All Frameworks  Object Hierarchy  Indexes


IDL Property Index


A property in object HybridShapePlaneEquation
Gets A coefficient for plane equation.
ABND property in object ErrorlogStatisticsSettingAtt
Returns or sets the state ot the abend severity level field.
ASNavigationMode property in object SimulationSettingAtt
Returns or sets the ASNavigationMode setting attribute value.
ASStepSize property in object SimulationSettingAtt
Returns or sets the ASStepSize setting attribute value.
AbsoluteAxis property in object Sketch
Returns the 2D absolute axis of the sketch.
AccelColor property in object DevAnalysisSettingAtt
Returns or sets the AccelColor parameter.
AccelLimit property in object DevAnalysisSettingAtt
Returns or sets the AccelLimit parameter.
Acceleration property in object MoveHomeAct
This property returns and sets the Acceleration percentage for the move activity.
Acceleration property in object MoveJointsAct
This property returns and sets the Acceleration percentage for the activity.
AccelerationPercent property in object MoveToPostureActivity
Accuracy property in object Distance
Returns or sets the accuracy value for the computation.
AccuratePickingMode property in object VisualizationSettingAtt
Returns the AccuratePickingMode parameter.
AccuratePickingWindowSize property in object VisualizationSettingAtt
Returns the AccuratePickingWindowSize parameter.
Actions property in object FunctionalDescription
Get the Actions collection.
ActionsCount property in object FunctActionsGroup
Get the count of actions referenced by the actions' group.
ActionsGroups property in object FunctionalDescription
Get the ActionsGroups collection.
Activate2DMode property in object Layout2DSettingAtt
Returns the Activate2DMode parameter.
Activated property in object KnowledgeActivateObject
Returns whether the relation is activated.
Activation property in object SceneProductData
Returns / Set the scene product's activation state.
Activation property in object GeneralStatisticsSettingAtt
Returns or sets the activation state of the statistics thematic.
ActivationMode property in object CacheSettingAtt
Returns or sets the activation state of cache.
ActivationState property in object PrintArea
Activates or deactivates the print area.
ActivationState property in object MemoryWarningSettingAtt
Returns or sets the activation state of the memory warning mechanism.
ActivationState property in object DisconnectionSettingAtt
Returns or sets the activation state of automatic disconnection.
ActivationStatus property in object ABQLoad
Sets or returns the activation status.
ActivationStatus property in object ABQBoundaryCondition
Sets or Returns a boolean indicating whether the boundary condition is activated.
Active property in object SWKIKConstraint
Returns or sets the constraint activity.
Active property in object ManufacturingActivity
Returns the activation state of the activity.
ActiveCamera property in object RenderingShooting
Returns or sets the active camera for shooting.
ActiveDocument property in object Application
Returns the active document.
ActiveEnvironment property in object RenderingShooting
Returns or sets the active environment for shooting.
ActivePrinter property in object Application
Returns or sets the active printer.
ActiveSheet property in object DrawingRoot
Retrieves or sets the active sheet of the drawing.
ActiveSheet property in object DrawingSheets
Returns the active drawing sheet of the drawing document.
ActiveSheet property in object Layout2DRoot
Retrieves or sets the active sheet of the layout.
ActiveSheet property in object Layout2DSheets
Returns the active Layout sheet of the Layout document.
ActiveStatus property in object RenderingLight
Returns or sets the light active status.
ActiveStatus property in object RenderingEnvironment
Returns or sets the environment active status.
ActiveStatus property in object RenderingEnvironmentWall
Returns or sets the environment wall active status.
ActiveView property in object Capture
Retrieves the active view for the capture.
ActiveView property in object AnnotationSet
Gets or Sets Annotation Set ActiveView.
ActiveView property in object DrawingViews
Returns the active drawing view of the active drawing sheet.
ActiveView property in object Layout2DViews
Returns the active Layout2D view of the active Layout2D sheet.
ActiveViewState property in object Capture
Retrieves the Active View state, saved or Not.
ActiveViewer property in object Window
Returns the active viewer in the window.
ActiveWindow property in object Application
Returns the active window.
Activities property in object ManufacturingProgram
Give the List of Activities linked to a Manufacturing Program.
Activity property in object AnalysisMeshPart
Returns the activity of an meshpart.
AdaptiveCoeff property in object RenderingMaterial
Returns or sets the adaptive coeffcient of a material.
AdaptivityManager property in object AnalysisModel
Returns the AdaptivityManager defined on the analysis model.
AddedMaterialPercentage property in object PartComps
Returns the added material percentage.
AddedMaterialVolume property in object PartComps
Returns the added material volume.
AdjustMethod property in object ABQSurfaceToSurfaceContact
Sets or returns the method type in a contact pair.
AdjustSlaveNode property in object ABQFastenedPair
Sets or returns the adjust slave node flag.
AdjustSlaveNode property in object ABQFastenedConnectionEnhancement
Sets or returns the adjust slave node flag.
AdjustToleranceVal property in object ABQSurfaceToSurfaceContact
ets or returns the tolerance value of the contact pair.
AdvancedLaw property in object HybridShapeIntegratedLaw
Gets or sets the external law.
Affiche_Attribut property in object MigrBatchSettingAtt
Retrieves or sets the state of the "Display Report Attribute" setting parameter.
AlgorithmType property in object Optimization
Returns or sets the algorithm type.
AlignType property in object PspPartConnector
Returns the alignment type for this connector.
AllAround property in object DrawingLeader
Returns or sets the status of all around.
AllChecksReport property in object ReportGenerationSheetSettingAtt
Returns or sets the AllChecksReport parameter.
AllDatumsSimple property in object ReferenceFrame
Retrieves all datums simple used in Reference Frame.
AllJointsSpeed property in object HtsJointSpeedSettingsAtt
Returns or sets the JointSpeed parameter.
AllParameters property in object ParameterSet
Returns all parameters under this set of parameter.
AllResourceFilter property in object VerifTabSettingAtt
AllZBufferElementMode property in object VisualizationSettingAtt
Returns the AllZBufferElementMode parameter.
AllowDistortions property in object FTAInfraSettingAtt
Returns or sets the Allow Distortions setting parameter value.
AllowSeparation property in object ABQMechConnBehavior
Sets or returns the seperation status for the hard contact pressure overclosure.
AlphabeticOrder property in object FTASettingAtt
Returns or sets the AlphabeticOrder setting parameter value.
AlsoDeleteExclusiveParents property in object PartInfrastructureSettingAtt
Returns or sets the "AlsoDeleteExclusiveParents" parameter.
AlternateView property in object Export3DXmlSettingAtt
Ambient property in object RenderingLight
Returns or sets the light ambient intensity of a light.
AmbientActivation property in object VisualizationSettingAtt
Returns the AmbientActivation parameter.
AmbientCoefficient property in object RenderingMaterial
Returns or sets the ambient coefficient of a material.
AmbientFactor property in object RenderingShooting
Returns or sets amount of ambient used for indirect illumination (final gathering or global illumination).
Amplitude property in object ABQLoad
Sets or returns the amplitude, given the name of the amplitude.
Amplitude property in object ABQTemperatureHistory
Sets or returns the amplitude of the temperature field.
AnEmptyAnnotationsList property in object AnnotationSet
Retrieves an empty Annotations'Collection.
Analysis property in object AnalysisDocument
Returns the root analysis object from the current analysis document.
AnalysisCacheMode property in object AnalysisGeneralSettingAtt
Tells if Product Structure Cache Mode will be handled.
AnalysisCases property in object AnalysisModel
Returns the collection of analysis cases defined on the analysis model.
AnalysisDisplayMode property in object FTASettingAtt
Returns the AnalysisDisplayMode parameter.
AnalysisEntities property in object AnalysisSet
Returns the analysis entities collection associated to a set.
AnalysisImages property in object AnalysisSet
Returns the analysis images collection associated with an analysis set.
AnalysisImages property in object AnalysisImage
Returns the analysis images collection associated with an analysis image.
AnalysisImages property in object AnalysisEntity
Returns the analysis images collection associated with an analysis entity.
AnalysisImages property in object AnalysisLocalEntity
Returns the analysis images collection associated with an analysis entity.
AnalysisLevel property in object AnalysisSettingAtt
Returns or sets the AnalysisLevel parameter.
AnalysisLoadMode property in object AnalysisGeneralSettingAtt
Retrieves if pointed document will be loaded.
AnalysisLocalEntities property in object AnalysisEntity
Returns the analysis local entity collection associated with an analysis entity.
AnalysisMaterial property in object Material
Returns the analysis material object from the current material.
AnalysisMeshLocalSpecifications property in object AnalysisMeshPart
Returns the local specification collection from the meshpart analysis.
AnalysisMeshParts property in object AnalysisMeshManager
Returns the meshpart collection from the current analysis mesh manager.
AnalysisModels property in object AnalysisManager
Returns the analysis model collection from the current analysis manager.
AnalysisNamingAuto property in object AnalysisGeneralSettingAtt
Tells if Automatic naming will be activated.
AnalysisOutputEntities property in object AnalysisSet
Returns the analysis entities collection associated to a set.
AnalysisSets property in object AnalysisSet
Returns the analysis sets collection associated with an analysis set.
AnalysisSets property in object AnalysisCase
Returns the analysis sets collection associated to the analysis case.
AnalysisSets property in object AnalysisModel
Returns the analysis sets collection associated with a analysis model.
AnalysisSets property in object AnalysisManager
Returns the analysis sets collection associated with an analysis manager.
AnalysisSupports property in object AnalysisEntity
Returns the list of Analysis Supports.
AnalysisSupports property in object AnalysisLocalEntity
Returns the list of Analysis Supports (Selection of geometrical or mesh entities) which define the area on which the analysis is applied on.
Analyze property in object Product
Returns the Analyze object associated to the current product.
AnchorDirReverse property in object Sweep
Returns the Sweep AnchorDirReverse flag (for Sweep Move Profile only).
AnchorMode property in object Hole
Returns the hole anchor mode.
AnchorMode property in object AssemblyHole
Returns or sets the hole anchor mode.
AnchorPoint property in object UserPattern
Returns the anchor point of the user pattern.
AnchorPoint property in object DrawingTable
Returns or sets the anchor point of a drawing table.
AnchorPoint property in object DrawingLeader
Returns or sets anchor point.
AnchorPoint property in object DrawingTextProperties
Returns or sets the anchor point of the drawing text.
AnchorPosition property in object DrawingText
Returns or sets the anchor position of the drawing text.
Angle property in object Rotate
Returns the rotation angle.
Angle property in object Chamfer
Returns the chamfer angle.
Angle property in object StrMember
Returns or set the orientation of the section on the support object.
Angle property in object DrawingView
Returns or sets the angle of the drawing view.
Angle property in object RenderingLight
Returns or sets the light angle of a spot light.
Angle property in object DrawingText
Returns or sets the angle of the drawing text.
Angle property in object HybridShapeRotate
Returns the rotation angle.
Angle property in object DrawingTable
Returns or sets the angle orientation of a drawing table.
Angle property in object DrawingWelding
Returns or sets the angle of the drawing text.
Angle property in object HybridShapeLineAngle
Role: Get the angle to the reference curve of the line.
Angle property in object Layout2DView
Returns or sets the angle of the Layout2D view.
Angle property in object DrawingComponent
Returns or sets the angle of the drawing component instance.
Angle property in object HybridShapePlaneAngle
Returns the rotation angle.
Angle property in object Measurable
Returns the Angle of a circle or cone.
Angle property in object HybridShapeReflectLine
Returns or sets the angle used to create the reflectline.
Angle property in object HybridShapeExtremumPolar
returns the resulting angle of extremum.
Angle property in object IgesSettingAtt
Returns or sets the Angle setting parameter value.
AngleCriteria property in object SWKIKConstraint
Returns or sets the angle criteria that will be used to evaluate success or failure of the constraint resolution.
AngleCut property in object StrMemberExtremity
Returns the angle cut for a member extremity.
AngleLaw property in object HybridShapeSweepLine
Returns or sets the angular law.
AngleLaw property in object HybridShapeSweepExplicit
Returns or sets the angle law feature associated to the reference surface.
AngleLawInversion property in object HybridShapeSweepLine
Returns or sets whether the angular law has to be inverted.
AngleLawInversion property in object HybridShapeSweepExplicit
Returns or sets the angle law inversion information.
AngleLawType property in object HybridShapeSweepLine
Returns or sets the angular law type.
AngleLawType property in object HybridShapeSweepExplicit
Returns or sets the angle law type associated to the reference surface.
AngleLimit property in object Shuttle
Returns/Stores the angle limit attribute.
AngleLimit property in object FittingSettingAtt
AngleMaxTolerance property in object ToleranceSheetSettingAtt
Returns or sets the AngleMaxTolerance parameter.
AngleMinTolerance property in object ToleranceSheetSettingAtt
Returns or sets the AngleMinTolerance parameter.
AngleParameter property in object StrMember
Returns the parameter used to define the orientation of the section on the support object.
AngleSector property in object Constraint
Returns or sets the constraint angle (or angular) sector.
AngleStep property in object ManipSettingAtt
AngleToTarget property in object SWKIKConstraint
Returns the angle (in radians) from the constraint end effector to the target.
AngleValidation property in object Shuttle
Returns/Stores the angle validation attribute.
AngleValue property in object Rotate
Returns or sets the rotation angle value.
AngleValue property in object HybridShapeRotate
Returns or sets the rotation angle value.
AngulaireGeneralTolClass property in object FTASettingAtt
Returns or sets the Dimension general class parameter.
AngularDirectionRow property in object CircPattern
Returns the position of the shape to be copied along the angular direction.
AngularRepartition property in object CircPattern
Returns the angular repartition.
AngularSpacing property in object AngularRepartition
Returns the angle between two consecutive copies of a shape along the repartition crown.
AngularThreshold property in object HybridShapeExtract
Returns or sets the AngularThreshold.
AngularThresholdActivity property in object HybridShapeExtract
Returns or sets the AngularThresholdActivity.
Animation property in object Export3DXmlSettingAtt
Returns or sets the animation activation flag.
AnlAccelLimit property in object AnalysisSettingAtt
Returns or sets the AnlAccelLimit parameter.
AnlCautionZone property in object AnalysisSettingAtt
Returns or sets the AnlCautionZone parameter.
AnlIOAnalysis property in object AnalysisSettingAtt
Returns or sets the AnlIOAnalysis parameter.
AnlIntDist property in object AnalysisSettingAtt
Returns or sets the AnlIntDist parameter.
AnlIntf property in object AnalysisSettingAtt
Returns or sets the AnlIntf parameter.
AnlLinAccelLimit property in object AnalysisSettingAtt
Returns or sets the AnlLinAccelLimit parameter.
AnlLinSpeedLimit property in object AnalysisSettingAtt
Returns or sets the AnlLinSpeedLimit parameter.
AnlMeasure property in object AnalysisSettingAtt
Returns or sets the AnlMeasure parameter.
AnlRotAccelLimit property in object AnalysisSettingAtt
Returns or sets the AnlRotAccelLimit parameter.
AnlRotSpeedLimit property in object AnalysisSettingAtt
Returns or sets the AnlRotSpeedLimit parameter.
AnlTravelLimit property in object AnalysisSettingAtt
Returns or sets the AnlTravelLimit parameter.
AnlVelocityLimit property in object AnalysisSettingAtt
Returns or sets the AnlVelocityLimit parameter.
AnnotDimInvalid property in object FTASettingAtt
Returns the AnnotDimInvalid parameter.
AnnotDimOnDeletedGeom property in object FTASettingAtt
Returns the AnnotDimOnDeletedGeom parameter.
AnnotDimOnUnloadedGeom property in object FTASettingAtt
Returns the AnnotDimOnUnloadedGeom parameter.
AnnotOnZeroZSetting property in object FTASettingAtt
Returns the AnnotOnZeroZSetting parameter.
AnnotatedView property in object Export3DXmlSettingAtt
AnnotatedViews property in object Clash
Returns the AnnotatedViews collection of the clash.
AnnotatedViews property in object Section
Returns the AnnotatedViews collection of the section.
AnnotatedViews property in object Distance
Returns the AnnotatedViews collection of the distance.
AnnotatedViews property in object NavigatorWorkbench
Returns the AnnotatedViews collection.
Annotation3D property in object Export3DXmlSettingAtt
Returns or sets the 3D annotation activation flag.
Annotation3DMode property in object MultiCADSettingAtt
Returns or sets the Annotation 3D mode R18sp3 on env.
AnnotationFactory property in object AnnotationSet
Obtain the factory to create annotations.
AnnotationSets property in object Part
Returns the collection object containing the annotation sets.
Annotations property in object Capture
Retrieves the TPSs that are visualy managed by this Capture.
Annotations property in object AnnotationSet
Retrieves the TPS components of the set.
Anthro property in object SWKManikin
Returns the anthropometry of the current manikin.
AntiAliasingMode property in object VisualizationSettingAtt
Returns the AntiAliasingMode parameter.
AntiAliasingOffset property in object VisualizationSettingAtt
Returns the AntiAliasingOffset parameter.
AntialiasingContrast property in object RenderingShooting
Returns or sets the antialiasing contrast threshold value.
AntialiasingMaxSample property in object RenderingShooting
Returns or sets the antialiasing maximum sample number for image computation.
AntialiasingMinSample property in object RenderingShooting
Returns or sets the antialiasing minimum sample number for image computation.
Applicability property in object Roughness
Retrieves or sets roughness applicability.
Application property in object AnyObject
Returns the application.
Application property in object Collection
Returns the application.
ApplicationID property in object PspObject
Returns the ApplicationID of the object.
ApplicationMode property in object PositionedMaterial
Returns the application mode of the material.
ApplicativeDataFilter property in object TreeTabSettingAtt
AppliedUnitSymbol property in object HybridShapeLawDistProj
Returns or sets the applied unit symbol for heterogeneous law.
ApplyJoin property in object IgesSettingAtt
Returns or sets the Apply join setting parameter value.
ApplyLabelEffToAltChild property in object MfgHubSettingAtt
Retrieves (or sets, if not initialized) the ApplyLabelEffToAltChild attribute.
ApplyUserSubroutine property in object ABQPressure
Sets or returns the user subroutine flag.
ApplyUserSubroutine property in object ABQTemperature
Sets or returns the user subroutine flag.
ApplyUserSubroutine property in object ABQFilmCondition
Sets or returns the user subroutine flag.
ApplyUserSubroutine property in object ABQDisplacementBC
Sets or returns the user subroutine flag.
ApplyUserSubroutine property in object ABQMechConnBehavior
Sets or returns the user subroutine flag.
ApplyUserSubroutine property in object ABQConcentratedForce
Sets or returns the user subroutine flag.
ArcSelectionActivation property in object TreeVizManipSettingAtt
Retrieves or Sets the arc-selection mode applied to the specification tree.
Area property in object Measurable
Returns the area of the surface or wet area from volume.
AreaHeigth property in object PrintArea
Valuates the heigth of the print area.
AreaLowX property in object PrintArea
Valuates the low x coordinate of the print area.
AreaLowY property in object PrintArea
Valuates the low y coordinate of the print area.
AreaSamplesU property in object RenderingLight
Changes the number of samples taken in U direction of the area source.
AreaSamplesV property in object RenderingLight
Changes the number of samples taken in V direction of the area source.
AreaStatus property in object RenderingLight
Returns or sets the light area visibility status.
AreaType property in object PCBArea
AreaWidth property in object PrintArea
Valuates the width of the print area.
ArrNomenclatureTree property in object ArrWorkbench
Returns the ArrNomenclatureTree.
ArrangementAreas property in object ArrangementProduct
Returns the collection of ArrangementAreas under the current ArrangementProduct.
ArrangementBoundaries property in object ArrangementProduct
Returns the collection of ArrangementBoundaries under the current ArrangementProduct.
ArrangementContours property in object ArrangementArea
Returns the ArrangementContours collection object associated with an ArrangementArea object.
ArrangementItemReservations property in object ArrangementProduct
Returns the collection of ArrangementItemReservations under the current ArrangementProduct.
ArrangementNodes property in object ArrangementRun
Returns the ArrangementNodes that make up the ArrangementRun.
ArrangementNodes property in object ArrangementPathway
Returns the ArrangementNodes that make up the ArrangementPathway.
ArrangementNodes property in object ArrangementBoundary
Returns the collection of ArrangementNodes that make up the ArrangementBoundary.
ArrangementPathways property in object ArrangementProduct
Returns the collection of ArrangementPathways under the current ArrangementProduct.
ArrangementRectangles property in object ArrangementProduct
Returns the collection of ArrangementRectangles under the current ArrangementProduct.
ArrangementRuns property in object ArrangementProduct
Returns the collection of ArrangementRuns under the current ArrangementProduct.
Arrows property in object DrawingView
Returns the drawing arrow collection of the drawing view.
Arrows property in object Layout2DView
Returns the drawing arrow collection of the Layout2D view.
AskAnlMode property in object AnalysisSettingAtt
Returns or sets the AskAnlMode parameter.
AssemblyType property in object ManufacturingToolAssembly
Returns the type of the tool assembly.
AssignedViewer property in object TreeTabSettingAtt
Asso_mode property in object V4WritingSettingAtt
Returns or sets the associativity mode of migration.
AssociatedPartName property in object PCBHoleAndPattern
Allow to get and set the Associated Part of a hole The possible values are : the name of the instance of component in which the hole is defined.
Associations property in object FunctMultiRepMgr
Get the Associations collection.
AssociativeElement property in object DrawingText
Returns or sets the associative object of the drawing text.
AtEndOfLine property in object TextStream
Returns a boolean value which specifies if the index position in the stream is at a end of line.
AtEndOfStream property in object TextStream
Returns a boolean value which specifies if the index position in the stream is at a end of stream.
AthAnnotation property in object SimulationSettingAtt
Returns or sets the AthAnnotation setting attribute value.
AthDisableSim property in object SimulationSettingAtt
Returns or sets the AthDisableSim setting attribute value.
AthEndCondition property in object SimulationSettingAtt
Returns or sets the AthEndCondition setting attribute value.
AthHyperlink property in object SimulationSettingAtt
Returns or sets the AthHyperlink setting attribute value.
AthSelAgentDlg property in object SimulationSettingAtt
Returns or sets the AthSelAgentDlg setting attribute value.
AthStateMgt property in object SimulationSettingAtt
Returns or sets the AthStateMgt setting attribute value.
AthTextMsg property in object SimulationSettingAtt
Returns or sets the AthTextMsg setting attribute value.
AthViewpoint property in object SimulationSettingAtt
Returns or sets the AthViewpoint setting attribute value.
AttAP property in object StepSettingAtt
Returns or sets the AttAP parameter.
AttASM property in object StepSettingAtt
Returns or sets the AttASM parameter.
AttASMGVP property in object StepSettingAtt
Returns or sets the AttASMGVP parameter.
AttAngleDefFiting property in object StepSettingAtt
Returns or sets the AttAngleDefFiting parameter.
AttAnnotation property in object StepSettingAtt
Returns or sets the AttAnnotation parameter.
AttFitting property in object StepSettingAtt
Returns or sets the AttFitting parameter.
AttGVP property in object StepSettingAtt
Returns or sets the AttGVP parameter.
AttGVPCOPS property in object StepSettingAtt
Returns or sets the AttGVPCOPS parameter.
AttGVPCOPSSAG property in object StepSettingAtt
Returns or sets the AttGVPCOPSSAG parameter.
AttGVPCOPSTol property in object StepSettingAtt
Returns or sets the AttGVPCOPSSAG parameter.
AttGVPCdG property in object StepSettingAtt
Returns or sets the AttGVPCdG parameter.
AttGVPVA property in object StepSettingAtt
Returns or sets the AttGVPVA parameter.
AttGroupMode property in object StepSettingAtt
Returns or sets the AttGroupMode parameter.
AttHeaderAuthor property in object StepSettingAtt
Returns or sets the AttHeaderAuthor parameter.
AttHeaderAuthorisation property in object StepSettingAtt
Returns or sets the AttHeaderAuthorisation parameter.
AttHeaderDescription property in object StepSettingAtt
Returns or sets the AttHeaderDescription parameter.
AttHeaderOrganisation property in object StepSettingAtt
Returns or sets the AttHeaderOrganisation parameter.
AttIASM property in object StepSettingAtt
Returns or sets the AttIASM parameter.
AttLayersFilters property in object StepSettingAtt
Returns or sets the AttLayersFilters parameter.
AttMultiCAD property in object StepSettingAtt
Returns or sets the AttMultiCAD parameter.
AttOptimizeC2 property in object StepSettingAtt
Returns or sets the AttOptimizeC2 parameter.
AttReport property in object StepSettingAtt
Returns or sets the AttReport parameter.
AttShow property in object StepSettingAtt
Returns or sets the AttShow parameter.
AttTolDefOptFit property in object StepSettingAtt
Returns or sets the AttTolDefOptFit parameter.
AttUnits property in object StepSettingAtt
Returns or sets the AttUnits parameter.
AttenuationAngleRatio property in object RenderingLight
Returns or sets the light attenuation angle ratio.
AttenuationStartRatio property in object RenderingLight
Returns or sets the light attenuation start ratio.
AttrCount property in object Activity
This property returns the number of attributes of the current activity.
AttrNames property in object PspConnector
Returns or Sets Attribute names of the connector.
AttributeNames property in object PspPartConnector
Returns or sets a list of attribute names associated with this connector.
AttributesFilter property in object TreeTabSettingAtt
AugmentedLagrange property in object ABQMechConnBehavior
Sets or returns the augmented lagrange formulation in a mechanical connection.
AuthorName property in object IgesSettingAtt
Returns or sets the Author Name setting parameter value.
AuthorOrganization property in object IgesSettingAtt
Returns or sets the Author Organization setting parameter value.
AutoExpandActivation property in object TreeVizManipSettingAtt
Retrieves or Sets the automatic expand mode applied to the specification tree.
AutoLoadMfgCtx property in object MfgHubSettingAtt
Retrieves (or sets, if not initialized) the AutoLoadMfgCtx parameter.
AutoLoadSrvMfgCtx property in object MfgHubSettingAtt
Retrieves (or sets, if not initialized) the AutoLoadSrvMfgCtx parameter.
AutoLoadVolCtx property in object MfgHubSettingAtt
Retrieves (or sets, if not initialized) the AutoLoadVolCtx parameter.
AutoPreviewMode property in object AnalysisPostProSettingAtt
Returns or sets the AutoPreviewMode parameter.
AutoReframeFilter property in object VerifTabSettingAtt
AutoSave property in object GeneralSessionSettingAtt
Returns the data save parameter.
AutoScaleStatus property in object RenderingEnvironmentWall
Returns or sets the texture automatic scaling status.
AutoScrollActivation property in object TreeVizManipSettingAtt
Retrieves or Sets the automatic scrolling mode applied to the specification tree.
AutoSwitchToDesignMode property in object AsmGeneralSettingAtt
Returns or sets the implicit switch from visualization mode to design mode setting parameter .
AutoTimeIncrementMethod property in object ABQExplicitDynamicsStep
Sets or returns the automatic time increment estimator method.
AutoUpdateMode property in object AsmGeneralSettingAtt
Returns or sets the automatic update setting parameter.
AutoWalkActColor property in object HtsTaskDisplaySettingAtt
Returns or sets the AutoWalkActColor parameter.
AutoWalkActLineType property in object HtsTaskDisplaySettingAtt
Returns or sets the AutoWalkActLineType parameter.
AutoWalkActLineWeight property in object HtsTaskDisplaySettingAtt
Returns or sets the AutoWalkActLineWeight parameter.
AutomaticCorrect property in object ExpertCheckRuntime
Returns or sets the status of the automatic correction facility.
AutomaticExtrapolationMode property in object HybridShapeTrim
Gets or sets the automatic extrapolation mode status.
AutomaticExtrapolationMode property in object HybridShapeSplit
Gets or sets the automatic extrapolation mode status.
AutomatizedCCP property in object HtsCCPSettingAtt
Returns or sets the AutoCCP parameter.
AuxiliaryDrillViewer property in object VisualizationSettingAtt
Returns the AuxiliaryDrillViewer parameter.
Axis property in object Rotate
Returns or sets the rotation axis.
Axis property in object HybridShapeHelix
Reads / Changes the Helix axis.
Axis property in object HybridShapeRevol
Role: To get_Axis on the object.
Axis property in object HybridShapeSphere
Returns or sets axis on the object.
Axis property in object HybridShapeSpiral
Reads / Changes the Spiral axis (Reference direction).
Axis property in object HybridShapeRotate
Returns or sets the rotation axis.
Axis property in object HybridShapeCircleCenterAxis
Returns or sets the Axis of the circle.
AxisComputation property in object HybridShapeCircle
Returns or sets the axis computation mode.
AxisDirection property in object HybridShapeCircle
Role: To get_Direction on the object.
AxisFirstDirection property in object HybridShapeAffinity
Returns or sets the first direction of the reference coordinate system.
AxisLineType property in object HybridShapeAxisLine
Returns or sets the axis line type.
AxisOrigin property in object HybridShapeAffinity
Returns or sets the origin of the reference coordinate system.
AxisPlane property in object HybridShapeAffinity
Returns or sets the reference plane of the reference coordinate system.
AxisRotationAngle property in object AxisSystem
Returns the rotation angle of an axis system.
AxisRotationReference property in object AxisSystem
Returns the reference for the axis rotation.
AxisSystemSize property in object PartInfrastructureSettingAtt
Returns or sets the "AxisSystemSize" parameter.
AxisSystems property in object Part
Returns the collection object containing the coordinate systems.
Axis_sys property in object ABQSpringConnectionProperty
Sets or returns the axis system in the spring connection property.


B property in object HybridShapePlaneEquation
Gets B coefficient for plane equation.
BKTAccessRights property in object BehaviorSettingAtt
Returns or sets the BKTAccessRights parameter.
BKTBehaviorOperationMessage property in object BehaviorSettingAtt
Returns or sets the BKTBehaviorOperationMessage parameter.
BKTSpecificationTree property in object BehaviorSettingAtt
Returns or sets the BKTSpecificationTree parameter.
BackClippingPlane property in object Layout2DSettingAtt
Returns the BackClippingPlane parameter.
BackFaceCullingMode property in object VisualizationSettingAtt
BackgroundImageMode property in object AnalysisReportingSettingAtt
Returns or sets the BackgroundImageMode parameter.
Banner property in object PageSetup
Returns or sets the banner text.
BannerPosition property in object PageSetup
Returns or sets the banner position.
BannerSize property in object PageSetup
Returns or sets Banner Size.
BaseCurve property in object HybridShapeConnect
Returns or sets the base curve.
BaseNomenclatures property in object ArrNomenclatureTree
Returns the collection of BaseNomenclatures within this UserDictionary.
BasicComponents property in object AnalysisSet
Returns the basic components collection associated with an analysis set.
BasicComponents property in object BasicComponent
Returns the collection of Basic Components agregated by the basic component.
BasicComponents property in object AnalysisEntity
Returns the basic components collection associated with an analysis entity.
BasicComponents property in object AnalysisLocalEntity
Returns the basic components collection associated with an analysis entity.
BeepMode property in object AnalysisSettingAtt
Returns or sets the BeepMode parameter.
BeginAngle property in object HybridShapeRevol
Role: To get_BeginAngle on the object.
BeginMeridianAngle property in object HybridShapeSphere
Returns BeginMeridianAngle on the object.
BeginOfCircle property in object HybridShapeCircleTritangent
Return or Set the number of the beginning curve of the circle.
BeginOfCircle property in object HybridShapeCircleCenterTangent
Return or Set the number of the beginning curve of the circle.
BeginOfCircle property in object HybridShapeCircleBitangentPoint
Return or Set the number of the beginning curve of the circle.
BeginOfCircle property in object HybridShapeCircleBitangentRadius
Return or Set the number of the beginning curve of the circle.
BeginOfCorner property in object HybridShapeCorner
Return or Set the number of the beginning curve of the corner.
BeginOffset property in object HybridShapeExtrude
Role: To get_BeginOffset on the object.
BeginOffset property in object HybridShapeLinePtPt
Returns the start length of the line.
BeginOffset property in object HybridShapeLinePtDir
Returns the start length of the line.
BeginOffset property in object HybridShapeLineAngle
Role: Get the start length of the line.
BeginOffset property in object HybridShapeLineNormal
Returns the start length of the line.
BeginOffset property in object HybridShapeLineTangency
Returns the start length of the line.
BeginOffset property in object HybridShapeLineBisecting
Returns the start offset of the line.
BeginParallelAngle property in object HybridShapeSphere
Returns BeginParallelAngle on the object.
BeginStepNum property in object ABQTemperatureHistory
Sets or returns the step number at which to start reading the temperature data.
BeginningDate property in object Activity
This property returns the beginning date of the current activity.
Behavior property in object Section
BehaviorMode property in object AnnotatedView
Returns or sets the behavior mode of the annotated view.
Behaviors property in object Behavior
Returns the collection of children behaviors.
BendAngle property in object ArrangementNode
Returns the BendAngle of the current ArrangementNode.
BendRadius property in object ArrangementNode
Returns or sets the BendRadius of the current ArrangementNode.
BitangencyType property in object VarRadEdgeFillet
Returns or set the fillet bitangency type.
Blanking property in object DrawingTextProperties
Returns or sets the blanking mode of the drawing text.
Bodies property in object Part
Returns the collection object containing the bodies that are direct children of the part.
Bodies property in object HybridBody
Returns the hybrid body's Bodies collection.
Bodies property in object OrderedGeometricalSet
Returns the ordered geometrical set's Bodies collection.
BodiesUnderOperationsInTree property in object PartInfrastructureSettingAtt
Returns or sets the "BodiesUnderOperationsInTree" parameter.
Body property in object BooleanShape
Returns the inserted body.
Body property in object ExpertRule
Returns or sets the string that defines the body of a Rule.
Body property in object ExpertCheck
Returns or sets the body of a Check.
Body property in object AssemblyBoolean
Returns the operating body.
Body property in object SWKManikin
Returns the body of the current manikin.
BodyComponent property in object AssemblyBoolean
Returns the component containing the operating body.
BodyHideInCapture property in object FTASettingAtt
Returns or sets the Visibility of Part instances, bodies and geometrical sets in Capture.
BodyNode property in object SWKManikin
Returns the body node of the current manikin.
BodyPose property in object WalkActivity
BodyToBump property in object HybridShapeBump
Returns or sets the element to Bump.
Bold property in object DrawingTextProperties
Returns or sets the drawing text font bold property.
BooleanOperation property in object HybridShapeLoft
Gets or sets the boolean operation for closed lofted surface.
BorderEdgesMode property in object VisualizationSettingAtt
Returns the BorderEdgesMode parameter.
BorderEdgesThickness property in object VisualizationSettingAtt
Returns the BorderEdgesThickness parameter.
BorderType property in object HybridShapeExtrapol
Returns or sets the border type of extrapolation.
BotOffset property in object ThickSurface
Returns the value of the bottom offset.
BothSidesMode property in object HybridShapeSplit
Gets or sets both sides computation mode.
Bottom property in object PageSetup
Returns or sets the lower left corner location with respect to the bottom of the sheet of paper.
BottomAngle property in object Hole
Returns the hole bottom angle.
BottomAngle property in object AssemblyHole
Returns the hole bottom angle.
BottomLimit property in object Hole
Returns the bottom limit.
BottomLimit property in object AssemblyHole
Returns the hole bottom limit.
BottomMargin property in object PageSetup
Returns or sets the bottom margin.
BottomType property in object Hole
Returns the hole bottom type.
BottomType property in object AssemblyHole
Returns or sets the hole bottom type.
BottomType property in object ManufacturingPrismaticMachiningArea
Returns or sets the Hardness Mode on Bottom of a Manufacturing Prismatic Machining Area.
Boundaries2DLDisplay property in object Layout2DSettingAtt
Returns the Boundaries2DLDisplay parameter.
Boundaries2DLLineType property in object Layout2DSettingAtt
Returns the Boundaries2DLLineType parameter.
Boundaries2DLThickness property in object Layout2DSettingAtt
Returns the Boundaries2DLThickness parameter.
Boundary property in object HybridShapeExtrapol
Returns or sets the boundary of an extrapolated curve or surface from which extrapolation begins.
BoundaryConditions property in object ABQHeatTransferStep
Returns the ABQBoundaryConditions container associated with the step.
BoundaryConditions property in object ABQGeneralStaticStep
Returns the ABQBoundaryConditions container associated with the step.
BoundaryConditions property in object ABQExplicitDynamicsStep
Returns the ABQBoundaryConditions container associated with the step.
BoundingBoxSelectionMode property in object VisualizationSettingAtt
Returns the BoundingBoxSelectionMode parameter.
BoxCount property in object CompositeTolerance
Retrieves datum count.
BoxDisplay property in object MeasureSettingAtt
Returns or sets the BoxDisplay parameter .
BrokenConstraintsCount property in object Constraints
Returns the number of broken constraints from the Constraints collection.
BufferSize property in object GlobalStatisticsSettingAtt
Returns or sets the size of buffer.
Bump property in object RenderingMaterial
Returns or sets the texture bump.


