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Shuttle (Object)

The interface to access a CATIAShuttle.
Role: The shuttle object is used to define a grouping of products. Once products have been placed in the shuttle then they can be moved all at once. Also the shuttle has a base location defined by the shuttle axis.

Property Index

Returns/Stores the angle limit attribute.
Returns/Stores the angle validation attribute.
Returns or sets the associated group object.
Returns/Stores the shuttle move mode.
Returns the shuttle's move object.
Returns the shuttle's position object.
Returns or sets the associated reference object.
Returns any shuttles that are contained within the current shuttle.
Returns/Stores the validation vector attribute.


o Property AngleLimit() As
Returns/Stores the angle limit attribute. Role:/b> Retrieves/stores the shuttle's angle limit attribute.
o Property AngleValidation() As
Returns/Stores the angle validation attribute. Role:/b> Retrieves/stores the shuttle's angle validation attribute.
o Property Group() As
Returns or sets the associated group object. Role:/b> Retrieves/stores the objects within the shuttle as a group, that is a CATIAGroup.
o Property MoveMode() As
Returns/Stores the shuttle move mode. Role:/b> Retrieves/stores the shuttle move mode. This can be either shuttle mode (to move the shuttle) or axis mode (to simply move the shuttle axis).
o Property Move() As (Read Only)
Returns the shuttle's move object. The move object is aggregated by the shuttle object and itself aggregates a movable object to which you can apply a move transformation by means of an isometry matrix. It moves your shuttle according to this isometry.
This example retrieves the move object for the Engine shuttle.
 Dim EngineMoveObject As Move
 Set EngineMoveObject = Engine.Move
o Property Position() As (Read Only)
Returns the shuttle's position object. The position object is the object aggregated by the ahuttle object that holds the position of the shuttle in the space.
This example retrieves the position object for the Engine shuttle.
 Dim EnginePositionObject As Position
 Set EnginePositionObject = Engine.Position
o Property Reference() As
Returns or sets the associated reference object. Role:/b> Retrieves/stores the shuttle's reference object.
o Property SubShuttles() As (Read Only)
Returns any shuttles that are contained within the current shuttle. Role:/b> Returns any shuttles that are contained within the current shuttle.
o Property Vector() As
Returns/Stores the validation vector attribute. Role:/b> Retrieves/stores the validation vector attribute.

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