KnowledgeInterfaces KnowledgeActivateObject (Object)
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KnowledgeActivateObject (Object)
Interface to access a CATIAKnowledgeActivableObject.
Property Index
- Returns whether the relation is activated.
Method Index
- Activates the relation.
- Deactivates the relation.
o Property Activated( | ) As (Read Only) |
Returns whether the relation is activated.
True if the relation is activated.
An activated relation is processed whenever the value of one of its
input parameter is modified.
- Example:
This example retrieves whether the maximummass
relation is activated, and if true, displays the result in a message box:
If ( maximummass.Activated ) Then
MsgBox "maximummass is activated"
End If
Activates the relation.
The relation will be processed whenever
the value of one of its input parameter is modified.
- Example:
This example activates the maximummass relation:
Deactivates the relation.
The relation will no longer be processed when
the value of one of its input parameter is modified.
- Example:
This example deactivates the maximummass relation:
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