C property in object HybridShapePlaneEquation
Gets C coefficient for plane equation.
CAPACITANCE property in object PCBComponent
Allow to get and set the CAPACITANCE Type of a component.
CATFTAChamferGeneralTolClass property in object FTASettingAtt
Returns the CATFTAChamferGeneralTolClass parameter.
CATFTAEdgesLineType property in object FTASettingAtt
Returns the CATFTAEdgesLineType parameter.
CATFTAEdgesThickness property in object FTASettingAtt
Returns the CATFTAEdgesThickness parameter.
CATFTAUFAutoTolerancing property in object FTASettingAtt
Returns the CATFTAUFAutoTolerancing parameter.
CATFTAUseLastTolerances property in object FTASettingAtt
Returns the CATFTAUseLastTolerances parameter.
CERR property in object ErrorlogStatisticsSettingAtt
Returns or sets the state ot the critical error severity level field.
CMND property in object ErrorlogStatisticsSettingAtt
Returns or sets the state ot the command name field.
COMT property in object ErrorlogStatisticsSettingAtt
Returns or sets the state ot the abend comment level field.
CPUS property in object GeneralStatisticsSettingAtt
Returns or sets the state ot the cpu time field.
CacheMaxSizeMo property in object CacheSettingAtt
Returns or sets the value of the cache maximum size.
CacheSize property in object Application
Returns or sets the default local cache size used by the application.
CalculatedBeginTime property in object Activity
This property returns and calculated time cyle on the current activity.
CalculatedCycleTime property in object Activity
This property returns and sets the calculated time cyle on the current activity.
CalledTask property in object HumanCallTask
CalloutCreationDialogBox property in object Layout2DSettingAtt
Returns the CalloutCreationDialogBox parameter.
Camera property in object Capture
Retrieves or sets a camera.
Cameras property in object Document
Returns the document's collection of cameras.
CanonicFreeMode property in object HybridShapeHealing
Returns or sets the Canonic Free Mode of the healing.
CanonicalDetection property in object HybridShapeLoft
Returns or sets whether canonical surfaces of the lofted surface are detected.
CanonicalDetection property in object HybridShapeSweepLine
Returns or sets whether canonical surfaces of the swept surface are detected.
CanonicalDetection property in object HybridShapeSweepConic
Returns or sets whether canonical surfaces of the swept surface are detected.
CanonicalDetection property in object HybridShapeSweepCircle
Returns or sets whether canonical surfaces of the swept surface are detected.
Caption property in object Window
Returns or sets the window caption.
Caption property in object Application
Returns or sets the application's window title.
CaptureFactory property in object AnnotationSet
Obtain the factory to create Capture.
Captures property in object AnnotationSet
Retrieves all the Captures that belong to the set.
CartoonContourThickness property in object RenderingShooting
Returns or sets the cartoon contour thickness.
CartoonShadingStatus property in object RenderingShooting
Returns or sets the cartoon shading status of shooting.
CartoonStatus property in object RenderingShooting
Returns or sets the cartoon status of shooting.
CartoonStrokeStatus property in object RenderingShooting
Returns or sets the cartoon stroke status of shooting.
Cases property in object ABQAnalysisModel
Returns the list of Abaqus analysis cases associated with the analysis model.
CatalogName property in object StrSection
Returns the parameter defining the catalog name.
CatalogPartName property in object PspFunctional
Returns catalog part name of physical object that realizes this function.
CausticAccuracy property in object RenderingShooting
Returns or sets the number of photons to use when estimating radiance for caustics.
CausticPhotonsNumber property in object RenderingLight
Changes the maximum number of caustic photons to emit from the light source.
CausticRadius property in object RenderingShooting
Returns or sets the maximum distance in which photons for caustics are located.
CausticStatus property in object RenderingShooting
Returns or sets the caustic status of shooting.
CautionColor property in object DevAnalysisSettingAtt
Returns or sets the CautionColor parameter.
CautionZone property in object DevAnalysisSettingAtt
Returns or sets the CautionZone parameter.
Center property in object Scaling2
Returns or sets the reference element.
Center property in object HybridShapeSphere
Returns or sets the sphere center.
Center property in object HybridShapeScaling
Returns or sets the reference element.
Center property in object HybridShapeCylinder
Returns or sets the center of the cylinder object.
Center property in object HybridShapeCircleCtrPt
Returns or sets the circle center.
Center property in object HybridShapeCircleCtrRad
Returns or sets the circle center.
CenterCurve property in object Sweep
Returns the sketch used as the sweep center curve.
CenterCurveElement property in object Sweep
Returns or sets the center curve .
CenterElem property in object HybridShapeCircleCenterTangent
Returns or sets the Center Element of the circle.
CenterLine property in object Sketch
Returns the geometric 2D line defined as the center line of the sketch.
CenterPoint property in object Circle2D
Returns the center point of the circle.
CenterPoint property in object Ellipse2D
Returns the center point of the ellipse.
CenterPoint property in object HybridShapeSpiral
Reads / Changes the center point of the Spiral.
CenterTension property in object HybridShapeBump
Returns or sets the tensuion center parameter.
CheckEdition property in object ExpertCheckRuntime
Returns the editable object corresponding to this check.
CheckReportHtml property in object ReportGenerationSheetSettingAtt
Returns or sets the CheckReportHtml parameter.
ChessboardJointHeight property in object RenderingMaterial
Returns or sets the height of the join of a chessboard texture.
ChessboardJointWidth property in object RenderingMaterial
Returns or sets the width of the join of a chessboard texture.
ChessboardOffset property in object RenderingMaterial
Returns or sets the offset coefficient for a chessboard texture.
ChessboardTileHeight property in object RenderingMaterial
Returns or sets the height of the tile of a chessboard texture.
ChessboardTileWidth property in object RenderingMaterial
Returns or sets the width of the tile of a chessboard texture.
ChildrenActivities property in object Activity
This property returns the interface which manages the children hierarchy on the activity.
ChildrenTSAs property in object Resource
This property returns the interface which manages the children TSA of the given resource/system.
ChoiceNo property in object HybridShapeSweepCircle
Returns or sets the choice number, which corresponds to each solution of a given circular sweep case.
ChooseBestOrientation property in object DraftingPageSetup
Activates or deactivates the choice of the best orientation.
ChooseBestOrientation property in object DrawingPageSetup
Activates or deactivates the choice of the best orientation.
CircularPatternParameters property in object CircPattern
Returns or sets the circular pattern parameters required to define the pattern.
ClashMode property in object ManipSettingAtt
ClashSound property in object ManipSettingAtt
ClashWhileMoving property in object FittingSettingAtt
Clashes property in object SPAWorkbench
Returns the Clashes collection.
CleanTolCheck property in object V4WritingSettingAtt
Returns or sets the small edges and faces cleaning tolerance activation.
CleanTolValue property in object V4WritingSettingAtt
Returns or sets the small edges and faces cleaning tolerance value if activated.
Clearance property in object Clash
Returns or sets the clearance value for the computation.
ClearanceContactPressureValue property in object ABQMechConnBehavior
Sets or returns the clearance at which contact pressure is zero in a mechanical connection.
ClearanceVoxel property in object N4DNavigatorSettingAtt
Returns or sets the clearance value (oValue the clearance value in mm).
ClippingFrame property in object Layout2DSettingAtt
Returns the ClippingFrame parameter.
ClippingFrameReframeOnMode property in object Layout2DSettingAtt
Returns the ClippingFrameReframeOnMode parameter.
ClippingMode property in object Viewer3D
Returns or sets the clipping mode.
ClippingMode property in object SectioningSettingAtt
Returns or sets the ClippingMode parameter.
ClippingPlane property in object Capture
Retrieves the clipping plane state, activated or Not.
ClippingViewOutlineLinetype property in object Layout2DSettingAtt
Returns the ClippingViewOutlineLinetype parameter.
ClippingViewOutlineThickness property in object Layout2DSettingAtt
Returns the ClippingViewOutlineThickness parameter.
ClockType property in object PspPartConnector
Returns the clocking type (how symmetric this end is) for this connector.
ClockwiseRevolution property in object HybridShapeHelix
Reads / Modifies the sense of revolutions .
ClockwiseRevolution property in object HybridShapeSpiral
Reads / Modifies the sense of revolutions .
Closure property in object HybridShapePolyline
Returns or sets the flag to decide closure of the polyline.
Code_page property in object InteropSettingAtt
Retrieves or sets the value of the "Reading Code page" setting parameter.
Code_page_Dest property in object V4WritingSettingAtt
Returns or sets the activation state of the writing code page.
CollWalkClearance property in object HtsGeneralSettingAtt
CollapseExpandFilter property in object TreeTabSettingAtt
CollisionClearance property in object CollisionFreeWalk
Returns and sets the value for 'collision clearance' in a collision free walk.
CollisionSearchIntensity property in object HtsGeneralSettingAtt
Color property in object PageSetup
Returns or sets the color mode to use when printing.
Color property in object ElecSchWire
Color property in object Fastener
Returns or sets the color of the fastener.
Color property in object DrawingDimLine
Returns or sets color of dimension line.
Color property in object DrawingDimExtLine
Returns or sets color of extension line.
Color property in object FastenerGroup
Sets the color of the fasteners.
Color property in object DrawingTextProperties
Returns or sets the color of the drawing text.
ColorBackgroundMode property in object VisualizationSettingAtt
Returns the ColorBackgroundMode parameter.
ColorInheritanceMode property in object DrawingViewGenerativeBehavior
Returns or sets the view color inheritance mode.
ColorNumber property in object RenderingMaterial
Returns or sets the 3d texture color number.
ColorSynchronizationEditability property in object PartInfrastructureSettingAtt
Returns or sets the "ColorSynchronizationEditability" parameter.
ColorSynchronizationMode property in object PartInfrastructureSettingAtt
Returns or sets the "ColorSynchronizationMode" parameter.
ColumnsNb property in object DesignTable
Returns the nb of columns in the design table file.
Commands property in object Mechanism
Returns the collection of commands in the mechanism.
Comment property in object Relation
Returns or sets the comment associated with the relation.
Comment property in object Parameter
Returns or sets the parameter object comment.
Comment property in object AnnotatedView
Returns or sets the comment associated with the annotated view.
Comment property in object Conflict
Returns or sets a comment on the conflict.
Comment property in object ManufacturingTool
Return the Default Comment of a Manufacturing Setup.
Comment property in object ManufacturingSetup
Return the Default Comment of a Manufacturing Setup.
Comment property in object ManufacturingMachine
Return the Comment of a Machine.
Comment property in object ManufacturingProgram
Return the Default Comment of a Manufacturing Program.
Comment property in object ManufacturingOperation
Return the Comment linked to a Manufacturing Operation.
Comment property in object ManufacturingToolAssembly
Returns the default comment of a tool assembly.
Comment property in object ExpertRuleBaseComponentRuntime
Returns or sets the comment of a rulebase component.
CompEndSectionTangent property in object HybridShapeLoft
Returns or sets whether the tangent surface to the end section of the lofted surface is computed.
CompRef property in object DrawingComponent
Returns the component reference of this drawing component instance.
CompStartSectionTangent property in object HybridShapeLoft
Returns or sets whether the tangent surface to the start section of the lofted surface is computed.
CompanionPath property in object DocumentationSettingAtt
Returns the User Companion location (path) parameter.
ComparisonInfo property in object Conflict
Returns the information on the comparison between the conflict and the previous one.
CompassPos property in object HtsCCPSettingAtt
Returns or sets the CompassPos parameter.
ComplementaryExtract property in object HybridShapeExtract
Returns or sets the ComplementaryExtract checked/unchecked for the extract.
Components property in object DrawingView
Returns the drawing component instances collection (i.
Components property in object Layout2DView
Returns the Layout2D component instances collection (i.
ComputationDir property in object ABQJob
Sets or returns the computation directory.
ComputationType property in object Clash
Returns or sets the computation type.
ComputationType property in object Distance
Returns or sets the computation type for the computation.
ComputeMode property in object DrawingTable
Returns or sets the compute mode of a drawing table.
ConductanceTableSize property in object ABQThermalConnBehavior
Returns the size of the conductance table.
Conferencing property in object GeneralSessionSettingAtt
Returns the conference driver parameter.
Configuration property in object DesignTable
Returns or sets the current configuration.
ConfigurationsNb property in object DesignTable
Returns the number of design table configurations.
Conflicts property in object Clash
Returns the collection of computed Conflicts.
Conflicts property in object ClashResult
Returns the collection of computed Conflicts.
ConicParameter property in object HybridShapeConic
Returns or sets the conic parameter.
ConicUserTol property in object HybridShapeConic
Gets or sets the conic User Tolerance.
ConicalSectionParameter property in object HybridShapeFilletBiTangent
Returns or Sets parameter for conical section.
ConnectType property in object HybridShapeConnect
Returns or sets whether the connect curve is or should be created as a"Normal Connect" or with a "Base Curve".
ConnectedElecSchObjects property in object ElecSchematicObject
This method returns the collection of Electrical Schematic Connected Objects.
ConnectionProperty property in object ABQFastenedPair
This property has been deprecated.
ConnectionProperty property in object ABQSurfaceToSurfaceContact
Sets or returns the connection property in a contact pair.
ConnectionProperty property in object ABQFastenedConnectionEnhancement
Sets or returns the connection property.
ConnectorName property in object PspConnector
Returns or sets name of the connector.
ConnectorName property in object EHMInsertionActPlugMapViewData
Gets ConnectorName.
ConnectorPartNumber property in object EHMInsertionActPlugMapViewData
Gets Connector Part Number.
ConnectorRefDesignator property in object EHMInsertionActPlugMapViewData
Gets Connector Reference Designator.
ConnectorSubType property in object EHMInsertionActPlugMapViewData
Gets Connector Sub Type.
ConnectorType property in object EHMInsertionActPlugMapViewData
Gets Connector Type.
Connectors property in object PspConnectable
Returns a list of connectors of the object.
Connectors property in object PspPhsyicalProduct
Returns a list of Part connectors of the object.
Connex property in object HybridShapeTrim
Gets or sets connected mode.
ConstantLengthMode property in object HybridShapeExtrapol
Returns or sets the constant distance mode in case of Length extrapolation limit.
Constraint property in object HybridShapeFill
Returns or sets the passing point for the Fill.
ConstraintCreationMode property in object AsmConstraintSettingAtt
Returns or sets the constraint creation setting parameter.
Constraints property in object Part
Returns the collection object containing the part constraints.
Constraints property in object Sketch
Returns the list of constraints included in the sketch.
Constraints property in object Optimization
Returns the collection of optimization constraints.
ConstraintsInGeometry property in object PartInfrastructureSettingAtt
Returns or sets the "ConstraintsInGeometry" parameter.
ConstraintsNodeInTree property in object PartInfrastructureSettingAtt
Returns or sets the "ConstraintsNodeInTree" parameter.
ConstraintsSimul property in object HtsGeneralSettingAtt
Returns or sets the ConstraintsSimul parameter.
Construction property in object Geometry2D
ContactElecBarrelDiameter property in object EHMInsertionActPlugMapViewData
Gets Contact Elec Barrel Diameter.
ContactName property in object EHMInsertionActPlugMapViewData
Gets Contact Name.
ContactPartNumber property in object EHMInsertionActPlugMapViewData
Gets Contact Part Number.
ContactPrint property in object ABQJob
Returns or sets whether contact constraint data are printed.
ContactRefDesignator property in object EHMInsertionActPlugMapViewData
Gets Contact Reference Designator.
ContactStiffness property in object ABQMechConnBehavior
Sets or returns the contact stiffness type hard contact pressure overclosure.
ContactStiffnessScaleFactorValue property in object ABQMechConnBehavior
Sets or returns the contact stiffness scale factor value in a mechanical connection.
ContactStiffnessValue property in object ABQMechConnBehavior
Sets or returns the contact stiffness value for hard contact pressure overclosure.
ContactSubType property in object EHMInsertionActPlugMapViewData
Gets Contact Sub Type.
ContactType property in object EHMInsertionActPlugMapViewData
Gets Contact Type.
Context property in object HybridShapeLoft
Returns or sets the context on Loft feature.
Context property in object HybridShapeRevol
Returns or sets the context on Revolve feature.
Context property in object Relation
Returns the context of the parameter.
Context property in object Parameter
Returns the context of the parameter : a part, a product, a drafting, a process, depending where the parameter is.
Context property in object Dressup
Returns the context product on which the mechanism is defined.
Context property in object HybridShapeExtrude
Returns or sets the context on Extrude feature.
Context property in object HybridShapeSweepLine
Returns or sets the context on Sweep feature.
Context property in object HybridShapeSweepCircle
Returns or sets the context on Sweep feature.
Context property in object HybridShapeSweepExplicit
Returns or sets the context on Sweep feature.
ContextualFeaturesSelectableAtCreation property in object PartInfrastructureSettingAtt
Returns or sets the "ContextualFeaturesSelectableAtCreation" parameter.
Continuity property in object Curve2D
Returns the highest level of geometric continuity the curve possesses.
Continuity property in object HybridShapeFill
Returns or sets the continuity between the support and fill.
Continuity property in object HybridShapeHealing
Returns or sets the continuity type of the healing.
ContinuityType property in object HybridShapeBump
Returns or sets the continuity type .
ContinuityType property in object HybridShapeExtrapol
Returns or sets the continuity type between extrapolated element and extrapolation.
Contour property in object HybridShapeExtremumPolar
returns or sets the input contour.
ContoursCount property in object ManufacturingPrismaticMachiningArea
Retreives the number of Contour of a Manufacturing Prismatic Machining Area.
ConvSpeed property in object Optimization
Returns or sets the convergence speed for some gradients and the simulated annealing.
ConversionTechnology property in object MultiCADSettingAtt
Conversion_Table property in object InteropSettingAtt
Retrieves the location of the "Characters Equivalence Table Path" setting parameter.
CoordXValue property in object HybridShapeTranslate
Returns or sets the translate X coordinate value.
CoordYValue property in object HybridShapeTranslate
Returns or sets the translate Y coordinate value.
CoordZValue property in object HybridShapeTranslate
Returns or sets the translate Z coordinate value.
CopyDirectory property in object GlobalStatisticsSettingAtt
Returns or sets the path of the copy directory.
CopyMode property in object DesignTable
Returns or sets whether the data contained in the file must be included inside the CATIA model.
CornerRadiusValue property in object HybridShape3DCurveOffset
Returns or sets the Corner Radius Value.
CornerRounding property in object MoveHomeAct
This property returns and sets the Corner Rounding for the move activity.
CornerRounding property in object MoveToPostureActivity
CornerRounding property in object MoveJointsAct
This property returns and sets the Corner Rounding for the activity.
CornerTensionValue property in object HybridShape3DCurveOffset
Returns or sets the Corner Tension Value.
CornerType property in object HybridShapeCorner
Returns or sets the Corner Type.
CorrectFunction property in object ExpertCheckRuntime
Returns or sets the body to be called in order to correct the check.
CorrectFunctionComment property in object ExpertCheckRuntime
Returns or sets the comment of the correct function of the check.
CorrectFunctionType property in object ExpertCheckRuntime
Returns or sets the type of the body to be called in order to correct the check.
CorrectionMode property in object HybridShapeCurveSmooth
Returns or sets the correction mode (threshold, point, tangency or curvature) applied to the smoothed curve.
CorrectorCount property in object ManufacturingTool
Retreive the number of correctors of a Manufacturing tool.
Count property in object Collection
Returns the number of objects in the collection.
Count property in object Selection
Count property in object MfgAssembly
Count property in object PspListOfBSTRs
Returns the number of character strings in the list.
Count property in object PspListOfLongs
Returns the number of long integers in the list.
Count property in object PspListOfObjects
Returns the number of objects in the list.
Count property in object PspListOfDoubles
Returns the number of doubles in the list.
Count property in object SchListOfBSTRs
Returns the number of character strings in the list.
Count property in object SchListOfLongs
Returns the number of long integers in the list.
Count property in object SchListOfObjects
Returns the number of objects in the list.
Count property in object SchListOfDoubles
Returns the number of doubles in the list.
Count property in object StiDBChildren
Returns the Number of Children currently gathered in CATIAStiDBChildren.
Count2 property in object Selection
Returns the number of SelectedElement objects contained by the current selection.
CountFail property in object ExpertReportObjects
Returns the number of failed tuples in the failed tuples collection.
CountSucceed property in object ExpertReportObjects
Returns the number of succeeded tuples in the succeeded tuples collection.
CounterSunkMode property in object Hole
Returns the mode of a countersunk hole .
Coupling property in object HybridShapeBlend
Returns or sets the type of coupling between the limits of the blend.
CreateAssociativeUseEdges property in object Layout2DSettingAtt
Returns the CreateAssociativeUseEdges parameter.
CreateNewSheetFrom property in object DraftingSettingAtt
Returns the CreateNewSheetFrom parameter.
CreationMode property in object HybridShapeScaling
Returns or sets the creation mode(creation or modification).
CreationMode property in object HybridShapeAffinity
Returns or sets the creation mode(creation or modification).
CreationMode property in object HybridShapeSymmetry
Returns or sets the creation mode(creation or modification).
CreationMode property in object HybridShapeAxisToAxis
Returns or sets the creation mode(creation or modification).
CrossingPoint property in object HybridShapeCircleCtrPt
Returns or sets the circle passing point.
CrvMod property in object IgesSettingAtt
Returns or sets the Export BSpline mode setting parameter value.
CumulateMode property in object DrawingDimension
Returns cumulate mode or not.
CumulationMode property in object GeneralStatisticsSettingAtt
Returns or sets the cumulation state of the statistics thematic.
CuredThickness property in object CompositesMaterial
returns or set the cured thicknes defined in Composites tab in mm.
Current property in object Capture
Retrieves the Capture state, current or Not.
CurrentAnchorPointName property in object StrMember
Returns or sets the current anchor point used to locate the section on the support object.
CurrentAssoc property in object FunctMultiRepMgr
Get the CurrentAssoc.
CurrentDescription property in object FunctionalDocument
Returns the Current Description.
CurrentFilter property in object Document
Returns or sets the current visualization filter.
CurrentLayer property in object Document
Returns or sets the current layer.
CurrentPos property in object HtsCCPSettingAtt
Returns or sets the CurrentPos parameter.
CurrentScript property in object FunctGenScriptMgr
Get the CurrentScript.
CurrentValue property in object MechanismCommand
Returns the current value for a command.
CurrentValue1 property in object Joint
Gets the joint current value for first parameter.
CurrentValue2 property in object Joint
Gets the joint current value for second parameter.
Curvature property in object ControlPoint2D
CurvatureRadius property in object AutoFillet
Returns the Curvature radius.
CurvatureThreshold property in object HybridShapeExtract
Returns or sets the CurvatureThreshold.
CurvatureThreshold property in object HybridShapeCurveSmooth
Returns or sets the CurvatureThreshold.
CurvatureThresholdActivity property in object HybridShapeExtract
Returns or sets the CurvatureThresholdActivity.
CurvatureThresholdActivity property in object HybridShapeCurveSmooth
Returns or sets the CurvatureThresholdActivity.
Curve property in object HybridShapeLineAngle
Role: Get the reference curve.
Curve property in object HybridShapePlane1Curve
Role: Get the planar curve.
Curve property in object HybridShapePlaneNormal
Role: Get the curve to which the plane is to be normal.
Curve property in object HybridShapeLineTangency
Returns or Sets the curve to which the line will be tangent.
Curve property in object HybridShapePointOnCurve
Returns or sets the curve onto which the point is or should be created.
Curve property in object HybridShapePointTangent
Returns or Gets the supporting curve.
Curve1 property in object HybridShapeLineBiTangent
Returns or Sets the first tangency curve lying on the support surface.
Curve1 property in object HybridShapeCircleTritangent
Returns or sets the first curve to which the circle is or will be tangent.
Curve1 property in object HybridShapeCircleBitangentPoint
Returns or sets the first curve to which the circle is or will be tangent.
Curve1 property in object HybridShapeCircleBitangentRadius
Returns or sets the first curve to which the circle is or will be tangent.
Curve2 property in object HybridShapeCircleTritangent
Returns or sets the second curve to which the circle is or will be tangent.
Curve2 property in object HybridShapeCircleBitangentPoint
Returns or sets the second curve to which the circle is or will be tangent.
Curve2 property in object HybridShapeCircleBitangentRadius
Returns or sets the second curve to which the circle is or will be tangent.
Curve3 property in object HybridShapeCircleTritangent
Returns or sets the thirs curve to which the circle is or will be tangent.
CurveOffseted property in object HybridShapeCurvePar
Returns or sets the offset curve of the curve parameter object.
CurveParLaw property in object HybridShapeCurvePar
Returns or sets the offset law.
CurveParType property in object HybridShapeCurvePar
Returns or sets the corner type.
CurveToOffset property in object HybridShape3DCurveOffset
Returns or sets the curve to offset.
CurveToSmooth property in object HybridShapeCurveSmooth
Returns or sets the curve to smooth.
CustomBackgroundImage property in object AnalysisReportingSettingAtt
Returns or sets the CustomBackgroundImage parameter.
CustomImageFormat property in object AnalysisReportingSettingAtt
Returns or sets the CustomImageFormat parameter.
CustomImageHeight property in object AnalysisReportingSettingAtt
Returns or sets the CustomImageHeight parameter.
CustomImageWidth property in object AnalysisReportingSettingAtt
Returns or sets the CustomImageWidth parameter.
CutMode property in object Section
Returns or sets the cutting mode of the section.
Cutback property in object StrMemberExtremity
Returns the cutback object.
CuttingElem property in object HybridShapeSplit
Returns or sets the cutting element.
CycleTime property in object Activity
This property returns and set the time cyle on the current activity.
CylinderLightHeight property in object RenderingLight
Returns or sets the cylinder light area radius.
CylinderLightRadius property in object RenderingLight
Returns or sets the cylinder light area radius.
cf1 property in object ABQConcentratedForce
ets or returns the concentrated force component in the 1-direction.
cf2 property in object ABQConcentratedForce
ets or returns the concentrated force component in the 2-direction.
cf3 property in object ABQConcentratedForce
ets or returns the concentrated force component in the 3-direction.
cm1 property in object ABQConcentratedForce
ets or returns the concentrated moment component in the 1-direction.
cm2 property in object ABQConcentratedForce
ets or returns the concentrated moment component in the 2-direction.
cm3 property in object ABQConcentratedForce
ets or returns the concentrated moment component in the 3-direction.
comp1 property in object ABQGravity
ets or returns the gravity component in the 1-direction.
comp2 property in object ABQGravity
ets or returns the gravity component in the 2-direction.
comp3 property in object ABQGravity
ets or returns the gravity component in the 3-direction.
cropBottom property in object DrawingPicture
Returns or sets the cropBottom of the drawing picture.
cropLeft property in object DrawingPicture
Returns or sets the cropLeft of the drawing picture.
cropRight property in object DrawingPicture
Returns or sets the cropRight of the drawing picture.
cropTop property in object DrawingPicture
Returns or sets the cropTop of the drawing picture.


D property in object HybridShapePlaneEquation
Gets D coefficient for plane equation.
DLNameCreationRight property in object DLNameSettingAtt
Returns or set the right to create new DLNames.
DMUClashPreview property in object N4DNavigatorSettingAtt
Returns or sets the preview activation state for Interference (TRUE the preview window is automatically displayed, FALSE the preview window is not displayed).
DMUCut3DPreview property in object N4DNavigatorSettingAtt
Returns or sets the preview activation state for 3D Cut (TRUE the preview window is automatically displayed, FALSE the preview window is not displayed).
DMUDataFlow property in object NavigatorWorkbench
Returns the DMU DataFlow object.
DMUDistancePreview property in object N4DNavigatorSettingAtt
Returns or sets the preview activation state for Distance (TRUE the preview window is automatically displayed, FALSE the preview window is not displayed).
DMUFreeSpacePreview property in object N4DNavigatorSettingAtt
Returns or sets the preview activation state for Free Space (TRUE the preview window is automatically displayed, FALSE the preview window is not displayed).
DMUGroupPreview property in object N4DNavigatorSettingAtt
Returns or sets the preview activation state for Group (TRUE the preview window is automatically displayed, FALSE the preview window is not displayed).
DMUGroupPreviewHiddenObjectsDisplayMode property in object N4DNavigatorSettingAtt
Returns or sets the mode for the display of hidden objects in DMU Group Preview.
DMUGroupPreviewHiddenObjectsLowInt property in object N4DNavigatorSettingAtt
Returns or sets the Low Intensity mode for the display of hidden objects in DMU Group Preview.
DMUGroupPreviewHiddenObjectsOpacity property in object N4DNavigatorSettingAtt
Returns or sets the opacity for the display of hidden objects in DMU Group Preview.
DMUGroupPreviewHiddenObjectsPick property in object N4DNavigatorSettingAtt
Returns or sets the pick mode for the display of hidden objects in DMU Group Preview.
DMUMergerPreview property in object N4DNavigatorSettingAtt
Returns or sets the preview activation state for Merger (TRUE the preview window is automatically displayed, FALSE the preview window is not displayed).
DMUOffsetPreview property in object N4DNavigatorSettingAtt
Returns or sets the preview activation state for Offset (TRUE the preview window is automatically displayed, FALSE the preview window is not displayed).
DMUReviewName property in object N4DNavigatorSettingAtt
Returns or sets the default name for the DMU Reviews (oValue, the DMU Review name).
DMUSectionPreview property in object N4DNavigatorSettingAtt
Returns or sets the preview activation state for Section (TRUE the preview window is automatically displayed, FALSE the preview window is not displayed).
DMUShuttlePreview property in object N4DNavigatorSettingAtt
Returns or sets the preview activation state for Shuttle (TRUE the preview window is automatically displayed, FALSE the preview window is not displayed).
DMUSilhouettePreview property in object N4DNavigatorSettingAtt
Returns or sets the preview activation state for Silhouette (TRUE the preview window is automatically displayed, FALSE the preview window is not displayed).
DMUSimplifPreview property in object N4DNavigatorSettingAtt
Returns or sets the preview activation state for Simplification (TRUE the preview window is automatically displayed, FALSE the preview window is not displayed).
DMUSweptVolPreview property in object N4DNavigatorSettingAtt
Returns or sets the preview activation state for Swept Volume (TRUE the preview window is automatically displayed, FALSE the preview window is not displayed).
DMUThicknessPreview property in object N4DNavigatorSettingAtt
Returns or sets the preview activation state for Thickness (TRUE the preview window is automatically displayed, FALSE the preview window is not displayed).
DMUVibrationVolPreview property in object N4DNavigatorSettingAtt
Returns or sets the preview activation state for Vibration volume (TRUE the preview window is automatically displayed, FALSE the preview window is not displayed).
DMUWrappingPreview property in object N4DNavigatorSettingAtt
Returns or sets the preview activation state for Wrapping (TRUE the preview window is automatically displayed, FALSE the preview window is not displayed).
DNB3DStatePositionManagement property in object ProcessDocument
Retrieves the interface which manages the 3D state positions.
DateFormat property in object GeneralStatisticsSettingAtt
Returns or sets the state ot the date format field.
Datum property in object DatumTarget
Retrieves simple datum, the target belongs to.
DedicatedFilterType property in object Layout2DSettingAtt
Returns the DedicatedFilterType parameter.
DeepSearchActivation property in object SearchSettingAtt
Returns or sets the Deep Search Activation attribute.
DefaultAnalysisFlag property in object AnalysisGeneralSettingAtt
Retrieves if a default analysis Case will be created.
DefaultAnalysisTemplate property in object AnalysisGeneralSettingAtt
Retrieves the name of the default analysis Case that will be created.
DefaultDiffuseAmbientCoefficient property in object VisualizationSettingAtt
Returns the AmbientActivation parameter.
DefaultPowerInputContextPriority property in object SearchSettingAtt
Returns or sets the Default Power Input Context Priority attribute.
DefaultPowerInputContextScope property in object SearchSettingAtt
Returns or sets the Default Power Input Context Scope attribute.
DefaultPowerInputPrefix property in object SearchSettingAtt
Returns or sets the Default Power Input Prefix attribute.
DefaultShininess property in object VisualizationSettingAtt
Returns the AmbientActivation parameter.
DefaultSpecularCoefficient property in object VisualizationSettingAtt
Returns the AmbientActivation parameter.
DefaultSpeed property in object FittingSettingAtt
DefaultStyleSheet property in object FASReportingSettingAtt
Gets value of "OLP Robot Program Directory" parameter.
DefaultTime property in object FittingSettingAtt
DefaultTolerance property in object ToleranceSheetSettingAtt
Returns or sets the DefaultTolerance parameter.
DefaultWalkSpeed property in object HtsGeneralSettingAtt
Returns or sets the DefaultWalkSpeed parameter.
Definition property in object HybridShapeLawDistProj
Returns or sets the definition curve of the law.
Definition property in object Product
Returns or sets the product's definition.
DeformationCenter property in object HybridShapeBump
Returns or sets the Deformation Center.
DeformationDir property in object HybridShapeBump
Returns or sets the Deformation Direction.
DeformationDist property in object HybridShapeBump
Returns the translate distance (CATIA Parameter).
DeformationDistValue property in object HybridShapeBump
Returns or sets the Deformation distance (double) .
DeformationMode property in object HybridShapeWrapSurface
Returns or sets whether the wrap surface is or should be created as a"Normal" or with a "3D" deformation mode.
DeleteWarningBox property in object PartInfrastructureSettingAtt
Returns or sets the "DeleteWarningBox" parameter.
Deltmx property in object ABQHeatTransferStep
Sets or returns the maximum temperature change to be allowed in an increment during a transient heat transfer analysis.
DemoMode property in object LicenseSettingAtt
Retrieves or Sets the demo mode.
Density property in object Part
Returns the part density.
Density property in object Inertia
Returns or sets the density for the computation.
Depth property in object Thread
Returns the thread/tap depth.
Depth property in object ManufacturingHole
Returns the hole depth.
DepthOfFieldRadius property in object RenderingShooting
Returns or sets the depth of field radius of confusion.
DepthOfFieldStatus property in object RenderingShooting
Returns or sets the depth of field status of shooting.
Description property in object ABQJob
Returns or sets the job description.
Description property in object Activity
This property returns and set the description on the current activity.
Description property in object ABQMechConnBehavior
Sets or returns the description.
Description property in object ABQHeatTransferStep
Sets or returns the description of the step.
Description property in object ABQGeneralStaticStep
eturns or sets the description of the Abaqus general static step.
Description property in object ABQThermalConnBehavior
Sets or returns the description.
Description property in object FunctionalObjectProxy
Get the description attached to the proxi.
Description property in object ABQExplicitDynamicsStep
ets or returns the description of the Abaqus explicit dynamics step.
DescriptionInst property in object Product
Returns or sets the product's description for a component product.
DescriptionRef property in object Product
Returns or sets the product's description for a reference product.
DesignMode property in object DMUTolSettingAtt
Returns or sets the Design Mode setting parameter value.
DesignReview property in object Export3DXmlSettingAtt
Returns or sets the Design Review activation flag.
DesignTablesCopyData property in object KnowledgeSheetSettingAtt
Returns or sets the DesignTablesCopyData parameter.
DesignTablesSynchronization property in object KnowledgeSheetSettingAtt
Returns or sets the DesignTablesSynchronization parameter.
DetailsModeExplode property in object V4V5SpaceSettingAtt
Returns or sets the activation state of mode for details migration (Explode Mode)
Role: Returns or sets the state of mode for details migration.
DetailsModeUsual property in object V4V5SpaceSettingAtt
Returns or sets the activation state of mode for details migration (Usual Mode)
Role: Returns or sets the state of mode for details migration.
DetailsModeWireframe property in object V4V5SpaceSettingAtt
Returns or sets the activation state of mode for details migration (WireFrame Mode)
Role: Returns or sets the state of mode for details migration.
DeviceName property in object Printer
Returns the printer device name.
Diagnosis property in object Check
Returns the check diagnosis.
Diameter property in object Hole
Returns the hole diameter.
Diameter property in object Thread
Returns the thread/tap diameter.
Diameter property in object AssemblyHole
Returns the hole diameter.
Diameter property in object HybridShapeCircleCtrRad
Returns the circle diameter.
Diameter property in object ManufacturingHole
Returns the hole diameter.
Diameter property in object HybridShapeCircle2PointsRad
Returns the circle diameter.
Diameter property in object HybridShapeCircleCenterAxis
Returns the circle diameter.
Diameter property in object HybridShapeCircleCenterTangent
Returns the circle diameter.
Diameter property in object HybridShapeCircleBitangentRadius
Returns the circle diameter.
Diameter property in object ManufacturingToolCorrector
Gives the corrector diameter tool diameter.
DiameterMode property in object HybridShapeCircleCtrRad
Returns or sets the DiameterMode.
DiameterMode property in object HybridShapeCircle2PointsRad
Returns or sets the DiameterMode.
DiameterMode property in object HybridShapeCircleCenterAxis
Returns or sets the DiameterMode.
DiameterMode property in object HybridShapeCircleCenterTangent
Returns or sets the DiameterMode.
DiameterMode property in object HybridShapeCircleBitangentRadius
Returns or sets the DiameterMode.
Diffuse property in object RenderingLight
Returns or sets the light diffuse intensity of a light.
DiffuseCoefficient property in object RenderingMaterial
Returns or sets the diffuse coefficient of a material.
DimAfterCre property in object FTASettingAtt
Returns or sets the Dimension After Creaation parameter.
DimAfterMod property in object FTASettingAtt
Returns or sets the Dimension After Modification parameter.
DimBeforeCre property in object FTASettingAtt
Returns or sets the Dimension Before Creation parameter.
DimBeforeMod property in object FTASettingAtt
Returns or sets the Dimension Before Modification parameter.
DimBlankingCre property in object FTASettingAtt
Returns or sets the Dimension Blanking Creation parameter.
DimBlankingMod property in object FTASettingAtt
Returns or sets the Dimension Blanking Modification parameter.
DimConfigureSnapping property in object FTASettingAtt
Returns or sets the DimConfigureSnapping parameter.
DimConstantOffset property in object FTASettingAtt
Returns or sets the Constant Offset parameter.
DimCreateOn property in object FTASettingAtt
Returns or sets the DimCreateOn parameter.
DimLineGraphRep property in object DrawingDimLine
Returns or graphic representation of dimension line.
DimLineOrientation property in object DrawingDimLine
Returns or orientation of dimension line.
DimLinePosValue property in object FTASettingAtt
Returns or sets the Dimension Line Position Value parameter.
DimLineReference property in object DrawingDimLine
Returns or reference of dimension line.
DimLineRep property in object DrawingDimLine
Returns or representation of dimension line.
DimLineType property in object DrawingDimLine
Returns type of dimension line.
DimLineUpBaseAngle property in object FTASettingAtt
Returns or sets the Dimension Line Up Base Angle parameter.
DimLineUpBaseLength property in object FTASettingAtt
Returns or sets the Dimension Line Up Base Length parameter.
DimLineUpCumul property in object FTASettingAtt
Returns or sets the Dimension Line Up Cululated parameter.
DimLineUpFunnel property in object FTASettingAtt
Returns or sets the Dimension Line Up Funnel parameter.
DimLineUpOffsetBetDimAngle property in object FTASettingAtt
Returns gets the DimLineUpOffsetBetDimAngle parameter.
DimLineUpOffsetBetDimLength property in object FTASettingAtt
Returns gets the DimLineUpOffsetBetDimLength parameter.
DimLineUpOffsetToRefAngle property in object FTASettingAtt
Returns gets the DimLineUpOffsetToRefAngle parameter.
DimLineUpOffsetToRefLength property in object FTASettingAtt
Returns gets the DimLineUpOffsetToRefLength parameter.
DimLineUpStack property in object FTASettingAtt
Returns or sets the Dimension Line Up Stack parameter.
DimManualPositionning property in object FTASettingAtt
Returns or sets the Manual Positionning parameter.
DimMove2dPartCre property in object FTASettingAtt
Returns or sets the Dimension Move 2D Creation parameter.
DimMove2dPartMod property in object FTASettingAtt
Returns or sets the Dimension Move 2D Modification parameter.
DimMoveDimLineCre property in object FTASettingAtt
Returns or sets the Dimension Move Dimension Line Creation parameter.
DimMoveDimLineMod property in object FTASettingAtt
Returns or sets the Dimension Move Dimension Line Modification parameter.
DimMoveLeaderCre property in object FTASettingAtt
Get the Dimension leader Creation parameter.
DimMoveLeaderMod property in object FTASettingAtt
Returns gets the Dimension leader modification parameter.
DimMoveSubPart property in object FTASettingAtt
Returns or sets the DimMoveSubPart parameter.
DimMoveValueCre property in object FTASettingAtt
Returns or sets the Dimension Move Value Creation parameter.
DimMoveValueMod property in object FTASettingAtt
Returns or sets the Dimension Move Value Modification parameter.
DimORunCre property in object FTASettingAtt
Returns or sets the Dimension Over Run Creation parameter.
DimORunMod property in object FTASettingAtt
Returns or sets the Dimension Over Run Modification parameter.
DimOriDefaultSymb property in object FTASettingAtt
Returns or sets the Dimension Orientation Default Symbol parameter.
DimSnapping property in object FTASettingAtt
Returns or sets the Dimension Snapping parameter.
DimStatus property in object DrawingDimension
Returns or sets status of dimension.
DimType property in object DrawingDimension
Returns dimension type.
Dimension property in object Limit
Returns or sets the limit dimension.
Dimension property in object Constraint
Returns the constraint dimension.
DimensionLimitType property in object DimensionLimit
Returns or sets the dimension limit type.
Dimensions property in object DrawingView
Returns the drawing dimension collection of the drawing view.
Dimensions property in object Layout2DView
Returns the drawing dimension collection of the Layout2D view.
Dir property in object HybridShapeLinePtDir
Returns or Sets the direction of the line.
Dir property in object HybridShapeExtremumPolar
returns or sets the direction of computation.
DirectParameters property in object ParameterSet
Returns directly aggregated parameters.
Direction property in object HybridShapeCorner
Returns or sets the 3D corner direction.
Direction property in object HybridShapeProject
Returns or sets the projection direction.
Direction property in object HybridShapeExtrude
Role: To get_Direction on the object.
Direction property in object HybridShapeAxisLine
Gets the reference direction used in computation of axis.
Direction property in object HybridShapeCylinder
Returns or sets the direction of the cylinder object.
Direction property in object HybridShapeExtremum
Returns or sets the direction into which the extremum is detected.
Direction property in object HybridShapeTranslate
Returns or sets the translate direction.
Direction property in object HybridShapeReflectLine
Returns or sets the direction used to create the cylindrical reflectline.
Direction property in object HybridShapePointOnCurve
Returns or sets the direction along which the point is or should be created.
Direction property in object HybridShapePointTangent
Returns or Sets the direction.
Direction property in object HybridShape3DCurveOffset
Returns or sets the direction.
Direction property in object HybridShapePointOnSurface
Returns or Sets the direction from the reference point in which the point is computed.
Direction1 property in object HybridShapeCombine
Returns or sets the first direction used to create the combined curve.
Direction2 property in object HybridShapeCombine
Returns or sets the second direction used to create the combined curve.
Direction2 property in object HybridShapeExtremum
Returns or sets the second direction into which the extremum is detected.
Direction3 property in object HybridShapeExtremum
Returns or sets the third direction into which the extremum is detected.
DirectionOrientation property in object Prism
Returns the prism direction orientation.
DirectionOrientation property in object AssemblyPocket
Returns or sets the pocket direction orientation.
DirectionToUnfold property in object HybridShapeUnfold
Returns or sets the direction to unfold.
DirectionType property in object Prism
Returns the prism direction type.
DirectionType property in object AssemblyPocket
Returns or sets the pocket direction type.
DirectoryForInputXsl property in object ReportGenerationSheetSettingAtt
Returns or sets the DirectoryForInputXsl parameter.
DiscriminationIndex property in object HybridShapeCorner
Returns or set the discrimination index of the current corner.
DiscriminationIndex property in object HybridShapeCircleTritangent
Return or set the discrimination index of the current circle.
DiscriminationIndex property in object HybridShapeCircleCenterTangent
Return or set the discrimination index of the current circle.
DiscriminationIndex property in object HybridShapeCircleBitangentPoint
Return or set the discrimination index of the current circle.
DiscriminationIndex property in object HybridShapeCircleBitangentRadius
Return or set the discrimination index of the current circle.
DiskLightRadius property in object RenderingLight
Returns or sets the disk light area radius.
DisplayAnlStatus property in object AnalysisSettingAtt
Returns or sets the DisplayAnlStatus parameter.
DisplayBackAndCuttingPlane property in object Layout2DSettingAtt
Returns the DisplayBackAndCuttingPlane parameter.
DisplayClippingOutline property in object Layout2DSettingAtt
Returns the DisplayClippingOutline parameter.
DisplayCurrentScale property in object VisualizationSettingAtt
Returns the SetStereoModeLock parameter.
DisplayCutInWireframe property in object SectioningSettingAtt
Returns or sets the DisplayCutInWireframe parameter.
DisplayDrillList property in object VisualizationSettingAtt
Returns the DisplayDrillList parameter.
DisplayFileAlerts property in object Application
Returns or sets the application ability to display file alerts.
DisplayGeomOnScrolling property in object TreeVizManipSettingAtt
Retrieves or Sets the "display geometry on scrolling" mode.
DisplayGeometryAfterCurrent property in object PartInfrastructureSettingAtt
Returns or sets the "DisplayGeometryAfterCurrent" parameter.
DisplayImmersiveDrillViewer property in object VisualizationSettingAtt
Returns the DisplayImmersiveDrillViewer parameter.
DisplayMode property in object InteropSettingAtt
Retrieves or sets the state of the "Display only elements with Sensitive Attribute" setting parameter.
DisplayName property in object Reference
Returns the name of the referenced object.
DisplayNameMode property in object TreeTabSettingAtt
DisplayOrder property in object TreeTabSettingAtt
DisplayProcessOrder property in object TreeTabSettingAtt
DisplayResetButton property in object DraftingSettingAtt
Returns the DisplayResetButton parameter.
DisplayTrailingZeros property in object UnitsSheetSettingAtt
Returns or sets the DisplayTrailingZeros parameter.
DisplayV4Text3D property in object InteropSettingAtt
Retrieves or sets the state of the "Display 3D elements labels" setting parameter.
Distance property in object HybridShapeTranslate
Returns the translate distance.
DistanceConfig property in object Constraint
Returns or sets the distance constraint configuration.
DistanceCriteria property in object SWKIKConstraint
Returns or sets the distance criteria that will be used to evaluate success or failure of the constraint resolution.
DistanceDirection property in object Constraint
Returns or sets the distance constraint direction.
DistanceObjective property in object HybridShapeHealing
Returns the Distance Objective of the healing.
DistanceStep property in object ManipSettingAtt
DistanceThreshold property in object HybridShapeExtract
Returns or sets the DistanceThreshold.
DistanceThresholdActivity property in object HybridShapeExtract
Returns or sets the DistanceThresholdActivity.
DistanceToSatisfaction property in object OptimizationConstraint
Returns the parameter containing the distance to constraint satisfaction.
DistanceToTarget property in object SWKIKConstraint
Returns the distance (in mm) from the constraint end effector to the target.
DistanceType property in object HybridShapePointOnCurve
Returns or sets the distance type.
DistanceValue property in object HybridShapeTranslate
Returns or sets the translate distance value.
Distances property in object SPAWorkbench
Returns the Distances collection.
Distribution property in object ABQTemperature
Sets or returns the distribution type associated with this temperature field.
Dlname property in object InteropSettingAtt
Retrieves or sets the "DLNAME" setting parameter.
DocLanguage property in object DocumentationSettingAtt
Returns the technical documentation language parameter.
Document property in object SelectedElement
Returns the document to which the selected element belongs.
Document property in object FunctionalElement
Returns the Document.
Document property in object DrawingViewGenerativeBehavior
Returns or sets the document used to generate the drawing view.
DocumentContentAtCreation property in object FunctionalSystemSettingAtt
Returns or sets the DocumentContentAtCreation parameter.
Documents property in object Application
Returns the collection of documents currently managed by the application.
DomainID property in object PspObject
Returns the DomainID of the object.
Downloader property in object IgpOlpSettingAtt
Returns or sets value of OLP Translator parameter.
DownloaderDir property in object IgpOlpSettingAtt
Returns or sets value of OLP Translator Directory parameter.
Dpi property in object PageSetup
Returns or sets the printing dpi.
DraftAngle property in object DraftDomain
Returns the draft angle.
DraftComputationMode property in object HybridShapeSweepLine
Returns or sets the draft computation mode.
DraftDirection property in object HybridShapeSweepLine
Returns or sets the draft direction.
DraftDomains property in object Draft
Returns the collection of draft domains.
DraftFeatureMigrationMode property in object SpecV4SettingAtt
Returns or sets the activation state of the mode of migration for draft feature.
DragDrop property in object GeneralSessionSettingAtt
Returns the drag & drop parameter.
Draw property in object InteropSettingAtt
Retrieves or sets the state of the "Open in Light Mode: 2D Data are not taken into account" setting parameter.
DrawingRoot property in object DrawingDocument
Retrieves the drawing root in the drawing document.
DualValue property in object DrawingDimension
Returns or sets dual value type of dimension value.
DynamicCull property in object VisualizationSettingAtt
Returns the DynamicCull parameter.
DynamicLOD property in object VisualizationSettingAtt
Returns the DynamicLOD parameter.
dependencies property in object ABQFilmCondition
Returns the number of temperature-dependent film coefficients.


