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FreeParameter (Object)

Interface to access a CATIAFreeParameter.

Property Index

Returns or sets the inferior bound of the free parameter object.
Returns or sets which parameter (CATIAParameter) is linked to this object.
Returns or sets the initial step used by the optimisation to look for a better solution.
Returns or sets the superior bound of the free parameter object.


o Property InfRange() As
Returns or sets the inferior bound of the free parameter object. The optimization cannot escape those bounds.
o Property Parameter() As
Returns or sets which parameter (CATIAParameter) is linked to this object. The parameter must be real.
o Property Step() As
Returns or sets the initial step used by the optimisation to look for a better solution. This step is just a preliminary indication. It will vary during the optimisation process.
o Property SupRange() As
Returns or sets the superior bound of the free parameter object. The optimization cannot escape those bounds.

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