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SewSurface (Object)

Represents the sewing operation.
It sews a shape using a sewing element, such as a surface or a face

Property Index

Returns or sets the sewing mode .
Returns or sets the sewing side .

Method Index

Sets the volume support for volume sew surface.


o Property SewingIntersectionMode() As
Returns or sets the sewing mode . The sewing side is the side of the body kept after the sewing. A positive side refers to the same orientation than the sewing element normal vector.
The following example returns in sptSide the sewing side of the sew shape mySew, and then sets it to catPositiveSide:
 Set sptSide = mySew.SewingSide
 mySew.SewingSide = catPositiveSide
o Property SewingSide() As
Returns or sets the sewing side . The sewing side is the side of the body kept after the sewing. A positive side refers to the same orientation than the sewing element normal vector.
The following example returns in sptSide the sewing side of the sew shape mySew, and then sets it to catPositiveSide:
 Set sptSide = mySew.SewingSide
 mySew.SewingSide = catPositiveSide


o Sub SetVolumeSupport( iVolume)
Sets the volume support for volume sew surface.
A Reference object to a volume (see
Reference for more information)
The following example sets the volume support of SewSurface firstSewSurface to volumeExtrude volume reference :
 firstSewSurface.SetVolumeSupport volumeExtrudeRef

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