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PCBComponent (Object)

Property Index

Allow to get and set the CAPACITANCE Type of a component.
Allow to get and set the Operating power rating of a component The possible value are MECHANICAL or ELECTRICAL
Allow to get and set the POWER MAX of a component.
Allow to get and set the Package number of a component
Allow to get and set the RESISTANCE of a component.
Allow to get and set the thermal conductivity of a component.
Allow to get and set the junction to board thermal resistance of a component.
Allow to get and set the junction to case thermal resistance of a component.
Allow to get and set the TOLERANCE of a component.


o Property CAPACITANCE() As
Allow to get and set the CAPACITANCE Type of a component.
    The result of the method:
  • S_OK if succeeded
  • E_FAIL if failed
o Property POWEROPR() As
Allow to get and set the Operating power rating of a component The possible value are MECHANICAL or ELECTRICAL
    The result of the method:
  • S_OK if succeeded
  • E_FAIL if failed
o Property POWER_MAX() As
Allow to get and set the POWER MAX of a component.
    The result of the method:
  • S_OK if succeeded
  • E_FAIL if failed
o Property PackageNumber() As
Allow to get and set the Package number of a component
    The result of the method:
  • S_OK if succeeded
  • E_FAIL if failed
o Property RESISTANCE() As
Allow to get and set the RESISTANCE of a component.
    The result of the method:
  • S_OK if succeeded
  • E_FAIL if failed
o Property THERM_COND() As
Allow to get and set the thermal conductivity of a component.
    The result of the method:
  • S_OK if succeeded
  • E_FAIL if failed
o Property THETA_JB() As
Allow to get and set the junction to board thermal resistance of a component.
    The result of the method:
  • S_OK if succeeded
  • E_FAIL if failed
o Property THETA_JC() As
Allow to get and set the junction to case thermal resistance of a component.
    The result of the method:
  • S_OK if succeeded
  • E_FAIL if failed
o Property TOLERANCE() As
Allow to get and set the TOLERANCE of a component.
    The result of the method:
  • S_OK if succeeded
  • E_FAIL if failed

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