ELPS property in object GeneralStatisticsSettingAtt
Returns or sets the state ot the elapsed time field.
EchoPrint property in object ABQJob
Sets or returns whether an echo of the input data is printed.
EdgePropagation property in object EdgeFillet
Returns or sets the edge fillet propagation mode.
EdgeToTearPositioningOrientation property in object HybridShapeUnfold
Returns or sets the positioning orientation when the reference origin is located on an edge to tear.
EdgesToFillet property in object VarRadEdgeFillet
Returns the collection of edges to be filleted.
EdgesToKeep property in object EdgeFillet
Returns the collection of edges to keep by the edge fillet.
EditDedicatedFilterDialogBox property in object Layout2DSettingAtt
Returns the EditDedicatedFilterDialogBox parameter.
ElecSchematicChildren property in object ElecSchematicObject
This method returns the collection of Electrical Schematic Object's Children (component in Pipe Line, Assembly).
ElecSchematicParent property in object ElecSchematicObject
This method returns the electrical schematic parent.
ElectronicType property in object PCBObject
Allow to know if : a Product is a BOARD, a PANEL or a COMPONENT, a Hole is a PBD Hole a pattenr is a PCB pattern, a Pad is a contraint area.
Elem property in object HybridShapeExtract
Returns or sets the sub element used as init for the propagation.
Elem1 property in object HybridShapeCombine
Returns or sets the first curve used to create the combined curve.
Elem1 property in object HybridShapeLineBisecting
Returns or sets the first line used to create the bisecting line.
Elem2 property in object HybridShapeCombine
Returns or sets the second curve used to create the combined curve.
Elem2 property in object HybridShapeLineBisecting
Returns or sets the second line used to create the bisecting line.
ElemToCut property in object HybridShapeSplit
Returns or sets the element to cut.
ElemToExtrapol property in object HybridShapeExtrapol
Returns or sets the curve or surface to extrapolate.
ElemToProject property in object HybridShapeProject
Returns or sets the element to project.
ElemToRotate property in object HybridShapeRotate
Retuns or sets the element to be rotated.
ElemToScale property in object HybridShapeScaling
Returns or sets the element to scale.
ElemToSymmetry property in object HybridShapeSymmetry
Returns or sets the element to transform.
ElemToTransform property in object HybridShapeAffinity
Returns or sets the element to transform using the affinity.
ElemToTransform property in object HybridShapeAxisToAxis
Returns or sets the element to transform.
ElemToTranslate property in object HybridShapeTranslate
Returns or sets the element to translate.
ElemUntil property in object HybridShapeExtrapol
Returns or sets the surface or volume specifying the extrapolation limit.
Element property in object HybridShapeInverse
Role: To get the element inverted.
Element property in object HybridShapeAxisLine
Returns or sets the element from which axis is computed.
Element property in object HybridShapePointCenter
Returns or sets the circle, ellipse or sphere.
Element1 property in object HybridShapeIntersection
Returns or sets the first element to intersect.
Element1 property in object HybridShapeCircle3Points
Returns or sets the circle first passing point.
Element2 property in object HybridShapeIntersection
Returns or sets the second element to intersect.
Element2 property in object HybridShapeCircle3Points
Returns or sets the circle second passing point.
Element2 property in object HybridShapeLineBiTangent
Returns or Sets the second tangency element (point, curve) lying on the support surface.
Element3 property in object HybridShapeCircle3Points
Returns or sets the circle third passing point.
ElementToTransfer property in object HybridShapeTransfer
Returns or sets the element to transfer.
ElementsToChamfer property in object Chamfer
Returns the collection of geometrical elements to be chamfered.
EnableAnlMode property in object AnalysisSettingAtt
Returns or sets the EnableAnlMode parameter.
EnableHeartBeat property in object RobAnalysisHeartBeatUsageSettingAtt

Role:Enables or Disables the Heart Beat Rate while the robot motion is planned return E_FAIL.
EndAngle property in object HybridShapeRevol
Role: To get_EndAngle on the object.
EndAngle property in object HybridShapeCircle
Returns the circle end angle.
EndDate property in object Activity
This property returns the end date of the current activity.
EndDistance property in object RenderingLight
Returns or sets the light maximum distance of illumination.
EndEffector property in object SWKIKConstraint
Returns or sets the end effector of the IK chain of the constraint.
EndExtremity property in object StrMember
Returns the member's end extremity object.
EndExtremityContinuity property in object HybridShapeCurveSmooth
Returns or sets the continuity condition (curvature, tangency or point) applied to the smoothed curve with regard to the input curve at the end extremity of the input curve.
EndMeridianAngle property in object HybridShapeSphere
Returns EndMeridianAngle on the object.
EndOffset property in object HybridShapeExtrude
Role: To get_EndOffset on the object.
EndOffset property in object HybridShapeLinePtPt
Returns the end length of the line.
EndOffset property in object HybridShapeLinePtDir
Returns the end length of the line.
EndOffset property in object HybridShapeLineAngle
Role: Get the end length of the line.
EndOffset property in object HybridShapeLineNormal
Returns the end length of the line.
EndOffset property in object HybridShapeLineTangency
Returns the end length of the line.
EndOffset property in object HybridShapeLineBisecting
Returns the end offset of the line.
EndParallelAngle property in object HybridShapeSphere
Returns EndParallelAngle on the object.
EndParam property in object HybridShapeIntegratedLaw
Gets end parameter.
EndPoint property in object Curve2D
Returns the end point of the curve.
EndPoint property in object HybridShapeConic
Returns or sets the conic end point.
EndStepNum property in object ABQTemperatureHistory
Sets or returns the step number at which to stop reading the temperature data.
EndStepOnTempChange property in object ABQHeatTransferStep
Sets or returns whether the step should end when steady state is reached.
EndTangent property in object HybridShapeConic
Returns or sets the tangent direction at the conic end point.
EndingAngle property in object HybridShapeSpiral
Reads / Changes the Ending Angle of the Spiral.
EndingRadius property in object HybridShapeSpiral
Reads / Changes the ending radius of the Spiral.
EnergyFactor property in object RenderingLight
Changes the factor for indirect illumination energy.
EnergyFraction property in object ABQGeneralStaticStep
eturns or sets the EnergyFraction if the stabilization method is DISSIPATION.
EngineInterface property in object RenderingSettingAtt
Returns or sets the EngineInterface parameter.
Entities property in object BasicComponent
Returns the collection of Entities agregated by the basic component.
EnvironmentImage property in object RenderingMaterial
Returns or sets the environment image pathname of a material.
Ergo property in object SWKManikin
Returns the ergonomic analysis of the current manikin.
ErrorMessage property in object PspPlacePart
Returns the message associated with the last error.
ExistingTaskTreatment property in object IgpOlpSettingAtt
Returns or sets value of OLP Existing Task Treatment On Upload parameter.
ExpNotationValuesGreater property in object UnitsSheetSettingAtt
Returns or sets the ExpNotationValuesGreater parameter.
ExpNotationValuesLower property in object UnitsSheetSettingAtt
Returns or sets the ExpNotationValuesLower parameter.
ExpandSketchBasedFeaturesNodeAtCreation property in object PartInfrastructureSettingAtt
Returns or sets the "ExpandSketchBasedFeaturesNodeAtCreation" parameter.
ExpertRuleBaseComponentRuntimes property in object ExpertRuleSetRuntime
Returns the list of the RuleBaseComponent.
ExportEdges property in object VrmlSettingAtt
Returns or sets the ExportEdges parameter (exported Vrml files will or will not contains edge informations).
ExportMSBO property in object IgesSettingAtt
Returns or sets the Export Solid Mode setting parameter value.
ExportNormals property in object VrmlSettingAtt
Returns or sets the ExportNormals parameter (exported Vrml files will or will not contains normal informations).
ExportTexture property in object VrmlSettingAtt
Returns or sets the ExportTexture parameter (exported Vrml files will or will not contains texture informations).
ExportTextureFile property in object VrmlSettingAtt
Returns or sets the ExportTextureFile parameter (Textures will be exported in the vrml file containing the geometry or in external files).
ExportTextureFormat property in object VrmlSettingAtt
Returns or sets the ExportTextureFormat parameter.
ExportUnit property in object IgesSettingAtt
Returns or sets the Export Units setting parameter value.
ExportVersion property in object VrmlSettingAtt
Returns or sets the ExportVersion parameter (version of exported Vrml files).
ExtLineSlant property in object DrawingDimExtLine
Returns or sets slant angle of extension line.
ExtLineType property in object DrawingDimExtLine
Returns extension line type of dimension.
ExtendEdgesMode property in object HybridShapeExtrapol
Returns or sets the extension of extrapolated edges mode.
ExtendMode property in object HybridShapeIntersection
Returns or sets the ExtendMode flag for intersect.
ExtensionClass property in object BehaviorExtension
Returns the type of the technological object associated to this behavior extension.
ExternalMaxDeformation property in object V4V5SpaceSettingAtt
Returns or sets the activation state of mode with external deformation (Gap Healing).
ExternalReferencesAsVisible property in object PartInfrastructureSettingAtt
Returns or sets the "ExternalReferencesAsVisible" parameter.
ExternalReferencesAssemblyRootContext property in object PartInfrastructureSettingAtt
Returns or sets the "ExternalReferencesAssemblyRootContext" parameter.
ExternalReferencesNodeInTree property in object PartInfrastructureSettingAtt
Returns or sets the "ExternalReferencesNodeInTree" parameter.
ExternalThickness property in object Shell
Returns the shell external thickness.
ExternalTypeDeformation property in object V4V5SpaceSettingAtt
Returns or sets the activation state of type for external deformation (Gap Healing).
ExtractMode property in object Group
Returns or sets the mode for the extraction methods.
ExtrapolateMode property in object HybridShapeIntersection
Returns or sets the ExtrapolateMode flag for intersect.
ExtremumType property in object HybridShapeExtremum
Returns or sets the extremum type.
ExtremumType property in object HybridShapeExtremumPolar
returns or sets the type of extremum.
ExtremumType2 property in object HybridShapeExtremum
Returns or sets the extremum type of the second direction.
ExtremumType3 property in object HybridShapeExtremum
Returns or sets the extremum type of the third direction.
ExtrudedObject property in object HybridShapeExtrude
Role: To get_ExtrudedObject on the object.


FabricWidth property in object CompositesMaterial
returns or set the fabric width defined in Composites tab in mm.
FaceHLDrill property in object VisualizationSettingAtt
Returns the FaceHLDrill parameter.
FaceNumber property in object RenderingEnvironment
Returns or sets the spherical environment face number.
FaceToRemove property in object TritangentFillet
Returns the face to be removed by the tritangent fillet.
FaceType property in object PspPartConnector
Returns the face type (normal or "transparent" support) for this connector.
FacesToDraft property in object DraftDomain
Returns the faces to be drafted.
FacesToFillet property in object AutoFillet
Returns or sets the faces to fillet.
FacesToFillets property in object AutoFillet
FacesToRemove property in object Shell
Returns the collection of faces to be removed by the shell process.
FacesToThicken property in object Thickness
Returns the collection of faces to be thickened.
FacetManagers property in object FunctionalDocument
Returns the Facet Managers.
Factor property in object Scaling
Returns the scaling factor.
Factory2D property in object Sketch
Returns the 2D factory of the sketch.
Factory2D property in object DrawingView
Returns the 2D factory of the drawing view.
Factory2D property in object Layout2DView
Returns the 2D factory of the Layout2D view.
Failures property in object ExpertCheckRuntime
Returns the list of the tuples that don't satisfy this check.
FakeDimType property in object DrawingDimValue
Returns or sets fake dimension type of value.
FalloffExponent property in object RenderingLight
Changes the light falloff exponent.
Families property in object MaterialDocument
Returns the Family collection object from the current material document.
FamilyName property in object StrSection
Returns the parameter defining the family name.
FarLimit property in object Viewer3D
Returns or sets the far limit for the far clipping plane.
FeatRemark property in object ManufacturingMachinableFeature
Returns the manufacturing machinable feature remark.
FeatType property in object ManufacturingMachinableFeature
Returns the manufacturing machinable feature type.
FeatureToLocatePositions property in object UserPattern
Returns the collection of feature to locate instances.
FeatureToLocatePositions property in object UserRepartition
Returns the collection of feature to locate instances.
FieldOfView property in object Viewpoint3D
Returns or sets the field of view associated with the viewpoint.
FieldOfView property in object AnnotatedView
Returns the field of view associated with the annotated view.
Fields property in object ABQInitialStep
Returns the ABQFields container associated with the step.
Fields property in object ABQGeneralStaticStep
Returns the ABQFields container associated with the step.
Fields property in object ABQExplicitDynamicsStep
Returns the ABQFields container associated with the step.
FifthGuideCrv property in object HybridShapeSweepConic
Returns or sets the fifth guide curve.
FilePath property in object DesignTable
Returns or sets the path of the design table (read/write property).
FileSearchOrder property in object Application
Returns or sets the default path concatenation used by the application to search for when opening files.
FileSeparator property in object FileSystem
Returns the file separator string.
FileSystem property in object Application
Returns the file system.
Files property in object Folder
Returns the file collection of the folder.
Fill property in object Marker2D
Returns or sets the Marker2D's filling status (1 the figure is filled, 0 the figure is not filled).
Fill property in object Marker3D
Returns or sets the marker 3D's filling status (1 the figure is filled, 0 the figure is not filled).
FillTwistedAreas property in object HybridShapeSweep
Returns or sets the fill twisted areas mode.
FilletBoundaryRelimitation property in object Fillet
Returns or sets the fillet boundary relimitation mode.
FilletRadius property in object AutoFillet
Returns the Fillet radius.
FilletRepresentation property in object DrawingViewGenerativeBehavior
Returns or sets the view Fillet representation mode.
FilletSpine property in object VarRadEdgeFillet
Returns or set the spine for circle bitangency fillet.
FilletTrimSupport property in object Fillet
Returns or sets the fillet Trim Support mode.
FilletVariation property in object VarRadEdgeFillet
Returns or sets the edge fillet radius variation mode.
FinalGatheringAccuracy property in object RenderingShooting
Returns or sets the number of rays shot in each final gather.
FinalGatheringMaxRadius property in object RenderingShooting
Returns or sets the maximum distance in which a final gather result can be used.
FinalGatheringMinRadius property in object RenderingShooting
Returns or sets the minimum distance in which a final gather result can be used.
FinalGatheringStatus property in object RenderingShooting
Returns or sets the final gathering status of shooting.
First property in object HybridShapePlane2Lines
Role: Get the first line.
First property in object HybridShapePlane3Points
Returns or sets the first point.
FirstAct property in object HtsCCPSettingAtt
Returns or sets the FirstAct parameter.
FirstAngle property in object Revolution
Returns the revolution first angle.
FirstAngleLaw property in object HybridShapeSweepCircle
Returns or sets the first angle law useful in some circular sweep types.
FirstAngleLawInversion property in object HybridShapeSweepCircle
Returns or sets the first angle law inversion information.
FirstComponentDirection property in object SolidCombine
Returns or sets the direction of first component of SolidCombine.
FirstComponentProfile property in object SolidCombine
Returns or sets the profile of first component of SolidCombine.
FirstContinuity property in object HybridShapeConnect
Gets or Sets the continuity on first curve.
FirstCurve property in object HybridShapeConnect
Gets or Sets the first reference curve.
FirstCurvesConstraint property in object HybridShapeWrapCurve
Returns or sets constraint at first curves of the WrapCurve.
FirstDirection property in object HybridShapeCircleCtrRad
Returns or sets the first direction used to set the angles reference.
FirstDirection property in object HybridShapePointOnPlane
Returns or sets the first direction on the plane to compute the point (for stability).
FirstDirectionRepartition property in object RectPattern
Returns the linear repartition along the first direction.
FirstDirectionRow property in object RectPattern
Returns the position of the shape to be copied along the first linear direction.
FirstElem property in object HybridShapeTrim
FirstElem property in object HybridShapeCorner
Returns or sets the corner first reference element.
FirstElem property in object HybridShapeFilletBiTangent
Returns or Sets the first support surface feature.
FirstElem property in object HybridShapeFilletTriTangent
Returns or sets the first support surface feature.
FirstElement property in object HybridShapeRotate
Returns or sets the first element defining the rotation angle.
FirstFace property in object FaceFillet
Returns or sets the first limiting face.
FirstFace property in object TritangentFillet
Returns the first face limiting the tritangent fillet.
FirstGroup property in object Clash
Returns or sets the first group used by the computation.
FirstGroup property in object Distance
Returns or sets the first group used by the computation.
FirstGuideCrv property in object HybridShapeSweepLine
Returns or sets the sweep operation first guide curve.
FirstGuideCrv property in object HybridShapeSweepConic
Returns or sets the first guide curve.
FirstGuideCrv property in object HybridShapeSweepCircle
Returns or sets the sweep operation first guide curve.
FirstGuideCrv property in object HybridShapeSweepExplicit
Gets the first guide curve.
FirstGuideSurf property in object HybridShapeSweepLine
Returns or sets the sweep operation first guide surface.
FirstLawRelimiter property in object HybridShapeFilletBiTangent
Gets or sets Law first relimiter for variable shape fillet with law management.
FirstLengthLaw property in object HybridShapeSweepLine
Returns or sets the first length law useful in some linear sweep types.
FirstLengthLawInversion property in object HybridShapeSweepLine
Returns or sets whether the first length law has to be inverted.
FirstLimit property in object Prism
Returns the first prism limit (one of the two).
FirstLimit property in object AssemblyPocket
Returns the first pocket limit.
FirstLimitType property in object HybridShapeExtrude
Returns or sets the First limit type.
FirstOrientation property in object RectPattern
Returns or sets whether the pattern is built towards the first direction orientation.
FirstOrientation property in object HybridShapeTrim
FirstOrientation property in object HybridShapeCorner
Returns or sets the orientation of the corner first reference element.
FirstOrientation property in object HybridShapeConnect
Gets or Sets the orientation of first curve FirstOrientation = 1 : SameOrientation.
FirstOrientation property in object HybridShapeFilletBiTangent
Returns or Setsthe first orientation used to specify fillet center position.
FirstOrientation property in object HybridShapeFilletTriTangent
Returns or sets the first orientation used to specify fillet center position.
FirstPoint property in object HybridShapeRotate
Returns or sets the first point defining the rotation.
FirstPoint property in object HybridShapeConnect
Gets or Sets the first reference point.
FirstPoint property in object HybridShapeTranslate
Returns or sets the first point defining the translation.
FirstPoint property in object HybridShapePointBetween
Returns or sets the first reference point.
FirstProduct property in object Distance
Returns the product belonging to the first group that realizes the minimum distance.
FirstProduct property in object Conflict
Returns the first product involved in the conflict.
FirstRectangularPatternParameters property in object RectPattern
Returns or sets the rectangular pattern parameters required to define the pattern.
FirstTangentOrientation property in object HybridShapeCorner
Returns or sets the tangent orientation of the corner first reference element.
FirstTension property in object HybridShapeConnect
Returns the tension on the first curve making up the connect curve.
FirstUptoElem property in object Line
Role: Gets the First upto element of the line.
FirstUptoElement property in object HybridShapeExtrude
Returns or sets the First up-to element used to limit extrusion.
FitToPrinterFormat property in object DraftingPageSetup
Fits the format of the print to the printer format.
FitToPrinterFormat property in object DrawingPageSetup
Fits the format of the print to the printer format.
FitToSheetFormat property in object DraftingPageSetup
Fits the format of the print to the sheet format.
FitToSheetFormat property in object DrawingPageSetup
Fits the format of the print to the sheet format.
FixTogethersCount property in object FixTogether
Returns the number of FixTogether entities in the FixTogether.
FixedPart property in object Mechanism
Returns or sets the fixed part of the mechanism.
FixedText property in object WIText
FixedTimeIncrementMethod property in object ABQExplicitDynamicsStep
Sets or returns the fixed time increment method.
FlagNoteText property in object FlagNote
Retrieves flag text.
FlagText property in object Noa
Retrieves Flag Text.
FlipSide property in object ABQAnalyticalRigidSurface
Sets or returns the flip state for the ARS.
FlipU property in object RenderingMaterial
Returns or sets the texture flip status along U axis.
FlipUStatus property in object RenderingEnvironmentWall
Returns or sets texture orientation status along the U axis.
FlipV property in object RenderingMaterial
Returns or sets the texture flip status along V axis.
FlipVStatus property in object RenderingEnvironmentWall
Returns or sets texture orientation status along the V axis.
FlowCapability property in object PspCntrFlow
Returns or sets Flow capability of the connector.
FlowReality property in object PspCntrFlow
Returns or sets Flow reality of the connector.
FlyCollisionMode property in object VisualizationSettingAtt
Returns the FlyCollisionMode parameter.
FlyCollisionSphereRadius property in object VisualizationSettingAtt
Returns the FlyCollisionSphereRadius parameter.
FlyCollisionType property in object VisualizationSettingAtt
Returns the FlyCollisionType parameter.
FlySensitivity property in object VisualizationSettingAtt
Returns the FlySensitivity parameter.
FlySpeed property in object VisualizationSettingAtt
Returns the FlySpeed parameter.
FlySpeedMode property in object VisualizationSettingAtt
Returns the FlySpeedMode parameter.
FocalDistance property in object Parabola2D
FocusDistance property in object Viewpoint3D
Returns or sets the focus distance of the viewpoint.
Foggy property in object Viewer3D
Returns or sets the fog mode.
FollowGroundAltitude property in object VisualizationSettingAtt
Returns the FollowGroundAltitude parameter.
FollowGroundMode property in object VisualizationSettingAtt
Returns the FollowGroundMode parameter.
FollowNodalRotation property in object ABQConcentratedForce
Sets or returns the follow nodal rotation flag.
FontName property in object DrawingTextProperties
Returns or sets the font name of the drawing text.
FontSize property in object DrawingTextProperties
Returns or sets the font size of the drawing text.
ForbidNonCoplanarLines property in object HybridShapePlane2Lines
if ForbidNonCoplanarLines = TRUE, both lines have to be on the same plane.
ForceClearanceVoxel property in object N4DNavigatorSettingAtt
ForceVoxel property in object N4DNavigatorSettingAtt
Form property in object ToleranceZone
Retrieves tolerance zone form.
Formulation property in object ABQMechConnBehavior
Sets or returns the formulation in a mechanical connection.
FormulationOption property in object ABQFastenedPair
Sets or returns the formulation option.
FormulationOption property in object ABQFastenedConnectionEnhancement
Sets or returns the formulation option.
Forshortened property in object DrawingDimension
Returns or sets foreshortened mode or not.
FourthGuideCrv property in object HybridShapeSweepConic
Returns or sets the fourth guide curve.
Frame property in object Marker2D
Returns or sets the Marker2D's framing status (1 the figure is framed, 0 the figure is not framed).
Frame property in object Marker3D
Returns or sets the marker 3D's framing status (1 the figure is framed, 0 the figure is not framed).
FrameType property in object DrawingText
Returns or sets the frame type of the drawing text.
FrameType property in object DrawingTextProperties
Returns or sets the frame type of the drawing text.
FrameVisualization property in object DrawingView
Returns or sets the drawing view frame visualization state.
FrameVisualization property in object Layout2DView
Returns or sets the Layout2D view frame visualization state.
FreeParameters property in object Optimization
Returns the collection of the free parameters.
FreeSpaces property in object OptimizerWorkBench
Returns FreeSpaces.
Freezed property in object ManufacturingMachinableArea
Returns the manufacturing machinable area freezed state.
Frequency property in object LicenseSettingAtt
Retrieves or Sets the contact frequency.
FrequencyIncrement property in object ABQMassScaling
Sets or returns the scaling frequency increment.
FrequencyInterval property in object ABQMassScaling
Sets or returns the scaling frequency interval.
FrequencyType property in object ABQMassScaling
Sets or returns the scaling frequency type.
FrictionCoefficient property in object ABQMechConnBehavior
ets or returns the friction coefficient if the formulation is PENALTY.
From property in object HybridShapeBoundary
Removes or sets the ending limit(i.
From property in object FunctionalAction
Get the From object.
FromOrientation property in object HybridShapeBoundary
Gets or sets the Ending Limit Orientation (i.
FullName property in object Document
Returns the document's full file name, including its path.
FullName property in object Application
Returns the application's executable file full name, including its path.
FullSceneAntiAliasingMode property in object VisualizationSettingAtt
Returns the AntiAliasingMode parameter.
FullScreen property in object Viewer
Returns or sets the state of a viewer to occupy the whole screen.
FunctionStatus property in object PspFunctional
Returns function object status.
FunctionalActionPresentation property in object FunctionalSystemSettingAtt
Returns or sets the FunctionalActionPresentation parameter.
FunctionalElement property in object FunctionalFacet
Get the Functional Element owning the Facet.
FunctionalFace property in object AutoDraft
FunctionalFace property in object AutoFillet
FunctionalFaces property in object AutoDraft
Returns or sets the functional faces.
FunctionalFaces property in object AutoFillet
Returns or sets the functional face.
filmCoeff property in object ABQFilmCondition
Sets or returns the reference film coefficient if the film condition is not temperature dependent.
format property in object DrawingPicture
Sets the picture format.


Gamma property in object PageSetup
Returns or sets Gamma factor for print.
GenViewsPosMode property in object DrawingSheet
Returns or sets the generative views position stability mode.
GeneralTolClass property in object FTASettingAtt
Returns or sets the Dimension general class parameter.
GenerativeBehavior property in object DrawingView
Returns the generative behavior of the drawing view.
GenerativeLinks property in object DrawingView
Returns the generative links of the drawing view.
Geodesic property in object HybridShapeCurvePar
Returns or sets Geodesic mode.
Geodesic property in object HybridShapeLineAngle
Role: Get geodesic mode.
GeometricElements property in object Part
Returns the collection object containing the part geometrical elements.
GeometricElements property in object HybridBody
Returns the list of geometrical elements included in the hybrid body.
GeometricElements property in object Sketch
Returns the list of geometrical elements included in the sketch.
GeometricElements property in object DrawingView
Returns the collection of geometric elements included in the drawing view sketch.
GeometricElements property in object Layout2DView
Returns the collection of geometric elements included in the Layout2D view sketch.
GeometricType property in object GeometricElement
GeometryName property in object Measurable
Returns the name of the geometry of the measured object.
GeometryRepresentationFormat property in object Export3DXmlSettingAtt
Returns or sets the format of geometry representation.
Global property in object ABQMassScaling
Sets or returns whether the mass scaling is global.
GlobalElemAssignment property in object ABQAnalysisCase
Returns the Global Element Assignement feature associated with this analysis case.
GlobalIlluminationAccuracy property in object RenderingShooting
Returns or sets the number of photons to use when estimating radiance for global illumination.
GlobalIlluminationRadius property in object RenderingShooting
Returns or sets the maximum distance in which photons for global illumination are located.
GlobalIlluminationStatus property in object RenderingShooting
Returns or sets the global illumination status of shooting.
GlobalPhotonsNumber property in object RenderingLight
Changes the maximum number of global illumination photons to emit from the light source.
GlowFlareDiffusion property in object RenderingShooting
Returns or sets the glow flare diffusion.
GlowFlareFactor property in object RenderingShooting
Returns or sets the glow flare factor.
GlowIntensity property in object RenderingShooting
Returns or sets the glow intensity factor.
GlowRadialLineSize property in object RenderingShooting
Returns or sets the glow radial lines size.
GlowSize property in object RenderingShooting
Returns or sets the glow filter size in percentage of image size.
GlowStarEffect property in object RenderingShooting
Returns or sets the glow star effect.
GlowStatus property in object RenderingShooting
Returns or sets the glow status of shooting.
GlowThreshold property in object RenderingShooting
Returns or sets the glow color threshold.
GrabbingObject property in object GrabAct
GrabbingObject property in object ReleaseAct
Gravity property in object VisualizationSettingAtt
Returns the Gravity parameter.
GravityAxis property in object VisualizationSettingAtt
Returns the GravityAxis parameter.
GridAutoFiltering property in object SectioningSettingAtt
Returns or sets the GridAutoFiltering parameter.
GridAutoResize property in object SectioningSettingAtt
Returns or sets the GridAutoResize parameter.
GridDisplay property in object FTAInfraSettingAtt
Returns or sets the Grid Display setting parameter value.
GridHeightStep property in object SectioningSettingAtt
Returns or sets the GridHeightStep parameter.
GridPositionMode property in object SectioningSettingAtt
Returns or sets the GridPositionMode parameter.
GridPrimarySpacing property in object FTAInfraSettingAtt
Returns or sets the Grid Primary Spacing setting parameter value.
GridSecondaryStep property in object FTAInfraSettingAtt
Returns or sets the Grid Secondary Step setting parameter value.
GridSnapPoint property in object FTAInfraSettingAtt
Returns or sets the Grid Snap Point setting parameter value.
GridStyle property in object SectioningSettingAtt
Returns or sets the GridStyle parameter.
GridVPrimarySpacing property in object FTAInfraSettingAtt
Returns or sets the GridV Primary Spacing setting parameter value.
GridVSecondaryStep property in object FTAInfraSettingAtt
Returns or sets the GridV Secondary Step setting parameter value.
GridWidthStep property in object SectioningSettingAtt
Returns or sets the GridWidthStep parameter.
Ground property in object Viewer3D
Returns or sets the ground displaying mode.
Group property in object Shuttle
Returns or sets the associated group object.
Group property in object FunctionalAction
Get the Group property.
Group property in object Section
Returns or sets the sectionned group.
Groups property in object PspGroupable
Returns a list of Groups to which this object is a member.
Groups property in object NavigatorWorkbench
Returns the Groups collection.
GuideDeviation property in object HybridShapeSweepLine
Returns the deviation value (length) from guide curves allowed during a sweeping operation in order to smooth it.
GuideDeviation property in object HybridShapeSweepConic
Returns deviation value (length) from guide curves allowed during sweeping operation in order to smooth it.
GuideDeviation property in object HybridShapeSweepCircle
Returns the deviation value (length) from guide curves allowed during a sweeping operation in order to smooth it.
GuideDeviation property in object HybridShapeSweepExplicit
Returns deviation value (length) from guide curves allowed during sweeping operation in order to smooth it.
GuideDeviationActivity property in object HybridShapeSweepLine
Returns or sets whether a deviation from guide curves is allowed.
GuideDeviationActivity property in object HybridShapeSweepConic
Returns or sets information whether a deviation from guide curves is allowed or not.
GuideDeviationActivity property in object HybridShapeSweepCircle
Returns or sets information whether a deviation from guide curves is allowed or not.
GuideDeviationActivity property in object HybridShapeSweepExplicit
Returns or sets information whether a deviation from guide curves is allowed or not.
GuideProjection property in object HybridShapeSweepExplicit
Returns or sets the projection of the guide curve onto the reference plane in order to use it as spine, in pulling direction case only.


