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DrawingDimensions (Collection)

A collection of all the drawing dimensions currently managed by a drawing view of drawing sheet in a drawing document.

Method Index

Creates a drawing dimension along a direction and adds it to the DrawingDimensions collection.
Creates a drawing dimension and adds it to the DrawingDimensions collection.
Returns a drawing dimension using its index or its name from the DrawingDimensions collection.
Removes a drawing dimension from the DrawingDimensions collection.


o Func Add2( iTypeDim,
iLDCRefAngle) As
Creates a drawing dimension along a direction and adds it to the DrawingDimensions collection.
Dimension type (available types : catDimDistance, catDimLength, catDimRadiusTangent and catDimDiameterTangent)
Parent geometorical element(s) of dimension
Array of pointers on the selection points of each element of iGeomElem
Reference geometrical element for the direction of the dimension line .iLDCRefElem can be null: in this case, the view is the reference element
Angle between the reference element and the direction of the dimension line
The created drawing dimension (The property CATDimLineRep of the dimension line of the created dimension is set to catDimUserDefined)
The following example creates a drawing distance dimension between two points along the direction of a line and retrieved in MyDimension in the drawing view collection of the MyView drawing view. This view belongs to the drawing view collection of the drawing sheet
 Dim MyView As DrawingView
 Set MyView = MySheet.Views.ActiveView
 Dim Fact2D  As Factory2D
 Set Fact2D = MyView.Factory2D
 Dim Point1 As Point2D
 Dim Point2 As Point2D
 Set Point1 = Fact2D.CreatePoint(40, 230)
 Set Point2 = Fact2D.CreatePoint(80, 210)
 Dim Line1 As Line2D
 Set Line1 = Fact2D.CreateLine(50, 10, 150, 10)
 Dim iType As catDimType
 iType = catDimDistance
 Dim myElements(1)
 myElements(1) = Array(Point1,Point2)
 Dim selpoints(3)
 selpoints(3) = Array(0, 0, 0, 0)
 Dim MyDimension As DrawingDimension
 Set MyDimension = MyView.Dimensions.Add2(iType, myElements(1), selpoints(3), Line1, 0)
o Func Add( iTypeDim,
iLineRep) As
Creates a drawing dimension and adds it to the DrawingDimensions collection.
Dimension type
Parent geometrical element(s) of dimension
Array of pointers on the selection points of each element of iGeomElem
Basic representation mode
The created drawing dimension
The following example creates a drawing angle dimension between two lines and a partial curvilinear length dimension on an ellipse and retrieved in MyDimension1 and MyDimension2 in the drawing view collection of the MyView drawing view. This view belongs to the drawing view collection of the drawing sheet
 Dim MyView As DrawingView
 Set MyView = MySheet.Views.ActiveView
 Dim Fact2D  As Factory2D
 Set Fact2D = MyView.Factory2D
 Dim Line1 As Line2D
 Dim Line2 As Line2D
 Set Line1 = Fact2D.CreateLine(50, 10, 150, 10)
 Set Line2 = Fact2D.CreateLine(50, 10, 120, 100)
 Dim Ellipse1 As Ellipse2D
 Set Ellipse1 = Fact2D.CreateEllipse(-40, 100, 120, 180,120,90,0, 3)
 Dim Point1 As Point2D
 Dim Point2 As Point2D
 Set Point1 = Fact2D.CreatePoint(-10,190)
 Set Point2 = Fact2D.CreatePoint(-120,90)
 Dim iType As catDimType
 iType = catDimAngle
 Dim myElements1(1)
 myElements1(1) = Array(Line1,Line2)
 Dim selpoints(3)
 selpoints(3) = Array(150, 10, 120, 100)
 Dim MyDimension1 As DrawingDimension
 Set MyDimension1 = MyView.Dimensions.Add(iType, myElements1(1), selpoints(3),catDimAuto)
 iType = catDimLengthCurvilinear
 Dim myElements2(2)
 myElements2(2) = Array(Point1,Point2,Ellipse1)
 selpoints(3) = Array(0, 0, 0, 0)
 Dim MyDimension2 As DrawingDimension
 Set MyDimension2 = MyView.Dimensions.Add(iType, myElements2(1), selpoints(3),catDimOffset)
o Func Item( iIndex) As
Returns a drawing dimension using its index or its name from the DrawingDimensions collection.
The index or the name of the drawing dimension to retrieve from the collection of drawing dimensions. As a numerics, this index is the rank of the drawing dimension in the collection. The index of the first drawing dimension in the collection is 1, and the index of the last drawing dimension is Count. As a string, it is the name you assigned to the drawing dimension using the
AnyObject.Name property or when creating it using the Add method.
The retrieved drawing dimension
This example retrieves in ThisDrawingDimension the second drawing dimension, and in ThatDrawingDimension the drawing dimension named MyDimension in the drawing dimension collection of the active view.
 Dim MyView As DrawingView
 Set MyView  = MySheet.Views.ActiveView
 Dim ThisDrawingDimension As DrawingDimension
 Set ThisDrawingDimension = MyView.Dimensions.Item(2)
 Dim ThatDrawingDimension As DrawingDimension
 Set ThatDrawingDimension = MyView.Dimensions.Item("MyDimension")
o Sub Remove( iIndex)
Removes a drawing dimension from the DrawingDimensions collection.
The index of the drawing dimension to remove from the collection of drawing dimensions. As a numerics, this index is the rank of the drawing dimension in the collection. The index of the first drawing dimension in the collection is 1, and the index of the last drawing dimension is Count.
The following example removes the third drawing dimension in the drawing dimension collection of the active view of the active document, supposed to be a drawing document.
 Dim MyView As DrawingView
 Set MyView  = MySheet.Views.ActiveView

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