadInfo( | ioAdminLevel, | |
ioLocked) As |
o Func GetPackAndGoRepositoryPathInfo( | ioAdminLevel, | |
ioLocked) As |
o Func GetPrevProcParseTypeForMfgCtxInfo( | ioAdminLevel, | |
ioLocked) As |
o Func GetProcProdRelationsInfo( | ioAdminLevel, | |
ioLocked) As |
o Func GetProcResRelationsInfo( | ioAdminLevel, | |
ioLocked) As |
o Func GetRmvNotAssgnPrdResOnSyncInfo( | ioAdminLevel, | |
ioLocked) As |
o Func GetSaveControlFlowInPROModeInfo( | ioAdminLevel, | |
ioLocked) As |
o Func GetSavePPRNoDetailingInfo( | ioAdminLevel, | |
ioLocked) As |
o Func GetSaveRelationToUnExposedPartInfo( | ioAdminLevel, | |
ioLocked) As |
o Func GetSaveShowEffctvtPanelInfo( | ioAdminLevel, | |
ioLocked) As |
o Func GetSaveV5CalcTimeInfo( | ioAdminLevel, | |
ioLocked) As |
o Func GetShowOnlyFilteredObjectsInfo( | ioAdminLevel, | |
ioLocked) As |
o Sub SetApplyLabelEffToAltChildLock( | iLocked) |
o Sub SetAutoLoadMfgCtxLock( | iLocked) |
o Sub SetAutoLoadSrvMfgCtxLock( | iLocked) |
o Sub SetAutoLoadVolCtxLock( | iLocked) |
o Sub SetIssueRepositoryPathLock( | iLocked) |
o Sub SetLinkSendModeLock( | iLocked) |
o Sub SetLoad3dStateAndPosLock( | iLocked) |
o Sub SetLoadAllChildProcMfgCtxLock( | iLocked) |
o Sub SetLoadAssocPrdResChildLock( | iLocked) |
o Sub SetLoadChildProcMfgCtxLock( | iLocked) |
o Sub SetLoadCtxWithFileGeometryLock( | iLocked) |
o Sub SetLoadDispMfgCtxLock( | iLocked) |
o Sub SetLoadENVGeomFromENVdbLock( | iLocked) |
o Sub SetLoadFeedProcMfgCtxLock( | iLocked) |
o Sub SetLoadMfgAssmblyLock( | iLocked) |
o Sub SetLoadMfgKitsLock( | iLocked) |
o Sub SetLoadPSSDataLock( | iLocked) |
o Sub SetLoadPrdResUserAttribsLock( | iLocked) |
o Sub SetLoadResGeoLock( | iLocked) |
o Sub SetLoadUnconstrainedMfgCtxLock( | iLocked) |
o Sub SetLockAssignedPrdOnLoadLock( | iLocked) |
o Sub SetMailClientLaunchModeLock( | iLocked) |
o Sub SetMfgCtxPrevProcRelationTypeLock( | iLocked) |
o Sub SetOnlyLoadCtxWithGeometryLock( | iLocked) |
o Sub SetOpenModeForLoadLock( | iLocked) |
o Sub SetPackAndGoRepositoryPathLock( | iLocked) |
o Sub SetPrevProcParseTypeForMfgCtxLock( | iLocked) |
o Sub SetProcProdRelationsLock( | iLocked) |
o Sub SetProcResRelationsLock( | iLocked) |
o Sub SetRmvNotAssgnPrdResOnSyncLock( | iLocked) |
o Sub SetSaveControlFlowInPROModeLock( | iLocked) |
o Sub SetSavePPRNoDetailingLock( | iLocked) |
o Sub SetSaveRelationToUnExposedPartLock( | iLocked) |
o Sub SetSaveShowEffctvtPanelLock( | iLocked) |
o Sub SetSaveV5CalcTimeLock( | iLocked) |
o Sub SetShowOnlyFilteredObjectsLock( | iLocked) |
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