HOST property in object GeneralStatisticsSettingAtt
Returns or sets the state ot the host name field.
HSOSynchronized property in object Application
For selection performance purposes, returns or sets the HSO synchronization in comparison with the CSO.
HalfDimMode property in object DrawingDimension
Returns or sets half dimension mode or not.
HaloMode property in object VisualizationSettingAtt
Returns the HaloMode parameter.
HardwareShadowSmoothing property in object RenderingLight
Returns or sets the light shadow smoothing.
HardwareShadowStatus property in object RenderingLight
Returns or sets the light shadow status on environmemt.
HardwareShadowTransparency property in object RenderingLight
Returns or sets the light shadow transparency.
HeadAngle property in object Hole
Returns the hole head angle.
HeadAngle property in object AssemblyHole
Returns the hole head angle.
HeadDepth property in object Hole
Returns the hole head depth.
HeadDepth property in object AssemblyHole
Returns the hole head depth.
HeadDiameter property in object Hole
Returns the hole head diameter.
HeadDiameter property in object AssemblyHole
Returns the hole head diameter.
HeadSymbol property in object DrawingArrow
Returns or sets symbol type of head side.
HeadSymbol property in object DrawingLeader
Returns or sets symbol type of head side.
HeadTarget property in object DrawingArrow
Returns or sets target element of head side.
HeadTarget property in object DrawingLeader
Returns or sets target element of head side.
Height property in object Viewer
Returns the viewer's height, in pixels.
Height property in object Window
Returns or sets the window height.
Height property in object Application
Returns or sets the height of the application's frame window.
Height property in object HybridShapeHelix
Reads the height of the Helix.
Height property in object Section
Returns or sets the height of the section.
Height property in object RenderingEnvironment
Returns or sets the cubic or cylindrical environment height value.
Height property in object FunctNodeGraphLayout
Returns the Height coordinate.
Height property in object ArrangementArea
Returns or sets the Height of an ArrangementArea object.
Height property in object ArrangementItemReservation
Returns or sets the height of the ArrangementItemReservation.
Heightmax property in object PCBArea
Heightmin property in object PCBArea
Help property in object ExpertCheckRuntime
Returns or sets the contextual help of the check object.
Hidden property in object SceneProductData
Returns / Set the scene product's hide/show mode.
Hidden property in object Parameter
Returns or sets wether the parameter is hidden or should be hidden.
Hidden property in object KnowledgeObject
Returns or sets wether the relation is hidden or should be hidden.
HiddenLineMode property in object DrawingViewGenerativeBehavior
Returns or sets the view hidden line drawing mode.
HideIn3D property in object Layout2DSettingAtt
Returns the HideIn3D parameter.
HidePlane property in object SectioningSettingAtt
Returns or sets the HidePlane parameter.
HideResult property in object SectioningSettingAtt
Returns or sets the HideResult parameter.
HighlightDefAnnot property in object FTASettingAtt
Returns or sets the Highlight Def Annot parameter.
HistoryPrint property in object ABQJob
Sets or returns whether history data are printed.
HoldCurve property in object HybridShapeFilletBiTangent
Returns or Sets the Hold Curve feature.
HoleOwner property in object PCBHoleAndPattern
HoleThreadDescription property in object Hole
Returns the hole thread description parameter.
HoleType property in object PCBHoleAndPattern
HomeName property in object MoveActionActivity
HomeName property in object MoveHomeAct
HorizontalReference property in object Axis2D
Returns the 2D coordinate system horizontal axis.
HumanTask property in object WorkerActivity
HybridBodies property in object Part
Returns the collection object containing the hybrid bodies that are direct children of the part.
HybridBodies property in object Body
Returns the body's HybridBodies collection.
HybridBodies property in object HybridBody
Returns the hybrid body's HybridBodies collection.
HybridDesignMode property in object PartInfrastructureSettingAtt
Returns or sets the "HybridDesignMode" parameter.
HybridShape property in object Loft
Gets the underlying HybridShapeLoft.
HybridShape property in object Rotate
Gets the underlying HybridShapeRotate.
HybridShape property in object Affinity
Gets the underlying HybridShapeAffinity.
HybridShape property in object Symmetry
Gets the underlying HybridShapeSymmetry.
HybridShape property in object Translate
Gets the underlying HybridShapeTranslate.
HybridShape property in object AxisToAxis
Gets the underlying HybridShapeAxisToAxis.
HybridShapeFactory property in object Part
Returns the part hybrid shape factory.
HybridShapes property in object Body
Returns the list of hybrid shapes included in the body.
HybridShapes property in object HybridBody
Returns the list of hybrid shapes included in the hybrid body.
HybridShapes property in object OrderedGeometricalSet
Returns the list of hybrid shapes included in the ordered geometrical set.
HybridSketches property in object HybridBody
Returns the hybrid body's Sketches collection.
Hyperlinks property in object NavigatorWorkbench
Returns the Hyperlinks collection.
height property in object DrawingPicture
Returns or sets the height of the drawing picture.


IKManager property in object SWKManikin
Returns the inverse kinematics (IK) engine of the current manikin.
IconName property in object ArrNomenclature
Gets/Sets the Icon Name associated to the Type Name.
IdeasComponentName property in object MultiCADSettingAtt
IdeasComponentType property in object MultiCADSettingAtt
IdeasLibraryName property in object MultiCADSettingAtt
IdeasPartNumber property in object MultiCADSettingAtt
IdeasProjectName property in object MultiCADSettingAtt
IdeasRevNumber property in object MultiCADSettingAtt
IdeasTessParam property in object MultiCADSettingAtt
IdentificationLineSide property in object DrawingWelding
Returns or sets the welding identification line Side of the drawing welding symbol.
Identifier property in object PCBArea
Identifier property in object SWKIKConstraint
Returns the identifier(ID) of the constraint.
Idi3dAnnotationMode property in object MultiCADSettingAtt
IlluminationStatus property in object RenderingLight
Changes the indirect illumination status.
ImageHeight property in object RenderingShooting
Returns or sets the image height for shooting.
ImageOutputDirectory property in object RenderingShooting
Returns or sets the output directory for image.
ImageOutputFormat property in object RenderingShooting
Returns or sets the file type used for saved image.
ImageOutputName property in object RenderingShooting
Returns or sets the output name for image (extension excluded).
ImageOutputType property in object RenderingShooting
Returns or sets the image output location.
ImagePredefinedRatio property in object RenderingShooting
Returns or sets the image height for shooting.
ImageQualityMode property in object AnalysisReportingSettingAtt
Returns or sets the ImageQualityMode parameter.
ImageTextSize property in object AnalysisPostProSettingAtt
Returns or sets the ImageTextSize parameter.
ImageTextStacking property in object AnalysisPostProSettingAtt
Returns or sets the ImageTextStacking parameter.
ImageViewMode property in object DrawingViewGenerativeBehavior
Returns or sets the view generation mode as pixel image.
ImageWidth property in object RenderingShooting
Returns or sets the image width for shooting.
ImaginaryRadius property in object Hyperbola2D
ImplicitLawInterpolationMode property in object HybridShapeIntegratedLaw
Gets or sets Interpolation mode for implicit law.
ImpliedResourceFilter property in object VerifTabSettingAtt
ImportAnnotation property in object ImportD5SettingAtt
Returns or sets the ImportAnnotation parameter.
ImportBaseFrm property in object ImportD5SettingAtt
Returns or sets the ImportBaseFrm parameter.
ImportCollision property in object ImportD5SettingAtt
Returns or sets the ImportCollision parameter.
ImportConfigFile property in object ImportD5SettingAtt
Returns or sets the ImportConfigFile parameter.
ImportCoorsys property in object ImportD5SettingAtt
Returns or sets the ImportCoorsys parameter.
ImportCreaseAngle property in object VrmlSettingAtt
Returns or sets the ImportCreaseAngle parameter.
ImportEdge property in object ImportD5SettingAtt
Returns or sets the ImportEdge parameter.
ImportFloor property in object ImportD5SettingAtt
Returns or sets the ImportFloor parameter.
ImportGroupAsSelSet property in object IgesSettingAtt
Returns or sets the Import Selection Set mode setting parameter value.
ImportLibrary property in object ImportD5SettingAtt
Returns or sets the ImportLibrary parameter.
ImportPDBCache property in object ImportD5SettingAtt
Returns or sets the ImportPDBCache parameter.
ImportRecording property in object ImportD5SettingAtt
Returns or sets the ImportRecording parameter.
ImportToolFrm property in object ImportD5SettingAtt
Returns or sets the ImportToolFrm parameter.
ImportUnit property in object VrmlSettingAtt
Returns or sets the ImportUnit parameter (unit of imported Vrml files).
ImportUserAttr property in object ImportD5SettingAtt
Returns or sets the ImportUserAttr parameter.
ImportUserViews property in object ImportD5SettingAtt
Returns or sets the ImportUserViews parameter.
ImportWclMessage property in object ImportD5SettingAtt
Returns or sets the ImportWclMessage parameter.
ImportWclPath property in object ImportD5SettingAtt
Returns or sets the ImportWclPath parameter.
ImposedVertices property in object VarRadEdgeFillet
Returns the collection of vertices where a radius has been imposed.
InBooleanOperation property in object Body
Returns True if the body is involved in a boolean operation, else returns False.
InWorkObject property in object Part
Returns or sets the in work object of the part.
InactivityDuration property in object DisconnectionSettingAtt
Returns or sets the inactivity duration.
IncludeShellThickness property in object ABQFastenedPair
Sets or returns the include shell element thickness flag.
IncludeShellThickness property in object ABQFastenedConnectionEnhancement
Sets or returns the include shell element thickness flag.
Inertias property in object SPAWorkbench
Returns the Inertias collection.
InfRange property in object FreeParameter
Returns or sets the inferior bound of the free parameter object.
InheritanceMode property in object PositionedMaterial
Returns or sets the inheritance mode of an applied material.
InitStatus property in object TCPTraceManager
Indicates whether the tracing capability must delete previous traces when the simulation starts.
InitialDirectionComputationMode property in object HybridShapePositionTransfo
Gets or sets the computation mode of the X axis (or direction) of the initial axis system.
InitialElement property in object HybridShapeBoundary
Returns or sets the element used to initialize the boundary propagation.
InitialGap property in object ABQGasketProperty
InitialInc property in object ABQHeatTransferStep
ets or returns the initial increment size.
InitialInc property in object ABQGeneralStaticStep
eturns or sets the size of the initial increment.
InitialThickness property in object ABQGasketProperty
InitialThicknessType property in object ABQGasketProperty
InitialVoid property in object ABQGasketProperty
Initial_Model_File_Path property in object V4WritingSettingAtt
Returns or sets the initial model file path.
Input property in object StrMemberExtremity
Returns or sets the input object defining the extremity.
InputFileFormat property in object ABQJob
Sets or returns the format of the input file generated by the job.
InputProducts property in object Resource
InputSupport property in object StrMember
Retrieves the input support.
InputsCount property in object ShapeInstance
Returns the number of Inputs.
InputsCount property in object HybridShapeInstance
Returns the number of Inputs.
Insert property in object ManufacturingToolAssembly
Returns the insert of an assembly.
InsertLevel property in object N4DNavigatorSettingAtt
Returns or sets the level for the Import Applicative Data command (True : at highest review level, False : in current review).
InsertMode property in object N4DNavigatorSettingAtt
Returns or sets the mode for the Import Applicative Data command (CatSacSettingsEnumNoInsert no import of applicative data, CatSacSettingsEnumAutomatic the import of applicative is automatic, CatSacSettingsEnumUserPrompt the user can select the applicative data to import).
InsertType property in object ManufacturingInsert
Return the technological type of a the insert.
InsertionLevel property in object MachiningProcess
This property defines the insertion level in the program receiving the resulting operations.
InstanceCount property in object DimensionPattern
Get count of instances.
InstanceSpacing property in object AngularRepartition
Returns the angle at which the pattern spacing is done for unequal angular spacing mode.
InstancesCount property in object Repartition
Returns the total number of copied shapes.
IntSysClassName property in object ArrNomenclature
Gets/Sets the internal class names for System nomenclatures.
IntegratedLaw property in object HybridShapeFilletBiTangent
Gets or sets Integrated Law to manage Variable Shape Fillet with law.
IntegrationType property in object StiEngine
Returns the Engine Integration Type.
Intensity property in object RenderingLight
Returns or sets the light intensity of a light.
InteractionProperty property in object ABQSurfaceToSurfaceContact
Sets or returns the interaction property in a contact pair.
Interactions property in object ABQStep
Returns the ABQInteractions container associated with the step.
Interactive property in object Application
Returns or sets the application sensitivity to end user interactions.
InterferenceFit property in object ABQSurfaceToSurfaceContact
Assigns / gets interference fit of a contact pair.
InterferenceFitAmplitude property in object ABQSurfaceToSurfaceContact
Assigns / gets interference fit amplitude of a contact pair.
InterferenceType property in object Clash
Returns or sets the interference type for the computation.
InternalMaxDeformation property in object V4V5SpaceSettingAtt
Returns or sets the activation state of mode with internal deformation (Curve Improvement).
InternalThickness property in object Shell
Returns the shell internal thickness.
InternalTypeDeformation property in object V4V5SpaceSettingAtt
Returns or sets the activation state of type for internal deformation (Curve Improvement).
Interpolater property in object Sampled
Retrieves/sets the sampled's interpolater.
IntersectMode property in object HybridShapeIntersection
Returns or sets the IntersectMode flag for intersect.
IntersectionComputation property in object HybridShapeTrim
Gets or sets Intersection computation mode.
IntersectionComputation property in object HybridShapeSplit
Gets or sets Intersection computation mode.
Invert property in object HybridShapeAssemble
Returns or sets the invert mode.
InvertAxis property in object HybridShapeHelix
Reads / Modifies the orientation .
InvertAxis property in object HybridShapeSpiral
Reads / Modifies the orientation .
InvertDirection property in object HybridShapeCurvePar
Returns or sets the orientation.
InvertDirection property in object HybridShape3DCurveOffset
Returns or sets the direction orientation.
InvertMappingLaw property in object HybridShapeCurvePar
Returns or sets the mapping orientation of the law (if offset is specified by a law).
InvertMappingLaw property in object HybridShapeIntegratedLaw
Gets or sets the mapping orientation of the law.
InvertMasterSurface property in object ABQFastenedPair
Sets or returns the invert master surface flag.
InvertMasterSurface property in object ABQFastenedConnectionEnhancement
Sets or returns the invert master surface flag.
InvertSlaveSurface property in object ABQFastenedPair
Sets or returns the invert slave surface flag.
InvertSlaveSurface property in object ABQFastenedConnectionEnhancement
Sets or returns the invert slave surface flag.
IsClipped property in object DrawingDimension
Returns the clipping status of the dimension.
IsConst property in object KnowledgeObject
Returns or sets wether the relation is Const or should be Const.
IsCurrent property in object AxisSystem
Returns True if the axis system is the current one, else returns False.
IsDefined property in object Distance
Returns a diagnosis on the distance.
IsFederated property in object HybridShapeExtract
Returns or sets the IsFederated flag checked/unchecked for the extract.
IsFromTop property in object Stiffener
Returns or sets whether the stiffener is From Side or From Top.
IsSpaceReserved property in object ElecSchematicObject
IsSuccess property in object SWKIKConstraint
Returns whether the resolution of this constraint is a success or a failure, given the current criteria.
IsSymmetric property in object Prism
Returns the prism symmetry flag.
IsSymmetric property in object Stiffener
Returns or sets whether the stiffener is symmetric.
IsSymmetric property in object AssemblyPocket
Returns or sets the pocket symmetry flag.
IsThin property in object Sweep
Returns the Sweep thin flag.
IsThin property in object Prism
Returns the prism thin flag.
IsThin property in object Revolution
Returns the Revol thin flag.
IsTrueParameter property in object Parameter
Returns a boolean saying if the parameter is a true one (real, dimension, string, etc.
IslandsCount property in object ManufacturingPrismaticMachiningArea
Retreives the number of Island of a Manufacturing Prismatic Machining Area.
IsoparGenerationMode property in object VisualizationSettingAtt
Returns the IsoparGenerationMode parameter.
IssueRepositoryPath property in object MfgHubSettingAtt
Retrieves (or sets, if not initialized) the IssueRepositoryPath attribute.
Italic property in object DrawingTextProperties
Returns or sets the drawing text font italic property.
ItemToCopy property in object Pattern
Returns or sets the shape to be copied.
Items property in object Activity
ItemsFilter property in object TreeTabSettingAtt
ItemsPerRelationFilter property in object TreeTabSettingAtt


JavaClassPath property in object IgpOlpSettingAtt
Returns or sets value of OLP Java Class Path parameter.
JavaClassPath property in object FASReportingSettingAtt
Gets value of "Java Class Path" parameter.
JavaExe property in object IgpOlpSettingAtt
Returns or sets value of OLP Java Executable parameter.
JavaExe property in object FASReportingSettingAtt
Gets value of "Java Executable" parameter.
Job property in object ABQTemperature
Sets or returns the Abaqus job associated with this temperature field.
Jobs property in object ABQAnalysisCase
Returns the Abaqus jobs associated with this analysis case.
JointValues property in object MoveActionActivity
This property returns and sets the joint values for the Move activity.
JointValues property in object MoveJointsAct
This property returns and sets the joint values for the activity.
Joints property in object Mechanism
Returns the collection of joints in the mechanism.
Justification property in object DrawingTextProperties
Returns or sets the drawing text font justification property.
Justification property in object ExpertCheckRuntime
Returns or sets the reason why the check was overridden.


KeepBothSides property in object HybridShapeCurvePar
Returns or sets the both sides mode of the curve parameter object.
KeepFace property in object RemoveFace
Adds a new face to be Kept.
KeepFaces property in object RemoveFace
Get the specified faces to be kept.
KeepSegmentation property in object V4V5SpaceSettingAtt
Returns or sets the activation state of mode with segmentation (Keep V4 Segmentation ).
Kerning property in object DrawingTextProperties
Font kerning property.
KeyboardRotationAngleValue property in object VisualizationSettingAtt
Retrieves the angle value for rotations operated through key combinations.
KindOfSet property in object AnnotationSet
Give the kind of set (Part, Product.
KnowledgeBuildPathDirectory property in object LanguageSheetSettingAtt
Returns or sets the CATKnowledgeBuildPath setting parameter.
KnowledgeInHybridDesignMode property in object PartInfrastructureSettingAtt
Returns or sets the "KnowledgeInHybridDesignMode" parameter.


LAYER property in object PCBArea
LODMode property in object CacheSettingAtt
Returns or sets the LOD generation mode parameter.
Label property in object DatumSimple
Retrieves or sets Label.
Label property in object DatumTarget
Retrieves Label.
Language property in object ExpertRule
Returns or sets the language of a rule.
Language property in object ExpertCheck
Returns or sets the language of a check.
LastAct property in object HtsCCPSettingAtt
Returns or sets the LastAct parameter.
LastCurvesConstraint property in object HybridShapeWrapCurve
Returns or sets constraint at last curves of the WrapCurve.
LateralFaceElement property in object Thread
Returns or sets the lateral face (must be cylindrical) .
LawType property in object HybridShapeCurvePar
Returns or sets the law type.
Layer_for_No_Asso property in object V4WritingSettingAtt
Returns or sets the layer for not associative data.
Layout property in object SpecsViewer
Returns or sets the specification tree layout.
Layout property in object SpecsAndGeomWindow
Returns or sets the specification and geometry window layout.
LayoutDefaultRenderStyle property in object Layout2DSettingAtt
Returns the default render style attribute value to apply to a Layout at its creation parameter.
LeaderAssociativity property in object FTAInfraSettingAtt
Returns or sets the Leader Associativity setting parameter value.
Leaders property in object DrawingText
Returns the drawing leader collection of the drawing text.
Leaders property in object DrawingTable
Returns the drawing leader collection of the drawing table.
Leaders property in object DrawingWelding
Returns the drawing leader collection of the drawing welding.
LeafProduct property in object SelectedElement
Returns the leaf product corresponding to the selection in the specification tree.
Left property in object Window
Returns or sets the distance of the window with respect to the inner left side of the frame.
Left property in object PageSetup
Returns or sets the lower left corner location with respect to the left of the sheet of paper.
Left property in object Application
Returns or sets the distance from the application's frame window left side to the left side of the screen.
LeftMargin property in object PageSetup
Returns or sets the left margin.
Length property in object HybridShapeExtrapol
Returns the length specifying the extrapolation limit.
Length property in object DrawingTextRange
Returns the number of characters of the drawing text range.
Length property in object Measurable
Returns the Length of a curve.
Length property in object RenderingEnvironment
Returns or sets the cubic environment length value.
Length property in object ProjectedToleranceZone
Retrieves length of the projected tolerance zone (in millimeters).
Length property in object ArrangementRun
Returns the length of the ArrangementRun object.
Length property in object ArrangementPathway
Returns the length of the ArrangementPathway object.
Length property in object ArrangementBoundary
Returns the length of the ArrangementBoundary object.
Length1 property in object Chamfer
Returns the chamfer first length.
Length1 property in object HybridShapeCylinder
Returns or sets the length of the cylinder object in the given extrusion direction.
Length2 property in object Chamfer
Returns the chamfer second length.
Length2 property in object HybridShapeCylinder
Returns or sets the length of the cylinder object in the opposite direction of given extrusion direction.
LengthMaxTolerance property in object ToleranceSheetSettingAtt
Returns or sets the LengthMaxTolerance parameter.
LengthMinTolerance property in object ToleranceSheetSettingAtt
Returns or sets the LengthMinTolerance parameter.
LengthNumber property in object ManufacturingToolCorrector
Gives the corrector length number.
LightAreaType property in object RenderingLight
Returns or sets the light area type.
LightSources property in object Viewer3D
Returns the viewer's light source collection.
LightViewerMode property in object VisualizationSettingAtt
Returns the LightViewerMode parameter.
LightingIntensity property in object Viewer3D
Returns or sets the lighting intensity.
LightingMode property in object Viewer3D
Returns or sets the lighting mode.
LimitBoundingBox property in object DrawingViewGenerativeBehavior
Returns or sets the bounding box limits under which a part.
LimitCurve property in object HybridShapeBump
Returns or sets the limit curve.
LimitDeformation property in object CompositesMaterial
returns or set the limit deformation defined in Composites tab in radian.
LimitFaceElement property in object Thread
Returns or sets the limit face (must be planar ) .
LimitMode property in object Limit
Returns or sets the limit mode.
LimitType property in object HybridShapeExtrapol
Returns or sets the limit type of extrapolation.
Limitation property in object HybridShapeSphere
Returns whether the sphere is created as a whole sphere or not.
LimitingElement property in object Limit
Returns or sets the limiting element.
LinAccelColor property in object RobAnalysisSettingAtt
Returns or sets the LinAccelColor parameter.
LinAccelLimit property in object RobAnalysisSettingAtt
Returns or sets the LinAccelLimit parameter.
LinSpeedColor property in object RobAnalysisSettingAtt
Returns or sets the LinSpeedColor parameter.
LinSpeedLimit property in object RobAnalysisSettingAtt
Returns or sets the LinSpeedLimit parameter.
Line property in object HybridShapePlane1Line1Pt
Returns or sets the passing line.
LineCap property in object PageSetup
Returns or sets Line cap for print.
LineOfSightNode property in object SWKManikin
Returns the Line of sight node of the current manikin.
LineTypeOverlappingCheck property in object PageSetup
Returns or sets text Line type overlap check option for print.
LineTypeSpecification property in object PageSetup
Returns or sets Line type specification for print.
LineWidth property in object MeasureSettingAtt
Returns or sets the LineWidth parameter.
LineWidthSpecification property in object PageSetup
Returns or sets Line width specification for print.
LineicCgrMode property in object VisualizationSettingAtt
Returns the LineicCgrMode parameter.
LinkMode property in object MultiCADSettingAtt
LinkSendMode property in object MfgHubSettingAtt
Retrieves (or sets, if not initialized) the LinkSendMode attribute.
LinkWiGeomType property in object DefaultAnnotation
Get the type of link between the default annotation and the geometry.
LinkedCount property in object FunctAssociation
Get count of linked objects.
LinkedDocuments property in object AnalysisManager
Returns the collection containing the documents linked to analysis document.
LinkedExternalReferences property in object PartInfrastructureSettingAtt
Returns or sets the "LinkedExternalReferences" parameter.
LinkedExternalReferencesOnlyOnPublication property in object PartInfrastructureSettingAtt
Returns or sets the "LinkedExternalReferencesOnlyOnPublication" parameter.
LinkedExternalReferencesWarningAtCreation property in object PartInfrastructureSettingAtt
Returns or sets the "LinkedExternalReferencesWarningAtCreation" parameter.
LinkedScaleStatus property in object RenderingEnvironmentWall
Returns or sets the texture scaling link status.
ListOfMagnitudes property in object UnitsSheetSettingAtt
Returns or sets the ListOfMagnitudes parameter.
ListOfMagnitudesSize property in object UnitsSheetSettingAtt
Returns or sets the ListOfMagnitudesSize parameter.
ListOfPackagesToLoad property in object LanguageSheetSettingAtt
Returns or sets the ListOfPackagesToLoad parameter.
Load3dStateAndPos property in object MfgHubSettingAtt
Retrieves (or sets, if not initialized) the Load3dStateAndPos parameter.
LoadAllChildProcMfgCtx property in object MfgHubSettingAtt
Retrieves (or sets, if not initialized) the LoadAllChildProcMfgCtx parameter.
LoadAllPackages property in object LanguageSheetSettingAtt
Returns or sets the LoadAllPackages parameter.
LoadAssocPrdResChild property in object MfgHubSettingAtt
Retrieves (or sets, if not initialized) the LoadAssocPrdResChild parameter.
LoadChildProcMfgCtx property in object MfgHubSettingAtt
Retrieves (or sets, if not initialized) the LoadChildProcMfgCtx parameter.
LoadCtxWithFileGeometry property in object MfgHubSettingAtt
Retrieves (or sets, if not initialized) the LoadCtxWithFileGeometry parameter.
LoadDispMfgCtx property in object MfgHubSettingAtt
Retrieves (or sets, if not initialized) the LoadDispMfgCtx parameter.
LoadENVGeomFromENVdb property in object MfgHubSettingAtt
Retrieves (or sets, if not initialized) the LoadENVGeomFromENVdb parameter.
LoadExtendedLanguageLib property in object LanguageSheetSettingAtt
Returns or sets the LoadExtendedLanguageLib parameter.
LoadFeedProcMfgCtx property in object MfgHubSettingAtt
Retrieves (or sets, if not initialized) the LoadFeedProcMfgCtx parameter.
LoadMfgAssmbly property in object MfgHubSettingAtt
Retrieves (or sets, if not initialized) the LoadMfgAssmbly parameter.
LoadMfgKits property in object MfgHubSettingAtt
Retrieves (or sets, if not initialized) the LoadMfgKits parameter.
LoadPSSData property in object MfgHubSettingAtt
Retrieves (or sets, if not initialized) the LoadPSSData attribute.
LoadPrdResUserAttribs property in object MfgHubSettingAtt
Retrieves (or sets, if not initialized) the LoadPrdResUserAttribs parameter.
LoadResGeo property in object MfgHubSettingAtt
Retrieves (or sets, if not initialized) the LoadResGeo parameter.
LoadType property in object ABQConcentratedForce
ets or returns the load type whether Point Load, Distributed Load or Load Density.
LoadUnconstrainedMfgCtx property in object MfgHubSettingAtt
Retrieves (or sets, if not initialized) the LoadUnconstrainedMfgCtx parameter.
Loads property in object ABQHeatTransferStep
Returns the ABQLoads container associated with the step.
Loads property in object ABQGeneralStaticStep
Returns the ABQLoads container associated with the step.
Loads property in object ABQExplicitDynamicsStep
Returns the ABQLoads container associated with the step.
LocalCache property in object Application
Returns or sets the default local cache path used by the application.
LocalPath property in object CacheSettingAtt
Retrieves or sets the cache local path.
LockAssignedPrdOnLoad property in object MfgHubSettingAtt
Retrieves (or sets, if not initialized) the LockAssignedPrdOnLoad parameter.
LockStatus property in object DrawingView
Returns or sets the lock status of a drawing view.
LockStatus property in object Layout2DView
Returns or sets the lock status of a Layout2D view.
LockUserDefault property in object DraftingSettingAtt
Returns the LockUserDefault parameter.
LogicalActFilter property in object TreeTabSettingAtt
LogicalDataAttrList property in object PlugMapViewSettingAtt
Returns or sets the LogicalDataAttrList parameter.
Logo property in object PageSetup
Returns or sets the file containing the logo image.
LogoVisibility property in object PageSetup
Returns or sets LogoVisibility option for print.
LowerLimit1 property in object Joint
Gets or returns the lower limit of the joint, for the first parameter.
LowerLimit2 property in object Joint
Gets or returns the lower limit of the joint, for the second parameter.
localCsys property in object ABQGravity
ets or returns the local coordinate system of the gravity load.
localCsys property in object ABQRigidCoupling
Sets or returns the local coordinate system.
localCsys property in object ABQDisplacementBC
ets or returns the local coordinate system of the boundary condition's degrees of freedom.
localCsys property in object ABQSmoothCoupling
Returns or sets the local coordinate system.
localCsys property in object ABQConcentratedForce
ets or returns the local coordinate system of the concentrated force.


