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CatalogSHMObjectSettingAtt (Object)
Represents the CATIA Sheet Metal Aerospace General setting controller object.
Role: The CATIA Sheet Metal Aerospace setting General controller object deals with the setting
attributes displayed in the Aerospace Sheet Metal Design General property page.
To access this property page:
- Click the Options command in the Tools menu
- Click + left of Mechanical Design to unfold the workbench list
- Click General
The Sheet Metal Aerospace General setting controller object can be retrieved as an item of the setting controller collection
using its name "CATIStmCatalogSHMObjectSettingCtrl" as follows:
Dim settingControllers1 As SettingControllers
Set settingControllers1 = CATIA.SettingControllers
Dim CATIAStmCatalogSHMObjectSettingAtt1 As SettingController
Set CATIAStmCatalogSHMObjectSettingAtt1 = settingControllers1.Item("CATIStmCatalogSHMObjectSettingCtrl")
Property Index
- Returns or sets the SHMStdProfPath setting parameter value.
Method Index
- Retrieves information about the SHMStdProfPath setting parameter.
- Locks or unlocks the SHMStdProfPath setting parameter.
o Property SHMStdProfPath( | ) As |
Returns or sets the SHMStdProfPath setting parameter value.
Role: The SHMStdProfPath setting parameter stores the path
to the CATIA Catalog file used by the Catalog Browser whenever it is involved in
Aerospace Sheet Metal commands, such as cutout or corner relief.
Legal values: a valid path to a CATIA Catalog file.
o Func GetSHMStdProfPathInfo( | | ioAdminLevel, |
| | ioLocked) As |
Retrieves information about the SHMStdProfPath setting parameter.
Refer to
SettingController for a detailed description.
o Sub SetSHMStdProfPathLock( | | iLocked) |
Locks or unlocks the SHMStdProfPath setting parameter.
Refer to
SettingController for a detailed description.