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V4WritingSettingAtt (Object)

Represents the Saving As V4 Data setting controller object.
Role: The Saving As V4 Data setting controller object deals with the setting parameters displayed in the Saving As V4 Data property page. To access this property page:
The different options for V4/V5SPEC tab:
The Writing Code Page
The Model Dimension
The Model Unit
The Initial Model File Path
The Associativity Mode
The Layer For Non Associative Data
The Error Feature Creation if the Save is not complete
The Curves Associated To Face Boundaries Creation
The V4 Model File Name In Capitals Letters
The Small Edges And Faces Cleaning Tolerance

Property Index

Returns or sets the associativity mode of migration.
Returns or sets the small edges and faces cleaning tolerance activation.
Returns or sets the small edges and faces cleaning tolerance value if activated.
Returns or sets the activation state of the writing code page.
Returns or sets the initial model file path.
Returns or sets the layer for not associative data.
Returns or sets the curves associated to faces'boundaries creation option.
Returns or sets the error feature creation option.
Returns or sets the model dimension.
Returns or sets the model factor.
Returns or sets the model file name in capital letters option.
Returns or sets the model unit.

Method Index

Retrieves information about the Asso_mode setting parameter.
Retrieves information about the CleanTolCheck setting parameter.
Retrieves information about the CleanTolValue setting parameter.
Retrieves information about the Code_page_Dest setting parameter.
Retrieves information about the Initial_Model_File_Path setting parameter.
Retrieves information about the Layer_for_No_Asso setting parameter.
Retrieves information about the ModeCreateDisplay setting parameter.
Retrieves information about the ModeErrorDisplay setting parameter.
Retrieves information about the Model_Dimension setting parameter.
Retrieves information about the Model_Factor setting parameter.
Retrieves information about the Model_File_Name setting parameter.
Retrieves information about the Model_Unit setting parameter.
Locks or unlocks the Asso_mode setting parameter.
Locks or unlocks the CleanTolCheck setting parameter.
Locks or unlocks the CleanTolValue setting parameter.
Locks or unlocks the Code_page_Dest setting parameter.
Locks or unlocks the Initial_Model_File_Path setting parameter.
Locks or unlocks the Layer_for_No_Asso setting parameter.
Locks or unlocks the ModeCreateDisplay setting parameter.
Locks or unlocks the ModeErrorDisplay setting parameter.
Locks or unlocks the Model_Dimension setting parameter.
Locks or unlocks the Model_Factor setting parameter.
Locks or unlocks the Model_File_Name setting parameter.
Locks or unlocks the Model_Unit setting parameter.


o Property Asso_mode() As
Returns or sets the associativity mode of migration.
Role: Returns or sets the associativity mode of migration.If non associative mode is chosen, it is possible to create or not the solid.
o Property CleanTolCheck() As
Returns or sets the small edges and faces cleaning tolerance activation.
Role: Returns or sets the small edges and faces cleaning tolerance activation.
o Property CleanTolValue() As
Returns or sets the small edges and faces cleaning tolerance value if activated.
Role: Returns or sets the small edges and faces cleaning tolerance value if activated.
o Property Code_page_Dest() As
Returns or sets the activation state of the writing code page.
Role: Returns or sets the value of the writing code page.
o Property Initial_Model_File_Path() As
Returns or sets the initial model file path.
Role: Returns or sets the initial model file path.
o Property Layer_for_No_Asso() As
Returns or sets the layer for not associative data.
Role: Returns or sets the layer for not associative data.
o Property ModeCreateDisplay() As
Returns or sets the curves associated to faces'boundaries creation option.
Role: Returns or sets the curves associated to faces'boundaries creation option.
o Property ModeErrorDisplay() As
Returns or sets the error feature creation option.
Role: Returns or sets the error feature creation option.
o Property Model_Dimension() As
Returns or sets the model dimension.
Role: Returns or sets the model dimension.
o Property Model_Factor() As
Returns or sets the model factor.
Role: Returns or sets the model factor that manages the conversion of model dimension in millimeters.
o Property Model_File_Name() As
Returns or sets the model file name in capital letters option.
Role: Returns or sets the model file name in capital letters option.
o Property Model_Unit() As
Returns or sets the model unit.
Role: Returns or sets the model unit.


