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Prism (Object)

Prism-based features in Part Design : base for pad or pocket.

Property Index

Returns the prism direction orientation.
Returns the prism direction type.
Returns the first prism limit (one of the two).
Returns the prism symmetry flag.
Returns the prism thin flag.
Returns the prism merge end flag (for thin prism only).
Returns the prism neutral fiber flag (for thin prism only).
Returns the second prism limit (one of the two).

Method Index

Returns the prism direction with absolute coordinates.
Reverses the prism inner side when the profile is open.
Sets the prism associative direction.


o Property DirectionOrientation() As
Returns the prism direction orientation.
oOrientation The direction orientation (see CatPrismOrientation for list of possible types)
The following example saves in dirOrientation the direction orientation of prism firstPrism, and then sets it so that the direction will be now inversed :
 Set dirOrientation = firstPrism.DirectionOrientation
 firstPrism.DirectionOrientation = catInverseOrientation
o Property DirectionType() As
Returns the prism direction type.
oDirType The direction type (see CatPrismExtrusionDirection for list of possible types)
The following example saves in dirType the direction type of prism firstPrism, and then sets it so that the direction will be now normal to the sketch :
 Set dirType = firstPrism.DirectionType
 firstPrism.DirectionType = catNormalToSketchDirection
o Property FirstLimit() As (Read Only)
Returns the first prism limit (one of the two).
This limit manages the way the prism is ended.
oFirstLimit The first limit (see Limit for more information)
The following example returns in firstLimit the first limit of prism firstPrism:
 Set firstLimit = firstPrism.FirstLimit
o Property IsSymmetric() As
Returns the prism symmetry flag.
It returns TRUE if the prism is symmetric (from the base sketch), FALSE if not.
oIsSymmetric The symmetry flag as a boolean
The following example saves in symFlag the symmetry flag of prism firstPrism, and then sets it so that it will be now symmetric (from the base sketch) :
 Set symFlag = firstPrism.IsSymmetric
 firstPrism.IsSymmetric = TRUE
o Property IsThin() As
Returns the prism thin flag.
It returns TRUE if the prism is a thin prism , FALSE if not.
oIsThin The thin flag as a boolean
The following example saves in thinFlag the thin flag of prism firstPrism, and then sets it so that it will be now thin :
 Set thinFlag = firstPrism.IsThin
 firstPrism.IsThin = TRUE
o Property MergeEnd() As
Returns the prism merge end flag (for thin prism only).
It returns TRUE if merge ends is required , FALSE if not.
oIsMergeEnd The merge end flag as a boolean
The following example saves in MergeEndFlag the merge end flag of prism firstPrism, and then sets it so that merge end will be required :
 Set MergeEndFlag = firstPrism.IsMergeEnd
 firstPrism.IsMergeEnd = TRUE
o Property NeutralFiber() As
Returns the prism neutral fiber flag (for thin prism only).
It returns TRUE if the prism is a neutral fiber prism , FALSE if not.
oIsNeutralFiber The neutral fiber flag as a boolean
The following example saves in NeutralFiberFlag the neutral fiber flag of prism firstPrism, and then sets it so that it will be now neutral fiber :
 Set NeutralFiberFlag = firstPrism.IsNeutralFiber
 firstPrism.IsNeutralFiber = TRUE
o Property SecondLimit() As (Read Only)
Returns the second prism limit (one of the two).
This limit manages the way the prism is ended.
oSecondLimit The second limit (see Limit for more information)
The following example returns in secondLimit the second limit of prism firstPrism:
 Set secondLimit = firstPrism.SecondLimit


o Sub GetDirection( ioDirection)
Returns the prism direction with absolute coordinates.
It needs a safe array with 3 elements : X, Y, Z direction coordinates The array must be previously initialized
ioDirection The direction coordinates
The following example returns in dirArray the direction coordinates of prism firstPrism:
 Dim dirArray(2)
 Call firstPrism.GetDirection(dirArray)
 Set x = dirArray[1]
 Set y = dirArray[2]
 Set z = dirArray[3]
o Sub ReverseInnerSide()
Reverses the prism inner side when the profile is open. This is useful for finding the shape to reach.
The following example reverses the current inner side of prism firstPrism :
o Sub SetDirection( iLine)
Sets the prism associative direction.
The support direction reference (see
Reference for more information)
This reference can be valuated with a reference to a line or an edge.
The following Boundary objects are supported: PlanarFace, RectilinearTriDimFeatEdge and RectilinearBiDimFeatEdge.
The following example sets the prism direction reference of prism firstPrism with prismDirRef line :
 firstPrism.SetDirection prismDirRef

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