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HybridShapePlaneAngle (Object)

Represents the hybrid shape plane angle feature object.
Role: To access the data of the hybrid shape plane angle feature object, created with an angle to another plane. This data includes:

Use the CATIAHybridShapeFactory to create a HybridShapePlaneAngle object.

See also:

Property Index

Returns the rotation angle.
Returns or sets the plane orientation.
Returns or sets the reference plane.
Gets or sets the projection mode status.
Returns or sets the rotation axis.


o Property Angle() As (Read Only)
Returns the rotation angle.
o Property Orientation() As
Returns or sets the plane orientation.
Role: The orientation allows you to invert the plane from the reference plane.
Legal values: the orientation is 1 if the plane orientation is not inverted, and -1 otherwise.
o Property Plane() As
Returns or sets the reference plane.
Sub-element(s) supported (see
Boundary object): PlanarFace.
o Property ProjectionMode() As
Gets or sets the projection mode status. ProjectionMode = TRUE : Rotation axis will be projected on to reference plane. = FALSE(default) : Rotation axis will be as it is. This example retrieves in ProjMode the projection mode status for the PlaneAngle hybrid shape feature.
 Dim ProjMode As boolean
 ProjMode = PlaneAngle.ProjectionMode
o Property RevolAxis() As
Returns or sets the rotation axis.
Sub-element(s) supported (see
Boundary object): RectilinearTriDimFeatEdge, RectilinearBiDimFeatEdge or RectilinearMonoDimFeatEdge.

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