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HybridShapeFilletBiTangent (Object)

Fillet Bi-Tangent feature.
Role: Manipulation of Fillet Bi-Tangent feature Allows to access data of the Fillet Bi-Tangent feature created by using two support surfaces, their orientation, a radius, and options (supports trimming and fillet extremities type)
See also:

Property Index

Returns or Sets parameter for conical section.
Returns or Sets the first support surface feature.
Gets or sets Law first relimiter for variable shape fillet with law management.
Returns or Setsthe first orientation used to specify fillet center position.
Returns or Sets the Hold Curve feature.
Gets or sets Integrated Law to manage Variable Shape Fillet with law.
Returns or Sets fillet radius type.
Returns or Sets fillet radius value.
Returns fillet radius in a CATIALength.
Returns or Sets fillet ribbon relimitation mode (or fillet extremities mode).
Returns or sets the Second support surface feature.
Gets or sets Law second relimiter for variable shape fillet with law management.
Returns or Sets the Second orientation used to specify fillet center position.
Returns or Sets fillet section type.
Returns or Sets the spine feature.
Returns or Sets whether support surfaces are trimmed or not.

Method Index

Append a new face to keep.
Gets the face to keep for fillet operation.
Inverts first orientation used to specify fillet center position.
Inverts second orientation used to specify fillet center position.
Remove all the faces to keep.
Remove a face to keep.


o Property ConicalSectionParameter() As
Returns or Sets parameter for conical section.
o Property FirstElem() As
Returns or Sets the first support surface feature.
o Property FirstLawRelimiter() As
Gets or sets Law first relimiter for variable shape fillet with law management.
Relimiters must be point on spine.
The input law will be mapped between first and second relimiters. This example retrieves in HybLaw the first law relimiter for the Fillet hybrid shape feature.
 Dim HybLaw As Reference
 HybLaw = Fillet.FirstLawRelimiter
o Property FirstOrientation() As
Returns or Setsthe first orientation used to specify fillet center position.
Orientation is same or inverse than the normal to the first surface support
o Property HoldCurve() As
Returns or Sets the Hold Curve feature.
o Property IntegratedLaw() As
Gets or sets Integrated Law to manage Variable Shape Fillet with law.
Integrated law This example retrieves in HybridIntegratedLaw the IntegratedLaw for the Fillet hybrid shape feature.
 Dim HybridIntegratedLaw
 Set HybridIntegratedLaw = Fillet.IntegratedLaw
o Property RadiusType() As
Returns or Sets fillet radius type.
Fillet radius type :
- CATGSMRadiusDefault (0)
- CATGSMRadiusChordLength(1)
o Property RadiusValue() As
Returns or Sets fillet radius value.
o Property Radius() As (Read Only)
Returns fillet radius in a CATIALength.
o Property RibbonRelimitationMode() As
Returns or Sets fillet ribbon relimitation mode (or fillet extremities mode).
Fillet extremities mode :
- CATGSMSmooth (0)
- CATGSMStraight(1)
- CATGSMMaximum (2)
- CATGSMMinimum (3)
o Property SecondElem() As
Returns or sets the Second support surface feature.
o Property SecondLawRelimiter() As
Gets or sets Law second relimiter for variable shape fillet with law management.
Relimiters must be point on spine.
The input law will be mapped between first and second relimiters. This example retrieves in HybLaw the second law relimiter for the Fillet hybrid shape feature.
 Dim HybLaw As Reference
 HybLaw = Fillet.SecondLawRelimiter
o Property SecondOrientation() As
Returns or Sets the Second orientation used to specify fillet center position.
Orientation is same or inverse than the normal to the Second surface support
o Property SectionType() As
Returns or Sets fillet section type.
Fillet radius type :
- CATGSMCircularSection(0)
- CATGSMConicalSection (1)
o Property Spine() As
Returns or Sets the spine feature.
o Property SupportsTrimMode() As
Returns or Sets whether support surfaces are trimmed or not. Possible values of SupportsTrimMode = 0 : No trim of fillet supports. = 1 : Trim of both fillet supports. = 2 : Trim of fillet support 1. = 3 : Trim of fillet support 2.


o Sub AppendNewFaceToKeep( iFace)
Append a new face to keep.
o Func GetFaceToKeep( iPos) As
Gets the face to keep for fillet operation.
The face to keep for fillet operation.
Position of the face to be retrieved.
o Sub InvertFirstOrientation()
Inverts first orientation used to specify fillet center position.
o Sub InvertSecondOrientation()
Inverts second orientation used to specify fillet center position.
o Sub RemoveAllFacesToKeep()
Remove all the faces to keep.
o Sub RemoveFaceToKeep( iFace)
Remove a face to keep.

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