o Func GetAsso_modeInfo( AdminLevel,
oLocked) As
Retrieves information about the Asso_mode setting parameter.
Refer to
SettingController for a detailed description.
o Func GetCleanTolCheckInfo( AdminLevel,
oLocked) As
Retrieves information about the CleanTolCheck setting parameter.
Refer to
SettingController for a detailed description.
o Func GetCleanTolValueInfo( AdminLevel,
oLocked) As
Retrieves information about the CleanTolValue setting parameter.
Refer to
SettingController for a detailed description.
o Func GetCode_page_DestInfo( AdminLevel,
oLocked) As
Retrieves information about the Code_page_Dest setting parameter.
Refer to
SettingController for a detailed description.
o Func GetInitial_Model_File_PathInfo( AdminLevel,
oLocked) As
Retrieves information about the Initial_Model_File_Path setting parameter.
Refer to
SettingController for a detailed description.
o Func GetLayer_for_No_AssoInfo( AdminLevel,
oLocked) As
Retrieves information about the Layer_for_No_Asso setting parameter.
Refer to
SettingController for a detailed description.
o Func GetModeCreateDisplayInfo( AdminLevel,
oLocked) As
Retrieves information about the ModeCreateDisplay setting parameter.
Refer to
SettingController for a detailed description.
o Func GetModeErrorDisplayInfo( AdminLevel,
oLocked) As
Retrieves information about the ModeErrorDisplay setting parameter.
Refer to
SettingController for a detailed description.
o Func GetModel_DimensionInfo( AdminLevel,
oLocked) As
Retrieves information about the Model_Dimension setting parameter.
Refer to
SettingController for a detailed description.
o Func GetModel_FactorInfo( AdminLevel,
oLocked) As
Retrieves information about the Model_Factor setting parameter.
Refer to
SettingController for a detailed description.
o Func GetModel_File_NameInfo( AdminLevel,
oLocked) As
Retrieves information about the Model_File_Name setting parameter.
Refer to
SettingController for a detailed description.
o Func GetModel_UnitInfo( AdminLevel,
oLocked) As
Retrieves information about the Model_Unit setting parameter.
Refer to
SettingController for a detailed description.
o Sub SetAsso_modeLock( iLock)
Locks or unlocks the Asso_mode setting parameter.
Refer to
SettingController for a detailed description.
o Sub SetCleanTolCheckLock( iLock)
Locks or unlocks the CleanTolCheck setting parameter.
Refer to
SettingController for a detailed description.
o Sub SetCleanTolValueLock( iLock)
Locks or unlocks the CleanTolValue setting parameter.
Refer to
SettingController for a detailed description.
o Sub SetCode_page_DestLock( iLock)
Locks or unlocks the Code_page_Dest setting parameter.
Refer to
SettingController for a detailed description.
o Sub SetInitial_Model_File_PathLock( iLock)
Locks or unlocks the Initial_Model_File_Path setting parameter.
Refer to
SettingController for a detailed description.
o Sub SetLayer_for_No_AssoLock( iLock)
Locks or unlocks the Layer_for_No_Asso setting parameter.
Refer to
SettingController for a detailed description.
o Sub SetModeCreateDisplayLock( iLock)
Locks or unlocks the ModeCreateDisplay setting parameter.
Refer to
SettingController for a detailed description.
o Sub SetModeErrorDisplayLock( iLock)
Locks or unlocks the ModeErrorDisplay setting parameter.
Refer to
SettingController for a detailed description.
o Sub SetModel_DimensionLock( iLock)
Locks or unlocks the Model_Dimension setting parameter.
Refer to
SettingController for a detailed description.
o Sub SetModel_FactorLock( iLock)
Locks or unlocks the Model_Factor setting parameter.
Refer to
SettingController for a detailed description.
o Sub SetModel_File_NameLock( iLock)
Locks or unlocks the Model_File_Name setting parameter.
Refer to
SettingController for a detailed description.
o Sub SetModel_UnitLock( iLock)
Locks or unlocks the Model_Unit setting parameter.
Refer to
SettingController for a detailed description.

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