MAName property in object MfgAssembly
Returns or sets the Name of the Manufacturing Assembly.
MAPartNumber property in object MfgAssembly
Returns or sets the Part Number of the Manufacturing Assembly.
MAType property in object MfgAssembly
Returns the Type of the Manufacturing Assembly.
MSGE property in object ErrorlogStatisticsSettingAtt
Returns or sets the state ot the message field.
MTPActColor property in object HtsTaskDisplaySettingAtt
Returns or sets the MTPActColor parameter.
MTPActSymbol property in object HtsTaskDisplaySettingAtt
Returns or sets the MTPActSymbol parameter.
MachinableFeature property in object ManufacturingActivity
Retrieve the machinable area of a Manufacturing Activity.
Machine property in object ManufacturingSetup
Give the Machine linked to a Manufacturing Setup.
MachineType property in object ManufacturingMachine
Return the Type of a Machine.
MachiningAxisSystem property in object ManufacturingSetup
Retrieves the Machining Axis system from a Manufacturing Setup.
MachiningTime property in object ManufacturingActivity
Retreive the milling time of a Manufacturing Activity.
Magnitude property in object ABQPressure
ets or returns the magnitude of the pressure load.
Magnitude property in object Unit
Returns the magnitude associated to the unit.
Magnitude property in object ABQTemperature
ets or returns the magnitude of the temperature field.
MailClientLaunchMode property in object MfgHubSettingAtt
Retrieves (or sets, if not initialized) the MailClientLaunchMode attribute.
MainBody property in object Part
Returns or sets the main body of the part.
MainDraftAngle property in object AutoDraft
Returns or sets the main draft angle.
MajorRadius property in object Ellipse2D
ManRefSiz property in object FTAInfraSettingAtt
Returns or sets the Manipulator Reference Size setting parameter value.
ManZooCap property in object FTAInfraSettingAtt
Returns or sets the Manipulator Zoom Capability setting parameter value.
ManageHideShowBody property in object Capture
Manage the visibility of Part instances, bodies and geometrical sets across the Capture.
Manifold property in object HybridShapeTrim
Gets or sets manifold mode.
Manikin property in object SWKIKConstraint
Returns the manikin which owns this IK constraint.
ManipAutoInsert property in object ManipSettingAtt
Returns the ManipAutoInsert parameter
Role: Returns the ManipAutoInsert (Automatic insert for manipulation mode) parameter.
ManufacturingFeatures property in object ManufacturingView
Returns the Manufacturing Features of a Manufacturing View.
MappingType property in object RenderingMaterial
Returns or sets the mapping type of a material.
Mapping_File_Save_Mode property in object MigrBatchSettingAtt
Retrieves or sets the state of the "Mapping Files Location for Saving" setting parameter.
Mapping_Saving_File property in object MigrBatchSettingAtt
Retrieves or sets the state of the "Specified Directory" setting parameter.
Marker2DAutoNaming property in object MarkerSettingAtt
Returns or sets the activation state for 2D annotations automatic naming (TRUE naming is automatic, FALSE the naming is not automatic).
Marker2DAutoNaming property in object N4DNavigatorSettingAtt
Marker2Ds property in object AnnotatedView
Returns the Marker2D Collection associated with the annotated view.
Marker3DAutoNaming property in object MarkerSettingAtt
Returns or sets the activation state for 3D annotations automatic naming (TRUE naming is automatic, FALSE the naming is not automatic).
Marker3DAutoNaming property in object N4DNavigatorSettingAtt
Marker3Ds property in object Clash
Returns the Marker3Ds collection of the clash.
Marker3Ds property in object Section
Returns the Marker3Ds collection of the section.
Marker3Ds property in object Distance
Returns the Marker3Ds collection of the distance.
Marker3Ds property in object NavigatorWorkbench
Returns the Marker3Ds collection.
MarkerAutoUpdate property in object N4DNavigatorSettingAtt
Returns or sets the activation of the automatic update on product structure modification (TRUE update is done automatically, FALSE update is done manually).
MarkerDefaultsDashed property in object MarkerSettingAtt
Returns or sets the default dashed value of an annotation (oValue the dashed value).
MarkerDefaultsDashed property in object N4DNavigatorSettingAtt
MarkerDefaultsFont property in object N4DNavigatorSettingAtt
MarkerDefaultsSize property in object N4DNavigatorSettingAtt
MarkerDefaultsWeight property in object MarkerSettingAtt
Returns or sets the default weight value of an annotation (oValue the weight value).
MarkerDefaultsWeight property in object N4DNavigatorSettingAtt
MarkerTextDashed property in object N4DNavigatorSettingAtt
MarkerTextDashed2D property in object MarkerSettingAtt
Returns or sets the default dashed value of a 2D text annotation (oValue the dashed value).
MarkerTextDashed3D property in object MarkerSettingAtt
Returns or sets the default dashed value of a 3D text annotation (oValue the dashed value).
MarkerTextDefaultsFont2D property in object MarkerSettingAtt
Returns or sets the default font of a 2D annotation (oValue the font name).
MarkerTextDefaultsFont3D property in object MarkerSettingAtt
Returns or sets the default font of a 3D annotation (oValue the font name).
MarkerTextDefaultsSize2D property in object MarkerSettingAtt
Returns or sets the default size value of a 2d annotation (oValue the size value).
MarkerTextDefaultsSize3D property in object MarkerSettingAtt
Returns or sets the default size value of a 3d annotation (oValue the size value).
MarkerTextWeight property in object N4DNavigatorSettingAtt
MarkerTextWeight2D property in object MarkerSettingAtt
Returns or sets the default weight value of a 2D text annotation (oValue the weight value).
MarkerTextWeight3D property in object MarkerSettingAtt
Returns or sets the default weight value of a 3D text annotation (oValue the weight value).
Mass property in object Inertia
Returns the mass.
Mass property in object Analyze
Returns the product mass value.
MassCost property in object CompositesMaterial
returns or set the cost per mess defined in Composites tab in $ per kg.
MassScalings property in object ABQInitialStep
Returns the ABQMassScalings container associated with the step.
Material property in object PositionedMaterial
Returns the material object from the current positioned material.
MaterialType property in object CompositesMaterial
returns or set the material type defined in Composites tab.
Materials property in object MaterialFamily
Returns the material collection object from the current material family.
MaxAngle property in object FittingSettingAtt
MaxCopyFile property in object GlobalStatisticsSettingAtt
Returns or sets the maximum number of copy files.
MaxDeformation property in object CompositesMaterial
returns or set the maximum deformation defined in Composites tab in radian.
MaxDisplayedResults property in object SearchSettingAtt
Returns or sets the Max Displayed Results attribute.
MaxEvalsNb property in object Optimization
Returns or sets the maximum number of model updates allowed during one run of the optimization.
MaxEvalsWoImprovement property in object Optimization
Returns or sets the maximum number of model updates without improvement of the problem solution during one run of the optimization.
MaxInc property in object ABQHeatTransferStep
ets or returns the maximum increment size if TimeIncrementationMethod=AUTO_INCREMENT.
MaxInc property in object ABQGeneralStaticStep
eturns or sets the maximum increment if the type of the incrementation is set to AUTO_INCREMENT.
MaxMemory property in object ABQJob
MaxNumInc property in object ABQHeatTransferStep
Sets or returns the maximum number of increments if TimeIncrementationMethod=AUTO_INCREMENT.
MaxNumInc property in object ABQGeneralStaticStep
eturns or sets the maximum number of increments if the type of the incremention is set to AUTO_INCREMENT.
MaxPreHighlightedElements property in object SearchSettingAtt
Returns or sets the Max Pre-Highlighted Elements attribute.
MaxSelectionMove property in object VisualizationSettingAtt
Returns the MaxSelectionMove parameter.
MaxSizePerFile property in object GlobalStatisticsSettingAtt
Returns or sets the maximum size per file.
MaxStiffness property in object ABQMechConnBehavior
Sets or returns the contact stiffness type hard contact pressure overclosure.
MaxStiffnessValue property in object ABQMechConnBehavior
Sets or returns the max stiffness value for mechanical connection.
MaxTime property in object Optimization
Returns or sets the maximum time allowed for one run of the optimization (in minutes).
MaximumDeviation property in object HybridShapeCurveSmooth
Returns the MaximumDeviation.
MaximumDeviationActivity property in object HybridShapeCurveSmooth
Returns or sets the MaximumDeviationActivity.
MaximumDeviationValue property in object HybridShapeFill
Sets or Gets the maximum deviation allowed for smoothing operation in fill commnd.
MaximumDeviationValue property in object HybridShapeProject
Sets or Gets the maximum deviation allowed for smoothing operation.
MaximumDeviationValue property in object HybridShapeCurvePar
Sets or Gets the maximum deviation allowed for smoothing operation.
MaximumDistance property in object Distance
Returns or sets the maximum distance value for the computation (valid only for band analysis).
MaximumSize property in object PageSetup
Returns or sets whether the document or the image should be printed at the maximum size with respect to the page size and margins.
MaximumTimeIncrementLimit property in object ABQExplicitDynamicsStep
Sets or returns the maximum time increment limit.
MaximumTolerance property in object RealParam
Returns or sets the value of the maximum tolerance of a parameter.
Measure property in object Export3DXmlSettingAtt
MeasureType property in object Distance
Returns or sets the type of distance that will be calculated.
MeasureUnitSymbol property in object HybridShapeLawDistProj
Returns or sets the measure unit symbol for heterogeneous law.
Mechanism property in object Dressup
Returns the mechanism on which a dressup is applied.
MechanismIndex property in object MoveHomeAct
Sets and Retrieves mechanism index for the move activity.
MechanismIndex property in object MoveJointsAct
Sets and Retrieves mechanism index for the activity.
Mechanisms property in object KinematicsWorkbench
Returns the Mechanisms collection.
MemUse property in object PCSStatisticsSettingAtt
Returns or sets the state ot the memory field.
MemberMaterial property in object MaterialESSObjectSettingAtt
Returns or sets the MemberMaterial parameter.
MemberTypes property in object TypeESSObjectSettingAtt
Returns or sets the MemberTypes parameter.
Members property in object PspGroup
Returns a list of Members of the Group.
Memo property in object SWKManikinPart
Returns or records miscellaneous user-added information about the part.
MemoryStopperState property in object MemoryWarningSettingAtt
Returns or sets the activation state of the memory stopper mechanism.
MemoryUnit property in object ABQJob
Sets or returns the units to be used for specifying the maximum memory to be used by the solver.
MergeEnd property in object Sweep
Returns the Sweep merge end flag (for thin Sweep only).
MergeEnd property in object Prism
Returns the prism merge end flag (for thin prism only).
MergeEnd property in object Revolution
Returns the Revol merge end flag (for thin Revol only).
MergeMode property in object Sweep
Returns or sets the end mode .
MergingDistance property in object HybridShapeHealing
Returns the Merging Distance of the healing.
MeshManager property in object AnalysisModel
Returns the MeshManager defined on the analysis model.
MfgCtxPrevProcRelationType property in object MfgHubSettingAtt
Migration_Format property in object MigrBatchSettingAtt
Retrieves or sets the state of the "Format" setting parameter.
Migration_Interface property in object MigrBatchSettingAtt
Retrieves or sets the "Migration Interace" setting parameter.
Migration_Type property in object MigrBatchSettingAtt
Retrieves or sets the state of the "Conversion Mode" setting parameter.
MinInc property in object ABQHeatTransferStep
ets or returns the minimum increment size if TimeIncrementationMethod=AUTO_INCREMENT.
MinInc property in object ABQGeneralStaticStep
Returns or sets the minimum increment if the type of the incrementation is set to AUTO_INCREMENT.
MinimumDistance property in object Distance
Returns or sets the minimum distance value for the computation (valid only for band analysis).
MinimumFPSMode property in object VisualizationSettingAtt
Returns the MinimumFPSMode parameter.
MinimumSpaceFPSMode property in object VisualizationSettingAtt
Returns the MinimumSpaceFPSMode parameter.
MinimumTolerance property in object RealParam
Returns or sets the value of the minimum tolerance of a parameter.
MinorRadius property in object Ellipse2D
Mirror property in object DrawingTextProperties
Returns or sets the mirroring of the drawing text.
MirroringObject property in object Mirror
Returns the mirroring Object.
MirroringPlane property in object Mirror
Returns or sets the mirroring reference plane.
Mode property in object Draft
Returns or sets the draft mode.
Mode property in object Chamfer
Returns or sets the chamfer definition mode.
Mode property in object AutoDraft
Returns or sets the draft mode.
Mode property in object Constraint
Returns or sets the constraint driving mode.
Mode property in object HybridShapeTrim
Gets or sets Trim mode.
Mode property in object RenderingLight
Returns or sets the light mode.
Mode property in object HybridShapeDevelop
Returns or sets the developing mode.
Mode property in object HybridShapeSweepLine
Returns or sets the linear sweep mode.
Mode property in object HybridShapeSweepCircle
Returns or sets the circular sweep mode.
Mode property in object HybridShapeSweepExplicit
Returns or sets positioning mode used for the profile.
Mode property in object HybridShapePositionTransfo
Returns or sets the positioning mode.
ModeCreateDisplay property in object V4WritingSettingAtt
Returns or sets the curves associated to faces'boundaries creation option.
ModeErrorDisplay property in object V4WritingSettingAtt
Returns or sets the error feature creation option.
ModeImageTextSize property in object AnalysisPostProSettingAtt
Returns or sets the ModeImageTextSize parameter.
ModePos property in object HybridShapeDevelop
Returns or sets the positioning mode used for the 2D wire.
ModelConsistencyCheck property in object ABQJob
Sets or returns whether a model consistency check should be performed.
ModelPrint property in object ABQJob
Sets or returns or sets whether model definition data is printed.
Model_Dimension property in object V4WritingSettingAtt
Returns or sets the model dimension.
Model_Factor property in object V4WritingSettingAtt
Returns or sets the model factor.
Model_File_Name property in object V4WritingSettingAtt
Returns or sets the model file name in capital letters option.
Model_Unit property in object V4WritingSettingAtt
Returns or sets the model unit.
Modifier property in object FreeState
Retrieves Free State modifier.
Modifier property in object TangentPlane
Retrieves Tangent Plane modifier.
Modifier property in object DimensionLimit
Returns or sets the dimension single limit modifier.
Modifier property in object ControledRadius
Retrieves Controled Radius modifier.
Modifier property in object EnvelopCondition
Retrieves Envelop Condition modifier.
Modifier property in object MaterialCondition
Retrieves Material Condition modifier.
MotionBasis property in object WalkActivity
MotionBasis property in object HumanActivityGroup
MotionBasis property in object MoveHomeAct
MotionBasis property in object MoveToPostureActivity
MotionBasis property in object MoveJointsAct
MouseDoubleClicDelay property in object VisualizationSettingAtt
Returns the MouseDoubleClicDelay parameter.
MouseSpeedValue property in object VisualizationSettingAtt
Returns the MouseSpeedValue parameter.
MovableObject property in object Move
Returns the movable object associated with the used object.
Move property in object Solid
Returns the move object of the solid.
Move property in object Shuttle
Returns the shuttle's move object.
Move property in object SceneProductData
Returns the scene product's move object.
Move property in object Product
Returns the product's move object.
Move property in object SWKManikin
Returns the manikin's move object.
MoveAfterCreation property in object FTAInfraSettingAtt
Returns or sets the Move After Creation setting parameter value.
MoveMode property in object Track
Returns or sets the track's movement mode.
MoveMode property in object Shuttle
Returns/Stores the shuttle move mode.
MoveProfileToPath property in object Sweep
Returns the Sweep MoveProfileToPath flag (for Sweep Move Profile only).
MoveToCenterOfMass property in object ABQRigidBodyConstraint
Sets or returns the move to center of mass flag.
MoveWithFixTExtendMode property in object AsmGeneralSettingAtt
Returns or sets the setting parameter managing the extension of a move to the components involved in a FixTogether.
MultipleSolution property in object HybridShapeNear
Role: To get_MultipleSolution on the object.
MultiselectionMode property in object DraftDomain
Changes the multiselection mode.
Mxdem property in object ABQHeatTransferStep
ets or returns the maximum allowable emissivity change with temperature and field variables during an increment.


NLGeom property in object ABQGeneralStaticStep
Returns or sets whether the geometry remains linear during the analysis.
NLGeom property in object ABQExplicitDynamicsStep
Sets or returns whether the geometry remains linear during the analysis.
NLSInstanceName property in object ArrNomenclature
NRLDir property in object IgpOlpSettingAtt
Returns or sets value of NRL configuration file directory parameter.
NRLTeachDialogDisplayMode property in object IgpOlpSettingAtt
Returns or sets value of OLPNRLTeachDialogDisplay parameter.
Name property in object AnyObject
Returns or sets the name of the object.
Name property in object Collection
Returns or sets the name of the object.
NamingMode property in object PartInfrastructureSettingAtt
Returns or sets the "NamingMode" parameter.
NavigationStyle property in object Viewer3D
Returns or sets the navigation style.
NbCommands property in object Mechanism
Returns the number of commands in the mechanism.
NbDof property in object Mechanism
Returns the degree of freedom of the mechanism.
NbExtLine property in object DrawingDimension
Returns numbers of extension line of dimension.
NbGeneratedFeatures property in object FeatureGenerator
Number of generated features in last generation.
NbInParameters property in object Relation
Returns the number of input parameters of the relation.
NbInterruption property in object DrawingArrow
Returns the number of interruptions of arrow path.
NbInterruption property in object DrawingLeader
Returns the number of interruptions of leader path.
NbIsopars property in object VisualizationSettingAtt
Returns the NbIsopars parameter.
NbJoints property in object Mechanism
Returns the number of joints in the mechanism.
NbOutParameters property in object Relation
Returns the number of output parameters of the relation.
NbPoint property in object DrawingArrow
Returns the number of points of arrow path.
NbPoint property in object DrawingLeader
Returns the number of points of leader path.
NbProducts property in object Mechanism
Returns the number of products (i.
NbSymb property in object DrawingDimension
Returns numbers of symbol of dimension.
NearLimit property in object Viewer3D
Returns or sets the near limit for the near clipping plane.
NearestSolution property in object HybridShapeCombine
Returns or sets whether the combined curve is or should be created as the curve closest to the first curve.
NeutralElement property in object DraftDomain
Returns or sets the draft neutral element.
NeutralFiber property in object Sweep
Returns the Sweep neutral fiber flag (for thin Sweep only).
NeutralFiber property in object Prism
Returns the prism neutral fiber flag (for thin prism only).
NeutralFiber property in object Revolution
Returns the Revol neutral fiber flag (for thin Revol only).
NeutralPropagationMode property in object DraftDomain
Returns or sets the neutral element propagation mode.
NewWith3DSupport property in object PartInfrastructureSettingAtt
Returns or sets the "NewWith3DSupport" parameter.
NewWithAxisSystem property in object PartInfrastructureSettingAtt
Returns or sets the "NewWithAxisSystem" parameter.
NewWithGS property in object PartInfrastructureSettingAtt
Returns or sets the "NewWithGS" parameter.
NewWithOGS property in object PartInfrastructureSettingAtt
Returns or sets the "NewWithOGS" parameter.
NewWithPanel property in object PartInfrastructureSettingAtt
Returns or sets the "NewWithPanel" parameter.
NextCFActivities property in object Activity
This property returns the interface which manages the downstream control flow hierarchy on the activity.
NextPRFActivities property in object Activity
This property returns the interface which manages the downstream product flow hierarchy on the activity.
NextResources property in object Resource
This property returns the interface which manages the downstream product flow hierarchy on the given resource.
NoOfBodiesToHeal property in object HybridShapeHealing
Returns the number of bodies to heal of the healing.
NoOfEdgesToKeepSharp property in object HybridShapeHealing
Returns the number of edges to keep sharp of the healing.
NoOfElementsToFreeze property in object HybridShapeHealing
Returns the number of elements to heal of the healing.
NoZBufferSelectionMode property in object VisualizationSettingAtt
Returns the NoZBufferSelectionMode parameter.
NoaCreation property in object FTASettingAtt
Returns or sets the Noa Creation parameter.
NodelockAlert property in object LicenseSettingAtt
Retrieves or Sets the license expiry alert.
Nomenclature property in object Product
Returns or sets the product's nomenclature.
Nominalvalue property in object DimensionLimit
Returns the dimension limit nominal value.
NonSemanticAllwaysUpgrade property in object FTASettingAtt
Returns or sets the Non SemanticAllways Upgrade parameter.
NonSemanticAllwaysUpgradeGeneralTol property in object FTASettingAtt
Returns or sets the Non SemanticAllways Upgrade general tolerance parameter.
NonSemanticDimAllowed property in object FTASettingAtt
Returns or sets the Non Semantic Dim Allowed parameter.
NonSemanticMarked property in object FTASettingAtt
Returns or sets the Non Semantic Marked parameter.
NonSemanticTolAllowed property in object FTASettingAtt
Returns or sets the Non Semantic Tol Allowed parameter.
Normal property in object HybridShapeProject
Returns or sets the direction option.
NormalAxisDirReverse property in object Sweep
Returns the Sweep NormalAxisDirReverse flag (for Sweep Move Profile only).
NumCpus property in object ABQJob
Sets or returns the number of CPUs to use for this analysis.
NumExclusionRegions property in object ABQRigidCoupling
Returns the number of currently active exclusion regions.
NumExclusionRegions property in object ABQSmoothCoupling
Retrieves the number of currently active exclusion regions.
NumInsertedWires property in object EHMInsertionActPlugMapViewData
Gets the number of inserted wires.
NumPinSupports property in object ABQRigidBodyConstraint
Gets the number of pin point supports for the rigid body.
NumSupports property in object ABQMassScaling
Retrieves the number of supports.
NumSupports property in object ABQRigidCoupling
Returns the number of supports.
NumSupports property in object ABQSmoothCoupling
Retrieves the number of supports.
NumTieSupports property in object ABQRigidBodyConstraint
Gets the number of tie point supports for the rigid body.
NumUrlName property in object N4DNavigatorSettingAtt
Returns or sets the name activation state for Hyperlink (TRUE the hyperlink name is displayed, FALSE the hyperlink name is not displayed).
Number property in object ManufacturingToolCorrector
Gives the corrector number.
NumberOfAttributes property in object ManufacturingTool
Give the Number og attributes of a Manufacturing Tool.
NumberOfAttributes property in object ManufacturingInsert
Give the Number of attributes of an insert object.
NumberOfAttributes property in object ManufacturingMachine
Gives the number of attributes of a ManufacturingMachine.
NumberOfAttributes property in object ManufacturingToolAssembly
Returns the number of attributes of a tool assembly.
NumberOfColumns property in object DrawingTable
Returns the number of columns of a drawing table.
NumberOfElements property in object HybridShapePolyline
Returns the number of elements of the polyline.
NumberOfFeedrateAttributes property in object ManufacturingActivity
This property returns the number of Feedrate attributes of a Manufacturing Activity.
NumberOfGeomAttributes property in object ManufacturingActivity
This property returns the number of Geometry attributes of a Manufacturing Activity.
NumberOfMinimumFPS property in object VisualizationSettingAtt
Returns the NumberOfMinimumFPS parameter.
NumberOfMinimumSpaceFPS property in object VisualizationSettingAtt
Returns the NumberOfMinimumSpaceFPS parameter.
NumberOfNumericalControlAttributes property in object ManufacturingMachine
This property returns the number of Numerical Control attributes of a Manufacturing Machine.
NumberOfRotaryTableAttributes property in object ManufacturingMachine
This property returns the number of rotary table attributes of a Manufacturing Machine.
NumberOfRows property in object DrawingTable
Returns the number of rows of a drawing table.
NumberOfSpindleAttributes property in object ManufacturingMachine
This property returns the number of Spindle attributes of a Manufacturing Machine.
NumberOfStrategyAttributes property in object ManufacturingActivity
This property returns the number of Strategy attributes of a Manufacturing Activity.
NumberOfToolChangeAttributes property in object ManufacturingMachine
This property returns the number of Tool change attributes of a Manufacturing Machine.


OWNER property in object PCBArea
Object property in object Sampled
Returns or sets the Sampled object.
Object property in object HybridShapeDirection
Returns or sets the object that specifies the direction.
ObjectiveParameter property in object Optimization
Returns or sets the objective parameter of the optimization.
Objects property in object FunctionalDescription
Get the Objects collection.
ObjectsToFillet property in object ConstRadEdgeFillet
Returns the collection of reference elements to be filleted.
Obtention property in object Roughness
Retrieves or sets roughness obtention mode.
OcclusionCullingMode property in object VisualizationSettingAtt
Returns the OcclusionCullingMode parameter.
Offset property in object Thickness
Returns the thickness offset.
Offset property in object StrPlate
Returns the offset between the given support and the support of the plate.
Offset property in object StrCutback
Returns the parameter defining the offset.
Offset property in object HybridShapeCurvePar
Returns the offset parameter of the curve parameter object.
Offset property in object HybridShapePlaneOffset
Returns the offset value.
Offset property in object HybridShapePointOnCurve
Returns the distance to the reference point.
Offset property in object StrMemberExtremity
Returns the offset parameter defined on this extremity.
Offset property in object HybridShapePointOnSurface
Returns the geodesic length.
Offset2 property in object HybridShapeCurvePar
Returns the second offset parameter of the curve parameter object.
OffsetDirection property in object HybridShapeOffset
Returns or sets whether the offset direction is to be inverted.
OffsetSide property in object ThickSurface
Returns the offset direction (defines in regards of the normal direction) .
OffsetValue property in object HybridShapeOffset
Returns or sets the offset value.
OffsetValue property in object HybridShape3DCurveOffset
Returns or sets the OffsetValue.
OffsetedObject property in object HybridShapeOffset
Returns or sets the face to offset.
Offsets property in object OptimizerWorkBench
Returns Offsets.
OnCurveType property in object HybridShapePointOnCurve
Returns or sets the OnCurve type for created point on curve.
OnVertex property in object HybridShapeCorner
Returns or sets the On Vertex mode off/on.
OnlyCurrentOperatedSolidSetInGeometry property in object PartInfrastructureSettingAtt
Returns or sets the "OnlyCurrentOperatedSolidSetInGeometry" parameter.
OnlyCurrentSolidSetInGeometry property in object PartInfrastructureSettingAtt
Returns or sets the "OnlyCurrentSolidSetInGeometry" parameter.
OnlyLoadCtxWithGeometry property in object MfgHubSettingAtt
Retrieves (or sets, if not initialized) the OnlyLoadCtxWithGeometry parameter.
OnlyShow property in object IgesSettingAtt
Returns or sets the Export only show setting parameter value.
OpaqueFaces property in object VisualizationSettingAtt
Returns the SetStereoModeLock parameter.
OpenModeForLoad property in object MfgHubSettingAtt
Retrieves (or sets, if not initialized) the OpenModeForLoad attribute.
OperatingSystem property in object SystemConfiguration
Returns a string which identifies the operating system on which the application is currently running.
OptC2Mode property in object IgesSettingAtt
Returns or sets the Continuity Optimization Mode setting parameter value.
OptCleanTopoMode property in object IgesSettingAtt
Returns or sets the clean topo mode setting parameter value.
OptFittingMode property in object IgesSettingAtt
Returns or sets the Fitting Mode setting parameter value.
OptInvalidGeomMode property in object IgesSettingAtt
Returns or sets the InvalidGeom mode setting parameter value.
OptLoop3DMode property in object IgesSettingAtt
Returns or sets the Force 3D Loop setting parameter value.
OptimizationType property in object Optimization
Returns or sets the type of the optimization: minimum, maximum or target value searched on the objective parameter.
Optimizations property in object Relations
Returns the optimization collection.
OptionalRelation property in object Parameter
Returns the relation that can be used to compute the parameter.
OrderedGeometricalSets property in object Part
Returns the collection object containing the ordered geometrical sets of the part.
OrderedGeometricalSets property in object Body
Returns the body's OrderedGeometricalSets collection.
OrderedGeometricalSets property in object OrderedGeometricalSet
Returns the ordered geometrical set's OrderedGeometricalSets collection.
OrderedSketches property in object OrderedGeometricalSet
Returns the ordered geometrical set's Sketches collection.
Orientation property in object Printer
Returns or sets the default paper orientation.
Orientation property in object Chamfer
Returns or sets the chamfer orientation.
Orientation property in object PageSetup
Returns or sets the paper orientation.
Orientation property in object Constraint
Returns or sets the constraint orientation.
Orientation property in object HybridShapeSpine
Gets or Sets the orientation.
Orientation property in object HybridShapeRevol
Gets or sets orientation of the revolution.
Orientation property in object HybridShapeSplit
Returns or sets the orientation used to compute the split.
Orientation property in object DrawingSheet
Returns or sets the paper orientation.
Orientation property in object HybridShapeInverse
Gets or sets the element's orientation.
Orientation property in object HybridShapeExtrude
Gets or sets orientation of the extrude.
Orientation property in object HybridShapeCylinder
Returns or sets the the inversion of extrusion direction.
Orientation property in object RenderingMaterial
Returns or sets the texture orientation.
Orientation property in object HybridShapeLinePtDir
Returns or Sets the line orientation.
Orientation property in object HybridShapeLineAngle
Role: Get the line orientation.
Orientation property in object HybridShapeThickness
Returns or sets the orientation.
Orientation property in object Layout2DSheet
Returns or sets the paper orientation.
Orientation property in object HybridShapePlaneAngle
Returns or sets the plane orientation.
Orientation property in object HybridShapeLineNormal
Returns or Sets the line orientation.
Orientation property in object HybridShapePlaneOffset
Returns or sets the plane orientation.
Orientation property in object TreeVizManipSettingAtt
Retrieves or Sets the orientation applied to the specification tree.
Orientation property in object MechanismCommand
Orientation property in object HybridShapeLineTangency
Returns or Sets the line orientation.
Orientation property in object HybridShapePointOnCurve
Returns or sets the curve orientation.
Orientation property in object HybridShapePointBetween
Returns or sets the orientation.
Orientation property in object HybridShapeLineBisecting
Returns or sets the orientation used to compute the bisecting line.
Orientation property in object HybridShapeCircle2PointsRad
Returns or sets the circle orientation.
Orientation1 property in object HybridShapeCircleTritangent
Returns or sets the orientation of the first curve to which the circle is tangent.
Orientation1 property in object HybridShapeCircleCenterTangent
Returns or sets the orientation of the first curve to which the circle is tangent.
Orientation1 property in object HybridShapeCircleBitangentPoint
Returns or sets the orientation of the first curve to which the circle is tangent.
Orientation1 property in object HybridShapeCircleBitangentRadius
Returns or sets the orientation of the first curve to which the circle is tangent.
Orientation2 property in object HybridShapeCircleTritangent
Returns or sets the orientation of the second curve to which the circle is tangent.
Orientation2 property in object HybridShapeCircleCenterTangent
Returns or sets the orientation of the second curve to which the circle is tangent.
Orientation2 property in object HybridShapeCircleBitangentPoint
Returns or sets the orientation of the second curve to which the circle is tangent.
Orientation2 property in object HybridShapeCircleBitangentRadius
Returns or sets the orientation of the second curve to which the circle is tangent.
Orientation3 property in object HybridShapeCircleTritangent
Returns or sets the orientation of the third curve to which the circle is tangent.
OrientationDirection property in object FunctionalAction
Get the OrientationDirection property.
OrientationDirection property in object HybridShapeReflectLine
Returns or sets the direction orientation used to compute the reflect line.
OrientationOfFirstElement property in object HybridShapeRotate
Returns or sets the orientation of the first element defining the rotation angle.
OrientationOfSecondElement property in object HybridShapeRotate
Returns or sets the orientation of the second element defining the rotation angle.
OrientationSupport property in object HybridShapeReflectLine
Returns or sets the support orientation used to compute the reflect line.
Origin property in object Axis2D
Returns the 2D coordinate system origin.
Origin property in object HybridShapeReflectLine
Returns or sets the origin point used to create the conical reflectline.
Origin property in object HybridShapeExtremumPolar
returns or sets the origin of the polar axis.
Origin property in object ManufacturingMachiningAxis
This property returns the interface which manages if instruction os used as an Origin or as a Machining Axis System.
OriginElements property in object Part
Returns the object defining the part 3D reference axis system.
OriginGroup property in object ManufacturingMachiningAxis
This property returns the interface which determines the origin group of the instruction if used a an Origin.
OriginNumber property in object ManufacturingMachiningAxis
This property returns the interface which manages the origin number of the instruction if used a an Origin.
OriginPoint property in object AxisSystem
Returns or sets the geometric point which defines the origin of the axis system.
OriginToUnfold property in object HybridShapeUnfold
Returns or sets the origin to unfold.
OriginType property in object AxisSystem
Returns or sets the way the origin point is defined.
OriginalDescription property in object FunctionalVariant
Returns the Original Description the Variant comes from.
OriginalDescription property in object FunctionalDocument
Returns the Original Description.
OtherSelectionTimeout property in object VisualizationSettingAtt
Returns the OtherSelectionTimeout parameter.
OtherSelectionTimeoutActivity property in object VisualizationSettingAtt
Returns the OtherSelectionTimeoutActivity parameter.
OtherSide property in object HybridShapeCurvePar
Returns the other side of parallel curve if both sides mode is on.
OutPutParameters property in object AnalysisSensor
Returns the collection object containing the sensor parameters.
Output property in object GeneralStatisticsSettingAtt
Returns or sets the output format of the statistics thematic.
OutputFile property in object GeneralStatisticsSettingAtt
Returns or sets the path of the statistics thematic file.
OutputFormat property in object GeneralStatisticsSettingAtt
Returns or sets the state ot the output format field.
OutputHeight property in object RenderingSettingAtt
Returns or sets the OutputHeight parameter.
OutputPath property in object RenderingSettingAtt
Returns or sets the OutputPath parameter.
OutputPath property in object MultiCADSettingAtt
OutputProductFilter property in object TreeTabSettingAtt
OutputProducts property in object Resource
OutputSizeFrom property in object RenderingSettingAtt
Returns or sets the OutputSizeFrom parameter.
OutputType property in object RenderingSettingAtt
Returns or sets the OutputType parameter.
OutputWidth property in object RenderingSettingAtt
Returns or sets the OutputWidth parameter.
Outputs property in object Activity
OutputsCount property in object ShapeInstance
Returns the number of Outputs.
OutputsCount property in object HybridShapeInstance
Returns the number of Outputs.
Overline property in object DrawingTextProperties
Returns or sets the drawing text font overline property.
Owner property in object PCBBoard


POWEROPR property in object PCBComponent
POWER_MAX property in object PCBComponent
Allow to get and set the POWER MAX of a component.
PPRDocument property in object ProcessDocument
Retrieves the interface which manages the PPRDocument.
PPRItems property in object PPRActivity
Retrieves the list of items as Products aggregated by the Activity.
PPRResources property in object PPRActivity
Retrieves the list of resources as Products aggregated by the Activity.
PPRSaveConfig property in object Export3DXmlSettingAtt
Returns or sets the PPR config.
PPTableName property in object ManufacturingMachine
Give the PPTableName linked to a Manufacturing Machine.
PROJECT_File_Path property in object InteropSettingAtt
Retrieves or sets the value of the "PROJECT File Path" setting parameter.
PSCycleTime property in object SimulationSettingAtt
Returns or sets the PSCycleTime setting attribute value.
PSDynClashMode property in object SimulationSettingAtt
Returns or sets the PSDynClashMode setting attribute value.
PSGraphicSimStep property in object SimulationSettingAtt
Returns or sets the PSGraphicSimStep setting attribute value.
PSGraphicUpdate property in object SimulationSettingAtt
Returns or sets the PSGraphicUpdate setting attribute value.
PVEndCondition property in object SimulationSettingAtt
Returns or sets the PVEndCondition setting attribute value.
PVStateMgt property in object SimulationSettingAtt
Returns or sets the PVStateMgt setting attribute value.
PackAndGoRepositoryPath property in object MfgHubSettingAtt
Retrieves (or sets, if not initialized) the PackAndGoRepositoryPath attribute.
PackageNumber property in object PCBComponent
PageSetup property in object Window
Returns or sets the page setup of the window.
PageSetup property in object DrawingSheet
Returns the page setup.
PageSetup property in object Layout2DSheet
Returns the page setup.
PaperHeight property in object Printer
Returns the default paper height.
PaperHeight property in object PageSetup
Returns or sets the paper height.
PaperHeight property in object Layout2DSheet
Gets or Sets the paper width of the layout sheet.
PaperName property in object Layout2DSheet
Returns or sets the paper format name.
PaperSize property in object Printer
Returns the default paper size.
PaperSize property in object PageSetup
Returns or sets the paper size.
PaperSize property in object DrawingSheet
Returns or sets the paper size.
PaperSize property in object Layout2DSheet
Returns or sets the paper size.
PaperWidth property in object Printer
Returns the default paper width.
PaperWidth property in object PageSetup
Returns or sets the paper width.
PaperWidth property in object Layout2DSheet
Gets or Sets the paper width of the layout sheet.
ParallelizationMethodStandard property in object ABQJob
Sets or returns the parallelization method for the Abaqus/Standard direct solver.
Parameter property in object FreeParameter
Returns or sets which parameter (CATIAParameter) is linked to this object.
Parameter property in object HybridShapeSweepConic
Returns or sets the parameter for conic sweep operation.
ParameterLaw property in object HybridShapeSweepConic
Returns or sets the parameter law useful in conic sweep operation.
ParameterLawInversion property in object HybridShapeSweepConic
Returns or sets the parameter law inversion flag of conic sweep operation.
ParameterLawType property in object HybridShapeSweepConic
Returns or sets the parameter law type in conic sweep operation.
ParameterNameSurroundedByTheSymbol property in object KnowledgeSheetSettingAtt
Returns or sets the ParameterNameSurroundedByTheSymbol parameter.
ParameterOnDefinition property in object HybridShapeLawDistProj
Queries whether evolution parameter is on reference curve (default) or on definition curve,or sets evolution parameter on reference curve or on definition curve.
ParameterSets property in object ParameterSet
Returns the children parameter sets.
ParameterTreeViewWithFormula property in object KnowledgeSheetSettingAtt
Returns or sets the ParameterTreeViewWithFormula parameter.
ParameterTreeViewWithValue property in object KnowledgeSheetSettingAtt
Returns or sets the ParameterTreeViewWithValue parameter.
Parameters property in object Part
Returns the collection object containing the part parameters.
Parameters property in object Activity
This property returns the interface which manages the knowlegde parameters of the activity.
Parameters property in object DrawingRoot
Returns the collection of parameters of the drawing document.
Parameters property in object DrawingDocument
Returns the collection of parameters of the drawing document.
Parameters property in object Layout2DRoot
Returns the collection of parameters of the layout.
Parameters property in object FunctionalElement
Returns the parameters collection.
Parameters property in object DrawingDimension
Returns the collection of parameters of the dimension.
Parameters property in object AnalysisManager
Returns the collection object containing the analysis parameters.
Parameters property in object Product
Returns the collection object containing the product parameters.
ParametersCount property in object ShapeInstance
Returns the number of Parameters.
ParametersCount property in object HybridShapeInstance
Returns the number of Parameters.
ParametersInTree property in object FTASettingAtt
Returns or sets the Parameters in tree parameter.
ParametersNodeInTree property in object PartInfrastructureSettingAtt
Returns or sets the "ParametersNodeInTree" parameter.
Parent property in object AnyObject
Returns the parent object.
Parent property in object Collection
Returns the parent object.
ParentFolder property in object FileComponent
Returns or sets the parent folder of the file.
ParentView property in object DrawingViewGenerativeBehavior
Returns the parent view.
Part property in object PCBBoard
set the pad of a Board or a component or a panel.
Part property in object PartDocument
Returns the root Part object from the current part document.
PartCatalogName property in object PspFunctional
Returns Part catalog name of physical object that realizes this function.
PartComps property in object OptimizerWorkBench
Returns PartComps.
PartNumber property in object PspFunctional
Returns part number of physical object that realizes this function.
PartNumber property in object Product
Returns or sets the product's part number.
PartProdMode property in object IgesSettingAtt
Returns or sets the Import Product mode setting parameter value.
PartType property in object PspFunctional
Returns the part type of physical object that realizes this function.
PartUpdateStatus property in object MeasureSettingAtt
Returns or sets the PartUpdateStatus parameter .
ParticularGeometry property in object ParticularTolElem
Retrieves particular geometry of the toleranced element.
PartingElement property in object Draft
Returns or sets the draft parting element.
PartingElement property in object AutoDraft
Returns or sets the parting element.
PartingElement property in object AutoFillet
Returns or sets the parting element.
PartsParameterMode property in object MultiCADSettingAtt
PassingPoint property in object HybridShapeCurvePar
Returns or sets the passing point of the curve parameter object.
PasteComponentMode property in object AsmConstraintSettingAtt
Returns or sets the component paste setting parameter.
PasteSameInstance property in object TreeTabSettingAtt
Path property in object Document
Returns the document's file path.
Path property in object Application
Returns the path of the application's executable files.
Path property in object FileComponent
Returns the full path of the file.
PathFinderSmooth property in object FittingSettingAtt
PathSeparator property in object FileSystem
Returns the path separator string.
PenaltyMethod property in object ABQMechConnBehavior
Sets or returns the penalty method formulation in a mechanical connection.
Perimeter property in object Measurable
Returns the perimeter of a surface.
Period property in object Curve2D
Returns the period of a periodic curve.
Physicals property in object PspSpatial
Returns all physical objects associated to this spatial object.
Physicals property in object PspFunctional
Returns a list of all associated physical objects.
PickType property in object PickActivity
PickingHand property in object PickActivity
PickingWindowSize property in object VisualizationSettingAtt
Returns the PickingWindowSize parameter.
Picture property in object Marker2D
Returns or sets the path to a picture file for a picture Marker2D.
Picture property in object ManufacturingTool
Return the path where a picture of the parametrized tool is stored.
Pictures property in object DrawingView
Returns the drawing picture collection of the drawing view.
Pictures property in object Layout2DView
Returns the drawing picture collection of the Layout2D view.
Pitch property in object Thread
Returns the thread/tap pitch.
Pitch property in object HybridShapeHelix
Reads the pitch of the Helix.
Pitch property in object HybridShapeSpiral
Reads the pitch of the Spiral.
Pitch2 property in object HybridShapeHelix
Reads the Helix pitch2.
PitchLawType property in object HybridShapeHelix
Reads / Changes the Helix pitch law type.
PitchLawType property in object HybridShapeIntegratedLaw
Gets or sets pitch law type.
Plane property in object HybridShapePlaneAngle
Returns or sets the reference plane.
Plane property in object HybridShapePlaneOffset
Returns or sets the reference plane.
Plane property in object HybridShapePointOnPlane
Returns or sets the support plane.
Plane property in object HybridShapePlaneOffsetPt
Role: Get the reference plane.
PlaneAxisDirection property in object HybridShapeDevelop
Returns or sets the direction corresponding to the first axis of the planar axis system related to the planar 2D wire.
PlaneAxisOrigin property in object HybridShapeDevelop
Returns or sets the point designated as the origin of the planar 2D wire.
PlaneNormal property in object SectioningSettingAtt
Returns or sets the PlaneNormal parameter.
PlaneOnlyMode property in object HybridShapeFill
Returns or sets whether Planar Boundaries only should be considered during fill operation.
PlaneOrigin property in object SectioningSettingAtt
Returns or sets the PlaneOrigin parameter.
PlaneXY property in object OriginElements
Returns the XY plane of the part 3D reference axis system.
PlaneYZ property in object OriginElements
Returns the YZ plane of the part 3D reference axis system.
PlaneZX property in object OriginElements
Returns the ZX plane of the part 3D reference axis system.
PlateMaterial property in object MaterialESSObjectSettingAtt
Returns or sets the PlateMaterial parameter.
PlateTypes property in object TypeESSObjectSettingAtt
Returns or sets the PlateTypes parameter.
PlatingStyle property in object PCBHoleAndPattern
Point property in object HybridShapeLinePtDir
Returns or Sets the starting point of the line.
Point property in object HybridShapeLineAngle
Role: Get the starting point of the line.
Point property in object HybridShapeLineNormal
Returns or Sets the starting point of the line.
Point property in object HybridShapePlaneNormal
Role: Get the point where the plane is to be normal.
Point property in object HybridShapePointOnPlane
Returns or sets the reference point.
Point property in object HybridShapePlane1Line1Pt
Return or sets the passing point.
Point property in object HybridShapePlaneTangent
Role: Get the tangency point.
Point property in object HybridShapeLineTangency
Returns or Sets the starting point of the line.
Point property in object HybridShapePointOnCurve
Returns or sets the reference point.
Point property in object StrMemberExtremity
Returns the point defining the extremity.
Point property in object HybridShapePlaneOffsetPt
Role: Get the reference point.
Point property in object HybridShapePointOnSurface
Returns or Sets the reference point.
Point property in object HybridShapeCircleCenterAxis
Returns or sets the Point of the circle.
Point property in object ManufacturingToolCorrector
Gives the corrector type point.
PointOnSupport property in object HybridShapeDevelop
Returns or sets the development origin on the support surface.
PointType property in object HybridShapeIntersection
Returns or sets the PointType flag for intersect.
PointsProjectionMode property in object DrawingViewGenerativeBehavior
Returns or sets projection mode for 3D points.
PointsSymbol property in object DrawingViewGenerativeBehavior
Returns or sets symbol for projected points.
Position property in object Shuttle
Returns the shuttle's position object.
Position property in object SceneProductData
Returns the scene product's position object.
Position property in object ProjectedToleranceZone
Retrieves position of the projected tolerance zone (in millimeters).
Position property in object Product
Returns the product's position object.
PositionMode property in object HybridShapeSweepExplicit
Returns or sets positioning mode.
PositionTolerance property in object ABQFastenedPair
Sets or returns the position tolerance.
PositionTolerance property in object ABQFastenedConnectionEnhancement
Sets or returns the position tolerance.
PositionToleranceVal property in object ABQFastenedPair
Sets or returns the position tolerance value.
PositionToleranceVal property in object ABQFastenedConnectionEnhancement
PositionU property in object RenderingMaterial
Returns or sets the texture position along U axis.
PositionV property in object RenderingMaterial
Returns or sets the texture position along V axis.
PositionedProfile property in object HybridShapeSweepExplicit
Returns or sets the positioning transformation associated to the explicit swept surface and which result corresponds to the positioned profile.
PositionedWire property in object HybridShapeDevelop
Returns or sets the positioning transformation.
PositiveDirectionOrientation property in object HybridShapeLawDistProj
Returns or sets the positive value direction.
PossiblePrecedenceActivities property in object Activity
This property returns list of Possible Precedence Activities defined on Current Activity.
PostManager property in object AnalysisModel
Returns the Postprocessing manager defined on the analysis model.
PostProcessorFile property in object ManufacturingMachine
This property returns the post processor file of a Manufacturing Machine Machine.
PreSelectionMode property in object VisualizationSettingAtt
Returns the PreSelectionMode parameter.
PrecedenceActivities property in object Activity
This property returns list of Precedence Activities defined on Current Activity.
PrecedenceType property in object ManufacturingPrecedence
Returns the type of the precedence.
Precedences property in object ManufacturingActivity
This property returns the interface which manages the precedences on the operation.
Precision property in object OptimizationConstraint
Returns or sets the constraint precision.
PreferedToolCatalogName property in object ManufacturingMachine
Give the PreferedToolCatalogName linked to a Manufacturing Machine.
PreselectedElementLinetype property in object VisualizationSettingAtt
Returns the PreselectedElementLinetype parameter.
Presentation property in object Export3DXmlSettingAtt
PressureOverclosure property in object ABQMechConnBehavior
Sets or returns the pressure overclosure in a mechanical connection.
PrevArea property in object DMUTolSettingAtt
Returns or sets the Preview Area setting parameter value.
PrevProcParseTypeForMfgCtx property in object MfgHubSettingAtt
Retrieves or sets the PrevProcParseTypeForMfgCtx parameter.
PreventBackgroundAccess property in object DraftingSettingAtt
Returns the PreventBackgroundAccess parameter.
PreventDimDriving3DCstr property in object DraftingSettingAtt
Returns the PreventDimDriving3DCstr parameter.
PreventFileNew property in object DraftingSettingAtt
Returns the PreventFileNew parameter.
PreventGenViewStyle property in object DraftingSettingAtt
Returns the PreventGenViewStyle parameter.
PreventSetAsDefault property in object DraftingSettingAtt
Returns the PreventSetAsDefault parameter.
PreventSwitchStandard property in object DraftingSettingAtt
Returns the PreventSwitchStandard parameter.
PreventTrueDimensionCreation property in object DraftingSettingAtt
Returns the PreventTrueDimensionCreation parameter.
PreventUpdateStandard property in object DraftingSettingAtt
Returns the PreventUpdateStandard parameter.
PreventViewGeomUpgrade property in object DraftingSettingAtt
Returns the PreventViewGeomUpgrade parameter.
PreviewSize property in object RenderingMaterial
Returns or sets the preview size of a material.
PreviousCFActivities property in object Activity
This property returns the interface which manages the upstream control flow hierarchy on the activity.
PreviousPRFActivities property in object Activity
This property returns the interface which manages the upstream product flow hierarchy on the activity.
PreviousResources property in object Resource
This property returns the interface which manages the upstream product flow hierarchy on the given resource.
PrintArea property in object DrawingSheet
Returns the print area definition object.
PrintArea property in object Layout2DSheet
Returns the print area definition object.
PrintRenderingMode property in object PageSetup
Returns or sets the printing rendering mode.
Printers property in object Application
Returns the collection of the printers currently managed by the application.
Priority property in object DocumentationSettingAtt
Returns the contextual priority parameter.
Priority property in object ExpertRuleRuntime
Returns or sets the priority of the rule.
Priority property in object ExpertCheckRuntime
Returns or sets the priority of the check.
Priority property in object SWKIKConstraint
Returns or sets the priority of the constraint.
ProEInstanceMode property in object MultiCADSettingAtt
ProEInstanceName property in object MultiCADSettingAtt
ProEQuiltsRead property in object MultiCADSettingAtt
ProESimpRepMode property in object MultiCADSettingAtt
ProESimpRepName property in object MultiCADSettingAtt
ProcProdRelations property in object MfgHubSettingAtt
Retrieves (or sets, if not initialized) the ProcProdRelations attribute.
ProcResRelations property in object MfgHubSettingAtt
Retrieves (or sets, if not initialized) the ProcResRelations attribute.
ProcessID property in object Activity
This property returns process identifier on the current activity.
ProcessType property in object Fastener
eturns or sets the Process Type as a string.
Processes property in object PPRDocument
Retrieves the list of Processes as Activities contained in the current document.
Product property in object PartDocument
Returns the root Product object from the current part document.
Product property in object ManufacturingSetup
Associate the Product to a Manufacturing Setup.
Product property in object ProductDocument
Returns the root product.
ProductCount property in object SystemConfiguration
Returns the number of product names names currently known to the system.
ProductUpdateStatus property in object MeasureSettingAtt
Returns or sets the ProductUpdateStatus parameter .
Products property in object PPRDocument
Retrieves the list of Products contained in the current document.
Products property in object Product
Returns the collection of products contained in the current product.
ProductsCount property in object FixTogether
Returns the number of products fixed together in the FixTogether.
Profil property in object HybridShapeRevol
Role: To get_Profil on the object.
Profile property in object HybridShapeHelix
Reads / Changes the Helix profile.
Profile property in object HybridShapeSweepExplicit
Gets the profile to be swept out.
Profile property in object HybridShapePositionTransfo
Returns or sets the profile to be positioned.
ProfileType property in object StrSection
Returns the parameter defining the profile type of the section.
ProfileXAxisComputationMode property in object HybridShapeSweepExplicit
Returns or sets the computation mode of the X axis (or direction) of the initial axis system (on the profile).
ProfilesNode property in object SWKManikin
Returns the Profiles node of the current manikin.
Programs property in object ManufacturingSetup
Give the List of Programs linked to a Manufacturing Setup.
ProjectionDir property in object HybridShapeBump
Returns or sets the limit curve.
ProjectionMethod property in object DrawingSheet
Returns or sets the sheet projection mode .
ProjectionMethod property in object Layout2DSheet
Returns or sets the sheet projection mode .
ProjectionMode property in object Viewpoint3D
Returns or sets the projection mode.
ProjectionMode property in object AnnotatedView
Returns the projection mode of the annotated view.
ProjectionMode property in object HybridShapePlaneAngle
Gets or sets the projection mode status.
ProjectionMode property in object HybridShapeCircleCenterAxis
Returns or sets the ProjectionMode.
ProjectionSurface property in object HybridShapePointOnPlane
Returns or sets the projection surface to compute the point.
PropagateHighlight property in object Layout2DSettingAtt
Returns the PropagateHighlight parameter.
Propagation property in object Chamfer
Returns or sets the propagation mode of the geometrical elements to be chamfered.
Propagation property in object RemoveFace
Get the faces that will be removed.
Propagation property in object HybridShapeBoundary
Returns or sets the boundary propagation.
PropagationMode property in object HybridShapeExtrapol
Returns or sets the propagation mode.
PropagationType property in object HybridShapeExtract
Returns or sets the type of propagation for the extract.
Properties property in object ABQAnalysisModel
Returns the list of Abaqus properties associated with the analysis model.
Pt property in object HybridShapeCircleBitangentPoint
Returns or sets the circle passing point.
Pt1 property in object HybridShapeCircle2PointsRad
Returns or sets the circle first passing point.
Pt2 property in object HybridShapeCircle2PointsRad
Returns or sets the circle second passing point.
PtExtremity property in object HybridShapeLinePtPt
Returns or Sets the extremity point of the LinePtPt(Second Point).
PtOrigine property in object HybridShapeLinePtPt
Returns or Sets the origin point of the LinePtPt(First point).
PtRef property in object HybridShapePointCoord
Returns or Sets the reference point for PointCoord feature.
Publications property in object Product
Returns the collection of publications managed by the product.
PublishAutoLaunchBrowser property in object N4DNavigatorSettingAtt
Returns or sets the activation state of the automatic launching of the publish browser (TRUE the publish browser is automatically opened, FALSE the publish browser is not automatically opened).
PublishTopologicalElements property in object PartInfrastructureSettingAtt
Returns or sets the "PublishTopologicalElements" parameter.
PullingDirElement property in object Sweep
Returns or sets the pulling direction .
PullingDirection property in object AutoDraft
Returns or sets the pulling direction.
PullingDirection property in object HybridShapeSweepExplicit
Gets or sets the pulling direction
If the direction is specified, the plane normal to this direction is taken as reference surface.
PullingDirectionElement property in object DraftDomain
Returns or sets the draft pulling direction element.
p3DSmoothing property in object HybridShapeProject
Returns or sets the '3D Smoothing' option.
p3DSmoothing property in object HybridShapeCurvePar
Returns or sets the '3D Smoothing' option.


