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Stiffener (Object)

Represents the stiffener shape.
A stiffener is made up of a sketch used as the stiffener profile, that is extruded (offset) and that fills the nearest shape. This is a "positive" shape: it adds material to the body it belongs to.

Property Index

Returns or sets whether the stiffener is From Side or From Top.
Returns or sets whether the stiffener is symmetric.
Returns the stiffener thickness top in case of From Top stiffener.
Returns the stiffener thickness.

Method Index

Reverses the stiffener direction.
Reverses the stiffener thickness direction.


o Property IsFromTop() As
Returns or sets whether the stiffener is From Side or From Top.
True if the stiffener is From Top stiffener with respect to the base sketch. False if the stiffener is From Side stiffener with respect to the base sketch.
The following example returns in FromTopFlag whether the firstStiffener stiffener is From Top, and then sets it as From Top stiffener with respect to its base sketch:
 Set FromTopFlag = firstStiffener.IsFromTop
 firstStiffener.IsFromTop  = True
o Property IsSymmetric() As
Returns or sets whether the stiffener is symmetric.
True if the stiffener is symmetric with respect to the base sketch.
The following example returns in symFlag whether the firstStiffener stiffener is symmetric, and then sets it as symmetric with respect to its base sketch:
 Set symFlag = firstStiffener.IsSymmetric
 firstStiffener.IsSymmetric  = True
o Property ThicknessFromTop() As (Read Only)
Returns the stiffener thickness top in case of From Top stiffener. This is equal to first thickness if the stiffener is symmetrical,
The following example returns in thicknessfromtop the thickness of the firstStiffener stiffener:
 Set thicknessfromtop = firstStiffener.ThicknessFromTop
o Property Thickness() As (Read Only)
Returns the stiffener thickness. This is half of the thickness if the stiffener is symmetrical, and the thickness otherwise.
The following example returns in thickness the thickness of the firstStiffener stiffener:
 Set thickness = firstStiffener.Thickness


o Sub ReverseDepth()
Reverses the stiffener direction. This is useful for finding the shape to reach.
The following example reverses the current direction of the firstStiffener stiffener:
o Sub ReverseThickness()
Reverses the stiffener thickness direction. The stiffener thickness is swapped with respect to the base sketch.
The following example reverses the current direction of the firstStiffener stiffener:

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