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Draft (Object)

Represents the draft shape.
A draft shape is made up of draft domains (at least one) and of a parting element.

Property Index

Returns the collection of draft domains.
Returns or sets the draft mode.
Returns or sets the draft parting element.


o Property DraftDomains() As (Read Only)
Returns the collection of draft domains.
The following example returns in list the collection of draft domains of the firstDraft draft:
 Set list = firstDraft.DraftDomains
o Property Mode() As
Returns or sets the draft mode.
The following example returns in mode the draft mode of the firstDraft draft, and then sets it to CatReflectKeepFaceDraftMode:
 Set mode = firstDraft.Mode
 Set firstDraft.Mode = CatReflectKeepFaceDraftMode
o Property PartingElement() As
Returns or sets the draft parting element.
To set the property, you can use the following
Boundary object: PlanarFace.
The following example returns in element the parting element of the firstDraft draft, and then sets it to the element2 geometrical element:
 Set element = firstDraft.PartingElement
 Set firstDraft.PartingElement = element2

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