Quality property in object PageSetup
Returns or sets the printing quality.
QuickConstraintMode property in object AsmConstraintSettingAtt
Returns or sets the quick constraint setting parameter.


RCSDataLibDir property in object RRSSettingAtt
Gets value of "RCSDATA$LIB" parameter.
RESISTANCE property in object PCBComponent
Allow to get and set the RESISTANCE of a component.
RRS2ConnectDownloaders property in object RRSSettingAtt
Gets value of "RRS2ConnectDownloaders" parameter.
RRS2ConsistencyCmdDownloaders property in object RRSSettingAtt
Gets value of "RRS2ConsistencyCmdDownloaders" parameter.
RRS2ControllerIdentifiers property in object RRSSettingAtt
Gets value of "RRS2ControllerIdentifiers" parameter.
RRS2DeleteAutoDownloadFilesAfterXfer property in object RRSSettingAtt
Gets value of "RRS2DeleteAutoDownloadFilesAfterXfer" parameter.
RRS2DfltControllerIdentifier property in object RRSSettingAtt
Gets value of "RRS2DfltControllerIdentifier" parameter.
RRS2DownloadDuringConnect property in object RRSSettingAtt
Gets value of "RRS2DownloadDuringConnect" parameter.
RRS2DownloadDuringSimRun property in object RRSSettingAtt
Gets value of "RRS2DownloadDuringSimRun" parameter.
RRS2DownloadInPartCoordinates property in object RRSSettingAtt
Gets value of "RRS2DownloadInPartCoordinates" parameter.
RRS2DownloadLogFileName property in object RRSSettingAtt
Gets value of "RRS2DownloadLogFileName" parameter.
RRS2FreePlaySimStepSize property in object RRSSettingAtt
Gets value of "RRS2FreePlaySimStepSize" parameter.
RRS2MainTaskProcessing property in object RRSSettingAtt
Gets value of "RRS2MainTaskProcessing" parameter.
RRS2MotionPlannerActiveDuringTeachOLP property in object RRSSettingAtt
Gets value of "RRS2MotionPlannerActiveDuringTeachOLP" parameter.
RRS2SimRunDownloaders property in object RRSSettingAtt
Gets value of "RRS2SimRunDownloaders" parameter.
RRS2StopVRCWhenSimStops property in object RRSSettingAtt
Gets value of "RRS2StopVRCWhenSimStops" parameter.
RRS2UpdateProgramOnDownload property in object RRSSettingAtt
Gets value of "RRS2UpdateProgramOnDownload" parameter.
RRS2UseVRCInverseKinematics property in object RRSSettingAtt
Gets value of "RRS2UseVRCInverseKinematics" parameter.
RRS2UseVRCTurnLimits property in object RRSSettingAtt
Gets value of "RRS2UseVRCTurnLimits" parameter.
RRSLibDir property in object RRSSettingAtt
Gets value of "RRS$LIB" parameter.
RRSServerFile property in object RRSSettingAtt
Gets value of "RRS Servers File" parameter.
RTIM property in object GeneralStatisticsSettingAtt
Returns or sets the state ot the response time field.
RadialAlignment property in object CircPattern
Returns or sets whether the copied shapes should be rotated or radial aligned with respect to the original one.
RadialDirectionRow property in object CircPattern
Returns the position of the shape to be copied along the radial direction.
RadialRepartition property in object CircPattern
Returns the radial repartition.
Radius property in object FaceFillet
Returns the face fillet radius.
Radius property in object Circle2D
Radius property in object Hyperbola2D
Radius property in object HybridShapeSphere
Role: Get sphere radius.
Radius property in object HybridShapeCorner
Returns the corner radius.
Radius property in object ConstRadEdgeFillet
Returns the edge fillet constant radius.
Radius property in object HybridShapeCylinder
Returns or sets the radius of the cylinder object.
Radius property in object Measurable
Returns the radius of an arc, cylinder or sphere.
Radius property in object RenderingEnvironment
Returns or sets the spherical or cylindrical environment radius value.
Radius property in object HybridShapeCircleCtrRad
Returns the circle radius.
Radius property in object HybridShapeExtremumPolar
returns the resulting radius of extremum.
Radius property in object HybridShapeFilletBiTangent
Returns fillet radius in a CATIALength.
Radius property in object HybridShapeCircle2PointsRad
Returns the circle radius.
Radius property in object HybridShapeCircleCenterAxis
Returns the circle radius.
Radius property in object HybridShapeCircleCenterTangent
Returns the circle radius.
Radius property in object HybridShapeCircleBitangentRadius
Returns the circle radius.
RadiusLaw property in object HybridShapeSweepCircle
Returns or sets the radius law feature.
RadiusLawInversion property in object HybridShapeSweepCircle
Returns or sets the radius law inversion information.
RadiusLawType property in object HybridShapeSweepCircle
Returns or sets the radius law type.
RadiusNumber property in object ManufacturingToolCorrector
Gives the corrector radius number.
RadiusType property in object HybridShapeFilletBiTangent
Returns or Sets fillet radius type.
RadiusValue property in object HybridShapeFilletBiTangent
Returns or Sets fillet radius value.
RangeMax property in object IntParam
Returns or sets the value of the upper bound that the parameter object value can take.
RangeMax property in object RealParam
Returns or sets the value of the upper bound that the parameter object value can take.
RangeMaxValidity property in object IntParam
Returns or sets the type of the upper bound of the parameter.
RangeMaxValidity property in object RealParam
Returns or sets the type of the upper bound of the parameter.
RangeMin property in object IntParam
Returns or sets the value of the lower bound that the parameter object value can take.
RangeMin property in object RealParam
Returns or sets the value of the lower bound that the parameter object value can take.
RangeMinValidity property in object IntParam
Returns or sets the type of the lower bound of the parameter.
RangeMinValidity property in object RealParam
Returns or sets the type of the lower bound of the parameter.
Rating property in object HtsJointSpeedSettingsAtt
Returns or sets the Rating parameter.
Ratio property in object Scaling2
Returns the scaling ratio.
Ratio property in object HybridShapeScaling
Returns the scaling ratio.
Ratio property in object HybridShapePointOnCurve
Returns the distance ratio to the reference point.
Ratio property in object HybridShapePointBetween
Get the ratio.
RatioValue property in object Scaling2
Returns or sets the scaling ratio value.
RatioValue property in object HybridShapeScaling
Returns or sets the scaling ratio value.
RaytracingStatus property in object RenderingShooting
Returns or sets the the raytracing status for shooting.
ReachColor property in object RobAnalysisSettingAtt
Returns or sets the ReachColor parameter.
ReadOnly property in object Document
Returns whether the file containing the document can be read only, on can be read and written.
ReadOnly property in object Parameter
Returns whether the parameter can be modified.
ReboundsCount property in object RenderingShooting
Returns or sets the maximum number of rebounds levels to take into account for image computation.
RecordMode property in object ManipSettingAtt
RectangleLightLength property in object RenderingLight
Returns or sets the light area length.
RectangleLightWidth property in object RenderingLight
Returns or sets the light area width.
RedundancyMode property in object AsmConstraintSettingAtt
Sets redundancy check option for constraint creation.
RefAxisSystem property in object HybridShapeDirection
Returns or Sets the reference Axis System for Direction feature.
RefAxisSystem property in object HybridShapeTranslate
Returns or Sets the reference Axis System for Translate feature.
RefAxisSystem property in object HybridShapePointCoord
Returns or Sets the reference Axis System for PointCoord feature.
RefAxisSystem property in object HybridShapePlaneEquation
Returns or Sets the reference Axis System for PlaneEquation feature.
RefDoc property in object GeneralSessionSettingAtt
Returns the referenced documents parameter.
RefPoint property in object HybridShapeLineBisecting
Returns or sets the reference point used to create the bisecting line.
Reference property in object Shuttle
Returns or sets the associated reference object.
Reference property in object SelectedElement
Returns a Reference version of the Value property.
Reference property in object HybridShapeSymmetry
Returns or sets the reference element.
Reference property in object HybridShapeSweepCircle
Returns or sets the reference (functional curve or guide surface).
Reference property in object HybridShapeLawDistProj
Returns or sets the reference line of the law.
Reference property in object HybridShapeSweepExplicit
Returns or sets the reference surface (optional).
ReferenceAxis property in object Constraint
Returns or sets the constraint reference axis.
ReferenceAxis property in object HybridShapeAxisToAxis
Returns or sets the reference axis.
ReferenceDirectoryForTypes property in object LanguageSheetSettingAtt
Returns or sets the ReferenceDirectoryForTypes parameter.
ReferenceElement property in object HybridShapeNear
Role: To get_ReferenceElement on the object.
ReferenceElement property in object HybridShapeExtremum
Returns or sets the object on which the extremum is detected.
ReferenceFrame property in object AssociatedRefFrame
Retrieves the Datum Reference Frame associated to a TPS.
ReferenceProduct property in object Product
Returns the Reference Product of this instance.
ReferenceSurface property in object HybridShapeWrapSurface
Returns or sets the reference surface of the WrapSurface.
ReferenceSurfaceElement property in object Sweep
Returns or sets the reference surface .
ReferenceTime property in object HumanActivityGroup
ReferenceType property in object Constraint
Returns or sets the constraint reference type.
ReferenceView property in object DrawingView
Returns or sets the reference view.
ReferenceView property in object Layout2DView
Returns or sets the reference view.
Referential property in object MoveToPostureActivity
ReflectionHeight property in object RenderingMaterial
Returns or sets the non-linear reflection height of a material.
ReflectionLength property in object RenderingMaterial
Returns or sets the non-linear reflection length of a material.
ReflectionMode property in object RenderingMaterial
Returns or sets the non-linear reflection mode of a material.
ReflectionsCount property in object RenderingShooting
Returns or sets the maximum number of reflections levels to take into account for image computation.
ReflectivityCoefficient property in object RenderingMaterial
Returns or sets the reflectivity coefficient of a material.
RefractionCoefficient property in object RenderingMaterial
Returns or sets the refraction coefficient of a material.
RefractionsCount property in object RenderingShooting
Returns or sets the maximum number of refractions levels to take into account for image computation.
RefreshDisplay property in object Application
Enables or disables the update of the display during the script replay.
Regions property in object ABQLoad
Returns the region to which the load is applied.
Regions property in object ABQBoundaryCondition
Returns the region to which the boundary condition is applied.
Relations property in object Part
Returns the collection object containing the part relations.
Relations property in object Activity
This property returns the interface which manages the knowlegde relations of the activity.
Relations property in object DrawingRoot
Returns the collection of relations of the drawing document.
Relations property in object DrawingDocument
Returns the collection of relations of the drawing document.
Relations property in object Layout2DRoot
Returns the collection of relations of the part document.
Relations property in object AnalysisManager
Returns the collection object containing the analysis relations.
Relations property in object Product
Returns the collection object containing the product relations.
Relations property in object ManufacturingView
Returns the Relations Set owned by a Manufacturing View.
RelationsNodeInTree property in object PartInfrastructureSettingAtt
Returns or sets the "RelationsNodeInTree" parameter.
RelationsUpdateInPartContextEvaluateDuringUpdate property in object KnowledgeSheetSettingAtt
Returns or sets the RelationsUpdateInPartContextEvaluateDuringUpdate parameter.
RelationsUpdateInPartContextSynchronousRelations property in object KnowledgeSheetSettingAtt
Returns or sets the RelationsUpdateInPartContextSynchronousRelations parameter.
Relay property in object Publication
Valuates a publication object with another publication object.
Release property in object SystemConfiguration
Returns the CATIA release number.
ReleasedVoxel property in object CacheSettingAtt
Returns or sets the released voxel parameter.
Relimitation property in object HybridShapeLoft
Returns or sets the relimitation type between sections of the loft.
RemoveElem property in object HybridShapeFilletTriTangent
Returns or sets the support surface to remove feature.
RemoveFace property in object RemoveFace
Adds a new face to be removed.
RemoveFace property in object ReplaceFace
Returns the face to be removed.
RemoveFaces property in object RemoveFace
Get the specified faces to be removed.
RemoveOrientation property in object HybridShapeFilletTriTangent
Returns or sets the third orientation used to specify fillet center position.
RemovedMaterialPercentage property in object PartComps
Returns the removed material percentage.
RemovedMaterialVolume property in object PartComps
Returns the removed material volume.
Renamed property in object Parameter
Returns a boolean saying if the parameter is a renamed parameter or not.
RenderStyle property in object TreeTabSettingAtt
RenderingMaterial property in object Material
Returns the rendering material object from the current material.
RenderingMode property in object Viewer3D
Returns or sets the rendering mode.
RenderingMode property in object Layout2DRoot
Set/Get the rendering mode of Layout2D.
RepMod property in object IgesSettingAtt
Returns or sets the Export representation mode setting parameter value.
RepeatU property in object RenderingMaterial
Returns or sets the texture repeat status along U axis.
RepeatV property in object RenderingMaterial
Returns or sets the texture repeat status along V axis.
ReplaceOnlyAfterCurrent property in object PartInfrastructureSettingAtt
Returns or sets the "ReplaceOnlyAfterCurrent" parameter.
ReportCheckAdvisor property in object ReportGenerationSheetSettingAtt
Returns or sets the ReportCheckAdvisor parameter.
ReportCheckExpert property in object ReportGenerationSheetSettingAtt
Returns or sets the ReportCheckExpert parameter.
ReportDescriptionLength property in object ExpertRuleBaseRuntime
Returns or sets the Report Description Length (For Text option only).
ReportHtmlInCatiaSession property in object ReportGenerationSheetSettingAtt
Returns or sets the ReportHtmlInCatiaSession parameter.
ReportName property in object Geometry2D
ReportObjectsInformation property in object ReportGenerationSheetSettingAtt
Returns or sets the ReportObjectsInformation parameter.
ReportOutPutFormat property in object ExpertRuleBaseRuntime
Returns or sets the Report OutPut Format.
ReportOutputDirectory property in object ReportGenerationSheetSettingAtt
Returns or sets the ReportOutputDirectory parameter.
ReportParametersInformation property in object ReportGenerationSheetSettingAtt
Returns or sets the ReportParametersInformation parameter.
ReportPassedObjects property in object ReportGenerationSheetSettingAtt
Returns or sets the ReportPassedObjects parameter.
ReportPath property in object ExpertRuleBaseRuntime
Returns or sets the Report output path.
ReportShowResult property in object ExpertRuleBaseRuntime
Returns or sets the option for sorting the report.
Representation property in object ManufacturingActivity
This property returns the path of the representation file for a manufacturing Activity.
RepresentationMode property in object DrawingViewGenerativeBehavior
Returns or sets generated geometry representation mode.
ResolvedSectionsPath property in object PathESSRessourcesSettingAtt
Returns or sets the ResolvedSectionsPath parameter.
ResolvedText property in object WIText
ResourceFilter property in object TreeTabSettingAtt
Resources property in object Activity
This property returns the interface which manages the resources hierarchy on the activity.
Resources property in object PPRDocument
Retrieves the list of Resources contained in the current document.
Response property in object ABQHeatTransferStep
Sets or returns the response type.
RestartReadInterval property in object ABQJob
Sets or returns the interval of restart read requests.
RestartReadJob property in object ABQJob
Sets or returns or the path to the original job (*.
RestartReadOption property in object ABQJob
Sets or returns the restart read option.
RestartReadStep property in object ABQJob
Sets or returns the Step.
RestartReadStepNumber property in object ABQJob
Sets or returns the step number of restart read requests.
RestartReadStepSelectionOption property in object ABQJob
Sets or returns the step selection option for restart read.
RestartRequestFrequency property in object ABQJob
DEPRECATED - please use RestartRequestOption instead.
RestartRequestFrequencyValue property in object ABQJob
Sets or returns the frequencey value of restart requests.
RestartRequestIntervalValue property in object ABQJob
Sets or returns the interval of restart requests.
RestartRequestOption property in object ABQJob
Sets or returns the restart request option.
RestartRequestOverlay property in object ABQJob
Sets or returns the overlay option for the restart request.
RestartRequestTimeMarks property in object ABQJob
Sets or returns the time marks flag for restart requests.
ResultOutputDir property in object FASReportingSettingAtt
Gets value of "OLP Robot Program Directory" parameter.
Revision property in object Product
Returns or sets the product's revision number.
RevolAxis property in object HybridShapePlaneAngle
Returns or sets the rotation axis.
RevoluteAxis property in object Revolution
Returns or sets the rotation axis for Revol.
RibbonRelimitationMode property in object HybridShapeFilletBiTangent
Returns or Sets fillet ribbon relimitation mode (or fillet extremities mode).
RibbonRelimitationMode property in object HybridShapeFilletTriTangent
Returns or sets fillet ribbon relimitation mode (or fillet extremities mode).
RightMargin property in object PageSetup
Returns or sets the right margin.
RmvNotAssgnPrdResOnSync property in object MfgHubSettingAtt
Retrieves (or sets, if not initialized) the RmvNotAssgnPrdResOnSync parameter.
RobotProgramDir property in object IgpOlpSettingAtt
Returns or sets value of OLP Directory parameter.
RootDLNameCreationRight property in object DLNameSettingAtt
Returns or set the right to create new Root DLNames.
RootParameterSet property in object Parameters
Returns the root parameter set of a document.
RootType property in object ElecSchematicObject
Returns the Electrical Schematic Object's Root Type (Equipment, Signal, Bundle, Wire).
RotAccelColor property in object RobAnalysisSettingAtt
Returns or sets the RotAccelColor parameter.
RotAccelLimit property in object RobAnalysisSettingAtt
Returns or sets the RotAccelLimit parameter.
RotSpeedColor property in object RobAnalysisSettingAtt
Returns or sets the RotSpeedColor parameter.
RotSpeedLimit property in object RobAnalysisSettingAtt
Returns or sets the RotSpeedLimit parameter.
RotaryAxis property in object ManufacturingMachine
Give the MfgRotaryAxis linked to a Manufacturing Machine.
Rotation property in object PageSetup
Returns or sets the rotation of the document or the image to print.
Rotation property in object RenderingEnvironmentWall
Returns or sets the texture rotation angle (in degrees).
RotationAngle property in object Pattern
Returns the pattern global rotation angle.
RotationOffsetAngle property in object SWKIKConstraint
Returns or sets the rotation offset angle for the 3D plane constraint.
RotationOrientation property in object CircPattern
Returns or sets whether the shapes are copied clockwise on the crowns with respect to the rotation axis direction.
RotationSnapAngle property in object FTASettingAtt
Returns or sets the Rotation Snap Angle parameter.
RotationSnapAuto property in object FTASettingAtt
Returns or sets the Rotation Snap Auto parameter.
RotationSphereMode property in object VisualizationSettingAtt
Returns the RotationSphereMode parameter.
RotationType property in object HybridShapeRotate
Returns or sets the type of the rotation definition.
RoundRadius property in object AutoFillet
Returns the Round radius.
RoundRadiusActivation property in object AutoFillet
Returns the AutoFillet RoundRadiusActivation flag (for AutoFillet only).
RuleBaseEdition property in object ExpertRuleBaseRuntime
Returns the editable object corresponding to this rulebase.
RuleEdition property in object ExpertRuleRuntime
Returns the editable object corresponding to this rule.
RuleSet property in object ExpertRuleBaseRuntime
Returns the Set linked to the RuleBase.
RuleSetEdition property in object ExpertRuleSetRuntime
Returns the editable object corresponding to this ruleset.
RuledDevelopableSurface property in object HybridShapeBlend
Returns or sets the ruled developable surface mode.
RunAnnotBehavior property in object SimulationSettingAtt
Returns or sets the RunAnnotBehavior setting attribute value.
RunAnnotation property in object SimulationSettingAtt
Returns or sets the RunAnnotation setting attribute value.
RunEndCondition property in object SimulationSettingAtt
Returns or sets the RunEndCondition setting attribute value.
RunHlnkBehavior property in object SimulationSettingAtt
Returns or sets the RunHlnkBehavior setting attribute value.
RunHyperlink property in object SimulationSettingAtt
Returns or sets the RunHyperlink setting attribute value.
RunPause property in object SimulationSettingAtt
Returns or sets the RunPause setting attribute value.
RunStateMgt property in object SimulationSettingAtt
Returns or sets the RunStateMgt setting attribute value.
RunStepSize property in object SimulationSettingAtt
Returns or sets the RunStepSize setting attribute value.
RunTextBehavior property in object SimulationSettingAtt
Returns or sets the RunTextBehavior setting attribute value.
RunTextMsg property in object SimulationSettingAtt
Returns or sets the RunTextMsg setting attribute value.
RunViewpoint property in object SimulationSettingAtt
Returns or sets the RunViewpoint setting attribute value.
RunVisBehavior property in object SimulationSettingAtt
Returns or sets the RunVisBehavior setting attribute value.
ratioLock property in object DrawingPicture
Returns or sets the ratioLock of the drawing picture.


