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Camera2D (Object)

Represents a 2D camera.
The 2D camera stores a 2D viewpoint, that is a Viewpoint2D object.

Property Index

Returns or sets the 2D viewpoint of a 2D camera.


o Property Viewpoint2D() As
Returns or sets the 2D viewpoint of a 2D camera.
Assume the active window is a SpecsAndGeomWindow object. This example retrieves the Viewpoint2D of the SpecsViewer and creates from it a Camera2D you handle using the MyCamera variable. Then the camera zoom is set to 2, and the camera's viewpoint is assigned to the SpecsViewer.
 Dim MyCamera As Camera
 Set MyCamera = CATIA.ActiveWindow.SpecsViewer.NewCamera()
 MyCamera.Viewpoint2D.Zoom = 2
 CATIA.ActiveWindow.SpecsViewer.Viewpoint2D = MyCamera.Viewpoint2D

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