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ABQBoundaryConditions (Collection)

The collection of Abaqus boundary condition objects attached to
ABQGeneralStaticStep, ABQHeatTransferStep, and ABQExplicitDynamicsStep object.

Method Index

Creates a new Abaqus boundary condition and adds it to the collection of Abaqus boundary conditions.
Returns an Abaqus boundary condition using its index or its name from the
Removes an Abaqus boundary condition using its index or its name from the collection of boundary conditions.


o Func Add( iBoundaryType) As
Creates a new Abaqus boundary condition and adds it to the collection of Abaqus boundary conditions.
The type of the boundary condition to create.

Legal values:
oBoundaryCondition The Abaqus boundary condition object that was created.
The following example creates a clamp boundary condition in the ABQBoundaryConditions collection:
 Dim abaqusBCs As ABQBoundaryConditions
 Dim abqClampBC As ABQClampBC
 Set abqClampBC =  abaqusBCs.Add("ABQClamp")
o Func Item( iIndex) As
Returns an Abaqus boundary condition using its index or its name from the ABQBoundaryConditions collection.
The index or the name of the Abaqus boundary condition to retrieve from the collection of Abaqus boundary conditions. If the index is a number, it specifies the rank of the Abaqus boundary condition in the collection. The index of the first Abaqus boundary condition in the collection is 1, and the index of the last boundary condition is Count. If the index is a string, it specifies the name you assigned to the boundary condition using the CATIACollection::Name property.
The specified ABQBoundaryCondition.
o Sub Remove( iIndex)
Removes an Abaqus boundary condition using its index or its name from the collection of boundary conditions.
The index or the name of the Abaqus boundary condition to retrieve from the collection of Abaqus boundary conditions. If the index is a number, it specifies the rank of the Abaqus boundary condition in the collection. The index of the first Abaqus boundary condition in the collection is 1, and the index of the last boundary condition is Count. If the index is a string, it specifies the name you assigned to the boundary condition using the CATIACollection::Name property.

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