SHMStdProfPath property in object CatalogSHMObjectSettingAtt
Returns or sets the SHMStdProfPath setting parameter value.
SHMViewFDBeadBTLFeat property in object ViewCharacteristicCurvesSettingAtt
Returns or sets SHMViewFDBeadBTLFeat setting parameter value.
SHMViewFDCircStampBTLFeat property in object ViewCharacteristicCurvesSettingAtt
Returns or sets SHMViewFDCircStampBTLFeat setting parameter value.
SHMViewFDCurveStampBTLFeat property in object ViewCharacteristicCurvesSettingAtt
Returns or sets SHMViewFDCurveStampBTLFeat setting parameter value.
SHMViewFDFlgCutBTLFeat property in object ViewCharacteristicCurvesSettingAtt
Returns or sets SHMViewFDFlgCutBTLFeat setting parameter value.
SHMViewFDFlgCutIML property in object ViewCharacteristicCurvesSettingAtt
Returns or sets SHMViewFDFlgCutIML setting parameter value.
SHMViewFDFlgCutOML property in object ViewCharacteristicCurvesSettingAtt
Returns or sets SHMViewFDFlgCutOML setting parameter value.
SHMViewFDFlgHoleBTLFeat property in object ViewCharacteristicCurvesSettingAtt
Returns or sets SHMViewFDFlgHoleBTLFeat setting parameter value.
SHMViewFDFlgHoleIML property in object ViewCharacteristicCurvesSettingAtt
Returns or sets SHMViewFDFlgHoleIML setting parameter value.
SHMViewFDFlgHoleOML property in object ViewCharacteristicCurvesSettingAtt
Returns or sets SHMViewFDFlgHoleOML setting parameter value.
SHMViewFDOtherStampBTLFeat property in object ViewCharacteristicCurvesSettingAtt
Returns or sets SHMViewFDOtherStampBTLFeat setting parameter value.
SHMViewFDStiffStampBTLFeat property in object ViewCharacteristicCurvesSettingAtt
Returns or sets SHMViewFDStiffStampBTLFeat setting parameter value.
SHMViewFDSurfFlgBTLFeatBF property in object ViewCharacteristicCurvesSettingAtt
Returns or sets SHMViewFDSurfFlgBTLFeatBF setting parameter value.
SHMViewFDSurfFlgBTLFeatHF property in object ViewCharacteristicCurvesSettingAtt
Returns or sets SHMViewFDSurfFlgBTLFeatHF setting parameter value.
SHMViewFDSurfFlgBTLSuppBF property in object ViewCharacteristicCurvesSettingAtt
Returns or sets SHMViewFDSurfFlgBTLSuppBF setting parameter value.
SHMViewFDSurfFlgBTLSuppHF property in object ViewCharacteristicCurvesSettingAtt
Returns or sets SHMViewFDSurfFlgBTLSuppHF setting parameter value.
SHMViewFDSurfFlgIMLBF property in object ViewCharacteristicCurvesSettingAtt
Returns or sets SHMViewFDSurfFlgIMLBF setting parameter value.
SHMViewFDSurfFlgIMLHF property in object ViewCharacteristicCurvesSettingAtt
Returns or sets SHMViewFDSurfFlgIMLHF setting parameter value.
SHMViewFDSurfFlgOMLBF property in object ViewCharacteristicCurvesSettingAtt
Returns or sets SHMViewFDSurfFlgOMLBF setting parameter value.
SHMViewFDSurfFlgOMLHF property in object ViewCharacteristicCurvesSettingAtt
Returns or sets SHMViewFDSurfFlgOMLHF setting parameter value.
SHMViewFDSurfStampBTLFeat property in object ViewCharacteristicCurvesSettingAtt
Returns or sets SHMViewFDSurfStampBTLFeat setting parameter value.
SHMViewFDUserStampBTLFeat property in object ViewCharacteristicCurvesSettingAtt
Returns or sets SHMViewFDUserStampBTLFeat setting parameter value.
SHMViewFPBeadBTLFeat property in object ViewCharacteristicCurvesSettingAtt
Returns or sets SHMViewFPBeadBTLFeat setting parameter value.
SHMViewFPCircStampBTLFeat property in object ViewCharacteristicCurvesSettingAtt
Returns or sets SHMViewFPCircStampBTLFeat setting parameter value.
SHMViewFPCurveStampBTLFeat property in object ViewCharacteristicCurvesSettingAtt
Returns or sets SHMViewFPCurveStampBTLFeat setting parameter value.
SHMViewFPFlgCutBTLFeat property in object ViewCharacteristicCurvesSettingAtt
Returns or sets SHMViewFPFlgCutBTLFeat setting parameter value.
SHMViewFPFlgCutIML property in object ViewCharacteristicCurvesSettingAtt
Returns or sets SHMViewFPFlgCutIML setting parameter value.
SHMViewFPFlgCutOML property in object ViewCharacteristicCurvesSettingAtt
Returns or sets SHMViewFPFlgCutOML setting parameter value.
SHMViewFPFlgHoleBTLFeat property in object ViewCharacteristicCurvesSettingAtt
Returns or sets SHMViewFPFlgHoleBTLFeat setting parameter value.
SHMViewFPFlgHoleIML property in object ViewCharacteristicCurvesSettingAtt
Returns or sets SHMViewFPFlgHoleIML setting parameter value.
SHMViewFPFlgHoleOML property in object ViewCharacteristicCurvesSettingAtt
Returns or sets SHMViewFPFlgHoleOML setting parameter value.
SHMViewFPOtherStampBTLFeat property in object ViewCharacteristicCurvesSettingAtt
Returns or sets SHMViewFPOtherStampBTLFeat setting parameter value.
SHMViewFPStiffStampBTLFeat property in object ViewCharacteristicCurvesSettingAtt
Returns or sets SHMViewFPStiffStampBTLFeat setting parameter value.
SHMViewFPSurfFlgBTLFeatBF property in object ViewCharacteristicCurvesSettingAtt
Returns or sets SHMViewFPSurfFlgBTLFeatBF setting parameter value.
SHMViewFPSurfFlgBTLFeatHF property in object ViewCharacteristicCurvesSettingAtt
Returns or sets SHMViewFPSurfFlgBTLFeatHF setting parameter value.
SHMViewFPSurfFlgBTLSuppBF property in object ViewCharacteristicCurvesSettingAtt
Returns or sets SHMViewFPSurfFlgBTLSuppBF setting parameter value.
SHMViewFPSurfFlgBTLSuppHF property in object ViewCharacteristicCurvesSettingAtt
Returns or sets SHMViewFPSurfFlgBTLSuppHF setting parameter value.
SHMViewFPSurfFlgCLBBF property in object ViewCharacteristicCurvesSettingAtt
Returns or sets SHMViewFPSurfFlgCLBBF setting parameter value.
SHMViewFPSurfFlgCLBHF property in object ViewCharacteristicCurvesSettingAtt
Returns or sets SHMViewFPSurfFlgCLBHF setting parameter value.
SHMViewFPSurfFlgIMLBF property in object ViewCharacteristicCurvesSettingAtt
Returns or sets SHMViewFPSurfFlgIMLBF setting parameter value.
SHMViewFPSurfFlgIMLHF property in object ViewCharacteristicCurvesSettingAtt
Returns or sets SHMViewFPSurfFlgIMLHF setting parameter value.
SHMViewFPSurfFlgOML2BF property in object ViewCharacteristicCurvesSettingAtt
Returns or sets SHMViewFPSurfFlgOML2BF setting parameter value.
SHMViewFPSurfFlgOML2HF property in object ViewCharacteristicCurvesSettingAtt
Returns or sets SHMViewFPSurfFlgOML2HF setting parameter value.
SHMViewFPSurfFlgOMLBF property in object ViewCharacteristicCurvesSettingAtt
Returns or sets SHMViewFPSurfFlgOMLBF setting parameter value.
SHMViewFPSurfFlgOMLHF property in object ViewCharacteristicCurvesSettingAtt
Returns or sets SHMViewFPSurfFlgOMLHF setting parameter value.
SHMViewFPSurfStampBTLFeat property in object ViewCharacteristicCurvesSettingAtt
Returns or sets SHMViewFPSurfStampBTLFeat setting parameter value.
SHMViewFPUserStampBTLFeat property in object ViewCharacteristicCurvesSettingAtt
Returns or sets SHMViewFPUserStampBTLFeat setting parameter value.
SVGViewer property in object FASReportingSettingAtt
Gets value of "OLP Robot Program Directory" parameter.
SameDisplay property in object UnitsSheetSettingAtt
Returns or sets the SameDisplay parameter.
Satisfaction property in object OptimizationConstraint
Returns the constraint satisfaction.
SaveAsNewTemplateDirectory property in object AnalysisPostProSettingAtt
Returns or sets the SaveAsNewTemplateDirectory parameter.
SaveAutoIncrement property in object RenderingSettingAtt
Returns or sets the SaveAutoIncrement parameter.
SaveCGR property in object DMUTolSettingAtt
Returns or sets the Save in CGR setting parameter value.
SaveControlFlowInPROMode property in object MfgHubSettingAtt
Retrieves (or sets, if not initialized) the SaveControlFlowInPROMode attribute.
SaveCoorsysInCgr property in object MultiCADSettingAtt
SaveInCGR property in object FTAInfraSettingAtt
Returns or sets the Save In CGR setting parameter value.
SavePPRNoDetailing property in object MfgHubSettingAtt
Returns (or sets, if not initialized) the SavePPRNoDetailing parameter.
SaveRelationToUnExposedPart property in object MfgHubSettingAtt
Returns (or sets, if not initialized) the SaveRelationToUnExposedPart parameter.
SaveShowEffctvtPanel property in object MfgHubSettingAtt
Retrieves (or sets, if not initialized) the SaveShowEffctvtPanel parameter.
SaveV5CalcTime property in object MfgHubSettingAtt
Returns (or sets, if not initialized) the SaveV5CalcTime parameter.
Saved property in object Document
Returns whether the document has been modified, and thus needs to be saved.
Scale property in object DrawingView
Returns or sets the scale of the drawing view.
Scale property in object DrawingSheet
Returns or sets the scale of the drawing sheet.
Scale2 property in object DrawingView
Returns or sets the scale of the drawing view (Workaround for VBA keyword).
Scale2 property in object DrawingSheet
Returns or sets the scale of the drawing sheet (Workaround for VBA keyword).
Scale2 property in object DrawingComponent
Returns or sets the scale of the drawing component instance (Workaround for VBA keyword).
ScaleFactor property in object ABQMassScaling
Sets or returns the scale factor.
ScaleFactorOn property in object ABQMassScaling
Sets or returns whether the scale factor is active.
ScaleU property in object RenderingMaterial
Returns or sets the texture scale along U axis.
ScaleU property in object RenderingEnvironmentWall
Returns or sets the texture scale along the U axis.
ScaleV property in object RenderingMaterial
Returns or sets the texture scale along V axis.
ScaleV property in object RenderingEnvironmentWall
Returns or sets the texture scale along the V axis.
Scaling property in object Sampled
Returns or sets the Sampled object.
Scaling property in object HybridShapeLawDistProj
Returns or sets the scaling ratio of the law.
Scaling1To1 property in object PageSetup
Returns or sets whether the document or the image should be printed with a zoom factor equals to 1 and the image to print lower left corner on the paper lower corner.
ScalingReference property in object Scaling
Returns or sets the scaling reference element.
ScoringMode property in object DrawingDimValue
Get dimension scoring mode.
Scratch property in object ABQJob
Sets or returns or the path to the scratch directory.
Script property in object FeatureGenerator
Returns or sets the script that describes what is to be generated.
ScriptText property in object FunctScript
Get the ScriptText.
Scripts property in object FunctGenScriptMgr
Get the Generative Scripts collection.
SearchAlgoType property in object DefaultAnnotation
Get the type of search algo to find geometry on which the annotation apply to.
SearchIntensity property in object CollisionFreeWalk
Returns and sets the value for 'Search Intensity' in a collision free walk.
Search_List_Size property in object MigrBatchSettingAtt
Retrieves or sets the size of the "Mapping Files Location for Retrieving" list.
Second property in object HybridShapePlane2Lines
Role: Get the second line.
Second property in object HybridShapePlane3Points
Returns or sets the second point.
SecondAngle property in object Revolution
Returns the revolution second angle.
SecondAngleLaw property in object HybridShapeSweepCircle
Returns or sets the second angle law useful in some circular sweep types.
SecondAngleLawInversion property in object HybridShapeSweepCircle
Returns or sets the second angle law inversion information.
SecondComponentDirection property in object SolidCombine
Returns or sets the direction of second component of SolidCombine.
SecondComponentProfile property in object SolidCombine
Returns or sets the profile of second component of SolidCombine.
SecondContinuity property in object HybridShapeConnect
Gets or Sets the continuity on second curve.
SecondCurve property in object HybridShapeConnect
Gets or Sets the second reference curve.
SecondDirectionRepartition property in object RectPattern
Returns the linear repartition along the second direction.
SecondDirectionRow property in object RectPattern
Returns the position of the shape to be copied along the second linear direction.
SecondElem property in object HybridShapeTrim
SecondElem property in object HybridShapeCorner
Returns or sets the corner second reference element.
SecondElem property in object HybridShapeFilletBiTangent
Returns or sets the Second support surface feature.
SecondElem property in object HybridShapeFilletTriTangent
Returns or sets the Second support surface feature.
SecondElement property in object HybridShapeRotate
Returns or sets the second element defining the rotation angle.
SecondFace property in object FaceFillet
Returns or sets the second limiting face.
SecondFace property in object TritangentFillet
Returns the second face limiting the tritangent fillet.
SecondGroup property in object Clash
Returns or sets the second group used by the computation.
SecondGroup property in object Distance
Returns or sets the second group used by the computation.
SecondGuideCrv property in object HybridShapeSweepLine
Returns or sets the sweep operation second guide curve.
SecondGuideCrv property in object HybridShapeSweepConic
Returns or sets the second guide curve.
SecondGuideCrv property in object HybridShapeSweepCircle
Returns or sets the sweep operation second guide curve.
SecondGuideCrv property in object HybridShapeSweepExplicit
Gets the second guide curve (optional).
SecondGuideSurf property in object HybridShapeSweepLine
Returns or sets the sweep operation second guide surface.
SecondLawRelimiter property in object HybridShapeFilletBiTangent
Gets or sets Law second relimiter for variable shape fillet with law management.
SecondLengthLaw property in object HybridShapeSweepLine
Returns or sets second length law useful in some linear sweep types.
SecondLengthLawInversion property in object HybridShapeSweepLine
Returns or sets whether the second length law has to be inverted.
SecondLimit property in object Prism
Returns the second prism limit (one of the two).
SecondLimit property in object AssemblyPocket
Returns the second pocket limit.
SecondLimitType property in object HybridShapeExtrude
Returns or sets the Second limit type.
SecondOrientation property in object RectPattern
Returns or sets whether the pattern is built towards the second direction orientation.
SecondOrientation property in object HybridShapeTrim
SecondOrientation property in object HybridShapeCorner
Returns or sets the orientation of the corner second reference element.
SecondOrientation property in object HybridShapeConnect
Gets or Sets the orientation of second curve SecondOrientation = 1 : SameOrientation.
SecondOrientation property in object HybridShapeFilletBiTangent
Returns or Sets the Second orientation used to specify fillet center position.
SecondOrientation property in object HybridShapeFilletTriTangent
Returns or sets the Second orientation used to specify fillet center position.
SecondPoint property in object HybridShapeRotate
Returns or sets the second point defining the rotation.
SecondPoint property in object HybridShapeConnect
Gets or Sets the second reference point.
SecondPoint property in object HybridShapeTranslate
Returns or sets the second point defining the translation.
SecondPoint property in object HybridShapePointBetween
Returns or sets the second reference point.
SecondProduct property in object Distance
Returns the product belonging to the second group that realizes the minimum distance.
SecondProduct property in object Conflict
Returns the second product involved in the conflict.
SecondRectangularPatternParameters property in object RectPattern
Returns or sets the rectangular pattern parameters required to define the pattern.
SecondTangentOrientation property in object HybridShapeCorner
Returns or sets the tangent orientation of the corner second reference element.
SecondTension property in object HybridShapeConnect
Returns the tension on the second curve making up the connect curve.
SecondTrimOption property in object HybridShapeSweepLine
Returns or sets the trim option for the second tangency surface.
SecondUptoElem property in object Line
Role: Gets the Second upto element of the line.
SecondUptoElement property in object HybridShapeExtrude
Returns or sets the Second up-to element used to limit extrusion.
SectPattern property in object FTASettingAtt
Returns or sets the Pattern of Visu setting parameter value.
SectPattern property in object DMUTolSettingAtt
Returns or sets the Pattern of Visu setting parameter value.
Section property in object StrMember
Returns or sets the section object.
Section property in object Export3DXmlSettingAtt
SectionCoupling property in object HybridShapeLoft
Returns or sets the type of coupling between sections of the loft.
SectionDiameter property in object ArrangementRun
Returns or sets the SectionDiameter for an ArrangementRun object.
SectionDiameter property in object ArrangementPathway
Returns or sets the SectionDiameter for an ArrangementPathway object.
SectionFill property in object SectioningSettingAtt
Returns or sets the SectionFill parameter.
SectionHeight property in object ArrangementRun
Returns or sets the SectionHeight for an ArrangementRun object.
SectionHeight property in object ArrangementPathway
Returns or sets the SectionHeight for an ArrangementPathway object.
SectionHeight property in object ArrangementBoundary
Returns or sets the SectionHeight for an ArrangementBoundary object.
SectionName property in object StrSection
Returns the parameter defining the section name.
SectionPlane property in object HybridShapeSection
Returns or sets the section plane.
SectionType property in object ArrangementRun
Returns or sets the SectionType for an ArrangementRun object.
SectionType property in object HybridShapeFilletBiTangent
Returns or Sets fillet section type.
SectionType property in object ArrangementPathway
Returns or sets the Section for an ArrangementPathway object.
SectionType property in object ArrangementBoundary
Returns or sets the SectionType for an ArrangementBoundary object.
SectionWidth property in object ArrangementRun
Returns or sets the SectionWidth for an ArrangementRun object.
SectionWidth property in object ArrangementPathway
Returns or sets the SectionWidth for an ArrangementPathway object.
SectionWidth property in object ArrangementBoundary
Returns or sets the SectionWidth for an ArrangementBoundary object.
Sections property in object SPAWorkbench
Returns the Sections collection.
SectionsCatalogPath property in object PathESSRessourcesSettingAtt
Returns or sets the SectionsCatalogPath parameter.
SeeHiddenElements property in object Document
Returns or sets the document's hidden elements visibility.
SelectPublishedGeometry property in object FTASettingAtt
Returns or sets the Slect Published Geometry parameter.
Selection property in object Document
Returns the current selection.
ServerTimeOut property in object LicenseSettingAtt
Retrieves or Sets the server time out.
ServicePack property in object SystemConfiguration
Returns the CATIA service pack number.
Set property in object Capture
Retrieves tolerancing set the Capture belongs too.
SetbackValue property in object HybridShapeSweep
Returns or sets the setback value.
SettingsNode property in object SWKManikin
Returns the settings node of the current manikin.
Setups property in object ManufacturingProcess
Give the List of Setups linked to a Manufacturing Process.
Severity property in object Check
Returns or sets the check severity.
SewingIntersectionMode property in object SewSurface
Returns or sets the sewing mode .
SewingSide property in object SewSurface
Returns or sets the sewing side .
ShaderMode property in object VisualizationSettingAtt
Returns the ShaderMode parameter.
ShadowFittingMode property in object RenderingLight
Returns or sets the light shadow fitting mode.
ShadowMapSize property in object RenderingLight
Returns or sets the light shadow map size.
ShadowObjectStatus property in object RenderingLight
Returns or sets the light shadow status on objet.
ShadowStatus property in object RenderingLight
Returns or sets the light shadow status.
ShadowsStatus property in object RenderingShooting
Returns or sets the shadows status of shooting.
ShadowsStatus property in object RenderingEnvironmentWall
Returns or sets the wall shadow status.
ShapeFactory property in object Part
Returns the part shape factory.
Shapes property in object Body
Returns the body's Shapes collection.
Shared property in object ManufacturingMachinableGeometry
Returns or sets the shared state of a ManufacturingMachinableGeometry object.
SharpnessAngle property in object HybridShapeHealing
Returns the Sharpness Angle of the healing.
SheetMetalFactory property in object Part
Returns the sheet metal factory of the part.
SheetMetalParameters property in object Part
Returns the sheet metal parameters of the part.
SheetScale property in object Layout2DSheet
Returns or sets the scale of the Layout2D sheet.
Sheets property in object DrawingRoot
Returns the collection of drawing sheets of the drawing document.
Sheets property in object DrawingDocument
Returns the collection of drawing sheets of the drawing document.
Sheets property in object Layout2DRoot
Returns the collection of Layout2D sheets of the part document.
ShiftValue property in object ShiftedProfileTolerance
Retrieves or sets shift value of tolerance zone (in millimeters).
ShiftedProfile property in object FTASettingAtt
Returns or sets the Shifted Profile parameter.
Shots property in object Sampled
Returns or sets the Sampled object.
ShowActivation property in object TreeVizManipSettingAtt
Retrieves or Sets the visualization Show/NoShow's mode applied to the specification tree.
ShowCompletionDialogBox property in object IgesSettingAtt
Returns or sets the Show/No Show dialog box setting parameter value.
ShowLicense property in object LicenseSettingAtt
Retrieves or Sets the show license .
ShowOnlyFilteredObjects property in object MfgHubSettingAtt
Retrieves (or sets, if not initialized) the ShowOnlyFilteredObjects attribute.
ShowParameters property in object FunctionalSystemSettingAtt
Returns or sets the ShowParameters parameter.
ShowRelations property in object FunctionalSystemSettingAtt
Returns or sets the ShowRelations parameter.
ShowSynchroStatusOfLocalParamCache property in object FunctionalSystemSettingAtt
Returns or sets the ShowSynchroStatusOfLocalParamCache parameter.
Side property in object Thread
Returns the thread or tap side.
Side property in object Constraint
Returns or sets the constraint side.
SideStepAngle property in object HtsGeneralSettingAtt
Returns or sets the SideStepAngle parameter.
Silhouettes property in object OptimizerWorkBench
Returns or sets the constraint driving mode.
Simplify property in object HybridShapeTrim
Returns or sets whether the simplification of the resulting topology is or should be activated.
SingularColor property in object RobAnalysisSettingAtt
Returns or sets the SingularColor parameter.
Size property in object File
Returns the size of the file.
Size property in object TreeVizManipSettingAtt
Retrieves or Sets the number of characters shown for the text of the specification tree.
Size property in object ArrangementArea
Returns the Size of the ArrangementArea.
Size property in object ManufacturingOutput
Returns the number of bytes written to this data output.
SizeControl property in object CacheSettingAtt
Return or sets the cache size control.
SizeType property in object TreeVizManipSettingAtt
Retrieves or Sets the type of size applied to the text of the specification tree.
Sketch property in object StrPlate
Returns the sketch object of the plate.
Sketch property in object SketchBasedShape
Returns the sketch the shape is based on.
Sketch property in object AssemblyHole
Returns the hole positioning sketch.
Sketch property in object AssemblyPocket
Returns the pocket sketch.
SketchComponent property in object AssemblyHole
Returns the component containing the hole positioning sketch.
SketchComponent property in object AssemblyPocket
Returns the component containing the pocket sketch.
Sketches property in object Body
Returns the body's Sketches collection.
Sliding property in object ABQSurfaceToSurfaceContact
Sets or returns the sliding type in a contact pair.
SliversAndCrack property in object AutoFillet
SliversAndCracks property in object AutoFillet
Returns or sets the slivers face.
SmoothActivity property in object HybridShapeSweepLine
Returns whether the sweeping operation is smoothed.
SmoothActivity property in object HybridShapeSweepConic
Returns or sets information whether sweeping operation is smoothed or not.
SmoothActivity property in object HybridShapeSweepCircle
Returns or sets information whether a sweeping operation is smoothed or not.
SmoothActivity property in object HybridShapeSweepExplicit
Returns or sets information whether sweeping operation is smoothed or not.
SmoothAmplitude property in object ABQLoad
Sets or returns the Smooth Amplitude, given the refernce of the Smooth amplitude.
SmoothAmplitude property in object ABQDisplacementBC
Sets or returns the Smooth Amplitude, given the refernce of the Smooth amplitude.
SmoothAngleThreshold property in object HybridShapeLoft
Returns or sets the angular threshold under which discontinuities (moving frame, tangency net on reference surface) will be smoothed.
SmoothAngleThreshold property in object HybridShapeBlend
Returns the angular threshold.
SmoothAngleThreshold property in object HybridShapeSweepLine
Returns the angular threshold.
SmoothAngleThreshold property in object HybridShapeSweepConic
Returns angular threshold under which discontinuities .
SmoothAngleThreshold property in object HybridShapeSweepCircle
Returns the angular threshold.
SmoothAngleThreshold property in object HybridShapeSweepExplicit
Returns angular threshold.
SmoothAngleThresholdActivity property in object HybridShapeLoft
Returns or sets whether a angular threshold is allowed or not during lofting operation in order to smooth it.
SmoothAngleThresholdActivity property in object HybridShapeBlend
Returns or sets information whether a blending operation is smoothed or not.
SmoothDeviation property in object HybridShapeLoft
Returns or sets the deviation value (length) allowed during lofting operation in order to smooth it.
SmoothDeviation property in object HybridShapeBlend
Returns the deviation value (length) from guide curves allowed during a sweeping operation in order to smooth it.
SmoothDeviationActivity property in object HybridShapeLoft
Returns or sets whether a deviation is allowed or not during lofting operation in order to smooth it.
SmoothDeviationActivity property in object HybridShapeBlend
Returns or sets information whether a deviation from guide curves is allowed or not.
SmoothingType property in object HybridShapeProject
Sets or Gets Smoothing Type.
SmoothingType property in object HybridShapeCurvePar
Returns or sets the smoothing Type.
SnapAngleDistance property in object ManipSettingAtt
SnapPosition property in object ManipSettingAtt
SolidMU property in object V4V5SpaceSettingAtt
Returns or sets the activation state of mode for isolated Solids Mock-Up migration
Role: Returns or sets the state of mode for isolated Solids Mock-Up migration.
SolidMode property in object HybridShapeIntersection
Returns or sets the SolidMode flag for intersect.
SolutionNo property in object HybridShapeSweepLine
Returns or sets the choice number, which corresponds to each solution of a given linear sweep case.
SolutionNo property in object HybridShapeSweepExplicit
Returns or sets the choice number, which corresponds to each solution of a given explicit sweep case.
SolutionType property in object HybridShapeProject
Returns or sets the solution type.
SolutionType property in object HybridShapeLineBisecting
Returns or sets the solution type.
SolutionTypeCombine property in object HybridShapeCombine
Returns or sets whether the curves that create the combined curve are or should be extruded along normals to the curve planes or along given directions.
SolveType property in object ExpertRuleBaseRuntime
Returns or sets the solve option.
Sound property in object AnnotatedView
Returns or sets the path of the sound file associated with the annotated view.
Source property in object ABQJob
Sets or returns the source for analysis.
Source property in object Product
Returns or sets the product's source.
SourceElement property in object Solid
Returns the source element of the imported solid.
SourceProduct property in object Solid
Returns the source product instance of the imported solid.
SourceType property in object HybridShapeReflectLine
Returns or sets whether the reflectline curve is or should be created with infinite light source (cylindrical) or with finite point light source (conical).
Spacing property in object LinearRepartition
Returns the distance between two consecutive shapes along the repartition direction.
SpecifiedCycleTime property in object HumanTask
SpecifiedJointSpeed property in object HumanTask
SpecsViewer property in object SpecsAndGeomWindow
Returns the specifications viewer.
Specular property in object RenderingLight
Returns or sets the light specular intensity of a light.
SpecularCoefficient property in object RenderingMaterial
Returns or sets the specular coefficient of a material.
SpecularExponent property in object RenderingMaterial
Returns or sets the specular exponent of a material.
Speed property in object Track
Returns or sets the track speed.
SpeedPercent property in object MoveHomeAct
This property returns and sets the speed value percentage for the move activity.
SpeedPercent property in object MoveToPostureActivity
SpeedPercent property in object MoveJointsAct
This property returns and sets the speed value percentage for the activity.
SphereLightRadius property in object RenderingLight
Returns or sets the sphere light area radius.
Spine property in object HybridShapeBlend
Returns or sets a curve used as spine for coupling in Blend computation.
Spine property in object HybridShapeSweepLine
Returns or sets the sweep operation spine (optional).
Spine property in object HybridShapeSweepConic
Returns or sets the spine (optional) for sweep operation.
Spine property in object HybridShapeSweepCircle
Returns or sets the sweep operation spine (optional).
Spine property in object HybridShapeIntegratedLaw
Gets or sets Spine for implicit law.
Spine property in object HybridShapeSweepExplicit
Returns or sets the spine (optional) for sweep operation.
Spine property in object HybridShapeFilletBiTangent
Returns or Sets the spine feature.
SplitFunctionalObjectName property in object FunctionalSystemSettingAtt
Returns or sets the SplitFunctionalObjectName parameter.
SplittingComponent property in object AssemblySplit
Returns the component containing the splitting element.
SplittingElement property in object AssemblySplit
Returns the splitting element.
SplittingSide property in object Split
Returns or sets the splitting side .
SplittingSide property in object ReplaceFace
Returns or sets the splitting side .
SplittingSide property in object AssemblySplit
Returns or sets the splitting side.
SpringDef property in object ABQSpringConnectionProperty
Sets or returns the definition of spring.
SpringType property in object ABQSpringConnectionProperty
Sets or returns the type of spring.
Stabilization property in object ABQGeneralStaticStep
Returns a boolean indicating whether the stabilization option was selected.
StabilizationMagnitude property in object ABQGeneralStaticStep
ets and Returns the damping factor if the stabilization method is FACTOR.
StabilizationMethod property in object ABQGeneralStaticStep
Returns or sets the stabilization method if the Stabilization option is selected.
StabilizationStiffness property in object ABQGasketProperty
StabilizationStiffnessType property in object ABQGasketProperty
Standard property in object AnnotationSet
Retrieves the Parent Standard defined at set creation.
Standard property in object DrawingRoot
Returns or sets the drawing standard of the drawing document.
Standard property in object DrawingDocument
Returns or sets the drawing standard of the drawing document.
Standard property in object Layout2DRoot
Returns or sets the DrawingStandard of the part document.
Standard property in object FTAInfraSettingAtt
Returns or sets the Tolerancing Standard setting parameter value.
Standard property in object PspFunctional
Return Standard.
StandardThickness property in object StrPlate
Returns the standard thickness following the support orientation.
Start property in object DrawingTextRange
Returns the starting character position of the drawing text range.
StartAngle property in object HybridShapeCircle
Returns the circle start angle.
StartExtremity property in object StrMember
Returns the member's start extremity object.
StartExtremityContinuity property in object HybridShapeCurveSmooth
Returns or sets the continuity condition (curvature, tangency or point) applied to the smoothed curve with regard to the input curve at the start extremity of the input curve.
StartParam property in object HybridShapeIntegratedLaw
Gets start parameter.
StartPoint property in object Curve2D
Returns the start point of the curve.
StartPoint property in object HybridShapeConic
Returns or sets the conic start point.
StartPoint property in object HybridShapeSpine
Retuns or sets the start point of the spine.
StartSegment property in object SWKIKConstraint
Returns or sets the first segment of the body to be driven by this constraint.
StartTangent property in object HybridShapeConic
Returns or sets the tangent direction at the conic start point.
StartUpConnectors property in object PspClass
Returns a List of start-up Connector object classes.
StartUpFunctions property in object PspClass
Returns a List of start-up Function object classes.
StartUpPhysicals property in object PspClass
Returns a List of start-up physical object classes.
StartUp_Model_For_Drawing property in object MigrBatchSettingAtt
Retrieves or sets the state of the "Initial Drawing Path" setting parameter.
StartingAngle property in object HybridShapeHelix
Reads the helix starting angle.
StartingPoint property in object HybridShapeHelix
Reads / Changes the starting point of the Helix.
StartingRadius property in object HybridShapeSpiral
Reads / Changes the starting radius of the Spiral.
StartupType property in object PspObject
Returns the Startup type of the object.
StaticCull property in object VisualizationSettingAtt
Returns the StaticCull parameter.
StaticLOD property in object VisualizationSettingAtt
Returns the StaticLOD parameter.
Status property in object ABQLoad
Returns the propagating status of the load.
Status property in object Constraint
Returns the constraint status.
Status property in object Conflict
Returns or sets the status of the conflict.
Status property in object ABQBoundaryCondition
Returns the propagating status of the boundary condition.
StatusBar property in object Application
Returns or sets the text displayed in the application's window status bar.
Step property in object FreeParameter
Returns or sets the initial step used by the optimisation to look for a better solution.
StepByStepUpdateAndReroute property in object SpecV4SettingAtt
Returns or sets the activation state of Step By Step Update And Reroute.
StepNum property in object ABQInitialTemperature
Sets or returns the step number from which to read the temperature data.
Steps property in object ABQAnalysisCase
Returns the Abaqus analysis steps associated with this analysis case.
StereoMode property in object VisualizationSettingAtt
Returns the StereoMode parameter.
StrAnchorPoints property in object StrSection
Returns the collection of anchor points.
StrComputeServices property in object StrWorkbench
Returns the compute services object.
Stride property in object WalkActivity
StrikeThru property in object DrawingTextProperties
Returns or sets the drawing text font strikethrough property.
StringUsedAsCarriageReturn property in object FunctionalSystemSettingAtt
Returns or sets the StringUsedAsCarriageReturn parameter.
Style property in object PointFastener
ets the CGR Style representation for the fastener in the 3D Viewer.
Style property in object FastenerGroup
ets the CGR Style representation for the Spot Welds in the 3D Viewer.
StyleSheetDir property in object FASReportingSettingAtt
Gets value of "OLP Robot Program Directory" parameter.
StyleSheetPath property in object WorkGeneralSettingAtt
Returns or sets the ConstraintsSimul parameter.
SubFolders property in object Folder
Returns the folder collection of the folder.
SubShuttles property in object Shuttle
Returns any shuttles that are contained within the current shuttle.
SubType property in object HybridShapeSweepExplicit
Returns or sets the explicit sweep subtype.
SubTypes property in object ArrNomenclature
Returns the collection of subtype UserNomenclatures within this UserNomenclature.
Subscript property in object DrawingTextProperties
Returns or sets the drawing text font subscript property.
Succeeds property in object ExpertCheckRuntime
Returns the list of the tuples that satisfy this check.
SupRange property in object FreeParameter
Returns or sets the superior bound of the free parameter object.
SuperType property in object Annotation
Get the Super Type.
SuperTypeName property in object ArrNomenclature
Superscript property in object DrawingTextProperties
Returns or sets the drawing text font superscript property.
Support property in object HybridShapeTrim
Returns or sets the support element.
Support property in object HybridShapeSplit
Returns or sets the support element.
Support property in object StrPlate
Returns or sets the support of the plate.
Support property in object StrMember
Retrieves the result support object.
Support property in object HybridShapeSpiral
Reads / Changes the spiral plane support.
Support property in object HybridShapeCorner
Returns or sets the corner support.
Support property in object HybridShapeConnect
Returns or sets the supporting face.
Support property in object HybridShapeDevelop
Returns or sets the support revolution surface on which the development is operated.
Support property in object HybridShapeProject
Returns or sets the support element.
Support property in object HybridShapeExtract
Returns or sets the support for the extract.
Support property in object HybridShapeLinePtPt
Returns or Sets the supporting surface.
Support property in object HybridShapeCurvePar
Returns or sets the support of the curve.
Support property in object HybridShapeBoundary
Returns or sets the support surface around which the boundary is computed.
Support property in object HybridShapeExtrapol
Returns or sets the support surface.
Support property in object HybridShapeLinePtDir
Returns or Sets the supporting surface.
Support property in object HybridShapeCircleCtrPt
Returns or sets the circle support surface.
Support property in object HybridShapeReflectLine
Returns or sets the support surface used to create the reflectline.
Support property in object HybridShapeCurveSmooth
Returns or sets the support of the curve.
Support property in object HybridShapeCircleCtrRad
Returns or sets the circle support surface.
Support property in object HybridShapeLineTangency
Returns or Sets the support surface.
Support property in object HybridShapePointBetween
Returns or Sets the support.
Support property in object HybridShapeCircle3Points
Returns or sets the circle support surface.
Support property in object HybridShapeLineBiTangent
Returns or Sets the supporting surface.
Support property in object HybridShapeLineBisecting
Returns or sets the support used to create the bisecting line.
Support property in object HybridShapeExtremumPolar
returns or sets the support (if exist).
Support property in object HybridShapeCircle2PointsRad
Returns or sets the circle support surface.
Support property in object HybridShapeCircleTritangent
Returns or sets the circle support surface.
Support property in object HybridShapeCircleCenterTangent
Returns or sets the circle support surface.
Support property in object HybridShapeCircleBitangentPoint
Returns or sets the circle support surface.
Support property in object HybridShapeCircleBitangentRadius
Returns or sets the circle support surface.
SupportPlane property in object HybridShapeConic
Returns or sets the conic supporting plane.
SupportProperty property in object ABQGasketProperty
Sets or returns the 3D structrel property.
SupportSurface property in object AutoFillet
Returns or sets the support surface.
SupportsTrimMode property in object HybridShapeFilletBiTangent
Returns or Sets whether support surfaces are trimmed or not.
SupportsTrimMode property in object HybridShapeFilletTriTangent
Returns or sets whether support surfaces are trimmed or not.
SuppressMode property in object HybridShapeOffset
Returns or sets suppress mode.
Surface property in object SurfaceBasedShape
Returns or sets the surface.
Surface property in object HybridShapeLineAngle
Role: Get the support surface.
Surface property in object HybridShapeWrapCurve
Returns or sets the surface to deform of the WrapCurve.
Surface property in object HybridShapeLineNormal
Returns or Sets the surface to which the line will be normal.
Surface property in object HybridShapeWrapSurface
Returns or sets the reference surface to deform of the WrapSurface.
Surface property in object HybridShapePlaneTangent
Role: Get the surface to which the plane is to be tangent.
Surface property in object HybridShapePointOnSurface
Returns or Sets the surface.
SurfaceAccuracy property in object Export3DXmlSettingAtt
Returns or sets the surface accuracy.
SurfaceElementsLocation property in object PartInfrastructureSettingAtt
Returns or sets the "SurfaceElementsLocation" parameter.
SurfaceReference property in object StrMember
Retrieves or sets the surface reference object for the member.
SurfaceToUnfold property in object HybridShapeUnfold
Returns or sets the surface to unfold.
SurfaceToUnfold property in object HybridShapeTransfer
Returns or sets the surface to unfold.
SurfaceType property in object HybridShapeUnfold
Returns or sets the type of surface to unfold.
SurfacicWeigth property in object CompositesMaterial
returns or set the surfacic weigth defined in Composites tab in kg per m2.
SwapMasterSlave property in object ABQFastenedPair
Sets or returns the swap master/slave surface flag.
SwapMasterSlave property in object ABQSurfaceToSurfaceContact
Returns the activation status if the master surface is swapped as slave surface.
SwapMasterSlave property in object ABQFastenedConnectionEnhancement
Sets or returns the swap master/slave surface flag.
SweptVolumes property in object OptimizerWorkBench
Returns SweptVolumes.
Swing property in object WalkActivity
SwitchOn property in object AnnotationSet
Gets or Sets Annotation Set Visualization.
Symbol property in object Unit
Returns the symbol associated to the unit.
Symbol property in object PointFastener
ets the symbol for representation for the fastener in the 3D Viewer.
Symbol property in object FastenerGroup
ets the symbol for representation for the Spot Welds in the 3D Viewer.
SymbolsSide property in object DrawingDimension
Returns or sets symbol side of dimension line.
SymetricValue property in object DimensionLimit
Returns or sets whether the dimension limit is symmetric.
SymmetricalExtension property in object HybridShapeExtrude
Returns or sets the symmetrical extension on Extrude limits.
SymmetricalExtension property in object HybridShapeCylinder
Returns or sets the symmetrical extension on Cylinder lengths.
SyncAnlSpecs property in object AnalysisSettingAtt
Returns or sets the SyncAnlSpecs parameter.
SyncTimeAndSpeedInSimulation property in object HtsGeneralSettingAtt
Returns or sets the SyncTimeAndSpeed parameter.
SystemConfiguration property in object Application
Returns the system configuration object (an object which provides access to system or configuration dependent resources).
SystemService property in object Application
Returns system services.
sinkTemperature property in object ABQFilmCondition
ets or returns the reference sink temperature.


