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StiDBItem (Object)

Represents the SmarTeam Integration Object, that is to say the Document coming from SmarTeam database.
Role: It retrieves SmarTeam Document information. It is managed by StiEngine.
See also:

Method Index

Returns both all the Children of the CATIA Document -associated to the CATIAStiDBItem- and their corresponding Link Types with their Father CATIA Document.
Returns the Full Path of the CATIA Document associated to the CATIAStiDBItem.
Returns the CATIA Document associated to the CATIAStiDBItem -the SmarTeam Integration Object.
Returns if the CATIA Document -associated to the CATIAStiDBItem- is a Component File or not.
Returns if the CATIA Document -associated to the CATIAStiDBItem- is a Root.


o Func GetChildren() As
Returns both all the Children of the CATIA Document -associated to the CATIAStiDBItem- and their corresponding Link Types with their Father CATIA Document.
See also:
This ouptut corresponds to the retrieved CATIAStiDBChildren from the Father CATIAStiDBItem.
The following example returns in ochildrenList both all the Children and their Link Types with their CATIAStiDBItem Father oStiDBItem.
 Dim oStiDBItem As StiDBItem
 Dim ochildrenList As StiDBChildren
 Set ochildrenList = oStiDBItem.GetChildren
 Dim lChildrenNumber As long
 lChildrenNumber = ochildrenList.Count
 For i = 1 To lChildrenNumber
    Dim oChildStiDBItem As StiDBItem
    Set oChildStiDBItem = ochildrenList.Item(i)
    Dim sChildLinkType As CATBSTR
    sChildLinkType = ochildrenList.LinkType(i)
o Func GetDocumentFullPath() As
Returns the Full Path of the CATIA Document associated to the CATIAStiDBItem.
This ouptut corresponds to the retrieved Full Path of the CATIAStiDBItem.
The following example returns in oFullPath the full path corresponding to the CATIAStiDBItem oStiDBItem.
 Dim oStiDBItem As StiDBItem
 Dim oFullPath As string
 oFullPath = oStiDBItem.GetDocumentFullPath
o Func GetDocument() As
Returns the CATIA Document associated to the CATIAStiDBItem -the SmarTeam Integration Object.
This ouptut corresponds to the retrieved CATIA Document.
The following example returns in oDocument the CATIA Document corresponding to the CATIAStiDBItem oStiDBItem.
 Dim oStiEngine As StiEngine
 Set oStiEngine = CATIA.GetItem("CAIEngine")
 Dim oStiDBItem As StiDBItem
 Set oStiDBItem = oStiEngine.GetStiDBItemFromCATBSTR("E:\CATIAFiles\Engine.CATProduct")
 Dim oDocument As Document
 Set oDocument = oStiDBItem.GetDocument
o Func IsCFOType() As
Returns if the CATIA Document -associated to the CATIAStiDBItem- is a Component File or not.
This ouptut corresponds to the boolean 'oIsCFOType'. 'oIsCFOType' is True when the CATIAStiDBItem is a Component File, False otherwise.
The following example tests if the CATIAStiDBItem is a Component File.
 Dim oStiEngine As StiEngine
 Set oStiEngine = CATIA.GetItem("CAIEngine")
 Dim oIsCFOType As boolean
 oIsCFOType = oStiEngine.IsCFOType
o Func IsRoot() As
Returns if the CATIA Document -associated to the CATIAStiDBItem- is a Root. This method returns True if the Document is a Root, False otherwise.
This ouptut corresponds to the boolean 'oIsRootCFO'.
The following example tests if the CATIAStiDBItem is a Root component file.
 Dim oStiEngine As StiEngine
 Set oStiEngine = CATIA.GetItem("CAIEngine")
 Dim oIsRootCFO As boolean
 oIsRootCFO = oStiEngine.IsRoot

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