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HybridShapeReflectLine (Object)

Represents the hybrid shape reflect line feature object.
Role: To access the data of the hybrid shape reflect line feature object. This data includes:

Use the CATIAHybridShapeFactory to create a HybridShapeReflectLine object.

See also:

Property Index

Returns or sets the angle used to create the reflectline.
Returns or sets the direction used to create the cylindrical reflectline.
Returns or sets the direction orientation used to compute the reflect line.
Returns or sets the support orientation used to compute the reflect line.
Returns or sets the origin point used to create the conical reflectline.
Returns or sets whether the reflectline curve is or should be created with infinite light source (cylindrical) or with finite point light source (conical).
Returns or sets the support surface used to create the reflectline.
Returns or sets whether the reflectline curve is or should be created with the normal to the support or the tangent plane to the support.

Method Index

Inverts the orientation of direction.
Inverts the orientation of support.


o Property Angle() As
Returns or sets the angle used to create the reflectline.
This example retrieves in Ang the angle for the RelectLine hybrid shape feature.
 Dim Ang As CATIAAngle
 Set Ang = ReflectLine.Angle
o Property Direction() As
Returns or sets the direction used to create the cylindrical reflectline.
This example retrieves in Dir the direction for the cylindrical RelectLine hybrid shape feature.
 Dim Dir As CATIAHybridShapeDirection
 Set Dir = ReflectLine.Direction
o Property OrientationDirection() As
Returns or sets the direction orientation used to compute the reflect line.
Role: The orientation is used to define the angle between the direction and the normal to the support of the points on the result curve. The orientation is the same than or the inverse of the result of the cross product: Normal(support) ^ Tangent(FirstReferenceCurve).
Legal values: 1 for same orientation, and -1 for inverse
o Property OrientationSupport() As
Returns or sets the support orientation used to compute the reflect line.
Role: The orientation is used to define the angle between the direction and the normal to the support of the points on the result curve. The orientation is the same than or the inverse of the result of the cross product: Normal(support) ^ Tangent(FirstReferenceCurve).
Legal values: 1 for same orientation, and -1 for inverse
o Property Origin() As
Returns or sets the origin point used to create the conical reflectline.
Sub-element(s) supported (see
Boundary object): Vertex.
This example retrieves in Point the origin point for the conical ReflectLine hybrid shape feature.
 Dim Point As Reference
 Set Point = ReflectLine.Origin
o Property SourceType() As
Returns or sets whether the reflectline curve is or should be created with infinite light source (cylindrical) or with finite point light source (conical).
Role: The SourceType indicates whether the created reflectline curve is compute with infinite light source for cylindrical type or with finite point light source for conical type.
Legal values: 0 for cylindrical and 1 for conical.
o Property Support() As
Returns or sets the support surface used to create the reflectline.
Sub-element(s) supported (see
Boundary object): Face.
This example retrieves in Surface the support surface for the RelectLine hybrid shape feature.
 Dim Surface As Reference
 Set Surface = ReflectLine.Support
o Property TypeSolution() As
Returns or sets whether the reflectline curve is or should be created with the normal to the support or the tangent plane to the support.
Role: The TypeSolution indicates whether the created reflectline curve is compute with the angle between the normale to the support and the direction or with the angle between the tangent plane to the support and the direction.
Legal values: 0 for the normal and 1 for the tangent plane.


o Sub InvertOrientationDirection()
Inverts the orientation of direction. This example inverts the direction orientation of hybRefLine hybrid shape reflect line object.
o Sub InvertOrientationSupport()
Inverts the orientation of support. This example inverts the support orientation of hybRefLine hybrid shape reflect line object.

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