TCPTraceMode property in object TCPTraceManager
Indicates if the tracing capability is activ or not.
THEM property in object GeneralStatisticsSettingAtt
Returns or sets the state ot the thematic field.
THERM_COND property in object PCBComponent
Allow to get and set the thermal conductivity of a component.
THETA_JB property in object PCBComponent
Allow to get and set the junction to board thermal resistance of a component.
THETA_JC property in object PCBComponent
Allow to get and set the junction to case thermal resistance of a component.
TIME property in object GeneralStatisticsSettingAtt
Returns or sets the state ot the time and date field.
TOLERANCE property in object PCBComponent
Allow to get and set the TOLERANCE of a component.
TPSStatus property in object Annotation
Get the TPS Status.
TPSViewFactory property in object AnnotationSet
Obtain the factory to create TPS Views.
TPSViews property in object Capture
Retrieves the TPS Views that are visualy managed by this Capture.
TPSViews property in object AnnotationSet
Retrieves all the TPSViews that belong to the set.
Tables property in object DrawingView
Returns the drawing table collection of the drawing view.
Tables property in object Layout2DView
Returns the drawing table collection of the drawing view.
TabularAmplitude property in object ABQLoad
Sets or returns the amplitude, given the Tabular amplitude refrence.
TabularAmplitude property in object ABQDisplacementBC
Sets or returns the amplitude, given the Tabular amplitude refrence.
TabulatedLimit property in object DimensionLimit
Returns or sets the dimension tabulated limit.
TailSymbol property in object DrawingArrow
Returns or sets symbol type of tail side.
TailTarget property in object DrawingArrow
Returns or sets target element of tail side.
TangencyAngle property in object HybridShapeHealing
Returns the Tangency Angle of the healing.
TangencyObjective property in object HybridShapeHealing
Returns the Tangency Objective of the healing.
TangencyThreshold property in object HybridShapeCurveSmooth
Returns the TangencyThreshold.
TangentCurve property in object HybridShapeCircleCenterTangent
Returns or sets the tangent curve to which the circle will be tangent.
TangentIntPoint property in object HybridShapeConic
Returns or sets the conic tangent intersection point.
TangentOrientation1 property in object HybridShapeCircleTritangent
Returns or sets the tangent orientation of the circle first reference element.
TangentOrientation1 property in object HybridShapeCircleCenterTangent
Returns or sets the tangent orientation of the circle first reference element.
TangentOrientation1 property in object HybridShapeCircleBitangentPoint
Returns or sets the tangent orientation of the circle first reference element.
TangentOrientation1 property in object HybridShapeCircleBitangentRadius
Returns or sets the tangent orientation of the circle first reference element.
TangentOrientation2 property in object HybridShapeCircleTritangent
Returns or sets the tangent orientation of the circle second reference element.
TangentOrientation2 property in object HybridShapeCircleCenterTangent
Returns or sets the tangent orientation of the circle second reference element.
TangentOrientation2 property in object HybridShapeCircleBitangentPoint
Returns or sets the tangent orientation of the circle second reference element.
TangentOrientation2 property in object HybridShapeCircleBitangentRadius
Returns or sets the tangent orientation of the circle second reference element.
TangentOrientation3 property in object HybridShapeCircleTritangent
Returns or sets the tangent orientation of the circle third reference element.
TaperAngle property in object HybridShapeHelix
Reads the helix taper angle.
TaperOutward property in object HybridShapeHelix
Reads / Modifies the taper angle sense of variation.
TargetAxis property in object HybridShapeAxisToAxis
Returns or sets the target axis.
TargetMethod property in object ABQMassScaling
Sets or returns the target time scaling method.
TargetOperation property in object ManufacturingPrecedence
Returns the target object of the precedence, but with the Operation interface if it is.
TargetOrientationMode property in object HybridShapeUnfold
Returns or sets the mode for target surface orientation.
TargetPlane property in object HybridShapeUnfold
Returns or sets the target plane.
TargetSurface property in object HybridShapeWrapSurface
Returns or sets the target surface of the WrapSurface.
TargetTime property in object ABQMassScaling
Sets or returns the scaling target time.
TargetTimeOn property in object ABQMassScaling
Sets or returns whether the target time scaling is active.
TargetType property in object MoveActionActivity
TargetValue property in object Optimization
Returns the objective parameter target value.
Targets property in object DatumSimple
Retrieves a CATITPSList to read the list of datum target.
TaskList property in object HumanProgram
TechnicalDocumentationPath property in object DocumentationSettingAtt
Returns the technical documentation location (path) parameter.
TempOutputDirectory property in object AnalysisReportingSettingAtt
Returns or sets the TempOutputDirectory parameter.
TemporaryDirectory property in object FileSystem
Returns the temporary system directory.
TerminationAttrList property in object PlugMapViewSettingAtt
Returns or sets the ConstraintsSimul parameter.
TerminationIDNumber property in object EHMInsertionActPlugMapViewData
Gets Termination ID Number.
TerminationName property in object EHMInsertionActPlugMapViewData
Gets Termination Name.
TerminationNumber property in object EHMInsertionActPlugMapViewData
Gets Termination Number.
TerminationRefDesignator property in object EHMInsertionActPlugMapViewData
Gets Termination Reference Designator.
TerminationSubType property in object EHMInsertionActPlugMapViewData
Gets Termination Sub Type.
TerminationType property in object EHMInsertionActPlugMapViewData
Gets Termination Type.
Text property in object Noa
Retrieves or sets Text Representation.
Text property in object Text
Get the annotation's text.
Text property in object FlagNote
Retrieves text.
Text property in object Marker2D
Returns or sets the text for a text Marker2D.
Text property in object Marker3D
Returns or sets the text for a text marker 3D.
Text property in object DrawingText
Returns or sets character string that makes up the text.
Text property in object DrawingTextRange
Returns or sets the character string making up the drawing text range.
TextAngle property in object Marker2D
Returns or sets the text's angle for a text Marker2D.
TextBlanking property in object PageSetup
TextFont property in object Marker2D
Returns or sets the text's font for a text Marker2D.
TextFont property in object Marker3D
Returns or sets the text's font for a marker 3D.
TextMigration property in object V4V5SpaceSettingAtt
Returns or sets the activation state of mode for 3D Text migration
Role: Returns or sets the state of mode for 3D Text migration.
TextOrientation property in object Marker2D
Return or set the orientation of text.
TextOrientation property in object Marker3D
Returns or sets the orientation of text.
TextProperties property in object DrawingText
Returns the text properties of the drawing text.
TextProperties property in object DrawingWelding
Returns the text properties of the drawing welding.
TextProperties property in object DrawingTextRange
TextScaling property in object PageSetup
Returns or sets text scaling option for print.
TextSize property in object Marker2D
Returns or sets the text's size for a text Marker2D.
TextSize property in object Marker3D
Returns or sets the text's size for a marker 3D.
TextVisualization property in object ExpertRuleBaseRuntime
Returns or sets the Report option for visualization.
Texts property in object DrawingView
Returns the drawing text collection of the drawing view.
Texts property in object Layout2DView
Returns the drawing text collection of the Layout2D view.
Texture property in object RenderingEnvironmentWall
Returns or sets the wall texture name.
TextureAmplitude property in object RenderingMaterial
Returns or sets the 3d texture amplitude coefficient.
TextureComplexity property in object RenderingMaterial
Returns or sets the 3d texture complexity.
TextureGain property in object RenderingMaterial
Returns or sets the 3d texture gain coefficient.
TextureImage property in object RenderingMaterial
Returns or sets the texture image pathname of a material.
TexturePerturbation property in object RenderingMaterial
Returns or sets the 3d texture perturbation coefficient.
TextureTurbulence property in object RenderingMaterial
Returns or sets the 3d texture turbulence status.
TextureType property in object RenderingMaterial
Returns or sets the texture type of a material.
TextureVeinAmplitude property in object RenderingMaterial
Returns or sets the 3d texture vein amplitude coefficient.
TexturesStatus property in object RenderingShooting
Returns or sets the textures status of shooting.
Thickness property in object Stiffener
Returns the stiffener thickness.
Thickness property in object HybridShape
Returns the thickness of the hybrid shape.
Thickness property in object DrawingDimLine
Returns or sets thickness of dimension line.
Thickness property in object Section
Returns or sets the thickness of the section.
Thickness property in object DrawingDimExtLine
Returns or sets thickness of extension line.
Thickness1 property in object HybridShapeThickness
Returns or sets the first thickness value in mm.
Thickness1Value property in object HybridShapeThickness
Returns the first thickness value.
Thickness2 property in object HybridShapeThickness
Returns or sets the second thickness value in mm.
Thickness2Value property in object HybridShapeThickness
Returns the second thickness value.
ThicknessFromTop property in object Stiffener
Returns the stiffener thickness top in case of From Top stiffener.
ThicknessListPath property in object PathESSRessourcesSettingAtt
Returns or sets the ThicknessListPath parameter.
Thicknesses property in object OptimizerWorkBench
Returns Thicknesses.
Third property in object HybridShapePlane3Points
Returns or sets the third point.
ThirdGuideCrv property in object HybridShapeSweepConic
Returns or sets the third guide curve.
ThirdGuideCrv property in object HybridShapeSweepCircle
Returns or sets the sweep operation third guide curve.
ThirdPoint property in object HybridShapeRotate
Returns or sets the third point defining the rotation.
ThreadDepth property in object Hole
Returns the hole thread depth.
ThreadDescription property in object Thread
Returns the thread/tap description parameter.
ThreadDiameter property in object Hole
Returns the hole thread diameter.
ThreadPitch property in object Hole
Returns the hole thread pitch.
ThreadSide property in object Hole
Returns the hole thread side.
ThreadingMode property in object Hole
Returns the hole threading mode.
Threads property in object DrawingView
Returns the drawing thread collection of the drawing view.
Threads property in object Layout2DView
Returns the drawing thread collection of the Layout2D view.
TildeDisplay property in object MeasureSettingAtt
Returns or sets the TildeDisplay parameter.
Time property in object Sampled
Retrieves/sets the sampled's time.
TimeAmplitudeTableSize property in object ABQTabularAmplitude
Returns the size of the time/amplitude table.
TimeAmplitudeTableSize property in object ABQSmoothStepAmplitude
Returns the size of the time/amplitude table.
TimeIncrementationMethod property in object ABQHeatTransferStep
ets or returns the incrementation type.
TimeIncrementationMethod property in object ABQGeneralStaticStep
Returns or sets the type of the incrementation during the step.
TimeIncrementationMethod property in object ABQExplicitDynamicsStep
Sets or returns the type of the incrementation during the step.
TimePeriod property in object ABQHeatTransferStep
Sets or returns the step time.
TimePeriod property in object ABQGeneralStaticStep
Returns or sets the total time period of the Abaqus general static step.
TimePeriod property in object ABQExplicitDynamicsStep
Sets or returns the total time period of the Abaqus explicit dynamics step.
TimeRoll property in object GeneralSessionSettingAtt
Returns the data save parameter (in milliseconds).
TimeScalingFactor property in object ABQExplicitDynamicsStep
Sets or returns the time scaling factor.
TimeSpan property in object ABQTabularAmplitude
Sets or returns the timespan in tabular amplitude.
TimeSpan property in object ABQSmoothStepAmplitude
Sets or returns the timespan in smooth step amplitude.
TimeUnit property in object GeneralStatisticsSettingAtt
Returns or sets the state ot the time unit field.
TimestampMode property in object CacheSettingAtt
Retrieves or sets the timestamp control.
To property in object HybridShapeBoundary
Removes or sets the starting limit(i.
To property in object FunctionalAction
Get the To object.
ToOrientation property in object HybridShapeBoundary
Gets or sets the Starting Limit Orientation (i.
TolJoin property in object IgesSettingAtt
Returns or sets the join tolerance setting parameter value.
TolOptInvalidGeom property in object IgesSettingAtt
Returns or sets the InvalidGeom Tolerance setting parameter value.
Tolerance property in object IgesSettingAtt
Returns or sets the tolerance ( optimize - fitting ) setting parameter value.
TolerantMode property in object HybridShapeFill
Returns or sets the Tolerant mode option.
Tool property in object MountActivity
This property returns and sets the tool to mount.
Tool property in object UnmountActivity
This property returns and sets the tool to Unmount.
Tool property in object ManufacturingActivity
Retreive the Tool of a Manufacturing Activity.
Tool property in object ManufacturingToolAssembly
Returns the tool of an assembly.
ToolAssembly property in object ManufacturingActivity
Retreive the ToolAssembly of a Manufacturing Activity.
ToolAxisStrategy property in object ManufacturingPattern
Returns or sets the Tool Axis Strategy of a Manufacturing Pattern.
ToolNumber property in object ManufacturingTool
Give the Number linked to a Manufacturing Tool.
ToolNumber property in object ManufacturingToolAssembly
Returns the number linked to a tool assembly.
ToolProfile property in object MountActivity
ToolProfile property in object UnmountActivity
ToolType property in object ManufacturingTool
Return the technological type of a the tool.
Top property in object Window
Returns or sets the distance of the window with respect to the inner top side of the frame.
Top property in object Application
Returns or sets the distance from the application'si frame window top to the top of the screen.
TopMargin property in object PageSetup
Returns or sets the top margin.
TopOffset property in object ThickSurface
Returns the value of the top offset.
TopType property in object ManufacturingPrismaticMachiningArea
Returns or sets the Hardness Mode on top of a Manufacturing Prismatic Machining Area.
TopologySimplificationActivity property in object HybridShapeCurveSmooth
Returns or sets the TopologySimplificationActivity.
TotalPoints property in object TCPTrace
Returns the number of points in the trace.
TotalTime property in object ManufacturingActivity
Retreive the total Time of a Manufacturing Activity.
TraceAxisColor property in object SimTraceSettingAtt
Returns or sets the TraceAxisColor parameter.
TraceAxisThick property in object SimTraceSettingAtt
Returns or sets the TraceAxisThick parameter.
TraceAxisType property in object SimTraceSettingAtt
Returns or sets the TraceAxisType parameter.
TraceAxisVisu property in object SimTraceSettingAtt
Returns or sets the TraceAxisVisu parameter.
TraceDeletePath property in object SimTraceSettingAtt
Returns or sets the TraceDeletePath parameter.
TraceLegend property in object SimTraceSettingAtt
Returns or sets the TraceLegend parameter.
TraceLineColor property in object SimTraceSettingAtt
Returns or sets the TraceLineColor parameter.
TraceLineThick property in object SimTraceSettingAtt
Returns or sets the TraceLineThick parameter.
TraceLineType property in object SimTraceSettingAtt
Returns or sets the TraceLineType parameter.
TraceLineVisu property in object SimTraceSettingAtt
Returns or sets the TraceLineVisu parameter.
TraceName property in object TCPTrace
Manage the name of the trace.
TracePointColor property in object SimTraceSettingAtt
Returns or sets the TracePointColor parameter.
TracePointSymbol property in object SimTraceSettingAtt
Returns or sets the TracePointSymbol parameter.
TracePointVisu property in object SimTraceSettingAtt
Returns or sets the TracePointVisu parameter.
TrackAutoUpdate property in object FittingSettingAtt
TransferWithTarget property in object SWKIKConstraint
Returns or sets the Transfer With Target property.
TranslationU property in object RenderingEnvironmentWall
Returns or sets the texture offset along the U axis.
TranslationV property in object RenderingEnvironmentWall
Returns or sets the texture offset along the V axis.
TranslatorMode property in object MultiCADSettingAtt
TransparencyCoefficient property in object RenderingMaterial
Returns or sets the transparency coefficient of a material.
TransparencyMode property in object VisualizationSettingAtt
Returns the TransparencyMode parameter.
TravelColor property in object DevAnalysisSettingAtt
Returns or sets the TravelColor parameter.
TravelLimit property in object DevAnalysisSettingAtt
Returns or sets the TravelLimit parameter.
Trim property in object HybridShapeCorner
Returns or sets whether the corner reference curves are or should be trimmed.
Trim property in object HybridShapeConnect
Gets or Sets the trim mode.
TrimMode property in object HybridShapeCorner
Returns or sets whether the corner reference curves are or should be trimmed.
TrimMode property in object HybridShapeCircleTritangent
Returns or sets whether the circle reference curves are or should be trimmed.
TrimMode property in object HybridShapeCircleBitangentPoint
Returns or sets whether the circle reference curves are or should be trimmed.
TrimMode property in object HybridShapeCircleBitangentRadius
Returns or sets whether the circle reference curves are or should be trimmed.
TrimOption property in object HybridShapeSweepLine
Returns or sets the trim option.
TrimOption property in object HybridShapeSweepCircle
Returns or sets the trim option status.
TrueColorMode property in object PartInfrastructureSettingAtt
Returns or sets the "ColorInheritanceMode" parameter.
TrueDimMode property in object DrawingDimension
Returns or sets true dimension mode or not.
TrueDimension property in object FTASettingAtt
Returns the TrueDimension parameter.
TwoSideLightingMode property in object VisualizationSettingAtt
Returns the TwoSideLightingMode parameter.
Type property in object File
Returns the type of the file.
Type property in object Camera
Returns the camera's type.
Type property in object Hole
Returns the hole type.
Type property in object ABQJob
Returns or sets the job type.
Type property in object Activity
This method returns the type of the current activity.
Type property in object ABQLoad
Returns the type of the load.
Type property in object ABQStep
Returns the type of the step.
Type property in object ProductScene
Returns the type of the Product-Scene.
Type property in object Annotation
Get the Type.
Type property in object AxisSystem
Returns or sets the type of the axis system.
Type property in object Constraint
Returns the constraint type.
Type property in object ABQProperty
Returns the type of the property.
Type property in object SelectedElement
Returns the string constant which describes the selected element Automation type.
Type property in object Marker2D
Returns the type of the marker 2D.
Type property in object Marker3D
Returns the type of the marker 3D.
Type property in object Joint
Returns the joint type.
Type property in object StrObject
Returns the type of the structure object.
Type property in object RenderingLight
Returns or sets the light type.
Type property in object ABQInteraction
Returns the type of the Interaction.
Type property in object HybridShapeSpiral
Reads / Changes the spiral type.
Type property in object ABQTemperature
Returns the type of the Temperature.
Type property in object StrCutback
Returns the type of the cutback object.
Type property in object DrawingThread
Returns or sets a CatThreadType (threaded or taped) on a thread.
Type property in object AnalysisSet
Returns the type of the analysis Set.
Type property in object HybridShapeDirection
Returns the direction type.
Type property in object AssemblyHole
Returns or sets the hole type.
Type property in object Section
Returns or sets the type of the section.
Type property in object Conflict
Returns the type of the conflict.
Type property in object ElecSchematicObject
Returns the Electrical Schematic Object's Type (Alternator, Signal, Bundle, Wire, .
Type property in object BasicComponent
Returns the type of the Basic Component.
Type property in object AnalysisEntity
Returns the type of the analysis entity.
Type property in object TreeVizManipSettingAtt
Retrieves or Sets the type applied to the specification tree.
Type property in object MechanismCommand
Returns the command type.
Type property in object ABQBoundaryCondition
Returns the type of the boundary condition.
Type property in object HybridShapePointOnCurve
Returns the distance stored value type.
Type property in object AnalysisLocalEntity
Returns the type of the analysis Entity.
Type property in object ArrangementProduct
Returns the Type of the ArrangementProduct in the form of a String.
Type property in object AnalysisMeshLocalSpecification
Returns the type of the local specification.
Type property in object ManufacturingPrismaticMachiningArea
Returns or sets the Type of a Manufacturing Prismatic Machining Area.
TypeBaseFrm property in object ImportD5SettingAtt
Returns or sets the TypeBaseFrm parameter.
TypeCoorsys property in object ImportD5SettingAtt
Returns or sets the TypeCoorsys parameter.
TypeOfIconOnFunctionalElement property in object FunctionalSystemSettingAtt
Returns or sets the TypeOfIconOnFunctionalElement parameter.
TypeOfTransfer property in object HybridShapeTransfer
Returns or sets the type of transfer.
TypeSolution property in object HybridShapeReflectLine
Returns or sets whether the reflectline curve is or should be created with the normal to the support or the tangent plane to the support.
TypeToolFrm property in object ImportD5SettingAtt
Returns or sets the TypeToolFrm parameter.
TypeWclPath property in object ImportD5SettingAtt
Returns or sets the TypeWclPath parameter.
temperatureDependency property in object ABQFilmCondition
Sets or returns the temperature dependency.
temperatureDependency property in object ABQThermalConnBehavior
Sets or returns the temperature dependency.


U1 property in object ABQRigidCoupling
Sets or returns the U1 degree of freedom.
U2 property in object ABQRigidCoupling
Sets or returns the U2 degree of freedom.
U3 property in object ABQRigidCoupling
Sets or returns the U3 degree of freedom.
UGActiveLayersOnly property in object MultiCADSettingAtt
UGDrawingName property in object MultiCADSettingAtt
UGLayerNumbers property in object MultiCADSettingAtt
UGOpenSurfaces property in object MultiCADSettingAtt
UIStyle property in object GeneralSessionSettingAtt
Returns the user interface style parameter.
UPID property in object GeneralStatisticsSettingAtt
Returns or sets the state ot the user pid field.
UR1 property in object ABQRigidCoupling
Sets or returns the UR1 degree of freedom.
UR1 property in object ABQSmoothCoupling
Returns or sets the UR1 degree of freedom.
UR2 property in object ABQRigidCoupling
Sets or returns the UR2 degree of freedom.
UR2 property in object ABQSmoothCoupling
Returns or sets the UR2 degree of freedom.
UR3 property in object ABQRigidCoupling
Sets or returns the UR3 degree of freedom.
UR3 property in object ABQSmoothCoupling
Returns or sets the UR3 degree of freedom.
UREP property in object ErrorlogStatisticsSettingAtt
Returns or sets the state ot the user report severity level field.
USER property in object GeneralStatisticsSettingAtt
Returns or sets the state ot the user name field.
UTCTimeFormat property in object CacheSettingAtt
Retrieves or sets the the cache timestamp format.
UgReferenceSet property in object MultiCADSettingAtt
UnUpdatedConstraintsCount property in object Constraints
Returns the number of unupdated constraints from the Constraints collection.
UncuredThickness property in object CompositesMaterial
returns or set the uncured thicknes defined in Composites tab in mm.
UnderFeature property in object FTAInfraSettingAtt
Returns or sets the Under Geometric Feature Nodes setting parameter value.
UnderSet property in object FTAInfraSettingAtt
Returns or sets the Under Annotation Set Node setting parameter value.
UnderView property in object FTAInfraSettingAtt
Returns or sets the Under View/Annotation Plane Nodes setting parameter value.
Underline property in object DrawingTextProperties
Returns or sets the drawing text font underline property.
UnfoldType property in object HybridShapeTransfer
Returns or sets the type of unfold to take into account during transfer.
UnfoldedSurface property in object HybridShapeTransfer
Returns or sets the unfolded surface.
Unit property in object Dimension
Returns the unit used for this dimension object.
Units property in object Parameters
Returns the collection of units.
UnresolvedText property in object WIText
UpdateAnalysisInSimulation property in object HtsGeneralSettingAtt
Returns or sets the UpdateAnalysisInSimulation parameter.
UpdateElementsRefreshed property in object PartInfrastructureSettingAtt
Returns or sets the "UpdateElementsRefreshed" parameter.
UpdateLinkedExternalReferences property in object PartInfrastructureSettingAtt
Returns or sets the "UpdateLinkedExternalReferences" parameter.
UpdateMode property in object PartInfrastructureSettingAtt
Returns or sets the "UpdateMode" parameter.
UpdateResult property in object SectioningSettingAtt
Returns or sets the UpdateResult parameter.
UpdateStatusMode property in object AsmGeneralSettingAtt
Returns or sets the update status computation setting parameter.
UpdateStoppedOnError property in object PartInfrastructureSettingAtt
Returns or sets the "UpdateStoppedOnError" parameter.
Uploader property in object IgpOlpSettingAtt
Returns or sets value of OLP Parser parameter.
UploaderDir property in object IgpOlpSettingAtt
Returns or sets value of OLP Parser Directory parameter.
UpperLimit1 property in object Joint
Gets or returns the upper limit of the joint, for the first parameter.
UpperLimit2 property in object Joint
Gets or returns the upper limit of the joint, for the second parameter.
UsageLimit property in object MemoryWarningSettingAtt
Returns or sets the alert percentage.
Use3DAccuracy property in object PageSetup
Returns or sets Use3DAccuracy option for print.
UseAmplitude property in object ABQLoad
UseAmplitude property in object ABQTemperatureHistory
Sets or returns the UseAmplitude flag.
UseGraphicalUI property in object StiEngine
Returns (gets) or sets the use of Graphical User Interface (GUI) in order to display or not panels.
UseImageSize property in object PageSetup
Returns or sets the paper size to the image size.
UseInterferenceFitAmplitude property in object ABQSurfaceToSurfaceContact
UseMasterNegativeSide property in object ABQSurfaceToSurfaceContact
Returns the activation status if the master surface is specified as the negative side.
UseMaxEvalsWoImprovement property in object Optimization
Returns or sets if the number of updates without improvement of the solution has to be used as a termination criterion.
UseMaxTime property in object Optimization
Returns or sets if max time has to be used as a termination criterion.
UseSlaveNegativeSide property in object ABQSurfaceToSurfaceContact
Returns the activation status if the slave surface is specified as the negative side.
UseStyleCreateObjects property in object DraftingSettingAtt
Returns the UseStyleCreateObjects parameter.
UselocalCsys property in object ABQGravity
Sets or returns a boolean indicating whether local coordinate system is used in Gravity load.
UselocalCsys property in object ABQDisplacementBC
UselocalCsys property in object ABQConcentratedForce
UserAccessMode property in object Parameter
Returns the user access mode of the parameter.
UserDefinedTimeIncrementValue property in object ABQExplicitDynamicsStep
Sets or returns the user-defined time increment value.
UserRefProperties property in object Product
Returns the collection object containing the product properties.
UserSpeed property in object WalkActivity
UserSpeed property in object HumanActivityGroup
UserSubroutine property in object ABQJob
Sets or returns the user subroutine file path.
UserSurfaces property in object Part
Returns the collection object containing the user surfaces.
UserTime property in object WalkActivity
UserTime property in object HumanActivityGroup
UserType property in object SWKIKConstraint
Returns the user type of the constraint.
UserWalkSpeedStatus property in object HtsGeneralSettingAtt
Returns or sets the UserWalkSpeedStatus parameter.
u1 property in object ABQDisplacementBC
ets or returns the first translational component.
u2 property in object ABQDisplacementBC
ets or returns the second translational component.
u3 property in object ABQDisplacementBC
ets or returns the third translational component.
ur1 property in object ABQDisplacementBC
ets or returns the first rotational component.
ur2 property in object ABQDisplacementBC
ets or returns the second rotational component.
ur3 property in object ABQDisplacementBC
ets or returns the third rotational component.


V4DocumentModel property in object V4MasterModel
Returns the V4 Document that contains the Master's Model.
V4V5_FDT property in object CGRAdhesionSettingAtt
Retrieves the V4V5_FDT container activation state.
V4_Model_CommentPage property in object CGRAdhesionSettingAtt
Retrieves the V4_Model_CommentPage container activation state.
V4_Model_LnF property in object CGRAdhesionSettingAtt
Retrieves the V4_Model_LnF container activation state.
V4_Part_Definition property in object MigrBatchSettingAtt
Retrieves or sets the state of the "V4 Part Definition" setting parameter.
V5_SPA property in object CGRAdhesionSettingAtt
Retrieves the V5_SPA container activation state.
ValidConnectorTypes property in object PspConnectable
Returns a list of Valid connector types on this object.
Validity property in object ExpertReportObject
Returns the validity of a check for a given tuple.
Valuation property in object Publication
Returns published object.
Value property in object SelectedElement
Returns the actual selected automation object.
Value property in object ToleranceZone
Retrieves tolerance zone value (in millimeters).
Value property in object IntParam
Returns or sets the value of the integer parameter.
Value property in object StrParam
Returns or sets the string parameter value.
Value property in object Relation
Returns the definition of the relation.
Value property in object RealParam
Returns or sets the value of the real parameter.
Value property in object BoolParam
Returns or sets the value of the boolean parameter.
Value property in object DrawingDimValue
Returns value of dimension.
Value property in object CompositeTolerance
Retrieves value (in millimeters).
Value property in object Distance
Returns the distance value.
Value property in object Conflict
Returns the conflict value.
Value property in object TolerancePerUnitBasisRestrictiveValue
Retrieves value (in millimeters).
ValueAngle property in object DrawingDimension
Returns or sets angle of dimension value.
ValueAutoMode property in object DrawingDimension
Returns or sets auto mode of dimension value or not.
ValueDisplay property in object DrawingDimension
Returns or sets display of dimension value state.
ValueEnum property in object EnumParam
Returns or sets the value of the EnumParameter object.
ValueFrame property in object DrawingDimension
Returns or sets frame type of dimension value.
ValueFramedElement property in object DrawingDimValue
Get dimension framed element.
ValueFramedGroup property in object DrawingDimValue
Returns or sets dimension framed group.
ValueInOut property in object DrawingDimension
Returns or sets in/out mode of dimension value or not.
ValueList property in object ListParameter
Returns or sets the value of the List object.
ValueOrientation property in object DrawingDimension
Returns or sets orientation of dimension value.
ValueReference property in object DrawingDimension
Returns or sets reference of dimension value.
Variable property in object ABQMassScaling
Sets or returns whether the mass scaling is variable.
Variables property in object ExpertRule
Returns or sets the variables scope of the a Rule.
Variables property in object ExpertCheck
Returns or sets the variable scope of an Expert Check.
Variants property in object FunctionalDescription
Get the Variants collection.
Vector property in object Shuttle
Returns/Stores the validation vector attribute.
Vector property in object FittingSettingAtt
VectorType property in object HybridShapeTranslate
Returns or sets the way the translation vector is defined.
VelocityColor property in object DevAnalysisSettingAtt
Returns or sets the VelocityColor parameter.
VelocityLimit property in object DevAnalysisSettingAtt
Returns or sets the VelocityLimit parameter.
Version property in object SystemConfiguration
Returns the CATIA version number (usually version 5).
VerticalReference property in object Axis2D
Returns the 2D coordinate system vertical axis.
VideoResult property in object ManufacturingActivity
Retreive the video result path of a Manufacturing Activity.
ViewAnalysisParameter property in object AnalysisGeneralSettingAtt
Retrieves if the Parameter set is visible in the feature tree of the analysis document.
ViewAnalysisRelation property in object AnalysisGeneralSettingAtt
Retrieves if the Relation set is visible in the feature tree of the analysis document.
ViewAssociativity property in object FTAInfraSettingAtt
Returns or sets the View Associativity setting parameter value.
ViewBackgroundMode property in object Layout2DSettingAtt
Returns the ViewBackgroundMode parameter.
ViewFilterCreationMode property in object Layout2DSettingAtt
Returns the ViewFilterCreationMode parameter.
ViewPoint property in object Capture
Retrieves the ViewPoint state, saved or Not.
ViewProfile property in object FTAInfraSettingAtt
Returns or sets the View Profile setting parameter value.
ViewReferential property in object FTAInfraSettingAtt
Returns or sets the View Referential setting parameter value.
ViewReferentialZoomable property in object FTAInfraSettingAtt
Returns or sets the View Referential Zoomable setting parameter value.
ViewScale property in object Layout2DView
Returns or sets the scale of the Layout2D view.
ViewType property in object DrawingView
Returns the drawing view type.
ViewerAutoOpen property in object SectioningSettingAtt
Returns or sets the ViewerAutoOpen parameter.
ViewerAutoReframe property in object SectioningSettingAtt
Returns or sets the ViewerAutoReframe parameter.
ViewerLock2D property in object SectioningSettingAtt
Returns or sets the ViewerLock2D parameter.
Viewers property in object Window
Returns the collection of viewers attached to the window.
Viewpoint2D property in object Camera2D
Returns or sets the 2D viewpoint of a 2D camera.
Viewpoint2D property in object Viewer2D
Returns or sets the 2D viewpoint of a 2D viewer.
Viewpoint3D property in object Camera3D
Returns or sets the 3D viewpoint of a 3D camera.
Viewpoint3D property in object Viewer3D
Returns or sets the 3D viewpoint of a 3D viewer.
ViewpointAnimationMode property in object VisualizationSettingAtt
Returns the ViewpointAnimationMode parameter.
Views property in object DrawingSheet
Returns the drawing view collection of the drawing sheet.
Views property in object Layout2DSheet
Returns the Layout2D view collection of the Layout2D sheet.
VisBaseFrm property in object ImportD5SettingAtt
Returns or sets the VisBaseFrm parameter.
VisCoorsys property in object ImportD5SettingAtt
Returns or sets the VisCoorsys parameter.
VisProperties property in object Selection
Manages graphic properties on current selection.
VisToolFrm property in object ImportD5SettingAtt
Returns or sets the VisToolFrm parameter.
VisWclPath property in object ImportD5SettingAtt
Returns or sets the VisWclPath parameter.
Visibility property in object TCPTrace
Manage the visibility of the trace.
Visible property in object Application
Returns or sets the application's window visibility.
VisibleInMfgView property in object ManufacturingMachinableArea
Returns the manufacturing machinable area visibility state.
Vision property in object SWKManikin
Returns the vision of the current manikin.
Visu2DMode property in object Layout2DView
Sets/Gets the 2D mode for background visualization of the view.
VisuBackground property in object Layout2DView
Sets/Gets the 2D-3D background visu mode of the view ie in the 3D windows and in the background of each view in every 2D context.
VisuFormatUnit property in object MultiCADSettingAtt
VisuIn3D property in object Layout2DView
Sets/Gets the 3D visualization mode of the view in the 3D Viewer ie in the 3D windows and in the background of each view in every 2D context.
VisuIn3D property in object Layout2DRoot
Set/Get the 3D visualization mode of the layout in the 3D Viewer ie in the 3D windows and in the background of each view in every 2D context.
VisuIn3D property in object Layout2DSheet
Set/Get the 3D visualization mode of the sheet in the 3D Viewer ie in the 3D windows and in the background of each view in every 2D context.
VisuMode property in object ArrangementRun
Returns or sets the Visualization Mode for an ArrangementRun object.
VisuMode property in object ArrangementArea
Returns or sets the Visualization Mode for an ArrangementArea object.
VisuMode property in object ArrangementPathway
Returns or sets the Visualization Mode for an ArrangementPathway object.
VisuMode property in object ArrangementBoundary
Returns or sets the Visualization Mode for an ArrangementBoundary object.
VisuMode property in object ArrangementItemReservation
Returns or set the Visualization Mode for the ArrangementItemReservation.
Visu_Mode_2D property in object MigrBatchSettingAtt
Retrieves or sets the state of the "Projection of Space for transparent views" setting parameter.
VisualizationMode property in object AnalysisSettingAtt
Returns or sets the VisualizationMode parameter.
Viz2DAccuracyMode property in object VisualizationSettingAtt
Returns the 2DAccuracyMode parameter.
Viz2DFixedAccuracy property in object VisualizationSettingAtt
Returns the 2DFixedAccuracy parameter.
Viz2DProportionnalAccuracy property in object VisualizationSettingAtt
Returns the 2DProportionnalAccuracy parameter.
Viz3DAccuracyMode property in object VisualizationSettingAtt
Returns the Viz3DAccuracyMode parameter.
Viz3DCurveAccuracy property in object VisualizationSettingAtt
Returns the 3DCurveAccuracy parameter.
Viz3DFixedAccuracy property in object VisualizationSettingAtt
Returns the 3DFixedAccuracy parameter.
Viz3DProportionnalAccuracy property in object VisualizationSettingAtt
Returns the Viz3DProportionnalAccuracy parameter.
Volume property in object FreeSpace
Returns the volume.
Volume property in object Measurable
Returns the volume.
Volume property in object Analyze
Returns the product volume value.
VolumeResult property in object HybridShapeSplit
Returns or sets the Result Type.
VolumeResult property in object HybridShapeRotate
Returns or sets the volume result.
VolumeResult property in object HybridShapeScaling
Returns or sets the volume result.
VolumeResult property in object HybridShapeAffinity
Returns or sets the volume result.
VolumeResult property in object HybridShapeSymmetry
Returns or sets the volume result.
VolumeResult property in object HybridShapeTranslate
Returns or sets the volume result.
VolumeResult property in object HybridShapeAxisToAxis
Returns or sets the volume result.
VoxelStaticAnl property in object AnalysisSettingAtt
Returns or sets the VoxelStaticAnl parameter.
Voxels property in object CGRAdhesionSettingAtt
Retrieves the Voxels container activation state.


WARN property in object ErrorlogStatisticsSettingAtt
Returns or sets the state ot the warning severity level field.
WKBN property in object ErrorlogStatisticsSettingAtt
Returns or sets the state ot the workbench name field.
WalkActColor property in object HtsTaskDisplaySettingAtt
Returns or sets the WalkActColor parameter.
WalkActLineType property in object HtsTaskDisplaySettingAtt
Returns or sets the WalkActLineType parameter.
WalkActLineWeight property in object HtsTaskDisplaySettingAtt
Returns or sets the WalkActLineWeight parameter.
WalkForwardAngle property in object HtsGeneralSettingAtt
Returns or sets the WalkForwardAngle parameter.
WalkForwardDistance property in object HtsGeneralSettingAtt
Returns or sets the WalkForwardDistance parameter.
WalkLength property in object WalkActivity
WeldingSide property in object DrawingWelding
Returns or sets the welding side of the drawing welding symbol.
WeldingTail property in object DrawingWelding
Returns or sets the welding tail of the drawing welding symbol.
Weldings property in object DrawingView
Returns the drawing welding collection of the drawing view.
Weldings property in object Layout2DView
Returns the drawing welding collection of the Layout2D view.
WetArea property in object Analyze
Returns the product wet area (outer volume).
WhiteVectorsInBlack property in object PageSetup
Returns or sets the white vectors in black option.
Width property in object Viewer
Returns the viewer's width, in pixels.
Width property in object Window
Returns or sets the window width.
Width property in object Application
Returns or sets the width of the application's frame window.
Width property in object Section
Returns or sets the width of the section.
Width property in object RenderingEnvironment
Returns or sets the cubic environment width value.
Width property in object FunctNodeGraphLayout
Returns the Width coordinate.
WindowDefaultHeight property in object SectioningSettingAtt
WindowDefaultWidth property in object SectioningSettingAtt
WindowOpenMode property in object SectioningSettingAtt
WindowState property in object Window
Returns or sets the window state.
Windows property in object Application
Returns the collection of windows currently managed by the application.
WireColor property in object EHMInsertionActPlugMapViewData
Gets Wire Color.
WireDiameter property in object EHMInsertionActPlugMapViewData
Gets Wire Diameter.
WireID property in object EHMInsertionActPlugMapViewData
Sets the index of wire.
WireLength property in object EHMInsertionActPlugMapViewData
Gets Wire Length.
WireName property in object EHMInsertionActPlugMapViewData
Gets Wire Name.
WirePartNumber property in object EHMInsertionActPlugMapViewData
Gets Wire Part Number.
WireRefDesignator property in object EHMInsertionActPlugMapViewData
Gets Wire Reference Designator.
WireSeparationCode property in object EHMInsertionActPlugMapViewData
Gets Wire Separation Code.
WireSignalID property in object EHMInsertionActPlugMapViewData
Gets Wire Signal ID.
WireSubType property in object EHMInsertionActPlugMapViewData
Gets Wire Sub Type.
WireToDevelop property in object HybridShapeDevelop
Returns or sets the 2D wire to be developed.
WireType property in object EHMInsertionActPlugMapViewData
Gets Wire Type.
WorkInstructions property in object Export3DXmlSettingAtt
Returns or sets the Work Instructions activation flag.
WorkScenes property in object SceneWorkbench
Returns the Scenes collection.
WorkerResource property in object HumanTask
Returns the Worker-Resource associated with this worker-activity.
WorkerResource property in object WorkerActivity
Returns the Worker-Resource associated with this worker-activity.
WrappingWidth property in object DrawingText
Returns or sets the wrapping width of the drawing text.
Wrappings property in object OptimizerWorkBench
Returns Wrappings.
width property in object DrawingPicture
Returns or sets the width of the drawing picture.


X property in object HybridShapePointCoord
Returns X coordinate of the point.
X property in object FunctionalPosition
Returns the X coordinate.
XAxisDirection property in object AxisSystem
Reads or sets the geometric point, line or plane which defines the direction of the X axis.
XAxisType property in object AxisSystem
Reads or sets the way the X axis is specified.
XLength property in object ArrangementRectangle
Returns or sets the XLength of the ArrangementRectangle.
XLength property in object ArrangementItemReservation
Returns or sets the XLength of the ArrangementItemReservation.
XMLDir property in object IgpOlpSettingAtt
Returns or sets value of OLP XML Directory parameter.
XMLName property in object AnalysisLocalSensor
Returns or sets the Identifier of the sensor as defined in the XML file.
XMLSchema property in object IgpOlpSettingAtt
Returns or sets value of OLP XML Schema parameter.
XOffset property in object HybridShapePointOnPlane
Returns the X cartesian coordinate in the plane.
XRatios property in object HybridShapeAffinity
Returns the affinity ratio along the X Direction of the reference coordinate system.
x property in object DrawingView
For an interactive view, get_x and put_x methods are equivalents to get_xAxisData, put_xAxisData In a generative case, get_x.
x property in object DrawingText
Returns or sets the x coordinate of the text.
x property in object DrawingTable
Returns or sets the x coordinate of the table.
x property in object DrawingWelding
Returns or sets the x coordinate of the drawing welding.
x property in object DrawingPicture
Returns or sets the x coordinate of the drawing picture position.
x property in object Layout2DView
Returns or sets the x coordinate of the Layout2D view coordinate system origin.
x property in object DrawingComponent
Returns or sets the x coordinate of the drawing component instance position.
xAxisData property in object DrawingView
Returns or sets the x coordinate of the drawing view coordinate system origin.


Y property in object HybridShapePointCoord
Returns Y coordinate of the point.
Y property in object FunctionalPosition
Returns the Y coordinate.
YAxisDirection property in object AxisSystem
Reads or sets the geometric point, line or plane which defines the direction of the Y axis.
YAxisType property in object AxisSystem
Reads or sets the way the Y axis is specified.
YLength property in object ArrangementRectangle
Returns or sets the YLength of the ArrangementRectangle.
YLength property in object ArrangementItemReservation
Returns or sets the YLength of the ArrangementItemReservation.
YOffset property in object HybridShapePointOnPlane
Returns the Y cartesian coordinate in the plane.
YRatios property in object HybridShapeAffinity
Returns the affinity ratio along the Y Direction of the reference coordinate system.
y property in object DrawingView
For an interactive view, get_y and put_y methods are equivalents to get_yAxisData, put_yAxisData In a generative case, get_y.
y property in object DrawingText
Returns or sets the y coordinate of the text.
y property in object DrawingTable
Returns or sets the y coordinate of the table.
y property in object DrawingWelding
Returns or sets the y coordinate of the drawing welding.
y property in object DrawingPicture
Returns or sets the y coordinate of the drawing picture position.
y property in object Layout2DView
Returns or sets the y coordinate of the Layout2D view coordinate system origin.
y property in object DrawingComponent
Returns or sets the y coordinate of the drawing component instance position.
yAxisData property in object DrawingView
Returns or sets the y coordinate of the drawing view coordinate system origin.


Z property in object Annotation
Z property in object HybridShapePointCoord
Returns Z coordinate of the point.
ZAxisDirection property in object AxisSystem
Reads or sets the geometric point, line or plane which defines the direction of the Z axis.
ZAxisType property in object AxisSystem
Reads or sets the way the Z axis is specified.
ZRatios property in object HybridShapeAffinity
Returns the affinity ratio along the Z Direction of the reference coordinate system.
Zoom property in object PageSetup
Returns or sets the zoom factor to use when printing.
Zoom property in object Viewpoint2D
Returns or sets the zoom factor associated with the viewpoint.
Zoom property in object Viewpoint3D
Returns or sets the zoom factor associated with the viewpoint.
Zoom property in object AnnotatedView
Returns the zoom factor associated with the annotated view.

Copyright © 2003, Dassault Systèmes. All rights reserved.