KnowledgeInterfaces FreeParameter (Object)
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FreeParameter (Object)
Interface to access a CATIAFreeParameter.
Property Index
- Returns or sets the inferior bound of the free parameter object.
- Returns or sets which parameter (CATIAParameter) is linked to this object.
- Returns or sets the initial step used by the optimisation to look for a better solution.
- Returns or sets the superior bound of the free parameter object.
Returns or sets the inferior bound of the free parameter object.
The optimization cannot escape those bounds.
o Property Parameter( | ) As |
Returns or sets which parameter (CATIAParameter) is linked to this object.
The parameter must be real.
Returns or sets the initial step used by the optimisation to look for a better solution.
This step is just a preliminary indication. It will vary during the optimisation process.
Returns or sets the superior bound of the free parameter object.
The optimization cannot escape those bounds.
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