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Viewpoint3D (Object)

Represents the 3D viewpoint.
The 3D viewpoint is the object that stores data which defines how your objects are seen to enable their display by a 3D viewer. This data includes namely the eye location, also named the origin, the distance from the eye to the target, that is to the looked at point in the scene, the sight, up, and right directions, defining a 3D axis system with the eye location as origin, the projection type chosen among perspective (conic) and parallel (cylindric), and the zoom factor. The right direction is not exposed in a property, and is automatically computed from the sight and up directions.
See also:

Property Index

Returns or sets the field of view associated with the viewpoint.
Returns or sets the focus distance of the viewpoint.
Returns or sets the projection mode.
Returns or sets the zoom factor associated with the viewpoint.

Method Index

Retrieves the coordinates of the origin of the viewpoint.
Gets the components of the sight direction of the viewpoint.
Gets the components of the up direction of the viewpoint.
Sets the coordinates of the origin of the viewpoint.
Sets the components of the sight direction of the viewpoint.
Sets the components of the up direction of the viewpoint.


o Property FieldOfView() As
Returns or sets the field of view associated with the viewpoint. The field of view is half of the vertical angle of the viewpoint, expressed in degrees. This property exists with the perspective (conic) projection type only.
This example retrieves in HalfAngle the field of view associated with the NiceViewpoint viewpoint.
 HalfAngle = NiceViewpoint.FieldOfView
o Property FocusDistance() As
Returns or sets the focus distance of the viewpoint. The focus distance determines the target position, that is the point at which the eye located at the origin and looking towards the sight direction is looking at. It is expressed in model units.
This example sets the focus distance of the NiceViewpoint viewpoint to 10.
 NiceViewpoint.FocusDistance = 10
o Property ProjectionMode() As
Returns or sets the projection mode.
This example sets the projection mode for the My3DViewer 3D viewer to catProjectionConic.
 My3DViewer.Viewpoint3D.NavigationStyle = catProjectionConic
o Property Zoom() As
Returns or sets the zoom factor associated with the viewpoint. This property exists with the parallel (cylindric) projection type only.
This example retrieves in ZoomFactor the zoom factor associated with the NiceViewpoint viewpoint, tests if it is greater than 2, and if so, sets it to one and applies it.
 ZoomFactor = NiceViewpoint.Zoom
 If ZoomFactor > 2 Then
  ZoomFactor = 1
 End If


o Sub GetOrigin( origin)
Retrieves the coordinates of the origin of the viewpoint. These coordinates are returned as an array of 3 Variants (double type).
This example retrieves the origin of the NiceViewpoint viewpoint in the origin variable.
 Dim origin(2)
 NiceViewpoint.GetOrigin origin
o Sub GetSightDirection( oSight)
Gets the components of the sight direction of the viewpoint. The sight direction is the line passes both by the origin of the viewpoint and by the target.
This example gets the sight direction of the NiceViewpoint
 Dim sight(2)
 NiceViewpoint.GetSightDirection sight
o Sub GetUpDirection( oUp)
Gets the components of the up direction of the viewpoint.
This example gets the up direction of the NiceViewpoint.
 Dim up(2)
 NiceViewpoint.GetUpDirection up
o Sub PutOrigin( origin)
Sets the coordinates of the origin of the viewpoint. These coordinates are set as an array of 3 Variants (double type).
This example sets the origin of the NiceViewpoint viewpoint. to the point with coordinates (10, 25, 15).
 NiceViewpoint.PutOrigin Array(10, 25, 15)
o Sub PutSightDirection( oSight)
Sets the components of the sight direction of the viewpoint. The sight direction is the line passes both by the origin of the viewpoint and by the target.
This example sets the sight direction of the NiceViewpoint viewpoint to the direction with components (1.414, 1.414, 0).
 NiceViewpoint.PutSightDirection Array(1.414, 1.414, 0)
o Sub PutUpDirection( oUp)
Sets the components of the up direction of the viewpoint.
This example sets the up direction of the NiceViewpoint viewpoint to the direction with components (0, 0, 1).
 NiceViewpoint.PutUpDirection Array(0, 0, 1)

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