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Camera3D (Object)

Represents a 3D camera.
The 3D camera stores a 3D viewpoint, that is a Viewpoint3D object.

Property Index

Returns or sets the 3D viewpoint of a 3D camera.


o Property Viewpoint3D() As
Returns or sets the 3D viewpoint of a 3D camera.
Assume the active window is a SpecsAndGeomWindow object. This example retrieves the Viewpoint3D of the active 3D viewer and creates from it a Camera3D you handle using the MyCamera variable. Then the camera zoom is set to 2, and the camera's viewpoint is assigned to the active viewer.
 Dim MyCamera As Camera3D
 Set MyCamera = CATIA.ActiveWindow.ActiveViewer.NewCamera()
 MyCamera.Viewpoint3D.Zoom = 2
 CATIA.ActiveWindow.ActiveViewer.Viewpoint3D = MyCamera.Viewpoint3D

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