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Move (Object)

Represents an object associated with any kind of objects which retrieves the corresponding movable object.
An object can be moved only if it is independent from other objects. For example, a pad can be moved, and is as such a movable object, while an edge cannot be moved individually. It should be moved with all the objects making up the pad to which it belongs as a whole. In this case, the underlying edge's movable object is the pad.

Property Index

Returns the movable object associated with the used object.

Method Index

Applies a move transformation to a movable object.


o Property MovableObject() As (Read Only)
Returns the movable object associated with the used object.
This example retrieves the myMovableObject from Move object associated with MyObject.
 Dim myMovableObject As Move
 Set myMovableObject = MyObject.Move.MovableObject


o Sub Apply( iTransformationArray)
Applies a move transformation to a movable object.
The linear transformation array initialized successively by the four columns of the transformation matrix. The first nine components represent the rotation matrix. The last three components represent the translation vector.
This example applies the transformation (45 degrees-rotation around the x axis and a translation) stored in TransformationArray to the Move object associated with myMovableObject:
 Dim TransformationArray( 11 )
 'Rotation( 45 degrees around the x axis) components
 TransformationArray( 0 )  = 1.000
 TransformationArray( 1 )  = 0
 TransformationArray( 2 )  = 0
 TransformationArray( 3 )  = 0
 TransformationArray( 4 )  = 0.707
 TransformationArray( 5 )  = 0.707
 TransformationArray( 6 )  = 0
 TransformationArray( 7 )  = -0.707
 TransformationArray( 8 )  = 0.707
 'Translation Vector (10,20,30)
 TransformationArray( 9 )  = 10.000
 TransformationArray( 10 ) = 20.000
 TransformationArray( 11 ) = 30.000
 MyMovableObject.Move.Apply TransformationArray

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