CATSchPlatformInterfaces SchComponentGroup (Object)
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SchComponentGroup (Object)
Represents a temporary group of schematic objects for component placement.
Method Index
- Add a member to the component group.
- List all connectable members in the group.
- Remove a member to the component group.
o Sub AddMember( | | iCntblToAdd) |
Add a member to the component group.
- Parameters:
- iCntblToAdd
- The application connectable to be added to the group
- Example:
Dim objThisIntf As SchComponentGroup
Dim objArg1 As SchAppConnectable
List all connectable members in the group.
- Parameters:
- A list of connectables.
- Example:
Dim objThisIntf As SchComponentGroup
Dim objArg1 As SchListOfObjects
Set objArg1 = objThisIntf.ListMembers
o Sub RemoveMember( | | iCntblToRemove) |
Remove a member to the component group.
- Parameters:
- iCntbleToRemove
- The application connectable to be removed from the group
- Example:
Dim objThisIntf As SchComponentGroup
Dim objArg1 As SchAppConnectable
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