Adds a new light source to the LightSources collection.
The following adds a light source to the collection
attached to the active viewer.
This viewer must be a @see Viewer3D object.
Dim MyViewer As Viewer
Set MyViewer = CATIA.ActiveWindow.ActiveViewer
Dim MyLightSource As LightSource
Set MyLightSource = MyViewer.LightSources.Add
Returns a light source from its index in the LightSources collection.
- Parameters:
- iIndex
- The index of the light source to retrieve in the collection of
light sources.
Compared with other collections, you cannot use the name of the
light source as argument.
- Returns:
- The retrieved light source
- Example:
The following example returns in MyLightSource the sixth
light source in the collection.
Dim MyLightSource As LightSource
Set MyLightSource = LightSources.Item(6)
Removes a light source from the LightSources collection.
- Parameters:
- iIndex
- The index of the light source to remove.
Compared with other collections, you cannot use the name of the
light source as argument.
- Example:
The following example removes the second light source
in the collection attached to the active viewer.
This viewer must be a
Viewer3D object.
Dim MyViewer As Viewer
Set MyViewer = CATIA.ActiveWindow.ActiveViewer