All Frameworks Object Hierarchy This Framework Indexes
OrderGenerator (Object)
Interface representing Create Shop Order APIs which generates Shop Order Instance(SOI),
against user-given option(s).
Following gvies the major-steps encountered in a single SOI generation
1) Logs in and secures connection with DPE.
2) Loads the specified job Node.
3) Reslves the Work Instrucitons.
4) Captures Images for activities
5) Generates JobXML and Precedence XML
6) Generates PackNGo data ( Lite or Full)
7) Zips the SOI contents.
8) FTPs the zipped file to FTP server
9) Updates the Release table.
10) Disconnects from DPE.
Role: Component that implement DNBIAOrderCreation is "OrderGenerator"
Do not extend this interface
Example : Refer to CreateShopOrder.CATScript or CreateSOI CATScript
at intel_a\VBScript\DPM_SOR
Method Index
- Create Shop Order using XML as SOI input.
- Create Shop Order method
- Get Error Description.
- Set DPE Login Information.
- Set Export 3D XML Flag.
- Set Export Image Capture Flag.
- Set Export Job XML Flag.
- Set Export Precedence XML Flag.
- Set FTP Information.
- Set FTP Flag.
- Set Filter String.
- Set Generate PackNGo Flag.
- Set Generate SMG Mapping XML Flag.
- Set Generate SMG XML Flag.
- Set Generate SMG XML EXE Path.
- Set Lite PackNGo Flag.
- Set Load Context Type.
- Set Load Positions Type.
- Set Manufacturing Context Flag.
- Set Process Name.
- Set Request Type.
- Set Requested Node Details.
- Set Encryption Mode.
- Set Transaction Type.
- Set Update Release Table Flag.
- Set Zip Flag.
o Sub CreateShopOrder2( | | iXMLInput) |
Create Shop Order using XML as SOI input.
- Parameters:
- iXMLInput
- XML input file path
Sample schema: Refer intel_a\resources\xsd\DPM_SOR\CreateSOI.xsd
Sample XML input: Refer intel_a\resources\xml\DPM_SOR\CreateSOI.xml
o Func CreateShopOrder( | ) As |
Create Shop Order method
- Returns:
- SOI response, which in-turn can be obtained using
o Func GetErrorDescription( | | ErrorCode) As |
Get Error Description.
It deciphers return ERROR code of Create Shop Order API.
- Parameters:
- iErrorCode
- Create Shop Order API return code
- Returns:
- oErrDescription Create Shop Order API return code description
o Sub set_DPELoginInfo( | | iDPELoginId, |
| | iDPEPassword) |
Set DPE Login Information.
- Parameters:
- iDPELoginId
- E5 Login ID for authentication
- iDPEPassword
- E5 Password for authentication
o Sub set_Export3DXML( | | iRequired) |
Set Export 3D XML Flag.
- Parameters:
- iRequired
Legal values: TRUE/FALSE
o Sub set_ExportImageCapture( | | iRequired) |
Set Export Image Capture Flag.
- Parameters:
- iRequired
Legal values: TRUE/FALSE
o Sub set_ExportJobXML( | | iRequired) |
Set Export Job XML Flag.
- Parameters:
- iRequired
Legal values: TRUE/FALSE
o Sub set_ExportPrecXML( | | iRequired) |
Set Export Precedence XML Flag.
- Parameters:
- iRequired
Legal values: TRUE/FALSE
o Sub set_FTPServerInformation( | | iftpHostName, |
| | iftpLoginName, |
| | iftpPassword, |
| | iftpOutputlocation) |
Set FTP Information.
- Parameters:
- iftpHostName
- Service Host Name for transferering the data
- iftpLoginName
- Login Name for authentication to the Service Host Machine for transfering the data
- iftpPassword
- Password for the above login
- iftpOutputlocation
- Output Dir where to tranfer the data in the Machine
o Sub set_FTP( | | iRequired) |
Set FTP Flag.
- Parameters:
- iRequired
Legal values: TRUE/FALSE
o Sub set_FilterInputString( | | ifilterInputString) |
Set Filter String.
- Parameters:
- ifilterInputString
- The filters to be set (This is a list of values separated by XML delimiters)
The following delimiters are supported
- Filter Value
- ID of Calculation Model Filter
- Filter Value
- ID of Calculation Model Filter
- Filter Value
- ID of Calculation Model Filter
- Filter Value
- Filter Value
- Filter Value
- Filter Value
- Filter Value
- Filter Value
- ID of Planning State
- ID of Planning State
- Filter Value
- ID of Calculation Model Filter
- Filter Value
- ID of Calculation Model Filter
- Filter Value
- ID of Calculation Model Filter
Process Type ALabel B10
The order is NOT important. e.g., "..." can come before "..."
o Sub set_GeneratePackNGo( | | iRequired) |
Set Generate PackNGo Flag.
- Parameters:
- iRequired
Legal values: TRUE/FALSE
o Sub set_GenerateSMGMappingXML( | | iRequired) |
Set Generate SMG Mapping XML Flag.
- Parameters:
- iRequired
Legal values: TRUE/FALSE
o Sub set_GenerateSMGXML( | | iRequired) |
Set Generate SMG XML Flag.
- Parameters:
- iRequired
Legal values: TRUE/FALSE
o Sub set_GenerateSMGXmlExePath( | | iRequired) |
Set Generate SMG XML EXE Path.
- Parameters:
- iRequired
- Path to the SMG Generator EXE
o Sub set_LitePackNGo( | | iRequired) |
Set Lite PackNGo Flag.
- Parameters:
- iRequired
Legal values: TRUE/FALSE
o Sub set_LoadContext( | | iRequired) |
Set Load Context Type.
- Parameters:
- iRequestType
- Type Of Request
- Manufacturing
- Volumetric
- User
o Sub set_LoadPositions( | | iRequired) |
Set Load Positions Type.
- Parameters:
- iRequestType
- Type Of Request
- 3DStates
- PublishedSimulation
o Sub set_ManufacturingContext( | | iRequired) |
Set Manufacturing Context Flag.
- Parameters:
- iRequired
Legal values: TRUE/FALSE
o Sub set_ProcessName( | | iprocessName) |
Set Process Name.
- Parameters:
- iprocessName
- Process Name to be set for PackNGo CATProcess
o Sub set_RequestType( | | iRequsetType) |
Set Request Type.
- Parameters:
- iRequestType
- Type Of Request
- DPMSingleSOIGeneration
- DPMMultiSOIGeneration
- DPMMultiSOIGenerationAtCS
o Sub set_RequestedNodeDetails( | | iProjID, |
| | iRequestedNodeID, |
| | iEffectivity) |
Set Requested Node Details.
- Parameters:
- iProjID
- Object ID of the PPR Based Project
- iRequestedNodeID
- Object ID of the node selected from PPR Based Project
- iEffectivity
OrderGenerator.set_FilterInputString method to set your filters
o Sub set_SetEncryptionMode( | | iEncryptmode) |
Set Encryption Mode.
- Parameters:
- iEncryptmode
- Encryption to be done?(True\False) for encrypting the SOR Package data
o Sub set_TransactionID( | | iTransactionID) |
Set Transaction Type.
- Parameters:
- iTransactionID
- Transaction ID
o Sub set_UpdatereleaseTable( | | iRequired) |
Set Update Release Table Flag.
- Parameters:
- iRequired
Legal values: TRUE/FALSE
o Sub set_Zip( | | iRequired) |
Set Zip Flag.
- Parameters:
- iRequired
Legal values: TRUE/FALSE