ABQAutomationItf ABQTemperatureHistory (Object)
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ABQTemperatureHistory (Object)
Represents an Abaqus temperature history object (ABQTemperatureHistory).
Role: Access an Abaqus temperature history object or determine its properties.
Property Index
Sets or returns the amplitude of the temperature field.
Sets or returns the step number at which to start reading the temperature data.
Sets or returns the step number at which to stop reading the temperature data.
Sets or returns the UseAmplitude flag.
o Property Amplitude ( ) As
Sets or returns the amplitude of the temperature field.
This example retrieves the ABQTabularAmplitude abqAmplitude .
Dim abqTemperature As ABQTemperature
Dim abqAmplitude As ABQTabularAmplitude
Set abqAmplitude = abqTemperature.Amplitude
o Property BeginStepNum ( ) As
Sets or returns the step number at which to start reading the temperature data.
o Property EndStepNum ( ) As
Sets or returns the step number at which to stop reading the temperature data.
o Property UseAmplitude ( ) As
Sets or returns the UseAmplitude flag.
A boolean specifying whether an amplitude will be used.
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