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HybridShapeProject (Object)

Represents the hybrid shape project feature object.
Role: To access data of the hybrid shape project feature. The data includes: Use the CATIAHybridShapeFactory to create HybridShapeFeatures objects.
See also:

Property Index

Returns or sets the projection direction.
Returns or sets the element to project.
Sets or Gets the maximum deviation allowed for smoothing operation.
Returns or sets the direction option.
Sets or Gets Smoothing Type.
Returns or sets the solution type.
Returns or sets the support element.
Returns or sets the '3D Smoothing' option.


o Property Direction() As
Returns or sets the projection direction.
Example: This example retrieves in Dir the direction for the Project hybrid shape feature.
 Dim Dir As Reference
 Set Dir = Project.Direction
o Property ElemToProject() As
Returns or sets the element to project.This element can be a point or a curve.
Sub-element(s) supported (see
Boundary object): TriDimFeatEdge, BiDimFeatEdge or Vertex.
Example: This example retrieves in Elem the element to project for the Project hybrid shape feature.
 Dim Elem As Reference
 Set Elem = Project.ElemToProject
o Property MaximumDeviationValue() As
Sets or Gets the maximum deviation allowed for smoothing operation.
Sets in distance unit, it corresponds to the radius of a pipe around the input curve in which the result is allowed to be. This value must be set in SI unit (m).
Example: This example retrieves in DeviationValue the maximum deviation value for the Project hybrid shape feature.
 Dim DeviationValue As CATIALength
 Set DeviationValue = Project.MaximumDeviationValue
o Property Normal() As
Returns or sets the direction option. Role: To define the type of projection. Normal is set to TRUE if the projection is a normal projection.Otherwise, the projection is defined along a specified direction.
Example: This example retrieves in NormalOption the support for the Project hybrid shape feature.
 Dim NormalOption As boolean
 Set NormalOption = Project.Normal
o Property SmoothingType() As
Sets or Gets Smoothing Type.
Role: Smoothing type
: 0 -> No Smoothing
: 2 -> G1 Smoothing : Enhance current continuity to tangent continuity
: 3 -> G2 Smoothing : Enhance current continuity to curvature continuity
Example: This example retrieves in SType the smoothing type for the Project hybrid shape feature.
 Dim SType As long
 Set SType = Project.SmoothingType
o Property SolutionType() As
Returns or sets the solution type. Role: All solutions or Nearest solution (only nearest projection is kept when more than one solution is possible).
Example: This example retrieves in SolType the solution type for the Project hybrid shape feature.
 Dim SolType As long
 Set SolType = Project.SolutionType
o Property Support() As
Returns or sets the support element.This element can be a plane or a surface.
Sub-element(s) supported (see
Boundary object): Face, TriDimFeatEdge or BiDimFeatEdge.
Example: This example retrieves in SupportElem the support for the Project hybrid shape feature.
 Dim SupportElem As Reference
 Set SupportElem = Project.Support
o Property p3DSmoothing() As
Returns or sets the '3D Smoothing' option. Role: To activate or not the 3D smoothing option Available only for tangent or curvature smoothing type TRUE : Smoothing performed without specifying support FALSE : Smoothing performed with specific support
Example: This example retrieves in 3DSmoothingOption the support for the Project hybrid shape feature.
 Dim 3DSmoothingOption As boolean
 Set 3DSmoothingOption = Project.p3DSmoothing

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